
=== jono is now known as Guest37503
=== FourDollars_ is now known as FourDollars
=== ricmm_ is now known as ricmm
dholbachgood morning07:09
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
=== naz is now known as nazriel
=== _salem is now known as salem_
F014Meanwhile in NYC - http://www.theawl.com/2013/10/new-york-city-october-1-201320:33
=== F014 is now known as SMP-NYC
SMP-NYCAny Admins here ?20:34
SMP-NYCTrying to figure this tweet out for this #channel     etc .. - https://twitter.com/UbuntuOnAir/status/38547559410620825620:34
SMP-NYCSergioMeneses: Are you an admin ?20:40
SergioMenesesSMP-NYC, no, I am not20:41
SMP-NYCWell how do I ping an admin here ?20:42
SMP-NYCmhall119: ping .20:55
SMP-NYCjono: ping20:56
SergioMenesesSMP-NYC, I think jose and jcastro are admins20:57
mhall119SMP-NYC: pong20:57
SMP-NYCbrilliant .. mhall119 ..20:57
SMP-NYCIf you see my message on this #channel from 20 minutes ago .. I se av problem .. Can u look into it ?20:58
SMP-NYC**see a ...20:58
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
josenot my fault, blame jono.22:14
SMP-NYCjose: Your the guy with the admin priveldges , is that right ?22:21
joseSMP-NYC: I am, and also the one who replied to one tweet on the account22:21
SMP-NYCok .. I'll check it now . thank-you .. having coffee atmo. ..22:21
SMP-NYCjose: So it was an 'automated tweet ' ?   Isee ..22:22
joseit is22:23
SMP-NYCWhy don't you 'add' the twitter address to the about page on youtube ?22:23
SMP-NYCthere are only like 60 followers ?22:23
* SMP-NYC really want to help !22:23
joseSMP-NYC: will do, thanks :)22:24
SMP-NYCjose .. I know it's not supposed tobe in exact parity .. but is there a reason why you don't follow anyone on twitter .. it looks v. odd for an 'open' community like Ubuntu .. ??22:25
SMP-NYCjose, Wow .. you are eagerly young in years .. but keep going ! +122:26
SMP-NYCi will follow you ..22:27
SMP-NYCok done it.22:27
joseSMP-NYC: it's actually because people will start requesting followers and we'll get some spam in, but I don't find it very necessary since that account is only for those automated tweets22:27
josehaving followers would make no sense22:28
joseand yeah, I'm 16 years old.22:28
SMP-NYCnice if you could do the same :)  .. I'm on the hangouts all the time .. and I could tel you if everything is broadcasting properly etc .. :)22:28
SMP-NYCwow 25K tweets .. I only have 2/300 .. I have some catching up to-do .22:29
* SMP-NYC bows to a superior tweeter <bow>22:29
SMP-NYCDid you get this from oatmeal ? https://twitter.com/JoseeAntonioR/status/30655877118912512222:30
joseSMP-NYC: nope, bought it myself, and I'm trying to get the newest book signed22:31
SMP-NYCoh ok . Do you folow things like :: http://theoatmeal.com/blog/tesla_museum_saved :: as a website ?22:31
SMP-NYCYur from a diff. part of the world .. S0 I'd like to know what you are into for info - tainment .. ???22:32
SMP-NYCjose: Just sharing favourite bookmarks with you .. etc . (if you have any great website you like , perhaps not , ; oh well .) .22:37
joseoops, caps fail22:37
SMP-NYCIf you look at this tweet I used specialised fonts .. THAT's my level of twitter .. https://twitter.com/3rdwiki/status/373198126569361408  .. my caps fail too ;)22:37
josebasically the oatmeal + omg22:37
josewell, gtg, studies are calling22:38
SMP-NYCjose , ok .. Look at my QnA on uupc sometime .. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkOvOzKSxcc&feature=share&t=1h1m35s22:39

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