
=== lubotu3` is now known as lubotu3
WobboAfter a while, 4/5 month, 13.04 is getting slow, very slow. Starting up en logging in is no problem. But then, stuff like Nautilus, Chrome and the systemsetting CMS i s sloff. I have a Intel i5 Core, 8gig ram, Ubuntu 13.04 64b....06:56
WobboAny tips?06:56
MooDoomorning all07:01
MooDooMorning Alan07:30
MooDooMorning Alans :)07:33
AlanBellah bother, I can't make the release party :(07:36
MooDoome neither :(07:37
MooDooooooo i want a ubuntu member cert, only problem is I'm not an ubuntu member, they look purty though :)07:41
AlanBellthey are :)07:41
MooDoomight have to look at becoming one then :) lol07:41
AlanBelldocument your awesome contributions to Ubuntu and you too can have one07:41
MooDooalas me being awesome in here is the only contribution I currently make :)07:42
AlanBellwoah, no xmir07:42
MooDooyup, not ready07:43
diddledanno xmir?07:43
MooDooDon't blame them to be honest, if it's not ready it's not ready...07:43
AlanBellthat is a bit of a last minute trip07:43
MooDooDon't think it's going to make a difference if it's not in this version is it?07:45
AlanBellwell it will be in, but not turned on by default07:45
diddledanthe problem is it means that 14.04 won't have such extensive background testing of the xmir stack from all the users of 13.1007:46
AlanBellin theory 14.04 should be using unity 8 and native Mir stuff07:47
AlanBellrather than the strange xmir thing07:47
AlanBellwell actually some xmir stuff might be kicking about in 14.04 as well for some applications in a way I don't really understand07:47
AlanBellthe xmir fullscreen stuff always seemed pointless to me, however on the plus side, this means that 13.10 will be pretty solid, it is what I am using now07:48
popeyOr LTS could be bumped to 14.1007:50
AlanBellsurprised it wasn't mentioned in the technical board meeting yesterday07:53
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:13
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Farm Animals Day! :-D08:16
* DJones puts a saddle on MooDoo 08:26
MooDooDJones: ride em cowboy.......errr08:28
diddledanDJones, MooDoo: that makes my perverted mind go to bad places08:28
DJonesNow theres an idea, I've got the right boots, coat & hat, now, where did I put the whip08:28
DJonesOoh Er Mother08:29
* diddledan grins mischeivously08:29
JamesTaitI think I'm going to be a duck today.08:45
MooDooJamesTait: snap, a aqua planing duck :)08:46
JamesTaitMooDoo, that almost sounds like a release codename. ;)08:46
MooDoomaybe for next time round.  Code name for A is Aquaplaneing Duck08:47
shaunoI read that as 'planning' several times, until I finally figured out where I was going wrong08:47
popeymaybe he's planning a pond08:47
MooDooyeah I can't spell this early in the morning08:48
MooDooactually has T been announced yet, speaking of release names?08:49
shaunonah I think you got it right.  I just haven't had enough coffee to deal with scheming ducks just yet08:49
AlanBellMooDoo: nope, the last few were announced on release day (which messes up some packages that require the next release name in them)08:50
MooDooexcellent planning that08:51
DJonesMooDoo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames Some interesting suggestions listed08:51
diddledanMooDoo: I vote for the tenacious tamarin08:51
diddledanah someone's already used tenacious08:51
MooDooTalkative Toucan08:51
diddledantweakable tit? (a tit is a bird you disgusting-minded perverts!)08:52
MooDootippytoed tapir08:52
bashrcTipsy Tarantula08:53
diddledanI find it entirely dissatisfying how few double entendres ubuntu has used as codenames08:53
MooDoowell we all know it's going to be obscure :)08:53
bigcalmTouchy Toad08:54
shaunotoot toot!08:54
bashrcTempestuous Terrapin08:54
DJonesMaybe they should do a google (eg Android KitKat), pick a food item named after an animal and see if they can get sponsorship from the food producer08:56
AlanBellhttp://www.indiegogo.com/projects/let-s-start-a-techmums-revolution is interesting, Dr Black of saving Bletchly fame is running it08:56
diddledanDJones: penguin!08:57
bigcalmI think a brand would shout copyright infringement if it were done that way. It's likely that Google sat down with Nestlé for a long time before agreeing the name08:57
AlanBellbigcalm: apparently it was very quick08:58
bigcalmAlanBell: I am surprised08:58
Laneygoing to be hard to choose!09:06
MooDooshould be good09:07
MooDoonot sure if I'm going this year.09:07
Laneygoing to be difficult if you don't have a ticket09:09
Laneyget down early on the saturday09:09
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MooDooLaney: yeah they sold out when I tried to get tickets.09:20
Laneyyep :(09:20
LaneyGet the Friday off if you can and go down early09:21
Laneythat's what we're doing09:21
MooDoomight just have to give it a miss and plan an ubuntu hour for next years ;)09:21
MooDooLaney: or just bulk buy tickets and have an ubuntu visit to nottingham llke they do darn sarf with the real ale train09:22
LaneyCould do that, it's worth travelling for IMO09:22
MooDoomight look into that09:23
MooDooI'm really surprised there hasn't been an ubuntu hour hangout on air ;)09:24
MooDooLaney: see what happens we talk about beer and nottingham and it all goes quiet :)09:47
Laneysorry I went into an IPA induced trance09:47
mungbeanbetter than an API induced one09:48
bigcalmWe need an IPA API09:53
Laneyone method: moreIPA();09:55
mungbeanIPA = fusty guts09:55
mgdmIPAoIPoA (over ATM, like DSL is here...)09:59
JamesTaitAn IPAoIPoA API?09:59
bigcalmNo` gave us beeroverip.org09:59
mgdmand other weirder, frencher things10:00
JamesTait"And another consonant, please, Rachel."10:00
davmor2Morning all10:03
davmor2bigcalm: no lug for me :( too much on10:04
AlanBellJamesTait: no Carol any more?10:06
mgdmhasn't been for years10:07
JamesTaitAlanBell, not any more. She's too busy adverising, well, pretty much anything.10:07
AlanBellgosh, since 2008 I haven't watched countdown10:07
JamesTait"I'll have a 'T', please, Bob."10:07
AlanBelland yes, Carol does do too many suspect advertising jobs10:08
bigcalmRachel is a good reason to watch Strictly Come Dancing this year10:08
JamesTaitbigcalm, is she a good dancer then?10:08
popeyShe is perfect10:08
popeyIn every way.10:08
mgdmbigcalm: or, indeed, Countdown... :-)10:08
bigcalmJamesTait: don't know, haven't watched it yet. I just find her lovely10:08
AlanBellespecially the loan adverts, very very sad to see her endorsing high APR loans10:09
bigcalm8 out of 10 does Countdown is spiffing \o/10:09
JamesTaitbigcalm, +110:09
mgdm(while developing set top box apps the TV coicidentally ends up on C4 around 3pm quite a few times)10:09
JamesTait10/10! Yay!10:09
bigcalmSuzie is lovely as well10:10
MooDooHave you seens here on celebrity countdown?  She's hilarious on that10:10
JamesTaitbigcalm, +1 there too.10:12
MooDoohttp://i4.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article420635.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/rachel-riley-countdown-pic-pixel-72748871-420635.jpg - coarrrrrr ;) lol10:15
mungbeanhave you seen rachel's husband? for such a beauty, he's a very average looking man. did i mention he's a millionaire?10:16
mgdmnow now10:17
diddledanI only watch strictly (yes I watch strictly) because of all the pretty eye-candy :-p10:17
diddledanand anne widdecombe10:18
* davmor2 pictures diddledan watching strictly while listening to this in the background http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhfbYtbpNxY10:21
popeyI only watch Strictly because I have a 10 year old daughter and a wife.10:25
popeyI need to buy a new telly for the other room10:25
diddledanpopey: ipad10:26
brobostigoni know that feeling from somewhere.10:26
diddledanand catchuptv app10:26
brobostigonsoaps included.10:26
mungbeanmy wife doesn't watch downton , eastenders or strictly, or ITV10:26
mungbeani'm a lucky man10:26
MooDoothank good ness my daughter is only two, it'll be cancelled by the times she's old enough to appreciate it lol10:26
popeydiddledan: can't connect an xbox to an ipad10:27
diddledanfair enough10:27
bigcalmOne for czajkowski http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hot-Fashion-Cat-Face-Tote-Bag-Handbag-Purse-Japan-Muchacha-Ahcahcum-DMH07-/111159460157?pt=US_CSA_WH_Handbags&hash=item19e19ec13d&nma=true&si=6gkk9qYqnlstv9sHymnZ61WXEyY%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l255710:27
czajkowskibigcalm: no!10:28
bigcalmAmusing that it's listed as a cat face bag10:28
* AlanBell is mildly curious about how bigcalm came to find that page10:28
mgdmgoogle for "things to troll czajkowski with"10:28
bigcalmAlanBell: linked to from an ex-gf's tumblr blog10:28
bigcalmmgdm: ooo, tempting ;)10:29
AlanBellspeaking of trolling czajkowski, is it mug night tomorrow?10:29
MooDoomgdm: is that trollczajkowski.com ?10:29
diddledansomeone really thinks that's a cat's face?!10:30
diddledanoh they do two versions10:31
diddledanlol @ Package Content  1 *   BAG10:32
diddledanwell duh10:32
mungbeanwhen ping packets have quick response, but only get sent every 5 secs instead of 1, is that a dns issue?10:32
mungbeanping -n is quick10:34
mungbeanpretty sure it means no reverse lookup10:34
diddledanmungbean: sounds like dns is timing out10:36
MooDooNumeric output only.  No attempt will be made to lookup symbolic names for host addresses.10:36
MooDoothat's what -n is10:36
mungbeanforward lookup works, reverse doesn't10:36
MooDooI'll shut up10:37
diddledanmungbean: dig -x <-- replace with a meaningful ip10:37
diddledantry again with +trace appended10:37
diddledanthat will indicate which dns server is failing10:37
mungbeanthe dns server isn't failing10:37
mungbeanits cos the PTR record doesn't exist10:38
diddledanthat should return instantly10:38
diddledanit should immediately return NXDOMAIN10:39
diddledanif it's timing out then that's another issue entirely10:39
mungbean;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 4922710:40
czajkowskiAlanBell: it is Eliot is speaking10:41
AlanBellcool, and free pizza too :)10:44
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BigRedSI alt-tab and see "free pizza"; what have I missed?10:46
AlanBellmongodb user group tomorrow10:48
AlanBellnear silicon roundabout10:48
mungbeanpopey: how many on the linux jobs mailing nowadays please?11:11
diddledan1 of those is me :-)11:13
mungbeanthanks. static, or growing you think?11:13
mungbeanhave a cool job coming up11:13
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popeyyou going to post it to the list?11:13
mungbeanwhen its released11:14
mungbeanstill working on job desc11:14
popeyjust make sure to adhere to the recommendations on the list admin page11:14
MooDoois that this one? - http://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/linuxjobs11:15
mungbeanfeatures linux as a component of the role?11:15
mungbeanyeah they are reasonable rules11:15
popeypeople complain if salary details aren't there too11:16
popeya browse back in the archive showing threads with more than one reply highlights this11:16
mungbeanwhat if ythey are in a link for full details?11:16
mungbeanthe list members seem a bit anal11:17
popeyyes, yes they do11:17
popeyput plenty of detail in the mail11:17
mungbeanmentioned before that i got some interesting reply last time11:17
mungbeannot sure i want difficult people ;)11:17
popeyyeah, most are typical geeks with missing social skills11:17
MooDoobrill subscribed11:17
MooDoosoo that's 701 mungbean ;)11:18
popey700 was approx11:18
MooDooI know I was just playing11:19
* TheOpenSourcerer is at home feeling crap whilst Souther Electric dig up his garden looking for a broken power supply cable11:19
TheOpenSourcererWe are currently running of the street lamp ;-)11:19
MooDooouch still no power :(11:20
TheOpenSourcererAnyway - I think I'm being stupid. Want to ask about wireless APs11:20
TheOpenSourcererIn my home office I have a broadband router with a wifi network11:20
TheOpenSourcererHouse is flood wired with cat511:20
TheOpenSourcererfar away at the other end of the house i have a wifi AP - with 5 ethernet ports 1xWAN & 4 LAN11:21
popeynot seen those before11:21
directhexaha! i have defeated etherpad11:21
directhexits tangled corpse lies before my cluebat11:22
popeyetherpad lite?11:22
TheOpenSourcererI want the remote AP to act as a bridge so the IP dhcp server is always on my main adsl router and all devices connected to either wifi network share the same subnet11:22
directhexwhich is inherently broken and bad in different yet similar ways to etherpad fat11:22
TheOpenSourcererShould this be hard to do or what?11:22
directhexTheOpenSourcerer, AP in bridge mode?11:22
MooDoopopey: no ubuntu or am i blind11:23
TheOpenSourcererdirecthex: I think so yes.11:23
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: i have that setup here11:23
TheOpenSourcererBut wifi bridges seem to refer to extending the wifi using wifi repeaters not over my physical LAN11:23
TheOpenSourcererSo how do I configure the remote AP?11:24
popeymine is just a netgear wifi router which has openwrt on it. works a treat11:24
popeyit's just a bridge11:24
popeyso whichever AP you're on you get an IP from the central DHCP server11:24
popeyexactly as you describe11:24
TheOpenSourcererGood so I'm not being stupid at least11:25
TheOpenSourcererAll my googling failed.11:25
diddledanI've read that you can also have the two networks use the same ssid and security keys and you'll float between them11:25
popeyI have a Netgear WNDR3700 which has two radios11:25
popeythats what I do diddledan11:25
TheOpenSourcererPerhaps my second AP doesn't support bridging - I'm not wanting to bridge over the air. I have cat5 cable11:26
popeyMost don't11:26
popeyHence me flashing with openwrt11:26
popeywhich does ☻11:27
TheOpenSourcererAh - OK.11:27
bigcalmMy router has two radios in it, so I have the 2nd one set to 5GHz. Laptop and phone then connect to whichever they like11:28
TheOpenSourcererI might have to flash my DG843G then I think11:29
popeyyeah, mine has two too11:31
bigcalmpopey: I still haven't tried to fix my bricked WNDR3800. Buying yours was a much simpler option :)11:34
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MooDoomy router doesn't support openwrt11:37
davmor2MooDoo: have a look at DDWRT instead11:39
davmor2MooDoo: Mine is listed on both however the gui part wasn't working on openwrt at the time of install but was on dd-wrt so I went with dd-wrt instead and it works very nicely :)11:40
popeyi have no gui on my openwrt11:42
popeyjust telnet in and fiddle11:42
davmor2popey: yeah I'm still finding my way around gateway commands as it is and needed the router up and running and configured so the gui was way quicker for me :)11:46
popeymine is configured to have backup internet on a 3g dongle attached via USB11:47
MooDoodavmor2: I think mine is just too old :)11:47
MooDoodavmor2: yes not supported11:48
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: is it the same AP we have in the office? I have just been trying to get that into bridge mode for SIP stuffs11:57
AlanBellsettled for a static IP address and the DMZ host thing11:57
mungbeanirssi reports lag on this chan now. didn't think it used to :S12:01
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Laneyhalp, english assistance required12:03
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Laneyhow do I write the sentence "Align the grid horizontally centrally"?12:04
AlanBell"Centre the grid horizontally"12:05
mungbeantext in the grid or the grid?12:05
Laneyalanbell wins12:06
TheOpenSourcererAh hi AlanBell12:12
TheOpenSourcereryes - the Tenda W311R12:12
TheOpenSourcererI *think* the  way to do it is to connect the LAN to one of the switched ports and disable the dhcp server12:12
TheOpenSourcererNut I haven't tried that yet. I was just eating a ragingly hot curry :-D12:13
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jaffa314can enyone help me with ubuntu 13.04?12:14
jaffa314nothin wrong with the ubuntu, but the touch screen i'm usin...12:15
jaffa314dosen't work12:15
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: ooh, that might work12:16
jaffa314enyone here?12:17
TheOpenSourcererjaffa314: yes - but perhaps we can;t answer your question?12:17
AlanBelljaffa314: lots of people here12:17
BigRedSjaffa314: I don't think anyone's going to say they can definitely help without knowing what the problem is12:17
jaffa314I have new pc running ubuntu12:18
AlanBellif I want to install something from a ppa and it hasn't published for the version of Ubuntu I am on, can I force it somehow?12:18
AlanBellwithout downloading the debs individually12:18
jaffa314and viewsonic tuoch screen is installed12:18
jaffa314but the tuoch function works only in folders12:19
Davieyif it's compatible, just put the version that it is published for in your sources.list12:19
DavieyAlanBell: ^12:19
AlanBellDaviey: ah, right, that makes sense12:19
Davieydeb http://launchpad/xx/x/x/x hardy main12:20
jaffa314is there some spesific driver for tuoch screens?12:20
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AlanBellanyone using RabbitMQ or knows if it is a good thing?12:37
mgdmI'm not using it myself but I know people who speak highly of it12:37
AlanBellI want a telephony thing to make something happen in a PHP application and I can apparently link them with rabbitMQ12:38
mgdm(admittedly that's because I know one of the developers, but...)12:38
mungbeani got a 100gb box.net account, but can't upload any files. great12:44
directhexrabbitmq is... not bug-free12:46
diddledanrabbitmq is used for openstack isn't it?12:55
diddledanmaybe that's why openstack is so evil? :-p12:55
shaunonah, openstack's evil because the documentation is 2 years behind :/12:58
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mungbeancan i just dd a centos iso onto usb stick?13:21
diddledanmungbean: I think it depends on the bios you're gonna boot it with13:23
diddledanfor e.g. apple systems will happily boot from such a stick13:24
mungbeannot apple13:24
mungbeanuentbootin aint recognising any sticks13:25
mungbeangot unetbootin to comply13:28
AlanBellanyone know about unix sockets? I have an opensips server that is supposed to make a socket at /tmp/opensips.sock but if I look in /tmp I see nothing of the kind13:35
AlanBellshould I see a file there for a socket? can I cat it to read from it or something?13:35
mungbeancentos kernel panic on boot :(13:36
* bigcalm updates wedding website with new photo13:36
mgdmAlanBell: you should see the file, yes13:39
mgdmAlanBell: has it maybe ended up elsewhere, like /var/run or something?13:39
AlanBellmgdm: doesn't appear to13:42
diddledanAlanBell: is it chrooted to /var/lib/*13:42
AlanBellhowever I just got UDP sockets working, so I might be able to run with that13:42
AlanBelldon't think it is chrooted, in fact there is a /tmp/opensips_fifo present when it is running13:43
diddledanis that not it?13:43
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: Just moved the cat5 cable from the WAN port to one of the switched ports on the AP and it's now serving IPs from the other router's DHCP server ;-)13:43
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: awesome \o/13:43
mgdmAlanBell: that sounds lie it13:44
TheOpenSourcererThink that was all I did.13:44
AlanBellno, that fifo thing isn't it as far as I can tell, that is there even when I remove the bit that should create the socket I want13:46
AlanBellhowever if UDP works, and I can read from a UDP socket using PHP then I should be good to proceed13:47
mgdmyou can13:47
bigcalmHow would I express " -" as a / mask?13:50
mgdm192.168.1.8/30, but that will include .1113:51
mgdm(I think)13:51
directhexyeah, "you can't"13:51
directhexsince it's not a power of 213:51
bigcalmI see13:51
mungbeanhandy program , see sipcalc13:51
mungbeane.g. sipcalc
bigcalmTa, I'll let Rackspace work it out ;)13:52
bigcalmpwgen -1syc 1613:54
bigcalmNice and rememberable password generation :D13:55
ali1234head -c 10 /dev/urandom | uuencode -13:56
ali1234if you don't have pwgen for some reason13:56
bigcalmali1234: pwgen isn't installed by default :(13:57
bigcalm(on Ubuntu)13:57
ali1234neither is uuencode :(13:57
directhexali1234, that misses the point of pwgen14:00
ali1234which is?14:00
directhexali1234, pwgen passwords are made of syllables, so they can be spoken out loud & memorized FAR more easily than random arrays of characters14:01
ali1234not if you use -s14:01
directhexwell, yes, that's true14:01
directhexbut... don't14:01
bigcalmIt's for IPSec pre-shared keys14:01
bigcalmNot something that's going to be spoken, ever14:01
* mgdm uses apg14:02
mgdmmainly because I heard of it before pwgen14:02
bigcalmmgdm: a 3 letter password is rather insecure14:02
* bigcalm h4x0r5 mgdm14:02
mgdmwell done :P14:02
bigcalmThat took a lot of damn effort to type14:03
ali1234how do you set up a user so that they have no password and can only be accessed using su or sudo?14:03
directhex--disabled-password param to adduser?14:03
bigcalmSet their shell to /bin/false ?14:04
directhexpasswd -d14:04
ali1234bigcalm: no, i still want to su to the used14:04
directhexer, wait, -d is passwordless14:04
ali1234directhex: yeah, i *don't* want passwordless logins - hat's the exact opposite of what i want14:04
* bigcalm goes back to poking Rackspace14:04
ali1234directhex: the man pages aren't clear on which is which imo14:05
ali1234so i settled for a random 64 character password made with -s14:05
mungbeandisk utility says "warning the partition is misaligned by 1024 bytes, this may result in very poor performance"14:06
mungbeanseen that before?14:06
shaunobigcalm: you probably are looking for, since if you subnet it, .11 will be your broadcast address - .9 and .10 will be the only usable IPs14:06
bigcalmshauno: no subnets. It's very specific usage with no future expansion14:07
mgdmshauno: I had wondered if he was using it for something like tcpwrappers or a firewall or some such14:08
bigcalmI'll go with the /3014:08
mgdmso the broadcast address wouldn't actually happen, if you see what i mean14:08
ali1234does netmask actually have to be all 1s and then all 0s? or can you have say ...110114:09
shaunoI'm not actually sure if netmask does.  wildcard doesn't, cidr does, netmask I'm unsure of14:10
AlanBellhow do you spell the woman's name that is a bit like "Romain"14:10
mgdmCisco (I think) have something that is like the inverse of a netmask, and doesn't need to be contiguous14:10
mgdmbut I can't think what it's called14:11
mgdmnetmask generally speaking though does have to be contiguous14:11
shaunomgdm, yeah, that's the 'wildcard' one.  eg, /30 would be
mgdmah, oops14:11
mgdmA sysadmin friend of mine told me about it once, and I went 'wat'14:12
ali1234AlanBell: romane?14:12
AlanBellRomaine doesn't appear to have bounced14:12
mungbeani hate promary and logical partitions :(14:13
diddledannetmask doesn't need to be all ones followed by all zeroes - which makes it a bugger if you want to convert it to cidr14:13
shaunoit seems openbsd will accept a non-contiguous netmask, everything else known to man will look at you funny14:13
diddledanfor e.g. you could have a netmask of 12514:14
diddledanwhich would be evil14:14
mgdmbut why would you do that?14:14
ali1234just to mess with people?14:14
mgdmaside from impairment due to drink or drugs14:14
ali1234i can't think of a good reason14:14
diddledanto end up with unbalanced address ranges :-p14:15
shaunoyou can do some fun stuff if you're brave14:15
AlanBellso you can split your subnet into odd and even halves14:16
mungbean"fun" netmasks are a headache14:16
diddledanAlanBell: bingo14:16
mgdmooooh, I remember that14:16
bashrcHave never really done anythin exotic with netmasks14:16
AlanBellthat is . . inadvisable14:16
mgdmCCNA course knowledge being dredged up from long-term storage14:16
diddledanAlanBell: understatement acknowledged14:17
diddledanor should that be "understatement++"14:17
shaunoeg, say you have 10.0.0.x for siteone-production and 10.0.1.x for siteone-nonprod.  and .2 for sitetwo-production and .3 for sitetwo-nonprod.14:17
shaunoyou can aggregate your routes to each site as and, but firewall against so the odd-numbered subnets are treated differently14:18
mgdmshauno: and hire a newbie one day who promptly fails to understand and breaks it :-D14:19
shaunowhat's wrong with a little job security ;)14:19
diddledanmgdm: hint, don't hire n00bs.... hire me instead :-p14:19
bigcalmHey, you lot need to stop melting my brain14:19
diddledanbigcalm: did you get wet again?14:20
mgdmdiddledan: hehe14:20
bigcalmWhat's wrong with this line from Rackspace? "Phase 2 Diffie-Hellman Group/PFS (NOT RECOMMENDED (1/2/5/NONE)"14:21
diddledanbigcalm: unbalanced parentheses?14:21
* bigcalm wants to claw his eyes out14:21
bigcalmdiddledan: spot on14:21
diddledanI like nesting parentheses in sentences so I end up with a closing )))) - spot the programmer14:22
* bigcalm drums fingers waiting for VPN to be created14:22
mgdmdiddledan: you a fan of Lisp?14:22
diddledanmgdm: I've never really looked at lisp14:22
mgdm(started (I (learning (scheme))) at the weekend14:23
diddledanmgdm: I quite like tcl and obj-c in terms of their syntax however14:23
bigcalmdiddledan: it's confusing when somebody closes a ( with a smiliey :)14:23
shaunobigcalm: I do that far too often14:23
mgdmdiddledan: I'm not a fan of ObjC, but it's not CFML, which I was looking at earlier14:23
shaunobecause ending (this with :)) makes my smiley look disturbed/double-chinned14:24
bigcalmIs it LUG o'clock yet?14:24
diddledanbigcalm: yeah, I haven't worked out whether to leave the smilie doing a dual purpose smile and close bracket or to put another bracket on and suffer the possibility that an uninitiated might think my smilie was doing something different to what I intended14:24
* bigcalm wants to get out of the office14:24
shaunoit doesn't help that at a glance, (that :)) looks mismatched14:25
diddledanshauno: smilies need noses dammit! :-)14:25
diddledanAlanBell: how did you find me on the twitters?14:26
* AlanBell has spies *everywhere*14:26
shaunosearch for awkward inuendos, you'll appear in <30 seconds14:27
diddledanshauno: you love them really14:27
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
mungbeanjust booted 13.10 beta14:56
mungbeanyou get smacked in the face with the online shopping stuf14:57
Azelphurnot in xubuntu :D14:57
AlanBelland not in a remotely useful way either, if you search for example for "socks" in the dash, I get an assortment of songs related to socks, but no actual socks14:59
popeyif i search for socks I get google docks15:00
popeyit rhymes!15:00
mungbeansearch for gparted and get katy perry15:00
mungbeanits spam15:00
AlanBellwell the problem is that you think it is an application launcher15:01
AlanBellsuper+a is the application launcher15:01
mungbeanmy mistake15:01
bigcalmI was about to try the shopping search in 13.04, but then I remembered that I disabled it as soon as I had the system installed15:01
AlanBellsuper is the omniglobaleverything searcher15:01
mungbeansynapse is the launcher15:01
mungbeanthat i use the most15:01
bigcalmI did not know about super + a15:01
mungbeantoo late for super+a , installing centos now15:02
bigcalmAnd super + f15:02
bigcalmIt makes sense now15:02
bigcalmBut having a hint to use that would have been nice :)15:02
AlanBellif you hold super for a while it should pop up the hints15:02
mungbeanthe BFB is ugly now15:03
AlanBellif you have a tall enough screen15:03
mungbeani noticed amazon on the unity bar too15:03
bigcalmI'm looking forward to see a default icon for AOL15:03
mungbeanworked fast on my laptop though15:04
mungbeancentos 6 is gnome 2 :D15:05
* bigcalm squiees at EmergencyKittens on twitter15:05
mgdmwhen our sites are in dev mode all the ads get replaced with placekitten.com15:06
diddledanomg that's a cutie15:06
bigcalmI have the kittenify bookmark15:06
mgdmbigcalm: Oh?I wrote one15:07
mgdmbut it was rather specific15:07
diddledanmgdm: I try to use placekitten when I can, too15:07
bigcalmjavascript:(function(){fcb=function(d){ktndata=d;var p=document.getElementsByTagName('img');for(var i in p){p[i].width=p[i].width;p[i].height=p[i].height;p[i].src=d.items[Math.floor(Math.random()*(d.items.length))].media.m;}};if(typeof ktndata=='undefined'){var jp=document.createElement('script');jp.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'); jp.setAttribute('src','http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?tags=kitten&tagmo15:07
bigcalmde=any&format=json&jsoncallback=fcb'); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(jp);} else{fcb(ktndata);}})()15:07
diddledanI was gonna say exactly the same thing, bigcalm15:07
diddledanit's like you read my mind15:08
bigcalmYour mind is full of rubbish then ;)15:08
mungbeantoday is going slow15:08
Laneyone second per second15:08
diddledanaccording to mr spock hours feel like days and minutes feel like hours. it's going to take 2 days to finish repairs to enterprise.15:09
mungbeancentos just splatted my ubuntu bootloader15:11
diddledanmungbean: I bet you secretly enjoyed the perverse pleasure of that?15:12
mungbeanit was my 12.04 install which i am keeping15:12
mungbeanwant triple booty15:13
bigcalmI wonder if aq is napping15:13
mungbeancan't even boot ubutnu now :(15:15
mungbeanboot-reapri looks handy15:15
bigcalmT- 22 days 23 hours15:19
mungbeantom clancy is dead?15:19
bigcalmAlanBell: updated the website is a new photo - the pre-wedding photo shoot with Tony went great15:19
* bigcalm be tired15:20
diddledanmaybe productivity took a dive the moment I discovered emergencykittens on twitters15:33
bigcalmOops, sorry15:34
bigcalmHumm, that account posts more frequently that I expected15:34
diddledanevery time I look at twitters there's a new kitty15:35
AlanBellO.M.G. the dash is now showing me pre-owned socks on ebay15:38
AlanBellI did not want to know that this was even a thing15:38
diddledanAlanBell: the question is were they owned by a teenager or not15:39
mungbeanboot-repair saves the day15:51
davmor2bigcalm: oh you need some shoes repairing?16:07
bigcalmdavmor2: na, I was thinking of mungbean's boot-repair16:07
bigcalmT - 22 days, 22 hours, 22 minutes16:08
davmor2bigcalm: okay so now it's becoming real :)16:15
diddledan22 days till saucy?16:16
bigcalmIf 13.10 is released on the last Thursday of the month, then that is only 21 days away16:19
bigcalmMy count down is far more important16:19
bigcalmNow I need to decide if I am to play badminton on the 24th or not16:20
bigcalmdavmor2: shame that the 23rd isn't a LUG16:20
diddledanaah, weddings?16:21
bigcalmdiddledan: just the one :P16:21
bigcalmI don't think they would like me having two or more weddings on one day16:22
diddledandon't fancy the polygamy thing then?16:22
bigcalmdiddledan: I said they, didn't include myself in that :P16:22
bigcalmBut I think that one marriage is enough for me16:22
lubotu3Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.16:22
bigcalmOh, much earlier than I had thought16:23
diddledanpopey: that presupposes that a) I know what the date is today, and b) that I can count. neither of which are certain16:23
popeyholy bejeezus look at that resolution16:54
MartijnV1Sdoes that include the dev editions? :)16:54
MartijnV1Salso.. 3200??!?16:55
popeyi wish16:55
=== MartijnV1S is now known as MartijnVdS
popeyi know!16:55
daftykinsi had some really good luck16:55
daftykinsthat dead server OS disk of mine? after a night to cool down it functioned for a short time plugged into my desktop!16:55
daftykinsit kept dropping once it warmed up enough, but there was a long enough window to get back what i wanted ^_^16:55
daftykinsalthough, now i'm seeing some nasty SMART values incrementing on the laptop drive i put in instead :D16:56
daftykinsHardware ECC recovered, Read Error Rate and Seek Error Rate16:57
daftykinsooh, Command Timeout is high too16:57
daftykinsit's quite possible it might be worse than just iffy disks...16:58
daftykinson a completely unrelated note - what would you guys suggest for a backup device to handle 6TB+ of data? :) it'd mostly stay off in storage, so my first thought was tape - but that seems quite expensive just for a drive17:00
popeyhow many copies?17:02
daftykinsjust the one really17:03
popeyhow often?17:03
daftykinsi'd go for a NAS but i'd be concerned about leaving it off in storage most of the time17:03
daftykinsit'd probably only get updated monthly or quarterly17:03
popeyblue ray?17:04
daftykinsa 4 x 4TB NAS appears to be ~750-850 £17:04
ali1234300 blu rays yeah17:04
popey150 quid for a burner17:04
daftykinsnah optical media isn't reliable enough17:05
daftykinsplus the time to do it would be ouch17:05
ali1234if you're worried about the price then i doubt you really need to back up all 6TBs17:05
daftykinsmy client wants to :)17:06
daftykinsany thoughts on the NAS that mostly stays off approach?17:06
ali1234i don't see why it would be a problem17:07
ali1234nothing else will be anywhere near as cheap and easy17:07
popeyhttps://www.ohloh.net/p/elementaryos gosh.. 131 years of effort..17:07
daftykinsali1234: yeah, possibly monthly spinups and checks to keep it happy17:08
popeyhttps://www.ohloh.net/p/debian hehe 22K years17:09
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
Azelphurali1234: dude who ran SR got caught, BTC price has a serious case of the tanking :(17:18
directhexdaftykins, i built a nas recently.17:25
directhexAzelphur, so btc prices were inflated by their usefulness to potheads#/ shock, etc17:25
directhexgah this damn keyboard17:26
Azelphurdirecthex: pretty much, that's certainly a factor of their value17:26
AlanBellgap in the market now then I guess17:27
MartijnVdSstart your own clone17:27
* AlanBell will not be filling it :)17:27
AlanBellI am shocked it was being run from the USA17:27
Azelphuryea, a new one will no doubt sprout up17:28
bigcalmDad complains about how slow his Windows laptop is getting...17:32
bigcalmMe: time to make the push to Linux then17:32
bigcalmDad: dream on17:32
popeyMy neighbour asked me for an ubuntu cd last night to replace windows on another neighbours laptop17:32
MartijnVdS\o/ even17:33
popeyamazon now do pickup17:35
MartijnVdSif you're a seller, you mean?17:35
popeyno, delivery17:35
popeythey leave it at a place - a shop17:36
MartijnVdSah, cool17:36
popeyyou pick it up17:36
MartijnVdSbol.com (the biggest Dutch "amazon clone" does that too now)17:36
popeydirecthex: whats the thing I need to buy to make xbox controller work on my pc?17:36
popeywireless gaming receiver?17:36
daftykinsdirecthex: ah what did you make? the guy already has a 3ware controller based RAID6 file server which the media lives on, (film collection) then there's a 2 x 2TB RAID 1 synology NAS for backup, but now he wants to backup the films too :S17:37
directhexpopey, a wireless xbox controller?17:37
daftykinspopey: yeah wireless transceiver17:37
directhexpopey, yes, let me find you an amazon link17:37
popey360 ya17:37
daftykinsor get a wired one17:37
daftykinsthe wireless jobs are like £9 on ebay17:37
popeyhmm wired would be cheaper, no?17:38
popeyand would still work on 360?17:38
directhexpopey, i use a wired pad for my pc17:39
daftykinswireless still does, it just requires the USB dongle job17:39
directhexpopey, it's a massive pain sharing a pad between 360 and pc, as you need to re-sync it each time17:39
popeythis probably wouldn't move much17:39
popeyso wired makes sense17:39
popeyworth getting an official one?17:40
daftykinsdirecthex: what do you think about a NAS that only gets powered on once a month/quarter ?17:40
bigcalmBackups eh?17:41
popeydirecthex: works with steam on linux?17:41
bigcalmIs an always running drive more or less likely to crash than a drive that is powered up now and then?17:41
directhexpopey, the wireless doodad is hard to find on its own - or an official one is, anyway17:41
directhexpopey, well, hard to find the real microsoft one new & boxed17:41
directhexcan't find a canonical amazon link, fr'example, just a lot of resellers17:41
popeyamazon have them17:42
popeyPrice:£24.99 & Free Delivery with Amazon Prime17:42
popeyoh, wireless doohdah, sorry17:42
directhexpopey, the 360 wireless doodad, and the wired pad, get detected as the same device17:42
bigcalmpopey: I've have had no problems using my wired xbox 360 controller with Linux or Windows17:42
directhexpopey, i use my wired 360 pad for playing on steam/linux17:42
ginghow do i force apt-get to reinstall the repository packages inplace of a custom on?17:42
directhexdaftykins, well...... drive selection will be important. don't buy NAS drives!17:43
popeyging: wat?17:43
daftykinsdirecthex: i was looking at ones with WD Red 4TBs in17:43
popeyging: apt-get install packagename=versionnumber17:43
daftykins4 x 4TB17:43
directhexdaftykins, do NOT use reds for your use case.17:43
popeyging: e.g. apt-get install foo=1.017:43
gingpopey: i tried that doesn't seem to work17:43
popeyging: it does if you have that version in your repo list17:43
daftykinsdirecthex: D: how come? only happy running, them?17:43
popeyging: apt-cache policy packagename17:43
directhexdaftykins, reds are designed for being turned on 24/7 - they basically don't spin down, ever17:43
gingoh i had a space17:43
gingit works now thank popey17:44
directhexdaftykins, as opposed to greens, which will spin down instantly given the opportunity, and are *usually* a terrible NAS drive as a result17:44
popeyging: cool17:44
* bigcalm slithers off to the LUG17:45
daftykinsdirecthex: yeah i only get WD RE's normally17:45
directhexdaftykins, i built a 10-drive synology recently from a combination of wd reds, seagate nas, and hitachi ultrastar17:46
daftykinsdirecthex: do you think tape would be a good idea instead?17:46
daftykinsintentionally mixed?17:46
directhexdaftykins, yeah... mitigates the risk of bad batches a little17:46
directhexdaftykins, tape......... well, yes, it's a better system for your use, but consumer tape is dead, and enterprise tape has a very high startup cost17:47
daftykinscool :)17:47
directhexdaftykins, used to have a 128 node cluster with ibm deathstars in......... lot of disk replacements to do on that17:47
daftykinssurely BDs would have a weak lifespan in storage17:47
daftykinshaha nice17:47
directhexdaftykins, what kind of lifespan are you after?17:48
dwatkinsand this is why I copy the data to my NAS from them17:56
daftykinsdwatkins: huh?17:56
daftykinsoh from optical media17:56
daftykinswell we're talking backup *of* a NAS atm :D17:57
dwatkinsoh sorry, hadn't read back17:57
daftykinsmy client wants to backup his 6TB+ (growing) of film collection17:57
dwatkinsin my experience, the best way to backup a NAS is to another NAS or a hard disk that's then turned off until the next backup.17:57
daftykinsi'm debating the best plan17:57
daftykinsyeah, i'm just concerned about one remaining off17:57
dwatkinsstiction, yeah17:57
daftykinsit might get updated monthly or quarterly at best17:57
dwatkinsif you really want active monitoring of a storage array, there are options such as Panasas' concept of a node for each disk.17:58
dwatkinsthey run a derevation of BSD on each blade, and the disks and data are checked continuously.17:59
dwatkinsas you can guess, they're a bit expensive18:00
daftykinswell the live 3ware driven one emails me Friday nights with the verify result :)18:00
daftykinsa potential offline one would live sort of off-site (other building at the other end of the garden) where the other backup devices live18:00
daftykinsand get fired up occasionally to be backed up to / checked on18:00
daftykins(assuming i go the NAS route)18:00
dwatkinsa backup isn't a backup until it's been verified, as you are no doubt aware18:01
dwatkinsis it worth considering "cloud" options?18:01
daftykinsbecause his existing array is a bit old now, i've had a lot of the WD RE 2TBs die on me18:01
daftykinsa friend mentioned amazon iceberg or something?18:01
dwatkinsI have 3TB disks in my 4-bay Synology DS-413j, it's only 6 months old.18:01
daftykinsdon't quite fancy uploading 6TB over 2Mb though D:18:02
dwatkinsyeah, depends how often the data changes, I guess.18:02
daftykinsit's mostly safeguarding against the hours we paid a kid to rip all the DVDs to disk18:02
daftykinsi think his ex-wife stole the physical collection too! :>18:03
dwatkinshow about a setup with four disks in a PC, mirrored or somesuch?18:03
daftykinswell the cheapest disk-based approach may be to buy a few, plug them into the 3ware controller, copy over then remove and store18:04
daftykins*or* upgrade the existing 8 x 2TB, then store the old disks18:04
dwatkinsyeah, although there's no additional redundancy, that should be okay18:04
dwatkinsstoring the old disks is fine until they stop working, but by then 6 TB of space should be really cheap ;)18:05
daftykinsyeah and they're kinda flaky already18:05
daftykinskept replacing the WD2002FYPS with WD2003FYYS under warranty18:05
daftykinsthat was when i lost 4 in a short space of time at one point18:06
dwatkinsI just hope I don't lose more than one disk at a time.18:06
daftykins8 bay and RAID6 was too pricey?18:06
dwatkinsPanasas arrays have an option to allow for 2 disks to fail.18:06
dwatkinsyeah, the 4-bay Synology was expensive enough.18:06
daftykinsmy own personal 6 x 1TB RAID5 is 6 years old now18:07
dwatkinsperhaps I'll buy another couple disks and put them in a spare PC to have another copy of the 8 TB array.18:07
daftykinsall disks out of warranty, so not quite so safe18:07
dwatkinspreviously, I used three disks in USB enclosures, so the NAS was a step up for me.18:08
daftykinsactually come to think of it, maybe the cheapest backup is just a handful of single disks?18:08
daftykins4 x 3TB perhaps18:08
dwatkinsindeed, make a volume out of them18:08
daftykinswell not even that, just leave them as singles18:08
daftykinsand spread the data, 4 x 3TB could allow for 2 copies to start with18:08
dwatkinsah yes, that would work, split them alphabetically or something18:08
daftykinsmaybe mix brands too18:08
dwatkinsyeah, and compare the md5sums periodically18:09
dwatkinsor just mirror them18:09
daftykinswould i want consumer disks then 0o18:09
dwatkins(with monitoring etc.)18:09
daftykinssooo many choices18:10
dwatkinscompare the meercat^W prices18:11
dwatkins...then choose the one just above the cheapest (that's how I buy white goods for the kitchen)18:12
MyrttiI was about to show a picture but flickr seems to feel unwell18:17
daftykinshave some stern words with it, Myrtti18:17
MyrttiBad, bad panda!18:18
MyrttiCome on. We want photos.18:18
MyrttiWe’re aware of the problem and are fixing it. Thanks for your patience. "18:18
Myrttiok then.18:18
Myrttino flickr for yooooo18:18
daftykinswhat treat were we in for?18:19
MartijnVdSToo many people used up their terabyte??18:20
Myrttidaftykins: massive meerkat18:25
MyrttiI think it's agent Maya if I'm not totally mistaken18:25
Myrtti(dsample works for CTM)18:26
Myrttino, still won't work18:26
Myrttihttp://www.meetup.com/Agile-Peterborough/photos/12078592/185878742/#185921582 has some photos tho18:28
Myrttiof the meerkats, not just him18:28
Myrttiapparently they're reeeeeaally annoying to try to fit into a car :-D18:30
daftykinsi can see that18:30
Azelphurali1234: for bonus points, it seems like mtgox is blocking withdrawals \o/18:33
AzelphurI have 15 BTC trapped18:33
ali1234they've been doing that forever18:33
Azelphurali1234: BTC withdrawals, not fiat18:33
ali1234not sure why you would even want to withdraw it though i mean what are you going to do with it?18:34
Azelphurhave it not be in mtgox because I don't particularly trust them atm18:34
ali1234...why did you leave it in there then?18:34
Azelphurwell 5 of it I forgot I even had18:34
Azelphurand the other 10 I deposited to sell, but then decided against it18:35
ali1234so how low do we think it's gonna go?18:36
directhexi assume you can withdraw in magic cards, from the magic the gathering online exchange?18:36
Myrttihere we go then, Agent Maya https://secure.flickr.com/photos/duncansample/9789747666/18:37
AlanBellwhat do we compare it to?18:48
AlanBellis an ipod shuffle going to work with Ubuntu?20:12
popeydepends which generation20:12
AlanBella new one20:14
popeyalmost certainly not20:15
mungbeanhow long was the giffgaff outage tonight?20:16
mungbeancouldn't make calls around 5.45pm20:16
mgdmyou sure it was giffgaff? Could have been their network, could have been the cell you were connected to, etc etc20:16
mungbeanwas GG20:16
mungbeanhappened last friday all day too20:17
mungbeanwas completely out earlier, still intermittent20:17
mungbean60 pages of whingeing forumites20:19
mungbeansince 4,30pm , not bad going20:19
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
AlanBellpopey: I ended up getting a cheap knockoff that will work better22:00
diddledanAlanBell: ipod?22:01
diddledanor did I miss something?22:01
AlanBellyeah, was thinking about a shuffle for eldest offspring22:02
AlanBellended up getting a fake nano22:02
popeywonder what connector it really has22:07
AlanBellyeah, that is an oddly wide thing, I would expect it only has a couple of pins connected and is a fairly normal USB connector22:08
AlanBellyou get what you pay for, but if you are purchasing something that has a reasonable probability of being left on a bus then it is best not to pay too much22:09
AlanBell(some people leave them on Eurostar)22:09
dwatkinsmy nephew left his iphone in IKEA22:21
AzelphurAnyone have any recommendations for running a mail server setup for a small business?22:31
Azelphurso, few employees, with email22:31
AzelphurI think the Ubuntu community documentation on the subject is outdated. :<22:42
ali1234what do you mean by "mail server"?22:45
Azelphurali1234: the full whack, including webmail22:45
ali1234outlook i guess22:46
ali1234outsource it22:48
Azelphurroundcube has been recommended on a different channel, looks like it'll do :)22:49
directhexAzelphur, sogo for webmail & calendaring. postfix/dovecot for mail back-end23:30
AzelphurSoGo actually looks cool too23:37
Azelphurliking the calendar, most of the way in with roundcube though so will keep that in mind as an alternative :)23:39

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