
dholbachgood morning06:59
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jcastrodholbach: I'm all ready for the update16:48
dholbachjcastro, awesome16:49
dholbachjcastro, hum - does ubuntuonair.com work for you?16:49
dholbachI can't see the video16:50
josejcastro: make sure to not change the video size16:50
joseand also, use the /embed/ link, not the direct video link16:50
dholbachah, there we go16:50
dholbachyep yep16:50
dholbachworks now16:50
jcastroI didn't change the video size!16:51
jcastroeveryone keeps blaming me for changing that!16:51
dholbachyeah, it's your fault16:51
joseand user <center> for the hangout title16:52
josewait, just let me see if I can log in and do it myself16:52
joseblargh, school filter says that 'youtube.com' is a non-permitted phrase16:56
dholbachjose, youtu.be didn't work for me over here16:56
dholbachthat's why I changed it16:56
dholbachthe video didn't load16:56
josedholbach: try http://youtube.com/embed/videocodehere16:57
joselet me get the link for you16:57
dholbachthat's what's in there right now, right?16:57
joseyeah, I needed a hard reload to see that16:58
joseshould be working now - is it?16:58
dholbachyep, looks good now16:58
joseschool filter will auto-block youtube16:58
josegreat :)16:58
joselet me know if anything pops up16:58
dholbachlooks good now, thanks16:58
dholbachI'll confirm once we go live16:58
josedholbach: sorry about airbot not working, will fix it once I get home17:02
josedholbach: sorry about airbot not working, will fix it once I get home17:03
dholbachthanks jose17:03
josedholbach, mhall119: don't forget to mention to follow us on twitter (twitter.com/ubuntuonair) and subscribe to us on youtube (youtube.com/ubuntuonair)17:10
dholbachI hope I won't forget until the end :)17:11
josedholbach, mhall119: AirBot is now working, !q in PM to AirBot to get the next question.17:14
dholbachthanks jose17:14
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pleia2jono: shall I x-post olli's mailing list post to fridge or did you have something else in mind?22:29
jonopleia2, if you could, that would be wonderful22:37

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!