
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
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Mirvpitti: hello, how would be one packaging change ack? camera-app http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6178357/ - looks ok to me, other than changelog not mentioning that tests installation was also made optional05:10
Mirvthat is, https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/trunk commits 200 and 201 (204 not included)05:10
pittiMirv: it looks like the indentation in CMakeList would be broken05:37
pittilike, "function" now is indented (as it's now within the if), but not the endfuction05:38
pittiand the function body didn't get indented05:38
pittiotherwise, LGTM05:39
Mirvpitti: yes, that too, whitespace changed but not really fixed05:39
Mirvpitti: thanks for checking05:40
Mirvdidrocks: morning! nvidia machine is down (from magners point of view), I've not been able to recover it. pinged QA 1.5h ago.06:09
didrocksMirv: the CDU didn't work at all?06:10
Mirvdidrocks: the machine is there, jenkins-slave is running, but still it doesn't seem to be available for some reason06:11
Mirvdidrocks: nevertheless, I'm starting to have libunity + scope-home tested as well, from the previous build06:11
Mirv(camera-app in release pocket already)06:11
didrocksMirv: oh, camera-app is supposed to fix all the build failures?06:11
didrocksthe crash06:11
didrocksMirv: ah, it's the raring nvidia machine which is down06:12
didrocksmaybe you ssh to the wrong one :)06:12
didrocksMirv: jenkins-slave wasn't started on that one, just did ;)06:12
didrocks(dx-autopilot-nvidia is raring)06:13
Mirvdidrocks: on the landing plan camera-app is quoted to have infobindings via qml plugin (usermetrics), which it added and tests passed06:15
didrocksMirv: yeah, we do have crashes though (so without that version) since image 7106:15
Mirvright, true, wrong nvidia.. I thought I was linked through a saucy job, though, so that's why the confusion06:17
Mirvbut I guess not06:17
didrocksno worry ;)06:17
didrocksMirv: juts continue rocking libunity + scope-home ;)06:18
Mirvpackaging changes (managed to use the trick) +
Mirvdidrocks: robru has mentioned failing AP tests, but I see nothing unusual from the usual suspects. on desktop I've diff:d the 20130927 results to today's, and manual checked the additions to be false alarms. on touch unity8 AP is all ok.06:21
didrocksMirv: good! +1 on libunity06:21
didrocksMirv: and same on the home scope!06:22
Mirvok, logging to magners to tweak *.project and then selectively publishing06:22
didrockskenvandine: please, do not land stuff without the ack of the touch release team and a landing stack (regarding your content-hub landing)06:25
didrocksdpm: hey!07:11
didrocksdpm: how are you?07:11
dpmmorning didrocks, good, good, and you?07:11
didrocksdpm: I'm fine thanks!07:11
didrocksdpm: I didn't follow if the seed change was done by ogra, did you follow up with him?07:11
didrocksdpm: also, a lot of click core apps have AP tests failures, can you ensure those are getting fixed?07:12
dpmdidrocks, ok, will talk to balloons to take care of this07:14
dpmdidrocks, the seeds change still needs review: https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-seeds/rename-rssreader/+merge/187981 so it seems it hasn't happened yet07:14
didrocksogra_: mind doing that one? ^07:14
didrocksdpm: the rename should be done at the same time than you, right?07:15
dpmdidrocks, I had the details on the Asks sheet, but that row seems to have gone away. But in summary, the change in the app with the package rename needs to be shipped at the same time the package name change in the seeds07:16
didrocksdpm: are you ready? like if I do the seed change now, you can handle it in the next hour?07:17
dpmdidrocks, ah, that's in row 83, it's not gone.07:17
dpmdidrocks, I'm not sure what is left for me to do, but I'm happy to help with anything remaining. The app change has been merged into trunk, I don't know what is left for that to land into the images07:18
didrocksdpm: I don't know how you do release the core apps on your side07:18
didrockswho is doing that?07:18
dpmdidrocks, that lands automatically into the core apps PPA, what happens after that to go into the images, I'm not familiar with07:19
didrocksdpm: ok, so please review the MP and approve it if you can and I do the seed change, sounds good?07:19
dpmdidrocks, right, the app's MP has already been approved, that's what I'm trying to say. Or do you mean review and approve my own MP for the seeds?07:20
didrocksdpm: no, just ensure that the apps is going to be built07:21
didrocksdpm: so do whatever is needed through your process (not sure if you merge manually or whatever)07:21
didrocksI'm doing the seed change now07:21
ogra_dpm, didrocks sure, np07:23
dpmdidrocks, that's all done automatically by jenkins. I can confirm that the package containing the package rename has been built on the core apps PPA -> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/daily/+packages?field.name_filter=rssreader&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=saucy07:24
dpmthanks ogra_07:24
didrocksogra_: doing it, no worry ;)07:24
didrocksdpm: excellent!07:24
didrocksdpm: ogra_: uploaded07:28
dpmthanks didrocks!07:29
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Laneyguten morgen08:04
mptcharles, seb128: That's not an ubuntu-desktop issue, it's an ubuntu-touch issue. But it's an inevitable consequence of the combination of (1) space being too precious on a phone to show Bluetooth when you aren't using it, (2) every indicator having its own menu, and (3) a Bluetooth menu being much less useful without the ability to turn off Bluetooth. If I had my druthers, I'd change (2).08:07
seb128good morning desktopers08:10
seb128hey Laney, mpt08:10
seb128mpt, it's an issue on the desktop as well, it's confusing to see the bluetooth indicator go away when using the switch, it makes hard to undo the action08:11
* Laney has snap - i've got the power stuck in his head08:11
* Laney looks around suspiciously08:11
mptseb128, no it isn't. If it goes away on the desktop when you use the switch, that's a bug.08:11
mptseb128, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bluetooth#PC08:13
seb128mpt, ok, then there is a bug, I'm going to check with Charles, thanks08:15
mptseb128, it doesn't disappear when I turn Bluetooth off in 13.04, so that would be a regression.08:15
seb128mpt, I guess some bug in the convergent code08:16
larsuseb128: I think charles knows about it, I pointed him to that the other day. But another ping from you will probably make him fix it faster ;)08:40
seb128larsu, it's similar to an issue I discussed with charles yesterday, toggling the bluetooth switch in the battery settings panel is making the switch vanish08:42
seb128larsu, since we get the widget from the qmenumodel from the indicator08:42
larsuseb128: ha. Yeah, that's definitely bad UI...08:43
* desrt yawns08:49
seb128desrt, ?!08:54
seb128desrt, GO TO BED08:54
desrtseb128: tried that.  can't sleep :p08:55
desrt(or rather, only slept for a few hours)08:55
seb128desrt, good "morning" then?08:56
desrtmaybe.  i suspect that there will be a naptime today, though :)08:56
* desrt notes that 4am is a nice time for reading bugs08:56
pittiseb128: btw, did you get the jenkins failure notification for e-d-s?08:59
seb128pitti, yes, seems a real bug, it's on my todo for today09:00
seb128pitti, thanks for checking09:00
pittiseb128: thanks, so the mail stuff is working09:00
pittiseb128: we had some people who apparently never got them, so I wanted to double-check09:00
seb128pitti, you were in Cc on the email btw09:00
seb128ok, wfm09:00
seb128it's not the first time I get some of those09:00
pittiand yay for tests discovering actual crashers :)09:01
seb128yep, what I though this morning ;-)09:01
Sweetsharkseb128: I just uploaded rc3 to http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/saucy/4.1.2/09:18
seb128Sweetshark, hey, thanks!09:18
Sweetsharkseb128: I did a full new tarball (not only a patch) as there were some more patches in there. Unfortunately I just found the *.changes file is not from 4.1.2~rc2 but from 4.1.1 :/09:20
seb128Sweetshark, so you need to fix it/ping be again in a bit?09:20
Sweetsharkseb128: Im downloading for a armhf build right now (just to be sure) ...09:21
seb128Sweetshark, ok, let me know09:21
Sweetsharkseb128: yeah, will fix, reupload and ping you then.09:21
seb128Laney, ok, so the cmake work from Jussi seems to be alright (I built/debdiffed/installed/tested all the panels)09:24
seb128Laney, did you have any extra comment/wanted to review? or should I just ack it?09:25
Laneyseb128: no comments right now09:25
Laneydidn't mardy say something yesterday or was that fixed?09:25
seb128Laney, that was fixed09:26
seb128let me approve it then09:26
seb128There was enough work done there, and mardy +1 it yesterday letting you or me to top approve next09:27
Laneyok, cool09:27
Laneydoes it work properly with qt creator? :-)09:27
seb128hum :/09:28
seb128Laney, not really09:29
seb128I opened the cmakelists.txt with qtcreator09:29
seb128it lists all the subdirs and cpp/h sources09:29
seb128but not the qml files09:29
seb128let me ask about that09:29
Laneyseb128: I guess something like http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/bZBuSoeEqlT3VI1oQep409:40
seb128dpm, hey10:04
dpmhey seb128, how's it going?10:05
seb128dpm, good, you?10:05
seb128dpm, I don't understand https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1232412 ... those are packages in Ubuntu main and translated for cycles no?10:05
dpmseb128, good too, spending some time on translations now10:05
* dpm looks10:05
seb128what happened to da bot?10:06
dpmseb128, ah, I realised that might be confusing and I just added a comment for that: "In some projects, translations are already set up for trunk and in the source packages, but they need to be set up for the phablet branch"10:06
seb128dpm, there is no phablet branch, all indicators converged codebase this cycle10:07
seb128dpm, it's the same source/build/template for both touch and desktop10:07
seb128they are just different codepaths in the same source10:07
Laneythe bot died and jpds is the only person who can fix it, apparently10:07
Laneyand he hasn't been responding10:08
dpmseb128, aha, I didn't know that. So in some cases it might just be that a .pot template update is necessary, and in some (e.g. indicator-location) the full setup is needed10:08
seb128dpm, right10:08
seb128dpm, let me comment on the bug10:08
dpmlet me go through the list10:08
dpmperfect, thanks10:08
Laneyu-s-s doesn't have good enough depends10:11
Laneyno schema abort10:11
dpmseb128, looking at indicator-bluetooth, the last .pot file update was 2013-03-02, whereas the latest upload was a few days ago. Do you know if dh_translations is working there?10:14
seb128Laney, on the keyboard stuff?10:17
seb128Laney, shrug, I tried it yesterday evening with the current saucy version and that worked10:18
Laneyyes, it does10:18
seb128dpm, still and always https://bugs.launchpad.net/langpack-o-matic/+bug/120148510:18
Laneybut I didn't have current10:18
seb128Laney, oh ok10:18
seb128Laney, well they merged it, reverted and added it back10:18
Laneyalso there are binding loops in that code10:18
seb128dpm, I'm doing manual updates10:18
seb128Laney, right, it's not perfect but that was up for review for like a month and people were getting really eager to get it merged to I let it in10:19
LaneyI'll file a bug10:19
seb128Laney, we can fix issues in further merge requests10:19
seb128Laney, thanks10:19
dpmseb128, ok, thanks. Do we have a list of packages that come from the Unity daily builds and that are affected by that bug?10:19
seb128dpm, no, it's like an hundred source10:20
seb128dpm, everything coming from #ps basically (unity, scopes, lenses, friends, etc etc etc)10:20
dpmseb128, I'm not familiar with the Unity daily builds. Do they land in a PPA I could have a look to have a rough idea of the packages?10:20
seb128dpm, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build10:21
seb128dpm, everything in there10:21
seb128dpm, note that the launchpad bug is "fix commited"10:21
seb128dpm, so hopefully that's resolved soon10:21
seb128dpm, well, it was, Colin found an issue and Ursula is doing another round of fixing10:22
dpmseb128, yeah, I noticed that. This means once that LP bug is fixed translations for things like Unity8 which are currently shipped in the package will be stripped and unless we enable phone language packs they no longer be shipped on the phone, correct?10:24
dpmthey *will no longer, I meant, sorry10:24
seb128dpm, no10:25
seb128dpm, we only strip things in main, until those are promoted they are not going to be stripped10:25
dpmseb128, ah, ok, didn't realise they were not in main. So they're not going to be promoted for 13.10?10:26
seb128dpm, not that I know, too much review work to happen10:26
seb128ogra_, ^ do you know?10:26
dpmseb128, but are the indicators not in main already?10:27
seb128dpm, they are, and they get stripped10:27
seb128unity8 doesn't10:28
dpmok, I'm starting to get the full picture now10:28
ogra_you mean for touch ?10:28
seb128ogra_, do we plan to promote all the touch sources for saucy?10:28
ogra_i dont think we'll go for MIRing everything10:28
ogra_thats for 14.0410:28
seb128k, what I though10:28
seb128ogra_, danke10:28
pittiseb128: hm, gnome-terminal still depends on libgconf; aside from libo and network-manager-gnome that seems like the only GNOMEish thing left?10:54
pittioh, quite a lot of packages depend on gconf2, but not on the lib10:56
pstolowskididrocks: hey again, can we get this UIFFE ack'ed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-lens-applications/+bug/123155610:59
didrockspstolowski: I'm not hacking UIFe, you need to wait on the release team to answer on it11:00
didrockspstolowski: and the documentation team (if it's an UIFe) as per documentation11:00
didrocksyou can ping them on #ubuntu-release I guess11:00
pstolowskididrocks: understood, thanks11:01
LaneyYou're supposed to email them11:01
Laneypstolowski: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserInterfaceFreeze11:01
seb128pitti, yeah, I didn't follow those depreciations for a while, we should look at those again before the lts11:02
pstolowskiLaney: thanks11:02
Laneyg-t is fixed upstraem11:02
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Sweetsharkseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/saucy/4.1.2/libreoffice_4.1.2~rc3-0ubuntu1_source.changes <- should be good to go11:10
seb128Sweetshark, thanks11:10
seb128oh, a sil210011:21
seb128sil2100, internet is back? ;-)11:21
seb128sil2100, how are you? had a productive morning without IRC noise? ;-)11:28
seb128dpm, ok, I updated the template ... we should maybe standardize on having translations enabled on the upstream project with autocommits to trunk for those though11:31
dpmseb128, +1, I was going to suggest that too11:31
seb128dpm, rather than relying on thing to land in ubuntu to be imported back11:32
seb128dpm, but that's not likely going to change before v1, other priorities11:32
dpmit might make sense to do it for the projects where we're enabling translations for the first time, as in indicator-location, it doesn't take more than 2 mins.11:34
dpmbut yeah, for the rest it makes sense to do them all at once with some coordination11:34
dpmafter release11:34
sil2100Ok, but it seems there are still some internet issues...11:34
Laneyseb128: Do you think http://ubuntuone.com/6Z6epvhvXWGXUOMkIJyoLW looks weird?12:41
seb128Laney, very much so12:42
seb128Laney, what do you think?12:42
LaneyWe have some long titles12:42
LaneySecurity & Privacy / Language & Text12:42
Laneythey don't fit properly12:42
pittiLaney, seb128: will one of the two language options disappear from control-center for saucy?12:42
seb128pitti, yes, there is a merge request up for that, it just needed some small tweaks12:43
seb128pitti, bug #123205112:43
seb128pitti, hopefully that goes in today or tomorrow12:43
seb128Laney, it feels like we could fit 3 icons in that layout12:44
seb128Laney, maybe we need to wrap the text for those?12:44
LaneyI think I tried that and it looked weird12:48
Laneylet me see12:48
seb128Laney, well, what looks weird in that screen are the left/right margins imho12:49
seb128mpt, ^ do you have an opinion on the screenshot from Laney/how to deal with the long titles issues in the settings grid?12:50
Laneyyou mean <-x->[ ]<-x->[ ]<-x-> might be ok?12:50
Laneylet me try the wrapping on device12:50
Laneybuilding it, lunch time12:51
seb128or at least smaller margins on the left and right12:51
seb128Laney, enjoy!12:51
mptseb128, yes, I think (a) they should use a smaller font and (b) they should wrap to two lines.12:51
seb128mpt, the (a) is all the titles or just the long ones?12:52
mptseb128, all of them.12:52
seb128I guess that's easy to change12:52
seb128Laney, ^12:52
seb128mpt, thanks12:53
seb128that's worth a try ;-)12:53
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kenvandinedidrocks, ??? i didn't publish it13:28
kenvandinei just built the stack so it would get in the ppa, so gallery-app could build13:28
didrockskenvandine: yeah, we figured it out, it's robru13:29
didrockskenvandine: sad that it was built just before you added the Breaks :p13:29
kenvandineit built again though13:30
didrockskenvandine: sorry for the bad pointing, I was thinking it was you as we didn't mention publishing content-hub to him :)13:30
kenvandineno worries13:30
Laneyseb128: interesting, will try13:56
seb128Laney, thanks13:57
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seb128ok, 1h before meeting14:29
Laneyseb128: mpt: http://ubuntuone.com/6xg7KPADFbsuln5dcuTDz614:29
seb128time for some exercice, I should be back just for the meeting14:29
seb128Laney, not sure I would say it's perfect, but seems good enough for me14:30
seb128it's much better than the previous version at least14:30
LaneyI wonder if it fixes the issue on maguro14:30
Laneywho has one of those?14:30
seb128ogra_ I think14:30
seb128not me at least14:30
seb128I've grouper and mako14:30
seb128Laney, but you can try on your desktop by just resizing the win14:30
Laneyyeah I guess14:31
seb128or emulate the maguro case by giving a width that makes it looks like the bug screenshot14:31
seb128then try your version14:31
LaneyI can make it cut off14:31
seb128on that note, really out, back in ~1h14:31
mptLaney, better. :-) I still think it should wrap to two lines, though ... Currently with those two at the right edge, and nothing similarly long at the left edge, it looks like the whole grid is indented.14:38
Laneympt: you mean that the text should be the same size as the icon?14:38
Laneyor how long?14:38
mptLaney, not quite that narrow, for sure ... I don't know how long the German for "Security & Privacy" is. :-)14:39
Laneyit's hard because we only define the maximum size14:41
mptYeah, sorry for the hand-waving14:42
LaneyThere's also a problem with the algorithm to choose the number of columns14:43
Laneyit lets icons go off the right hand side14:43
LaneyI was testing with the wrong branch :(14:52
LaneyWrapping works properly so there's just the right margin thing14:52
* Laney thinks14:52
didrocksfginther: hey, is the queue long? https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-system-settings/revert_reverted/+merge/18837114:52
fgintherdidrocks, yes, very. if you need it right away, I can bump the priority14:53
didrocksfginther: please, we are waiting on this14:53
Laneympt: I made it smaller and now it looks like http://ubuntuone.com/2SsPlFWctwyj8IWMt7qVSl on desktop15:05
Laneyis the horizontal centre alignment good?15:05
mptLaney, zoom that screenshot out to be the size of your own phone. Too small. :-/15:06
Laneythe phone will be narrower15:06
LaneyI think it'll have three columns15:06
mptah, that explains it. :-)15:07
Laneyis there weird spacing around Security & Privacy?15:07
Laneyit's hard to tell for sure15:07
didrocksfginther: not any better for system-settings?15:25
fgintherdidrocks, it's better, there was an MP already building in front of ken's15:26
fgintherdidrocks, ken's is next in line15:26
didrocksgreat ;)15:26
seb128it's meeting time!15:30
seb128qengho, Sweetshark, mlankhorst, Laney, tkamppeter, desrt, attente, larsu: hello15:30
mlankhorstI have to go soon sadly. :P15:31
larsumeeting time \o/15:31
seb128let's get started15:32
seb128desrt, welcome on board ;-)15:32
desrtthanks :D15:32
seb128qengho, your turn15:32
* desrt still hasn't signed anything yet ;)15:32
qengho* Done: some new-tab page work in chromium-browser.  To-do: More for search.15:32
qengho* In progress: c-b can sometimes hang on exit, causing next launch not to open locked profile.15:32
qengho* To-do: Update stable dists to what's in saucy *for real this time*.15:32
seb128qengho, is saucy good to go at this point? or do you plan other update/change before release?15:33
qenghoseb128: Saucy is good enough.  There's one version released since, but not important.15:33
seb128qengho, thanks15:33
seb128Sweetshark, hey15:34
seb128Sweetshark, I sponsored 4.2.1 rc3 earlier today, it's in the unapproved queue for review15:34
Sweetsharkseb128: \o/15:34
Sweetsharkseb128: other than that: conference, conference decompression and after action15:34
seb128was the conf any good?15:35
Sweetsharkseb128: awesome. Lots of LO migrations in Italy going on and picking up momentum.15:35
Sweetsharkseb128: also the mobile stuff CloudOn is doing with LO is ... interesting.15:36
seb128Sweetshark, do you have other changes planned to land before saucy or are we good with today's upload?15:36
Sweetsharkseb128: ... and I might get a ssh login to a 9600 core, 3.8TB RAM cluster -- to build LibreOffice.15:36
seb128that's at the opposite of the mobile stuff :p15:37
Laneyemulate armhf on it15:37
Sweetsharkseb128: nothing totally urgent for saucy anymore, just cleanup and preparations for the next round ...15:37
seb128ok, great15:38
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:38
seb128mlankhorst, hey15:38
mlankhorstsorry got to go.. but glamor-egl is now in the archive \o/ it broke things in 2 separate places bug #1232658 and bug #1232000 -- fixed now and uploaded, but a real fun to debug abi issue. I've been helping mir people with some issues related to nested mir in mesa. Annoying one too.. and of course I did some updates to the nouveau bios code after recent nvidia releases. \o/15:38
Sweetsharkseb128: opposite of mobile -- yes, actually they had delays, because the cluster was supposed to be watercooled and the building wasnt up to the weight as they found out later ....15:38
seb128mlankhorst, thanks15:38
seb128Laney, your turn15:39
Laney• Investigate policykit/timedated failures on the phone; identify some problems (policykit-desktop-privileges being wrong, ro filesystem breaking updates) and fix/discuss fixes (thanks to pi tti for helping a lot)15:39
Laney• Bug fixes to measure-real-directory-size branch; got merged (one still outstanding: https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/ubuntu-system-settings/battery-percentage-indicator/+merge/188286)15:39
Laney• Make the wifi toggle in the battery panel dynamic15:39
Laney• Translation fixes15:39
Laney• Kill the SettingsCheckEntry15:39
Laney• Investigate bug where app doesn't fit properly (bug #1223827), building a prospective fix now15:39
Laney• Update glib-networking with autopkgtest15:39
Laney• Some FFe triaging15:39
Laney• Some sponsoring15:39
Laney• Some queue reviews15:39
Laney• Trying and failing to push GStreamer 1.2.0. Still stuck.15:39
LaneyActually maybe the gst 1.2.0 packaging happened last week too15:40
seb128Laney, thanks, crazy week again ;-)15:40
Laneymlankhorst: you didn't go15:40
Laneyhuh, I think I might have forgotten to add XS-Testsuite to glib-networking15:41
* Laney checks15:41
seb128tkamppeter, hey15:41
tkamppeter - CUPS: Merged in upstram fixes of 1.6.3 -> 1.6.4 transition into our 1.7rc1 as 1.7.0 final will only come with next Mac OS X release.15:42
tkamppeter - CUPS: Applied patches of Joe Simon's GSoC 2013 project "CUPS Color Management Extensions" to our CUPS 1.7rc1 package for Saucy and uploaded it to my PPA. Please test.15:42
tkamppeter - Cairo: Backported an upstream fix so that Cairo avoids transparency in its PDF output if possible. This avoids problems of slow printing or print failures, especially on PostScript printers.15:42
tkamppeter - Discussion with Didier Raboud (OdyX) from Debian about CUPS "make test" failures depending on cups-filters15:42
tkamppeter - Contacted Brother to continue work on auto-downloadable drivers15:42
tkamppeter - OpenPrinting web server: Started coordination to get GSoC work (for printer entry contribution by users) in and to get a new forum15:42
tkamppeter - Bugs15:42
tkamppeter - GSoC: Final evaluations15:42
Laney(indeed, /me sucks)15:42
desrttkamppeter: tell brother i love their printers and their drivers are great, but ya... downloading them from that site is a huge pain.15:42
tkamppeterdesrt, Brother's drivers are awkward, there is an LPD driver and a CUPS wrapper. Is it still this way?15:43
desrttkamppeter: yes.  and the cups one depends on the lpd one, and there is no indication of that on the site15:43
desrtso you have to manually install one .deb, then the other15:43
desrtannoying and awkward... but they work totally fine after you get them installed15:44
desrtexcept that their drivers seem to call their printers like BPM1234 whereas ubuntu calls them like BPM-1234 which prevents them from being automatically found during setup15:44
desrtso that's another minor nag to look at...15:44
seb128tkamppeter, thanks15:47
seb128desrt, your turn ;-)15:47
desrti started yesterday, so i didn't do anything yet15:47
desrtbut seriously...15:47
desrtdealt with a bit of glib bug backlog -- reviews, patches15:47
desrtgetting a few branches ready for merge now that we're branched15:47
desrtdid some more work on the desktop file branch... it's now works also for the non-indexed case, and it's pretty much complete.... i hope to merge that one this week after a rebase and writing some testcases15:48
desrtnext up for merges are gsubprocess and the current state of the action descriptions work15:48
desrti also spent some time tracking down and fixing a size allocation bug in gtk that was causing gnome-session-properties to crash15:48
seb128(thanks for that one, the gtk update is in saucy since yesterday, confirmed to work)15:49
desrtoh... and that user classification cleanup patch i did for accountsservice just went upstream today15:49
desrteof, i think15:49
seb128desrt, thanks!15:49
seb128attente, hey15:49
attenteseb128, hi.. no updates from me, just bugs15:50
attentealso really bad internet right now...15:50
seb128attente, well, your system settings merge went in yesterday15:50
seb128attente, so good work ;-)15:50
attenteseb128, i saw, thanks!15:50
LaneyI filed a bug for you :P15:50
seb128attente, can you get the g-c-c rename done today?15:50
desrtattente: yes/no: will you do that g-c-c work to help the accountsservice patch for keyboard layout to go upstream?15:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 1233594 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "[language] Binding loop" [Undecided,New]15:51
seb128desrt, attente: please after release, we have enough bugs backlog for the next week to focus on bug fixing15:51
Laneyoh hey, the bot works again15:51
desrtseb128: fair enough15:51
attentedesrt, i'm working on a patch that adds fields for the login and session current source15:51
desrtattente: you're going to store the current source in the accountsservice?15:51
* desrt doesn't like the sounds of that15:51
Laneywhat's the g-c-c rename?15:51
desrtattente: let's talk after...15:52
mitya57attente: Hi, can I ask you to comment on bug 1218322 and bug 1218327? These two currently break all my Saucy experience…15:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 1218322 in indicator-keyboard (Ubuntu) "Can't set keyboard layout change to ctrl+shift" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121832215:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 1218327 in indicator-keyboard (Ubuntu) "Keyboard shortcuts not working on russian layout" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121832715:52
* desrt notes that attente is mr. popular at this meeting15:52
attentemitya57, the second is next on my todo15:52
seb128Laney, restoring our patch that renames "region & language" to "keyboard layout" under Unity15:52
seb128Laney, it got dropped in saucy by error15:52
seb128Laney, we have 2 language icons atm in g-c-c which looks weird15:53
LaneyI thought you meant /the/ g-c-c rename15:53
Laneyyou know, /that one/15:53
attenteseb128, i think it's done15:53
mitya57attente: great, thanks in advance :)15:53
seb128attente, great, I'm going to review it again in a bit then15:53
seb128attente, thanks15:53
seb128Laney, yeah, but no :p15:53
desrtattente: /the/ rename is a pretty trivial affair... you can probably squeeze that one in after lunch15:53
seb128let's not start trolling ;-)15:53
seb128larsu, hey15:53
attentewait, what's the rename?15:54
larsuseb128: bugsbugsbugsbugs15:54
larsu- fixed ubiquity panel issue15:54
larsu- fixed brightness slider issue in qmenumodel (setting 0 and 1 didn't work)15:54
desrtattente: gnome-control-center -> ubuntu-control-center15:54
larsu- made indicator-sound reconnect to pulse if pulse restarts15:54
Laneyattente: s/gnome/ubuntu/15:54
larsu- fixed a bug where the volume slider in ido generated too many dbus messages15:54
larsu- tracked down and fixed two stack corruption bugs in indicator-messages that produced bugs on the phone15:54
larsu- tried to find a potential dconf/gsettings/gsettings-qt bug in unity8 (didn't find anything, though. Looks like a stack corruption somewhere else)15:54
larsu- a few more small fixes to indicator-related projects15:54
seb128larsu, thanks15:54
desrtlarsu: i strongly suspect that bug has nothing to do with dconf, fwiw15:54
seb128larsu, do you still have spare capacity for bug fixing in the next week or so?15:54
seb128larsu, just to know if I should stop pinging you with my issues ... ;-)15:55
larsuseb128: yes, I will continue to fix bugs15:55
larsuplease ping me15:55
larsuall my time will be fixing bugs :)15:55
larsudesrt: let's see if they can produce a god backtrace. I can't reproduce the issue myself15:55
desrtseb128: btw: if you have more bugs like the gnome-session-properties one you can feel free to throw them my way.... i have a lot of work right now, but it's all fairly low-priority long-deadline stuff15:55
seb128desrt, ok, noted, thanks15:56
Laneyoh GAH my SSH session to the nexus 7 died towards the end of a clean u-s-s build15:56
seb128I'm going to have a look to the error tracker later and I might dispatch a few bugs from the list15:56
desrtand i'm sure larsu might appreciate a little less load :p15:56
* Laney stabs stuff15:56
seb128Laney, use screen Luke15:56
Laneyscreen is like backups15:56
seb128desrt, yeah, probably ;-)15:57
seb128ok, my turn15:57
seb128* Settings:15:57
seb128- added extra widgets/UIs to the list of non implemented feature/to hide15:57
seb128- some UI tweaks and bug fixes15:57
seb128- debugged issues with the background selector/content-hub, reverted uploads, helped to get the code back in (once fixed)/tested15:57
seb128* Updated translation templates for some of the sources that were outdated (mostly indicators)15:57
seb128* some GNOME updates15:57
* desrt hands deja-ecran to Laney 15:57
seb128* some sponsoring15:57
seb128* tested/upload gtk fix from desrt15:57
seb128* reverted g-s-d buggy patch added to force disable working options (those that gtk 3.10 drops)15:57
seb128* some bug fixes for saucy15:57
* Laney spots sil2100 approving merges hours after he already did15:58
Laneystrange :P15:58
MirvLaney: he just mentioned his connection is having lags ;)15:58
seb128oh, also as an headup15:58
seb128I might push to stay on GNOME 3.8 next cycle for the LTS15:58
seb128the focus is going to keep being touch work15:59
sil2100Laney: hohoho, I see now that it got approved ;)15:59
sil2100Laney: my fault for not pressing refresh before testing and approving!15:59
seb128it seems like RHEL7 might ship with that version as well15:59
seb128so it would make sense to have our LTS on the same version they do16:00
Laneywhat about libs?16:00
seb128same story16:00
seb128we would benefit to have the same serie16:00
seb128since it's eventually what upstream is going to call 'LTS'16:01
seb128well, we have time for discussion16:01
seb128but I think it would make sense, since it would lower work on that front/let us focus on touch, and make sense for maintainability to align with RHEL16:02
seb128we still have time to discuss that anyway16:02
seb128I just wanted to mention it, in case people were to start on planning 3.10 work16:03
seb128 16:03
LaneyI'd definitely want input from ubuntu gnome16:03
seb128is there any question/comments/...?16:03
Laneybut yeah, lots of time16:03
seb128sure, me too16:03
seb128but I'm not wanting to compromise on our LTS quality just for Ubuntu GNOME to be able to be on the most recent version16:04
seb128we can probably do the "fork g-c-c and g-s-d" next cycle16:05
seb128that should give them some flexibility16:05
seb128ok, seems there is no meeting topic16:05
seb128thanks everyone!16:05
Laneympt: http://ubuntuone.com/5r8RFDEsKkQO5l19prNjsN16:13
Laneytoo small?16:13
Laneydoes it look misaligned still to you?16:13
ritz_larsu , hi, where can I see the code for  brightness slider / qmenumodel ( where is this lp ) ?16:16
larsuritz_: the brightness slider is in ubuntu-system-settings/plugins/battery/PageComponent.qml16:17
larsuit uses qmenumodel to talk to indicator-power16:17
larsuwhich actually sets the brightness16:17
seb128Laney, I'm going to write a short email on the GNOME/GTK version topic, do you think ubuntu-desktop@ is enough or should I cross post to the GNOME remix list (I don't like much cross posting on lists)16:19
ritz_larsu thank you :)16:20
Laneyseb128: jbicha ricotz and darkxst all read u-desktop I'm sure16:20
seb128Laney, right, what I though, should be enough16:20
seb128Laney, on that most recent screenshot the left/right margin looks big to me...16:21
seb128sil2100, what?16:21
Laneyit sure does16:21
LaneyI think if you evened out the spacing they would all look big though16:21
seb128Laney, imho the left/right borders should be half the spacing from the middle16:23
seb128[s i s][s i s][s i s]16:23
seb128where s = space and i = icon16:23
seb128you have 3 blocks like that16:23
seb128so side should be half the space between icons16:23
Laneysooooooooooooooo s = (width - (columnWidth * columns)) / columns16:24
Laneyor something16:24
mptLaney, that looks reasonable. Is the font size you're using the same as the size used for caption elements?16:25
Laneympt: don't know16:26
Laneympt: it's "small"16:26
mptLaney, can you find out? I wouldn't want to be using a size that is nearly identical but not quite. :-)16:26
seb128Laney, what is "columnwidth"? the width of the element without the spacing?16:27
Laneythe size of each element16:27
seb128do you still try using the widget from the unity guys? (I don't know how that works)16:28
seb128I think I would have done something like that16:28
seb128if width = gu(40): ncolumn = 216:28
LaneyI couldn't get it crowbarred in16:28
seb128if width > gu(40) && with < gu(60): ncolumn = 316:28
seb128if > gu(60): ncolumn = 416:29
Laneympt: yeah, it's the same16:29
seb128and then iWidth=0.6*withElement16:29
Laneympt: you don't think the borders are too big then?16:29
seb128Laney, ^ if that somewhat makes sense16:29
seb128it seems a bit hackish, but I don't find a better solution16:30
mptLaney, I'm not sure what you mean by "border". It would be easier to tell if I could see the edges of the box available for each label.16:30
seb128mpt, http://ubuntuone.com/5r8RFDEsKkQO5l19prNjsN ... does it looks like too much space on the left and right?16:30
Laneywell, this is how you'll see it16:30
seb128mpt, (it does for me)16:30
Laneylet me try that idea16:33
mptseb128, Laney: I'd expect the gap between {the left edge of the screen} and {the left edge of the first icon} to be exactly the same as the gap between {the right edge of the first icon} and {the left edge of the second icon}. Does that make sense?16:33
mptBut it's hard to tell because so many of the icons don't have square proportions.16:33
Laneyso you want them evenly spaced?16:33
seb128mpt, no, it doesn't16:34
seb128Laney, mpt: I would do that http://paste.ubuntu.com/6180255/16:34
seb128mpt, to me it's a "[s i s][s i s][s i s]" layout (s=space,i=icon)16:34
seb128mpt, if you look at e.g nautilus it seems that the left/right space value are half of the one between elements16:34
mptSo that's why Nautilus is so ugly! ;-)16:35
mptThe items are more related to each other than they are to the screen edges. So they should be at least as close to each other as they are to the screen edges.16:37
mpt[s i s][s i s] results in 1s around the outside and 2s in the middle, which is, if anything, the wrong way round16:37
seb128mpt, well, equal spacing leads you to http://ubuntuone.com/5r8RFDEsKkQO5l19prNjsN16:37
seb128which just looks wrong to me16:38
seb128but maybe it's only me16:38
LaneyI had an earlier one with equal spacing everywhere16:38
seb128it also works better with more element (e.g the unity dash)16:38
mptIt looks wrong because the spacing is so large, not because the gap is misallocated.16:39
Laneysomething like that16:39
seb128that's still a lot of spacing16:40
seb128but yeah, that one with half the value for the spacing maybe16:40
Laneythat's what you described16:40
seb128the 20% 60%?16:40
Laneyno, the internal spacing is twice the margin16:41
seb128ah, right, well, the s value is too high16:41
seb128Laney, that's an old design I got back then from the designers, http://ubuntuone.com/7D4aVJyRYLOWmogBvmXVB316:42
Laneyit probably looks a lot better with the borders16:43
seb128yeah :/16:43
Laneya lot of the problems we have now are because the things look weirdly sized16:43
seb128Laney, can you tell me which one you think is right? I'm just writing an email to the design guys who send me the screenshots I shared the other day16:44
seb128Laney, I'm going to include that in my question/ask if they have a visual for the grid16:44
Laneytrying mpt's idea now16:44
Laney2x on the margins, x internally16:44
seb128looking to that screenshot I just copied and to the dash, I guess design is going to want equal spacing everywhere16:45
seb128that looks fine in the dash, but I think it helps that there is more content16:45
LaneyI think I got it, maybe16:49
Laneyequal spacing, that is16:49
=== mitya57_ is now known as mitya57
seb128Laney, looks good to me, could you just for the sake of it do a similar version with the spacing value a bit lower?16:52
seb128like half of it16:52
Laneyok, sec16:52
Laneydrawing diagrams to work each one out16:53
* didrocks doesn't understand why when shutting down the phone reboots sometimes16:55
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ogra_didrocks, worth a bug16:58
ogra_(if you used shtdown at least)16:58
didrocksogra_: yeah, I will try to reproduce it reliably first16:59
seb128fginther, is the merger supposed to be a fifo?17:02
seb128fginther, we just got some recent changes merged in before others that are waiting for hours on the same project17:03
seb128fginther, ignore that, I skipped some emails it seems17:04
seb128mpt, what should the battery panel display as "last full charge:" (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Power#Phone) if the device just got unplugged is still at 100%?17:09
Laneyseb128: https://ubuntuone.com/7hFiOAHWEhbC89AFQDl9Yk17:09
Laneymy equations got pretty grim17:10
seb128mpt, oh, "Fully charged", it's in there17:10
seb128mpt, ignore me :p17:10
seb128Laney, it's hard to see the difference with the previous one17:10
Laneysure is17:10
* Laney tries a simpler way17:12
seb128Laney, well that's probably good enough, if you are happy with it let's merge it in and ask for feedback from design?17:12
* didrocks waves good evening and good night17:13
Laneyseb128: OK, I'll clean it up and try on the phone in the morning17:15
seb128Laney, great, let me know if you want me to test as well17:19
desrtseb128: got some pretty good agreement with the gnome guys about how we're going to be handling keyboard layouts17:31
seb128desrt, good, how are we going to handle those? ;-)17:31
desrtwe're going to end up with a pretty clean setup here17:31
desrtwe're dropping the gsettings and moving to pure accountsservice17:31
desrtand having a session service (probably in g-s-d) to take care of all of the details, so things like the shell and the code in g-c-c can be fairly dumb17:32
desrtjust talking to a simple dbus interface17:32
desrtattente: we'll almost certainly have a small hackfest in montreal about this topic17:33
seb128desrt, is the logic complex enough that we need a service?17:33
seb128desrt, well, I trust you there, let's see what it ends up looking like17:33
desrtseb128: it's not that it's super-complex, but rather that there are quite a lot of moving parts17:33
desrtlightdm, g-s-d, g-c-c, the switcher indicator, accountsservice17:34
seb128desrt, btw, in case that's part of the discussion, we should try to make sure we don't force bring ibus in17:34
desrtwe'd have to (to some extent) duplicate the logic of how this works in each of those locations17:34
desrtseb128: i imagine that these changes will be completely orthogonal to that17:34
seb128ok, good17:34
seb128just mentioning it in case that comes in some discussion17:34
seb128the Kylin guys are pretty set on fcitx17:35
desrtdoing a dbus service simply prevents us from having to have too many people knowing the details of how the information is stored17:35
desrt"information hiding" --parnas :)17:35
desrtpitti: super-fun bug for you to look at: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70922318:57
ubot2Gnome bug 709223 in general "problem with toggleref thread-safety" [Normal,Unconfirmed]18:57
desrtnear-unsolveable problem in pygobject :(18:57
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