
ScottKRiddell: AFAIK we have the latest and greatest re sip4/pyqt, so it's upstream's issue AIUI.00:44
ScottKRiddell or whoever pulls the trigger on 4.11.2: I just uploaded a libkdcraw security update to Saucy (it's in bzr).  Please make sure the 4.11.2 package is updated for it.05:48
soeegood morning06:03
smartboyhwRiddell, have you reviewed and uploaded kqoauth for me?07:35
smartboyhwHmm, it looks like we can just sync/merge from Debian.....07:46
smartboyhw(For Digikam 3.4.0)07:46
smartboyhwMerging looks a bit terrible:O07:48
smartboyhwyofel, what would you recommend? Merge or sync?07:48
smartboyhw(I need to get a Riddell FFe first though_07:49
* smartboyhw tries building the debian 3.4.0 in Ubuntu Saucy pbuilder07:49
smartboyhwOw ow, merge needed07:58
smartboyhw(Saw our specific patches)08:01
smartboyhwSigh, UIFe(s)...08:08
smartboyhwQuestion: Why didn't I see any mails in ubuntu-doc and ubuntu-translators archives about UIFe and DocStringFe(s)!?08:10
smartboyhwI thought every single UI change needs to notify them (and don't tell me there were none)08:10
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Riddellsmartboyhw: yeah I uploaded koauth, sorry thought you'd get notification09:27
smartboyhwRiddell, ack it then please09:28
smartboyhw(Still in queue)09:28
ScottKsmartboyhw: Can you update libkdcraw in ninjas based on the upload I did to saucy last night?  It's in bzr.09:41
smartboyhwScottK, eh, busy with digikam here09:41
RiddellScottK: I'll get it, looks like 4.11.2 is public to upload now too10:17
lordievaderGood afternoon.11:11
Riddellit's... lordievader!11:11
lordievaderHey Riddell, how are you doing?11:12
RiddellI'm lovely thanks lordievader, how are you?11:13
lordievaderI'm doing good too :)11:14
Riddellrandom e-mail du jour http://paste.kde.org/p276dad90/11:17
Riddellanything think we want to remake the UI to be like windows 8?11:17
lordievaderPlease don't, it would be a sad day the day Kubuntu becomes a Win8 clone. Why does everybody seem the hate the traditional desktop view nowadays... :(11:20
BluesKajHowdy all11:29
smartboyhwDamn Digikam 3.4.0 build failures12:18
smartboyhwhttp://paste.kde.org/p9099e567/ (I have a corrupted QZeitgeist, or?)12:23
rdietersmartboyhw: your phonon library was built with zqeitgeist support, but didn't link it 12:24
Riddelldigikam can't find qzeitgeist is the problem12:25
rdieterlibphonon shouldn't have undefined symbols, imo12:26
Riddellmm yes12:26
Riddellapachelogger: libphonon breakage?12:26
rdieternot sure how that could happen, phonon/CMakeLists.txt has target_link_libraries(phonon ${QZEITGEIST_LIBRARY})12:31
rdieterlooking @ https://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/phonon/phonon/repository/revisions/4.6/entry/phonon/CMakeLists.txt12:31
Riddellhmm we don't build phonon with zeitgeist at all12:31
rdieterok, it's wrapped in if (QZEITGEIST_FOUND)12:31
rdieterso question is how did smartboyhw's phonon get it (and only half way)12:32
Riddellso maybe digikam is finding qzeitgeist and making the assumption that phonon is built with it?12:32
rdietersmartboyhw's log is about his installed libphonon, I don't think digikam has anything to do with it12:32
Riddellthe log he pasted is a build from digikam http://paste.kde.org/p9099e567/12:33
rdieterand, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libphonon.so.4: undefined reference to `QZeitgeist::DataModel::Subject::Subject(QZeitgeist::DataModel::Subject const&)'12:33
rdieterI hope digikam's build doesn't touch or create /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libphonon.so.412:34
Riddellsmartboyhw: you're using the packaged libphonon right? not complied your own at all have you?12:34
Riddellwhile you're being useful rdieter, seen any issues with kubrick on arm?12:37
Riddellfails here https://launchpadlibrarian.net/152029698/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-armhf.kubrick_4%3A4.11.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz12:37
rdieterno, it builds ok on armv7 for us12:39
Riddellah, it's GL probably needs some playing about to get it egl or non-gl "/usr/include/GL/gl.h:162:17: error: 'GLdouble' has a previous declaration as 'typedef double GLdouble'"12:41
rdieternod, I don't think we're using egl yet (on arm)12:42
Riddelllucky you, qtwebkit is quite mysteriously broken because of it12:43
RiddellScottK: sweet, got python plugins working in kate, needs -DPYTHON_LIBRARY set explicitly, so I agree it's a problem somewhere in kate or sip or pyqt or something setting a wrong variable12:45
rdieterRiddell: conflicting definitions for GLintptr (and friends), I *think* the problem is QtOpenGL is supposed to load gles *or* gl headers, but not both12:46
rdieteror maybe kubrick is hard-coding something12:48
Riddellrdieter: yeah looks like we build-dep on libglu1-mesa-dev when it should be libgles2-mesa-dev on arm if kubrick supports it, or not at all12:48
Riddella good excuse to try out this handy arm board I have set up :)12:49
smartboyhwRiddell, should be packaged version12:58
Riddellsmartboyhw: does this produce only a couple of lines?  strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libphonon.so.4 | grep -i zeit13:02
smartboyhwRiddell, http://paste.kde.org/pbb352032/13:04
Riddellsmartboyhw: that's very different from me13:05
Riddellsmartboyhw: can you try a  sudo apt-get install --reinstall libphonon4 and run that grep again?13:05
smartboyhwRiddell, same output?13:06
Riddellsmartboyhw: not so here, this makes no sense13:13
Riddellsmartboyhw: want an ec2 to build digikam on?13:13
Riddellor you could make a chroot13:14
smartboyhwRiddell, sigh, I would want to build it in my pbuilder to check then......13:14
smartboyhwMy bandwidth is superbly busted today-.-13:21
* Riddell blogs http://blogs.kde.org/2013/10/01/artists-daily-builds-krita13:44
markeyI was pretty amazed by Ingo's Krita painting: https://plus.google.com/u/0/105460136951364599782/posts/BbmUzujnnoX13:45
smartboyhwWell, those guys are brilliant artists13:47
smartboyhwI suck at art, unfortunately13:48
smartboyhw(That is my worst subject at school, undeniably)13:48
Riddelljust use krita :)13:49
smartboyhwRiddell, unfortunately, most of our artwork is to be done by hand13:50
Riddellgosh, how quaint13:51
smartboyhwThat's why I suck:P13:51
lordievaderRiddell: The phone support is it parth of the commercial support by EmergeOpen?13:52
Riddelllordievader: yes13:53
Riddelllordievader: it's more than phone it's any communication method you want13:53
Riddelllordievader: but it might be useful to call it phone support I'm not sure13:53
lordievaderRiddell: Ok. I'm not really sure what the page should say, this is what I got up to this point: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/PhoneSupport13:53
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Riddelllordievader: just say you can buy support if you want to and a pointer to http://kubuntu.emerge-open.com/buy13:54
Riddelland we can add a .desktop file to the package so it appears in khelpcentre13:55
lordievaderRiddell: Already took care of that ;)13:55
shadeslayer!find libpython2.7.so]13:58
shadeslayer!find libpython2.7.so13:58
ubottuFile libpython2.7.so found in libpython2.7, libpython2.7-dbg, libpython2.7-dev, python2.7-dbg13:58
Riddellshadeslayer: hmm?13:59
lordievaderRiddell: Is this better? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/PhoneSupport (And yes I copied it from your blog post ;))13:59
shadeslayerRiddell: fixing kalzium in Raring13:59
smartboyhwRiddell, shadeslayer: Which of you are gonna fix the kate thing?14:01
smartboyhw(referring to #ubuntu-release)14:01
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shadeslayerwill get to it in a moment14:02
Riddellshadeslayer: I'll do libkdcraw then14:03
* smartboyhw test-builds Digikam again, sigh14:04
Riddellkubrick looks gl only, set to not build on arm14:05
shadeslayerRiddell: fwiw kate bzr changes are not in the ninjas PPA14:05
Riddellshadeslayer: no they're uploaded to ubuntu14:06
Riddellshadeslayer, ScottK: libkdcraw uploaded with patch to ninjas too14:11
RiddellScottK: where did you get notification of that?14:11
shadeslayerRiddell: kate compiles fine without that python define14:15
shadeslayernot sure why we need it14:15
Riddellshadeslayer: it's always compiled fine, it just didn't work14:16
Riddellsee https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32546014:16
ubottuKDE bug 325460 in general "Python plugins are unusable" [Major,Resolved: downstream]14:16
lordievaderRiddell: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oliviervdtoorn/+junk/kubuntu-docs-local/revision/3 <-- contains the phone/commercial support page.14:21
RiddellScottK: bug 1233704 for your review14:24
ubottubug 1233704 in user-manager (Ubuntu) "FFe user-manager new snapshot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123370414:24
Riddelllordievader: I'm confused by that kubuntu-docs_13.10_all.tar.gz , it's not made by the script is it?14:24
lordievaderRiddell: No, should I modify it that it does generate the tar?14:25
Riddelllordievader: I think it's done best as a native package not a bzr archive14:27
Riddellone sec..14:27
smartboyhw+1 native14:27
Riddelllordievader: dget -x https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/kubuntu-docs_13.10ubuntu1.dsc14:27
smartboyhwRiddell, I thought there shouldn't be any ubuntu1 stuff .....14:28
Riddelllordievader: then put a script in there to update the directory14:28
smartboyhwRiddell, ubuntu-docs only has a version no. of 13.04.3 (without ubuntu1). Same for xubuntu-docs14:29
lordievaderRiddell: Hmm need to fix my gpg key settings.14:29
Riddelllordievader: probably wants usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kubuntu/ just moved into the top directory14:29
Riddelland move usr/share/kde4/apps/khelpcenter/plugins/ into the top directory too14:29
Riddelllordievader: then add your magic script to update kubuntu/14:29
Riddellsmartboyhw: we can name it however we want, that's the advantage of being native :)14:29
smartboyhwRiddell, I would rather want us follow the normal doc versions:)14:30
Riddellmight be too late, not sure which is larger version number14:30
lordievaderRiddell: I get this error when I run the dget command: "gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found" eventhough I imported the key...14:38
Riddelllordievader: well don't worry about it14:43
Riddellit's not a high vector target kubuntu-docs :)14:43
Riddellshadeslayer: how did you get on with kate?14:55
lordievaderRiddell: OK the top-dir, where I ran the dget command, now looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6179869/ Is this correct or do you want the added contents in the tar.gz file?14:55
shadeslayerRiddell: fixed, uploading now14:56
Riddelllordievader: yeah put it in the tar.gz14:56
Riddelllordievader: expand with dpkg-source -x *dsc14:56
Riddellthanks shadeslayer 15:00
lordievaderRiddell: Ok inside the tar it will look like this: file:///media/lordievader/Projects/Kubuntu/Docs/kubuntu-docs-13.10/kubuntu-docs-13.10ubuntu1/footer.html15:00
lordievaderSorry about that...15:00
lordievader^ is that correct? Sorry if I ask a lot of questions, just want to do this right.15:01
shadeslayeranyone know how to create a debian wheezy i386 lxc container ?15:01
Riddelllordievader: looking better15:02
Riddelllordievader: now  mv usr/share/kde4/apps/khelpcenter/plugins/kubuntu/ .15:02
Riddellmv usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kubuntu/ .15:03
Riddellhmm that won't work15:03
Riddellmv usr/share/kde4/apps/khelpcenter/plugins/kubuntu/ khelpcentre-desktop-files  maybe15:03
Riddelllordievader: then get tokhelp.py to output files into kubuntu/15:03
lordievaderRiddell: The script now downloads to "temp" first and then rsyncs it to kubuntu.15:05
lordievaderSo what's next? ^^15:06
Riddelllordievader: if you're happy with it run  dch -i  and add a changelog entry15:06
Riddellthen  debuild -S  to build the source package15:06
Riddelland put the .dsc and .tar.gz somewhere I can download them15:07
lordievaderRiddell: Hmm of what package is that dhc utility part of? And do I run it in the top dir or in the extracted (and modified) archive?15:09
Riddelllordievader: dch15:10
Riddellprobably part of devscripts, but bash will tell you if it's not installed15:10
Riddellrun it in the extracted archive15:10
Riddellit adds a template to save to debian/changelog15:10
Riddellyou need to fill in the blanks15:10
lordievaderRiddell: Here you go: http://griffioen.no-ip.org/15:14
lordievaderOdd though that zsh doesn't recognize dch as a command but bash does...15:15
shadeslayer!find libboost_python.so15:23
ubottuPackage/file libboost_python.so does not exist in raring15:23
Riddellshadeslayer: how's the backports, need any help?15:25
shadeslayerraring could use some love15:25
RiddellI'll take a look15:25
shadeslayeroddly make[4]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/libboost_python.so', needed by `lib/libcompoundviewer.so.4.11.2'.  Stop.15:26
Riddell16:32 -!- tsdgeos changed the topic of #kde-release-team to: 4.11.2 released15:39
Riddellrohan@rs3net.net has been removed from kubuntu-devel  that you shadeslayer?15:58
Riddelllordievader: voila http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kubuntu-help.png16:09
Riddelllordievader: uploaded!  your first package16:16
lordievaderRiddell: Neat ^^16:19
markeyshadeslayer: we've taken the gmock issue to KDE mailing lists. let's see what they say17:35
markeyI assume Amarok is not the only application using it17:35
markeyalso I really like Google17:36
shadeslayermarkey: which ML though?17:36
shadeslayerbecause I don't see it in the ones I'm subscribed to :)17:37
markeykde-devel, kde-core-devel17:37
shadeslayerdon't see it there, moderation probably17:38
shadeslayercould you pastebin the post so I may read it plz?17:38
shadeslayermarkey: would prefer to get all distros to package gmock properly17:53
shadeslayeri.e. ask them to ship sources17:53
markey+1 to that17:55
markeythen again +1 is silly17:55
markey+0 really, and agreed17:56
shadeslayermarkey: yeah, silly, but it's the best option of them all :P18:01
shadeslayermarkey: why not just implement looking for the sources?18:02
shadeslayervia cmake18:02
shadeslayerbecause that is what upstream recommends, so just implement that, then if people complain, tell them to fix their distro18:02
markeypatch, please18:02
markeyit's not like I care a lot, personally18:02
shadeslayermight have a look later on once I find a place for dinner ;)18:03
markeyyou will surely find a place for dinner in Barcelona18:03
markeyand I'll get jealous18:03
shadeslayerI need to find a super spicy place18:04
shadeslayerso that I can make afiestas_ cry18:04
markeysend greetings18:04
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ovidiu-florinapachelogger: are you near by?18:42
markeyI doubt that18:43
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soeeusing command line, how can i upgrade only one package from available packages?21:19

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