
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
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smoserhey. roaksoax uploaded maas today to saucy. can I get get an ACK on that to release pocket ?01:44
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NoskcajIs there any way to tell what packages in main are O or RFA in debian?03:30
pittiGood morning03:49
pittiwow, no cjwatson on IRC03:50
stgraberyeah, I suspect his home internet went down again. He disconnected a while back with a ping timeout and hasn't reconnected on IRC or been heard from since.03:57
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* zyga updated bug 1233610 with logs from failed boot06:41
ubottubug 1233610 in mountall (Ubuntu) "boot process hangs very often when NFS shares are used" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123361006:41
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dholbachgood morning07:09
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NoskcajWill ubuntu have a Powerpc image next cycle since Qt5.2 should work on PowerPC?08:06
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rbasakI'd like to pull a delayed upload out of Debian ftp-master.d.o/deferred, but only the .changes file exists. Other packages in that queue have source packages, just not this one. Any ideas? It's subversion in http://ftp-master.debian.org/deferred/09:07
cjwatsonYou'll have to ask the Debian uploader.09:09
cjwatsonOr a Debian ftpmaster09:10
rbasakThanks. Out of interest, why is it different from the other packages there? Is it something the uploader decides? He pasted the patch in the bug, so I can use that. I'm just wondering for future reference.09:12
cjwatsonI don't know09:12
cjwatsonI know of no uploader-accessible control for this09:12
cjwatsonA Debian ftpmaster might be able to figure it out; perhaps it's a bug09:13
rbasakIf you don't know then I figure it's worthwhile asking then. Thanks.09:18
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xnoxrbasak: which package?09:22
rbasakxnox: subversion09:22
* rbasak has asked in #debian-ftp09:23
rbasakcjwatson, xnox: in case you're interested, it was because the upload involved (re-)adding "new" binaries, causing the whole thing to be hidden.10:05
jamespagerbasak, I've got a similar one - http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/python-lesscpy_0.9j-2.html10:05
cjwatsonI'd actually thought of that but I had incorrectly dismissed the idea on the basis that deferred wouldn't yet know about the binaries10:06
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cjwatsonWhich is of course nonsense in Debian10:06
rbasakI wanted it to re-add libapache2-(mod-)svn so the reason I looked is exactly the reason I can't get it. No matter - I have other options, or can just wait.10:06
jamespagecjwatson, I need to pull that new version of lesscpy into Ubuntu Saucy, but its stuck in Debian NEW due to a new binary package10:06
pkerncjwatson: delayed weren't actually dak parsed. deferred is.10:06
jamespageis there a precendent/good way of doing that?10:06
cjwatsonjamespage: ask the uploader for a copy of the package10:07
cjwatsonpkern: Yeah10:07
jamespagecjwatson, and sign and upload that to saucy?10:07
cjwatsonjamespage: Or give an ftpmaster chocolate10:07
cjwatson(Debian ftpmaster that is)10:07
cjwatsonjamespage: Yes.  If it can be fast-tracked into Debian and synced, though, that's better10:07
cjwatsonjamespage: Decrement the version if you upload it to saucy directly10:08
cjwatsonjamespage: i.e. append ~ubuntu110:08
rbasakOh. Does that mean that subversion will also get stuck in NEW after the delay?10:08
cjwatsonThen we can sync the real version later and have it properly linked to the Debian one in the DB10:08
cjwatsonI believe so10:08
cjwatsonAlthough subversion is pretty high-profile so it wouldn't surprise me if it were processed rather quickly10:09
jamespagecjwatson, OK - I can pull it directly from the debian git repository if need be10:09
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ricotzdoko, hello, maybe you remember this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libx11/+bug/1163805 -- i am hitting this building the current libx11 master in a ppa10:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 1163805 in libx11 (Ubuntu Raring) "libx11 ftbfs in raring (building the docs)" [High,Invalid]10:36
dokoricotz, and?10:45
ricotzdoko, sorry, i was hoping you have an idea why this happened/happens?10:51
ricotzdoko, doesnt seem to be a toolchain problem though10:52
dokono. didn't look. it's only one of the outstanding ftbfs10:52
ricotzdoko, i see10:53
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sergiusensjodh, ping11:25
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jamespagerbasak, just uploaded that nagios/apache2.4 cgi fix11:25
jamespage(beat you to it)11:25
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cjwatsonyolanda: openerp-desktop seems to have been uninstallable ever since it was first introduced in quantal, because it depends on openerp-core which doesn't exist.  Could you investigate?12:15
tjaaltondoko: mlankhorst said it could be due to a bug in w3m, and I've requested a sync from debian which has a newer patched revision and the changelog claims it fixes some segfaults12:17
tjaaltonsynced w3m that is12:18
mlankhorstoh perfect12:19
mlankhorstI'll retry the libx11 build then12:19
tjaaltonwell the sync needs to be processed first :)12:19
xnoxcjwatson: openerp-core was attempted to be included multiple times but it was kept on getting rejected (mainly because it's massive and embedds a lot of 3rd party python & javascript projects)12:20
tjaaltonbut i think it should be safe to sync since it's already in testing since august12:20
cjwatsonyolanda,xnox: In that case perhaps openerp-desktop should be demoted to saucy-proposed until such time as openerp-core is in; it's not wrong in itself but we shouldn't expose it to users until it's installable, IMO12:21
mlankhorsttjaalton: lies, I'll just backportpackage it from sid and retry building in the ppa :P12:21
tjaaltonmlankhorst: of course :)12:21
xnoxcjwatson: agree. I kind of gave up on openerp packaging, didn't have spare time and in the mean time it's moved on to a next major series.12:21
yolandacjwatson, i can take a look12:21
xnoxyolanda: are you still packaging openerp?12:22
cjwatsonyolanda: Has the third-party-embedding situation with openerp-core improved significantly?12:22
yolandacjwatson, xnox, i haven't touched openerp since i packaged it first time, i think12:23
yolandacjwatson, what do you mean with third-party-embedding?12:24
cjwatson13:20 <xnox> cjwatson: openerp-core was attempted to be included multiple times but it was kept on getting rejected (mainly because it's massive and embedds a lot of 3rd party python & javascript projects)12:24
cjwatsonyolanda: ^- that12:24
xnoxyolanda: it hasn't made it into the ubuntu archive proper yet https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openerp-core12:24
xnoxcjwatson: hm. bad rename? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openerp6.1 provides openerp6.1-core12:25
yolandawell, they deployed a new version, openerp 7, and it's totally different12:25
xnoxyolanda: shouldn't then openerp-desktop depend on openerp6.1-core instead of openerp-core?12:26
yolandaxnox, cjwatson, correct files are openerp6.1, openerp-desktop and openerp-core are not valid12:29
cjwatsonyolanda: Should openerp-desktop simply be removed, or is it worth updating?12:29
yolandaopenerp6.1-full does the same as openerp-desktop12:29
yolandaso openerp-desktop can be removed12:29
rbasakjamespage: thanks!12:29
cjwatsonyolanda: OK, for tracking, please file a bug on openerp-desktop with reasoning, and subscribe the ubuntu-archive team12:30
cjwatsonsconklin: I may have to cancel some of your PPA kernel builds for a buildd upgrade happening soon.  If I do then I'll retry them afterwards12:38
cjwatson(I don't recall whether you get mailed about cancelled builds)12:38
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zygaslangasek: hey12:58
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smoseranyone know how to run the test suite for software-properties ?13:19
smoserin https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/software-properties/shortcut-refactor/+merge/188500 i've busted something, but i can't get it to run13:20
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pittismoser: hm, that seems to be the correct command; the autopkgtest uses exactly this and succeeds (https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-software-properties/)13:51
smoserpitti, i'm embarrased to ask. but is there a way for me to run the same stuff sans the vm launch ?14:03
cjwatsonThere's an LXC runner somewhere in the pipeline14:04
cjwatsonOr you can do it with adt-virt-schroot but you don't get network isolation14:04
pittismoser: no, I meant to say "python setup.py test" is supposed to just work14:05
pittismoser: (and it does here)14:05
pittiapt-get source, python setup.py test, success14:05
pittismoser: same with sudo (it skips some tests as non-root)14:06
sconklincjwatson:  I didn't see any email. This is a production week for us, what are the time frames for canceling/retrying the builds?14:06
cjwatsonsconklin: I already retried them14:06
cjwatsonso they should restart within a few tens of minutes14:07
sconklinack, thanks14:07
cjwatsonsorry but it's impossible to have the build farm entirely clear and I've been trying to get hold of a sysadmin for this upgrade since Friday ...14:07
smoserpitti, ok. so i'm doing something really stupid then,14:07
smoserapt-get source software-properties.14:08
smosercd software-properties-0.92.2614:08
smoserpython setup.py test14:08
dobeysmoser: missing build-depends?14:11
smoserdobey, no. i have them.14:13
cjwatsonsconklin: Of the five builds in question, two built before the upgrade, two are building now, and one is due to start in 8 minutes.14:14
sconklincjwatson: ack, thanks14:15
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zygaslangasek: around?14:18
larsudoko: hi! how are you? I've just found a gcc regression and hear you're the one who cares about them :)14:23
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dokolarsu, just one?14:24
larsudoko: haha ya. I've just found the list of regressions online. Crazy!14:25
larsudoko: what do you advise? File an upstream bug?14:25
infinitysconklin: FWIW, I mentioned the upgrades in another channel you're in a half hour before you poked Colin. :P14:25
dokolarsu, well, a launchpad bug first please14:26
sconklininfinity: fwiw I'm in a number of channels and unless you type my nick, I probably won't see it14:26
larsudoko: will do14:27
smoserok. i'm clearly doing *something* stupid (this is nothing new).14:28
smoserI run this on a fresh cloud instance (saucy)14:28
smoserout.log looks like this:14:28
smoserwhich is exactly what i'm seeing here.14:28
smoserpitti, ? anyone. i' realize i'm  probably doing something terribly stupid, but i'd appreciate someone pointing it out ot me.14:29
smoseri'll also note that 'test_lp' likely references 'tests/test_lp.py'14:30
infinitysmoser: Well, it kinda looks like the build-deps don't include the packages required to run that test.  Just sayin'.14:30
smoserinfinity, so then adt-pkg-test is doing something else to fix it .14:31
infinitysmoser: Well, the adt test installs software-properties itself.14:32
infinitysmoser: (And, in fact, all the packages produced by the source)14:32
infinitysmoser: Which, in turn, depends on all those missing modules.14:33
smoserinfinity, thank you.14:34
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smoserinfinity, ugh. so14:39
smosersudo apt-get install python-software-properties python3-software-properties software-properties-common software-properties-gtk software-properties-kde14:39
smoserdid not solve my problem.14:39
infinitysmoser: You still get all the same failed imports?  Really?14:41
smoserinfinity, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6184127/14:43
pittismoser: do you actually have tests/test_lp.py?14:44
smoser$ ls -l tests/test_lp.py14:44
smoser-rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 3945 Jul 30 11:48 tests/test_lp.py14:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 3945 in Launchpad itself "Support debtags in Launchpad for products and packages" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/394514:45
smoseri suspect that the issue is the name 'tests' is conflicting with something else14:45
smoseri'll let anyone interested in helping into the node to poke around14:45
smoserbut this is what i've done http://paste.ubuntu.com/6184138/14:48
smoser(recently aded the install of packages)14:48
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rbasaksmoser: is this a namespace conflicts that needs a from __future__ import absolute_import? I've not looked in detail at all - it just has a whiff of that.15:41
smoserrbasak, i'm not familiar with that. but i do think its a namespace conflicts.15:41
rbasakI'm not sure what you're doing, but when you mentioned the name "tests", it makes me suspicious.15:42
xnoxsmoser: python3 setup.py test ?15:47
xnoxvs python2....15:47
smoserxnox, same thing actually. almost identical15:48
xnoxunless you have tried that already.15:48
sil2100Hi again! Anyone from the SRU team free for https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1043627 analysis? Thanks!16:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 1043627 in nux (Ubuntu Raring) "[SRU] Add XIM Support to Nux" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:15
zygajodh: ping16:25
jodhzyga: hi16:25
zygajodh: is there a way to peek at, say, signal data intercepted via upstart-dbus-bridge?16:26
jodhzyga: upstart-monitor16:26
zygajodh: I want to capture network manger StateChanged signal and trigger some scripts when that happens16:26
zygajodh: I mean in the job file16:26
zygajodh: can it go to a variable or something like that16:26
jodhzyga: it already does: man dbus-event16:27
zygathanks, let me check those!16:27
zygajodh: so I should use ARG0... ARGN to filter on the values packed into the signal I want, correct?16:31
jodhzyga: yes. Note that only bools, ints, strings and object paths are encoded though.16:33
zygaok, that's good enough16:33
zygaI guess this will work16:33
zygaI'll show you what I did in a second ^_^16:33
zygajodh: I cannot see dbus events with upstart-monitor, do I need to do something to be able to see them?16:44
zygajodh: and related to that, can I inspect ARG0 in my script section? or is that just for event matching?16:45
xnoxzyga: try --system bus?16:47
jodhzyga: ah - you need to actually create a job that specifies "start on dbus" since otherwise the upstart-dbus-bridge won't bother proxying the signals into upstart as events. You can change that behaviour if you wish by running the bridge with '--always'.16:47
zygaah, thanks16:48
zygayeah, I thought that, I'm just writing my job and it wasn't ready to be placed there16:48
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zygajodh: do I need to restart something for upstart-dbus-bridge to notice that I'm using dbus stanza? I just don't see any events (on dbus side)17:23
zygajodh: alternatively, do I need to specify each field (including SENDER?)17:23
zygaI'm dumb17:25
zyga'dbus' vs 'start on dbus'17:25
zulmterry:  ping cherrypy3 should be good to go https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cherrypy3/+bug/122977817:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 1229778 in cherrypy3 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] cherrypy3" [High,Incomplete]17:39
mterryzul, will look in a bit17:43
mterryzul, thanks17:43
zulmterry:  thanks17:43
mterryzul, approved, thanks so much17:50
zulmterry:  thanks17:51
zygaupstart-dbus-bridge CLOBBERS PATH18:40
zygaI know why but it just sucks18:40
stgraberzyga: this got fixed with the last upload18:57
stgraberwhich is apparently stuck on autopkgtest...18:58
zygastgraber: oh, so what is it being set to now?19:07
stgraberzyga: OBJPATH IIRC19:08
zygastgraber: does it change how matching is done as well?19:09
stgraberok, just confirmed, it's indeed called OBJPATH now so you'll need to change your start conditions to use that (if you were filtering on PATH= before)19:09
zygastgraber: thanks, since that's an incompatible change, is this announced/documented somehow?19:10
stgraberzyga: sorry don't have much more details, I just noticed that when going through the package uploads this morning19:10
stgraberzyga: I don't think so, the documentation was updated (manpage) but that's apparently about it...19:10
slangasekzyga: not advertised widely, following the principle of "if you were relying on the previous behavior it didn't work anyway for obvious reasons"19:12
zygaslangasek: well, I just patched DBUS_PATH=$PATH; PATH="..."19:12
* zyga suspects that dbus-file-bridge is broken :/19:12
slangasekzyga: why's that?  It's being used successfully in various places19:16
zygaslangasek: first, it sends create event for reasons beyond my understanding if the file already exists there19:16
zygaslangasek: second, it does not seem to send modify event when the file changes, but this might be just me doing something wrong (still checking)19:17
zygaslangasek: and I suspect that it's not looking at jobs being redefined, do I need to restart the machine for upstart to note that my job uses 'file' ?19:18
slangasekzyga: expected behavior, if the file exists when first started you get an initial notification of its existence as a 'create' event19:19
zygaslangasek: ah, then it must have eluded my reading of the man page19:19
slangaseklooking at jobs being redefined> you mean, the file bridge detecting that a job definition has changed?19:20
slangasekI think that's supposed to work19:20
slangasekyou don't have any overlayfs in the mix, do you?19:20
zygaslangasek: nope19:20
zygaslangasek: nothing fancy, just stock 13.1019:20
slangasekzyga: wrt bug #1233610, it would be interesting to know if this is reproducible with the nfs-common from quantal19:30
ubottubug 1233610 in mountall (Ubuntu) "boot process hangs very often when NFS shares are used" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123361019:30
zygaslangasek: I'll try, is this in backports?19:31
slangasekzyga: 1:1.2.6-3ubuntu2 fixes a bunch of race conditions; the intent is to SRU it into precise now that mountall has cleared the SRU queue, but I haven't had a chance yet19:31
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slangasek(cf. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/nfs-utils/)19:32
slangasekzyga: not in backports, and shouldn't be; best bet for testing is just to manually install it19:32
zygaslangasek: ok, I'll give it a try19:43
slangasekzyga: the filesystems not being correctly tagged 'remote' also looks like a mountall bug, possibly one that's been fixed in saucy only; so if quantal nfs-common doesn't fix it, you may want to test with the newer mountall too19:46
zygaslangasek: thanks, I'll try both19:56
zygaslangasek: as for upstart bugs, I suspect that I'm either not using dbus syntax correctly or that dbus events are simply not ever forwarded, the only case that I see, is when I run upstart-dbus-bridge --always manually19:56
zygaI'm using this:19:57
zygastart on dbus INTERFACE=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager PATH=/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager SIGNAL=StateChanged19:57
slangasekzyga: so still using PATH= ? maybe you want to upgrade to a version that uses OBJPATH, to be sure20:00
slangasekzyga: is this a system-level job or a user-level job?20:00
zygaslangasek: system level, let me upgrade to check if that changes20:01
zygaslangasek: hmm, upstart is not in my upgrade list, is it still in some other place -proposed/20:07
stgraberzyga: it's still in -proposed due to failing autopkgtest20:08
zygaah, right20:08
slangasekstgraber: is the ADT failure the same as bug #1089159?  Seems hard to check now, since the jenkins frontend is currently unhappy20:18
ubottubug 1089159 in upstart (Ubuntu) "ADT test-suite failure" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108915920:18
stgraber...with missed reboot in utmp file20:21
stgraberBAD: wrong value for utmp->ut_tv.tv_usec, got unexpected 48730120:21
stgraberat tests/test_utmp.c:990 (test_write_runlevel).20:21
stgraber/bin/bash: line 5: 15378 Aborted                 (core dumped) ${dir}$tst20:21
stgraberFAIL: test_utmp20:21
stgraberslangasek: ^ that's the current failure20:21
stgraberslangasek:,label=adt/81/console works here (QA VPN)20:23
stgraber(works as in, I can access the page showing me the test failure)20:23
zygaso, new upstart installed20:24
zygastart on line changed to...20:24
zygastart on dbus INTERFACE=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager OBJPATH=/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager SIGNAL=StateChanged20:24
zygaand still nothing in upstart-monitor or in a log (I just log all instances of this job being started)20:25
zygastgraber: remeber when I reported that on 12.04 pastebinit has '/usr/bin/env python' and sent a patch to fix that20:33
zygastgraber: it's still broken on saucy :/20:33
zygastgraber: you said you have a python3 version handy that fixed that20:33
zygaslangasek: so about dbus-upstart-bridge, with this job, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6185493/ I see nothing in upstart-monitor, either docs are wrong or this just dones't work20:35
stgraberzyga: I do, in a branch somewhere, I should probably look into that at some point... pastebinit is one of those, couple hours a year kind of project for me (since it mostly just works)20:35
zygastgraber: yeah, I know how that feels20:35
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stgraberzyga: the python3 branch is basically a rewrite to drop configobj and use much cleaner, readable python, though so far I haven't found the time to finish it...20:35
zyganow if I start upstart-dbus-bridge --always I do see events, smells like a bug IMHO20:35
zygastgraber: cnf feels exactly like that20:36
stgraberzyga: also, I usually hack on my personal project on the plane when traveling which doesn't work too well for pastebinit as most of the pain is interfacing with all the random servers :)20:36
zygastgraber: do you think it's possible to land that fix I sent you?20:36
zygagrepping dbus in /etc/init shows that nothing is using this feature (start on dbus)20:37
* zyga files a bug on upstart20:37
mlankhorstcan someone drop libx11 from proposed? there's a bug in w3m somewhere which causes a FTBFS for the documentation, no idea how to workaround it yet :/20:40
mlankhorsttempted to just drop the .txt documentation20:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 1234393 in upstart (Ubuntu) "upstart-dbus-bridge never forwards events without passing --always" [Undecided,New]20:42
stgrabermlankhorst: just upload a fixed package, no need to remove it from proposed20:44
mlankhorstI have no idea what the fix is yet :/20:44
* zyga calls it a day20:45
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slangasekstgraber: so I haven't wrapped my brain around what that test failure means... is that something you have time to dig into yet today and get upstart unstuck?20:47
slangasekzyga: I have no hands-on experience with the dbus bridge, sorry20:47
slangasekzyga: bug report is best :)20:48
stgraberslangasek: kinda busy trying to finish the sourceforge -> github migration for LXC upstream (big backlog of patches). I may look into upstart later tonight if I find some time though. (I suspect xnox or jodh may be way more efficient at figuring that one out, though I agree it'd be better if we could have it fixed before the UK morning)20:54
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