
=== jono is now known as Guest37503
ricotzmlankhorst, hello :)10:39
ricotzmlankhorst, was there are a reason not to sync libx11?10:40
ricotzwhile building it in a ppa it bails on xsltproc with "... Bus error ...", maybe you saw something like this yet? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/152123093/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.libx11_2%3A1.6.2%2Bgit20131002.18a5278b-0ubuntu0ricotz_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:42
mlankhorstricotz: yes that was exactly the reason11:36
mlankhorstbug in w3m somewhere or something, and i cant reproduce it..11:36
tjaaltonwell the current version fails just as well11:37
tjaaltondoko poked me about it11:38
ricotzmlankhorst, i see, i thought so :\11:44
tjaaltonanyone here with gen5 intel, arrandale/ironlake?12:01
tjaaltonaka original 'core'12:01
tjaaltonthere are updates to w3m available in debian12:10
tjaalton-8 -> -1112:10
tjaaltona couple of patches to fix "potential segfault" too12:10
tjaaltoni'll sync it12:11
tjaaltonw3m update is now in proposed14:25
mlankhorstok, syncpackaged libx1114:38
tjaaltonto the ppa first?14:41
mlankhorstwe already know the only thing that broke libx11 was w3m, so if it's still broken some other solution has to be found anyway14:43
mlankhorstand building15:07
mlankhorstlooks like 0.5.3-11 is still borked15:14
mlankhorstwe should just upload libx11 and create it without the .txt documentation15:20
mlankhorstblah tomorrow, afk15:22
ricotzxorg-sgml-doctools could be synced too (doesnt solve the libx11 issue though)15:24
tjaaltonthe specs aren't getting built on debian?15:28
tjaaltonthen again I don't see why not15:29
ricotztjaalton, yeah, according to the build log they aren't built there15:29
tjaalton Functional specs building enabled:       no15:30
ricotztjaalton, could be they are disabled due build-indep and the binary amd64 upload already contained the arch-all packages15:32
tjaaltonbut it has no build logs available15:32
ricotzyes, because they were uploaded and built locally15:33
tjaaltonbah :)15:33
tjaaltonright, it runs debian/rules build-arch15:34
tjaaltonoh well, it builds on sbuild just fine15:37
ricotzheh, it builds fine here too, but the builders dont like it ;)15:37
ricotzmaybe even another ancient kernel issue15:38
ubottubugzilla.samba.org bug 9515 in Build "can not build samba4 in the RHEL5.3" [Normal,New]15:39
Sarvatthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libx11/+bug/1163805 looks like it happens a lot..16:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 1163805 in libx11 (Ubuntu Raring) "libx11 ftbfs in raring (building the docs)" [High,Invalid]16:10
ricotzSarvatt, hey :), how are you?16:22
mdeslaurI have a question about Mir19:02
mdeslaurI noticed that to support the Raspberry Pi, you need to add a backend to weston19:02
mdeslaurSince weston is just a reference compositor, does that mean that every compositor implementation would need to add hardware specific code?19:03
mdeslaurDoes using Mir improve that? In other words, if a compositor uses Mir, does that get abstracted?19:03
mdeslaurperhaps I'm misunderstanding something fundamental?19:04
tjaaltonmir only(?) has an egl backend, so the platform needs to have drivers to provide that19:08
mdeslauroooohhh...they're not using egl on the raspberry pi...I see19:10
tjaaltoni've no idea if it can work19:10
mdeslaurer, yeah, gl19:10
tjaaltonso for weston the default backend is drm, but rpi doesn't have open driver aiui19:15
mdeslaurtjaalton: so it mir gains an alternate backend because it needs a funky driver for hardware support, and some compositor is using mir, it gets that backend support for free, right?19:34
ricotztjaalton, btw, could you still sync libevdev?19:38
tjaaltonricotz: done, no guarantees19:41
tjaaltonmdeslaur: well, it's the drivers that need to learn new tricks, not the way around I think19:41
tjaaltonbut yes, like you said aiui19:41
tjaaltonalso I think you'd get less vague answers on #ubuntu-mir :)19:42
ricotztjaalton, thanks, it builds and doesnt have any rdepends yet, so i hope it gets accepted19:42
mdeslaurtjaalton: thanks!19:42
ricotztjaalton, have you done it for xorg-sgml-doctools too yet?19:43
tjaaltonmlankhorst: the package-status page still seems to not update the debian versions :/19:44
mlankhorsthm meh :/20:00
mlankhorstsorry, bike broke and I had to walk home for an hour instead20:01
mlankhorstnot in the best of moods20:01
tjaaltontake your time :)20:03
mlankhorstI wonder why it doesn't update debian versions though, afaict it can pull all the versions from launchpad just fine20:04
mlankhorstok libx11 ubuntu1 uploaded, i killed the .txt files21:09
tjaaltonlooks like just retrying the build could've worked21:10
mlankhorsti bet we could kill libx11-doc without anyone caring21:10
mlankhorstwell i did retry the build, no luck21:10
mlankhorstand in the ppa i tried like 5 times21:10
tjaaltoni blame the buildd21:11
tjaaltonor did they all fail?21:12
mlankhorstonly fails with w3m on i38621:12
mlankhorstunfortunately the -doc is only built on i38621:12
mlankhorstbut it's a arch all package21:12

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