
=== ubot5` is now known as ubot5
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DarkPlayerwgrant: is there any reason why ehoovers PPA ( https://launchpad.net/~ehoover/+archive/compholio ) is almost empty for all current ubuntu releases ? I somehow doubt that he deleted all his packages.11:49
cjwatsonDarkPlayer: All the packages that have been deleted from that PPA for recent releases were deleted by ehoover themselves with no reason given.11:54
cjwatsonSee e.g. https://launchpad.net/%7Eehoover/+archive/compholio/+sourcepub/3538775/+listing-archive-extra11:56
DarkPlayercjwatson: thanks for the answer, although i have now more questions than before lol11:57
cjwatsonBut questions for ehoover, presumably :-)11:57
maxbLooks like he's trying to migrate to using launchpad recipes, but hasn't quite made it work yet11:58
DarkPlayeryeah, but deleting all packages doesn't seem to be a reasonable way to do this lol11:59
cjwatsonCertainly not a necessary way to do things.  It may have been an accident.12:00
DarkPlayercjwatson: i never deleted any packages in a PPA, can this be an accident or do you need to manually delete every single package ?12:15
cjwatsonDarkPlayer: By "accident", I mean that perhaps he only meant to delete the failing versions and didn't intend to leave the PPA without older versions of the package.12:16
cjwatsonPerhaps "misunderstanding" rather than "accident"12:17
cjwatsonAnyway, I can only speculate.  You should ask him12:17
DarkPlayerfailed builds shouldn't be shown in the package list anyway ?12:17
DarkPlayerbut thanks, i will ask him when he gets online12:18
dobeyDarkPlayer: failed builds most certainly are, and should be, shown in the +packages view. they simply don't have published binaries, because they failed, so apt-get install won't install the failed one, but apt-get source will grab the source that failed (as it's the latest source in the PPA)12:34
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cjwatsonBuilders on manual for a code upgrade13:01
zygawhat does the 'manual' status mean?13:59
zygaare builders having issues now?13:59
cjwatsonzyga: They're being upgraded14:00
cjwatsonThey'll be back shortly14:00
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vWaveI am getting a OOPS error and can't get past logging in, can someone help?14:06
vWaveI am getting an OOPS error, can someone help?14:15
cjwatsonI'm not sure I'll be able to, but you should start by quoting the OOPS ID.14:15
cjwatsonSince we definitely can't help without that :-)14:15
vWavelets giv it a shot.. the id is OOPS-f2adf2d78a898102427da4ba6d1b416814:16
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
vWaveit occurs right after I hit the logon button14:18
cjwatson    email = removeSecurityProxy(person.preferredemail).email14:24
cjwatsonAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'email'14:24
* cjwatson tries to work out how that can be so14:26
vWaveit has been like that for many months, it said a report was sent to sysadmin to correct the issue14:28
vWaveI want to submit bugs for ubuntu gnome distro, but can't14:28
cjwatsonI see you have a confirmed e-mail address, but no preferred one for some reason14:29
cjwatsonI don't know how that could have happened; it will need to wait until wgrant or StevenK is around, who may know how to fix this14:30
cjwatsonWas this account created directly in Launchpad, or via some other service?14:31
wgrantWhich account?14:32
vWavelaunchpad signup years ago... it used to work14:32
wgrantvWave: What's your Launchpad username?14:32
vWavemy email address?14:33
cjwatsonI /msged it to wgrant14:33
wgrantvWave: Can you try logging in again?14:33
vWavewoohoo it let me in14:34
vWavewhat happened?14:35
vWavethank y'all14:35
wgrantSomeone unsuspended your account incorrectly.14:36
vWavesay whaaaaa14:36
dobeyanyone else noticed that merge proposal diffs on lp seem to be not refreshing?15:23
zbenjaminHi guys20:42
zbenjaminis there a way i can query the lists of ppa subscriptions for a user in the python library? i only can find a link to the archive but not the archive itself20:43
zbenjaminbasically i need a way to get the data from that link: launchpad.me.ppas_collection_link20:46
zbenjaminfound it, nevermind20:54
cjwatsonzbenjamin: In case you found some less optimal way: you can iterate over launchpad.me.ppas21:45
cjwatsonzbenjamin: Although that's a list of the PPAs that user owns, not a list of the ones they're subscribed to.  launchpad.me.getArchiveSubscriptionURLs() gives the latter, but in sources.list format rather than as references to the archive objects.  I'm not sure if there's a good way to get the latter.21:49
zbenjamini'm using launchpad.load(user.ppas_collection_link)21:55
zbenjamincjwatson: ^21:55
zbenjamini'm checking the other one out thank you21:55
cjwatsonThought you might have gone for that.  It'll kind of work, but it's much more cumbersome.22:00

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