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thumperlazyPower: good to hear00:14
thumperlazyPower: I'm giving a juju demo this afternoon to00:14
lazyPowerI'm excited to get started. The learning curve to just get started was an hour vs the 3 months i've been looking at and working off and on with competing frameworks.00:15
lazyPowerHonestly, i'm surprised you dont throw that down as one of the benefits. "Get started in about an hour - no long learning curve, no extra cirricular setup required if your PC supports LXC. JUJU - its made from magic"00:16
lazyPowerI suppose its now obvious that I program for a marketing firm, looking at the marketing angle first - not the raw and lean00:21
lazyPowerawesomeness thats infront of me00:22
lazyPowerWhere are you located Thumper? If you don't mind me asking.00:25
thumperlazyPower: new zealand00:25
davecheneyeast australia00:25
thumperdavecheney: :P00:26
lazyPowerseems legit00:26
thumperaustralia is the west island00:26
davecheneyshit, that means I live in alice sprints00:26
lazyPoweris this a bad thing?00:28
davecheneylazyPower: do like living in a desert ?00:29
lazyPowerI've lived in west texas, it wasn't all bad.00:30
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lazyPowerDo i need to destroy my local environment after every reboot or am I not doing something to cleanly shut down my local juju environment?01:22
davecheneylazyPower: what do you want do to ?01:23
davecheneydestroy your enviroment, or reboot your computer ?01:23
lazyPowerWell, I reboot the computer with the juju environment active out of ignorance01:23
lazyPowernow i cant seem to get the nodes to come back online, juju status hangs with no output.01:24
davecheneylazyPower: sounds like a bug01:24
davecheneyit would be nice if rebooting wouldn't destroy all your work01:24
lazyPowerI'll file it01:24
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zradmineveryone gone for the day?03:39
* davecheney waves03:39
zradminhey davecheny :), you wouldn't happen to know anything about th quntum charm would you?03:40
zradminquantum charm, sorry03:40
davecheneyzradmin: probably not much03:41
davecheneywhat is your question03:41
zradmini almost have openstack deployed via juju... but my instances aren't able to receive any traffic03:42
zradmindavecheney: I get alot of these messages in the syslog Sep 30 17:38:03 m7q49 dnsmasq-dhcp[2371]: DHCP packet received on qbr480533b5-f8 which has no address03:43
davecheneyzradmin: given i know nothing about the quantum charm03:45
davecheneyi'm still going to say that is unrelated to the charm03:45
davecheneyall the charm does it just do apt-get install and twiddle some config files03:46
davecheneythe rest is going to the be product itself03:46
zradminyeah... I've inspected the configs plenty of times and the physical interfaces are all active so that should be fine03:47
davecheneyzradmin: my best guess of that a dhcp request packet arrived on qbr480533b5-f803:47
davecheneyfor a host that dnsmasq has not been configured to service03:47
zradminthe odd thing is I can see it create the ports etc in the syslog as I create/destroy instances03:48
davecheneyzradmin: is the lan isolated ?03:51
davecheneyremember, i know nothign about quantum03:51
zradminyeah its isolated, I may dig a bit deeper into dnsmasq to see if i can manually confirm the port has been created03:52
zradminso that helped to point me in a new direction :) also its good to vent about it a little so thanks!03:53
hazmatzradmin, by instances you mean vms in openstack?03:59
hazmatyou might able to get a little farther with neutron admin cli04:01
zradminhazmat: im using quantum atm04:08
hazmatzradmin, quantum == neutron fwiw04:09
hazmatrename due to trademark04:09
omgponiesanyone around able to help me with  local environment key issue ?04:09
zradminhazmat: nice04:09
omgponiesI get this error - Permission denied (publickey,password) when trying to 'juju debug-log' after running 'sudo juju bootstrap'04:10
omgponiesI have ssh keys in ~/.ssh/id_rsa, id_rsa.pub04:11
davecheneyomgponies: what happens when you do juju ssh 004:11
omgponiessame error04:11
davecheneyi'm not 100% sure if debug log works on the local provider atm04:11
zradminomgponies: are you using MAAS as well?04:12
omgponiesi have a passphrase on the key ...  but I've used ssh-add to cache the phrase04:12
omgponiesnah,  but I do use EC2 with no issues04:12
omgponiesjust so slloooow04:12
zradminomgponies: what version of juju are you on?04:13
davecheneyomgponies: i suspect we're not passing the right flags when we fork ssh04:14
davecheneyyou could try changing /etc/ssh/ssh_config to always pass ForwardAgent: yes04:14
omgponiesdoesn't seem to help04:16
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davecheneyomgponies: would you be able to raise a bug please04:17
zradminhazmat: is that in havana btw? i can't seem to find any nuetron console. 12.04 on grizzly04:17
davecheneysomething like 'juju ssh/debug-log does not work on local provider when passphrase protected ssh key is in used'04:17
omgponieswill do ...   in juju-core @ launchpad ?04:17
hazmatzradmin, oh.. yeah.. it havana04:22
zradminhazmat: is that stable at all yet or still in testing?04:23
hazmatzradmin,  dunno.. i haven't used it myself outside of a lab04:24
hazmatzradmin,  but the cli here should apply to quantum on grizzly http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide-admin/content/neutron_client_commands.html04:24
zradminhazmat: yeah its pretty much the same as quantums... it looks like everything creates itself properly for the vms, but i can't novnc/ssh to them because nova says it has no public address04:26
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hazmatzradmin, so typical setup gets a private tenant network and then a floating ip network for ingress.. maybe try create a floating ip and attach to vm04:32
hazmater. for public access04:32
hazmatand by typical i mean the charm setup04:33
zradminhazmat: yeah i've done that as well, eth0 and eth1 (public) are both there but I had to manually create br-ex for some reason. Internal should have still worked as the vswitch creates an interface and attaches to br-int which is supposed to go through br-tun in a gre setup right? I never see any traffic crossing br-tun though04:34
hazmatjamespage, ping ^04:35
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zradminhazmat: so jamespage is who i have to hunt down?04:43
hazmatzradmin, or adam_g.. although negronjl might be able to help as well04:44
* hazmat heads to sleep04:45
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jamespagehazmat, ping re https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/juju-deployer/fixup-to-for-strings/+merge/18829612:40
jamespageI also note a few other fixes for juju-deployer - if we want to push another point release this week would be good for saucy12:40
hazmatjamespage, cool12:41
jamespagehazmat,scratching my head over how to make the --to work well with nova-compute/ceph/swift all on the same nodes12:41
jamespageI'll ping you an email to explain12:42
hazmatjamespage, thanks.. i noted some fixes/bugs from last week as well.12:42
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joachimhsHow do Juju compare with Docker.io ?12:50
jamespagehazmat, email in your inboc12:51
joachimhsDo Juju require that your servers have KVM, or LXC installed and setup?12:53
hazmatjamespage, got a moment for g+?12:53
jamespagehazmat, 20mins?12:57
hazmatjamespage, sounds good12:57
jamespagejust need to catch lunch before it becomes late afternoon12:57
joachimhsIf I start up a charm.. Will I be able to SSH into it and make ad-hoc changes? (I know this isn't recommended, but is it still possible?)13:04
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lazyPworkGMT morning everyone.13:18
jamespagehazmat, good now?13:29
marcoceppio/ lazyPwork glad your demo went well13:38
hazmatjamespage, doh.. yeah.. now. was analyzing a cts issue13:47
adeuringmarcoceppi: another MP for charm-tools: https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/charm-tools/check-maintainer-branch-owner/+merge/18858613:59
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marcoceppiadeuring: thank you!14:20
vdsheelo I'm trying to configure my charm to use haproxy, I've added the hook to my charm but I keep getting:14:23
vds$ juju add-relation my-service:website haproxy:reverseproxy14:24
vdserror: service "my-service" has no "website" relation14:24
marcoceppivds: pastebin your metadata.yaml to paste.ubuntu.com please14:26
vdsmarcoceppi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6179761/14:28
marcoceppivds: you have an indentation error with nrpe-external-master, that and the two lines below it need to be indented by to line up with mongo14:30
marcoceppiotherwise, your metadata.yaml looks fine and should connect to haproxy without issue14:30
vdsmarcoceppi, thanks!14:31
marcoceppivds: adjust that, destroy-environment, re-bootstrap (for good measure) then deploy/relate again14:31
marcoceppiit should work14:31
marcoceppiif not, let us know14:31
lazyPworkmarcoceppi: Same. I've generated quite a bit of interest. I feel that I'm going to have a shift in management methodology coming once I have a functional setup in AWS to show them that juju orchestrated.14:35
lazyPworkmarcoceppi: have you come up with a solid way to not lose your progress in the local dev environment between reboots? I've had to completely wipe my local environment and start over every time I reboot due to kernel updates.14:36
bloodearnestmarcoceppi: I'm not sure what the plans are wrt amulet, but I wonder about a configurable test charm for testing relation that works a bit like https://gist.github.com/wavydavy/677956114:43
marcoceppibloodearnest: that's covered in amulet, I'll give you an example14:44
marcoceppilazyPwork: my local environment survives reboots, is this with the vagrant image?14:44
bloodearnestmarcoceppi: sweet, thought it might be14:44
jcastrolazyPwork: what version of juju? we fixed the local reboot thing a while back14:47
jcastroalso hi!14:47
marcoceppibloodearnest: https://gist.github.com/marcoceppi/677961614:50
lazyPworkjcastro: latest backport from raring14:50
lazyPworki'm not infront of my PC with juju installed, i can do some further information aggregation this evening if you're up for helping me get you the data you need14:50
lazyPworkwell, getting launchpad the data the juju team would need14:51
lazyPworki sometimes forget you're only superman Jorge :)14:51
bloodearnestmarcoceppi: thanks, that looks good. Some questions though:14:53
marcoceppibloodearnest: fire away14:53
bloodearnest1. which charm are you testing wordpress or msql?14:53
bloodearnest2. can I intercept/change what mysql:db relation supplies to wordpress:db? so I can test for how the wordpress charm handles misconfiguration for example14:55
marcoceppibloodearnest: in this example it doesn't actually matter, but this was copied from the wordpress test I was writing. Amulet automatically deploys from the store, unless JUJU_TEST_CHARM environment variable is set, if it matches the charm it's adding (wordpress) it uses ../../ (file is assumed to be in charm/tests) to do the deploy14:55
marcoceppibloodearnest: no, not at this time. It only listens, but that can certainly be a feature added14:55
marcoceppibloodearnest: something for a 1.1 release, just need to get 1.0 out first :)14:55
bloodearnestmarcoceppi: right, so that first answer makes sense. I think that makes sense in the wordpress setting, as a wordpress deployment will always have a mysql charm, it don't work any other way14:56
bloodearnestmarcoceppi: but haproxy, or squid, it's much more general.14:57
bloodearnestit could be an arbitary charm supporting a http interface14:58
bloodearnestmarcoceppi: cool14:58
bloodearnestmarcoceppi: my ideal world, I would only have to deploy a single charm-under-test, and all the rest of the relation add/removes can be faked under my control :)15:00
marcoceppibloodearnest: Right, that's something I'm also interested in, since that would be like light-weight testing. Something like spin up an LXC with the charm mounted in a psuedo-deployed state, then feed events to a psuedo hook-environment and allow for fast light weight tests. This is a little more blunt. It's using Juju Deployer to throw this up in an environment and actually hash it out15:04
bloodearnestmarcoceppi: right, which you'd definitely want to do to check out things like wordpresses memcached integration. And wordpress can't do anything without a db, so you'll probably always need that15:07
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melmothHola.. I m deploying cinder (grizzly) on some machine, and strangely enough, the installation proceed without error but once the charm is installed, there is no cinder-volume created at all15:18
melmothno error in juju logs, nor in juju status15:18
melmothany idea what to do ?15:18
melmoththe cinder charm has been deployed witrh the following config http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6179969/15:19
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dpb1Hey -- has anyone tried to open up a firewall for juju-core bootstrap?  Specifically downloading to tools from the public bucket?  Is there any gotchas?15:50
stokachuquestion, did i get credit for this? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charmers/juju-core/docs/revision/13717:16
lazyPworkI'm so rustled. We just got the mandate from above to move to Lync. There goes my hubot installation until I spin up a darknet.17:24
lazyPworkmarcoceppi: charm powered darknet? check.17:24
rektidelazyPwork: what did you have your hubot doing18:25
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AskUbuntuJuju-Gui Charm API did not respond | http://askubuntu.com/q/35242720:04
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lazyPworkrektide: He hooks into janky for jenkins communication, and he executes a few of our internal jobs like kicking off backups20:10
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