
elacheche_anisPing @All10:10
elacheche_anisHow are you all??!!10:11
thelinuxerelacheche_anis: fine man :) How are u ?10:11
elacheche_anisI'm ok :D how is the LoCo?10:11
thelinuxerelacheche_anis: struggling because of all the political events10:12
thelinuxerelacheche_anis: isA we are planning to get back to the game :)10:12
elacheche_anisthelinuxer, Good :) Hope you'll get back soon :) :)10:24
thelinuxerelacheche_anis: thanks man :) Hope everything is good at your end too :)10:26
elacheche_anisYep hmd :) :) We just celebrated the GNUs' 30th birthday :) and we're preparing the SFD :)10:32
thelinuxerelacheche_anis: nice :)10:32
elacheche_anisFrench National Police Switch 37,000 Desktop PCs to Linux10:45
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology

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