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TheLordOfTimeanyone here able to approve a bug nomination for a specific release?  Kind of required last I checked.20:39
TheLordOfTimeKind of required in this case *20:39
hggdhTheLordOfTime: which one?20:42
hggdhoh, *approve* -- I am out :-)20:42
TheLordOfTimehggdh, yeah, I can nominate it myself, I need someone to approve20:42
TheLordOfTimeif all else fails, I'll poke -motu and enlist one of them for the job20:43
hggdhTheLordOfTime: SRY?20:43
TheLordOfTimehggdh, Precise-only bug20:43
TheLordOfTimeincomplete, because E: Possibly Invalid Research20:43
TheLordOfTimebut only Precise is affected by it20:43
TheLordOfTimeBug 117058620:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 1170586 in nginx (Ubuntu) "Naxsi package lacking Stub Status" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117058620:43
TheLordOfTimethe data the people are basing that claim on (the wiki page on Debian) is for 1.2.1-2 not 1.1.1920:44
TheLordOfTimehence incomplete and ONLY precise would be affected.20:44
TheLordOfTimehggdh, then i have to check with MOTU to see whether this is feasible to obtain, adding the module to the package via an SRU20:44
TheLordOfTimei don't even know when that module was added to nginx...20:44
TheLordOfTimeso i'm also poking Debian to figure this one out :/20:44
hggdhyeah, I would wait20:45
TheLordOfTimehggdh, only problem is, this bug doesn't affect anything later, and is "Fix Released"20:45
TheLordOfTimebecause those all have the module20:45
TheLordOfTimehence the request to get this marked against Pecise20:45
hggdhTheLordOfTime: adda tag for precise20:45
TheLordOfTimejust went through "Nominate for Series"20:46
TheLordOfTimebut is there such a "precise" tag?20:46
hggdhI would not nominate yet, since we do not even know if it is applicable20:46
TheLordOfTimehggdh, well, i already nominated it20:46
TheLordOfTimebecause force-of-habit20:46
TheLordOfTimethere's another bug that I need Upstream to look at20:46
TheLordOfTimehonestly, I have no idea why they have the naxsi support in it...20:46
hggdhyes, all Ubuntu versions are automagically used as tags20:46
TheLordOfTimeit's always a pain for compiling20:46
hggdhTheLordOfTime: I do not see any nomination there20:46
hggdhI *do* see20:47
hggdhand yes, I could approve20:47
hggdhonce we find out if the stub status module can be used on 1.1.19, and it does not hose the whole shebang20:48
TheLordOfTimethe question I have is different for Debian20:48
TheLordOfTime(1) did 1.1.19 ever have the module in it20:48
TheLordOfTime(2) if it did, which 1.1.19 upload in Debian had it20:49
TheLordOfTime(2b) if it did not, INVALID - Incorrect Research20:49
hggdhwe might have not synced the package, but merged. Look for local changes20:49
hggdhTheLordOfTime: it might also be that this is a configure option. I do not see it in the configure args in the description, neither as explicitly removed or added20:51
TheLordOfTimehggdh, naxsi is weird20:51
TheLordOfTimehggdh, if it was never in the configure arguments but the code was included...20:51
TheLordOfTimethen that's an easy fix20:51
TheLordOfTimeif it was never in the configure arguments because it was never in 1.1.19...20:51
TheLordOfTimethat's a different story.20:51
TheLordOfTimeand before i add it  i'm doing extensive build testing20:52
TheLordOfTimeand probably going to consult with MOTU on this because i'm not certain this is SRU fix worthy... because this adds new functionality20:52
TheLordOfTimeassuming of course debian says it was never included.20:52
hggdhyeah, I know. The thing is if it was in the code, it might be because it requires explicit inclusion (like nginx-cache-purge), or it was ifdeff-ed off20:52
TheLordOfTimewhich, again, will be me consulting with Debian upstream20:53
hggdhindeed, 100% with you20:53
TheLordOfTimei've left the naxsi specific bugs sit there and do nothing20:53
TheLordOfTimebecause not even the Debian maintainers 100% like it20:53
TheLordOfTimeif it were within my power..20:53
TheLordOfTimeI'd not be building the NAXSI packages at all20:53
TheLordOfTimein fact, in the stable PPAs, the last update for Lucid had a customized build which REMOVED the naxsi packages20:54
TheLordOfTimebecause of E: Unresolvable FTBFS20:54
TheLordOfTimebut that's Lucid20:54
TheLordOfTimenot Precise20:54
TheLordOfTime(precise builds without a hitch)20:54
TheLordOfTimehggdh, but unfortunately i'm bound kinda to Debian's call... they have the naxsi packages, we include them, it's out of my power.20:54
* TheLordOfTime has no say in what debian does, but sometimes patches code in Debian because it fixes Ubuntu things :p20:55
hggdhyeahand we thank you for that :-)20:55
TheLordOfTimenginx users might thank me for that20:55
TheLordOfTimepersonally, i want to slap some people20:55
TheLordOfTimebecause some of the bugs is PEBKAC20:56
TheLordOfTimeand aren't really bugs20:56
TheLordOfTimethen there was this weird issue where someone had a custom compilation and filed abug20:56
TheLordOfTimeand i was like "Invalid" because E: Custom Package and Code.20:56
hggdhold problem...20:56
hggdhpeople confuse bugs.lp.c usage20:56
hggdhit is not a support channel20:57
TheLordOfTimeehehehe... then there was the small number of bugs I was able to Won't Fix :p20:57
hggdhand I just checked, indeed lucid to precise was a major version change on nginx20:57
TheLordOfTimehggdh, not to mention, the dependencies had a lot of changes too20:57
TheLordOfTimeso a lot of things wouldn't build :P20:57
TheLordOfTimethat's why I finally said on the PPAs: "Screw it, we're not building for Lucid anymore, you want updated software on Lucid, build it yourself"20:58
TheLordOfTimeand nobody's disagreed with that xD20:58
TheLordOfTimeproblem is...20:58
TheLordOfTimethe PPAs are out of date20:58
TheLordOfTimebecause of E: FTBFS20:58
TheLordOfTime(test ppas show the FTBFS)20:59
hggdhand who maintain these PPAs?20:59
TheLordOfTimethe NGINX team21:01
TheLordOfTimeaka me21:01
TheLordOfTimethe debian/ is from Debian...21:01
TheLordOfTimethe code bumps and fixes for breaks come from me21:01
* hggdh puts up a sad face, and thinks "poor guy"21:01
TheLordOfTimefortunately it works 99.99999% bug free from Debian/21:01
TheLordOfTimeyeah, me.21:01
TheLordOfTimethe poor guy who is pissed off at his computer and the world21:01
TheLordOfTimeand isn't feeling well on top of that.21:02
hggdhnot good. Consider something completely different for a while. I found that porcelain thingies are very good to raise my mental health21:02
hggdhplates are very good. tea  pots not so much21:03
TheLordOfTimewrong "not feeling well"21:04
TheLordOfTimegeneral cold, headaches, sniffles, congestion21:04
TheLordOfTimebut not nausea21:04
hggdhalso (personal experience) having long pants and boots helps on not having unwanted blood spills21:04
TheLordOfTimejust your basic cold is all :/21:04
hggdhno temps?21:05
hggdhi.e., not flu?21:05
TheLordOfTimenope, not flu21:05
TheLordOfTimejust the fever that sometimes comes with a cold21:06
TheLordOfTimebut the fever broke yesterday21:06
TheLordOfTimeso... :P21:06
TheLordOfTimei'm getting better, but not there yet at "better"21:06
hggdhyeah. I sort of know the feeling (but have not had a cold for a few years)21:07
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