
=== FourDollars_ is now known as FourDollars
xnoxTheMuso: i'm thinking on exit, reset the keys to their default values?08:17
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sloweQuick question: is it normal/expected for a local network install via HTTP to change /etc/apt/sources.list to show only the internal HTTP server?19:31
infinityslowe: sources.list after a network install will always be populated with the server you installed from, yes.20:01
infinityslowe: (Unless you pre-seed a different mirror)20:01
sloweinfinity: Pre-seeding with an external mirror pulls the files from the external mirror, defeating the purpose of installing locally, yes? Any workarounds other than replacing sources.list after install or setting up your own local mirror?20:02
infinityslowe: I think there's a way to preseed what apt-setup will do after the initial install, but I could be wrong.  I'm not a preseed wizard.  A next best option would be a late_command that twiddles sources.list20:04
GrueMasterTwiddling sources.list is how I used to deploy systems with a netboot install.20:24
GrueMasterVery simple to do.20:24
sloweGrueMaster: Thanks, I'll look into it. Much appreciated.20:37
sloweinfinity: Thanks for your help. I'll have a closer look at using a late_command to modify sources.list as you (and others) suggested. Appreciate the help.20:38
TheMusoxnox: Yes that would be acceptable.22:37

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