
brousch1rick_h_: http://www.flickr.com/photos/brousch/sets/72157636102863644/with/10046522396/01:30
rick_h_brousch1: :)01:55
rick_h_brousch1: have a good time there?01:57
brousch1Yeah. A lot of good wines01:57
brousch1And chocolate01:58
rick_h_yea, we're a wine and chocolate vs wine and cheese couple01:58
brousch1My wife likes mostly sweet wines, so that's mostly what we bought01:59
rick_h_brousch1: cool, mostly whites?02:02
brousch1Got an incredible mulled red wine from Fenn Valley though02:03
brousch1Hm. I was wrong. 4 whites, 2 blush, 7 red02:11
cmaloney You can't go wrong with mulled wine03:05
cmaloneyunless it makes you sick.03:05
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brousch1Feels like a Monday12:11
rick_h_yea, kind of does12:11
cmaloneyGood morning12:23
rick_h_hah, wifi network upgrades ftw!12:59
rick_h_cleaners are here so I can just go wait out in the camper and still have good wifi12:59
cmaloneyYou on AC or N?13:04
cmaloneyAlso, <3 Prestige13:04
rick_h_I added a second router in AP mode upstairs so that reaches out into the front yard now more. For sitting on the porch and such13:04
rick_h_lol, yea they show up fast in their little vancs13:05
cmaloneyDude delivered some CDs and a toner cartridge like he was Santa Claus on a tear13:05
rick_h_woot http://r.bmark.us/u/bee197af28b46b go chromecast go13:18
brousch1I can't wait for local media streaming13:20
rick_h_I don't much much local stuff so for me it's all about the apps updating. Hulu was one more roku did that chromecast didn't.13:21
rick_h_The only one now is AMZ that roku does but I don't think it'll get to chromecase since it's not on android :(13:21
brousch1I thought chromecast already did amazon video13:22
rick_h_roku doens't do google play video or youtube and chromecast doesn't do AMZ13:23
rick_h_roku also has the for pay stuff like baseball if you do that13:23
rick_h_but really I just need my netflix, google play, youtube, and hulu for the wife13:24
rick_h_and trying to migrate off AMZ (which sucks, bought lots of disney stuff for the boy on there)13:24
brousch1Can you download it and free it?13:25
rick_h_probably some way, but more work than it's worth13:25
brousch1Meh. You won't care about Disney in 5 years anyways13:27
rick_h_yea, he's watching different stuff from the google play store atm13:28
rick_h_and I tend to stick my stuff on there so I can tablet it on travels and camping trips anyway13:28
brousch1George just watches youtube these days13:29
brousch1And a little netflix13:29
brousch1He has the semi-animate Dr Seuss books for offline13:30
rick_h_yea, we try to do offline books all the time. Working through the pooh book right now13:30
rick_h_nice big lots of stories13:30
rick_h_and can reinforce with a movie on weekends13:30
brousch1Do you get the kid's LEGO magazine?13:31
brousch1That's like his Playboy13:31
rick_h_lol, no. We're waiting for christmas/birthday for lego13:32
rick_h_otherwise daddy will break his wallet and then erica will get angry13:32
rick_h_and every year people are asking what he's into. We did play-doh one year, animals this past year, and lego is this year13:33
brousch1He really likes the people. So every time I go grocery shopping we get one of those little mystery person packages13:34
brousch1He remembers which head belongs to who. I have no idea how he does that.13:35
brousch1We must have 100 people by now13:36
brousch1Did anyone else get in on http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/danshapiro/robot-turtles-the-board-game-for-little-programmer ?13:37
rick_h_I looked at it but decided not to for now13:40
rick_h_We're still working on getting into basic games as it is13:40
brousch1Some of the LEGO games can be fun too13:41
brousch1We too the minotaur game and added a bunch of our own new features when it got boring13:41
brousch1We added another die, equipment for the little guys (helmets, spears, night-vision goggles) and a Theseus to chase the minotaur13:43
cmaloneyI have that game13:52
cmaloneyThey're really cool for creativity13:52
cmaloneyand lots of little pieces for game design13:52
brousch1We took apart the lego walk the plank game for some of the pieces13:52
cmaloneyMeijer had some of those games on clearance13:54
brousch1yeah, i always get stuff on clearance at meijer13:55
cmaloneyPicked up http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/94734/heroica-nathuz13:55
cmaloneyI thought they might be interesting to use for RPGs as well. :)13:57
brousch1I got 3 of these 379-piece kits for like $20 each http://www.hasbro.com/kre-o/en_US/shop/details.cfm?R=6CF1B564-5056-900B-1018-5814FF887EB8:en_US13:57
cmaloneyYeah, those seem to go on clearance pretty rapidly13:58
brousch1379 pieces for $20. I nearly crapped myself13:59
cmaloneybrousch1 ^^14:08
cmaloneyMy dad and I have done14:09
brousch1I have GiveCamp that weekend :(14:10
cmaloneyDo both. :)14:10
cmaloneyTrust me, getting all the Black Note you can stagger is worth it14:11
brousch1I can't do both. GiveCamp is like a 3 day sprint14:11
cmaloneyIt's like Dragon's Milk14:11
greg-gwell, it's 8, but been up since 5:40, after a 4:30 wake up from Rowan who thought it was time to be up for the day (laughing and trying to play)15:08
cmaloneyWoo woo15:12
jrwrenmake dependency already exist but make is building it   :(15:53
rick_h_not for me, but this is kind of cool http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/701992503/the-worlds-only-earbuds-with-no-strings-attached16:17
jrwrenrick_h_: when you have a minute, I need gnu make help.16:27
jrwrenhttps://github.com/lucab/adns/blob/upstream/1.2/Makefile exactly the Makefile i have.16:27
jrwrenin my case, the build server doesn't have lynx, so I think, no problem, I'll just touch README.html so that the README target doesn't need to run. This doens't work, can you suggest why?16:28
rick_h_jrwren: because README is .PHONY. It doesn't exist. It depends on README.html, but it's not limited to it16:28
rick_h_it's always going to get run no matter what because there's no physical target on disk for it to check/verify hasn't changed since last run16:29
jrwrenlike by default?   .PHONY: install is in the file16:29
rick_h_jrwren: well, README should be labeled .PHONY as well16:29
jrwreni just touched README.html, so it does exist on disk, with a current date.16:29
rick_h_anything that's not a real target should be .PHONY16:29
rick_h_jrwren: right, but you need to look at it from the other direction16:30
jrwrengot it.16:30
rick_h_install-here says "Before I can run, README must be run"16:30
jrwrenthank you16:30
rick_h_then README says "Before I can run, readme.html must be there...oh it is cool...I'll run now"16:30
jrwreni wasn't thinking of the target as a possible file too.16:30
jrwrento many phonys16:31
jrwreni should have touched both README and README.html16:31
rick_h_honestly, README should have a dep on /bin/lynx and then install it if it's not there16:31
rick_h_or lynx should be an xdg-open to use whatever browser is available16:31
jrwrenhuge thanks rick_h_, i wasn't seeing that side of it.16:33
rick_h_jrwren: cool16:34
rick_h_booo, no daily show over lunch. The videos from yesterday all come up "Sorry this video is unavailable" :(16:45
jrwrenblame government shutdown16:47
rick_h_yea! sounds good to me16:47
rick_h_going to be heading down to CHC early if anyone else is bored. Probably get some potbelly for dinner.18:15
brousch1Get some for me too18:16
rick_h_will do18:16
cmaloneyDammit, the humble bundle added Karateka + the ebook on the making-of18:18
cmaloneythe one that I accidentally picked up when I was looking to pick up the Prince of Persia "making-of" book.18:18
cmaloneyrick_h_: Want some company for the Potbelly run?18:20
rick_h_cmaloney: if you're around, sure thing18:22
cmaloneyWhat time are you heading over there?18:23
rick_h_cmaloney: I can ping hwen I leave if that works. I've got to swing by the pet store on my way down so not 100% sure on time there18:23
rick_h_probably around 6pm ish18:23
cmaloneySounds like a plan.18:24
jrwrenand wtf would JWZ know about it?20:53
jrwren software he has written in last 10 yrs? next to none.20:53
jrwren clubs he has owned and operated: one :)20:54
jrwrenhe should write about what he knows.20:54
jrwrenomg, just noticed this code is using psycopg, not even psycopg221:47
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=== brousch7 is now known as brousch10
cmaloneyjrwren: He still maintains XScreensaver23:22
cmaloneyand has ported daliclock to several modern platforms23:22
cmaloneyalso: Even mainframe programmers can say something is wrong with the modern web. ;)23:23
jrwrenanyone can say it, but they certainly wouldn't know anything about it :)23:43
jrwrenthe article is fine, the sensationalist slug is what annoyed me23:48
rick_h_https://github.com/joelcarranza/particular-pinboard kind of cool23:53
rick_h_http://shawnblanc.net/2013/09/pinboard-guide/ was the blog post I was peeking at that was cool23:55

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