
pfifoI think im going to switch to ubuntu and help out with 14.0400:11
XabsterHi, fresh install of 13.10 - sound is not working and I'm a newbie to ubuntu, so where do I start figuring out why?00:41
SolarAquarioni installed gnome 3.10 on ubuntu via a PPA and I would like to know how to revert the changes to unity/gnome00:57
SolarAquarionsounds good01:06
SolarAquarionpfifo, that won't work.  the deps are all fucked up now because gnome 3.1001:12
pfifoI meant format the disk and reinstall ubuntu01:12
SolarAquarionpfifo, how do i save all the stuff I have on my system01:13
pfifodepends on your system, I have a seprate partition for /home so if I do a reinstall nothing needs to be done, i just format the root partition where ubuntu's stuff is01:15
SolarAquarionpfifo, how do i save my /home partition when everything was default01:16
wilee-nileeSolarAquarion, There is a wiki on separating home, and please don't swear.01:26
SolarAquarionwilee-nilee, please link01:27
snadgewheres somewhere i can talk or ask about gnome flashback?04:13
snadgeits not really a general support question.. i could try #ubuntu but :| .. its not really a social topic either04:14
wilee-nileesnadge, #ubuntu-offtopic04:15
wilee-nileesnadge, might worth being aware of. https://wiki.gnome.org/GnomeFlashback04:19
snadgethankyou very much! thats exactly what i was after04:20
snadgeapparently the fedora folk arn't aware of the existence of flashback04:20
jmiteDoes anybody know how to install Steam in Saucy? I've tried the .deb from the steam website, but it can't connect to the network. (I have similar network problems with the netflix-desktop program)04:20
wilee-nileenever heard of it myself, but I was the fallback, google is an easy search04:20
snadgei wonder why the rename? .. perhaps its to distinguish it from gnome classic04:21
snadgethe gnome classic session is part of upstream gnome.. and thats what fedora uses04:21
snadgeflashback is something debian/ubuntu specific04:21
wilee-nileejmite, You using straight internet access no proxy...etc?04:21
jmiteYep, no proxy that I know of. Firefox and Thunderbird connect just fine.04:26
jmiteIt does go through a wireless router... is there a specific port that I'd have to enable?04:26
wilee-nileejmite, Not sure the netflix is through wine steam I have never used, I had netflix for a minute and it worked fine, but not in saucy.04:27
jmiteThis is team native, not steam wine. But yes, netflix is through wine.04:29
jmiteI have  the command line output from steam here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/288004:30
wilee-nileejmite, Not really an area I know a lot about, if it were me though I would be doing this in 12.04 probably for the long term support, then upgrade to 14.04 if needed.04:33
wilee-nileeIn general I use the latest releases including the development but my installs are pretty basic.04:34
wilee-nileeno wine no games just some ppa's04:34
jmiteYeah... it worked fine in 13.04...04:35
wilee-nileeI have W8 for windows stuff mainly just word for college papers, go it cheap with a student discount, I started on open source but W8 is not a bad OS in general, help being a open source user when using it in general I think.04:38
jmiteHonestly, netflix and Steam are the only two things keeping me on Windows.04:39
wilee-nileeHeh, I never used windows, I started on open source, just happened to get a computer for college from a recyclers that kicks out the ubuntu LT's04:41
wilee-nileeI was a linux fanboi for about a minute, they are all OS's to me in the end.04:42
jmiteAnybody else have ideas for my networking issue?04:51
VolkodavI am trying to fix the system from yesterday's failed upgrade from 13.04 in chroot env and managed most of it but ran into this dependency situation with the kernel:  http://pastebin.com/Qivb00E2     Any ideas someone&08:10
Volkodavapt-get install -f  and dpkg --configure -a   gets the same output as in the latest with upgrade08:12
alankilaThere's already a new kernel image. I don't know what's going wrong with your chroot'd update attempt, though.08:17
Volkodavalankila: What's the new one I may try that one08:18
alankiladon't know anything about it, it just arrived when I apt-get dist-upgrade'd08:18
Volkodavhmm let me see08:18
Volkodavalankila: I managed to reboot in old kernel and upgrade from there - all good so far08:57
XabsterOh man, I plunged into the beta with not much experience in Ubuntu or linux in general, and now I'm screwed -- lots of stuff does not work and now I'd like to test a non beta version but the "startup disk creator" application crashes on 41% while trying to make me a live USB of 13.04 :(09:26
TheOnlyJoey|LapXabster, try unetbootin09:28
Xabsterdownloaded it from sourceforge but the file has no extension and i tried sudo sh unetbootin-linux-58509:30
Xabstersays it can't open it09:31
Xabsterwait, think i got it09:32
Xabsternope (i tried making it executable)09:33
Xabsterlibpng12.so.0 missing it seems09:33
Volkodavall my desktop icons disappeared in xfce session along with right click on desktop - anybode else noticed that?09:34
brainwashVolkodav: restart xfdesktop09:36
TheOnlyJoey|Laphmm crap, i have a .xinitrc script that does some essential stuff for my GPU setup, and it works with startx, but it does not seem to work with gdm, .xsession file also does not seem to work09:38
Volkodavbrainwash: it helped thanks09:40
Volkodavsomething is still wrong with icons - they do not open apps even newly created09:48
Volkodavcan't delete them either09:48
Kajoverhi i am using a lenovo t440s... with 13.10 daily as i had problems with the wifi. i just switched from windows and notice that everything opens up rather slowly... browsers, dash etc. i was wondering if maybe the intel hd4400 is not fully supported?10:06
wilee-nileeKajover, just switching from windows to a development release is not the best solution, why 13.10?10:08
Kajoverbecause the haswell chip needs 3.1110:10
Kajovereverything works just fine... its just a bit slower. i am not sure if the intel hd is not fully implemented10:11
Kajoverit wasnt preinstalled by a manufacturer10:11
BluesKajHey folks10:14
seriously_randomDo I need special boot option to enable new radeon power management or is it switched on by default?10:24
Kajoverif i am staying on the daily build will this eventually become stable or will it switch to the daily cycle of 14.04?10:26
wilee-nileeKajover, the daily build is just a snapshot for install you only upgrade if you choose to.10:27
seriously_randomwilee-nilee, that's now what he asked10:27
wilee-nileestable is not answerable, what is it's definition?10:28
Kajoverwill this switch to the stable branch10:28
wilee-nileeits a subjective opinion.10:28
Kajoverto the officially released 13.1010:29
seriously_randomI think the question is if daily build == 13.1010:29
wilee-nileeKajover yes if you update upgrade it is the same as any 13.10 install.10:29
seriously_randomAFAIK, yes10:29
Kajoverif it is going to stay at 13.10 or will it switch to the next daily cycle of 14.0410:29
Kajoveram i going to receive a notification or am i going to go to the terminal and dist-upgrade10:30
wilee-nileeKajover, dailies are just the development up to that day is all, once installed it is only a daily in name.10:30
wilee-nileeno distro upgrades without choosing it.10:30
Kajoverso what do i have to do to switch from this daily to the stable branch, the official release of 13.10 when it comes out?10:31
Kajoveris the software updater going to notify me or do i need to dist-upgrade (terminal) or reinstall?10:32
Kajoveror upgrade with the usb stick in live mode10:32
wilee-nileeKajover, update/upgrade and on release it will be the release, stable is a misnomer it is an opinion, what you think is stable maynot be to others.10:32
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto10:32
Kajoverok thank you. i understood now10:33
brendandwilee-nilee, stable is not a misnomer. 'stable' as in the code doesn't change except by a strictly defined process10:33
brendandwilee-nilee, not stable as in 'won't crash'10:33
wilee-nileethat is your opinion10:33
brendandwilee-nilee, not really - that's what a stable branch means10:34
BluesKajif it crashes it's effectively not stable , definitions or no10:35
wilee-nileetry telling that to those that have problems, the problem is that stable has a different definition for different people. It is to broad a statement, it sounds nice but does not play out that way for everyone.10:35
wilee-nileepeople tweak away, if it was a vanilla install, you might be able to claim stability10:36
BluesKajstable branch is just a name10:36
wilee-nileenot a belief, lol10:36
brendandBluesKaj, yes - a name with a meaning10:36
wilee-nileein yhour mind10:37
BluesKajfor those who wrote the code perhaps10:37
brendandor those who write code full stop10:37
wilee-nileeand code is founds to contain weaknesses, usually in security so you than see updates, nothing is perfect.10:38
brendandnobodies saying it is10:39
BluesKajbred well, ask the guy who uses stable branch that crashes , he foes to #ubuntu for support , ask him what stable means ?10:39
brendandthat's exactly the point i'm trying to make - stable doesn't mean perfect in this instance10:39
brendandBluesKaj, well if somebody has told him it's 'stable' he might assume it means it won't break10:40
BluesKajof course10:41
brendandBluesKaj, so terminology like 'stable branch' shouldn't be used on end-users10:41
BluesKajdoesn't make it so , brendand10:41
wilee-nileethat was my point, the definition of stable is going to vary with users, and should be carefully used as a term10:41
brendandBluesKaj, that doesn't mean as engineers we shouldn't be allowed to use perfectly suitable terminology to describe the point when a code branch is subject to no (or restricted) change10:42
brendandwilee-nilee, officially it is not called 'stable', it's called 'released'10:42
BluesKajperhaps stable branch should be defined on the DL site or documentation , I haven't checked10:42
wilee-nileebrendand, Heh now you are arguing with yourself that is what I said basically, I never claimed any stability anywhere.10:43
brendandBluesKaj, if you find it on any ubuntu.com page please point it out10:43
brendandBluesKaj, use of the term 'stable'10:43
BluesKajlike I said , brendand , I haven't checked10:44
brendandwilee-nilee, i'm really not arguing with myself. my only point was that stable is a term with a particular meaning and it's not an 'opinion' when used properly10:44
brendandwilee-nilee, when used improperly of course it will cause confusion10:45
Kajoveranother question.. where can i set up the fingerprint login?10:45
wilee-nileeI have rarely had a problem with ubuntu since dapper, in my version of reality I could say it's stable, however I don't think of it that way, I just use it.10:45
wilee-nileeto many variables to use stable properly in the real world, in my opinion.10:46
brendandwilee-nilee, i'd prefer to use a term like 'reliable', 'robust' or 'high-quality' to describe that kind of stable10:47
brendandwilee-nilee, there are no alternative meanings with those10:48
wilee-nileeKajover, Not sure, you still enjoying linux, lol. ;)10:48
BluesKaj12.04 had probs with ubquity , and it seems solved by 13.10 , but not for everyone , and it is a mystery10:48
wilee-nileebrendand, The problem is that with any real statistics that are double blind empirical these are just statements, and wont play out for everyone is all. Some will not realize this and have problems, our minds tend to think in dichotomies, it is the area between these two points that have to  be realized.10:51
brendandwilee-nilee, precisely - i hate it when people claim 'reliability' in software10:52
brendandwilee-nilee, eventually you'll be made to look stupid if you make such claims10:53
BluesKajdescritpive absolutes have no place in Linux OSs10:53
brendandBluesKaj, but of course the software has to be promoted somehow, so at some point descriptive absolutes do get used10:55
brendandBluesKaj, i just think 'reliable' is the worst one since that tends to be the hardest to measure and the most likely to proven to be wrong10:56
BluesKajweii. reliable isn't an absolute , that's for sure :)10:57
wilee-nileejust vague enough to be safe, hehe10:58
=== steveire_ is now known as steveire
waldenistaCan anyone use networking? Every time I try to use the sharing option it crashes.13:22
philinuxwaldenista: you might try here too. http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=42713:24
waldenistawill give it a try13:24
waldenistaI know it's beta, so not really complaining13:25
philinuxwaldenista: when you say networking I can see my network shared printer13:25
waldenistaI mean...when I go in Files...click on say Music folder, Sharing Options, Click Share this folder, install service, ...crash every time.13:26
philinuxwaldenista: hang on i'll try and install it13:29
philinuxwaldenista: same here. Sharing service installation has failed. Would you like to retry the installation?13:30
waldenistaHopefully it can get fixed before release13:30
philinuxwaldenista: it's reporting the problem. maybe there's a bug reoprt13:31
waldenistaI reported it also. Hopefully enough people have the issue for them to pay attention. Without this, my 'real' system doesn't get updated.13:32
philinuxhave you a link to the bug I'll me too it13:33
waldenistahold on...13:33
waldenistasorry reported it and told system not to bother me about it again...no link13:34
philinuxcan you remember the title I'll find it13:35
philinuxwaldenista: you could install samba manually from synaptic or terminal13:38
philinuxwaldenista: I installed samba and I can now share folders13:41
waldenistaAlright...please, steps in what you did?13:41
philinuxwaldenista: sudo apt-get install samba13:42
philinuxthe bug must be with nautilus. whats you launchpad username I'll find the bug13:42
waldenistamy username is jmenzie13:44
waldenistagreat now networking works...thanks you so much13:47
philinuxwaldenista: looks like you didn't report it https://bugs.launchpad.net/~jmenzie/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=013:51
waldenistathought I did...anyway for me to still report it or since I checked don't bother me about the bug it's gone13:52
philinuxwaldenista: ok i'll report it then13:53
geniiAfter yesterdays round of updates... Cannot ctrl-alt-Functionkey to any tty from lightdm13:59
BluesKajgenii, that's not good , how do we rescue ourselves in an X bind14:01
BluesKajuse the recovery kernel to get to the root p-rompt I guess14:01
geniiBluesKaj: It's normally how I run apt-get dist-upgrade every day14:04
BluesKajok genii , so you don't bother with the terminal , smaller chance of breakage or ?14:05
geniiBluesKaj: Because I normally run it it like: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade && sudo sync && sudo shutdown -r now  .... so if I do that from Konsole then next boot it complains about all the apps that were open crashing, etc14:06
geniiCould someone else running Kubuntu confirm this behaviour?14:07
BluesKajgenii, sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade , what's the -y do ?14:07
geniiBluesKaj: Answers "Yes" when confirmation is asked about a change14:08
BluesKajgenii, I'll logout and try to get a tty14:08
* BluesKaj nods , thanks genii14:08
BluesKajok , here gors14:08
* genii sips his coffee and ponders bellybutton lint14:15
BluesKajtty login works ok here , genii , kubuntu beta 2 , up to date as of 30 m ins ago.14:16
geniiBluesKaj: OK, thanks. I updated from tty last night about 7pm. Probably something changed in between. I'll do a dist-upgrade from in the desktop then reboot and see14:18
BluesKajok genii , good luck :)14:20
BluesKajgenii, KDE 4.11.2 ?14:24
philinuxgenii: i'd loose the -y as you never know what dist-upgrade will remove. Best to looks see first14:28
geniiBluesKaj: KDE Development Platform: 4.11.2, yes14:54
geniiMy boss keeps coming down today14:54
BluesKajok well work comes first14:56
geniiOk, updates done, back in a bit14:57
geniiOK, works again.15:06
johnjohn101oh no, no mir15:15
BluesKajjohnjohn101, ismir strictly for unity or all ubuntu destops like gnome and cinnamon ?15:24
BluesKajnot kde , we already know that15:25
johnjohn101just the announcement that mir won't be the default in 13.10.  must not be ready with two weeks to go15:26
BluesKajok , still experimental , for the adventurous and testers I suppose15:27
geniiMeh. Firefox choked on some Flash and locked ( not new ). But after closing the browser, won't start again now.16:09
* genii decides to reboot16:16
geniiStill no love from Firefox17:32
waldenistaIn the Dash, the twitter lens does not save the choice of messages only after logout or reboot. In the Music lens. I want all my music to show up not just what I play.17:36
brainwashgenii: does it lock forever? maybe it's just the 45sec timeout for the plugin-container to recover or terminate17:36
geniibrainwash: Forget locking. It won't even start.17:36
genii( even after a reboot)17:37
brainwashtried to start it from a terminal window?17:37
brainwashit may print some error messag(s)17:37
Ian_Corne110,000 miljard koekjes18:33
geniibrainwash: Just (process:2853): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed      and then back to command prompt18:52
trismgenii: looks like https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=83311719:06
ubottuMozilla bug 833117 in Startup and Profile System "Does not disable glib slice allocator with glib >= 2.35" [Critical,New]19:06
trismmight try with: G_SLICE=always-malloc firefox; to see if it starts19:07
trismthough I get the same error in unity but firefox still starts here, so might not be related19:11
geniiInteresting. ps aux shows it but no window comes up.19:13
geniiNeed reboot, back shortly19:14
geniitrism: Works with the environment modified for the G_SLICE, it came up this time after boot complaining about what crashed session to restore .19:26
Sander^LapThanks for putting out the beta of 13.10. It's the only distro which works with my new samsung 9 series with radeon hd 8250/8280g20:58
waldenisataWhere do I post feature request? The icon where you restart you computer, about computer, etc, was red. I had no idea why. finally I clicked on on-line accounts and there was a request for permission. Shouldn't there be a rollover pop up or something so the user don't restart system or think something else wrong.21:32
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=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
pepeesomething got messed up in proposed or something? :/22:51
pepeeapt-get installed lots of packages yesterday (related to gcc and x32), and now it wants to remove lots of :i386 packages...22:52
trismpepee: not a good idea to run -proposed in +122:55
pepeeI know :P22:55
pepeeI'l just update at night, when everything is calm...22:59

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