
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else12:09
ChinnoDogMy /var/log is 9.2gb. What do I do about that?16:49
jedijfget rid of all the tar'd up old never gonna look at stuff16:55
jedijfthat's called a log jam16:55
jedijfor start reading?16:58
ChinnoDogIs there an easier way to do that than going through every item?16:58
ChinnoDogReading 9.2gb of text files could take the rest of my life.16:59
square-r00tcd /var/log;rm -f *.gz *.[0-9];for i in `find /var/log/ -maxdepth 1 -type f`;do cat /dev/null > $i;done17:23
jedijfChinnoDog: one liner practice - use ls -lt first - when it works - use rm17:23
square-r00tremoves all your old logs and truncates all your current ones17:23
jedijfsquare-r00t: NO17:23
jedijffish vs give17:24
square-r00ti know. i just like showing off my one-liners. :/17:24
jedijfin the future let them try - then everyone can show results - the beauty is many ways to accomplish tasks17:25
square-r00twell, i was also flying blind; i mean that pretty much wipes out everything in /var/log to a fresh slate so i have no idea if he wants to keep anything17:25
jedijfi would've used [2-9]17:26
square-r00thell, he can strip the -maxdepth 1 even and he'll get a totally pristine /var/log recursively, but meh17:26
square-r00tyeah, not everyone likes keeping logs. hehe17:26
square-r00thell, for my personal boxes i just have journald logging to memory17:27
square-r00tbut i have a syslog backup17:27
pleia2was tempting to use logstash on my personal servers, you know, for fun, in my free time17:28
pleia2because logstash is cool17:28
square-r00ti probably wouldn't bother unless i had a dedicated box for it17:29
pleia2well yes, logstash itself would run somewhere churning through it all17:30
ChinnoDogCloser examination showed that nearly all of it was my php5-fpm.log which I had set logging level to debug.. oops17:40
TheLordOfTimeChinnoDog, yeah, don't use debug log level :P17:40
TheLordOfTimeunless you're debugging a problem17:41
TheLordOfTimephp 10117:41
ChinnoDogI /was/ debugging a problem... a long time ago17:41
TheLordOfTimeand forgot to turn it off :P17:42
TheLordOfTimethat explains the massive logs though17:42
steven_any graphic designers here--working with commercial printers?17:55
=== square-r00t is now known as Mr_Wizard
=== Mr_Wizard is now known as square-r00t

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