=== ejat- is now known as ejat === jono is now known as Guest37503 [05:32] moin [05:38] hey, Tm_T [07:08] good morning [11:40] * dholbach walks over to the office, brb === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [14:38] cprofitt, ping [21:07] jono: do you have access to @ubuntu on twitter? [22:28] nigelb: The four star restaurant in the hotel here is heavenly :P [22:29] we're going to burger bar in sf tonight :d [22:34] I am going to Parcel 104 again the four star in the hotel [22:34] then 8pm bed time so I can wake up early and welcome people :s [22:35] pleia2: is this burger bar good? [22:35] bkerensa: I like it [22:36] and it has a nice view of union square to go along with it [22:36] this is going to be fun! [22:36] mhall119: clearly, when I plan to visit the west coast, everything goes fine with visa/immigration. [22:48] jcastro, marcoceppi: please, see ubuntuonair.com/resources when updating the ubuntuonair page [23:21] jose: will do, thanks! [23:29] nigelb: you're coming over to the US? [23:30] of course, west coast :P [23:30] he's in my town right now :) [23:31] pleia2: nice, try to keep him out of trouble :) [23:32] mhall119: heh, yeah. I'm just a few blocks away from pleia2 :) [23:33] nigelb: what brings you over here [23:33] ? [23:33] mhall119: Mozilla Summit [23:34] ah, nice [23:34] have they hired you yet? [23:35] haha, no new attempts. interestingly, i finished 1 year at okf on the 2nd. [23:35] nice, congrats :) [23:37] yeah, congrats [23:37] man, it seems like longer than that [23:37] thank you! [23:38] it doesn't seem that long for me :)