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pittiGood morning03:51
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pittithomi: hey Thomi, how are you?04:04
thomihey pitti04:05
thomipitti: spent all day bashing my head against this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/123394404:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1233944 in Mir "Unity8/Mir is unable to open autopilot uinput devices" [Critical,New]04:05
thomiabout to hand it over to the european contingent...04:05
pittithomi: ah, I'll have a look today04:06
pittithomi: but /dev/input/eventX != uinput04:06
pittithe latter has its own udev rule for permissions04:07
thomipitti: sure, the bug title may be a bit misleading04:07
pittithomi: I wanted to ask you for a quick opinion about DanChapman's GTK emulator branch04:07
pittithomi: (already pinged yesterday)04:07
thomiahh, I saw that go by, I'm a bit conflicted about it TBH04:07
pittithomi: my gut feeling is that we should put them into lp:autopilot into some autopilot.emulators.gtk submodule, instead of replicating an entire second python build system and packaging in libautopilot-gtk (that would need another binary package either way, though)04:08
thomipitti: my concern isn't where to put them. I worry that we're basically creating two separate APIs, which will be confusing04:09
pittithomi: how do you mean?04:09
thomiI think I'd rather see us improve the existing autopilot API for *all* UI toolkit backends, rather than improve it for Gtk only04:10
thomi"enter_text" method for text entry widgets... well, why not extend the keyboard instead (we actually already did that, but the example proves my point I think)04:10
pittithomi: ah, I didn't even get that far with code review yet04:11
pittiso, replicating the generic click() methods and the like certainly sounds redundant04:12
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pittii. e. I don't really understand why we need so many wrappers04:12
thomiso I think a good thing would be to see what ideas are applicable to all of gtk/qt/unity, and apply those in autopilot 1.404:13
pittiI do see why it's useful to have emulators for GtkFileDialog and some standard bits04:13
thomipitti: agreed04:13
pittiwhere it's nontrivial to pick out particular buttons etc.04:13
thomiand obviously those things are going to be specific to each ui toolkit04:13
pittiGtkTreeView._item(self, labelText) also seems highly useful04:14
jibelGood morning05:00
pittibonjour jibel, ça va ?05:01
jibelbonjour pitti, ça va et toi? More manual phone testing for me today :/05:02
pittijibel: un peu fatigue, mais j'attends avec impatience le long week-end à Lyon05:03
pitti(pour le mariage de Didier)05:03
jibelpitti, ah great! I didn't know you were going. Have you been there already?05:05
pittijibel: no, that will be my first tiem05:08
pittijibel: last time I stayed at Didier's he still lived in Paris05:08
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DanChapmangood morning all05:52
pittihey DanChapman, good morning05:55
DanChapmangood morning pitti, thanks for finishing the review I'm just reading through it now :-)05:56
pittiDanChapman: not quite finished yet05:56
pittiDanChapman: I had a quick chat with thomi this morning about the structure, I gave a summary in the MP05:57
pittionce this gets simplified, I think we can put the remaining emulators into ap itself, and generalize the enter_text() bits etc.05:57
DanChapmanpitti, ok cool thanks. I will start trimming it back. Ive left a comment on the MP if you could take a look for me.06:58
pittiDanChapman: so you are saying the two lines of code that you have for getting the second GtkTreeView would work with your branch, but not with current AP?07:05
pittiDanChapman: it certainly should work with AP, if not that sounds like a general bug07:05
pittiDanChapman: I mean, the solution certainly cannot be to duplicate the entire Gtk/Qt API with stub classes for emulators? there must be something better07:06
DanChapmanpitti yeah it will only work if there is a stub class.07:10
pittiDanChapman: how does it fail without? The class names should be exported by ap-gtk?07:11
DanChapmanpitti, let me get output for with and without so you can see :-) It says something like Class Gtk*  has not attribute * without the stub.07:15
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DanChapmanpitti http://paste.ubuntu.com/6182845/07:26
pittiDanChapman: I'm afraid that's a question for Thomi, i. e. how to make it possible to create an emulator for one particular class only07:28
pittiDanChapman: so you mostly created those stub classes so that everythign gets an emulator, to work around that bug?07:29
pittiat least now I understand the motivation :)07:29
pittiDanChapman: can you please explain this in the MP, so that it doesn't get lost on IRC for thomi?07:30
pittielopio: hey, how are you?07:48
DanChapmanpitti, sorry had to take my son to school. Yeah i had to create the stubs to workaround the issue, i didn't realise it was a bug at the time. I'll explain it all in the MP now08:55
pittiDanChapman: thanks; as I said, I'm not entirely sure how emulators work, whether they should indeed be this "I magically replace this class" thing or whether they need to be wrapped around the AP objects manually09:05
knomepitti, hey09:05
pittihey knome09:05
knomepitti, i see you're mentioned in bug 1231978, is it possible it's a regression that's related with something you changed lately?09:06
ubot5bug 1231978 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "Thunar 1.6.3 locks when browsing Trash with Xubuntu 13.10 Beta 2 and following dailies" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123197809:06
knomeapparently that's not thunar only, but other file managers as well09:07
knomeit's a relatively nasty bug, so if you'd have any idea why that might be happening..09:07
pittiI saw the bug, yes; there was a new upstream microrelease around that time09:07
* pitti looks at https://git.gnome.org/browse/gvfs/log/09:07
pittiknome: replied09:11
knomeok, cheers, i'll get that test done ASAP09:12
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slickymastermorning all09:22
Noskcajhey slickymaster09:23
DanChapmanhey slickymaster09:23
NoskcajDanChapman, Any progress on testdrive? Or autopilot for ubiquity09:24
slickymasterHey DanChapman, Noskcaj09:24
knomepitti, i don't seem to be one affected by that bug, so can't confirm if the older version fixes :/09:28
om26ercould anyone confirm bug 1234051?09:35
ubot5bug 1234051 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "timezone settings are reset on reboot" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123405109:35
om26erbug 123405109:35
om26erjibel, ^09:35
jibelom26er, sorry, my device is not in a suitable test to verify this bug at the moment. But I'll confirm later if nobody beat me to it09:38
om26erjibel, ack09:38
DanChapmanNoskcaj: Hey the ubiquity tests are coming along now. Should have new ones finished later today/tomorrow and should work for any flavor (minus kubuntu) and any locale.09:43
NoskcajDanChapman, Awesome, great work.09:45
DanChapmanpitti, so change copyright to "Copyright (C) Canonical Ltd 2013"?09:46
DanChapmanNoskcaj: thanks :-)09:47
pittiDanChapman: right (but that's more like a finishing touch, don't worry about these small bits too much :) )09:55
davmor2Morning all10:03
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elopiopitti: hello.11:28
elopioI'm about to leave to the gym.11:28
elopiocan I help you quickly, or can you wait 1.5 hours?11:29
elopiooh, sorry. I misread "are you here" instead of "how are you" :D11:32
elopioI'm great, a little asleep still :)11:32
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pittielopio: no hurry; enjoy the gym!11:38
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elopioI'm back, but I need to leave again because I'm stupid when I get up this early. I should stop doing it :)13:24
elopioI forgot I had to take the motorcycle to the mechanic.13:25
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jfunkelopio, ping14:30
jfunkcgoldberg, ping14:30
cgoldbergjfunk, pong14:37
jfunkcgoldberg, how Is testing click GOING?14:57
jfunkpardon the caps lock14:58
cgoldbergjfunk, good.  i evaluated what exists for unit tests... and I found some issues in the Autopilot tests (they don't work)14:59
cgoldbergjfunk, how should I deal with the broken AP tests.  try to implement/fix them myself... or just file a bug?14:59
jfunkcgoldberg, are they broken with Mir on, or were you testing with Surface Fliger SF?15:00
cgoldbergjfunk, broken period.  I don't see how they ever ran with the current code15:00
cgoldbergim referring to click-update-manager15:00
jfunkcgoldberg, hmm, do you know whether or not the tests are in the CI15:04
jfunkthey must have been removed15:05
cgoldbergjfunk, i'm not sure.. if they are, they are failing15:05
jfunkright got that15:05
jfunkcgoldberg, so, at the moment, all eyes are on mir, click packages, system settings and multi media  (mir should be on for the other 3)15:06
cgoldbergjfunk, i should prob enter a defect against  click-update-manager.. so at least it's being tracked and we can refer to it15:06
jfunkcgoldberg, right, and you and elopio need to run the broken AP tests manually with mir on in the meantime :/15:07
cgoldbergi also MP'ed a branch to  click-update-manager cleaning up the test code a bit15:07
cgoldbergjfunk, ok.. will do15:07
jfunkcgoldberg, it is vital that we are detecting the defects for the click apps and related cases often coming toward this release15:08
jfunkI know elopio is off getting his bike fixed again :p - perhaps when he returns you can coordinate with him: testing on proposed images with mir on, hit the click apps story15:09
cgoldbergjfunk, sure thing.. i will coordinate with Leo15:10
jfunkcgoldberg, elopio - I have a meeting with Ubuntu Engineering leads tomorrow morning, if you could create a report similar to Jean-Baptiste's Mir report - http://goo.gl/JT0ALH15:10
jfunkincluding the automated tests that were broken which you ran manually instead15:11
jfunk(see the bottom)15:11
smartboyhwballoons, so, how did your brainstorming go?:P15:14
pittidoanac: I tried all that with sudo -i etc.15:16
pittidoanac: I added the DBUS export as it was complaining about not having a session bus15:16
pittiah, maybe I screwed up the syntax (I didn't use the double quotes at first), trying again15:17
doanacpitti: you might look at phablet-test-run. it does those gymnastics :)15:18
balloonssmartboyhw, heh, I'm in firefight mode15:19
smartboyhwballoons, LOL15:19
pittidoanac: ooh, got it now, nice!15:20
pittidoanac: the tests still fail and the dialer doesn't come up, but at least they start running15:20
pittifun, I see like a miniature version of the dialer on the bottom edge of the screen15:21
elopioi'm back, now for real.15:37
elopiojfunk: not fixing again, fixing finally. Just today the parts arrived, so finally it's going to look like new.15:39
elopioin the mean time, I'm stuck traveling by bus. I hate life outside the internets.15:39
elopiocgoldberg: ping.15:39
elopiothere's one thing with our idea of the mock server.15:39
cgoldbergelopio, hey15:39
elopionow all our client code is c++. So if we make the mock on python, it will be only called in an easy and direct way from the autopilot tests.15:40
elopiocgoldberg: but maybe that's not a problem. Maybe the unit tests should mock the server responses on a lower level.15:40
elopiomaybe it's just that I don't like c++ and I'm trying to justify using python :)15:40
cgoldbergelopio, good idea :)   for a start we could use it for AP tests... but it should be technology agnostic right?  it's just an http server right?15:41
cgoldbergyou just need to hit it with HTTP requests to setup a response, then call the API15:42
elopiocgoldberg: yes. Maybe if we need it from c++, we write the files for the response, and call a binary.15:43
elopioif we need it from python, we can set up the responses on the fly, or even write an object that encapsulates all the possible responses and prepares them.15:44
cgoldbergelopio, also.. read scrollback.. jfunk wants a report on the click testing.  and we need to manually run tests where autopilot is not working15:45
jfunkcgoldberg, elopio + mir on15:46
elopiojfunk, cgoldberg: yes, ack to all you said.15:46
elopioyesterday I ran all the tests again to check the documentation I made on moztrap. I'll do it today with mir enabled.15:47
elopiojfunk, cgoldberg: the document I sent to you with the notes to set up testing on trunk and the tests to run and the problems found is almost what jibel did on that other doc.15:47
elopiowe just need to clean it a little.15:47
om26ernuclearbob, hey got the video ready ?15:53
nuclearbobom26er: it should be uploaded, I just need to share it15:54
nuclearbobworking on that now15:54
nuclearbobI can't find it in the interface, unfortunately, but my machine says file sync has completed15:55
nuclearbobI'll do the manual upload15:55
om26eryeah could be a bug in UbuntuOne15:56
nuclearbobom26er: how about this: http://ubuntuone.com/0NOmNJbkg2noc3RAFrojQp15:58
om26ernuclearbob, yes, its downloading15:58
elopiojfunk: yesterday I focused on testing the U1 accounts plugin for system settings.16:22
elopioyou are including that as part of "click" right?16:22
jfunkelopio, I may be mistaken but I believe it should be more focused on the install / upgrade / uninstall16:24
elopiojfunk: you can't update click packages without an account.16:24
elopioand I think it's also used for the search.16:24
elopioI think it's important to get it right, because if people start adding a u1 account on a wrong way, next cycle we will see lots of funny errors.16:25
jfunkelopio, ah, there's much I don't know about click I defer to your good judgement16:25
* jfunk nods16:25
thomimorning all18:56
cgoldbergmorning thomi19:05
thomihey cgoldberg19:10
cgoldbergelopio, is there a standard or shared 'UbuntuTouchAppTestCase' that apps are using?  or does each app use it's own?  there's one here inside click-update-manager19:18
* cgoldberg bbiab19:35
balloonsafternoon letozaf20:25
letozafballoons, hello20:25
balloonswell buonasera actually20:25
letozafballoons, buonasera :)20:25
balloonsso I saw the rssreader got fixed -- did you see my note?20:26
balloonsfixed=merged :-)20:26
letozafballoons, yes20:26
letozafballoons, great, I made the change you asked me20:26
letozafballoons, I am now working on the remove topic part of rssreader app test20:26
letozafballoons, nearly finished it20:26
balloonsletozaf, I think you'll have to do another mp.. ahh, right, so you can fix it with that one ;-)20:26
balloonsgreat thank you!20:26
letozafballoons, yw20:27
letozafballoons, I also changed the initial part where you check network activity20:28
balloonsI saw, I take it that works a bit better now20:28
letozafballoons, it looks like20:28
letozafballoons, oh, but wait I changed it again now, you cannot see it until I propose for merge20:29
letozafballoons, it's even better20:29
letozafballoons, I think :p20:29
elopiocgoldberg: I've been writing one for ages now.20:30
balloonsthomi, if you get a chance today, can you review the questions on this merge? https://code.launchpad.net/~dpniel/autopilot-gtk/autopilotgtkemulators/+merge/18767320:30
thomiballoons: sure, I'll add it to my list20:31
balloonsty :-20:31
elopiocgoldberg: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/uitk_base_class-2/+merge/18892420:31
elopioit just occures to me that I can simplify it on just two cases, so it needs a littme more work.20:31
balloonsletozaf, :-) I'm sure it is. Glad rssreader is getting some love again20:31
letozafballoons, :-)20:31
cgoldbergelopio, should we have a common 'ClickAppTestCase' inside ubuntuuitoolkit?20:36
elopiocgoldberg: I wanted that, but after some reviews it seems it would be too much magic to be launching the application on the base class.20:38
elopioso, we went jsut with ubuntuuitoolkit.base.UbuntuUIToolkitAppTestCase, that's pretty simple.20:38
elopioand we will duplicate what I have on my branch up there ^^ on every project.20:39
elopioit's not as bad as it seems. We will have just two cases, running on the desktop or running on the phone, so the code will be like half of what I currently wrote.20:39
elopiocgoldberg: you can see that this new style removes the MainWindow :)20:43
balloonsohh cgoldberg going to join in hacking on the emulator? We'd love it120:49
letozafballoons, I will push the test so you can see what I did if you want, but I will not propose merge as I have a timing issue just at the end of the test, I put a sleep now, just for debugging20:49
balloonsyou can propose a work, and mark it work in progress20:49
balloons*propose a merge20:49
letozafballoons, good so I can finish it tomorrow20:49
balloonsletozaf, right, and at the same time you can easily get a diff, et20:51
letozafballoons, should I push this in the same branch as the previous work or create a new one ?20:53
balloonsletozaf, your choice20:53
balloonsi usually go for new I guess20:53
letozafballoons, ok I will also go for new20:53
letozafballoons, where is it that you mark it WIP ?20:57
* letozaf is looking for WIP20:57
balloonswhen you propose uncheck the box "ready for review"20:57
balloonsor, click the exclamation point at the top under ready for review and set it20:57
letozafballoons, argh! I had already proposed for merge, the status now is  pending review20:59
balloonsletozaf, yep, just change it at the top20:59
balloonsno worries20:59
letozafballoons, there is a need review choice should I select that ?20:59
letozafballoons, wait no...21:00
balloonsletozaf, yep, the first one, work in progress21:00
letozafballoons, needs fixing sounds goog21:00
letozafsorry good21:00
balloonsit's right at top, under status21:00
letozafballoons, LOL didn-t see it as it was written in black21:01
letozafballoons, lol21:01
letozafballoons, I was looking at it but could not see it :p21:01
letozafballoons, ok so I'm going to bed now, buona notte :D21:02
balloonsletozaf, ciao!21:02
balloonselopio, is this going to land? https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix_tab_switch/+merge/18877421:13
elopioballoons: it's waiting for the prerequisite branch.21:14
balloonselopio, so everything is still broke eh? Well I got one MP in21:14
elopioballoons: the error that this fixes happens sometimes. So, it's more or less broken.21:15
elopiowhat's the URL of your MP?21:15
balloonselopio, I believe this one is most affected: https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/sudoku-app/convert-ap-tests-to-sdk/+merge/18794521:19
balloonsI realize I can modify it to click tab names instead, and that should work eh21:19
cgoldbergelopio, just a friendly reminder from julien... make sure you flash with the devel-propsed image for any click testing21:20
elopioballoons: yes, that's likely to be fixed with that branch.21:23
elopioI'm not sure clicking by tab names will fix it.21:24
elopiocgoldberg: ok.21:24
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elopiothomi: once a click package is installed, if we do from the desktop phablet-test-run name_of_the_package, will it work just like it did when we had debs?21:55
thomielopio: only if the AP test suite uses launch_click_package rather than launch_test_application21:57
elopiothomi: can you take a look? https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/uitk_base_class-2/+merge/18892422:34
thomielopio: LGTM22:57

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