
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
pentestHost OS Xubuntu 13.04 is the LTSP server. 1 wifi card connected to Internet. I have got wlan0 (addr: and virbr0 (addr: Thin Client Guest OS installed in Virtual Box. Is it possible to have Thin Client boot-up with this LTSP server plz using virbr0? Note I have 1 physical NIC and 1 virtual NIC.02:28
ElectricErgerOkay why does my Xubuntu like my school's wireless but not any of the home wireless points I have access to.02:48
Poisoned_Dragonum, password?02:49
ElectricErgerPassword is correct. Works with all my other devices and Windows when I boot into it02:50
nukkewhat do you mean?02:50
ElectricErgerIt's probably something with my router because I can connect via wire fine, but when I attach via wireless it buffers for like 20 seconds then says "disconnected"02:51
faryshtahi. how do i switch users on xfce?02:55
faryshtai already installed xfswitch, dont know how to use it02:55
nukkeon the top-right corner, on the power off button, you have an option to switch accounts.02:57
faryshtanukke, where is that? i see turn-off on that corner when I click the power button02:58
ElectricErgerIt should be the second option'02:58
faryshtaElectricErger, the second option is reboot02:59
nukkeif you click on the power off button, you'll get a window with more options.03:00
nukkeit won't turn off immediately.03:00
faryshta nukke i know. i click it and the top-right option is "turn-off"03:01
nukkefaryshta: yeah, click turn off and you'll get another window.03:01
nukkepower off -> turn off -> switch users.03:01
ElectricErgerIt could have been worse. You could have said try "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "Delete"03:03
nukkedoes it not work like that? I remember that clicking the "turn off" opting brought a pop-up window with more options.03:03
ElectricErgerSomething is strange with his/hers. Faryshta is not getting the "Switch User" option under the name pannel at all which I'm looking at right now03:04
nukkecould it be a difference between LTS and 13.04?03:05
ElectricErgerHrm. Not sure which I'm using. I think I'm using 13.0403:06
nukkeI'm on 13.04, too, and the power off -> turn off -> switch users method worked for me. unfortunately I'm not on Xfce anymore.03:08
nukkehe hasn't been back, though. I'm hoping it worked.03:08
Viva_CaligulaThe splash screen on my install of quantal has stopped working. Would anybody know how to fix it?03:11
nukkethe splash screen? the login screen?03:12
Viva_Caligulathe splash screen during boot03:13
Viva_Caligulathe login is fine03:13
Viva_CaligulaInstead of the colored piture, the splash is 'Xubuntu' on a black background03:14
XRS1thats pretty common. you can change the boot options so that you see the system loading (not bootsplash)03:25
ElectricErgerNight y'all if I think of any solutions to this confusing wireless issue that seems pretty common I'll update you. Only on personal WPA2's does it not connect, and it's really ticking me off.03:27
=== ElectricErger is now known as ElectricErger|Po
xubuntu127ZOO BOON TOO !!06:55
* xubuntu127 dances *~*~*~*06:55
xubuntu127DANCE YOU COWARDS06:56
pentestGuys I am stuck. This is LTSP related. Please help..here is the details07:39
pentestHost OS Xubuntu 13.04 is the LTSP server. 1 wifi card connected to Internet. I have got wlan0 (addr: and virbr0 (addr: Thin Client Guest OS installed in Virtual Box. dhcpd.conf edited with these values:07:39
pentestsubnet netmask {07:39
pentest    range;07:39
pentest    option domain-name "example.com";07:39
pentest    option domain-name-servers;07:39
pentest    option broadcast-address;07:39
pentest    option routers;07:39
pentestThin client virtual network is this: Attached to: Bridged Adapter, Name: virbr0.07:39
pentestWhen booting up says searching for server ip (DHCP)....No IP.No IP.No IP.07:40
cfhowlettpentest, write it up, and paste it or you'll keep getting bounced.  and no one will read it.07:40
Myrttithere might be people in #edubuntu or #ubuntu-server who have more experience with ltsp07:44
Unit193Or #ltsp even.07:44
pentestgetting some help right now in other channel07:46
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
bosnjakhi all09:21
bosnjaki have a wireless connection which i would like to share via my ethernet port. I see the option "Shared to other computers" in the network manager. I was wondering how does this work? Does my computer act as some kind of gateway, and how is the new device assigned the IP? Is the new device part of the "wireless" network I am connected to, or?09:22
bosnjakdoes the eth device have to have static ip, or otherwise, how does it find dhcp? Does my comp need to have dhcp, or will it use "wireless" network's dhcp?09:23
bosnjakif someone would help clarify this a bit that would be great :) thanks09:24
XRS1yes. when you share your internet connection, your computer is acting as a router and will assign IPs to connections10:03
bosnjakXRS1: don't i have to have dhcp capabilities for that?10:04
XRS1all you have to do is go into the connection settings and put a checkmark in the share this connection box and your set  (you want to share the one that goes out the the internet)10:04
XRS1you will need more than 1 network conection. one that has the internet that you share, and one for other devices to connect to (like a switch)10:05
bosnjakXRS1: i am connected trough wireless networks (wlan0), and the other computer is connected via ethernet (eth0)10:06
bosnjakXRS1: now i went to network manager, eth0->Edit->IPv4 settings -> select Method: Shared to other computers10:07
=== pAt_ is now known as keiner
XRS1so you want the wifi to be what other devices connect to to get internet right?10:07
XRS1what does eth0 plug into?10:07
bosnjakXRS1: yes. The eth0 is used to connect the other pc to my laptop, via crossover cable10:08
XRS1okay so: {internet}-> somehow wireless into [your computer] -> eth0 to client PC.   to do this, it must be wifi that is shared, not eth010:10
bosnjakXRS1: oh.10:11
bosnjakXRS1: do you use xubuntu? because not sure how to set that up, if i select "Shared to other computers", it means changing method from DHCP to "shared" - that doesnt make much sense10:12
bosnjakXRS1: where will my laptop get ip then?10:13
XRS1the computer that is the router <-- this will assign IPs to any computer that connects to it10:14
bosnjakXRS1: ok, the router-computer is my laptop. How will my laptop (router) connect to wireless connection to get its ip in the first place?10:16
XRS1[router] will assign IP to wlan0.10:17
XRS1it will get DHCP address and assign DHCP addresses10:17
bosnjakah, i see10:17
bosnjakXRS1: i thought if i deselect DHCP that it would not use dhcp10:17
bosnjakas described in this picture: http://askubuntu.com/questions/3063/share-wireless-connection-with-wired-ethernet-port10:18
bosnjakok, i am going to try it, if i get disconnected ill get back :D10:18
bosnjaknope, doesnt work10:20
bosnjakXRS1: if you look at that answer i provided the link for, you see they are talking about wired connection10:21
=== keiner is now known as pAt_
xubuntu015hello homies10:57
xubuntu015i`m from guus10:58
MUDKiPJa hallo hoi11:02
xubuntu570Hi Homies, I`m backk in town11:02
xubuntu570hello boyfriend MUDKIP11:03
cfhowlettxubuntu570, do you have an xubuntu support question?11:03
xubuntu570yes, I`m looking for some white powder, do you maybe have some?11:03
cfhowlett!topic|xubuntu570, go play elsewhere.11:04
ubottuxubuntu570, go play elsewhere.: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic11:04
=== bosnjak is now known as lovre
=== lovre is now known as bosnjak
TiZHi. I'm having some trouble logging into my computer. The session keeps crashing. It seems like it's not even getting to the point where anything is being logged to .xsession-errors; it always contains info from my last working session. But I can't find anything useful in /var/log/lightdm either. How can I find out what's wrong with my session?15:22
TiZThis is on my work computer; I am presently at a state where I can't do my job. It's critical that I get this back up and running.15:23
wizarddit's pretty amazing..15:27
wizarddI had backups with the backup tool that comes with xubuntu15:28
wizarddI just put them into another laptop with xubuntu15:28
wizarddand voila, my system is just the way it was in my old laptop15:28
GridCubeTiZ, if you can, try to log in as a guest, then run: gksu thunar, then find your main user home directory and delete the .Xauthority and the .ICEauthority files, they are dot files so they will be hidden, press ctrl-h to see them, then log of and relog with your standard user.15:35
TiZThat's two good ideas in one, GridCube. I'm checking the guest session... the guest session works.15:38
TiZI know how to delete stuff from the console, so I'll try that now.15:39
TiZOh! And that did it.15:39
TiZThank you for your help, GridCube.15:42
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=== Maple[] is now known as Maple__
lulnixHey, wondering if anyone could give me a hand with a driver issue?23:27
knome!anyone | lulnix23:27
ubottululnix: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.23:27
lulnixi have fglrx-updates installed right now and is working fine with running 3 monitors on a HD 7790.... whenever i install the propriatary drivers off the amd site my system never boots after and i sit in blackness untill i reinstall OS. Can't run games good with fglrx-eperimental or fglrx-update... what do?23:31
lulnixdog-food: is it possible to play steam games or 1080p videos with open source drivers?23:38
=== IsoAnon is now known as Isolol

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