
pleia2hi there19:46
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
sasa84pleia2, do you might know the link, where i could find missing/new screenshots for ubuntu-docs 13.10?19:49
pleia2sasa84: could you be a bit more specific?19:49
pleia2sasa84: please keep the discussion in channel :)19:50
sasa84i want to make localized screenshots for ubuntu-docs19:51
pleia2oh, I see19:51
pleia2that would be a question for the translations folks I think, I'm not sure how it's done19:51
pleia2https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-translators is the translators mailing list19:51
pleia2I suggest signing up and sending an email asking about how that is handled19:52
sasa84ok, tnx pleia2 :)19:54
CrazyLemonhey guys20:21
CrazyLemoni was wondering why does ubuntu raring docs have quantals JPG in index.html ?20:22
CrazyLemonsame goes for saucy20:22
CrazyLemonthere are also missing 2 PNG files = view-fullscreen-16.png and universal-access-menu.png  - talking about saucy20:27
pleia2CrazyLemon: I suggest you mail the ubuntu-doc mailing list to ask, there is a script to grab screenshots that was fixed for this cycle but I don't know exactly when/if they got to adding the new shots20:27
pleia2can sign up here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-doc20:28
pleia2raring simply didn't get updated in time, but saucy should20:28
pleia2(and raring is end of life in a couple months, so it won't be fixed)20:28
CrazyLemonwill do pleia220:30

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