
ph_hey guys - i just upgraded to Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 with a daily build, then upgraded to gnome-shell 3.10 via gnome3-next ppa. All good so far. But I then was told it's better to upgrade to gnome3-staging due to gnome-settings-daemon issues. So I did that, but at that point my monitor is detected as being 7" (it's a 55" monitor), and I get this in my Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/2rhcaLk4 04:58
ph_it's getting DPI set to (40,40) from EDID which makes my fonts and cursors and Icons HUGE04:59
ph_hi is anyone online who can help me sort out an X DPI problem at all?05:23
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tjaaltonwth, now I need to remove .Xauthority every time or no login15:10
tjaaltonwaiting for the lightdm fix then15:11
tjaaltonlog in from lightdm, log in via ssh -X, and next time can't log in from lightdm anymore15:12
mdeslaurtjaalton: what are the permissions on .Xauthority when that happens?15:13
tjaaltonmdeslaur: 60015:13
mdeslaurtjaalton: and your own user?15:14
tjaaltonhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1036830 was filed earlier15:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 1036830 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Can't log in unless remove .Xauthority or use gdm" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:14
tjaaltonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/lightdm/handle-corrupt-xauthority/+merge/188256 should fix it15:15
tjaaltonbut my file looks intact15:15
bjsnidertjaalton, someone was in here complaining about that a couple days ago16:18
tjaaltonyeah me, at least :)16:18
bjsniderno, someone who is not you16:18
tjaaltonbut I thought it was temporary16:18
tjaaltoni think we're all on that bug now16:18
bjsniderall you lightdm people16:21
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