
=== ElectricErger is now known as ElectricErger|Po
slickymastermorning all o/08:42
brainwashochosi: adding pitti to the affected user list didn't quite help (yet) =S08:44
ochosii'd try to get in touch with seb12808:45
ochosiand point him to the bugreport directly, ask him whether he has a clue what's up with that08:45
brainwashdid you see his reply in #ubuntu-devel?08:45
ochosig2g, bbl08:45
brainwashI did that08:45
brainwashhe told me to report it upstream08:45
brainwashI'll test the 3 important commits one by one then08:46
ochosicool, thanks!08:46
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brainwashochosi: I gave up messing with gvfs and simply added a comment to the gnome bug report which is the cause of the gvfs "bug fix" release 1.18.111:00
ubottuGnome bug 708744 in client module "GDaemonFileEnumerator registers itself on *all* dbus connections" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:00
brainwashochosi: I'm surprised that a new upstart release (containing the fix to reduce logout time) has not been pushed into proposed yet11:45
ochosibrainwash: yeah, these things sometimes take time. it's even possible that it'll be pushed after the release, since it's bugfix13:13
brainwashochosi: I'll do some research about the development cycle and package freezing and so on :)13:50
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brainwashochosi: bug 123211921:50
ubottubug 1232119 in upstart (Ubuntu) " FFE Request for Upstart in saucy " [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123211921:50
ochosii assume that's "good news evryone!" ?21:52
knomeallö ochosi, brainwash 21:53
brainwashknome: hey21:53
brainwashochosi: hopefully he won't forget about releasing an updated version upstart :)21:54
brainwashnay idea, why Xfce won't react to keyboard shortcuts? it's like 50/50 on every login that they will work or simply won't21:56
brainwashand appfinder is really slow now on my test machine21:56
brainwashxfsettingsd is running21:57
ochosii'm seeing a similar issue21:58
brainwash(the time needed for appfinder to actually popup)21:59
ochosikb-shortcuts at session-start is +10secs or so21:59
brainwashit's the same old dbus mess21:59
ochosiafter those initial 10secs, the kb-shortcuts seem fine21:59
ochosithink i've seen this problem in prior releases21:59
brainwashyea, not quite sure if my keyboard shortcuts actually recover fully22:00
knomei sometimes have a bug that the shortcuts do not work when i've closed all applications *after* working22:00
knomeopening a terminal with a panel launcher and closing that immediately make the shortcuts work again22:00
ochosiwell, launching apps any other way works in normal speed for e22:01
ochosiso it seems xfsettingsd related22:01
brainwashwant to file a bug report? :)22:01
knomei don't, but i'm more than happy to confirm and help triage and get it publicity.22:01
ochosiknow what we could do? keep it a secret instead and maybe no-one will notice ;)22:02
knomethat *is* an option22:03
knomei suppose i can file the bug at some point22:03
knomebut not up to that now22:03
brainwashknome: can you assign high priority to this bug (gvfs package) please?22:04
brainwashbug 123197822:04
ubottubug 1231978 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar 1.6.3 locks when browsing Trash with Xubuntu 13.10 Beta 2 and following dailies" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123197822:04
knomeset to critical. that good22:05
ochosii guess22:05
brainwashyea :)22:05
ochosiit's really a sucky sucky bug22:05
knomei'll ping pitti about it22:06
brainwashI already subscribed him to the bug report, but no comment yet22:06
knomei pinged him on IRC22:07
brainwashI did comment on the upstream bug report responsible for the 1.18.1 release of gvfs, but maybe I should have just file a new bug report (not sure if those guys care about comments on resolved reports)22:13
ubottuGnome bug 708744 in client module "GDaemonFileEnumerator registers itself on *all* dbus connections" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]22:14
bluesabreyeah, comments on resolved tend to be ignored forever22:18
brainwashknome: and I'm curious about bug 1232027, shouldn't the missing package be included as soon as possible? to allow some testing before final release22:18
ubottubug 1232027 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "pm-utils not installed by default in 13.10" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123202722:18
brainwashbluesabre: :(22:18
bluesabrebut knome can probably haunt the right people22:18
ochosidarn, brainwash and bluesabre, you're so hard to distinguish at late ours. same first letter and same nick-length...22:18
knomebluesabre, you should learn that skill as well ;)22:19
bluesabrebrainwash: that is an interesting bug22:19
brainwashochosi: use some colors to distinguish our nicks22:20
knomebrainwash, get better, more distiguishable nicks22:21
bluesabreI'd recommend making mine your terminal background color ;)22:21
ochosibrainwash: my irssi-skills are too low and i'm quite fond of using a rather monochrome-ish theme...22:21
* knome files a bug22:21
ochosibluesabre: you wanna be the invisible man freddie mercury was singing about?22:21
knomenow now22:22
knomeyou should all join -ot22:22
knomewe're more on topic there than you are here, shame!22:22
ochosiknome: well, who's at more at fault then? (at least i assume that's your question)22:23
Unit193ochosi: /run nickcolor.pl22:24
knomeochosi, there wasn't a question .P22:24
* Unit193 doesn't use it. :D22:24
knomeme neither, i rather misread nicks.22:24
pleia2ta-da https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-October/037695.html22:24
ochosiUnit193: yeah, as i said, i prefer monochrome irssi... if i start making bluesabre's nick e.g. *blue* i guess that'd just make things weird22:24
Unit193pleia2: Yep, not surprised.22:26
pleia2interesting that multi-monitor was the nail in the coffin for them too22:26
pleia2I'm so glad they're taking that support seriously22:27
knomepleia2, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4_bklAqlaU22:27
bluesabrethat movie was just as excellent as the first22:30
knomehehe, yep22:30
knomeminions are the best :P22:30
ochosiwell, no time to feel schadenfreude22:31
pleia2I've not seen either22:31
ochosiafter all, at some point xmir might bring benefits22:31
bluesabreyeah, it might be worthwhile later on22:33
ochosiat least intel-users said they felt everything looked "smoother"22:33
bluesabreunfortunately, this probably means its delayed until 14.10 since they will probably want to avoid going full-force on it for the LTS without a "stable" testing time22:33
Unit193I'd hope at least...22:34
ochosiwe'll see22:36
ochosithese things don't seem to be very predictable in ubuntu from my experience22:36
knomewhat i'm proud of is that we did the 'right' decision22:37
Unit193But that also means all that testing and playing around was worthless. :P22:38
knomeit's not.22:38
knomeit's ground for xmir for later.22:38
bluesabreyeah, we raised a bunch of concerns :)22:38
Unit193Well, something to compare to, but still.22:38
ochosixubuntu also made quite a few headlines thanks to your images, Unit193 22:40
ochosi(and with "images" i mean the pictures and photographs of yourself that you shared)22:40
Unit193Ahaha.  But you mean the other type of images. :D22:40
ochosigreat minds think alike ;)22:40
ochosi(unfortunately so do idiots)22:41
Unit193Sadly for you at least...22:41
ochosiso anyway, before knome kicks me out of -devel for being a bit -ot, great work on that xmir initiative22:41
ochosiit was far from worthless22:41
knomeand far from a crappy effort.22:42
Unit193Eh, could be better, but at least http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S65ZzffW-Cw22:47
ochosinice one22:49
ochosi(wait, is that a *thing* now, that we post yt-links to these kind a quotes?)22:49
* knome shrugs22:50
knomeused to happen in -ot22:50
brainwashochosi: can you explain the current gtk2/gtk3 panel indicator situation please? still no gtk3 indicators for xubuntu users?22:52
ochosibrainwash: it seems like gtk3 indicators won't happen by default in 13.1022:53
ochosithere might be a PPA for them though22:53
knomeochosi, micahg said he's going to try to push them in though22:53
brainwashand forking them was never an option?22:53
ochosibluesabre was working on one, haven't checked what the status is22:53
knomeor then i misunderstood, Unit193 asked about that22:54
bluesabrehm what?22:54
ochosiwow, lotsa confusion here :)22:54
brainwashwhat the bug?22:54
ochosibrainwash: forking them doesn't help if the protocol or API of the services changes22:54
ochosiknome: really? when did he say that? if so, is that really the plan? cause then i need to hack together support for them in 2 or 3 themes of ours22:55
knomeochosi, around three hours ago in -offtopic22:57
ochosiknome: haha, that seems to be the place for that kind of announcement22:58
knomenot announcement22:58
knomeUnit193 just asked him22:58
Unit193ochosi: I asked, he answered.22:58
knometell him to ask in -devel22:58
ochosii see22:58
knomeno, don't see, just tell22:58
ochosiwell not sure what to say22:58
ochosii guess i'll wait until that's in the archives until i start spending time on the themes22:59
ochosior at least: until it's in the works for realz22:59
knomeif that helps/soothes you at all, i'll want that in 14.04 at least, if there is no other solution (and i don't think there will be)22:59
knomeso work made on that isn't useless anyway22:59
ochosiyeah, possibly not23:00
ochosiunless theming stuff changes23:00
knomeso, we should probably just make a collective decision to keep the devel stuff in -devel and the rest in -ot23:00
knomewe haven't scheduled the next meeting, but i'll add that to the agenda23:01
knomeif the wiki decides to load23:01

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