
rick_h_I can't help but wonder if fedex knows something about the gov shutdown the rest of us don't. http://uploads.mitechie.com/fedex-notice.png11:35
brouschThat is lovely11:45
rick_h_although interesting. USPS stays open in shutdown so yay me. My three packages will still arrive11:46
brouschToday: Hickory Creek, Tabor Hill, Round Barn, Gravity Wine, Lemon Creek Winery, Contessa Wine Cellars, Fenn Valley11:52
brouschCan you see this? https://www.google.com/maps/ms?msid=207668633482943859281.0004e7ac2f87d0a86f705&msa=0&ll=42.263082,-85.869141&spn=1.335423,3.34808311:55
cmaloneyrick_h_: ruh roh11:59
cmaloneybrousch: yeah, we can see it11:59
brouschThat's quite a cluster in Baroda, MI12:01
brouschI think there's 1 or 2 more in there that are closed today12:01
cmaloneyrick_h_: btw: did you post the lococast episode? :)12:49
rick_h_ cmaloney no :( uploading episode to s3 now12:50
cmaloneyNo worries. Was going to ask last week, but you were on vacay.12:51
widoxrick_h_: they must have shipped it super-savings mode, via turtle12:51
cmaloneyIt's fed-ex shipping container direct12:51
rick_h_widox: yea, ordered several things around the phone and most of them are 'smart post' meaning fedex/ups gets it into the state but hands it off to USPS for the last mile.12:51
widoxdid you buy an OtterBox case by chance?12:51
rick_h_widox: why yes I did, although I've got a story about that12:51
rick_h_I almost didn't and I'm quite cranky witht hem12:51
cmaloneyor otterbox?12:52
rick_h_but did get one for my wife's new droid mini12:52
widoxheh, yeah they are based out of Fort Collins12:52
rick_h_cmaloney: otterbox12:52
cmaloneySo that slow-boat from China may be more on the mark12:52
rick_h_and notice that you can't buy a case12:53
rick_h_though the phone's almost been out a month12:54
cmaloneyOh, you updated to the Moto X?12:54
rick_h_and if you visit that url with your phone, it'll let you buy the case12:54
rick_h_and only two of their cases are even listed.12:54
rick_h_cmaloney: yea12:54
cmaloneyrick_h_: Something tells me the phone order wasn't supposed to go through12:55
rick_h_cmaloney: yea, so I figured "well, I must have just back ordered it on accident"12:55
rick_h_cmaloney: but then I got a shipping notice12:55
cmaloneyWhere was the return address? :)12:56
rick_h_cmaloney: that didn't update beyond "received shipping data" for 4 days12:56
widoxhah. that's funny12:56
rick_h_so now I guess it's in fedex hands for the next 4 weeks12:56
* rick_h_ shakes head12:57
cmaloneySome poor guy in Shanghai is trying to figure out how to get rick_h_ his case12:57
cmaloneyI think I have the tracking video of your case now.13:00
* rick_h_ is afraid13:00
rick_h_I was thinking more http://footage.shutterstock.com/clip-4111666-stock-footage--s-stagecoaches-and-carriages-move-along-a-country-road-an-organ-grinder-entertains.html13:01
rick_h_http://r.bmark.us/u/f7044dfa7abd05 come on...just make my 28MBS bi-directional and I'll shush my whining13:02
cmaloneyThe dudes on the bicycles are a nice touch13:02
cmaloneyI doubt if we'll see that gigabit network anytime soon13:03
rick_h_yea, that's just austin to compete with Google fiber13:03
rick_h_but forget gigabit, bi-directional 20s would be amazing13:04
cmaloneybi-directional anything would be nice13:04
cmaloneyI'd be happy with 15/1513:04
jrwrengood morning13:04
cmaloneyOnly reason I'm 30/3 is because 3 is better than 113:04
jrwren<3 my 60/6  its fast enough that i don't often want for more13:05
cmaloneyYeah, the best I can do with WOW is 50/513:06
rick_h_heh, they've added a new plan. I used to have the max but now they've got a "Power" over my "Max Turbo" plan13:07
rick_h_lol, and they're all the best choice for all the tghings13:07
cmaloneyrick_h_: Of course they are. :)13:07
rick_h_ooh, new plan is 6mb up?13:08
rick_h_nooooooo, I can't get it in my area. boooo13:11
cmaloneyYeah, some guy in your area uses all of the bandwidth uploading things and mirroring something called PyPI.  :)13:12
rick_h_I had to stop that. Some package broke my tool I used for it and not gotten around to setting up a new one13:13
cmaloneybtw: new Open Metalcast is up in case you were wondering13:14
jrwrenremember when comcast was sync instead of async? man that was fast :)13:15
jrwrenand you could netbios browse all your neighbors windows 95 file shares? :)13:16
rick_h_http://r.bmark.us/u/e12f43d7a15d0e is brilliant!13:38
cmaloneyThat's awesome.13:41
rick_h_yea, makes complete sense. username == fingerprint, still need a password13:42
jrwrenits true.13:42
jrwrenhow do you change your password after it is stolen?  if your password is fingerprint, you can't :)13:42
rick_h_just not normally presented in that way so it gets confusing13:42
rick_h_yep, exactly13:42
rick_h_you keep your username, change the password13:43
rick_h_jrwren: comment added14:07
rick_h_actually my alias adds the 8000 port option14:08
jrwreni think i've seen the alias. hell, I probably have it.14:09
rick_h_jrwren: but yea, I can never remember it right. It's too Java-y14:12
jrwrenyup. one of those OLD modules14:12
rick_h_http://usgovernment.statuspage.io/ :)15:23
widoxhah. "Department of Cigars of Cuban Origin" "Major Outage"15:32
jcastrohey cmaloney15:46
jcastrodo you need a topic for the next MUG meeting?15:46
jcastroI want to do one on this steam machine stuff15:46
cmaloneyjcastro: Actually I think we've roped Mark Ramm to talk more about Juju15:49
cmaloneybut yeah, I'd like to hear more about the Steam Machine15:50
cmaloneyWe could have you both talk. :)15:50
jcastroI can help Mark with the Juju one15:51
cmaloneyAnd I can get you that Iron Maiden poster. :)15:51
cmaloneyand stickers. :)15:51
rick_h_I get to go to MUG this month!16:21
rick_h_fitting it'll be juju :)16:21
jcastrocmaloney: so you want me to be ready for this month?16:22
cmaloneyyeah, we have our board meeting, but I'll add it to the agenda16:32
cmaloneyAbout 20 minutes?16:32
cmaloneySent a note to les board16:36
cmaloneyjcastro: Awesome. Thank you!16:49
cmaloneyjcastro: Jim McQ is looking forward to hearing about the Steam Machine17:11
jcastroit will be great17:12
cmaloneyYeah, I've been playing around with Steam under Ubuntu17:13
jcastroyeah, if you click the big picture mode17:13
jcastroand attach a controller17:13
jcastrothat's basically it17:13
cmaloneysince the last humble bundle doesn't have an Ubuntu Software Center option17:13
cmaloney(not bitter)17:13
cmaloneyAnd the X3 stuff was also Steam Only17:14
cmaloneyOnly problem is the controller I have seems to be somewhat supported.17:14
jcastroyeah I am using an xbox controller17:16
cmaloneyIs that pretty much plug-and-play?17:16
jcastroyou install a package and then run it on boot17:16
* cmaloney saw a used sixaxxis at Guild of Blades, and was tempted to pick it up17:17
jcastroMS sells a "xbox controller for windows" that has the right cable17:17
cmaloneybut the instructions to get that working looked a little... much17:17
jcastrowhich is USB and then there's a wireless thing on it17:17
jcastroso the controller itself is wireless but it has like a dongle17:17
cmaloneyAh, OK17:17
jcastroryan kather says the Ps3 controller works ootb if you have bluetooth17:17
cmaloneyI have an old bluetooth dongle that I need to update17:18
jcastroplus with the xbone and ps4 coming out I suspect there will be a new flood of used controllers17:18
cmaloneyI was playing portal with the joypad and it was pretty flakey. Had to move back to the keyboard / mouse17:18
jcastroyeah so for those17:19
jcastroI think it's a personal pref17:19
jcastroif you played Portal on a console17:19
jcastroyou can play it this way17:19
jcastroif you prefer mouse/kb ...17:19
jcastrothen you'll need a mouse/kb heh17:19
jcastroyou can just play it while I give my talk17:20
cmaloneyIf you want I could bring my desktop machine running Ubuntu 12.0417:23
cmaloneyFinally upgraded17:23
cmaloneyAMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core w/ GeForce GTX 66017:25
greg-gyou didn't type the (tm) did you?17:27
cmaloneyNo, that was from /proc/cpuinfo17:27
* cmaloney half-thought of messing with greg-g to say "No, it must be something in the middle making sure the TM was there.17:28
greg-gcmaloney: haha17:29
jrwrenstupid centos... curl linked against NSS ?!?!?!  I want openssl damnit!!!18:27
* jrwren rages18:27
jcastrocmaloney: I'll be bringing my box already set up18:56
cmaloneyjcastro: OK, cool18:56
cmaloney@tammygolden: The government is shut down ONE DAY and there's already one of those Halloween stores in their space.19:38
greg-gdoes the same thing happen with xmas stores?19:39
cmaloneyNo, just the halloween stores19:44
cmaloneyapparently when a retail establishment dies there's enough life-force left in there to be reanimated for two months of the year19:44
cmaloneyThese zombie-retail establishments act like real stores, with real customers and real employees19:45
cmaloneybut at the stroke of midnight on Halloween they vanish19:45
cmaloney(after a week or two of clearance, sweeping up, and that sort of stuff)19:46
cmaloneyonly to return 10 months later19:46
cmaloneyinhabiting the zombified retail corpse once again and reanimating it19:46
cmaloneyin fact, they're OUT THERE NOW!!!!!!!!19:47
greg-goh god, lock your doors!20:17

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