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jmiteI'm wondering if I could get some help with the Saucy beta. I'm trying to run Steam, and Netflix-desktop, but neither can connect to the internet. Firefox and thunderbird connect just fine. Any thoughts?01:03
jmiteSteam Native, that is01:04
SuperLaganyone getting errors along these lines, on update attempts? W: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/mirrors.us.kernel.org_ubuntu_dists_saucy_universe_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch01:50
flippa6no ads please02:04
max64which is faster ubuntu 13.10 or 13.04 in performance?  i use ho core 2 due laptop with 2 GB ram02:04
wastrelnobody knows02:07
pfifothe difference is negligible, 13.04 might be a tiny bit faster, cause 13.10 is unstable02:07
pfifotry lubuntu if you want performance02:08
max64pfifo:i dont like KDE02:09
max64i like unity02:09
pfifoits not kde its lxde02:09
max64i like unity and mate02:11
pfifowell then you want ubuntu, there isnt going to be much performance difference between 13.04 and 13.10, but you should use 13.04 unless your actually testing 13.1002:12
max64pfifo:with time ubuntu 13.10 will get stable i think case of updating02:14
pfifomax64, sure, october 17th, not too long to wait, but make sure to update daily02:15
max64pfifo:i downloaded ubuntu 13.10 beta 2 yesterday .. gonna install it tomprrow02:18
pianogmzim trying to upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 but I am getting an error "Could not calculate the upgrade03:26
pianogmzAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.03:26
pianogmzanyone know what I can do?03:29
vexati0n_anyone else have an issue in 13.10 where gnome shell extensions are disabled every time you log out or reboot?03:37
pepeepianogmz, http://askubuntu.com/a/3883303:46
pianogmzthx... for some reason i found out i had to remove xorg-edgers via ppa-purge in order to get the upgrade process to work.03:49
blocky2what does it mean if the ubuntu installer sees my ntfs partition as 'unknown' but the livecd is able to mount it and view files04:56
wilee-nileeblocky2, This a windows 8 partition?04:59
blocky2windows 705:00
wilee-nileeblocky2, Is the computer uefi?05:00
blocky2the installer isn't prompting me to install alongside so i was going to resize it manually05:01
blocky2wilee-nilee im not sure, how do i check?05:01
blocky2it has a bios05:01
wilee-nileeblocky2, Did it come with W8 originally?05:02
blocky2no w705:02
blocky2its a toshiba laptop, a few years old05:02
wilee-nileeblocky2, This a computer you built?05:02
wilee-nileeblocky2, YOu buy it yourself?05:03
blocky2im sitting here with my brother and he bought it new05:03
wilee-nileeblocky2, take a screenshot of gparted and imagebin it.05:04
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.05:04
blocky2gparted is still loading05:04
Ciphoenixwilee-nilee : greetings05:04
blocky2been loading for a few minutes05:04
wilee-nileeblocky2, does windows run, I wonder if its a broken partition table is why I ask.05:05
blocky2wilee-nilee windows is failing to boot05:05
blocky2from the ubuntu installer i saw a separate boot partition and the main 300gb partition05:05
blocky2the boot was ntfs and the 300gb was unknown, but i was able to mount it and all the files appear to be there05:06
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wilee-nileeblocky2, there is a smartdisc check in the live cd in disk manger or something like that check it.05:07
wilee-nileestrange that gparted is taking a long time to open is all05:08
blocky2oh actually its up05:08
blocky2sda2 shows ntfs with an exclamation05:08
wilee-nileeblocky2, take a screenshot05:08
blocky2k sec05:09
wilee-nileeblocky2, if you right click sda2 what does the info say on it?05:12
blocky2it says Warning unable to read the contents of this file system05:12
wilee-nileeDo you want to save anything on windows?05:12
wilee-nileeblocky2, anything on a fix like a chkdsk suggestion?05:13
blocky2nah it says maybe some tools like ntfs-3g are unavailable05:14
blocky2now that I know what the problem is I think we might just format the windows drive05:14
blocky2since we are able to mount it, we can copy stuff off it05:14
blocky2install alongside would have been more convenient but it's not vital05:14
wilee-nileeblocky2, I would copy off what you need, than go from there, I would check the smartdisc info to make sure the HD is not failing as well.05:15
blocky2ok thanks05:15
blocky2know offhand where firefox stores its bookmarks?05:15
wilee-nileeblocky2, hold on I'm on W8 right now let me look.05:16
blocky2my brother is completely non tech-savvy but he's trying ubuntu because he "didn't like any windows after xp" and because gaben said it was the future of gaming05:18
wilee-nileeblocky2, I'm not sure I would check the web that is all I can do, I use the FF sync myself.05:20
blocky2cool thanks for the help05:21
wilee-nileeblocky2, this might have the answer you will have to look through. http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Recovering%20important%20data%20from%20an%20old%20profile05:21
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pepeehmm, vlc in videolan's PPA doesn't support VDPAU :(06:55
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BluesKajHowdy all11:29
spidlaHello, is there anyone who tried Ubuntu 13.10 ? I tested 64bit daily build, but I was stucked with some dpkg dependencies. It seems that apt-get/dpkg is unable to locate i386 dependencies on 64bit system. "apt-get install -f" is unable to solve this. It seems like there is somehow disabled 32bit libraries on 64bit system. Any clues ?13:37
BluesKajspidla:  install ia32libs13:38
spidlaBluesKaj: I tried that. ia32-libs has been changed to lib32z1 and that pkg cannot be installed. Missing lib6-i38613:42
BluesKajspidla:  ok install lsb-core13:44
spidlaBluesKaj: lsb-core depends on lib32z1 and libc6-i386 :-)13:45
BluesKajlooks like dependency hell13:47
spidlaIt is. I know it is still beta, but it is unusable if you want apps like Skype, TeamViewer, wine13:48
BluesKajspidla:check lib6 and it's dependencies13:49
spidlaBluesKaj: Alright this is it: libc6:i386 depends on libgcc1:i386, this depends on gcc-4.8-base:i386 (among other things) and that is a problem. When I try to install gcc-4.8-base:i386, it forces me to remove 1509 packages13:57
BluesKajwell, spidla , it's a beta , maybe the removal will fix the mess , if not you can always do a clean install14:00
spidlaBluesKaj: It does not matter, this is just testing VirtualBox-based installation. I was just curious. Well.. sticking to 13.04 for now :-)14:01
BluesKajwell VB with beta , one can't expect much14:01
spidlaBluesKaj: I dont think this is connected with fact that it is running in VB. I know someone with the same problems on actual HW. Anyway.. thanks for some ideas. Hopefuly it will be fixed soon. Looking forward to Saucy14:02
BluesKajspidla, I tried a stable kubuntu on VB and the results were disappointing , couldn't install guest additions14:04
BluesKajVB is far from perfect when using linux guest on a linux host14:05
spidlaBluesKaj: no doubts14:05
ali1234anyone else noticed that mouse button 5 (aka forward) no longer works?14:46
ali1234mine worked fine in 13.04 and every previous version for as long as i can remember but it is broken now14:47
ali1234never mind my mouse is broken :(14:55
oz0neis it known aprox what kernel version the upcoming ubuntu will ship with? : )17:43
Pici!info linux saucy17:43
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB17:43
mystblade9_How stable is the latest release of 13.10?17:50
k1l_its quite stable. but if you need to ask this you are better off with the stable realses 12.04 and 13.0417:51
bekksmystblade9_: It isnt released yet.17:53
mystblade9_bekks: I know that, I meant the latest release as in beta/release candidate17:53
mystblade9_k1l_: Hmm.. I guess I'll stay on 13.04 and just update it to the latest version17:54
Xabsteri tried 13.10 in a VM and tried to get Steam but i failed miserably and my package system broke. It can up the day after and i think it was an error with cpp-4.8 in the repos, but anyway: is it normally easy to install and has anyone installed it flawlessly in the 13.10 beta?18:30
pianogmzhey guys, I dont know where to say this but i had a HUGE performance increase on my intel hd 3000 playing World of Warcraft .... in ubuntu 13.10 compared to ubuntu 13.0418:32
pianogmzim impressed18:32
ali1234Xabster: yes i have installed steam and it works fine18:35
ali1234all you do is get the steam.deb and run "sudo dpkg -i steam.deb && sudo apt-get -f install"18:35
Xabsterthat's what broke it :)18:35
Xabsterbut it was fixed18:36
Xabstercpp-4.8 was broken tar18:36
ali1234it worked for me18:36
Xabsternot yesterday :)18:37
ali1234some weeks ago18:39
johnjohn10116 more days!!19:01
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bekksAm I missing something, or is it impossible - using the 13.10 amd64 desktop iso - to customize the LVM layout when installing?19:35
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pmatulis_bekks: that doesn't sound right20:05
bekkspmatulis_: Thats what I thought, too. Is there a known bug report?20:17
pmatulis_bekks: i do not know20:24
TheOnlyJoey|Lapi am trying out the latest daily of 13.10 and am setting up Nvidia proprietary 319 with nvidia-prime, the problem is that everything seems to work but i am getting a black screen20:26
TheOnlyJoey|LapIts a GTX 770M and the logs are positive20:27
TheOnlyJoey|Lapcould it be a modesetting issue or something?20:27
TheOnlyJoey|Lapmodesetting seems to force xrandr 1.2, isen't 1.4 needed for nvidia-prime?20:33
VolkodavMy upgrade from 13.04 stalled halfway at setting baobab ( for good 20 min now20:34
Volkodavanything I can do to save the system from possible breaking?20:35
TheOnlyJoey|LapIt got the message "RandR 1,2 enabled, ignore the following RandR disabled message"20:38
TheOnlyJoey|LapDPMS Enabled, Option "UseDisplayDevice" is not used20:38
TheOnlyJoey|LapIm updating to edgers-ppa now, looking if that will improve20:53
TheOnlyJoey|Lapsame result on latest edgers20:58
BluesKajTheOnlyJoey|Lap, reboot before the driver can be used if it's graphics21:01
TheOnlyJoey|LapBluesKaj, yeah did that21:01
TJ-Can someone do a test for me to confirm its not just a one-off? Play a music CD using Rhythmbox and then switch to VT1... does it stop playing? is it supposed to?21:02
BluesKajthe 325 nvidia driver wasn't stable on my pc , from xedgers ,had to revert to the 319 , TheOnlyJoey|Lap21:02
TheOnlyJoey|LapBluesKaj, i have exact the same results on it as with 325, tried it before upgrading to edgers21:03
BluesKajmine is better with the 319 , just an entry level 8400gs here tho21:04
TheOnlyJoey|Laphaha this is the opposite, a GTX 770M, had no luck with 319 and support for this chip should be better with the 325, but exact the same issue21:05
BluesKajthink the 325 stiollneeds some work21:05
BluesKajstill needs21:05
BluesKajTheOnlyJoey|Lap,what's the issue?21:06
TheOnlyJoey|Lapblack screen after boot21:06
TheOnlyJoey|Lapand the xorg seems positive21:07
BluesKajmy issue was poor video decoding on HD 1080i , freezing and pixelating , the 319 is smoother and less jerky21:08
mn3m0nicHello, Saucy here, searching "Bitcoin" into the Software Center: The only result is Bitcoin-Qt, nothing about Electrum (but it's in the repository). Where I can report this ?21:20
mn3m0nic(If I search "Electrum" into the Software Center I find it)21:20
mn3m0nic(If I search "Electrum" into the Software Center I find it)21:25
TheOnlyJoey|Laptry searching without the capitol E21:28
Ponch0Hello room, Ok I've had this issue since I first got 13.04 in december when I first bought this computer. My wifi signal is very choppy and for example even if a person walks by my computer my signal will drop. It's evident in downloads as those are very choppy and sometimes will just drop off to 0.  i've seen other people with the same card describe the same issues but none of the solutions ever work.  I was hoping this would be fixed in 1321:29
Ponch0.10 but it isn't, what can I do? pleeeeease21:29
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mn3m0nicTheOnlyJoey|Lap, I'm able to find Electrum21:29
mn3m0nicThe point to me is it's not listed into Software Center under the key "Bitcoin"21:29
mn3m0nicTry searching 'Bitcoin' into software center, you'll not find it, only searching "Electrum" you can21:30
Ponch0I'm desperate as hell, I've seen someone describe it maybe as a power management issue going to the card? but I have no idea how to fix that.21:30
Ponch0But some of those one line fixes haven't worked.21:31
Ponch0I love Ubuntu but this issue saddens me :(21:31
Ponch0Ok, after running "iwconfig", I see that power management is set to off, so I wanted to try and turn it to see if that improves the issue and I get an error, does anyone know how to 'fix' that??21:49
Ponch0Error for wireless request "Set Power Management" (8B2C) : SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported.21:49
Ponch0try to turn it on*21:49
Ponch0I'm on 13.10 btw21:51
Ponch0Same issue since 13.04, the older ubuntu releases don't work with my hardware, specifically with ethernet and wifi21:51
Sander^LapI have an samsung 9 series with ubuntu 13.04 (it's a model which is not listed here yet: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SamsungSeries9 ) I upgraded to kernel 3.11 and a new firmware.. the grafical part works.. but no hardware acceleration. Will this work with 13.10?21:53
Sander^LapI tried oibaf apt repository, and it segfaulted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/615656421:56
Sander^LapI'll try the beta very soon. Hope it works:)21:58
Sander^LapIs it stable to do an upgrade from 13.04?22:02
pianogmzhas anyone experienced wireless not starting up when coming out of suspend in 13.10?23:10
pianogmzi found this article : http://www.webupd8.org/2013/01/fix-wireless-or-wired-network-not.html --- -wondering if the situation is the same to fix for 13.1023:13
brainwashpianogmz: I can confirm that, but it happens occasionally, actually very rarely23:14
pianogmzbrainwash, for me it happens everytime.23:14
pianogmzim looking over the steps in that article i linked to see if that fixes it23:15
brainwashlooks reasonable23:16
brainwashpianogmz: fresh installation? default ubuntu?23:17
pianogmz13.10 64 bit.23:17
pianogmzwell i think that fixed it23:20
brainwashgreat :)23:20
pianogmzsuspended twice and it came back on... earlier didn't know what to do and just restarted.23:21
pianogmzso yey me23:21
pianogmzbtw... i love the improvements for 3d rendering in 13.1023:22
pianogmzyesterday I was playing wow with 18 fps... now I can play with 50-60 fps23:23
pianogmzon an intel hd 300023:23
pianogmzso thank you devs!23:23
brainwashthe intel gpu driver is really awesome, getting better with every release23:25
pianogmzbrainwash, yep.  earlier this year i dumped my windows installation (well i have it in a vm just in case) but i pretty much have everything running in wine now...23:26
pianogmzwine has gotten awesome.23:26
pianogmzso i guess if anyone has trouble with their wireless card like i did, they can use that link i posted up there...23:28

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