
rick_h_hey, mjc appears up yay00:11
hatchI'd be interested to know what the issue was00:11
hatchrick_h_: gl on the winter tire search - it's damn near impossible to compare tires because no one has experience with both :) so 'ratings' are essentially worthless00:23
hatchso flip a coin ;)00:23
rick_h_hatch: yea, when I got tires on the subaru it seemed I found some really good info. Now I can't seem to find anything00:25
hatchbuy the same ones for the bee dub00:25
rick_h_then again I got a couple different ones and I was always happy with them. 00:25
rick_h_well, they're not around any more00:25
hatchoh boo00:25
hatchI think I have the x-ice on my truck00:26
rick_h_and the subie tires were all season with decent winter tread. I'm just getting straight winter since I need to get 17" wheels anyway (19'00:26
rick_h_s on there now)00:26
rick_h_so first time doing the full swap of wheel and all for seasons00:26
hatchI think I'm going to go with something with some more tread next time though for deeper snow00:26
rick_h_yea, the blizzak has a little more tread00:26
rick_h_I'm leaning that route atm00:27
hatchyeah - the ice performance of either will probably be neglegable00:28
rick_h_yea, but ice ice is rare. I more want to go play when 6" falls00:29
hatchohh haha00:29
rick_h_I don't like getting trapped in the house. I always need to prove I can go out and get a coffee :)00:29
rick_h_12" came down during the day, we need to get some milk from the farthest store for the morning hehe00:29
rick_h_but it's the whole family safety thing. If I spend decent $$ and it performs better when I'm dodging the idiot spinning his wheels on the curve running into me...priceless00:30
rick_h_tires make such a difference. More so than a lot of vehicle/traction control systems 00:30
hatchwell it's the only thing connecting those couple tonnes to the road :)00:32
hatchholy smokes winter tires have gone up in price00:32
hatchohhhh nm heh00:32
hatchI was reading it wrong00:32
rick_h_yea, tires + wheels are going to run me close to 1500-2000 :/00:32
hatchahh - yeah I already have another set of wheels so I'm lucky that way00:32
rick_h_though getting the 17" tires will save a chunk. Started out looking at 18" ones00:32
hatchalso saves me from having to pay to switch them over00:33
rick_h_yea, bell tire will do storage for $60 ish a season00:34
hatchdon't you have a huge yard?00:34
rick_h_so that's worth it to me to just swap the wheels out, put them into storage, and I'll see you in 6mo00:34
rick_h_no, not really. My garage is full of woodworking gear00:34
rick_h_if I had built my dream shed I'd be cool, but didn't do that this year. 00:34
hatchyeah ours goes into the shed00:35
rick_h_I've got a baby plastic shed full of lawn gear. At least that's out of the woodshop now. 00:35
hatchohhh - yeah a couple years ago I picked up a nice big tin one00:35
hatchyeah it was a steal, but we had to take it apart00:36
hatchbut I think I saved like $800 from new00:36
hatchso I was ok with that :)00:36
rick_h_yea, that's good stuff. You put it on dirt or pour a pad down?00:39
hatchbuilt a 2x6 floor and put it on that so if I need to I can just drag it wherever I want00:40
hatchand I had the spare 2x6's00:40
hatchhonestly though, it'll probably never move00:40
hatchmy $/km that I spent on that truck is just nuts lol00:42
hatchI need to get in it every morning and drive it around or something00:42
=== hazmat` is now known as hazmat
rick_h_thanks frankban 11:09
frankbanrick_h_: thanks for QA and suggestions.  /login/data/wordpress-api-response.json 404 is very annoying11:10
rick_h_frankban: the /test/data?11:25
frankbanrick_h_: make test-prod (and therefore lbox propose/submit) fails intermittently here with this error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6183447/11:27
rick_h_frankban: hmmm, usually when I would get that there'd be some error where a navigate would occur breaking the loading of test data. I'm guessing some /login test is doing something bad11:28
rick_h_strange that it's intermittent11:28
frankbanrick_h_: yeah11:28
gary_posterI'm going to take my "lunch" early.  back in about an hour.12:59
rick_h_gary_poster: have fun13:00
=== TheRealMue is now known as TheMue
rick_h_is the design meeting on? No one's there? luca__ gary_poster ?14:02
luca__rick_h_: yup, coming now14:02
gary_posterI closed the thing and lost my chat!15:10
gary_posterboohoo hoo15:10
gary_posterI had info I wanted n the google hangout chat15:11
gary_posterand forgot to copy it out15:11
benjiyeah, info in hangout chat is so easy to loose15:11
benjiIRC logging for the win15:11
gary_posteryeah, that or a google doc.  hopefully I will learn my lesson :-(15:11
hatchthey finally added a 'do not mute' button when typing15:12
hatchso that's cool15:12
hatchno more js console hacks15:12
hatchTo solve this issue I create an ssh tunnel to it, but I'm guessing that's not the real story for this guy...or is it?  http://askubuntu.com/questions/346991/juju-gui-public-ip15:16
hatchI'll reply in kind if it is15:16
hatchrick_h_: looks like you can upgrade your favourite tech toy http://www.engadget.com/2013/10/02/fitbit-force-wristband-watch/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=feedly lol15:23
rick_h_hatch: ugh, stupid thing. 15:26
rick_h_hatch: pebble > fitbit15:26
rick_h_not going to go that route15:27
rick_h_hatch: as to the SO question, check with jcastro but I think you can configure lxc to not use nat, but bridged networking? Maybe they can tweak a config to get the IP to be exposed naturually. Otherwise, yea it needs a tunnel15:27
jcastrowe need a Best Practice for LXC networking with Juju15:31
hatchjcastro: sounds good15:31
hatchin the meantime....? shall I reply with the tunnel instructions?15:32
jcastroI need to do a call on the list for common workflows15:32
rick_h_hatch: there's a question on the bridge side here with an accepted answer http://askubuntu.com/questions/231666/how-do-i-setup-an-lxc-guest-so-that-it-gets-a-dhcp-address-so-i-can-access-it-on15:32
rick_h_hatch: might at least link to it as a potential method to follow up on15:32
hatchsure thanks15:33
rick_h_which links to http://askubuntu.com/questions/256304/public-ip-address-for-lxc-container/311003#31100315:33
_mup_Bug #311003: [Patch] Fix linking when with --as-needed --no-undefined <HPLIP:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/311003>15:33
rick_h_lol, welcome to the internet15:33
rick_h_link -> link -> ...which one do I want!!!15:33
hatchso the UK is censoring the internet, our city is trying to zone for the newly allowed strip clubs...man people are afraid of nekkid ppl!!15:35
adeuringabentley, benji: could one of you have a look at this MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/charmworld/proof-lib-path/+merge/188871 ? (tiny diff)15:35
benjiadeuring: sure15:36
hatchreplied http://askubuntu.com/questions/346991/juju-gui-public-ip/352764#35276415:41
_mup_Bug #352764: If kwallet is disabled, network manager plasma widget does not connect to wirelessly <knetworkmanager:Fix Released> <plasma-widget-networkmanagement (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/352764>15:41
hatchthanks mup but that wasn't a bug15:41
gary_posterhey frankban what happened to https://codereview.appspot.com/13900044/ ?  looks like it never landed?15:48
gary_posterbut I thought this was fixed15:48
benjiadeuring: your branch looks good15:48
frankbangary_poster: looking15:48
adeuringbenji: thanks!15:48
Makyojujugui call in 10 kanban now15:50
gary_posterjujugui call in 1015:50
gary_posterdarn!  :-P15:50
frankbangary_poster: ah, do you remember that we discussed the switching to the ServiceUpdate call and realized it was not backward compatible? I created and landed another branch to fix that bug: https://codereview.appspot.com/13917043/15:51
gary_posterfrankban, ah right!  could you mark those (MP and RV) as dead so future generations are not confused? :-)15:51
frankbangary_poster: sure :-), sorry for the confusion15:52
gary_posterooh, someone soon will be able to have the bug number 123456715:52
* gary_poster starts filing bugs...15:52
Makyojujugui call in 215:58
gary_posterMakyo, wassup?16:00
Makyogary_poster, juju is eating my machine16:01
hatchnom nom nom16:01
MakyoGoing to run a quick errand so we actually have food for lunch besides eggs, won't be long.16:15
hatchmmm foood16:28
hatchi forgot breakfast again16:28
hatchI love it when auth fails while lboxing AFTER it's run lint and tests...ugh lol16:30
hatchjujugui anyone else having issues lboxing?16:41
hatcherror: use of closed network connection16:41
hatch3 times in a row now?16:41
rick_h_hatch: not an issue early this morning when I landed mine, but that sounds like LP issues. 16:42
hatchyeah, well will try again I guess!!16:44
benjihatch: I've gotten that error recently (but it cleared up when re-run); I too suspect an LP issue (probably a timeout)16:44
hatchhere it goes16:48
hatch5th time is the charm :)16:48
hatchdoes anyone know how to copy text in the terminal with the mouse in tmux when you have `setw -g mose-mouse on` ?16:49
hatchbtw gary_poster using `bzr mv` worked properly this time - not sure what happened last time16:52
rick_h_hatch: middle-click is what I use to copy all text into the terminal16:52
hatchhmm no middle click16:52
hatchoh into the terminal16:53
rick_h_shift-insert then I think?16:53
gary_posterhatch, good.  yeah, has always worked for me16:53
hatchI need out of the terminal16:53
hatchtmux now captures the mouse highlight it seems16:53
rick_h_hatch: then highlight with the mouse and then middle-click it where you want it to go16:53
hatchas soon as I release the highlight is gone16:53
rick_h_not sure16:54
hatchyeah it's pretty odd16:54
hatchrick_h_: would ya mind? https://codereview.appspot.com/14175046/16:55
rick_h_hatch: sure ting16:55
rick_h_hatch: comments and qa issue inbound17:08
hatchrick_h_: reading thanks17:10
hatchrick_h_: fixed - reproposing17:37
rick_h_hatch: k, sec and will relook17:38
hatchrick_h_: sorry have test failures again17:39
hatchlboxing again17:46
hatchgary_poster: thought you would want to know that Dell just upgraded the XPS 15 laptops.... :P17:47
* hatch ducks17:47
gary_posterhatch, heh :-P17:49
hatchrick_h_: ok reitveld has the new stuff17:49
rick_h_hatch: k, looking17:51
rick_h_hatch: so then did you bzr grep all BrowserCharmView and look for the data passed in?17:51
hatchyeah did I miss one?17:52
rick_h_hatch: no, just asking17:53
hatchdoesn't look like it17:53
hatchoh ok17:53
hatchbut I also use `ack-grep` :)17:53
hatchdoes bzr grep work better?17:53
rick_h_hatch: cool, sorry. My review is to ask questions and prod thinking vs just "here's my list"17:53
rick_h_hatch: bzr grep just makes sure to only limit to files in the bzr content17:53
hatchoh ok - that might be better because then it'll skip any of the built files17:54
rick_h_git has the same thing. Handy for ignoring files you don't care about easily17:54
hatchI'll try and remember to use that17:54
hatchI used to have 'ack' (OSX) set up to ignore anything in the .gitignore so I guess that just stuck :)17:54
hatchrick_h_: found out how to copy in tmux with my settings hold 'shift' or in iterm(OSX) hold 'option'17:59
hatchjust fyi17:59
rick_h_bah, I want to bank my bug credit for my next QA day :P17:59
rick_h_hatch: cool, not a problem here so must be some mac-ism or something. Good to know I guess17:59
rick_h_hatch: and LGTM thanks for the updates18:00
hatchrick_h_: do you have tmux capturing your mouse scroll?18:00
hatchso you can scroll up/down in tmux with the mouse?18:00
rick_h_hatch: hmm, I do that in my terminal I think. 18:00
hatchthat setting appears to trigger the issue18:00
rick_h_so no, guess I don't18:00
rick_h_benji: ping, got a sec?19:02
benjirick_h_: sure19:02
benjirick_h_: video chat or here?19:02
rick_h_benji: video please, sec will set up19:02
benjirick_h_: try this benjiyork.com/chat19:02
benjirick_h_: you were my first chat using that thing, other than not having a mute it worked well19:14
hatchwhat is it?19:14
rick_h_benji: yea, worked fine. Backgroud noise on the road there but other than that sounded good and loaded up quick19:15
rick_h_<3 the nice url 19:16
benjiyeah, me too19:17
rick_h_https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/charmworld/bundle-metadata/+merge/188905 for a WIP with notes on why some stuff is changed. Feel free to smack my hands with the rule where I'm going against the new grain19:21
rick_h_appreciate the time to peek at it19:21
benjirick_h_: looking19:24
rick_h_heh, there's some silly stuff in the mid-mode. #185 for instance is meant to be the upcoming icon helper method but it looks just like the next block in the if 19:25
benjirick_h_: why the new constant empty dict being returned from _extract_charm_id?19:33
rick_h_benji: confusion. Typo going back/forth between methods since I added the third param to the bundle things to help find bundles19:34
rick_h_benji: chalk it up to mid-work19:34
rick_h_benji: so get_file returns the bytes, but none of the extra info for serving the file like content_type and such?19:35
rick_h_or nvm, that's the gridfs object so should have the content-type in there 19:36
gary_posterneed to get kids from school.  back soon19:43
benjirick_h_: your branch looks fine to me19:53
rick_h_benji: cool19:53
rick_h_benji: the file hashes in the basket db can be yaml?19:53
benjirick_h_: I don't understand the question. 19:55
rick_h_benji: I'm looking at how the files are getched and noticed in the unquote_yaml. nvm, that's the period escaping stuff. Ignore me19:56
rick_h_man, is today monday or something?19:56
benjiIt's Monday somewhere.19:56
rick_h_that and I keep typing backet vs basket19:57
rick_h_I can't seem to hit 'as' in a row19:57
* gary_poster here20:02
gary_posteroh rick_h_...you available to talk in 5?  you are probably past your EoD, yeah?20:03
rick_h_gary_poster: I can talk in 520:04
gary_postercool thanks20:04
gary_posterrick_h_, uh "five minutes"... https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/d909f7c1b9c8db56be05af4887e38eef6587a85c?hl=en if you are still ok :-)20:15
rick_h_benji: still around?20:42
benjirick_h_: yep20:42
rick_h_does fs.put(content, contentType=content_type)20:42
rick_h_*** TypeError: must specify an encoding for file in order to write unicode20:42
rick_h_ring a bell? Trying to manually put a file into fs. Looks like all we do is shove a string of content in but getting this when trying to do it via pdb20:43
rick_h_the code is currently just silently passing without any files added to the gridfs20:43
rick_h_content is just a u'Test Content' for a test file 20:43
benjirick_h_: I don't think I've seen that error in that context, but the problem is that it wants a string and it doesn't know what encoding it hould use.  de-unicode your string and you should be fine.20:44
rick_h_hmm, guess it just doesn't like the unicode. I see it in the docs now. Ignore me some more20:44
rick_h_but still isn't there...ugh. after an fs.put() and then an fs.list() is empty20:45
rick_h_hmm, there it goes. Ok. maybe I just timed it wrong. Stupid 'eventually consistent' not liking my pdb points20:46
rick_h_yay! test passes. 20:48
rick_h_thanks for the help today benji. 20:50
benjimy pleasure20:50
rick_h_benji: #1190944 is the orig of your markdown bug20:58
_mup_Bug #1190944: The copyright header of README.md in the charm is shown <charm> <charmbrowser> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1190944>20:58
benjirick_h_: thanks, I'll mark mine as a duplicate20:59
benjiI changed 1190944 to "Low", it was "Medium"21:01
hatchjujugui I'm investigating the bug -re gary_poster email21:30
* hatch wishes everyone replied to emails from the top :D21:31
hatchgary_poster: I'm a little confused here - it appears that it -works- in the gui but does not in the console....21:37
hatchthe email conflicts itself21:37
hatchnm I was able to reproduce21:58
hatchbcsaller: ping22:09
bcsallerwhats up?22:09
hatchavail for a quick call?22:09
hatchre this email22:09
hatchbcsaller: hangout is not working lol22:30
bcsallerhatch: happy to say its a charm issue if we can get away with it, but we should make an attempt to detect it somewhere in the pipeline then22:31
bcsallerand update the docs22:32
bcsallerits a bit sad that there isn't an easy fix on our side though22:32
hatchgo javascript? ;)22:32
hatchbcsaller: so can you think of any other ideas besides formatting the keys?22:43
hatchwe could restrict to a single level of recusion?22:44
hatchnah that could still break the YUI ones22:44
hatchso basically only formatting the keys will help22:44
bcsallerhatch: I think we detect the case and inform the user. I would like to test that you can actually get/set those keys in a core env though22:45
hatchyeah i'm spinning up one right now22:45
bcsallerin which case its really matter of enforcing proper policy that it doesn't work22:45
hatchtakes a long time :)22:45
bcsallerhatch: I suppose we could fork, fix and offer up the charm with s/\./\-/ in the key access22:51
hatchheh - yeah that would probably be the best way22:52
hatchbcsaller: although I wonder if it requires the keys in that format22:53
hatchso we would need to format them again in the charm22:53
bcsallerwe'd have to change config.yaml and the hooks 22:53
hatchright - I mean, I wonder if it uses the same keys to set the values in Hadoop22:53
hatchI Know nothing of how Hadoop works to know if those are valid keys22:53
hatchand of course launchpad is showing the files are empty...22:55
bcsallerhttp://manage.jujucharms.com/charms/precise/hadoop/hooks/config-changed ::170 ish22:56
hatchso yes22:56
bcsallerhatch: well, it looks like it uses the name twice, once in the dot form and once to lookup the juju value, which could change22:57
hatchright, we could change the key value in juju22:58
hatchok I'll update the ticket with this22:58
hatchsee where we are going with this22:58
hatchmostly because it's STILL starting22:58
hatchbcsaller: yuss it breaks on juju-core23:00
* hatch does a happy dance23:00
bcsallerha, good23:00
bcsallerat least my understanding of the world is correct. So we can do a number of things now. Warn in the GUI, warn on the CLI, and warn when we proof/ingest the charm23:01
bcsallerwell, on ingest it would be a fail23:01
hatchyeah ok I'll write this all up in the ticket23:02
bcsallerhatch: it does look simple enough to fix in the wild, but still a pain23:02
bcsallermoring huwshimi 23:03
bcsallerif I could type23:03
hatchmorning huwshimi23:03
hatchahh just call him sashimi23:03
hatchI probably spelt that wrong23:06
rick_h_hatch: what's up? What bug? You working around '.' in something? Charmworld does the escaping/dealing with that usually23:19
* rick_h_ doesn't see a gary email/bug at the top of the email23:20
hatchrick_h_: ttps://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/hadoop/+bug/123436523:20
_mup_Bug #1234365: juju-gui does not give option to pass configure paramter <hadoop (Juju Charms Collection):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234365>23:20
rick_h_hatch: ah, so this is purely on the gui talking to juju side and not around charmworld23:21
rick_h_hatch: nvm, ignore me then23:21
hatchalready done23:21
hatchrick_h_: honestly though, shouldn't charmworld have seen the config options using .'s and failed the injest?23:22
rick_h_hatch: no, we escape the . in storage of mongo and unescape during api calls23:23
rick_h_hatch: as you say in your note, it's valid from the cli and such23:23
rick_h_hatch: it's up to the client to deal with the issue once we've worked around the '.' not being able to be stored in mongodb itself23:23
hatchrick_h_: well no the CLI throws an error if you try to access/set that config option23:23
rick_h_huwshimi: https://code.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/juju-gui/charm-slider/+merge/152418 is the branch that initially added it. I'd search for a branch afterwards that removed the widget from the codebase for the final version23:24
rick_h_huwshimi: well then yea, I'd talk to marcoceppi about having proof blow up in that case and then charmworld would have rejected it23:24
rick_h_huwshimi: and the proof tool will tell the author when they write the charm not to do it before they ever submit/get through any review process23:24
rick_h_sorry hatch ^^23:24
huwshimirick_h_: Thanks for that23:25
marcoceppirick_h_ huwshimi: if proof is missing functionality (hatch ?) feel free to open up a bug against charm-tools with a description. I'm gearing up for a 1.1 release before the cloud sprint and will try to include anything you guys need23:25
rick_h_huwshimi: np, it was in the code for at least a few weeks I think23:25
huwshimirick_h_: haha23:25
marcoceppi(also patches accepted)23:25
rick_h_marcoceppi: so does it sound reasonable/is it known that having config options in the charm with a '.' in the name is bad?23:25
hatchmarcoceppi: ok I will do that, thanks https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/hadoop/+bug/1234365 to see the issue in question23:25
_mup_Bug #1234365: juju-gui does not give option to pass configure paramter <hadoop (Juju Charms Collection):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234365>23:26
marcoceppirick_h_: I'm not awayre of an issue with a .23:26
marcoceppirick_h_: I know that's a problem with charm names23:26
rick_h_yea, that's the rub I guess. hatch so we should dupe that the cli hates charms with a . in a config name, maybe even email the juju list about it, then update proof to check and erorr on it23:26
rick_h_problem goes away :)23:26
hatchoh charmtools is written in python23:28
hatchyeah you wouldn't want me to issue a pr23:28
gary_posterhey hatch thanks a lot.  I read backlog and bug.  looks like you have it in hand.  if you have to go, send me an email to hand off.  If you end up staying up late on this to resolve, send me an email and then take some corresponding time tomorrow23:46
gary_posterI have to go take care of kids and house meanwhile :-)23:46
hatchgary_poster: waiiiiit23:46
hatchsee your email23:46
gary_posterhatch here23:46
hatchi JUST sent a follow-up with Narinder23:47
hatchwould you like me to do the mechanical change and 'hope' it works? or wait for Kapil?23:47
hatchI'm ok with either options23:49
gary_posterhatch ack.  so the mechanical change would be to change the values in config and then try to figure out where the charm consumes the config values and change them?23:49
gary_posterhatch did you verify that juju set fails?23:49
hatchright - it does a sort-of mapping to build the XML config file23:49
hatchyes, it does fail23:50
hatchso I could change the hook to use the new config values and hope that it still works - but like I mentioned in the email, I don't even know what constitutes 'running' for Hadoop so I wouldn't know how to test it beyond a basic juju deploy23:51
hatchI'm sure I could learn, but not in a couple hours haha23:51
gary_postercool.  we should clarify that.  I'll shoot a quick email reply to confirm that.  hatch, how quick would it be for you to make that change?  easy?  or easier for Ben if he is around?  If it's a matter of 30 minutes, you could simply offer a mechanical branch and let Kapil or Narinder know its existence.  They would then see the issue23:52
hatchI could probably do it in <1H if it's simply a case of doing a mechanical change and pushing it back up for someone else to take from there23:52
gary_posterhatch do it, if you are willing.  Thank you.  I will have a reply for you to review in just a sec.  then I really need to run23:54
hatchsure - I'll just need to find where the source is kept23:54
hatchall the files are empty?23:55
hatchjcastro: are you around?23:55
gary_posterhatch they are all symlinks23:55
gary_posterits a common pattern23:55
gary_posterhatch see hadoop-common and ganglia-common23:56
hatchinteresting pattern23:56
hatchok I'll do the mechanical change and then push it up23:56
gary_postercool thabnks23:56
hatchhave a good night23:57

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