
pleia2raevol: yeah, using dd is the way, I tend to dd over to another lvm slice on another machine (can dd over ssh)00:00
pleia2from my recent vm backups: sudo dd if=/dev/r2d2/puppet.alderaan.princessleia.com | ssh r4g9 dd of=/dev/r4g9/puppet.alderaan.princessleia.com00:01
pleia2after creating the lvm volume on the remote system00:01
raevoli see i see00:02
raevolpleia2: is it possible to put the "dd if" side over ssh? as in the machine running the backups pulls the image off of a remote server?00:03
pleia2raevol: only one way to find out! (I'm really not sure)00:03
raevollulll ;D00:03
raevolah the problem was creating the snapshot first i think00:04
pleia2I assume the VM is running?00:05
* pleia2 nods00:05
raevolbut i could just do that over ssh right? i guess permissions of the ssh user is an issue00:07
pleia2heh, so I was just bad and doing everything as root (as I tend to do for backups)00:08
pleia2my machines all have a root ssh key of my backups server (let's hope my backups server stays safe behind its firewall :))00:09
raevolthat's... terrifying00:09
raevolare you the only IT person doing IT in your IT world?00:09
pleia2oh, it's my home00:09
pleia2so whatever :)00:09
raevolfair enough00:09
raevolok go time ttys!00:09
pleia2we use cloud things at work00:10
pleia2(to be fair, I do restrict what can be done with that key, so it's not that bad)00:10
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