
OvenWerkssmartboyhw: good morning13:45
smartboyhwOvenWerks, good evening13:45
OvenWerkswhats left this cycle?13:45
smartboyhwOvenWerks, bug squashing and testing?13:45
smartboyhwSeriously, we don't have much left to do13:45
OvenWerksSo best to work with xubuntu if anything...13:46
smartboyhwOvenWerks, yes13:46
smartboyhwWhere's zequence BTW?14:03
smartboyhwOvenWerks, how's your GRUB development going? ;)14:06
OvenWerksdone for now. I would have to replace one of the grub packages to do more.14:06
OvenWerksNow that we won't get a generic thrown in on upgrade, I am less concerned anywaay.14:07
OvenWerksLots to do for our installer though14:08
smartboyhwOvenWerks, eh hum, I mean upstream GRUB-.-14:09
OvenWerksI am realizing the part I want to change may not agree with how other people want it...14:10
OvenWerksFor example, Ubuntu already chahges a number of things from upstream14:11
OvenWerksThat is why most of the howtos for grub don't really work14:11
zequence-workMy server is out for a little while, so that's why I'm not online 24/7 right now21:25
knomezequence-work, go away >;)21:25
zequence-workknome: Only for short periods21:29
knomei'm just kidding. come back!21:29
zequence-workI'm actually using musescore right now. Writing some choir music. Haven't really gotten into it so much yet. Will be fun to see how it compares to Finale, which is what I've used before.21:31
zequence-workHaven't done anything out of the ordinary yet, which is when you know if it's usable, but also still learning the basic tools. 21:32
knomeis finale FOSS as weel?21:33
knomefriend says there isn't good enough FOSS scoring apps yet21:34
zequence-workNo. Neither is Sibelius, the other big note editing program21:34
knomeyeah, he kind of said there isn't much else that works than sibelius21:34
zequence-workDepends if he means for scoring, or for composing. I see a lot of people using these applications for composition, which is not what they are meant for anyway21:34
zequence-workFinale and Sibelius both probably have quite advanced playback features21:35
knomecould imagine both, but i'm pretty sure he's mostly talking about scoring itself21:35
knomeor "scoring generally"21:35
zequence-workI'll only be needing it for making prinable scores21:35
knomeshould probably hook him up on this channel some time21:35

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