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ScottKRiddell: If it's -DPYTHON_LIBRARY, I would tend to suspect our CMake multiarch stuff for python, but I'm not sure.04:31
ScottKRiddell: re libkdcraw: mdeslaur ping'ed me about it on #ubuntu-hardened.  Great place to hang out.04:32
ScottKRiddell: libkdcraw is also released for quantal and raring.04:43
soeegood morning06:16
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RiddellScottK: has anarchy broken lose yet?08:47
Tm_TRiddell: you forget there's states that manages plenty of it all on their own AFAIK08:48
Tm_Tso no, we're not that lucky, yet08:48
apacheloggeryofel, debfx: do we even still use xsettigns-kde? and if not what do we use?09:22
apacheloggerRiddell: what do we do with userconfig bugs now?09:23
Riddellapachelogger: there's a good argument to say we should remove userconfig from the archive09:31
apacheloggeroh we didn't? :O09:31
apacheloggerRiddell: want a bug for that or can you simply do that?09:31
Riddellapachelogger: a bug would be handy09:32
apacheloggerbecause userconfig is not maintained and due to what it does it can very well break ones system09:32
Riddellapachelogger: xsettings-kde is in the active seed and should be removed, we've not used it for a while09:32
apacheloggerwhat are we using now?09:32
Riddellgtk3-engines-oxygen ?09:34
apacheloggerbut how is it set as default?09:34
apacheloggerisn't that what xsettings-kde did09:34
Riddellmm yes09:35
apacheloggerhow ^^09:36
apacheloggerwill have to wait for someone with insight I guess09:36
Riddell  Add gtk2-default-theme.rc.sh back so gtk2 theming doesn't break if09:40
Riddell  xsettings-kde doesn't work09:40
Riddellcommitted by yofel to kubuntu-settings last year09:41
apacheloggerRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/userconfig/+bug/123405309:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 1234053 in userconfig (Ubuntu) "please remove userconfig source and binary from archive" [Medium,Triaged]09:41
Riddellsimilar question is should we remove networkmanagement?09:42
RiddellI'm not sure since I think plasma-nm still is flaky in some use cases09:42
apacheloggerRiddell: then why do we use it? :O09:42
Riddellat least it is with our old networkmanager09:42
Riddellapachelogger: it's better in others?09:42
apacheloggerremove them both and use the gtk thing09:43
apacheloggerit's better in everything Oo09:43
apacheloggerRiddell: I still think networkmanagement should be removed09:44
Riddellapachelogger: ok file a bug for that too please09:44
apacheloggeriff there are deal breaking issues with plasma-nm those should/must/need to be resolved via SRUs09:44
apacheloggerthe solution cannot be 'install old thing and fiddle it into your plasma'09:44
apacheloggerRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/networkmanagement/+bug/123405509:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 1234055 in networkmanagement (Ubuntu) "please remove networkmanagement source and binary from archive" [Medium,Triaged]09:47
apacheloggerwhich reminds me that I wanted to do an rdeps check09:47
apacheloggerRiddell: one gets to wonder whether we should introduce a transitional package though09:48
apacheloggerRiddell: if kubuntu-desktop is not present people could otherwise end up without network manager09:48
Riddellapachelogger: yes that would make sense09:52
ovidiu-florinhello world10:08
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: any feedback from craig?10:08
ovidiu-florinI'd like to be involved in this movement, to learn how it's done10:08
ovidiu-florincould I??10:08
apacheloggerno answer yet, and yes you could do that stuff10:09
apacheloggerit's mostly just filing requests anyway10:09
apacheloggerhttps://sysadmin.kde.org/tickets/index.php?page=tickets&act=add&step=2&did=12 that thing mostly10:11
BluesKajHey folks10:14
smartboyhwSo, no XMir10:17
apacheloggerit's all ur fault10:18
Riddellno love lost there10:18
Riddellhttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=325460#c4  "Can I just say you guys are awesome? I've used KDE with various distributions for years (and with Kubuntu for the last ~2) but never reported a bug until now. I am amazed at how quickly it was acknowledged and came to some form of resolution. "10:18
ubottuKDE bug 325460 in general "Python plugins are unusable" [Major,Resolved: downstream]10:18
Riddellwish we could do that with all the bugs :)10:18
smartboyhwRiddell, agreed10:18
smartboyhwapachelogger, it's other's fault not mine :P10:19
* Riddell blogs http://blogs.kde.org/2013/10/02/kubuntu-beastie-fixing10:21
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: I don't have an account there10:22
smartboyhwTo remind everybody: Community Council check-in is tomorrow10:27
smartboyhw17:00 UTC, #ubuntu-meeting10:27
smartboyhwEr, everybody I think might specifically apply to KC mroe10:28
smartboyhwBut I just saw it on the CC agenda enyhow10:28
apacheloggerRiddell: new user-manager not uploaded yet?10:31
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: identity.kde.org10:32
apachelogger^ global kde login10:32
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: so I should just submit a ticket after we get a responce from craig?10:34
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: ping me first please, so the information is correct ^^10:35
Riddellapachelogger: yeah 0.0~git20130930-0ubuntu1  is in10:35
apacheloggerScottK: the amount of bug reports for synaptiks is scary :(10:36
apacheloggerRiddell: can't change password :S10:36
Riddellapachelogger: sigh, passwords were working fine for me10:36
Riddellapachelogger: user avatars were not10:36
apacheloggerI am still on the july snapshot10:36
Riddellapt-get update is your friend :)10:36
apacheloggerRiddell: that's today's ISO10:37
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: Submit A Ticket -> Git repository request ?10:37
apacheloggerRiddell: ah, 4 hours ago published, nevermind10:38
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: yes10:38
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: but that doesn't go to the same page that you've sent me10:38
ovidiu-florinhttps://sysadmin.kde.org/tickets/index.php?page=tickets&act=add&step=2 compared to https://sysadmin.kde.org/tickets/index.php?page=tickets&act=add&step=2&did=1210:39
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: does for me10:39
ovidiu-florinI don't know how mych that did=12 counts10:39
apacheloggernot sure what it does :P10:39
ovidiu-florinit could be something specific to your acount type10:40
apacheloggerdid is the actual id of the request10:40
apacheloggeri.e. if you open the url without did you get to the selection screen10:40
apacheloggerif you open the did url you get the actual git request page10:40
apacheloggersame thing regardless10:40
apacheloggerRiddell: so, what do we do with jockey v software-properties?10:41
ovidiu-florinthere must be something up with my chrome10:41
Riddellapachelogger: what is jockey v software-properties?10:44
apacheloggerRiddell: jockey is apparently deprected in ubuntu and partially broken (at least no versions are displayed) on our end... and apparenlty on ubuntu the features have been integrated into software-properties10:45
apacheloggerand I smell untranslatable strings in s-p10:47
Riddellapachelogger: really? software-properties only does sources.list surely?10:49
Riddellapachelogger: last we spoke about it jon was going to add to muon but that never happened10:49
apacheloggerRiddell: that's what the bug report says at least10:49
Riddellapachelogger: which bug report?10:50
apacheloggerand l10n alert whooowhoooowhoooowhooooo10:50
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 107837910:50
ubottubug 1078379 in jockey (Ubuntu) "Jockey-KDE doesn't show drivers versions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107837910:50
apacheloggerRiddell: http://i.imgur.com/dSJNvj4.png11:06
Riddellapachelogger: yeah, seb just confirmed the same, it uses ubuntu-drivers-common and soft-properties-gtk as frontend11:07
Riddellapachelogger: so the answer is just to add that frontend on to soft-properties-kde11:07
Riddellapachelogger: but I guess for this cycle our solution is a broken jockey unless we find a quick python coder11:07
apacheloggers-p neeeds review anyway11:09
apacheloggerthe gtk version has no statistics tab anymore11:09
apacheloggerand our l10n of it is broken because for some reason qt ui files are not extracted into the pot11:10
apacheloggerso I am tempted to hide() that tab11:10
Riddellyeah that's fine11:13
apacheloggerbug 123410611:18
ubottubug 1234106 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "qt ui files are not extracted into pot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123410611:18
apachelogger#  Copyright © 2009 Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com>11:26
apacheloggerI totally don't remember working on s-p11:26
RiddellI'm sure it was me who did that, why you steal my glory?11:26
apacheloggerRiddell: Canonical Ltd stole your glory :P11:27
soee4.11.2 for raring ?11:27
apacheloggerthat's the other copyright holder11:27
apacheloggermay be that I ported to qt411:27
apacheloggerwhere is jon the taco11:34
apacheloggerRiddell: that may be evil upstream polkit l10n problem there11:34
apachelogger<- scared11:34
apacheloggerthere's still stuff untralsated11:35
apacheloggerRiddell: so, bug 1234106 needs a resolution asap and I have no clue about either of the involved utils so I can't do anything about it11:37
ubottubug 1234106 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "qt ui files are not extracted into pot" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123410611:37
apacheloggerRiddell: do you still have the l10n statistics of the user-manager snapshot? (shoudl be in the releaseme dir)11:41
apacheloggernot sure if those are not i18n'd or not l10n'd11:41
Riddellapachelogger: http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/user-manager-l10n-0.0~git20130930.html11:43
apacheloggernot l10n'd then11:46
apacheloggerand I think I broke my password11:46
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: have you seen the mail from Craig?11:46
apacheloggerand I am not sure how11:46
ScottKRiddell: Not yet.  Mostly just people being put out of work who've got nothing to do with whatever is going on.11:46
ScottKapachelogger: Sure, but it also works fine for a lot of people and there's no better alternative.  You should convince afiestas to make one.11:47
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: replied11:51
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apacheloggerScottK: so sad, maybe tsdgeos should make that happen, I seem to recall him having experience with touch things ;)11:52
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: I was thinking of a diffferent name for it, but it's his project, so I guessed it's his choice.11:53
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: well, you can always send a mail with other suggestions :P11:54
apacheloggeras you said, it's his project, so I don't care what it gets called11:54
* apachelogger gets headache again :(11:55
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: discard my responce ... I need to set reply to all by default11:55
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: 'a' in gmail11:56
ovidiu-florinsame in kmail11:56
apacheloggerright, so hit a :P11:56
* apachelogger never ever uses r11:56
ovidiu-florinforwarded you his responce12:04
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: ^12:04
apacheloggerdon't see anything12:05
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: now?12:07
lordievaderGood afternoon.12:07
ovidiu-florinhello lordievader12:08
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: ufw-kde then12:08
lordievaderHey ovidiu-florin, how are you?12:08
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: ok12:09
ovidiu-florinI'll start now12:09
ovidiu-florinlordievader: learning all I can12:09
ovidiu-florinlordievader: you?12:09
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: so on the ticket site the repo name would be 'ufw-kde', the pretty name 'UFW-KDE' the initial maintainers 'craig;sitter' and the location 'playground/sysadmin'12:10
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Good luck, I'm doing fine. :)12:11
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: oh and in the description at the bottom mention that if they need confirmation they shall poke apachelogger on irc12:11
ovidiu-florinone line description: A gui for the UFW firewall12:12
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: ^12:12
ovidiu-florinSubject? Add git repo for UFW GUI ?12:13
apacheloggerjust 'git repo ufw-kde' I guess12:13
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: https://sysadmin.kde.org/tickets/index.php?page=tickets&act=view&id=WQN-273112:16
apacheloggercan't see that ^^12:16
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: then, just: Ticket ID: WQN-273112:18
smartboyhwovidiu-florin, I presume that not only the original maintainer will help to squash bugs but you will also maintain it yourself? 12:21
ovidiu-florinI would like to do that12:21
smartboyhwSchedule for today: Now - 21:15: Homework 21:15-22:00 Piano practice 22:00-23:00 Ubuntu Reminders App meeting 23:00 - 06:45: sleep (Hmm, never got such a planned day)12:23
ovidiu-florinshould I apply for developer access?12:23
ovidiu-florinsmartboyhw: ^12:23
smartboyhwovidiu-florin, well, if you are seriously opting to maintain it, yes12:23
ovidiu-florinI would, but, again, I don't know how much time I can allocate to this, since school just started + my jobs.12:25
ovidiu-florinI don't want to be responsible for something if I don't know I can handle it12:26
ovidiu-florinthat's why right now I'mm just watching and learning and doing minor tasks12:26
smartboyhwovidiu-florin, maybe we put it like this: Will you submit code often?12:26
ovidiu-florinright now (for the following few months) no12:27
ovidiu-florinnot often12:27
ovidiu-florinI still have to learn how sone things in KDE work12:27
ovidiu-florinso I'll just stick to the review board for now12:28
apacheloggeroh eh, meh -.-12:31
apacheloggerlocale kcm is still kaput12:31
apacheloggerand user-manager has l10n issues -.-12:33
shadeslayeranyone working on the Raring packages?12:45
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^12:45
Riddellshadeslayer: still to get to it I'm afraid12:46
* shadeslayer checks preciswe12:48
soeeshadeslayer, im w... aiting for Raring packages :)12:58
shadeslayersoee: I think raring should work, except for kalzium12:59
shadeslayerwhich I'll fix in a bit12:59
soeeill wait for fixes, don't want to break my pc here at work13:00
shadeslayeryofel: btw any SSD recommendations?13:00
shadeslayerwe have boost 1.49 as the default in raring correct?13:16
tsimpson!info libboost-dev raring13:17
ubottulibboost-dev (source: boost-defaults): Boost C++ Libraries development files (default version). In component main, is optional. Version (raring), package size 2 kB, installed size 26 kB13:17
Riddellshadeslayer: I'm looking at pykde in raring now13:40
Riddellshadeslayer: yes 1.49 says https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/boost-defaults13:40
shadeslayerI added libboost-python1.49-dev to kalzium build-deps and it still doesn't work13:41
shadeslayeri.e pbuilder fails to satisfy deps13:41
Riddellshadeslayer: on raring?13:42
shadeslayer( I know it says libboost-python-dev,, but I tried it with libboost-python1.49-dev as well )13:44
shadeslayer!info libboost-python1.49-dev 13:44
ubottulibboost-python1.49-dev (source: boost1.49): Boost.Python Library development files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.49.0-3.2ubuntu1 (raring), package size 302 kB, installed size 1211 kB13:44
geniiAfter yesterdays round of updates... Cannot ctrl-alt-Functionkey to any tty from lightdm-kde-greeter14:05
Riddellshadeslayer: looks like you worked it out, just needed the same thing done as 4.11.1 had14:23
Riddellshadeslayer: will you add a script to kubuntu-automation/backport-hooks/stable ?14:23
debfxapachelogger: afaik the gtk theme KCM creates a gtk3 ini file to set the theme name so xsettings-kde isn't use anymore14:25
shadeslayerRiddell: done14:29
Riddelllovely, installing 4.11.2 on raring for a test14:30
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Riddellrunning in Xephr the apps don't show anything, how annoying, probably some issue with the xephyr chroot but how do I confirm?15:09
Riddellec2 it is15:09
shadeslayerRiddell: could you also test precise? my VBox is too slow15:11
Riddellshadeslayer: I'll fire one up15:15
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shadeslayerjono: got a moment?15:44
jonoshadeslayer, on the phone now15:47
Riddellshadeslayer: precise all working16:11
Riddellvnc to  ec2-107-20-106-215.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5901 foobar if you want to try :)16:11
shadeslayercool, no need to vnc in :)16:13
Riddellshadeslayer: and raring good too16:21
Riddellshadeslayer: so time to copy them over?16:22
Riddellyou want the honours or shall I?16:22
shadeslayersure go ahead16:22
cortexA9the daily of today failed to boot16:22
cortexA9with usb key16:23
cortexA9you know ?16:23
RiddellcortexA9: nope, what's up?16:25
Riddellfor asdf in `cat ~/src/kubuntu-automation/kubuntu-automation/kdesc-packages-saucy.txt`; do echo ${asdf}; ./copy-package -s raring -p kubuntu-ninjas --ppa-name=ppa -b --to-ppa=kubuntu-ppa --to-ppa-name=backports --unembargo ${asdf} -y; done16:28
Riddellshould keep it busy16:28
cortexA9it doesnt boot16:29
shadeslayerjono: still on the phone?16:30
shadeslayerRiddell: you know16:30
shadeslayerRiddell: kopypackages16:30
shadeslayerRiddell: kopypackages -a ppa:kubuntu-ninjas/ppa $RELEASE ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports $RELEASE16:31
jonoshadeslayer, nearly done16:32
shadeslayeroh okay16:32
Riddellshadeslayer: ah yes forgot about that16:36
jonohey shadeslayer16:36
jonofree now16:36
shadeslayerheya, PM?16:36
Riddellshadeslayer: kopypackages doesn't seem to do anything16:49
shadeslayerhow are you using it?16:49
Riddell./kopypackages -a ppa:kubuntu-ninjas/ppa precice ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports precise 16:50
Riddellok onto l10n16:51
markeyhere's an update on my C++11 compilation issue: it's not just me16:59
markeythe same errors happen on Mamarok's box16:59
markeyit is a packaging error16:59
Riddelloh could well be but not one we have any experience with, it'll be a general ubuntu issue if it's a distro fault17:00
markeysomething has regressed with an update during the last 4 weeks or so17:01
Riddelllast upload of clang 3.2 at end of august https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/llvm-toolchain-3.217:03
markeyit would fit17:03
markeyI haven't touched C++11 in a while17:04
markeyinterestingly, on apachelogger's computer it works correctly. I think he's using Kubuntu 13.1017:04
markeyClang 3.2.1 I think17:05
markeyso I'll just upgrade to 13.10 tomorrow and hope the problem will fix itself. but I thought you might want to know about it17:07
markeyespecially since C++11 is going to get more real-life usage soon,17:10
markeyas we want to start using it, and I think KDE in general as well17:11
Riddellah so you think it's an update on 13.0417:11
markeya regression17:12
Riddellno obvious candidates on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/raring-changes/2013-September/thread.html17:12
Riddellimpressive how many SRUs are done by Kubuntu team and how few by ubuntu desktop team17:13
markeythe direct feedback we have between developers and distro developers is really valuable. one of the aspects that make Kubuntu a joy to use for me17:14
Riddellmarkey: we try :)17:18
Riddellshadeslayer: good to announce 4.11.2?20:39
ScottKCanonical are using C++11, so I'm sure they do/will care.20:43
* Riddell publishes kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.11.220:45
sneleyellow restart button does nothing when pressed in beta222:39
sneleI mean button which appears is system tray when you install some updates22:40
snelefew times popped up these days, and always when I click on it nothing happens22:41
sneleI don't know against which component I should file a bug22:41

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