
thomiAnyone still awake and know stuff about apparmor? This is blocking mir-mon-by-default00:07
thomisergiusens: maybe you know, or know who might know?00:07
tyhicksthomi: hi - I can probably help but I don't know what mir-mon-by-default is00:07
thomityhicks: turning mir on by default for the phone images00:08
thomiso here's the thing...00:08
thomiWhen we run with mir, mir is reporting "Permission Denied' when it tries to add the uinput devices autopilot creates for generating user input00:08
thomithat is, /dev/input/event6 & event700:08
thomiHowever, the file permissions on those device nodes are identical to all the other device nodes that mir is able to open just fine00:09
thomiso I'm thinking maybe apparmor is doing something here?00:09
thomiis there a way I can turn apparmor off, just to eliminate that as a potential issue?00:10
jjohansenthomi: check the dmesg/kernlog00:10
tyhicksthomi: are there any apparmor denials in the syslog? `grep DENIED /var/log/syslog` should do unless you have auditd running00:10
jjohansenthomi: you can disable apparmor with the kernel cmdline apparmor=000:11
jjohansensee the end of that wiki for how to update the cmdline on a phablet image00:12
thomihmmm, there are no DENIED messages00:13
thomiok, so it's not apparmor00:14
thomiI don't suppose you guys can think of any other reason why mir would be able to open some input devices, but report "permission denied" on others?00:15
jjohansenthe device node is the lxc container so its uid is actually different?00:18
jjohansensymlink, the node you are looking at is a symlink and actual device nodes has different perms00:20
jjohansenmaybe the device itself is return EPERM for an unsupported action00:21
jjohansenpossibly a library failure before the actual syscall? Does strace show its the syscall vs something else?00:22
jjohansenunlikely but I am trying to imaging other permissions failures00:22
jjohansenthomi: hrmm I don't have any other ideas besides those ones atm00:23
tyhicksI was thinking that it was maybe a device specific EPERM00:24
thomiso, this exact same device node works perfectly under surface flinger00:24
thomiso I think it's probably something in the mir stack00:24
jjohansenthomi: surface fliger is inside the lxc container00:24
jjohansenthis is sounding like a container bridge issue00:25
thomijjohansen: OK, I don't understand that at all, are you able to give me some things to try to figure it out?00:25
jjohansenthomi: sadly I am not up to date at all on what we are doing to map devices from within the container for access outside00:26
jjohansenstgraber: might know better00:26
thomiNot sure if it's relevant, but mir can (and does) open all the other /dev/input/event* nodes00:27
thomijust not the two that get created after mir has started.00:27
thomibut I guess all the others are "real" devices, whereas the last two are uinput drivers00:27
stgraberthe actual device node (type, minor and major) is identical inside and outside the container, though permissions on the files may differ00:28
thomihow do I check that stgraber?00:28
jjohansenthomi: so basically we have a split system. We have an ubuntu system as the base, and an android lxc container. Some devices, and services are run inside the lxc container, but other devices and services are in the regular linux environment00:28
stgraberthomi: ls -l inside and outside the container to check that the node is the same00:29
jjohansenstgraber: I was thinking that the uid might be different, but mapping is making it appear the same. Well dependent on how you are looking at the device00:29
thomistgraber: how do I get "inside the container"?00:29
stgraberjjohansen: we don't have userns yet, so unless the kernel checks for a specifc uid, I don't see how that'd be possible00:30
stgraberthomi: android-chroot00:30
jjohansenstgraber: oh!, I didn't know we weren't using userns for the container00:31
thomineed to have a rw FS I see00:31
stgraberjjohansen: we'd love to but we don't even have userns in our current 3.11, so we're very far from having it in those old android kernels :(00:31
jjohansenstgraber: ah, right /me not thinking00:32
jjohansenthe userns backport would be an absolute nightmare00:33
thomistgraber: inside the container: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6181888/00:33
thomiso, permissions look identical to me00:33
stgraberthomi: strace is really your best bet at figuring out what's going on I think00:35
mdeslaurthomi: just for kicks, how about doing a "getfacl" on the device files that work and the ones that don't00:36
mdeslaurthomi: getfacl /dev/input/event*00:37
stgrabermdeslaur: won't work on android but I can get the result some other way00:37
mdeslaurstgraber: no EAs on the fs, or the tool isn't there?00:38
thomiracarr: stgraber: so... if I make sure the device node is present before mir starts, then mir is able to open the device00:38
krisabsintheany known issues using channel "devel" and actually getting code to build?00:40
stgrabermdeslaur: no tool, so you have to go through /proc/<pid of something in the container>/root to access the fs from the Ubuntu side00:40
thomistgraber: which process' pid should I use?00:42
stgraberthomi: any process that's inside the container00:43
stgraberthomi: look for sensorservice for example00:43
thomistgraber: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6181922/00:44
stgraberthomi: do you have the same for /dev/input/event*00:48
thomistgraber: yes00:48
stgraberthomi: ok, you really need to strace that thing :)00:49
thomiok, that's next. Any particular strace options I should use? I've only used that a few times before...00:50
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stgraberif the failure happens in a thread/subprocess, you'll need -f. In any case use, -o to redirect the output to a file00:53
stgraberso: strace -f -o debug <your command>00:53
stgraberthen pastebin debug00:54
thomistrace incoming00:56
thomiit's rather large :-/00:57
thomimaybe I should have filtered it00:57
thomistgraber: http://people.canonical.com/~thomir/00:58
thomistgraber: http://people.canonical.com/~thomir/strace_out.gz00:58
thomiI see that on startup it opens /dev/input/event5 - event0 OK, and then towards the end it opens event6 & event7, which fail01:00
stgraberyou indeed get a EACCESS on /dev/input/event701:00
stgraberthomi: can you try "> /dev/input/event7"?01:03
jjohansenand if /dev/input/event7 is started before mir you can access it?01:03
thomijjohansen: that is correct01:03
thomistgraber: trying now01:03
thomistgraber: that works fine :)01:04
stgraberthat's pretty weird01:05
jjohansenthomi: what does cat /proc/<pidof Mir>/attr/current show?01:05
thomiwill have to restart mir, one moment01:06
thomijjohansen: "unconfined"01:07
jjohansenthomi: what do you get for01:09
jjohansen  ls /proc/<pidof Mir>/fdinfo/01:09
jjohansen  cat /proc/<pidof Mir>/limits01:09
thomijjohansen: limits: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6181992/01:10
thomijjohansen: fdinfo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6181994/01:11
jjohansenhrmm, okay no where near bumping up against those01:11
thomiI wondered whether mir was dropping priviledges after it starts, but the mir team tell me that it shouldn't01:12
thomiand unity8/mir is running as the 'phablet' user01:13
thomiand that user is in the android_input group01:13
jjohansenthomi: what if you change ptrace scope (unlikely but hey worth a shot)01:14
jjohansen  echo 0 >/proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope01:14
thomijjohansen: /proc/sys/kernel/yama doesn't exist01:15
jjohansenah right, phablet kernel, well then not even remotely likely :)01:16
jjohansenthomi: what device is it?01:18
thomijjohansen: it's a uinput generated touch device01:18
thomiwould you like the evdev device spec?01:19
jjohansenthomi: actually I was going to poke the kernel code and see if that device had specific cases for EACCES01:19
thomiahh well, I'm not sure how this stuff works... from autopilot we open /dev/uinput and ask it to create a device. Then the /dev/input/event* devices appear, which I see is what mir reads01:20
thomihmmm. what's interesting is that while mir doesn't seem to be able to open these devices, something else obviously is, because when I generate some touch events, it unblanks the screen01:26
sergiusensthomi, stgraber mir implements it's own input handling01:28
jjohansenthomi: ah yes, I think its a single open device01:28
thomijjohansen: so... only one process can open that device at once?01:30
jjohansenthomi: I think so but haven't checked yet01:30
thomijjohansen: do you think that is specific to uinput devices, or all evdev devices?01:30
jjohansenthomi: you should be able to use lsof to find which process has opened it01:30
jjohansenthomi: not sure yet, I am not familiar with the device, but I do know there are single open devices01:31
jjohansenand that would explain why Mir can't get it01:31
thomijjohansen: having said that, I can do 'cat /dev/input/event7' from a shell and it works just fine01:32
thomiwhen I generate events I see garbage scrolling up the screen01:32
jjohansenhrmm, right I forgot about that01:32
thomihmmm, lsof only shows one process: python (which will be the python terminal I'm using to create the event)01:32
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jjohansenthomi: so I don't see anything in the input drivers that should be directly causing an EACCES failure01:43
jjohansenthomi: I have to bail for a few hours, but I will be back later01:43
thomiok, thanks for your help jjohansen01:44
thomistgraber: I wonder if you have any more ideas?01:44
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sergiusensmhall119, hey, still around?03:03
ejathow to make it writable ? i want to do syncevolution ...03:10
ejatfor contact03:10
sergiusensejat, you don't need writable image for syncevolution03:15
ejat[ERROR] /home/phablet/.config/syncevolution: Permission denied03:17
krisabsintheI had to mount -o remount,rw /dev/root to sync back down from gmail03:18
sergiusensejat, that can only mean you mixed root and phablet once upon a time03:18
sergiusenskrisabsinthe, you shouldn't need that03:18
ejatso what is the right way to do sync ?03:18
krisabsintheto think of it, it was before I actually READ the instructions and sudo su - phablet ;p03:19
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sergiusensejat, what exactly are you doing? start from when you type adb shell and don't give me your passwords please03:45
ollisergiusens, do you have a good idea who in Europe could help with the mir/ap input bug?03:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1233944 in Mir "Unity8/Mir is unable to open autopilot uinput devices" [Critical,New]03:46
sergiusensolli, not in the mir team nor in Europe, but ricmm_ is a safe bet03:47
ollioutside of the mir team, thinking of someone more closer to phonedation03:47
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sergiusensballoons, still around?03:50
sergiusensanyhow, mhall119 or balloons can you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-rssreader-app/click_and_tr/+merge/18876003:51
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veeberssergiusens: hey, can you remind me how to make ubuntu-system rw please? :-)03:54
sergiusensveebers, adb shell touch /userdata/.writable_image; adb reboot03:54
veeberssergiusens: awesome thanks!03:54
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veebersshould I be able to rm /etc/init/ssh.override?04:02
sergiusensveebers, maybe, it's a mounted file iirc, so you may be able to empty it instead04:03
veeberssergiusens: ah good point, cheers04:04
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didrocksrsalveti: still around by any luck?05:53
rsalvetididrocks: yes05:53
didrocksrsalveti: plars told me you were looking at the mediaplayer-app AP tests failing?05:54
rsalvetididrocks: yup, checking them locally still05:54
didrocksit seems it crashes when starting05:54
rsalvetididrocks: yeah, I was able to reproduce the crash, just trying to understand and will open a bug05:55
rsalvetiseems maguro is fine05:55
rsalvetiprobably a side effect of the new media stack, as we're now using the hardware decoders05:56
didrocksrsalveti: ok, so we can't promote image 75 I guess05:57
didrocksrsalveti: once the bug is opened, let's see who can work on that05:57
rsalvetididrocks: jhodapp|afk probably05:57
didrocksrsalveti: I would have prefer we blocked the gst upload before getting that fixed TBH :/05:58
didrocksI didn't plan it before we got all the media stack fixed. Not sure who added it :/05:59
rsalvetididrocks: well, it was planned to land it anyway, we just didn't find the issue with nexus 4 specifically because we don't have CI for the gst stuff06:00
didrocksrsalveti: yeah, but I would have prefered that step by step, we obviously missed the mediaplayer-app crash at first, so let's go back to green before going on06:01
didrocksanyway, I guess too late now, but I'll talk to people modifying the landing plan06:01
rsalvetididrocks: yup, that's fine06:01
didrockskeep me posted on the crash please!06:01
didrocksthx ;)06:02
rsalvetididrocks: found the issue and was able to run all the tests locally successfully, just need to get the proper fix in place06:53
didrocksrsalveti: rocking! what is it about?06:53
rsalvetigst-hybris keeps the buffers in a list, that's initialized as soon the media hal is up06:55
rsalvetithis list in theory is static, as only gst-hybris can release the buffers06:55
didrocksand mediaplayer is trying to handle that list?06:55
rsalvetibut what happens with mako is that the hal is a bit smarter, and ends up releasing a few after the hal is initialized06:55
rsalvetibreaking the internal list logic06:56
rsalvetithis is at the gst-hybris/media compat layer06:56
didrocksindeed, I guess the app doesn't really like that ;)06:56
rsalvetiso instead of keeping the list internally, I'm asking a copy of it to the hal everytime I need to use it06:57
rsalvetiinvalid index :-)06:57
didrocksindeed ;)06:57
rsalvetithis only happens with the video format used as sample06:57
rsalvetiat least when comparing with some other videos I have06:58
didrocksah? it doesn't know how to handle the other ones and thus, don't go to that magic handling?06:58
rsalvetiit does, but maybe because of the size x resolution, it just decides not to release anything06:59
didrocksmakes sense06:59
rsalvetididrocks: bug 123400707:15
ubot5bug 1234007 in libhybris (Ubuntu) "[mako] out of index crash when handling media_codec output buffers list" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123400707:15
rsalvetiwe should be able to get this fixed as soon jhodapp|afk is up07:15
didrocksrsalveti: excellent! thanks a lot ;)07:17
didrocksyou should go to bed I guess :)07:17
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* rsalveti gone07:26
dholbachgood morning07:28
MacSlowSaviq, hey there...07:31
MacSlowSaviq, I replied to your comments/questions on https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/extended-snap-decisions-part1/+merge/18731207:31
mptLaney, the spacing in "About this phone" doesn't look right. :-P The left edge of the icon should line up with the left edge of the search field and the left edge of the "System Settings" header.07:32
pittihey everyone07:48
pittidoes anyone know an autopilot test case for unity or some app which involves "snap decision" popups, like for a phone call?07:49
pittithey are not generated by dialer-app, so I wonder how to expose that to autopilot07:49
popeypitti: does messages app have them for sms notifications?07:51
popeypretty sure unity8 ap tests have some faux notification dialogs popup07:52
pittipopey: ah, but I guess those would run unity8 itself under AP07:52
popeyah yes07:53
pittipopey: nope, no incoming test for messaging app07:53
pittiok, something for me to figure out07:54
pittiI'll start with telling ofono directly to accept the call07:56
Laneympt: where are you looking?08:08
mptLaney, https://ubuntuone.com/7hFiOAHWEhbC89AFQDl9Yk08:08
LaneyI can't tell if that lines up or not08:09
Laneythat's not changed by this code08:10
Laneyindeed, it is indented a little bit08:12
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Farm Animals Day! :-D08:16
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nerochiarooSoMoN: i'm looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/notes-app/fix-pep8-warnings/+merge/188523 and it seems that you do more than fix pep8 warning. you replace a lot of assert with wait_for too08:22
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nerochiarooSoMoN: on top of that, jenkins keeps blocking on it, but I guess you know that already due to the large number of build retry i see08:24
oSoMoNnerochiaro: that’s exactly equivalent (same implementation internally), and it does fix pep8 warnings by reducing the length of those lines to < 80 chars08:24
oSoMoNnerochiaro: yeah, CI is very frustrating these days…08:24
nerochiarooSoMoN: ok, haven't checked the internals.if you say they are identical i'm fine with it08:25
oSoMoNnerochiaro: see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot/trunk/view/head:/autopilot/matchers/__init__.py for the internals08:34
popeyogra_: we releasing this morning?08:39
nerochiarooSoMoN: is that MR on notes+pep8  in the list of the blocked MRs ?08:40
oSoMoNnerochiaro: let me check08:41
oSoMoNnerochiaro: no, adding it now08:41
ogra_popey, nope08:42
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ogra_popey, seems gstreamer 1.2 went into the archive last night ... so all media tests we have are moot08:42
popeythats for future images though08:46
popeyI wondered about the one we tested last night.. 75?08:46
ogra_has mediaplayer regressions08:47
popeyah ok08:47
seb128hum, testing 75 ... is that know that if you click, in the apps lens, on an already installed 3rd party software, it's giving you an "install" again like if it was not installed?08:55
seb128mhr3, ^08:55
mhr3seb128, not sure, the click scope guys would know08:56
seb128who are them? ;-)08:57
seb128cjwatson, thanks09:01
seb128ralsina, alecu: ^ known issue? (I don't find it in launchpad)09:04
utgeniusHello? Anyone around?09:04
utgeniusHallo? :)09:06
seb128ralsina, alecu: cjwatson: I opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/123404209:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234042 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "Unity lens displays "Install" button for already installed clicks" [Undecided,New]09:06
ogra_i dont seem to be able to install any click apps on 7509:15
ogra_tapping install gets me a progress bar but it never moves on from 0%09:15
popeyi had that too09:17
* popey confirms seb128's bug09:17
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popeyI switched off wifi and back on again and it worked09:17
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seb128popey, thanks09:19
xnoxogra_: do you know what's the plan for android portion going forward? rebase on top of AOSP or on top of cm-10.2? for emulator I want to pull in more stuff from either 4.3 or cm-10.2.....09:19
seb128ogra_, I had that as well, I put the device on the table and a few minutes later retried and it worked09:19
ogra_seb128, yeah, works here too now09:20
cjwatsonPerhaps related to download manager flakiness?  Should be able to tell from /home/phablet/.cache/unity-scope-click.log09:20
ogra_odd behavior ... i had to try three times09:20
ogra_xnox, not sure what rsalveti planned, i dont think we want to update anything the next ten days09:20
xnoxogra_: sure =) i understand that. Emulator is a frankenstein already ;-)09:21
ogra_the timezone selection is still broken for me on 7509:21
popeyyeah, some apps install, some don't09:21
popeyakari and sleepy time do09:21
xnoxogra_: (is sigh about emulator or timezone selection?)09:21
ogra_xnox, the latter09:22
ogra_i can select the TZ just fine ... but after a reboot it resets to "Europe/Berlin UTC+0"09:22
ogra_and i cant manage to get it to UTC+2 now09:23
popeyhmm, yeah, it's flaky, trying again and again, eventually xda downloads09:23
ogra_pitti, ^^^09:24
ogra_i suspect there is some issue with carrying over or storing the setting on reboot09:24
pittiogra, popey: does /etc/writable/timezone get udated alright? does that survive reboot, or does reboot reset them?09:25
ogra_well, i'm not sure yet09:25
popeyphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ cat /etc/writable/timezone09:25
popeylooks like it got updated last night when I was testing, yeah09:26
pittiI can flash my phone later, but I really don't want to spend another half an hour setting up everything that I need for telephony test case writing09:26
popey 10:26:03 up 14:06,  1 user,  load average: 1.96, 3.94, 8.3009:26
popeynot rebooted yet09:26
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# cat /etc/timezone09:26
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# date09:26
ogra_Wed Oct  2 11:26:13 CEST 201309:26
pittithat looks right?09:26
ogra_thats after freshly setting it09:26
popeyphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ date09:26
popeyWed Oct  2 10:26:27 BST 201309:26
* ogra_ reboots 09:26
* popey also reboots ☻09:26
* ogra_ will make some bootcharts today ... reboots start getting annoying 09:27
popeyroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# cat /etc/writable/timezone09:27
popeyyup, fine09:27
popeyroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# date09:27
popeyWed Oct  2 09:27:44 UTC 201309:27
ogra_popey, what does system setting show you ?09:27
popeynot fine09:27
* ogra_ bets for UTC+009:28
pittipopey: cat /etc/timezone ?09:28
popeylook up ☻09:28
popeythats post-reboot09:28
pittipopey: and ls -l /etc/timezone09:28
popey-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14 Oct  1 20:00 /etc/writable/timezone09:28
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# cat /etc/timezone09:28
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# date09:28
ogra_Wed Oct  2 09:28:18 UTC 201309:28
ogra_thats mine after reboot09:28
cjwatsonSo, just catch me up - are we still looking at switching the core apps to click packages by release?  (Specifically calendar, music, rssreader, calculator, clock, filemanager, terminal, and weather)09:28
pittipopey: not /writable/; /etc/timezone should be a symlink to writable09:28
popeyogra_: you mean /etc/writable/timezone ?09:28
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# ls -l /etc/timezone09:28
ogra_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Oct  2  2013 /etc/timezone -> writable/timezone09:28
popeylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Jan 22  1970 /etc/timezone -> writable/timezone09:29
pittiogra_: so, the files are alright now at least *phew*09:29
cjwatsonWondering if ubuntu-touch is going to vanish from http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/saucy_uninst.txt by release09:29
ogra_cjwatson, sergiusens works on that if anyone09:29
pittiso it seems we at least got the initramfs/timedated bits right09:29
pittiogra_: echo $TZ ?09:29
ogra_pitti, yeah, that seems alright, but smells like some part is missing09:29
popeyblank here09:29
pittiogra_: if date doesn't obey /etc/timezone, then maybe something sets $TZ or whatever09:30
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# sudo -u phablet -i09:30
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ echo $TZ09:30
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ logout09:30
pittiogra_: does the clock in the panel also show a wrong time?09:30
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# echo $TZ09:30
cjwatsonogra_: try in the terminal app?09:30
ogra_pitti, the clock in the panel didnt even update when the TZ was right09:30
pittierr, on my build from yesterday I don't even have a clock09:30
ogra_yeah, known bug09:30
seb128pitti, that's a known issue09:30
ogra_it sometimes vanishes09:31
ogra_will be back on next reboot09:31
ogra_cjwatson, empty in the terminal-app as well btw09:32
pittiogra_: and date still spits out UTC?09:32
seb128changing tz works here, and the clock update (on the next minute, the UI seems to refresh only on the minute)09:32
pittiogra_: ls -l /etc/zoneinfo09:32
seb128but my fs is rw, not ro09:32
ogra_and the settings app shows "Europe/Berlin UTC+0"09:32
pittiI think that's what date actually looks at09:32
pittiogra_: ah, so it sounds like timezone is  ok, but /etc/localtime is wrong09:33
pittiogra_: sorry, /etc/localtime, not zoneinfo09:33
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# ls -l /etc/zoneinfo09:33
ogra_ls: cannot access /etc/zoneinfo: No such file or directory09:33
pittiogra_: localtime :)09:33
ogra_localtime seems fine, its a link to the right place09:33
pitti(it's a symlink *to* /usr/share/zoneinfo/, I keep mixing up teh names, sorry)09:33
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# ls -l /etc/localtime09:34
ogra_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Oct  2  2013 /etc/localtime -> writable/localtime09:34
pittiogra_: i. e. /etc/localtime -> writable/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin?09:34
* cwayne_ tested timezone yesterday and it worked, though tbh its a bit confusing from the ui09:34
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# ls -l /etc/writable/localtime09:34
ogra_-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 118 Oct  1 17:55 /etc/writable/localtime09:34
ogra_not a link09:34
cjwatsonthat'd do it09:34
popeyroot@ubuntu-phablet:/etc/writable# cat localtime09:34
pittiogra_: sounds like it got restored from the original image on boot then09:34
cjwatsonmind you, localtime is sometimes a copy, not a link09:34
cjwatsonpitti: ^-09:34
ogra_and i'm not sure stgraber's code allows links atm09:34
pittiit's a plain file in the origianl image, once you change it it becomes a link09:35
cjwatsonand this is sometimes deliberate in order to avoid requiring /usr at boot09:35
ogra_pitti, but not after reboot :)09:35
cjwatson118 bytes is too short for Europe/Berlin though09:35
pittiogra_: right, so it seems "synced" overwrites an existing symlink with the original file09:35
ogra_i dont think there is code to carry over links inside synced dirs09:35
cjwatsonBut it's the same size as /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC (-> Zulu)09:35
pittiyes, it's Etc/UTC09:35
ogra_so it copies the original file over09:36
ogra_from the ro space09:36
pitti+# If the target doesn't exist, just copy it over09:37
ogra_pitti, i guess if you could do the copy on your side instead of linking, we'd be fine09:37
pitti+if [ ! -e "$target/$file" ]; then09:37
pitticould this be running when /usr/share/zoneinfo/ isn't visible yet?09:37
* ogra_ checks ... i think / is mounted by then09:38
ogra_ cat ${rootmnt}/etc/system-image/writable-paths | while read line; do09:38
pittii. e. [ ! -e "$target/$file" -a ! -L "$target/$file" ]09:38
ogra_thats how it starts09:38
ogra_so / should be there09:39
pittiogra_: so the symlink would indeed be broken09:39
pittias it's not /usr yet, but <some path>/usr09:39
pittiand likewise, it couldn't even resolve /etc/localtime itself (but that shouldn't matter)09:39
pittiso I guess we need the -a ! -L ..09:39
ogra_pitti, looks good09:45
* ogra_ tests the change here 09:46
pittiogra_: actually, I think it needs to be fixed in two places, not just the ! -e09:46
ogra_if the keyboard wouldnt die all the time that would be easier09:46
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ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# date09:47
ogra_Wed Oct  2 11:46:53 CEST 201309:47
ogra_after fresh reboot09:47
ogra_with the change in place09:47
seb128ogra_, pitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1234051 ... if you want to reassign to the right place09:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234051 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "timezone settings are reset on reboot" [Medium,New]09:47
om26erare we talking bug 1234051 ?09:47
pittiseb128: thanks, doing09:47
seb128pitti, danke09:47
Laneygetting close!09:48
pittiogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6183164/09:49
cwayne_at least setting it *ever* works now Laney :)09:49
pittiogra_: I guess you already locally applied something like that?09:50
ogra_pitti, looks good09:50
ogra_pitti, the second line, yeah09:50
pittiogra_: thanks for cross-checking, uploaded09:50
ogra_pitti, argh "09:51
ogra_pitti, we cant just upload ... you need a slot on the landing plan09:51
ogra_you just trashed didrocks' day i guess :P09:51
pittiogra_: well, it's in unapproved anyway?09:51
ogra_touch goes directly through09:51
ogra_like universe09:52
pittihow come I was supposed to directly upload yesterday?09:52
pittiah, that was systemd and got held in unapproved09:52
pittibut it got reviewed pretty much instantly09:52
didrockspitti: ogra_: it's the systemd changes we discussed yesterday, right?09:52
ogra_well, it was in the right time slot09:52
ogra_didrocks, nope09:52
pittididrocks: nope, a fix for the new "synced" mode09:52
pittididrocks: in initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch09:52
ogra_didrocks, bug 123405109:53
didrockshum, what was tested yesterday worked though?09:53
ubot5bug 1234051 in initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch (Ubuntu) "timezone settings are reset on reboot" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123405109:53
didrocksso, it wasn't really tested?09:53
ogra_didrocks, doesnt survive a reboot it seems09:53
pittididrocks: within the same session, yes; but a reboot resets the file09:53
ogra_didrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6183164/ fix is minor and works, i just tested it ... but wasnt fast enough to hold the upload09:53
didrockswell, it's uploaded… so too late, but please do additional tests to ensure we don't end up in a bad state09:53
didrocksok, yeah, the syntax looks good09:54
pittididrocks: sorry about the timing then09:55
didrockspitti: no worry, but please ensure (especially if this is the day afterwards) that we're in a safe mode :)09:56
pittiI thought approval was given for the change in general, and then people would upload the corresponding fixes09:56
didrockspitti: some people assumed the same with gstreamer 1.2 for instance :/09:56
didrockspitti: yeah, but that was for yesterday, when we thought we can release an image09:56
didrockswhich isn't the case09:56
ogra_pitti, https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdGNWb0tTVmJLVzFZd0doV3dVOGpWemc#gid=0 ... it would need a new "landing asks" entry for a new change09:56
pittiwell, it got monotonously better (in the TZ regard anyway), just not fully fixed yet09:57
ogra_theory is that every change that happes to an image build got a full set of test runs first09:57
ogra_which means it slowly moves through the different sheets on the spreadsheet while people test it09:58
cjwatsonpitti: ITYM monotonically :)09:58
cjwatson(unless you mean boringly better)09:58
pitticjwatson: monotonomally :)09:59
pitticjwatson: (thanks)09:59
pittididrocks: at least we should have the /etc/writable/ bits under control mostly, so for the next bug that we'll discover that fails to update a file in /etc/ it should be much easier10:01
pitti(but still, *ugh*)10:01
* ogra_ installs bootchart ... 10:02
didrockspitti: excellent, thanks!10:02
pittiwhere "much easier" is still "patch the heck out of packages", of course10:02
davmor2Morning all10:03
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cwayne_didrocks, thanks for those landing emails btw, they're quite helpfu for our team :)10:06
didrockscwayne_: happy they are helping! :)10:07
cwayne_it's nice to have insight as to which images will be published, helps plan which to test for demos10:08
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seb128should I be able to add contacts, in the contacts app, on grouper?10:26
seb128oh, ignore me10:27
seb128it's not obvious there is a entry for the name at the top of the UI10:27
seb128I hadn't put anything in there so the button was unsensitive10:27
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om26erThere is no sound sound notification when I receive a call... what changed ?10:40
om26erdavmor2, you see that issue ?10:40
popeyom26er: yes10:40
om26erI see the OSD, I can pickup the call and the sound works fine in the call.10:41
popeyi get no ringing sound10:41
om26erpopey, bug is reported for that? or is that new? I first faced that with yesterday's image10:41
sergiusensogra_, cjwatson we are, only one I have doubts with is the music-app because of all the magic it needs in other places10:41
popeynope, go ahead and I'll confirm10:41
om26erpopey, you have mako as well ?10:41
davmor2om26er: yeap10:42
om26erdavmor2, maguro or mako ?10:42
davmor2om26er: I pointed it out to ogra_  last night but had to race off so wasn't able to do anything with it as such10:44
cjwatsonsergiusens: Wondering if maybe I should special-case proposed-migration to know that music-app is a thing that exists, then10:44
cjwatson(But probably no point until the rest of it's done)10:45
om26erdavmor2, right, it first appeared yesterday indeed, I thought maybe since things were broken in that image it was just not worth reporting10:45
om26erpopey, davmor2 bug 123408710:46
ubot5bug 1234087 in telephony-service (Ubuntu) "No sound notification for Call/SMS" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123408710:46
cwayne_boiko, ping10:46
sergiusenscjwatson, it's done, and should start as the infra has been fixed to support testing click yesterday10:46
om26erI initially reported for telephony-service but I guess if its the wrong package we can move from there.10:46
sergiusenscjwatson, I'll keep you posted on this10:46
cjwatsonDone and in the archive, I mean, but thanks10:47
sergiusensjodh, hey, can you help me out with the upstart-local-bridge? I enabled it on android side and it seems not all the events get back to upstart10:47
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popeyom26er: thanks10:49
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ogra_that dbus zomby process looks owrrying10:58
sergiusensogra_, upstart-local-bridge is also crashing11:00
sergiusensogra_, or restarting11:00
ogra_and there is a 10sec sleep in the session startup11:00
ogra_that unity8 upstart job is full of sleeps11:02
* ogra_ drops all sleeps there and reboots ... lets see what happens :)11:04
loologra_: bootchart > cool  :-)11:04
loologra_: what are the steps to get one?  I guess writing the initrd is a bit more subtle here11:05
ogra_lool, not at all11:05
ogra_make the image writable and just install it ...11:05
ogra_the upstart job is broken though11:05
loolhmm 5secs of apparmor CPU pegging11:05
ogra_on first boot it is 20sec11:05
sergiusensogra_, unity8 sleeps until we get the upstart-local-bridge working properly11:06
ogra_lool, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6183389/ thats my modified bootchart.conf11:07
ogra_sergiusens, unity8 has a hardcoded sleep 12 before running ofono-setup11:07
loologra_: what did you change there?11:07
ogra_lool, LOGS and i added unity8 as stop gap11:08
ogra_(in --crop-sfter)11:08
sergiusensogra_, I'm guessing that's for PIN in the greeter and it depends on ofono and that one does take a while11:08
ogra_what is really surprising is that neither CUP not I/O are even remotely busy11:09
ogra_we should be able to do a lot better here11:09
ogra_sergiusens, then it should get its own upstart job and emit an event .... not sleep for 12 secs11:09
ogra_(and unity8 should wait for the event)11:10
DJJeffI get slow speeds to ports.ubuntu.com are there any mirrors yet?11:11
ogra_seems apparmor-parser decides randomly when it wants to run11:12
ogra_this chart has it again with a 20sec run11:12
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cjwatsonDJJeff: No.  There's an internal ticket open to create a US mirror.11:13
w-flo20sec is nothing. just downgrade to some old SOC and enjoy a few minutes of apparmor parsing :)11:13
OrokuSakiI like random11:13
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ogra_w-flo, well, the point is that it only should do that once on first boot11:14
DJJeffI get 150ms to 200ms ping to ports.ubuntu.com11:14
DJJeffand about 120 KB/sec11:14
w-floI agree.. never noticed it happen more than once11:14
OrokuSaki@ogra & w-wflo What would you guys do if you were me?  My touchscreen works great, except for like 1 out of 6 boots... It doesn't swipe.. I put my ts_srv program that drives the touchscreen in android in debugging mode, I swear surface flinger is not always.. accepting my swipes from ts_srv, instead of ts_srv having a bug11:15
OrokuSakiIt works great in android.. 100% of the time11:15
OrokuSakimaybe something to do with the elusive bug with services not always starting.. or service manager not thinking surfaceflinger has always started when it has11:16
OrokuSakithat annoted me so much I did this11:16
w-floOrokuSaki, I'd have no idea what to do. Other than comparing logs :)11:16
OrokuSakiI told service manager.cpp whatever to always say my services are started.11:16
ogra_same here11:16
Laneympt: Time and Date says this: "When you select a different item, it should appear as the selected radio item before navigating back to the main “Time zone” screen." - how long should it appear for?11:16
OrokuSakiI did notice that the PID of my process is lower when it works... and higher if it doesn't11:16
OrokuSakifor ts_srv.. there must be a reason why11:16
w-floOrokuSaki, I think(?) mir will be the default soon, so maybe forget about surfaceflinger11:16
OrokuSakiso I am going to try to find out... oh cool!11:16
OrokuSakiwell hell.. nevermind11:17
OrokuSakithanks w-flo!11:17
DJJeffduring apt-get upgrade ( Installing new version of config file /etc/pulse/system.pa ... )11:17
DJJeffI hope thats a good thing11:17
OrokuSakishould be unless you modified yours11:17
mptLaney, let's say one second11:17
w-floOrokuSaki, I'm not following this very closely, so maybe plans have changed. :) And last time I tried mir, it didn't work for me, but that was some weeks ago11:17
Laneympt: ok11:17
LaneyI was thinking that might be too long11:17
Laneyenough to disconnect you from the action when it navigates away11:18
Laneyso it's jarring11:18
Laneybut let's see11:18
OrokuSakiwell.. if were going to be leaving surfaceflinger... evertually.. I can live with 1/6 not working on certain boots.. That is a-okay11:18
mptLaney, updated <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeAndDate?action=diff&rev2=78&rev1=77>11:18
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OrokuSakihttps://github.com/jshafer817/UbuntuTouch/blob/master/Source%20to%20compile/frameworks/native/libs/binder/IServiceManager.cpp I changed line 140 to say always return a svn name and not this if NULL11:19
OrokuSakidon't know if that was enough.. but now I can get into unity 100% of the time11:20
OrokuSakiI still have to add the sleep 30 seconds to lightdm.conf and ubuntu-touch-session-setup.conf file11:21
ogra_now this one looks a lot better11:21
ogra_and i cant see any functional issues caused by dropping the sleeps11:21
jdstrandogra_: it isn't random. on first after a flash because there is no cache. subsequent reboots iff apparmor policy changes11:22
ogra_jdstrand, well, i seem to have it every other boot11:22
ogra_adding ~20sec boot time11:22
ogra_there is one for example11:22
sergiusensogra_, are you in readonly mode?11:23
ogra_i wouldnt know why the aa policy would have changed between two boots11:23
ogra_sergiusens, nope11:23
ogra_sergiusens, i indeed had to drop ro when installing bootchart ... and kept it that way for now11:23
jdstrandogra_: when did this boot take place?11:24
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jdstrandogra_: after a flash? 2nd boot, 3rd boot?11:24
sergiusensogra_, I saw yesterday that it checks on the pkg data changes to run it11:24
ogra_jdstrand, a few minutes ago ... was like the 5th reboot since installing botochart11:24
jdstrandogra_: any other updates?11:24
ogra_no changes at all11:24
ogra_just reboots11:24
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jdstrandis there anything in /var/cache/apparmor and /etc/apparmor.d/cache?11:25
ogra_jdstrand, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6183448/11:26
jdstrandogra_: can you do an 'ls -l' instead?11:26
ogra_jdstrand, oha11:27
ogra_i think i know11:27
ogra_jdstrand, the click hook reinstalls the click packages on every reboot it seems11:27
ogra_or some of them at lest11:27
ogra_the timestamps seem to match my reboots11:28
seb128ogra_, cjwatson: I had another instance of "click install stays at 0%", that's the corresponding ubuntu-download-manager log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6183456/11:29
jdstrandogra_: I don't think that is it. aa-clickhook, called from click job, is not launching apparmor_parser11:30
jdstrandogra_: (which it shouldn't)11:31
ogra_jdstrand, well, the timestamps surely match the two runs i have seen in recent reboots11:31
jdstrandogra_: it is apparmor's sysv initscript that is doing it. there is a bug I am waiting on a fix for from tyhicks that could be related11:31
ogra_(teh device was freshly installed several hours ago, initial run has long happened)11:32
jdstrandogra_: what's weird is ai don't see the click-apparmor upstart job11:34
sergiusensSaviq, greyback hey, do you know if the path bug has been solved?11:34
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greybacksergiusens: you'll have to be more specific. The issue causing unity8 to not work with AP I had yesterday maybe?11:35
sergiusensgreyback, sorry, Exec in desktop file not being in PATH11:36
ogra_jdstrand, i ass aa-clickhook11:36
sergiusensgreyback, for click packages11:36
jdstrandright, but from click11:36
Saviqsergiusens, bug #122925311:36
ubot5bug 1229253 in Unity 8 "cannot find click application when Exec not in PATH" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122925311:37
sergiusensSaviq, that one, thanks11:37
Saviqsergiusens, so no, doesn't look like it11:37
jdstrandthere is another upstart job that, while very fast in the normal case, should be present on the chart (as a blip anyway)11:37
sergiusensSaviq, I'll keep adding ./ then, thanks11:37
cjwatsonseb128: seems highly unlikely that it has anything to do with click itself11:37
ogra_jdstrand, right, and it should be at the very top, given it starts on "filesystem"11:38
greybacksergiusens: I'm not aware of that bug. Saviq?11:38
Saviqgreyback, it's assigned to you :)11:38
cjwatsonseb128: but, yeah, surely that's "download manager needs to recover from or at least report network errors"?11:38
cjwatsonor maybe "download manager needs to recover, scope needs to report"11:39
seb128cjwatson, right, just opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-download-manager/+bug/123411311:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234113 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "sometimes download are stuck at 0%" [Undecided,New]11:39
seb128ogra_, ^11:39
Saviqgreyback, but you can ping it back to me if time is tight11:39
Saviqgreyback, looks like a relatively easy one11:39
ogra_seb128, confirming11:39
seb128ogra_, dake11:41
ogra_Saviq, larsu, who is responsible for starting the indicators, is that unity or are they starting self contained  ?  (see http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako.png ... there is a massive delay before they start)11:41
cwayne_dholbach, any chance for 1 more quick review of uwoot?  i did it right this time i swear :P11:41
jdstrandwell, it doesn't matter-- the problem is the initscript11:42
Saviqogra_, AFAIK they're starting themselves, dednick ↑↑?11:42
seb128ogra_, what is the big "sleep" in there?11:43
jdstrandogra_: what's the trick with generating that image? install bootchart, then what?11:43
ogra_seb128, see the unity8 upstart job11:43
ogra_seb128, seems to not cause any harm to drop it, but i'll wait for ricmm to elaborate :)11:43
dednickogra_, larsu, Saviq: i think they are supposed to be started by a unity8 signal to upstart, but i think some of them are still dbus started.11:44
ogra_there is likelz a reason for having it11:44
larsuogra_: they're dbus activated (unless ted's upstart stuff got merged in)11:44
seb128ogra_, "hackish" is all I'm going to say11:44
ogra_seems thats one of the issues causing the slow boots, do you know if teds stuff is ready for 13.10 ?11:44
seb128larsu, (no it didn't)11:44
seb128ogra_, it's not11:44
seb128the upstart jobs work only in upstart sessions11:45
seb128e.g would create issue for ubiquity or unity-greeter11:45
ogra_bah, desktop crap11:45
ogra_lets drop it !11:45
larsuogra_: switching to upstart jobs that are triggered by unity won't make them start earlier...11:46
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# less /var/log/upstart/click-apparmor.log11:46
ogra_Files /var/lib/dpkg/info/apparmor.md5sums and /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/.apparmor.md5sums differ11:46
ogra_ERROR: Could not parse click manifest. Skipping 'com.ubuntu.developer.adrian-arroyocalle.wikipedia-mobile_wikipedia_1.2.json'11:46
ogra_jdstrand, ^^^11:46
ogra_larsu, upstart will allow to parallelize the startup, it will surely improve the crawling boot11:47
xnoxseb128: hm? ubiquity?11:47
cwayne_sergiusens, btw i piggy-backed a small phablet-demo-setup fix into that MR, is that ok, or would you rather me do a separate MR?11:47
ogra_we are at ~1:20 boot time ... Mir will add another 20sec11:48
dednickogra_, Saviq: i think only indicator-network is upstart. at the moment.11:48
larsuogra_: they are already started in parallel... the question is _when_ we start them11:48
ogra_larsu, well, the question imho is: do we need to delay unity mapping for them11:48
sergiusenscwayne_, well for reviewing yes, it's ok, just make the commit message really clear about it :-)11:48
larsuogra_: absolutely not :)11:48
ogra_larsu, having unity up even before they start could buy us 20sec11:48
cwayne_oops, it could've been clearer sergiusens, i'll add a comment then to help clear it up :P11:49
seb128xnox, is the installer an upstart session? do you still use indicators there?11:49
ogra_even though your panel might look jumpy, thats still better than a black screen11:49
larsuogra_: no no no no, please don't do that11:49
xnoxseb128: installer is not an upstart session, but I was hoping to make it one. Yes we still use indicators, but since transition to -ng none of them are loading. I think I need to add/request ubiquity profiles on the them.11:49
ogra_larsu, well, mgmt wants us to boot in ~10sec11:50
ogra_larsu, while i think thats utopic, 30 should be doable11:50
ogra_but that wont work if unity stays black for 20sec11:50
xnoxseb128: I will not have time to make ubiquity an upstart session in time for 13.10, unless i hack i together, based on the "upstart session as it is on touch images"11:50
seb128xnox, well anyway, bottom line "we are not going to migrate indicators from dbus activation to upstart jobs this cycle"11:50
seb128xnox, no, don't, we would have also to make unity-greeter an upstart session... not this cycle11:51
larsuogra_: unity could just hit the indicators up earlier...11:51
ogra_larsu, fine with me11:51
ogra_any improvement will do atm :)11:51
larsudednick: ^^11:51
seb128ogra_, larsu: I wonder what unity is doing11:52
seb128the chart has no busy time11:52
seb128e.g no blue/pink on the unity bar11:52
ogra_seb128, waiting for the indicators11:52
seb128yet it takes ages before it activates indicators and lenses11:52
xnoxseb128: larsu: i wonder if I can hook into pam_systemd and create upstart session per logind session.11:52
seb128ogra_, isn't unity what should dbus activate the indicators?11:52
ogra_and it doesnt map unless they are done11:52
larsuogra_: wait. How long does it take to start the indicators?11:53
larsucan I even see that in this chart?11:53
larsuthey shouldn't take more than a couple 100ms each11:53
larsuif that11:53
jdstrandogra_: yeah-- I have downloaded all the apps and will be filing bugs11:53
larsuxnox: that sounds .... evil :)11:53
jdstrandogra_: that won't slow things down of course, but noted11:53
seb128larsu, the "busy time" is the blue on the bar, they seem small enough indeed11:53
dednickogra_, seb128: indicators are "mapped" as soon as unity8 starts. Read from file system. They are loaded (shown) only we find a valid indicator at the dbus path given by the indicator service files.11:55
larsuseb128: ah, thanks. If there's something we can make faster on indicator startup, I'm all for it. Right now it looks like the issue is that they're being started late, not that they take a long time11:55
ogra_dednick, well, take a look at http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako.png11:55
larsuis there an svg version of this that I can search in?11:55
dednickogra_, seb128: valid being we found a indicator with a menu item saying that it's enabled.11:55
ogra_larsu, each thicker vertical line marks 5sec11:55
larsudednick: indicators are started ~30 seconds after unity811:56
seb128it doesn't make sense that nothing happens during 20s and then indicators and lens start11:56
ogra_so from starting unity8 to starting the indicators there is a 30sec gap11:56
larsuright, that's ridiculous11:57
dednickogra_: they are started by dbus. i have no idea why so late.11:57
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seb128I wonder if the issue is on the dbus side11:57
seb128maybe dbus confinement or something?11:57
ogra_and the indicators themselves take another 10 or so11:57
seb128there is a dbus-activation process that takes 10s11:57
seb128then blank11:57
ogra_which means the session startup alone adds up to 40sec or so11:57
larsuogra_: no... they're long running processes. They're pretty fast in sending the menus and icons to unity when they start11:58
seb128ogra_, it would be interesting to try with a dbus without the confinment patch, just to see11:58
ogra_seb128, that zombified dbus-daemon looks very odd i must say11:58
seb128well, it could be a bug in unity8 as well11:58
seb128ogra_, yes...11:58
seb128it looks like dbus activation is taking ages11:59
seb128or that dbus is in a weird state11:59
* ogra_ bets on the latter 11:59
larsuogra_: you can test dbus activation by calling StartServiceByName on org.freedesktop.DBus11:59
dednickogra_: if you remove/add a indicator service, it's pretty much immediate to add/remove, so i dont think it's the unity8 side. dbus me thinks11:59
dednicki mean the icon add/remove from the panel is immediate.12:00
dednickif unity8 is already loaded.12:00
larsudednick: I'm activating stuff all the time when developing, it's very fast. Maybe the confinement patches?12:00
ogra_yes, i dont debate that :)12:00
ogra_but there is definitely something wrong in our session startup12:00
larsuwe're just trying to shift the blame :)12:01
dednickdo we have bootcharts from pre-confinement (if there was ever a pre-confinement)?12:03
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ogra_thats from june12:03
ogra_right after flipped container became default12:03
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ogra_dbus looks less odd there12:04
ogra_but overall its not much better12:04
ogra_(and the HUD was broken back then, thats fixed nowadays)12:04
jdstrandogra_: oh, I missed the bit about how the md5sums differed. that makes no sense if you didn't update apparmor in between12:06
ogra_jdstrand, i didnt update anything12:06
ogra_apart from installing bootchart12:06
ogra_(i didnt even apt-get update)12:06
dednickogra_: still starting about 10 seconds after hud...12:06
ogra_dednick, right12:06
jdstrandogra_: I'd like to try to reproduce this. if I install bootchart, then where do I see its outpuit?12:07
seb128ogra_, that old chart is less odd12:07
ogra_its the same12:07
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jdstrandoutput even12:07
ogra_jdstrand, flash image, make writable, install bootchart package, copy my upstart job over the original one http://paste.ubuntu.com/6183389/12:07
jdstrandok, thanks12:08
ogra_jdstrand, then reboot and look in /var/log/bootchart ... grab the tarball from there and process it on your PC with pybootchartgui12:08
jdstrandogra_: what image was this with?12:09
ogra_74 updated to 7512:09
ogra_originally installed with 7412:09
jdstrandogra_: is that in proposed?12:09
ogra_saucy-proposed channel, yep12:09
cwayne_Saviq, hey, for the unity scopes not showing up, i understand we're going to the distro-patch route, is that right?12:10
dednickapparmour_parser... runs for about 8 seconds until about 2 seconds before indicators start12:10
Saviqcwayne_ yes12:10
jdstrandok, I'll try to reproduce on grouper-- hopefully I can cause I don't want to move to proposed on my mako12:10
cwayne_Saviq, is there an ETA on when that would land?12:10
dednickisnt apparmor for confinement?12:10
ogra_dednick, on the old chart you mean ? yeah, that was fixed12:10
Saviqtsdgeos, you didn't get to the Qt fix yet for the missing scopes did you?12:10
ogra_dednick, it is supp[osed ot only do that on first boot12:10
dednickoh. right. got the wrong chart...12:11
Saviqtsdgeos, I can take care of it, if you'd like12:11
davmor2ogra_: if you wipe /var/crash and do a reboot do you see maliit and hud if you run mir?12:11
ogra_davmor2, currently bootcharting, i dont want to switch to Mir atm12:12
davmor2ogra_: I've heard some excuses in my time ;)12:13
ogra_i'll test later today after a fresh flash12:13
cwayne_ogra_, anything i can help with? i happened to have just done a fresh flash12:13
ogra_davmor2, ^^^12:14
davmor2cwayne: check /var/crash please12:14
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davmor2cwayne: then do touch /home/phablet/.display-mir reboot and check /var/crash again ta12:15
ogra_xnox, jodh, i assume using "start on" twice is not really allowed ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6183598/12:16
mhr3ogra_, it's hud that's slowing down everything, no?12:16
xnoxogra_: last one will be used.12:16
ogra_thats why maliit never reqpwns then12:17
xnoxand you have two stop on.12:17
mhr3ogra_, it blocks unity for ~30seconds12:17
ogra_xnox, erm, thats what i actually menat12:17
xnoxogra_: "stop on stopping unity9 or session-end"12:17
ogra_i know12:17
Saviqcwayne_, we'll try and and get it in today / early tomorrow12:17
ogra_mhr3, on the old chart from june, yes12:17
ogra_mhr3, that bit is fixed12:17
davmor2xnox: man you devs are way ahead if you're on unity912:18
xnoxdavmor2: damn, leaked top-secret TV project.12:18
cwayne_Saviq, perfect, thanks!12:18
mhr3ogra_, i'm looking at mako chart12:18
mhr3says 2nd oct :)12:18
cwayne_Saviq, as always, feel free to let us know if you need an extra hands testing it12:18
Saviqcwayne_, sure12:19
ogra_davmor2, only foundations ... the UI devs dont know about it yet ... xnox will slowly transmit the data to their brains over the next two cycles12:19
davmor2ogra_: haha12:19
mhr3ogra_, hud started around 26s mark, all the indicators and everything around 55s12:19
pittihow do I enable Mir on current G4 builds?12:19
pittiI'd like to reproduce bug 123394412:19
ubot5bug 1233944 in Mir "Unity8/Mir is unable to open autopilot uinput devices" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123394412:19
ogra_mhr3, url ? (there are 5 charts12:20
pitti(I'm on image 75, current devel-proposed)12:20
davmor2pitti: touch /home/phablet/.display-mir and reboot12:20
jibelpitti, adb shell touch /home/phablet/.display-mir12:20
ogra_i see hud-service at the bottom12:20
jibeland reboot12:20
pittidavmor2, jibel: merci12:20
pittiogra_: apparmor_parser !?12:21
pittiand apport twice12:21
ogra_pitti, yep12:21
pittiogra_: we got rid of that many releases ago in desktop; I wonder how it crawled back in12:22
ogra_mhr3, i must be blind, i only see a 5sec hud-service12:22
ogra_pitti, the mysterious ways of building touch images i'd say :)12:22
mhr3ogra_, i guess that's the thing, it dies, but it shouldn't, dbus is still waiting 30seconds for it12:22
cwayne_davmor2, i get a new maliit_server and hud-service crash on mir12:23
ogra_mhr3, oh ! i get your point12:23
davmor2cwayne: thanks12:23
cwayne_davmor2, also, do you happen to know what video files will play12:23
cwayne_i assume ogv would?12:23
pittiadb shell12:23
pittieek, -EFOCUS, sorry12:23
thostr_Saviq: tsdgeos: just noticed that hud is not invokable when running mir. are you aware of this or have an idea why that is?12:24
ogra_mhr3, then i guess the hud issue from http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-maguro.png isnt fixed, just doesnt produce the crazy IO anymore12:24
Saviqthostr_, yes, mzanetti and racarr are on it12:24
mhr3ogra_, i'd even say that it dies before it has a chance to produce crazy IO :)12:25
Saviqthostr_, input behaviour is different between surfaceflinger and mir12:25
ogra_mhr3, yes, thats how it was "fixed" i suppose :P12:25
davmor2cwayne: I was copying the media file from /usr/share/example-content to the correct places on the phone and trying them I think the video is just and .ogg container12:25
thostr_Saviq: yes it seems it's not getting the swipe event12:25
mzanettiSaviq: thostr_: once this is merged I can make use of it in the shell https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/123337812:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1233378 in Mir "Unity requires input injection API from Mir " [Undecided,In progress]12:25
davmor2cwayne: it wasn't working at the time I last tested it I'm assuming it is kinda fixed now though12:26
thostr_mzanetti: thanks.12:27
pittiso with phone running Mir, is there such a thing as a "Mir server process"? I can't see one12:27
pittibut /usr/bin/unity8 doesn't link to anything libmir-ish, is that going through libQt?12:28
pittiand Qt uses the Mir libraries?12:28
ogra_yeah, there is no process to match against12:29
ogra_what oyu can check is if there is no surfaceflinger process12:29
pittiyes, I checked that12:29
pittiogra_: so if unity8 is directly talking to the display server through libraries, how is it able to open input devices?12:30
pittithey are root:android_input 66012:30
ogra_right, if there is still something on display you run Mir12:30
pittiyes :012:30
ogra_dunno how input handling in Mir works exactly, could be it still goes through android12:30
pittiogra_: oh, through libhybris?12:31
ogra_pitti, ask ricmm12:31
ogra_he knows the stack12:31
olliogra_, pitti, dandrader should know12:31
ollior ricmm12:31
pitti"The code that opens this device is (in lp:mir HEAD)12:31
pitti3rd_party/android-input/android/frameworks/base/services/input/EventHub.cpp line 959"12:31
sergiusenspitti, ogra_ mir implemented it's own input based out of android12:32
sergiusensbut it's not hybris12:32
pittidandrader, ricmm: so Mir does not actually access /dev/input/event* by itself, but shovels events through some Android layer?12:32
pittisergiusens: how odd..12:32
pittisergiusens: but thanks for the hint; do you know if there's a process for this event hub, or if that's going through binder or something/12:33
sergiusenspitti, that's as far as my knowledge goes, I can be almost sure that it doesn't go through binder and uses /dev/input directly12:34
dandraderpitti, Mir does access /dev/input/event* directly12:34
pittisergiusens: ah, so the phablet user is in the android_input class12:34
pittiyuck, that's a giant security hole12:35
dandraderpitti, it has a copy of android input inside itself12:35
dandraders/android  input/android input code12:35
dandraderpitti, to it has an inotify for files being created of deleted in /dev/input12:36
pittidandrader: may it be that something in libmir drops the android_input group membership after startup?12:36
pittidandrader: oh, why not listen to uevents directly?12:36
ogra_pitti, the android blobs need the user to be ablet to access the devices directly12:37
dandraderpitti, but it seems that those uinput files are first created with root:root and later changed to root:android-input. but mir doesn't get notified about that change in permissions and therefore doesn't try to reopen them12:37
pittidandrader: yes, there is a slight delay when udev rules are applied to a new device12:37
ogra_dandrader, udev sets the permissions12:37
pittihence "listen to uevents"12:37
pittidandrader: thanks for clearing that up, it all makes a lot more sense now!12:38
ogra_note that our udev starts delayed12:38
ogra_(after the container is up)12:38
pittiogra_: that should be fine, autopilot stuff runs much later12:38
ogra_ChickenCutlass, finally got to do some bootcharting today ... http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako.png12:39
ogra_looks better than it actually *feels* when sitting in front of the black screen12:39
ogra_pitti, yeah, we didnt have probs due to it yet12:39
jibelogra_, how did you produce it, with standard bootchart or a customized version?12:39
ChickenCutlassogra_, that's great -- thanks12:40
pittiogra_: so I guess nobody tried to attach an USB or bluetooth keyboard :)12:40
ogra_and we need to make udev wait until ueventd is done12:40
seb128ogra_, still that weird dbus-daemon zombie :/12:40
pittithis doesn't seem uinptu specific at all12:40
ChickenCutlassogra_, is this with SF12:40
ogra_pitti, heh, nope, i dont think we even have phone kernels that have OTG host mode12:40
ogra_ChickenCutlass, yes12:40
ogra_ChickenCutlass, i'll do Mir later today12:40
dandraderpitti, just to clarify, is uevents what we listen through using that inotify API?12:40
pittidandrader: no, not at all12:41
sil2100gatox: ping!12:41
pittidandrader: uevents are the kernel's way to tell userland about new, changed, or removed devices12:41
gatoxsil2100, pong12:41
pittidandrader: so with libudev you say "I want to get notified about events for the "input" subsystem, and otherwise not be woken up12:41
sil2100gatox: hello! Did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/click-update-manager/autopilot_package/+merge/188783 mayhaps? ;)12:41
dandraderah, an inotify is just for changed in the filesystem12:41
ogra_ChickenCutlass, lots of issues we need to solve in that bootchart12:41
gatoxsil2100, no, reviewing now12:42
sil2100gatox: actually, I need to push a small fix into it, I see some commented leftovers!12:42
pittidandrader: and then your event callback gets called on any event on an input subsystem; you watch out for an added or changed "event" device with the properties you are interested in (like, "is it a keyboard"), and handle it then12:42
pittidandrader: uevents are much more efficient and convenient than inotify, and you get the device attributes and properties for free, too12:42
ChickenCutlassogra_, that's good.  Means we can make it better12:42
ogra_we do12:42
sil2100gatox: ok, done now12:43
ogra_ChickenCutlass, if everyone (upstream) would have time  to focus on this i'd bet for ~30sec12:43
pittidandrader: and you also avoid these kinds of race conditions12:43
ChickenCutlassogra_, agree12:43
sil2100gatox: that's generally how we treat autopilot tests, as we move them to a separate package so that those can be installed and ran on test-systems12:44
sil2100gatox: for integration testing12:44
sil2100gatox: so actually we never run them from source, but install the -autopilot package and test without any sources12:44
ogra_ChickenCutlass, saldy i doubt we can get time from upstreams for this ... toomanybugs ...12:45
ChickenCutlassogra_, certainly not for 13.1012:45
dandraderpitti, didn't know about that stuff. thanks for the info!12:45
* sil2100 lunch12:46
ogra_ChickenCutlass, for 13.10 some improvement should still be possible ... especially all the artificial sleeps should go ... and the but with the HUD delaying indicator startup by 20-30 sec12:46
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pittidandrader|lunch: I left a summary in bug 1233944 FYU12:47
ubot5bug 1233944 in Mir "Unity8/Mir is unable to open autopilot uinput devices" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123394412:47
pittidandrader|lunch: "FYI"12:47
gatoxsil2100, +1, do you want me to globally approve it too or do you want someone else to review it??12:47
pittidandrader|lunch: I'm out tomorrow and Friday, but I'm happy to tell you more about uevents; pretty much everything else in the FOSS world uses libudev, so there's plenty of examples to look at12:47
pittidandrader|lunch: I can toss you some easy ones12:47
ogra_pitti, untiting really hard this year ?12:48
pittiogra_: ?12:48
ogra_pitti, celebrating unification for a whole weekend i meant :)12:49
pittiogra_: oh, you mean Didier's wedding? :-)12:49
pittiogra_: ooh, I get it now12:49
ogra_oh, no, i meant unification day and the long weekend12:49
pittiogra_: yes, German reunion AND didrocks+julie union :)12:50
pittithat needs a longer one12:50
ogra_thats a lot of unification12:50
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sergiusensxnox, hey, how much do you know about upstart-local-bridge?12:51
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ogra_pmcgowan, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako.png12:52
ogra_(in case yours didnt work out yesterday)12:53
ChickenCutlassogra_, looks like apparmor still takes a lot of cpu time12:53
ogra_ChickenCutlass, 5sec without holding up anything else in that chart12:53
ogra_thats fine12:53
ChickenCutlassogra_, that's 5 seconds of max cpu12:53
ChickenCutlassnot good12:54
ChickenCutlassslows everything down for 5 seconds12:54
ogra_ChickenCutlass, i have another one where apparmor-parser runs just randomly for a full run (20sec with stalling), jdstrand is already looking into it12:54
pmcgowanis that every boot?12:54
pmcgowanogra_, thanks btw12:54
tsdgeosthostr_: the backend doesn't work with Mir as far as i know12:54
gemaseb128: are the stats on welcome screen supposed to be off when you check that option in settings? is the backend there?12:55
ogra_ChickenCutlass, it wont hold up anything else ... the HUD delaying the inciator startup (and thus unity8 startup) which causes a 40sec black screen is the big issue here12:55
sergiusenspmcgowan, only after upgrades (if no bug)12:55
thostr_tsdgeos: yes, we figured that by now12:55
ogra_ChickenCutlass, pmcgowan, thats one we urgently have someone look at before release12:56
ChickenCutlassogra_, sure, I agree the HUD is a bigger problem.  But anything that takes all cpu slows everything else down.12:56
ogra_ChickenCutlass, well, the CPU is idle 90% of the time ... same for I/O12:56
ogra_look at the graphs at the top12:56
pmcgowanogra_, then thats very bad12:56
pmcgowanwhat is the bottleneck?12:57
ogra_pmcgowan, seems hud-service dies and unity8 waits for it for 30sec12:58
ogra_pmcgowan, then it starts the indicators (hud-service is further at the bottom)12:58
pmcgowanogra_, well, should be easy to get that time back then, so thats good12:58
ogra_unity8 doesnt map to screen before the indicators are up12:58
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ogra_thats our long black screen on boot12:59
* ogra_ thinks even 1min boots are acceptable if you dont have to look iinto a black hole during that minute12:59
seb128gema, the backend is up for review on https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/statsWelcomeScreen/+merge/18415313:00
seb128gema, so no, it's not supposed to work until that commit gets in13:00
gemaseb128: ack13:00
gemaseb128: what do you think is already there (in devel-proposed) and needs testing?13:00
seb128gema, I'm not sure anything needs specific testing...13:01
xnoxsergiusens: a bit, what's up? =)13:01
gemaseb128: ok, so what is there and is supposed to work?13:02
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seb128gema, 90% of the settings: selecting a wifi ap (without password, the password part is not working), selecting a carrier, turning on/off datas, adding a bluetooth headset, selecting a background, selecting a ringtone/message sound/adding online accounts/the device infos in about (including click and disk space)13:03
seb128gema, the battery charge, turning on/off wifi and bluetooth13:04
seb128gema, turning on/off online datas for the unity lenses13:04
seb128gema, updating13:04
seb128gema, selecting a timezone (though on the current image it doesn't persist after reboot, should be fixed on the next one)13:04
ogra_seb128, the password part works fine for me ?13:05
gemaseb128: selecting a timezone doesn't persist for me since selection till a step back13:05
seb128ogra_, not in system settings?13:05
gemaseb128: it doesn't stick, the selection13:05
ogra_seb128, ah, no, from the indicator indeed13:05
* ogra_ wasnt aware we duplicated that 13:06
gemaseb128: making a note of all that is supposed to be working, will go through it again13:06
seb128ogra_, right, the indicator uses the password agent13:06
sergiusensxnox, I applied http://people.canonical.com/~sergiusens/upstart-property-watcher/ those two to my system13:06
sergiusensxnox, after boot everything works fine13:06
ogra_seb128, yeah, the FBI thing ... it is actually called "secret agent" :P13:06
seb128ogra_, we don't, system settings uses the indicator backend, it's just not plugged into the secret agent yet13:06
alecuseb128: thanks for the "Install" bug. This happens because the dash is not doing the refresh of categories, so the just installed app does not move from "more suggestions" to "installed". I'm marking it as a duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/123035213:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1230352 in Unity 8 "Scope results not updated when scope invalidates them" [High,In progress]13:06
sergiusensxnox, but during boot, the upstart-property-watcher reports a bunch of changes that aren't seen by the bridge during boot13:07
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seb128alecu, thanks13:07
seb128gema,  gema, selecting a timezone (though on the current image it doesn't persist after reboot, should be fixed on the next one)13:07
seb128gema, you confirm what I was writting there?13:07
* ogra_ waits for the first press reviews that will dicaover a process called "secret agent" on ubuntu phones :)13:07
seb128ogra_, https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-network/secret-agent/+merge/18289813:07
seb128ogra_, I'm not making up the name!13:08
ogra_seb128, i know !13:08
xnoxsergiusens: correct, there was a lot of discussions as to when and how start local-bridge and the container property-watcher and in what order.13:08
ogra_i think its a very unfortunate choice13:08
seb128yeah :/13:08
seb128ogra_, we should call it prism-data-collector13:08
gemaseb128: I am on image 75, and yes you are right, I just checked mexico timezone and it stuck13:09
gemaseb128: the UI was very confusing with the UTC-X13:09
seb128gema, sorry about that, feel free to open design bugs if the UI is confusing13:09
ogra_gema, it just knows you are lying :)13:09
xnoxsergiusens: does it help if you change /etc/init/upstart-local-bridge.conf to "start on starting lxc-android-config" ?13:09
gemaseb128: I will try to figure out why I find it confusing13:10
seb128gema, not that we have a merge request coming that is going to go back to the previous screen when you select the tz13:10
sergiusensxnox, will try that13:10
seb128gema, that should make more obvious that the action worked13:10
xnoxsergiusens: cause it looks like lxc-android-config kicks in very early (when cgroups are available) which can be ahead of "filesystem" event which the local-bridge starts on.13:10
seb128gema, e.g you click, it displays the change and then after a second go back to the previous panel13:10
seb128well "previous panel", the one with the settings for datetime13:11
gemaseb128: I think going back to the previous screen automatically will help13:11
seb128gema, great, let us know if it feels better with the next update then ;-)13:13
gemaseb128: will do13:13
NewUTouchUserHi. Do you know whether Ubuntu Touch supports ad-hoc WLAN connections on Nexus 7?13:14
ogra_probably via cmdline and nmcli, there is surely no UI option for it13:15
gemaseb128: the bluetooth button (on the battery settings) just disappeared on me when I ticked it off13:16
gematogether with the indicator, I think13:16
seb128gema, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-bluetooth/+bug/123362613:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1233626 in indicator-bluetooth (Ubuntu) "shouldn't hide itself when bluetooth is turned off" [Undecided,New]13:16
seb128gema, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/123362813:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1233628 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "disabling bluetooth makes battery's setting switch to hide" [High,Confirmed]13:16
gemaseb128: ack13:16
seb128gema, ^ that's your issue, charles is looking at it13:16
gemaseb128: and the brightness slider not working properly?13:17
seb128gema, is it working in the indicator?13:18
charlesI thought larsu had patched the brightness slider?13:18
gemaseb128: if you encourage it with a few extra clicks here and there it catches up, but the slider stops changing brightness after a couple of ups and downs on the settings13:18
seb128gema, define "not properly"13:18
charlesyea, it's working for me both in the settings and indicator13:19
seb128gema, are you sure it's not https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/qmenumodel/maintain-action-state-type/+merge/18710013:19
sergiusensxnox, starting it then make the service on android just restart a lot13:19
seb128gema, e.g just the extremities not working13:19
gemaseb128: it stays at 100% when I go back to 0%13:20
seb128gema, right, that's the fix I just pointed13:20
seb128gema, should be fixed when that code lands13:20
gemaseb128: ack13:20
seb128charles, ^13:20
larsuyou called me?13:21
xnoxsergiusens: hm.13:21
charleslarsu, only for reference, no action items afaict13:21
larsucharles: ha, coolio13:21
gemaseb128: connecting to a new wifi network in the settings wifi area doesn't prompt me for password13:24
gemaseb128: it shows a wifi indicator with a little lock on it13:25
seb128gema, known issue, pete-woods needs to land https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-network/secret-agent/+merge/18289813:25
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gemaseb128: axk13:25
sergiusensxnox, anyways, with filesystem the socket did connect; upstart-property-watcher bails if it can't connect before reporting changed props13:26
sergiusensxnox, this is what I get if the bridge starts on filesystem http://paste.ubuntu.com/6183835/ ... the Property changed message can't be reached if the socket isn't avail13:28
xnoxsergiusens: right, then lxc-android-config.conf should "start on started cgroup-lite and started upstart-local-bridge", and revert back upstart-local-bridge to "start on filesystem"13:29
xnoxjodh: ^13:30
gemaseb128: I cannot register an account other than ubuntu one13:31
seb128gema, what happens?13:31
gemaseb128: I only get a cancel button13:32
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sergiusensxnox, if I change that I get restarts again on the android side13:33
seb128gema, what sort of account do you try to add?13:33
gemaseb128: twitter, facebook and google , the three of them do the same13:33
gemaoffer me to cancel13:34
xnoxsergiusens: argh.13:34
gemaseb128: I am trying to add one of each13:34
jodhsergiusens: got your mail - looking...13:34
xnoxjodh: what is suppose to be the correct ordering for local bridge and property watcher?13:34
seb128gema, check with kenvandine or mardy, that can be a bit slow but it should open a webbrowser on e.g fb13:34
seb128with the login UI13:34
jodhxnox, sergiusens: the local bridge needs to start before the property watcher13:34
xnoxjodh: ideally we'd start local-bridge ahead of the android container, such that we do not lose a single event from the container.13:34
gemaseb128: they are the ones working ont he settings for this?13:35
jodhxnox: that's how it's supposed to work, yes :)13:35
seb128gema, yes13:35
seb128gema, they do online-account-setting13:35
gemakenvandine: what's up with twitter, facebook and google settings?13:35
gemaseb128: ack13:35
xnoxjodh: somehow on android side it keeps on restarting, if we do that.13:35
kenvandinehey gema13:35
kenvandineshould open a page to login, let me try on my device13:36
gemakenvandine: I am on image 7513:36
sergiusensjodh, xnox that's for the socket to be available I guess13:36
sergiusensjodh, xnox can I move the socket out of /dev/ ?13:37
didrocksjhodapp: hey! how are you?13:37
kenvandinegema, do you have network?13:37
gemakenvandine: let me open a page, it looks like I do but who knows13:38
sergiusensxnox, jodh  also seems that if I keep the filesystem event linked to the bridge from whatever race it seems to get connected, which is why I see all the properties being changed in the logs13:38
gemakenvandine: positive13:38
gemakenvandine: wifi13:38
gemakenvandine: and a sim on the device13:38
kenvandinegema, and you get the same problem with twitter right?13:39
gemakenvandine: yep, let me take some pics and send them to you13:39
ogra_tedg, yo13:39
gemakenvandine: I can raise a bug if you want13:39
kenvandinegema, don't bother13:39
kenvandinea bug sure :)13:39
seb128gema, kenvandine: wfm with 75, adding a fb account, I get the screen with the cancel button for a second, then the browser with the fb page and the email/password entries and the connect button at the bottom13:39
kenvandineworks for me too13:39
seb128kenvandine, gema: that UI really sucks btw, tiny UI elements on that big webpage13:39
kenvandineseb128, there is a fix proposed for that13:40
kenvandineto signon-ui13:40
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gemaseb128: I don't see anything even after a while13:40
gemaseb128: the screen goes off with nothing on it13:40
kenvandinebut, i guess there isn't any error handling there13:40
tedgogra_, yo yo yo!13:40
OrokuSakiSo... anyone know how I can switch to Mir instead of surfaceflinger... just for kicks?13:41
nerochiarotedg: do you know if the abiilty to corecctly handle system settings URLs is supposed to have landed in the URL dispatcher in the current image ?13:41
ogra_tedg, remember that old bootchart, that made you fix the HUD ? http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-maguro.png13:41
seb128gema, seems like maybe a webbrowser-app issue...13:41
w-floOrokuSaki, create a file in /home/phablet.. don't remember exactly, something like ".display_mir" IIRC13:41
tedgnerochiaro, No, not current.13:41
nerochiarotedg: ok, thanks13:41
OrokuSakisweet.. I remember seeing that in ubuntu or lightdm settings.. thnks w-flo!13:42
OrokuSakiupstart conf file13:42
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
ogra_tedg, i made some new charts today ... and noticed while the HUD seems to not go wild on IO anymore, it seems that someone forgot to tell unity that it has not to wait for 30sec until it times out  waiting for the HUD ... http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako.png13:42
gemaseb128: ack, want me to raise it against webbrowser-app? kenvandine email your way with the screenshots13:43
kenvandineagainst ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts13:43
gemakenvandine: ack13:43
jodhsergiusens: you can move the socket to wherever you want as long as you update both the local bridge config, the property watcher and the lxc config :)13:44
jodhsergiusens: I need to reflash to pick up your recent changes...13:44
kenvandineseb128, actually that fix is in signon-ui trunk now, just not landed yet13:45
seb128kenvandine, what is it going to change?13:45
sergiusensjodh, the changes aren't in yet, it's just in the android-ramdisk, if you tell me what device you have I can make one and give you instructions on how to put it on13:45
kenvandinethe facebook login will be friendly13:45
kenvandinethe page13:45
kenvandineit's signon-ui13:45
kenvandinethe qml file was missing an import, so it was failing to set useragent and units.gu13:46
seb128kenvandine, ok, great13:46
jodhsergiusens: nexus713:46
sergiusensjodh, ok, will get it to you soon13:46
jodhsergiusens: thanks13:47
tedgogra_, Do you know if that's the case where HUD "doesn't start" ?13:48
ogra_tedg, well, i can use the HUD in the session13:48
tedgogra_, We've been getting bugs on that, but haven't been able to recreate reliably.13:48
ogra_tedg, i just think it is wrong that unity8 waits for 30sec13:48
tedgHmm, okay.  So probably not that case :-/13:48
ogra_well, i can see the HUD icon  when swiping from the bottom13:49
ogra_usuallz what i get then is empty though13:49
gemakenvandine: bug 123418513:49
ubot5bug 1234185 in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Login to some online accounts unavailable from settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123418513:49
ogra_but i suppose gettign the icon means it runs ?13:49
tedgogra_, No, that's not it.13:51
tedgogra_, And it looks like in the chart the hud-service ends.13:51
ogra_tedg, right, but untiy waits for another 20-30sec until it starts to fire up indicators13:52
ogra_tedg, and dbus seems to be in some weird semi zombie state13:52
tedgogra_, So that is HUD failing to start.  Can you pastebin your ~/.cache/upstart/hud.log for that?13:53
tedgogra_, It's the dbus activation waiting for HUD to start, but it failing to.13:53
ogra_tedg, only "__pthread_gettid -2" for each boot13:54
* tedg has no clue what to do with that13:55
ogra_yeah, not much info at all13:55
tedgHuh, top hit in Google: https://github.com/libhybris/libhybris/issues/5913:56
seb128alecu, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1234113 a bug for you as well?13:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234113 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "sometimes download are stuck at 0%" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:56
kenvandineseb128, alecu: i just hit that too13:57
rsalvetiogra_: that messa is fine13:57
rsalvetiit's a print we have for everything that uses hybris13:57
ogra_i see it a lot without any issues13:57
ogra_tedg, but i just notice i have no HUD atm13:57
tedgBut, why would HUD touch Hybris in any way?13:58
ogra_tedg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6183931/13:59
ogra_is that comment wanted ?13:59
tedgogra_, "wanted" ?  Still valid13:59
ogra_if so, there cant be anything in the log indeed13:59
ogra_since not upstart but dbus starts it14:00
tedgDBus activation does a "start hud"14:00
ogra_oh, ok14:00
tedgCould HUD be pulling in Hybris from a dep?  What links to it?14:00
* ogra_ doesnt know how hybris could be involved here ... ricmm or rsalveti might though 14:03
jhodapphey didrocks14:04
rsalvetiogra_: anything gl/qtubuntu, whatever related14:04
rsalvetisensors, not sure14:04
ricmmtedg: unless the hud is using the DBus WindowStack it is using the old platform-api session helpers14:04
dholbachgatox, can bug 1231389 be marked 'fix released'?14:04
ogra_ah, pkatform/api14:04
ubot5bug 1231389 in click-update-manager (Ubuntu) "Click updater app does not run" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123138914:04
didrocksjhodapp: I think you are currently working on bug #1234007, right? (with rsalveti)14:04
ubot5bug 1234007 in libhybris (Ubuntu) "[mako] out of index crash when handling media_codec output buffers list" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123400714:04
ogra_*platform-api indeed14:05
gatoxdholbach, not sure if that is already in the image14:05
jhodappdidrocks, yep, rsalveti came up with a fix and I'm verifying it...I'm currently in the process of trying to push it to my repo for submission14:05
alecuseb128, thanks for the bug. The click webservice seems to be down, so you are hitting a known bug in the scope: #122602114:05
alecukenvandine: ^14:05
didrocksjhodapp: can you keep us updated? we are pending an image promotion on it14:05
alecuseb128: I'm marking your bug as a duplicate14:05
gatoxdholbach, yes14:06
dholbachgatox, I'm on the devel (not 'devel-proposed') image and the updater app does not crash on startup14:06
rsalvetijhodapp: hey14:06
jhodappdidrocks, yes, np14:06
jhodapphey rsalveti14:06
gatoxdholbach, it's in the image14:06
dholbachgatox, awesome - I'm just going through the list of 'appstore' bugs right now :)14:06
gatoxdholbach, marked as released14:06
seb128alecu, thanks, sorry for filling duplicates... I checked the bugs list before filing, but didn't spot those for some reasons14:06
rsalvetijhodapp: just need to make sure that side effect is covered everywhere where the buffer list is needed14:06
jhodapprsalveti, you mean that it doesn't create any new issues?14:07
ricmmogra_: are you talking about hud on Mir anyways?14:07
ogra_ricmm, about unity8 taking a minute to start up in either case14:07
ogra_ricmm, trying to get the 30sec sleep of unity8 solved14:07
tedgricmm, Hmm, good point.  Hadn't thought about platform API there.14:08
rsalvetijhodapp: sorry, the side effect of that buffer list being dynamic14:08
ricmmogra_: right14:08
dholbachmzanetti, bug 1221137 can be marked as 'fix released', right?14:08
ubot5bug 1221137 in Ubuntu UX "[dash] open preview disables scrolling in all scopes" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122113714:08
tedgogra_, You could try building HUD with BAMF support, it wouldn't "work" but it might solve the sleep issue.14:08
jhodapprsalveti, yeah, it's good14:08
ogra_ricmm, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako.png see how it twiddles thumbs before starting the indicators14:08
mzanettidholbach: yes14:08
tedgogra_, It would at least be a good data point.14:08
jhodapprsalveti, https://github.com/jhodapp/libhybris14:08
dholbachmzanetti, thanks14:08
ogra_tedg, well, cant we just tell unity to not wait for it forever ?14:09
ogra_if it is dbus activated on demand anyway, why do we need it at startup at all ?14:09
dobeyfginther: can you twiddle http://s-jenkins:8080/job/unity-scope-click-ci/54/rebuild please? seems it failed to connect to bzr14:09
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dholbachhey stgraber, is https://code.launchpad.net/~stgraber/ubuntu/saucy/lxc-android-config/boot-hooks/+merge/188172 planned to land any time soon?14:09
tedgogra_, I would agree with you there, but the way Unity8 works today is it allocates a HUD instance and keeps it forever.14:10
tedgogra_, So that singleton is created on boot.14:10
rsalvetijhodapp: let be build and test that14:10
ricmmtedg: why is it not activated right away when unity8 requires it?14:10
ricmmor does it really take that long to start the hud-service14:10
jhodapprsalveti, k14:11
fgintherdobey, the armhf build hit a merge conflict, you might be better of merging to trunk and pushing a new branch14:11
ogra_ricmm, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-maguro.png it eats your IO on boot if you enable it right away14:11
ogra_ricmm, we had that before (thats a very old chart)14:11
rsalvetijhodapp: did you test with maguro to make sure we don't have any regression? but we shouldn't have I believe14:11
tedgricmm, It would be if Unity8 created the HUD query object on need.  But, it does take a while with audio init stuff.  We've moved it out of the critical path (it delays if not used) but we could/should do more.14:11
alecuseb128: no problem, thanks for taking the time to fill them. My main list of bugs is the project's one, and that bug was filled against the ubuntu package, maybe that's why it did not show up?14:11
dobeyfginther: weird14:11
dobeyalecu: ^^ seems your confirm-uninstalls branch has a merge conflict14:11
jhodapprsalveti, I did test with maguro, yes14:12
seb128alecu, right, you should probably subscribe to the ubuntu sources, that's where most of the reports are going to come14:12
sergiusensjodh, here it is http://people.canonical.com/~sergiusens/upstart-property-watcher/android-ramdisk.img14:12
ogra_ricmm, we need to talk about the 12 sec  sleep in the unity8 upstart job btw ... testing with it dropped doesnt seem to cause any issues for me14:12
* ogra_ guesses that needs awe input as well14:12
sergiusensjodh, just make sure you have a writable image and do adb shell mount -o remount,rw /var/lib/lxc/android/rootfs/system&& adb push android-ramdisk.img /var/lib/lxc/android/rootfs/system/boot/ && adb reboot14:13
ricmmwell that wait is *after* unity8 starts, no? for ofonod14:13
ogra_ricmm, it sleeps ...14:13
jodhsergiusens: thanks14:14
ogra_ricmm, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako-dropped-sleeps.png thats what i get with it dropped14:14
sergiusensogra_, can you pin unlock?14:14
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ogra_sergiusens, should i ?14:14
ogra_sergiusens, i use a prepaid unlocked SIM for testing atm, would have to switch if  thats supposed to work and being tested14:15
sergiusensogra_, right, well the account setup is a one time thing too, could be a separate job itself maybe14:15
seb128ogra_, wth is happening with dbus on those charts :/14:15
ogra_seb128, i'd love to know that !14:15
ogra_its in some weird semi zombie state14:16
sergiusensjodh, as it is with the current sync in jobs the race allows it to start (I see it start on manta and rsalveti on mako), while the race needs to be fixed, the socket does indeed connect but not all events get to the bridge14:16
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sergiusensjodh, also adb wait-for-device shell /system/bin/logcat|grep Upstart14:16
sergiusensjodh, converted the prints into ALOGs to view them better14:17
ogra_ricmm, oh, and looking at /usr/share/upstart/sessions/maliit-server.conf i think we want to drop one "stop on" so respawning actually works :)14:18
ogra_(looks like a messed up merge or so)14:19
MacSlowSaviq, final set of MRs for also supporting wifi-selection  ext. snap-decision are up ... I'll turn to the while-list protection now14:19
ricmmogra_: hack away14:19
MacSlowSaviq, any hints about how to go about this?14:19
SaviqMacSlow, right, I wonder if that's the priority right now...14:19
MacSlowSaviq, my gut-feeling tells me so :)14:20
moocow1452Gonna assume being unable to pull from the Android repo is a thing for everyone?14:20
ricmmtedg: while on that topic, do you have any time to work on hud with the dbus api?14:20
stgraberdholbach: I believe ogra_ put it on the spreadsheet, so I hope so14:20
ogra_ricmm, heh, and if you dont want to be pinged about these upstart jobs all the time i guess we should use a team address for the author entry :)14:20
ricmmor should we drop the hud from the Mir release14:20
SaviqMacSlow, can you go through the spec first and see what can we easily change so that we're closer to design? like solid background, for example?14:21
ricmmogra_: I'll happrove the MR14:21
ogra_stgraber, wthats that ? the boot hooks ?14:21
SaviqMacSlow, re: whitelisting, we'd need a chat with jdstrand and co.14:21
dholbachstgraber, yep, it's in there, image 77 - thanks14:21
dholbachI just asked because of bug 1215092 and it looked like some of the work was already done14:22
ubot5bug 1215092 in Ubuntu system image "please add support to run postinst-style code on first boot after upgrades" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121509214:22
MacSlowSaviq, sure... I'd rather have someone with more experience in that domain actually implement it14:22
ogra_dholbach, thats likely late tonight or tomorrow morning14:22
SaviqMacSlow, right, that too14:22
tedgricmm, Known issue, we're working on it.14:22
SaviqMacSlow, I don't think we should go for AppArmor protection, as we only want a strict list of core apps to be able to send those up14:22
dholbachogra_, thanks14:22
SaviqMacSlow, possibly dconf-backed for OEM customization14:23
MacSlowSaviq, yeah... AppArmor sounds like overkill14:23
jodhsergiusens: I think part of the problem is /var/lib/lxc/android/pre-start.sh: it removes /dev/socket before starting the container. But the local bridge must run before lxc starts and it needs /dev/socket.14:23
SaviqMacSlow, on that note, does the spec actually mention who *should* be able to post those?14:24
ogra_tedg, bug 1233381 is for tracking boot speed issues btw, in case you want to add something there for mgmt14:24
ubot5bug 1233381 in ubuntu-touch-meta (Ubuntu) "Touch image boot time is too long" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123338114:24
kenvandinegema, did you file that bug yet?14:25
MacSlowSaviq, no... that kind of detail is not mentioned in the spec14:26
sergiusensjodh, xnox rsalveti this is what I get when I sync the jobs, so your assessment makes sense E/UpstartPropertyWatcher( 1626): Failed to connect socket for '/dev/socket/upstart-text-bridge' on fd 10 (2 [No such file or directory])14:26
gemakenvandine: yes, I pinged you with it I think, bug 123418514:27
ubot5bug 1234185 in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Login to some online accounts unavailable from settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123418514:27
kenvandinegema, thx, missed that14:27
gemakenvandine: np14:27
SaviqMacSlow, right so we'll just go and invent something up14:28
MacSlowSaviq, :)14:28
ogra_sergiusens, make the bridge job manual and call "start upstart-text-bridge" from /var/lib/lxc/android/pre-start.sh right after the socket dir bind mounting ?14:28
MacSlowSaviq, what about the autolanding failure... how often will jenkins try to merge approved branches?14:29
sergiusensogra_, is there a reason to rm them at all though?14:29
ogra_them ?14:29
sergiusensogra_, rm -Rf /dev/socket14:30
sergiusensogra_, in prestart14:30
dholbachlool, I haven't seen any mails in the last week on the "click framework" thread - do we still need to do anything there?14:30
ogra_to make sure you have a clean env14:30
rsalvetijhodapp: ok, seems that this change fixes it, autopilot is happy here14:31
ogra_if you would connect to some leftover stuff that android removes or re-adds you are screwed14:31
jhodapprsalveti, excellent news14:31
SaviqMacSlow, as soon as it has the power to14:31
rsalvetiI'm still getting a crash with mediascanner sometimes, but I'll track that separately14:31
SaviqMacSlow, qmluitests are backed up on the VMs I'm afraid14:31
MacSlowSaviq, ok14:31
jhodapprsalveti, I'll link to the github commit in the bug report14:31
SaviqMacSlow, 'cause Mir ci / autolanding takes 2 hrs there... and on 2 out of 3 VMs total currently...14:32
jhodapprsalveti, actually we should probably link from your hybris repo14:32
looldholbach: so xnox fixed the seeds, but I don't think we've actually landed the framework file14:32
looldholbach: that would be good to do now14:32
rsalvetijhodapp: well, I'm pushing a new libhybris as we speak14:32
sergiusensogra_, but you are deleting them from the host ?14:32
dholbachlool, awesome!14:32
sergiusensogra_, on the ubuntu side14:33
jhodapprsalveti, yeah, why don't you link to the commit once you push14:33
looldholbach: I guess provided by the ubuntu-sdk-libs package14:33
rsalvetijhodapp: yup14:33
sergiusensogra_, what if ubuntu creates a socket there for ubuntu use14:33
ogra_sergiusens, that code comes from the old liking stuff ... stgraber chnaged it to the bindmount, not sure why we kept the rm there14:33
sergiusensogra_, I'm removing the rm14:33
ogra_it might not actually be necessary14:33
dholbachlool, I'll add a task to bug 1219185 then14:33
ubot5bug 1219185 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Framework "ubuntu-sdk-13.10" not present on system" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121918514:34
ogra_please test heavily wghen doing that14:34
looldholbach: so would you think SDK team would upload?14:34
sergiusensogra_, yup, will do, if it boots, bam, DONE14:34
dholbachlool, I didn't touch the bug at all - I don't know if qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu needs any changes at all14:34
mandelhelloworld, has anyone tried the following signals and methods form Qt in ubuntu touch => QNetworkAccessManager::networkAccessibleChanged QNetworkInfo::networkStatusChanged and QNetworkConfigurationManager:: onlineStateChange because I'm testing them in my Nexus 7 and on the ubuntu desktop and they do not work as expected (for example, signals are not raised when the network in disabled)14:34
looldholbach: I think it's more of a touch-meta upload14:34
dholbachI'll reassign then14:35
looldholbach: but I'd rather someone coordinate it, perhaps from SDK14:35
looland tracks removing all the --force-missing-framework things14:35
mandellool, any idea who I can get to confirm that those qt methods are/aren't working?14:35
looldholbach: that would be packagekit plugin at least, perhaps other places14:35
om26eris devel-proposed the extreme end channel ?14:35
loolmandel: you mean general qt questions?14:35
sergiusensalecu,  lool, dholbach beuno wrt to framework, don't we need something in the image so the store filters out apps made with the T, Q, + frameworks?14:36
loolmandel: you could turn to either SDK team or upstream I guess?  or mail our lists14:36
loolsergiusens: that's a good one14:36
mandellool, specifically to if the bearer api does work on ubuntu, something that I do not believe and will mean bad news14:36
kenvandinegema, do you have an crash files in /var/crash?14:36
mandellool, I'll ping sdk, then qt, the list14:36
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kenvandinegema, specifically any with signon-ui in the name?14:37
alecusergiusens: that's a great point14:38
kenvandinegema, i've tried  to reproduce that dozens of times this morning, and only managed to once... but that one time did create a crash file14:38
gemakenvandine: otp, bbl14:38
sergiusenslool, alecu good, so there is some consensus :-)14:38
dholbachsergiusens, yep - that sounds like a separate bug, if we don't do any filtering yet14:38
kenvandinegema, i'll add my crash to your bug, but if you have one please add it too14:38
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sergiusensdholbach, I don't think we even have the infra14:39
sergiusensbut as with translations I've been proven wrong...14:39
sergiusensdpm, btw, the click apps have their translation files in14:39
alecusergiusens, beuno: we are not doing any filtering right now. I can probably add a parameter to the searches that's just ignored for now on the server side14:39
dholbachsergiusens, hum... not sure if I'm missing something, but the framework was specified from since when we first had click packages, beuno told me that we'd have some preliminary automatic inspection of click packages RSN, so we could read it and store it in the index, right? (or is that what you meant?)14:41
sergiusensdholbach, the scope needs to filter on it too14:41
dholbachyep, that's right14:42
ogra_davmor2, did you notify awe and diwic about the ringtone issues ? i guess it must be somewhere between ofono and pulse14:42
alecusergiusens: the servers need to filter on some parameter sent by the scope14:42
sergiusensdholbach, and from what I've read, reading from the clicks is still a bit away14:42
sergiusensalecu, yeah, that!14:42
sergiusensalecu, not sure why I thought client side :-/14:43
davmor2ogra_: no I had to disappear, But I need to pick on awe_ mercilessly anyway  :D14:43
sergiusensalecu, but the scope needs to know what frameworks it supports too, can it today?14:43
* awe_ ducks14:43
dholbachsergiusens, something like "GET /api/v1/search?q=framework:ubuntu-sdk-13.10,description:awesome HTTP/1.1" should already work (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppStore/Interfaces/ClickPackageIndex)14:43
ogra_davmor2, well, it might be pulse14:43
dholbachsergiusens, but yeah, inspecting packages still needs to land14:43
awe_davmor2, on a more serious note though, I'm actually working through your emails now14:43
ogra_i dont think we had ofono changes in the images recentlyu14:43
alecudholbach: good point14:43
dholbachlool, bug 1219185 updated14:44
ubot5bug 1219185 in ubuntu-touch-meta (Ubuntu) "Framework "ubuntu-sdk-13.10" not present on system" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121918514:44
davmor2awe_: Ofono crashed dude just as I got used to blaming cyphermox for everything ;)14:44
awe_yea, I read that14:44
dholbachalecu, I just ripped off JamesTait's example :)14:44
alecudholbach: but, what about two years from now? GET /api/v1/search?q=framework:ubuntu-sdk-13.10,framework:ubuntu-sdk-14.04,framework:ubuntu-sdk-14.10,framework:ubuntu-sdk-15.04,framework:ubuntu-sdk-15.10,description:awesome HTTP/1.114:45
cjwatsondholbach: *-meta isn't supposed to contain any content itself14:45
diwicogra_, or telepathy-ofono, but I'd guess pulseaudio is more likely. Could you update the bug with info on how reproducible it is and if it happens on both mako and maguro?14:45
cjwatsonIf it has content outside dependencies it's not a metapackage ...14:45
awe_davmor2, ogra_, there haven't been any changes to ofono that would affect ringtones14:45
alecudholbach: it will keep growing!14:45
cjwatsondholbach: Though I dunno, maybe it's appropriate here14:45
awe_davmor2, are you getting the notify-osd, but no ringtone?14:45
awe_davmor2, or are both missing?14:45
cjwatsondholbach: OK, ignore my comment, changed my mind :)14:45
dholbachcjwatson, done :-)14:45
davmor2awe_: notify osd popsup just no tone14:46
davmor2awe_: I'm guessing at it being lennarts fault :)14:46
ogra_davmor2, awe_, right, but there were pulseaudio changes14:46
diwicdavmor2,  Could you update the bug with info on how reproducible it is and if it happens on both mako and maguro?14:46
Laneywhat package/project is the contacts application?14:46
dholbachbah, LP ate my comment, hrm14:46
awe_ogra_, I don't work on pulse.  ;D14:46
ogra_awe_, yeah, guess you know why :)14:46
davmor2diwic: install image 75 have ring the phone14:46
ogra_diwic, seems to happen on both arches, i saw many reports the last days14:47
davmor2didrocks: it happens on mako and maguro14:47
ogra_(in here)14:47
davmor2diwic: ^ sorry didrocks14:47
didrockswaow, twice in less than 10 minutes diwic/didrocks14:47
didrockshigh score today! ;)14:48
alecuI was thinking of something like "max-framework:ubuntu-sdk-13.10". But that makes it harder to remove support for older versions, so I guess adding all of them makes sense14:48
dpmsergiusens, awesome!14:48
diwicdavmor2, ok, interesting. I did a pulseaudio upload, but that was just to fix a few crashes on desktop, phone should not have been affected14:48
dholbachalecu, I don't know what a good strategy might be there14:49
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Laneyalso, what is responsible for rendering the indicators?14:49
dholbachalecu, maybe it's worth bringing it up on the mailing list?14:49
LaneySpecifically "clear all" in the message indicator didn't work but calling the action manually did14:49
Laneydidn't work → was insensitive14:49
davmor2diwic: music plays fine so I'm assuming it is something not happening in the background14:49
alecudholbach: yes, will do14:50
dholbachthanks alecu14:50
sergiusenscjwatson,  dholbach, alecu I would assume supporting framework+2 means you support framework and framework+1 ... or  is that not the design?14:50
sergiusensI'm just thinking android and API levels here14:51
cjwatsonsergiusens: TBH it's kind of underspecified right now14:51
cjwatsonsergiusens: I *think* the right answer is to leave the framework declaration for a given framework in place until we stop supporting it14:51
cjwatsonSo IOW it's up to ubuntu-touch-meta14:52
sergiusenscjwatson, yeah, but then the scope request to the backed would grow with all the frameworks it's supposed to support (unless they start doing ranges)14:53
mandelbarry, ping14:53
beunoalecu, yeah, adding the parameter would be awesome14:54
alecusergiusens: in any case, we will need to start doing ranges in a few years time, and we will not need to change the one on the current image :-)14:57
sergiusensalecu, true14:58
dholbachalecu, we could make it easy and break the API in every release :-P14:58
sergiusensjodh, I removed the rm from the prestart.sh script and still getting no socket, something else must be happening too14:58
* dholbach better keeps more useful suggestions to himself.14:58
davmor2awe_: No I meant swipe not swype,  I kept opening the camera on the startup screen on android as I was trying to swipe the startup screen to get to the home scope :D  edge swiping really doesn't work on android it was most annoying :)14:59
cjwatsonalecu: I think the general idea was that we would probably try to avoid dropping old APIs more than once per LTS cycle14:59
alecucjwatson: great. So the number of supported frameworks will be low (say, less than 8)15:00
cjwatsonMight need to go for longer though.  Android seems to keep its old ABIs around for quite a while.  Dunno15:00
alecuby a given release, that is.15:00
awe_davmor2, ;D15:00
sergiusensI'm guessing that in the beginning it will grow, but after a while it will stabilize a lot15:01
seb128pmcgowan, do you know if there was talk about preinstalling some langpacks on the touch image?15:01
pmcgowanseb128, not aware of that no15:01
pmcgowanI would think not15:01
seb128pmcgowan, what would be the right place to discuss it?15:01
pmcgowansorry otp15:01
seb128pmcgowan, no hurry15:01
awe_diwic, what was the pulse change that landed, the fix for the mic mute, or something related to the multimedia code?15:02
cyphermoxdavmor2: where is your bug for the ofono crash? can I take a look?15:03
diwicawe_, no, completely unrelated stuff. I did remove a dbus interface, but we don't make use of that anyway.15:03
gemakenvandine: I only have a unity scope home crash from earlier, this problem didn't generate a crash15:03
awe_ok, just checking15:03
diwicawe_, at least not from telepathy-ofono15:03
cyphermoxdavmor2: awe_: I've noticed some cases where ofono goes Attached = false, and never picks data back up15:03
kenvandinegema, ok, thx15:03
diwicawe_, I'm wondering if there can have been some apparmor changes lately that cause permission problems or so?15:03
awe_cyphermox, you joining the stand-up?15:04
cyphermoxoh, crap15:04
davmor2cyphermox: ofono had completely crashed no bug report bug I can write one up.  It was less dropped and more dead in the water :)15:05
awe_cyphermox, there are definitely issues on the ofono side, and I will be working on them today.  I'd like to tweak the default logging to help us monitor the GPRS connection.  Also, as I mentioned yesterday, there are several jolla GPRS patches which I will plan on building/testing today15:06
cyphermoxdavmor2: ok, in that case you got syslog at least?15:06
cyphermoxawe_: if you tell me the patches I can go ahead and test them15:07
davmor2cyphermox: all in the email  I can transfer it all to a bug15:07
awe_cyphermox, I'll let you know once I've done some initial investigation/testing15:07
cyphermoxawe_: alright15:11
awe_cyphermox, I should have some stuff for you later today, but I'd like to better understand the problem before just grabbing random patches.  That said, I'll build a test package and make it available for you guys to try by end-of-day15:12
cyphermoxsure :)15:13
cyphermoxin the meantime I'll look at phonesim quickly, see if I can fix the issue you got, and I need to take a good look at NM
AskUbuntuGraduate Software Developer looking to get involved | http://askubuntu.com/q/35274715:14
cyphermoxawe_: I'll retrace davmor2's crash, if you don't mind15:15
cyphermoxand file a bug for the failure15:15
cyphermoxah, scratch that, the follow up gets us a backtrace15:16
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davmor2cyphermox: I did say I'd try first.  I think it might a died at some point but I got as much as I could for you :)15:17
cyphermoxupstart would have respawned it though, so you should still be able to get online after that15:18
awe_in theory15:18
cyphermoxfrom the output you added, Attached = 1 but the contexts have no IP settings, not sure why that is15:18
awe_that means no active data call15:19
davmor2cyphermox: nope after I restarted the phone it was fine15:19
cyphermoxunless because of the crash NM got confused with the state, but it should have brought the connection down15:19
cyphermoxawe_: yes, but that's likely because when ofono crashed, NM had to clean up state, and perhaps that cleanup went wrong15:19
awe_cyphermox, sure...15:20
cyphermoxthe context isn't active...15:20
awe_if the context has not Settings, it's not considered active15:20
cyphermoxwell... I think you could have a context that is active but not yet or no longer has IP15:21
cyphermoxanyway, this is probably a race between NM and ofono because of the crash15:21
cyphermoxI'll try to reproduce the issue on NM's side now15:21
sergiusensjodh, did the ramdisk work btw?15:23
davmor2cyphermox, awe_ : by the way, in the indicator menu, post crash the only thing it showed was the bars for the phone and where the 3g would be it showed the non connected wifi symbol instead15:24
davmor2wifi available even I couldn't think of the right phrase :)15:25
awe_davmor2, that makes sense15:25
davmor2awe_: I hoped it would :)15:25
awe_if 3g is broken, it's going to show one of the Wi-Fi SS icons15:25
cyphermoxdavmor2: awe_: if I manually get ofono to SEGV, it just gets respawned properly by upstart and the connection gets re-established by NM without issues15:26
awe_cyphermox, I suspect that the crash is a red herring15:26
cyphermoxyes, but still :)15:26
awe_and this is more related to network registration / GPRS mechanics; but good to know!15:27
cyphermoxI would like to know why the connection wasn't established when davmor2 picked up his phone :)15:27
davmor2cyphermox: it might of been because the phone was suspended and had been for a while when ofono crashed maybe?15:27
cyphermoxeverything points (looking quickly) to the fact that it should have been established15:27
cyphermoxI don't think so15:28
cyphermoxbut yes it's possible15:28
AskUbuntuWhat are Delta Updates? | http://askubuntu.com/q/35275315:28
awe_davmor2, I'm still mod-standup, so again this is my main focus today15:28
awe_davmor2, but that said, I need to spend some time looking at this.  As I mentioned earlier, I will produce a test-package for ofono by eod for you & others to test15:29
davmor2awe_: yeap no worries15:29
cyphermoxawe_: I agree, it was a red herring15:31
cyphermoxawe_: the phone has been rebooting15:31
barrymandel: pong15:34
mfischmhr3: I installed the latest unity8, should Apps magically move to the top of Home or do I need to change dconf?15:34
mhr3mfisch, you need latest unity-scope-home15:36
mfischmhr3: okay, and latest unity8 or just the scope?15:36
mandelbarry, small question do you have an xml file with the interface that you expose like the one I provide in the downloadmanager docs, I'm going to give  and fix the aa{ss} issue15:36
barrymandel: i don't.  we don't need no stinkin' xml in python dbus :)15:36
mhr3mfisch, no need for unity8, the reordering still isn't implemented15:37
mandelbarry, ok, I'll deal with it in another way15:38
mfischmhr3: hooray it works! thanks15:39
ricmmchanging isps15:39
ricmmI think I got throttled, brb15:39
cwayne_mfisch, so it's just an update to the scope?15:40
mfischcwayne: yeah15:40
mfischcwayne: and it updated 1 dep15:40
mhr3mfisch, i still think we should have explicitely sorted it based on the inode number :P15:41
mfischI love that idea15:41
tkamppeterpmcgowan, any news about the print dialog?15:41
mfischmhr3: I'd also be okay if you sorted them based on md5 sum of the file15:42
mhr3mfisch, you like challenge, don't you? :)15:43
dbarth_tedg: hey ted, i'm trying to use the url-dispatcher tool in a script, but i can't connect to the bus name as the phablet user15:44
dbarth_tedg: what am i missing?15:44
tedgdbarth_, URL dispatcher? :-)15:45
pmcgowantkamppeter, product managers dont see it as a need for the phone, but possibly for the tablet later on15:45
dbarth_ah, obvisouly15:45
pmcgowantkamppeter, I think we won't do anythign short term15:45
tedgdbarth_, Is it running?  "status url-dispatcher"15:45
* dbarth_ palmfaces15:45
looldpm: hey15:45
looldpm: about to roll an image, but music-app changes dind't make it in15:46
looldpm: a) can we kick this   or b) can we do it by hand?15:46
dbarth_tedg: hmm, says it's running though15:46
looldpm: https://code.launchpad.net/~lool/music-app/qtpowerd-rename/+merge/188728 is the one that didn't make it15:46
tedgdbarth_, Hmm, okay.  What are you using to call it?15:46
dbarth_tedg: any apparmor specifics15:46
dbarth_tedg: i'm just calling it with no argument right now, maybe that's the main issue15:47
loolballoons: could you help merge https://code.launchpad.net/~lool/music-app/qtpowerd-rename/+merge/188728 + upload it?15:47
tedgdbarth_, Something like this?  gdbus call --session --dest com.canonical.URLDispatcher --object-path /com/canonical/URLDispatcher --method com.canonical.URLDispatcher.DispatchURL foo://bar15:47
tedgdbarth_, Or are you using the utility in tools?15:47
dbarth_tedg: the utility15:48
balloonslool, sure, doing it now15:48
tedgdbarth_, With no URL doesn't it just return "Usage:" ?15:48
loolballoons: thanks15:49
ogra_dbarth_, how do you become the phablet user btw ? (should be "sudo -u phablet -i" to have the right env (including the dbus addresses etc))15:49
loolwin 115:49
dbarth_tedg: i'll continue debugging; i wanted to see if there was something obvious15:49
dbarth_ogra_: yup, i'm running in a sane environment15:49
tedgdbarth_, I don't think so, but the gdbus command above might give more info.15:49
dbarth_it does, yes; i'll ping back when i see the light15:50
tkamppeterpmcgowan, OK, I was thinking about after version 1, too. I only want to know whether it is worth to work on the dialog or not.15:50
balloonslool, jenkins should merge and land it now15:52
loolballoons: cool15:52
loolballoons, popey: failing16:01
loolballoons, popey: can we ignore this right now and just merge + trigger a build?16:01
loolit seems the autopilot tests are not installed or something16:01
mfischMirv: you still around?16:02
balloonslool, it should merge. let's see16:03
dbarth_tedg: ok, got it to almost work now16:04
dbarth_tedg: but that url makes it unhappy16:04
dbarth_url-dispatcher application:///com.ubuntu.developer.webapps.webapp-twitter_webapp-twitter_1.0.216:04
dbarth_still it's the full app_id as i understand it16:04
popeylool: I'd like to see that pass16:04
popeygiven I couldn't test locally for the same reason16:05
tedgdbarth_, Yeah, you need the ".desktop" at the end.16:05
balloonslool, ok merge job is running, let's see16:06
Mirvmfisch: today yes, normally no :)16:07
cwayne_sergiusens, happrove pls? https://code.launchpad.net/~cwayne18/phablet-tools/phablet-config-timezone-fix/+merge/18872716:07
loolpopey: did you have -autopilot installed?16:07
mfischMirv: okay, I sent you the question in email, looking for a deb for the Qt fix16:08
szymon_wHi!, is there any way to restart unity on nexus4 other then "sudo reboot" ? It hangs/freeze quite a lot lately...16:08
davmor2jibel: apport-cli /var/crash/_report.crash fails to upload as it doesn't open the webbrowser by the look of it.  I'm might resort to installing w3m, how are you getting around that?16:09
balloonslool, you are merged and it's in queue to build: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/daily/+build/506975716:11
Mirvmfisch: answered, ie upgrade from  ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-daily once the armhf has built in about 2 hours16:13
cwayne_Mirv, we'll be sure to test it and get you some feedback :) getting this bug fixed would be a huge win for us16:14
loolballoons: thanks16:14
awe_cyphermox, I think I see the possible cause of the ofonod crash16:14
awe_rsalveti, ^^16:14
awe_has to do with the way we register the various atoms, using a delay16:15
loolpopey: will dive in the AP issue later; could this be due to AP versions?16:15
cjwatsonballoons: that's built now16:15
awe_rsalveti, I had a suspicion we might get bit by this technique ( hence the comments in the code all over the place )16:15
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popeylool: I'd bow to balloons superior domain knowledge there16:15
rsalvetiawafaa: right16:15
rsalvetiawafaa: sorry :-)16:15
rsalvetiawe_: right16:15
loolballoons: ^  :-)16:16
balloonslool, popey I'm afraid I've missed the question16:17
balloonscjwatson, great, ty16:17
mfischMirv: thanks16:17
loolballoons: we dont understand why the music-app MP failed to run the AP tests; popey has the same issue16:17
mfischMirv: it would take more > 2 hours to build Qt so thats perfect16:17
loolballoons: this might be due to new AP version, it got published to PPA for a couple of hours earlier today, but it was gone when that test started16:18
loolfginther: ^16:18
balloonslool, ahh, well that's simple enough :-) ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot is still in a frenzy16:19
Mirvcwayne_ mfisch: with our new builders the qt5-daily might be ready even quicker qtdeclarative is not as big as qtbase16:19
balloonslool, it's re: everything we spoke about this morning16:20
mfischMirv: what packages do I need to upgrade once the fix builds?16:20
loolballoons: would that explain the odd "can't import music_app" though?16:20
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loolballoons: the import music_app fialing is odd16:21
jdstrandcjwatson: hey, did you say click packages with Click-Version < 0.4 are not a problem?16:22
balloonslool, as far as why it failed in jenkins yes. I'm not sure what other errors you are seeing.16:23
loolballoons: popey: ok, the issue was likely missing qtpowerd in the PPA and PPA not being included16:23
loolfginther is including that now16:23
mhall119balloons: ping16:24
balloonsmhall119, pong16:25
* balloons assumes music will play now after the screen is off :-)16:25
mhall119balloons: hey, I need somebody to help me make an autopilot test case for https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-newevent-month-1233442/+merge/18848816:25
cwayne_is image 76 still on track for today??16:25
balloonsmhall119, ahh, I confirmed that bug ;-) I remember it16:26
mhall119I took a look as the autopilot tests that are there (few) and honestly I was pretty lost16:26
Mirvmfisch: hmm, right, you don't necessarily want to dist-upgrade from archives but use the flashed image otherwise as is? the PPA is clean enough in itself.16:26
balloonslet me look at your diff mhall119 .. you apparently didn't break any of the tests16:27
balloonsohh.. tiny :-)16:27
mfischMirv: we'd like to update as few packages as possible16:27
balloonsso mhall119 you could modify the new_event test to check and ensure the date is correct16:28
Mirvmfisch: apt-get install libqt5qml5 libqt5quick5 qmlscene qtdeclarative5-folderlistmodel-plugin qtdeclarative5-localstorage-plugin qtdeclarative5-qtquick2-plugin qtdeclarative5-test-plugin qtdeclarative5-window-plugin qtdeclarative5-xmllistmodel-plugin should do it. check that the version number being fetched is the 5.0.2-6ubuntu3~saucy1~test1 from the PPA16:29
mfischMirv: thanks, we'll have that in our backup plan in case this doesn't land in the image16:29
mhall119balloons: should I modify new_event or create a new test case for this specific bug?16:29
Mirvmfisch: yep, plan B:s and C:s are always useful.16:30
balloonsI would modify new_event in this case, because it should be checking that after creating the event.16:30
balloonsmhall119, ahh ok, yes looking at the test. It verfies the event shows up, but not the date16:31
mhall119balloons: so for example, the new_event test has:16:31
mhall119        self.assertThat(self.main_view.get_new_event,16:31
mhall119                        Eventually(Not(Is(None))))16:31
loolballoons, popey: So the root cause is: autopilot tests are run on amd64, qtpowerd not built on amd64 yet, and PPA not being enabled for dependencies of AP tests before (but now is); we should retry later when amd64 bits are available16:31
loolfginther: Thanks a lot for fixing16:31
mhall119what is self.main_view.get_new_event calling?16:32
popeyah, that makes more sense16:32
balloonsok, :-) I didn't see that error just the ui-toolkit one16:32
cjwatsonlool: I can score more things up on request.16:32
loolsergiusens: coming16:33
balloonsmhall119, that assert is related to timing. The toolbar is opened and the new event button is clicked. That assert is waiting for the new event box to appear, and ensure that it does16:34
loolcjwatson: :-)  would be nice then: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/daily/+build/506970016:34
loolcjwatson: amd6416:34
balloonsthe code looks like it could be a bit more readable, but yea, it's all there. So for this after everything is entered there is an assert to make sure the event exists16:35
cjwatsonlool: oh, well, it was already "start in 3 minutes", but scored up anyway16:35
balloonsmhall119, you see the  #verify that the event has been created in timeline assert?16:35
mhall119balloons: yeah16:35
balloonsmhall119, I would add an additional assert right after to make sure the dates are correct16:35
balloonsthat should be all that is needed to make sure this doesn't regress16:36
balloonsmhall119, I walk you through how to do that if you are curious. If not, well, let's make sure a bug exists to get it added16:38
mhall119balloons: I'll give it a try later today, and come back to you if/when I need help16:39
balloonsmhall119, kk.. :-)16:39
balloonsmhall119, autopilot launch and autopilot vis are your friends.16:39
mhall119balloons: is "autopilot launch" what I need to run the tests?16:40
karni(Not sure it's the right place to ask.) How can I disable the fact that Page { } is flickable? It's stealing my touch events and I dislike that. Is there a way to disable the vertical movement?16:40
karnimzanetti: I know you're busy, I thought I could use your brains real quick if you're around :> ↑16:41
dobeywhat's the channel to use to get daily builds for ubuntu-system?16:42
karniOh, it's not even the property of page. It still has vertical movement, when Page { } is not the parent (I commented it out)16:42
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balloonsmhall119, autopilot launch -i Qt qmlscene path/to/qmlfile.qml16:44
balloonsmhall119, autopilot vis, select dbus connection16:45
balloonsmhall119, that let's you look at the object tree so you know the object and properties you want for the date assertion16:45
mzanettikarni: afaik Page is not flickable16:46
karnimzanetti: yeah, it's the MainView that somehow allows vertical movement in its "body" (header sticks)16:47
mzanettikarni: that's new to me :D16:47
karnimzanetti: I suspect I might not even be able to turn that off ;) Hahah I see :) Ok then, thanks for chiming in!16:48
mzanettikarni: you really sure you haven't got a Flickable in there yourself?16:48
karnimzanetti: NACK :) Just a MainView with Page with a GridView16:48
karniI commented out Page, and it still has vertical "flex"-like movement.16:48
mzanettikarni: ok, the GridView is flickable16:48
karnimzanetti: right, but It's smaller than the MainView content16:49
mzanettikarni: can you paste the file? /me curious16:49
karnimzanetti: so it's not grid view "scrolling", the whole grid view is "flex"ing when I move it up and down. sure thing!16:49
karnimzanetti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6184654/ It will be a sound board.16:50
karnimzanetti: But when you touch one of grid items, and move your finger, the onCanceled should be called on the MultiPointTouchArea. It's not, so instead of struggling with that, I was hoping to disable that "lost focus" at root, which is that MainView body vertical flex-like movement.16:51
karniI hope it makes sense haha.16:51
mzanettikarni: put "interactive: false" in the GridView16:51
mzanettiits the GridView that's moving16:51
* karni tries16:51
* karni hands tasty cake to mzanetti !!16:52
karnimzanetti: <3 thank you16:52
karnimzanetti: Even though it fits the screen. I wouldn't know it was in fact the grid view. Lot's to learn! :)16:52
karnimzanetti: Thanks again.16:52
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AskUbuntuissues with some patch | http://askubuntu.com/q/35278017:00
lallenloweI can't find any information about Ubuntu Touch on the Sprint LG Optimus G17:07
lallenlowedoes anyone know anything?17:07
dobeyhow can i file a reasonable report of "system-settings keeps locking up" exactly?17:10
mfischdidrocks: will 76 have the new thumbnailer for music/videos? It's in the plan but not your email17:13
popeylallenlowe: is it listed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices ?17:14
didrocksmfisch: it's part of image 7617:14
mfischdidrocks: meric17:14
didrocksmfisch: just nothing is using it :)17:14
mfischdidrocks: merci even!17:14
didrocksmfisch: de rien, watch the archive, it's already in ;)17:14
mfischdidrocks: so we dont have functional thumbnails in 76?17:14
didrocksyeah, no functional thumbnails yet17:14
didrocksjust the service for it17:15
mfischcwayne_: ^^^17:15
mfischdidrocks: thanks17:15
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cwayne_mfisch, yep, was watching it earlier, its in archive17:19
mfischcwayne_: yeah but it doesnt do anything for it17:19
mfischcwayne_: for us17:19
mhr3mfisch, it needs sdk + unity8 branches which didn't land yet17:21
mfischmhr3: I think we can live without it17:22
lallenlowepopey: no17:27
lallenlowepopey: I was wondering if there were any more than those17:27
loolpopey: with Francis' fixes, we're back to the usual set of failures:
mhall119anders3408: you got your package?17:36
anders3408yes mhall119 i did :) and thanks its nice :)17:37
mhall119great!  happy hacking :)17:37
ogra_yeah, make Mir work !17:39
mhall119Mir on the OPPO Find 5 would be pretty sweet17:40
mhall119I assume it could use whatever Android graphics drivers there are for that device17:40
anders3408ogra_:  thats also the next thing i should get working :)17:40
ogra_mhall119, i think the oppo isnt to far from the mako17:41
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anders3408ogra_:  correct :)17:41
ogra_note that the Mir guys needed some kernel patch fro fixing a flickering issue17:42
ogra_(foor mako that is)17:43
anders3408ehm... do we talk Mir aka microphone ? :)17:43
cyphermoxrsalveti: got time to review a patch for NM? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6184847/17:43
ogra_anders3408, nope, Mir aka graphics stack17:43
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anders3408oh., that was the thingy that needed some changes to get it to use it ? ogra_17:44
ogra_touch /home/phablet/.display-mir ...17:44
ogra_see if you still have a device or if its a brick now :)17:45
anders3408ogra_:  well, thats not going to happens :)17:45
ogra_(adbd will still work)17:45
anders3408reboot fails you know :)17:45
ogra_and removing the touched file gets you back to surfaceflinger17:45
anders3408having a race between lxc-container and ubuntu , which parts is the first to get mounted the /system partition :)17:45
anders3408first bootup lxc is fastest, 2nd bootup ubuntu is fastest, which results in a failed boot as then lxc will not mount correct17:46
ogra_oh, you still fight with that one ?17:46
anders3408so far i havent found anywhere i can add a delay that will get it going, so yes i am :(17:46
anders3408ogra_:  somewhere there must be something that triggers the device to know its a "first bootup" will it be impossible to trick it to always thinks that ?17:47
rsalveticyphermox: sure17:47
ogra_anders3408, there will surely be ways out of that17:48
anders3408im not knowing enough about ubuntu touch , to fiugurer that stupid issue out :(17:48
Guest54911can someone tell me how to remove apps like facebook, amazon... doesnt work through gui17:51
popeyogra_: going afk for a bit, but get notifications so ping me if you want any images testing17:56
ogra_popey, 76 is just finishing, but likely not releasable due to ringtone still being broken17:56
ogra_so take your time :)17:56
* popey makes dinner17:56
pmcgowanGuest54911, long press the icon, then uninstall17:57
Guest54911pmcgowan: doesnt work... child process exited with code 717:59
ogra_works here18:00
ogra_but doesnt really update the application lens ...18:00
bfillerSaviq: ping18:02
Saviqbfiller, pong18:02
rsalveticyphermox: seems fine, does it fix a specific bug? (not sure we have one opened for it already)18:03
bfillerSaviq: any chance of getting a fix for this one soon? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/123432318:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234323 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "hide OSK after searching and clicking on result" [Undecided,New]18:03
rsalveticyphermox: would be nice if awe_ could test that as well (http://paste.ubuntu.com/6184847/)18:03
cyphermoxrsalveti: yeah I'd just need to get the right bug number; one was filed by davmor2 already IIRC18:03
Saviqbfiller, duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1213034 - in progress18:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1213034 in Unity 8 "Can't dismiss keyboard by tapping outside of search entry" [High,In progress]18:04
bfillerSaviq: thanks18:04
cyphermoxrsalveti: awe_ has tested but we've hit some ofono issues as well while testing18:04
davmor2cyphermox: for what sorry?18:04
cyphermoxdavmor2: auto reconnection18:04
rsalveticyphermox: so this is a possible fix when we get a working ofono :-)18:04
rsalvetibut looks low risk18:05
davmor2cyphermox: let me check for you18:05
cyphermoxwhen we get a working ofono?! :)18:05
ogra_cyphermox, thats surely 14.10 material :P18:06
cyphermoxbe nice, awe_ is working hard :)18:06
davmor2cyphermox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/123021818:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1230218 in ofono (Ubuntu) "Maguro: Ofono/network-manager issue when a provider covers multiple networks" [Undecided,New]18:06
davmor2cyphermox: is that the one I think it is18:06
cyphermoxseems right18:07
cyphermoxdavmor2: is that what you've tested with my fix though?18:07
davmor2cyphermox: Yeap I haven't done the same kinda distance as I did that weekend and likely won't till this weekend.  But I hit drops and e → 3g and it handled all of that,  I would need to move between towers to have the network name changes18:09
cyphermoxalright, awesome18:09
cyphermoxjust making sure18:09
davmor2cyphermox: but I'm assuming that as long as there is a change that nm should pick up on it and be happy right?18:10
davmor2cyphermox: so What I'll do tonight is check and see if the ip address changes on me at all like it did with android18:13
awe_davmor2, I'm not so sure the issue is the multiple networks, I think it's a more fundamental issue with the my GPRS implementation that just happens to act really bad on your provider's networks18:17
awe_rsalveti, cyphermox, not a big fan of reviewing pastebins.  ;)-18:17
cyphermoxawe_: me neither18:18
awe_but that said, does this correspond to 0ubuntu22 cyphermox?18:18
cyphermoxif you're so enclined, check rev 767 on lp:~network-manager/network-manager/ubuntu18:18
awe_rsalveti, I have tested, and it does make things better, however as cyphermox mentioned, I'm looking at a couple of gprs patches now18:18
cyphermoxor you know, the latest rev18:18
rsalveticyphermox: +1 then18:19
awe_cyphermox, right now I'm more focused on the ofono side, but will test everything together...18:19
cyphermoxlet me know when you got ofono, I'll test as well18:19
barryogra_, lool, slangasek i have fix committed all 4 critical s-i bugs and i could upload s-i 1.8 at any time.  if you need me to wait, i can also try to sneak in a few more bug fixes.  please give me a landing slot18:19
davmor2cyphermox, awe: let me know to and I'll break^Wtest it to :D18:20
leniosdoes anybody know if bugs milestoned 13.06 will be fixed? like https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/1131794 for example18:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1131794 in touch-preview-images "No incoming calls when hiding callerID" [High,Confirmed]18:27
plarsstgraber: was there some change in how the json files for system images get updated again? something caused the automated tests to get triggered twice with the build that just came out18:28
awe_lenios, milestone 13.06 is an old milestone...  I'll add this to my list to take a look at, although no guarantees18:28
mfischso cwayne_ tells me that album art sometimes work, although it's never worked for me, is there a trick or hack to make it work?18:29
awe_lenios, that said, have you tried this on a recent image?  This bug was reported a *long* time ago ( Feb )18:30
dobeyis system-settings freezing up a lot on the device, for anyone else?18:30
davmor2mfisch: have a network conection and music with album art?18:30
awe_it'd be nice to have confirmation that this is still a problem...18:30
leniosi remember a bug saying that there was no check when a sms was sent, so it if failed to deliver, there was basically no sign something went wrong18:30
awe_yes, that's true too18:30
mfischdavmor2: I did not have a network connection on first boot, but I do now and yes, I have album art on these.18:31
mfischcwayne_: you're using the standard ones from sevilerow rigt?18:31
leniosi really wish this kind of bug can be fixed by the final release next month...18:31
awe_next month?18:31
awe_try this month18:31
leniosoh wait18:31
stgraberplars: can't think of anything for the last image, though yesterday I've been testing set-phased-percentage which does change the json and may tricker your stuff18:31
leniosit's already october18:31
davmor2mfisch: I just import tracks from my .ubuntuone folder and they all work fine18:32
awe_lenios, we're trying to land as many bugs fixes as we can, without breaking things...18:32
awe_lenios, *exactly*18:32
leniosyeah i know18:32
lenioskeeping an eye on the mailing list18:32
ogra_plars, my updater also only offers me 7618:32
mfischdavmor2: do you know what tool is supposed to load the art?  just unity8?18:33
stgraberplars: if you have some spare cycles, it probably would be worth finding a way not to rely on the json timestamp, because I really can't guarantee it'll only change when we add something... the rewrite made this be the case 99% of the case but that's still not guaranteed and won't ever be18:33
cwayne_mfisch, yes18:33
cwayne_yes re: using the standard SR ones18:34
stgraberogra_: isn't 76 the latest image?18:34
davmor2mfisch: it's grillo and media scanner off the top of my head18:34
ogra_stgraber, it is ... all fine imho18:34
* ogra_ taps "install and restart"18:34
mfischdavmor2: thanks, i'm looking at the mtp logs18:35
plarsstgraber: well, it's not a disaster if we accidentally run the tests twice, just not necessary and hard to tell until we get there if it's really two images that triggered it, or just some random update18:35
ogra_barry, i can add an entry to the landing asks page ... it wont be considered before tomorrows landing team meeting though18:35
plarsstgraber: from our side, there are a few other options we could use for triggering, such as a script that runs a tool that checks the json file, but that relies on the output not changing (which we've seen happen before)18:36
plarsstgraber: one option that I was hoping to use, is that we could trigger off of a change to a field in the json - but I don't think there's a global latest_image key, or at least nothing like that last I checked18:36
plarsstgraber: but if there were, you could update the json 100 times a day for all we care, as long as that only gets bumped when there's really a new image18:37
ogra_barry, though i understand that lool already worked with you on getting the last s-i bit in so if he doesnt mind i'll leave it to him18:37
stgraberplars: nope, though sorted({image['version'] for image in index['images']})[-1] will give you that and is pretty reliable (since it depends on the one field we can't possibly change without breaking everything)18:37
mfischcwayne_: can you share your mtp log with me?18:38
mfischI see that the DB is being built okay and knows where to find the icon even18:39
cwayne_where is it18:39
plarsstgraber: right, that's not a static key we can tell the jenkins plugin to look at though18:39
stgraberplars: right, you'd need to do the two stage trigger we discussed a while back. Have change to .json trigger a jenkins job which runs a python script parsing the index and then if that version is different, trigger the real jenkins job18:40
plarsstgraber: yeah, it just triggered again after I canceled the dups, we're definitely seeing this again18:40
mfischcwayne_: in application-legacy-music-app-.log I have lines like this, note how Cover is empty as is Genre, does it work for you?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6185110/18:42
stgraberplars: yeah, I think there's a bug somewhere, it appears to get updated at every import-image run (so every 5 minutes)18:42
cwayne_mfisch, where's that? not var/log18:43
stgraberplars: actually depends what you monitor, are you looking at devel-proposed or saucy-proposed?18:43
plarsstgraber: that seems consistent with what I'm seeing18:43
plarsstgraber: devel-proposed18:43
mfischcwayne_: phablet upstart logs bro18:43
plarsstgraber: I thought they were equivalent though?18:43
stgraberplars: it's an alias, not a symlink, so the index is actually slightly different and one of the difference is a bit of code I added yesterday which may be causing what we're seeing (related to phased updates), looking into that now18:44
cwayne_mfisch, i dont have that log..18:47
mfischcwayne_: maybe b/c I opened the music app18:47
cwayne_mfisch, i even rm'd Cover.jpg and it still shows up18:48
mfischwhy does this phone hate me18:49
mfischssweeny: after you merge I'll kick jenkins18:50
dobeydoes anyone ever run any of these touch apps from a console?18:50
mfischI sometimes do18:50
dobeydo you file bugs about all the qml errors that get printed?18:51
mfischI will if it's something i know is wrong like they typo'd the icon path or similar, other stuff I'm not sure if it's known already or harmless given my limited Qt experience18:52
cwayne_mfisch, mediascanner-service[1944]: ESC[1;34mINFOESC[0m info/metadata: Using "grl-lastfm-albumart" from "/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/grilo-0.2/libgrllastfm-albumart.so" to resolve metadata.18:53
stgraberfginther: any problem with it seems to hang here...18:53
cwayne_mfisch, it's using lastfm to get the albumart18:53
mfischcwayne_: hmm, I'm on the interwebs18:53
cwayne_i wonder if grilo needs it in a certain place18:54
mfischI just told it to scrobble the cover whatever that does18:54
fgintherstgraber, yes, something is going on, someone is investigating18:54
barryogra_: sounds good, thanks.  if i have until at least tomorrow, i have a few more things i can fix up.18:54
mfischcwayne_: did you setup u1 on there?18:54
cwayne_mfisch, no18:55
cwayne_davmor2, who would know more about grilo?18:55
ssweenymfisch, merged18:56
cwayne_mfisch, mv Cover.jpg to Josh\ Woodward\ \-\ The\ Simple\ Life.jpg18:57
cwayne_mfisch, i think that should get picked up by the grilo local-metadata plugin18:57
davmor2cwayne_: thomas stych I think and I've probably spelt his name wrong so I apologise for that18:58
mfisch-> quick break18:58
stgraberfginther: please let me know when it's fixed, I had to disable the system-image cronjob for the time being18:59
fgintherstgraber, ack19:00
timppaAnyone around? Just quick few questions regarding build 7619:11
timppaProcess:  668 root      20   0   268    4    0 R 101.1  0.0   2:09.93 upstart-propert19:11
timppais hogging 100% CPU19:12
timppareboot does not help19:12
ChickenCutlasstimppa, bug already found and being fixed19:12
stgraberplars: anyway, I found a bug in the current system-image code and fixed it, we'll know if that's enough to fix the json file updating every 5min once the Jenkins server is back to life and I can turn the cronjob back on19:12
timppaChickenCutlass: ok, will it be available today?19:12
ChickenCutlasstimppa, should be19:13
plarsstgraber: which jenkins server does this run off of?19:13
timppaChickenCutlass: great!19:13
stgraberplars: none, my code runs on the cdimage builder, but it imports bits from (OEM customization tarballs) and that server is hanging at the moment which in turn makes my importer hang19:13
stgrabers/cdimage builder/cdimage master/19:13
timppaAnd the  another thing is that the clock is still randomly missing, should that be fixed already?19:14
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
mfischcwayne_: I'll try that rename now19:24
davmor2awe_: I don't know if you wanted a bug to work against but I've given you one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/123436419:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234364 in ofono (Ubuntu) "ofono will randomly drop the connection" [Undecided,New]19:38
phiphiHello, since yesterday I am trying out ubuntu touch on a nexus 4. Today the suggested apps for install don't show up anymore. looks like they're disabled. But I can't reenable them. Click Package scope is enabled19:39
phiphitl;dr: no more suggested apps, how to re-enable19:40
davmor2phiphi: connect to wifi, reboot the phone (it's a little temperamental)19:41
phiphiis there a reboot functionality in the gui?19:43
davmor2phiphi: nope open the terminal and sudo reboot or press and hold the power button till it shuts down the npower it back on again19:44
bfillerSaviq: can this be top-approved? https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity-notifications/fix-themed-icons/+merge/18848319:45
Saviqbfiller, how should I know :D19:46
Saviqbfiller, someone should review it ;)19:46
Saviqbfiller, but yeah, probably yes19:46
bfillerSaviq: it was reviewed and approved19:46
bfillerSaviq: by macslow but not top-approved19:46
Saviqbfiller, apparently Mirco didn't want to make the call19:47
bfillerSaviq: ok, I will :)19:47
bfillerafter testing it19:47
Saviqbfiller, thanks :)19:47
jdstrandogra_: your boot slowdown where apparmor_parser started-- was it only after rebooting as writable?19:52
awe_davmor2, how is this different than the previous bug?19:56
awe_( ie. the 3g is flaky on EE networks )?19:56
awe_davmor2, also can you add build #, how-to-reproduce, ...?19:57
awe_ie. was Wi-Fi every on, or is the bug, boot the phone, check 3g, wait several hours and it's the connection is gone, never to be re-established?19:58
awe_davmor2, that said, I believe there's definitely a problem, and we're working on it19:59
awe_I checked the nemomobile GPRS patches, and I'm not sure they'll help...19:59
awe_that said, I'm building a test package as we speak...19:59
awe_and will also supply you with a debug test package that logs more events by default20:00
alecusergiusens: ping. Do you know what's the right call to get the arch for the machine? like "armhf"20:00
alecuI'm trying "uname -i", but get "armv7l" on my nexus20:01
sergiusensalecu, only way I know how to is with dpkg-architecture20:02
sergiusensalecu, I bet jdstrand would know of other ways20:02
* jdstrand was going to suggest dpkg-architecture20:03
alecucjwatson: perhaps from the scope I should be asking click for this too?20:04
stgraberfginther: looks like jenkins is working again?20:05
fgintherstgraber, it just came back up20:05
cwayne_mfisch, \o/20:05
cwayne_i think i got it20:06
mfischcwayne_: nice20:06
mfischcwayne_: something I can try?20:06
cwayne_mfisch, maybe, im not 100% sure20:06
cwayne_mfisch, yeah, 1 sec20:06
cwayne_mfisch, have that album-art saved where i told you before, and do this: gsettings set com.canonical.mediascanner metadata-sources " [('grl-tmdb', 'grl-tmdb', {'api-key': 'TDB:REPLACE-DUMMY-KEY'}), ('grl-lastfm-albumart', 'grl-lastfm-albumart', {}), ('grl-local-metadata', 'grl-local-metadata', {})]"20:07
stgraberplars: so I probably just triggered another of your Jenkins runs by landing my fix, but I then ran the import script 2-3 times and didn't see a bump in the timestamp for the json file, so I "think" I solved the issue20:08
stgraberplars: let me know if you still see changes and I'll look into it some more20:08
loologra_: do you know if the mediaplayer fix is confirmed fixed in 76?20:11
loolbarry: ok, so we are actually waiting for a fix to go in before we can promote an image20:11
mfischcwayne_: i need to reinstall first, I've messed with it too much20:12
loolbarry: I doubt it will done today, but perhaps if we're quick20:12
loolbarry: would you upload a system-image ~ppa1 snapshot to ubuntu-unity/daily-build PPA in the mean time?20:12
loolbarry: I'll ready you a slot for tomorrow20:12
loolbarry: are you ok that I upload it tomorrow morning?  I would take the snapshot .dsc and upload it with a new changelog entry20:13
cwayne_mfisch, alright, im gonna go afk for a bit, ping me when you try it out20:13
mfischcwayne_: will do20:13
barrylool: tell you what.  i'm going keep fixing bugs until near my eod, then i'll tag and upload to that ppa (although i think i had some permission problems with that last time?)20:13
loolbarry: PPA >> ok, then to another PPA, it doens't really matter where; it's the one we use for staging builds, but I'd just upload by hand anyway20:14
popeylool: running 76 here, what is the test case for mediaplayer?20:14
loolpopey: that's what I was asking ogra; I think it's when playing long movies20:14
loolpopey: FYI there's a regression in 76 anyway20:14
popeythere is20:15
popeyphone doesn't ring or beep on calls/sms20:15
barrylool: this is the packaging branch.  i'll leave this in a state where you can easily `bzr bd` the package at my eod, and it's fine to upload it whenever you get online in the morning.  https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-system-image/ubuntu-system-image/client.pkg20:15
loolpopey: there's an upstart-property-watcher issue and the missing ringtone20:15
loolbarry: ok cool20:15
barrylool +120:15
loolbarry: I might not be able to commit there either, but that's ok20:15
barrylool: hopefully you won't need to, but i can try to fiddle the perms if you want20:16
loolbarry: so looking at the list, this seems really good; just missing manifests?20:16
loolphased updates and alias tracking are there20:17
looldownload progress20:17
looland auto download again20:17
cwayne_mfisch, btw just updated qt5 on my phone from that ppa20:17
barrylool: manifests?20:17
ChickenCutlasslool, what is the sound issue20:17
mfischcwayne_: and?20:18
cwayne_mfisch, first boot, scopes were there20:19
cwayne_mfisch, gonna try 10 reboots again before i go afk20:19
cwayne_ChickenCutlass, any idea why mediascanner doesnt use grl-local-metadata?20:20
loolChickenCutlass: (Ricardo is on it)20:20
ChickenCutlasscwayne_, because you didn't write the code20:21
loolpopey: apparently mediaplayer AP tests were enough to trigger20:21
cwayne_ChickenCutlass, it's a gsettings key brochacho20:21
cwayne_codes already written20:21
loolpopey: Ricardo S said these pass fine in 7620:21
mfischcwayne_: okay I'm freezing sevile then20:21
cwayne_mfisch, wait and see if this fixes albumart for you20:21
ChickenCutlasscwayne_, I really don't know -- bro, not sure who owns that20:21
mfischcwayne_: yep20:21
cwayne_if it does, we can override the gsettings key and have albumart work20:22
plarsstgraber: looks good now, thanks :)20:23
alecusergiusens, jdstrand: dpkg-architecture is a perl script that does a lot of stuff, and ends up calling "dpkg --print-architecture"20:24
alecuI think I'll be using just that20:24
mfischcwayne_: testing now20:25
pmcgowancwayne_, sounds like a bug20:25
cwayne_pmcgowan, yeah, it would make sense to parse the filesystem for available metadata as well as online sources20:25
cwayne_at least makes sense to me20:26
mfischcwayne_: I wonder if we can just re-use the bug I filed?20:26
pmcgowancwayne_, for any sample data provided makes sense20:26
mfischalthough it's 2 separate issues20:26
sergiusensalecu, sounds good, as you don't need the triplets20:28
mfischcwayne_: okay so I moved the file like you said and ran gsettings and still no cover art20:30
jdstrandalecu: that sounds very reasonable IIUC that you are filtering by arch20:30
cwayne_mfisch, does grep local ~/.cache/upstart/mediascanner.log show anything?20:30
mfischcwayne_: I see it doing a scan, anything I should see?20:31
mfischcwayne_: and the rename was to that crazy path or to cover.jpg20:32
cwayne_the crazy path20:32
cwayne_mfisch, btw with the new qt5, 10 reboots, scopes showed up 10/1020:32
cwayne_10/10 would scope again20:32
mfischcwayne_: ncie20:32
cjwatsonalecu: Hm, maybe this should be wrapped using click; but for now, you should use "dpkg --print-architecture" (not dpkg-architecture, which is a developer tool)20:32
cjwatsonsergiusens,jdstrand: ^- for reference20:33
cjwatson(ah, and now I see that you got there in scrollback)20:33
sergiusenscjwatson, always good to get re assurance :-)20:34
mfischcwayne_: any ideas?20:35
cwayne_mfisch, are you sure you set the key right and have the right filename?20:36
mfischcwayne_: I pasted your crazy path: /home/phablet/.cache/media-art/album-4cbb87d0b1f826c892c7a95518c54aea-d0bb19d7e29f213abb959593165765db.jpeg20:36
cwayne_mfisch, and what about the gsettings key20:37
mfischcom.canonical.mediascanner metadata-sources [('grl-tmdb', 'grl-tmdb', {'api-key': 'TDB:REPLACE-DUMMY-KEY'}), ('grl-lastfm-albumart', 'grl-lastfm-albumart', {}), ('grl-local-metadata', 'grl-local-metadata', {})]20:37
alecucjwatson: great. Yup, found that too, thanks!20:38
cwayne_mfisch, huh, goddamnit20:39
karniDo we downscale art resources on the fly in UTouch? Are they cached?20:40
* karni expects a question @Deview why are we not conserving CPU if we're downscaling all resources on the fly, if that's the case20:41
mfischkarni: not sure20:42
charlesis there a Right Way to do environment variable-based debugging logs in Qt, a la g_debug()?20:42
charlesqDebug() seems to only be togglable at compile time20:42
karniIt is either install time (which I doubt, but I wish!) or runtime.20:42
cwayne_mfisch, it seems we don't set XDG_CACHE_HOME20:43
doanacveebers: I just added a comment to your MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/autopilot/fixing_backend_being_none/+merge/18876220:43
cwayne_mfisch, which grl-local-metadata uses20:43
veebersdoanac: ack, will check20:43
doanaclet me know if you need help re-creating20:44
mfischcwayne_: we set most everything else in an upstart job20:44
cwayne_mfisch, yeah but we dont set that20:45
mfischokay I'll try it20:45
cwayne_mfisch, i just added it to our custom-env.conf, lets see if it does anything for me20:45
cwayne_i wish i knew how to get logs from grilo20:45
mfischcwayne_: there's a job called xdg-dirs already20:46
cwayne_mfisch, and it's not set in there20:46
jdstrandogra_: I just can't reproduce your issue. 25 boots, 25 no apparmor_parser. reviewed scripts, reviewed bootcharts. this was on grouper. I am going to try with mako now, but have to do it on stable instead of proposed for now20:48
jdstrandogra_: your output from the click-apparmor upstart job though-- that shows that apparmor was updated, or that maybe there was a problem with accessing the md5sums20:50
cwayne_mfisch, it worked for me, i even made sure to disable the lastfm one20:51
cwayne_unless it's just cached.. let me remove the music and re-push it maybe20:51
mfischcwayne_: nope20:51
mfischcwayne_: still fails here20:51
mfischtake out your sim card20:51
cwayne_this is my only phone20:52
cwayne_mfisch, just tried recopying it over and moved the albumart out of the way, making sure it fails first20:54
mfischcwayne_: nobody's gonna call you!20:54
cwayne_mfisch, MY MOM MIGHT20:55
cwayne_mfisch, ok, failed as expected, moving the file back and rebooting20:55
cwayne_mfisch, \o/20:57
cwayne_works for me20:57
mhall119App Showdown winners announced! http://developer.ubuntu.com/2013/10/winners-of-the-2013-ubuntu-app-showdown/20:57
karniWhat is the proper way to ask for device orientation? Is there something better than: property bool isHorizontal = width >= height; ?20:58
mhall119http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1nlx69/winners_of_the_2013_ubuntu_app_showdown_announced/ too20:58
cwayne_mfisch, im gonna push up a branch, will you try it and see if it works for you?20:59
mfischcwayne_: sure thing bro20:59
cwayne_mfisch, i wonder if my disabling lastfm somehow made it work20:59
mfischcwayne_: I've got a meeting but I can do it during20:59
cwayne_like maybe it tries lastfm, it doesnt work, then says fuck it and bails20:59
pmcgowanmhall119, nice20:59
popeyyay mhall11921:00
mfischcwayne_: and what is the errno for "fuck it"?21:00
karnimfisch: -69 maybe21:00
karniAnyone knows the _proper_ way to query current device orientation?21:01
karnihttp://design.ubuntu.com/apps/get-started/responding-to-orientation sure does say "implement orientation", but is limited to "set this flag to true to enable it"21:02
cwayne_mfisch, is an upstart job in .config/upstart/ run the same way was in /usr/share/upstart/sessions/ ?21:02
karniIt might be helpful when desining flexible layouts to know the orientation, and I was wondering if a simple dimention comparison was the way to do it.21:02
mfischcwayne_: I think so21:05
cwayne_mfisch, lp:~cwayne18/sevilerow/local-art21:06
cwayne_mfisch, now im actually gonna go afk, like i said i would an hour ago :)21:06
cwayne_ill do a fresh flash in the meantime, and see if this branh works when i get back21:06
anders3408hello... :)21:07
anders3408after adding the patch for apparmor v3 to my kernel , ubuntu touch fails to boot , lxc container always fails to mount .. even with apparmor=0 is added21:08
mhall119karni: I think using Qt's Screen is the way to check:
w-floanders3408, not sure if this helps: check /var/log/kern.log for apparmor DENIED messages21:12
anders3408w-flo:  aa-status says module not loaded, and no apparmor related lines in kern.log21:13
w-flothen that's obviously not your problem... *shrugs*21:14
karnimhall119: Thank you21:15
karnimhall119: That's some sort of staging server? Why the ip?21:16
mhall119karni: yeah, it's staging for what will be on developer.ubuntu.com son21:17
karnimhall119: thank you, I'll note it down21:17
anders3408w-flo:  correct , thats what i dont get :) another question for you :) : first bootup normally is fine, if i reboot it fails due to ubuntu mounts /system before lxc-container mounts system partitions, so in the lxc container it fails to mount it. do you have any idea on what i can do to that ?21:18
w-flohm.. why does it fail in the container? I believe it simply mounts twice for me21:18
anders3408w-flo i dont know , and i dont know21:19
anders3408ups :)21:19
anders3408mhall119: https://plus.google.com/107310930968828806488/posts/CFQn91RRJ1W21:23
w-floanders3408, tbh I have no idea what causes /system in the container to be populated... I'm just glad it works for me21:23
anders3408w-flo:  check link from above :)21:23
w-floso is this after reboot and it works now?21:24
anders3408nope :) its just a post with my 2nd find5 i got from mhall119 today :)21:24
w-flooh, cool :)21:25
w-floanyway, I feel like firing up euro truck sim 2 now.. so.. bye bye :)21:26
mhall119anders3408: looking good :)21:26
w-flogood luck with fixing the mount.. took me more than a month to fix mounts because I was using an ext3 partition instead of ext4 without noticing it :P21:26
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
cwayne_mfisch, any luck?21:34
mfischcwayne_: not yet, still on call21:35
mfischcwayne_: will try in 1021:40
cwayne_mfisch, k21:41
mfischcwayne_: should this just work?21:47
cwayne_mfisch, in theory but it doesn't, it's not setting the dconf key21:50
cwayne_and i cant figure out why21:50
nhainesNot sure if this is the right place, but I want to know where to grab the Ubuntu App Showdown winners to run on my PC.21:52
mfischfighting with msising scopes21:52
mfischwhy on your pc?21:52
mfischcwayne_: yes, still broken21:53
cwayne_mfisch, i just told you it would be21:53
cwayne_i cant figure out why the dconf key isn't updating21:53
cwayne_even if i add a lock21:53
doanacveebers: did my feedback on your MP make sense?21:55
mfischcwayne_: let me look21:55
cwayne_i wonder if i typo'd somewhere or something21:56
veebersdoanac: hmm, let me check my logs as I seem to recall issues with the indicators_client tests too21:56
veebersdoanac: how are you running that tests?21:56
doanacveebers: i've got it down to just running: phablet-test-run -n -v unity8.indicators_client.tests.test_battery.TestDisplayMenus.test_auto_bright_switch21:56
veebersdoanac: right, that's the failing test I have in my log too for both my branch and saucy version of autopilot21:57
veebersdoanac: I think it might be an issue with the test itself (or something related) let me investigate further21:57
loolmhr3: Hey21:58
mfischcwayne_: mediascanner may be changing it?21:58
doanacveebers: hmm. its working in daily image testing, and I think i confirmed it worked earlier21:58
loolmhr3: do you know stuff about icon search path for application scope?21:58
cwayne_mfisch, but i even added a lock on mine21:58
loolmhr3: any idea why https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/click-update-manager/install-icon/+merge/188447 wouldn't work?21:59
veebersdoanac: hmm, maybe the difference is the system running (i.e. I used: phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel-proposed --no-backup) for my run21:59
veebersdoanac: would that be different to what your running?21:59
doanacveebers: hmm. we use --bootstrap21:59
cwayne_lool, this one should work: https://code.launchpad.net/~mfisch/click-update-manager/fix-icon/+merge/18849622:01
mfischlool: it does work but there were some unresolved arguments22:02
veebersdoanac: odd. Well his is the failure I see (using either autopilot): http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6185809/22:04
loolmfisch, cwayne_: Right, was trying to find out from unity folks why pixmaps wasn't used22:04
looljust to get to the bottom of the argument22:04
veeberswhich, to me, wouldn't indicate a regression in that autopilot branch22:04
doanacveebers: you probably need to install the unity8-autopilot package22:04
loolmfisch, cwayne_: Actually I see it's just an abstain22:05
cwayne_mfisch, weird, dconf read /com/canonical/mediascanner/metadata-sources returns nothing22:05
Netscape128I have a question about the Ubuntu Touch.22:05
loolralsina: Hey22:05
Netscape128Will it be available to American users with Sprint PCS soon?22:06
ralsinalool: hi22:06
loolralsina: Please would you top approve https://code.launchpad.net/~mfisch/click-update-manager/fix-icon/+merge/188496 again (see previous upstream merger error); also would you please grant me right to top approve other branches in future lp:click-update-manager?22:06
ralsinalool: that has a needsfixing from CI?22:06
ralsinaoh, right, it's the autolanding failure22:07
doanacveebers: its odd to me it works when you run the whole suite. its only a problem when you try to run that testcase22:07
ralsinalool: I'll add you to ubuntuone-hackers I think that should do it22:07
sergiusensdoanac, veebers --bootstrap and --no-backup are aliases22:08
mfischNetscape128: is sprint pcs cdma?22:08
Netscape128for 3g, yes22:08
veebersdoanac: that is odd :-\22:08
mfischNetscape128: then you should be able to use it on one of the supported phones22:08
veeberssergiusens: thanks for the clarification22:08
ralsinalool: added you to ubuntu one client engineering which should indirectly let you top-approve22:09
Netscape128so if i switch to android and want ubuntu touch i can just download it?22:10
Netscape128oh, it's not out yet...22:12
nhainesmfisch: because I don't have Ubuntu installed on my phone at the moment and probably won't for another week, but I want to test the Reddit client anyway.22:13
cwayne_mfisch, this is very frustrating22:13
Netscape128or is it?22:13
Netscape128it's not out yet for the average user?22:13
mfischNetscape128: it's still a developer preview for now22:14
mfischNetscape128: 1.0 is this month22:14
Netscape128oh darn22:14
Netscape128oh wll22:14
mfischNetscape128: what device do you have?22:14
nhainesOctober 17th, in fact.22:14
Netscape128an iphone at the moment but i'm gonna switch to complete linux22:14
nhainesNetscape128: keep this page in mind.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices22:15
Netscape128meaning, some distro on my computer, some distro on my phone, etc.22:15
mfischcwayne_: I had to re-flash then I'll catch up and help22:16
cwayne_mfisch, k22:16
Netscape128I'll certainly keep that in mind.22:17
Netscape128Wait, it will work on the first generation Kindle Fire?22:17
Netscape128Cool! I have one, but the pins are bent on it.22:17
cwayne_oh my god the keyboard is so much better now22:18
nhainesMight be worth playing with, but it looks like it's not well supported: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/otter22:18
mhr3lool, i do remember that /usr/share/pixmaps is not searched by qt22:21
loolmhr3: Ok; there is actually a solution in the pipe that I thought didn't make consensus, but it was good enough after all22:21
mhr3lool, fwiw icons are usually installed in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ that branch makes the icon theme-specific22:25
cwayne_sergiusens, happroval? https://code.launchpad.net/~cwayne18/phablet-tools/phablet-config-timezone-fix/+merge/18872722:26
loolmhr3: right, the actual branch is https://code.launchpad.net/~mfisch/click-update-manager/fix-icon/+merge/18849622:26
cwayne_mfisch, i don't get how i got this to work last time22:26
mhr3lool, yea, that's the one i meant by "that branch"22:27
sergiusenscwayne_, in my queue22:27
cwayne_sergiusens, ta22:27
loolmhr3: so we should be installing to hicolor/apps/144 instead?22:39
loolmfisch: Would you be tempted to fix the path as suggested by mhr3 above and to fix the dh_install failure (need to update .install I guess)22:40
looldh_install: usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mobile/apps/144/update_manager_icon.png exists in debian/tmp but is not installed to anywhere22:40
sergiusenscwayne_, in line 56 there's an extra space after false22:41
mfischlool: hmm, I built that package and tested it22:46
mfischlool: let me redo it22:47
mfischlool: can qml packages be arch all instead of any?22:47
loolmfisch: yes22:48
loolmfisch: see e.g. music-app22:48
mfischokay I'd like to fix that too, it makes it super annoying to build22:48
mfischmhr3: okay the icons need to go into hicolor?22:49
mfischthey were pretty set on not adding a .install file and fixing this in CMakeLists22:50
mhr3mfisch, should be good, yea, but pls check on the phone, i'm not sure it's common there as well22:51
karniSuppose my QML app has a dependency not in ubuntu-sdk-13.10. (whatever dependency, really) How would I go about including in in the package? Can I do that?22:52
mfischmhr3: almost every app has icons in ubuntu-mobile22:53
mhr3mfisch, yea, cause that's the theme phone is using currently22:53
mfischand which size of the multitude of sizes in hicolor shall I choose?22:54
mhr3mfisch, ideally a scalable and a bunch of rendered pngs with specific size22:56
mhr3mfisch, but if you have just 144, just put it in ubuntu-mobile as everyone else, it's not time to start doing things properly few days before release :P22:57
mfischokay well I can do the 3 that gallery does22:59
mfisch64, 128, and 25622:59
mfischbut I can't do it right this second, it will be in a few hours22:59
mfischmhr3: will anyone be awake who can top approve it then?22:59
mhr3europeans won't :)23:00
mfischyeah I know23:00
karniWould you guys say ubuntu-html5-theme is a framework? It's a bit more than styling, but wouldn't be a far fetched selection of words?23:08
karnialex-abreu: ↑ You might know :)23:08
cwayne_sergiusens, fixed23:09
sergiusenscwayne_, happroving23:09
cwayne_sergiusens, thank you sir, and as always, sorry for pestering :)23:09
mfischcwayne_: can you test this package of icons?23:10
mfischcwayne_: its in ~mfisch/tmp on people.cc23:11
mfischlool: I've got all the icons packaged up23:11
loolmfisch: cool23:13
loolI'm off to bed though23:13
mfischlool: okay, I'll do one more test and then push it23:14
mfischlool: why do I need to specify files in .install when cmakelists adds them for me?23:16
karni    // We disable the geolocation API for now, as it's still under development23:17
karni    // for Ubuntu Touch23:17
karniDoes that still hold?23:17
karniThis is from the QR code scanner example.23:17
cwayne_mfisch, testing23:17
cwayne_mfisch, +1, works23:19
mfischcwayne_: thanks23:19
karniachiang: Sent you an e-mail. I think that'll be it for today. Do you think you could go through it and possibly reply before EOD?23:20
karniachiang: I can start making stuff pretty tomorrow.23:20
karniStealing pictures from our design sites, etc.23:21
leipsfurHey everyone23:25
leipsfurI have a question about software compatibility with Ubuntu Touch on a Nexus device23:25
leipsfurIs the software I have available on my x86 desktop PC also available on a Nexus device with Ubuntu touch?23:26
cjwatsonDepends on the layer.  Ubuntu Touch doesn't run X, so desktop-level software typically doesn't run unported.23:28
cjwatsonThings that are command-line-only are generally also available for the armhf architecture and would work, although you'd need to remount read-write (and sacrifice system-image updates) to install them.23:28
leipsfurOkay, because I wonder if I could just use it as a notebook/tablet combo with a docking station23:29
leipsfurWould Java desktop applications work? JetBrains IDEA to be more specific23:29
cjwatsonWe do plan to make that kind of converged use case work, but it's in the nearish-future plans rather than something that will work today or in 13.10.23:30
leipsfurIs it possible to install X and have Ubuntu Touch run Gnome 3?23:37
cjwatsonIt wouldn't be Ubuntu Touch.  Er, you could try to do something like the old Nexus images before the Ubuntu Touch project really got started.  It would take you quite a long time.23:38
cjwatson(That was just Nexus 7)23:38
leipsfurYea... it seems like Ubuntu Touch is not really what I want. It23:39
cjwatsonIt's possible Xmir would be feasible once the touch images switch to Mir23:39
cjwatsonI'm not an expert on that23:39
leipsfur*It's cool to have a command line and now artifical boundaries23:39
leipsfurbut actually I just want a Linux Desktop on a tablet23:40
cjwatsonThat kind of thing is in the 14.04/14.10 set of goals23:40
cjwatson(I forget exactly where it is right now)23:40
leipsfuroh, really? That sounds interesting23:41
cjwatsonUnder the general heading of "convergence"23:41
RAOFcjwatson: XMir-on-phone requires a driver we haven't (yet) written.23:42
cjwatson^- expert23:42
RAOFAlso, generally no OpenGL support on phone or tablet hardware, so desktop GL apps won't work, and I don't expect we'll try the huge task of implementing desktop GL on GLES :)23:43
leipsfurOkay, I never used any GL software on my current notebook I know of right now23:46
leipsfurOkay, well thank you a lot cjwatson and RAOF for your time you were a big help!23:56

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