
roaksoaxstokachu: after pxeboot id say you need to connect to the image and debug it00:03
roaksoaxtych0: check restart pserv maas-dhcp-server etc00:04
tych0roaksoax: no luck with maas-pserv and maas-dhcp-server00:07
roaksoaxtych0: try restarting rabbitmq-server maas-cluster-celery in that order00:09
roaksoaxthen maas-dhcp-server and maas-pserv00:09
tych0roaksoax: arg, no luck there either. gotta run, though, any other tips are welcome :-)00:11
roaksoaxtych0: vms?00:20
roaksoaxkillbthe vm and start it again00:20
roaksoaxdont just restart00:20
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AskUbuntuProblem with IP Openstack MAAS | http://askubuntu.com/q/35257006:00
AskUbuntuMAAS login error | http://askubuntu.com/q/35257306:00
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
nesusvethello everyone! )07:22
nesusvetNode writes the following massage: juju.state open.go:88 connection failed, will retry: dial tcp
nesusvetI opened the /etc/mongodb.conf file07:24
nesusvetand find out that mongodb port is port = 3701707:24
nesusvetohh sorry, I mean 2701707:24
jtvnesusvet: you may have to ask someone in #juju what that implies first.08:30
jtvJuju runs MongoDB itself.  It may still be a MAAS problem, but the immediate meaning of the error message relates to Juju.08:32
nesusvetthanks jtv08:34
freeflyingcan I add mac address to a commissioned node in maas?08:38
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roaksoaxjtv2: around?12:37
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jtvHi roaksoax12:42
roaksoaxjtv: howdy! so i figured things out so no worries :)12:44
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stokachuis maas-region-controller forcing a preconfigure even if setting non interactive flag in apt?14:48
stokachuim attempting to force non interactive with maas install " apt-get install -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' -f -q -y maas maas-dns maas-dhcp" however the maas/installation-note template is being shown regardless16:26
dpb1stokachu:  DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive in front of all that?16:29
stokachudpb1: yea16:29
dpb1and what about < /dev/null at the end?16:29
stokachuah didnt add that16:30
stokachulemme try with that16:30
roaksoaxallenap: around?16:32
roaksoaxallenap: could you please add maas-maintainers as bug subscriber for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/djorm-ext-pgarray16:32
allenaproaksoax: Sure.16:33
roaksoaxallenap: thanks!16:33
stokachudpb1: sweet that worked!16:37
stokachuthanks :D16:37
dpb1nice.  when in doubt, old shell tricks to the rescue16:38
stokachudpb1: most definately16:38
allenaproaksoax: Where's the best place to see commissioning errors?16:46
roaksoaxallenap: in the image itself16:47
roaksoaxallenap: you'd need to connect to the image16:47
allenaproaksoax: Doesn't it shut down when commissioning is complete?16:48
roaksoaxallenap: you can prevent it from doing so: https://lists.launchpad.net/maas-devel/msg00808.html16:48
roaksoaxallenap: that's why we were requesting a way to store that info in maas and make it available16:53
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allenaproaksoax: That shouldn't be too hard to do now, with built-in commissioning scripts.16:54
roaksoaxallenap: indeed, but I think they do report back to maas16:54
roaksoaxsmoser: ^^16:54
allenaproaksoax: Btw, thanks for your help.16:55
kentbwhich cloud-tools ppa do I need to be connected to to get the latest stable juju / maas packages for precise? Is it "deb http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu precise-updates/cloud-tools main" ?16:56
stokachukentb: yea thats what ive been using17:00
kentbstokachu: ok. cool. thank you17:00
smoserkentb, stokachu, roaksoax uploaded a new maas to saucy yesterday17:04
smoserbut its not into that cloud-tools yet.17:04
kentbok. thanks for the heads up17:04
smoserroaksoax, allenap you should be able to post back results. errors or othereise.17:04
smoserright ?17:04
stokachusmoser: cool thanks17:05
roaksoaxstokachu: we are waiting for approval from the release team17:05
allenapsmoser: Yeah, you can.17:06
allenapsmoser: It's limited to 1MB right now, but we could extend that.17:06
smoseri'd think you shoudl extend it, but that shoudl'nt be a problem.17:07
smoserrealistically, thats a hell of a lot of text17:07
stokachuim running maas in a vagrant-lxc container17:08
stokachupretty sweet17:08
roaksoaxsmoser: how do we enable the use of curtin now?17:20
smosertags i think17:22
roaksoaxsmoser: thanks17:24
kentbso if I wanted to run maas - 1.4+bzr1551 on raring, is there a way to get that?17:38
stokachukentb: if you needed it right now you could use backportpackage17:39
stokachuand just backport from saucy17:39
kentbstokachu: ok. yeah, good idea17:39
stokachukentb: im not sure what maas devs release schedules are like to know when it would land in raring17:40
kentbstokachu: ok. makes sense.17:40
stokachukentb: i would say use this but it hasn't been built yet17:41
stokachukentb: looks like i have access to request builds17:42
stokachukentb: just launched it for raring17:42
kentbstokachu: sweet! thanks!17:42
stokachunp :)17:42
stokachukentb: crap it just does 1.317:44
stokachukentb: i would just use backportpackage then17:45
kentbstokachu: ok17:52
smoserroaksoax, tell me you fixed bug 123169318:44
ubot5bug 1231693 in MAAS "maas-dhcp backport does not start on precise" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123169318:44
roaksoaxsmoser: nope, I thought you were looking at it18:47
smoserwell, i have a fix attached to it. but i was hoping you would hyave picked it up.18:47
smosercan you take a look and see if you have a better idea for how to patch it?18:48
roaksoaxsmoser: looks good to me18:48
smoserk. i'll do a MP. to lp:ubuntu/maas18:49
roaksoaxsmoser: could you please do it to lp:maas-maintainers/maas/packaging?18:49
roaksoaxsmoser: that way It can be solved in the next upload18:49
smoserwhat is the relationship to that and trunk ?18:49
smoseri see18:50
roaksoaxsmoser: packaging trunk is lp:maas-maintainers/maas/packaging18:50
smosertrunk has no debian/18:50
roaksoaxsmoser: let me know when you propose for merging the upstart thing so I can upload a new maas today20:28
smoserroaksoax, i'm working on it.20:29
roaksoaxsmoser: did narinder talk to you about enabling curtin in saucy?20:54
roaksoaxwith the new preseed and stuff?20:54
smoserasked about enabling, yes20:54
smoserroaksoax, i dont think that this bug should exist20:56
roaksoaxsmoser: how so?20:56
smoserdpb1, bug 123169320:56
ubot5bug 1231693 in MAAS "maas-dhcp backport does not start on precise" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123169320:56
smoserbecause current packaging only assumes precise20:56
smoserassumes the behavior found in quantal20:57
smoser(quantal or later)20:57
smoserof isc-dhcp-server20:57
smoserand cloud-archive cloud-tools will only have isc-dhcp-server at that level.20:57
roaksoaxsmoser: right, but also assumes that we would be using the isc-dhcp-server on precise was the same as is on the precise archives (and the CA is backporting a version of isc-dhcp20:57
smoserlook at the current packaging branch20:58
smoserthere is no "if precise" logic htere.20:58
* dpb1 reads scrollback20:58
roaksoaxif [ "$RELEASE" = "precise" ]; then20:58
roaksoax        owner_group="dhcpd:dhcpd"20:58
roaksoax        dhcpd_owner_opts=""20:58
roaksoax    else20:58
roaksoaxsmoser: ^^20:58
smoserroaksoax, where did you see that ?20:58
roaksoaxsmoser: in debian/maas-dhcp.maas-dhcp-server.upstart for saucy (which is what you are backporting to the CA)20:59
roaksoaxsmoser: the problem is that the cloud-tools-next pocket is *also* backporting a isc-dhcp from *saucy*20:59
smoserwhat the hel20:59
roaksoaxsmoser: hence, the upstart jobs goes "if release is precise, I assume we are using isc-dhcp *from* precise"21:00
roaksoaxhence, set owner_group to dhcpd:dhcpd21:00
dpb1backporting is fun21:00
roaksoaxsmoser: but since the cloud-tools-pocket next is providing a isc-dhcp-server that requires ownership to be *root:root* then it fails21:00
smoseri had out of date bzr here.21:01
smoserthe fix that was put in21:01
smoseradding that logic around "if release"21:01
smoseris what actually broke this for us if we had cloud archive21:01
roaksoaxsmoser: not really the logic, because the logic assumes that we are using isc-dhcp *from* precise21:01
smosersince cloud-archive is quantal-style behavior for isc-dhcpd21:01
roaksoaxand the cloud-archive is providing isc-dhcp *from* saucy21:01
smoserbut if they didn't add that logic21:01
smoserthey would have acted like saucy21:01
smoserand worked21:01
smoserbecause cloud-archive isc-dhcp-server is saucy21:02
roaksoaxsmoser: yes, but that logic was added under the assumption that we *will* be using isc-dhcp *from* precise21:02
roaksoaxnot from saucy21:02
smoserand that assumption is wrong.21:02
smoserwe have 2 options21:02
dpb1smoser: didn't your patch change it to a behavior based evaluation, not release-based?21:02
roaksoaxsmoser: not really, it is not wrong because it was the assumption that the fix for client-uids would have landed in precise too21:02
smosera.) code a more complex fix (like shown int hat bug) that accounts for different behaviors of isc-dhcp21:03
smoserb.) do not support trunk maas on precise without isc-dhcp-server > 4.221:03
smoserroaksoax, it would still be wrong there.21:03
smoseras if we backported the client-uuids to precise it would not change the ownershp behavior to saucy/quantal behavior21:03
roaksoaxsaucy/quantal use root:root21:04
smoserand that is waht cloud-archive uses21:04
smoseras it uses saucy isc-dhcp-server21:04
roaksoaxsmoser: correct, but the idea was to backport the minimum possible in the CA21:04
dpb1change the package dependencies, and take out the if clause, is that what you are proposing, smoser in b.)?21:04
roaksoaxso that client=-uids fix would have landed in precise with the appropriate technical board exception21:04
roaksoaxhence, not requireing us to backport an isc-dhcp to the CA21:05
roaksoaxwhich means, that the fix would have worked21:05
roaksoaxthat is the reason why that distiction exists21:05
smoserroaksoax, wrong. the idea is to use ubuntu-current-release versions backported.21:06
roaksoaxbecause there was the assumption that the client-uids fix will land in *precise* (which never did), *and* at the time, we never had the idea that we will have a cloud-tools pocket21:06
smoserah. yeah, so that would be a possbility.21:06
smoserif we want ot support that.21:06
smoseri dont really want to21:06
roaksoaxsmoser: correct, so at the end of the day, I agree that we can drop that from saucy'21:07
smoserthe easiest thing to do is just depend on > 4.2 and say sorry, trunk maas only works on precise with cloud-archive version of isc-dhcp-server21:07
roaksoaxsmoser: correct, so at the end of the day, I agree that we can drop that from saucy's packaging21:07
roaksoaxi was just making sure why this was done that way21:07
roaksoaxso you could understand the logic placed there21:07
roaksoaxsmoser: ok, so let's just drop that21:07
roaksoaxand we should be good to go21:07
smoserroaksoax, funny21:10
smoserit doesn't work anyway21:10
smoseri'im confused on how it workd21:10
roaksoaxit should work21:10
smoserbecause if you try to run this on 12.04 isc-dhcp-server21:10
smoserthen it app-armor fails21:10
smoser[ 6638.305979] type=1400 audit(1380748171.914:45): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" parent=1 profile="/usr/sbin/dhcpd" name="/var/lib/maas/dhcp/dhcpd.leases" pid=16582 comm="dhcpd" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=106 ouid=10621:10
smoserah. no i see m21:10
smosermaas delivers a fix for that and  I didn't have it.21:11
smoserroaksoax, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6185681/21:21
smoserthats my complex patch21:21
smoseri'm way past "have to go now"21:21
smosercould you just disable that "run on precise" logic and fix it?21:21
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
smoserroaksoax, https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/maas/packaging.1231693/+merge/18893221:32

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