
pmatulis_any nastiness awaiting an upgrade to saucy?02:19
peteprsetup android dev yesterday. easy as pie. worked 1st time.05:25
peteprwho's using what irc clients here ?05:28
Myrttioh, damn.05:34
Unit193Needs to figure out how to use one that actually can idle. >_>05:42
hyperairwhat do you mean idle anyway?06:44
hyperaireven pidgin can idle06:44
Unit193(Not the rc anyway.)  Kidding, he joined and parted a few times after too.06:45
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Myrttidon't mention pidgin06:47
Myrttinot when talking of IRC06:48
Unit193OK, mIRC.06:48
Myrttibioterror: tietsä niinku06:48
bioterrormorrrooo :D06:48
hyperairmIRC, but not pidgin? wtf?07:19
Myrttihyperair: even pidgin developers agree pidgin isn't a full fledged IRC client. It has several issues, especially if it's extended with plugins and addons that claim to enhance the IRC experience. Thus no freenode staffer will ever be caught recommending pidgin for any IRC use.07:24
hyperairhmm, i see07:24
Myrttione of the IRC extensions, plugins, whatever for example leaks out information about what private chats or channels you had open when you quit pidgin07:25
bioterrorpidgin is horrible in every aspect07:25
Myrttimany server side commands and their outputs are ignored and/or not displayed by pidgin07:26
Myrttiif of all the IM options available your primary and most active is IRC, then bitlbee is probably the best available option for checking the other IM boxes.07:30
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speckmadephillw: wanna get a DIG IN THE RIB? ;-)12:51
speckmadephillw: want me to try with lubuntu beta?12:52
phillwspeckmade: try the latest daily, is should have the new kernel in it :)12:54
phillw3.11.0-9-generic #16-Ubuntu12:54
manuel__hello @ all13:04
manuel__i'm running Lubuntu 13.04 and using usb soundcard on my system. but alsa mixer won't play sounds over the usb soundcard. sound comes only from onboard ali 5451 chip. but the jack's are brocken :/ could someone help me? =)13:08
phillwmanuel__: I suggest installing pulseaudio13:22
RoryHello manuel__13:22
phillwmanuel__: and pavucontrol (the GUI controller for it).13:22
Rorymanuel__: Can you please put the output from the command "cat /proc/asound/modules" onto http://paste.ubuntu.com and then let me know the URL?13:23
manuel__hey there at all13:24
manuel__yes i do13:24
manuel__give me a min. pls13:24
manuel__i'll be back in a min.13:25
Rorymanuel__: echo "options snd_usb_audio index=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/sound13:26
Rorymanuel__: sudo depmod -a && sudo alsa force-reload13:27
Rorymanuel__: Then it's either fixed, or I have no idea13:27
manuel__i try it =)13:29
manuel__have i type it into terminal?13:29
Rorymanuel__: copy and paste to avoid mistakes13:29
manuel__i've done =)13:30
RoryOK does it work?13:30
manuel__do i have do reboot my system? :)13:30
RoryNot if you run the second command : sudo depmod -a && sudo alsa force-reload13:31
Rorybrb cup of tea13:31
manuel__alsa mixer shows me as default the ali 5451 :(13:31
manuel__how can i install pulse audio Rory?13:32
Rorymanuel__: Can you please post the output of: "cat /proc/asound/cards" to http://paste.ubuntu.com13:35
Rory*sigh* will you, please?13:36
manuel__i've to thank for help =)13:37
manuel__with wine and vlc playe 2.0.8 (win32 version) sound comes from usb audio. in wine i can change the soundcard. but with lubuntu itself not =(13:38
Rorymanuel__: echo defaults.ctl.card 1 | sudo tee -a /etc/asound.conf13:38
Rorymanuel__: echo defaults.pcm.card 1 | sudo tee -a /etc/asound.conf13:38
Rorymanuel__: echo defaults.timer.card 1 | sudo tee -a /etc/asound.conf13:38
manuel__is that one command or two? =)13:38
manuel__okay. can i copy and paste that, right? =)13:38
Roryyes, please do13:39
manuel__do i have super user rights?13:39
Rorymanuel__: Yes, enter your password when prompted13:39
manuel__i see :D my bad . in all three coms there is "sudo" :D13:39
Rorymanuel__: then run: sudo depmod -a ; sudo alsa force-reload13:40
manuel__okay :)13:40
manuel__vlc player was killed :D now i'll look at alsa mixer13:42
manuel__alsa mixer show me first the usb audio if i open the window13:43
manuel__it works =)13:43
manuel__god bless you :) thaaaaaaaank you =)13:43
RoryNo problem manuel__ glad you got it working13:44
Rorymanuel__: Out of interest, what USB sound card do you have, and do you recommend it?13:44
manuel__Rory =) only with your help =) thank you =)13:44
manuel__rely better as over wine :D13:44
RoryI'm surprised there isn't a nice way to set the default sound device in Lubuntu without using PulseAudio13:45
manuel__wine has to emulate the sound and so on. and thats slow the system down :S13:45
manuel__but what did you do with this commands Rory?13:45
pmatulis_any big lubuntu-specific Saucy bugs remaining?13:45
Rorymanuel__: What do you mean?13:46
manuel__Rory: what made the commands you've wrote me? sets my usb audio card to default?13:46
Rorymanuel__: That's right. When you showed me "cat /proc/asound/cards" I could see your sound cards13:47
Rorymanuel__: The internal one was number 0, and the USB one was number 113:47
Rorymanuel__: All we did was tell Alsa to use device number 1 by default13:48
manuel__pmatulis: maybe i've to write the lubuntu community? that could be an bug in alsa mixer.13:48
manuel__Rory: okay =) and it works like a charm ^^ =)13:49
manuel__Rory: do i've to do this every time i boot up lubuntu?13:49
Rorymanuel__: no13:50
manuel__Rory: that's good =)13:50
phillwRory: maybe you can add it to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Setup#Change_Default_Sound_card as q uick way, and then use the alsa wiki page as "for morwe information" ?13:52
Roryphillw: Don't let me forget to do that before I go home13:52
manuel__thats a very good idea =) i've to say that i uses the Speedlink Vigo USB Soundcard. And Lubuntu install this card on the fly13:54
RoryYes most cards will work out of the box, I had a FiiO E10 and a FiiO E17 which worked 100%13:57
bubibubiis it possible to use lubuntu from usb with possibility to add programs, save files etc  ?15:26
RoryYes bubibubi the process is the same as normal Ubuntu15:28
bubibubiok thanx15:32
Suarte4Hello, I have Lubuntu 13.04 here. For some reason I have no idea (have done nothing other than updates),   I cannot login anymore into my main user account. I can still log into the others including guest and everything works fine. So here  is what I tried. Ctrl+Alt+F1 logged in main account via terminal.  OK it works.  Then startlubuntu but I get the following error message. cp: impossible to create the standard file <<//18:10
bioterroris that really all?18:12
bioterrorprobably something under ~/.config/18:12
Suarte4change permissions?18:15
bioterrorI would make .bak folders18:15
bioterrorone by one18:15
bioterrorstarting from gnome218:15
bioterrorthe problem lies under your ~/18:16
Unit193Might also remove .{X,ICE}authority18:18
Myrtti... how did you do those updates?18:18
Myrttithat might have indeed messed up the file permissions on what Unit193 said18:19
Suarte4nothing out of the ordinary18:20
Myrttisudo apt-get... gksu...?18:20
Suarte4gui, update manager18:21
Myrttiit's probably not that then18:22
Suarte4what next?18:22
Suarte4why do all other accounts work fine?18:23
bioterrorbecouse something is messed up in your ~/18:23
Unit193Might be interesting to know what he said after he was cut off. :P18:24
Suarte4Unit193: how do i remove .{X,ICE}authority ?18:25
Suarte4I bet bioterror will surprise everybody by giving the solution very soon18:26
bioterrorthat would be too nice and easy for you ;)18:27
Suarte4bioterror: make me suffer then... :)18:27
Suarte4Unit193: what can I try?18:28
bioterrormv folder folder.bak18:28
bioterrormv folder2 folder2.bak18:28
bioterroruntil it starts18:28
Suarte4Unit193: I have no idea what to do about this18:28
Unit193You could always try and  ls -lha | grep root  :P  (Might need a -R in there. ;P )  Well, you could try and   rm -v .{X,ICE}authority   but it's not likely to help.18:28
Unit193SO I'd go with trying to move things.18:28
Suarte4Unit193: what exactly? it doesnt look like there's much to move...18:30
Suarte4Unit193: I think I am too newbie to communicate at your habitual level... :)18:33
Suarte4I dont see what to move18:33
bioterrorfiles that could be configs18:33
Suarte4but that file isnt there18:34
Suarte4i tried creating it18:34
Unit193It's hidden.18:34
Suarte4didnt work18:34
Suarte4how do you do it from terminal?18:35
Unit193< bioterror> mv .config .config.bak18:35
Suarte4I thought bioterror was joking the whole time, so it's not the case then.... :)18:36
Suarte4can this create big problems?18:36
Suarte4i mean is it a risky thing or not?18:37
Suarte4Unit193: so say the file is there and is hidden. and i move it. then wont i still get the same error that the file isnt there? sorry, i dont understand. forgive my newbieness :)18:40
Suarte4cp: impossible to create the standard file <<//.config/lxterminal/lxterminal.conf>> No file or folder of this type. ** Message: main.vala:63: Session is Lubuntu ** Message: main.vala:64: Session is Lubuntu DE is LXDE  (lxsession:6917: Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:18:41
Suarte4ok i guess i just have to go give it a shot. but i have a feeling i'll be back soon :)18:43
Suarte44didnt work :(18:56
Suarte44i did mv .config .config.bak18:56
Suarte44then i did startlubuntu and got an awful lot of permission denied errors18:57
Suarte44then i tried sudo startlubuntu and just got the lxterminal.conf not there and the cannot open display error18:58
Suarte44what else?18:58
Suarte44HEEEEEEELP or i'll jump from the fifth floor18:59
Suarte44it's a permissions problem.19:00
Suarte44i need to give permissions to my main user for everything in that .config folder. how do i do that?19:00
Suarte44Unit193: your intervention would be very appreciated...19:01
Suarte44Unit193 have mercy...19:02
Suarte4in .config i have only leafpad, openbox and Trolltech.conf19:16
Suarte4there is no lxterminal folder19:16
Suarte4and there is no lxterminal.conf in the unexisting lxterminal folder19:17
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melodiegood night22:15

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