
=== Arcanum_za is now known as Trixar_za
Trixar_zaMorning Squirm06:15
Trixar_zaI should get over my passive agressiveness06:15
SquirmI like that06:17
Squirmhas a nice ring to it... sucktaz06:17
ThatGraemeGuymorning peoples06:34
superflymorning all06:44
Kilosmorning superfly and others06:47
superflyhi Kilos06:47
inetprogood morning07:00
Kilosmorning inetpro 07:00
ThatGraemeGuyanyone using kmail?07:10
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy it dont work07:10
ThatGraemeGuyeh? o_O07:11
Kilosi think the fly also said it sucks07:13
Kilosi go feed sheep07:14
ThatGraemeGuygoing to use thunderbird instead07:17
Kiloshi liamT welcome to ubuntu-za07:24
Kilosyip everyone uses thunderbird i think ThatGraemeGuy 07:24
Kiloshi bduk1 07:25
liamTthanks Kilos07:25
liamTKilos: I use Sylpheed at the moment07:54
Kiloswhat is that liamT ?08:01
KilosMaaz, google Sylpheed08:02
MaazKilos: "Sylpheed - lightweight and user-friendly e-mail client" http://sylpheed.sraoss.jp/en/ :: "Download - Sylpheed - lightweight and user-friendly e-mail client" http://sylpheed.sraoss.jp/en/download.html :: "Sylpheed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylpheed :: "Project Sylpheed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"08:02
Maazhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Sylpheed :: "Claws Mail - the email client that bites!" http://www.…08:02
liamTCame into the conversation late, thought you were talking about Thunderbird08:03
Kilosah a mail client08:03
Kilosyeah we were08:03
Kilosbecause kmail dont work08:03
Kiloson what OS liamT ?08:04
liamTUbuntu 12.1008:04
liamTrunning xfce08:04
Kiloshehe you like xfce?08:04
Kilosi didnt enjoy it much08:04
Kilosgot used to unity and kde on 12.0408:05
liamTwith the Mint customisation, I thought it was fine, I'm done with animations and fading eating my computer08:05
liamTI have work to do08:06
Kilosyeah thats why i stayed on 12.0408:06
Kilos13.04 drove me nuts08:07
Kilosor more nuts should i say08:07
liamTi took a large performance hit with 12.10 and beyond on Unity, and the difficulty of tweaking simple things made me switch08:08
liamTmy computer is old, but decently spec'd08:08
Kilosdual core?08:09
Kiloswhat do you mean by spec'd?08:09
Kiloshow does one do that08:10
liamTyip, 4gb  ram, nvidia08:10
liamTdecent specifications (spec'd)08:10
Kilosah ! i battle to find ram for mine that doesnt class with what i go08:10
Kilosso 1.5gB ram08:11
mazalOom Kilos can you still get more nuts ?08:11
Kiloshaha hi there mazal 08:11
mazalhehehe , more oom :)08:11
Kilosmôre mazal wen jy darem08:12
mazalUhm...die lys is lank ook..oom gaan meer spesifiek moet wees :P08:12
Kiloshaha met die werk goed man08:26
Kiloshi psyatw 08:49
psyatwhi Kilos08:49
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 09:54
Kiloslo nuvolari 09:54
nuvolarihoe gaan dit oom Kilos?10:28
Kilosgoed dankie en self nuvolari ?10:29
Kiloshmm... Sylpheed seems to work ok ThatGraemeGuy 10:44
Kilosmore manual setting up than thunderbird though10:44
ThatGraemeGuythunderbird is fine, i'm not terribly picky10:45
ThatGraemeGuykmail decided i was in a timezone 1 hour ahead of where i actually am10:46
ThatGraemeGuyand i couldn't a @%$# figure out why10:46
ThatGraemeGuykde is set to GMT+2, thunderbird sets the sent time as GMT+2, kmail decides the sent time is GMT+310:47
KilosSylpheed is more light weight so good on my pc10:52
Kilosopens very quick10:52
KilosMaaz, tell liamT on freenode thanks sylpheed works fine here10:54
MaazKilos: Got it, I'll tell liamT on freenode10:54
mazalai ja jai10:59
mazaloom waar was ons laas ?11:00
mazalToe raak dit besig11:00
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie oom Kilos 11:49
Kiloshi nlsthzn 12:07
nlsthznhow are you uncle Kilos ?12:07
Kilosgood ty nlsthzn  and you?12:08
nlsthzngood thanks.. at home so that is always good :)12:08
nuvolarioh hi ntl12:12
nuvolarinlsthzn: 12:12
nlsthznhiya nuvolari :)12:13
Trixar_zaThat so brings out the OC part of me12:20
Trixar_zaMaintaining and creating12:20
Trixar_zaShould be the other way around imho12:20
superflyhi henkj :-)12:20
superflyTrixar_za: eh?12:20
Trixar_zathe clug-work email thing12:21
superflyI didn't bother reading it12:21
Trixar_zaSomebody wrote Maintaining and creating documentation12:21
superflysaw the subject, and I was like "no thanks"12:21
Trixar_zaYeah and I read the first paragraph and said "no thanks" - it mentions it's a Windows position with Linux/MacOS experience12:22
Trixar_zaMind you, it's not as bad as some of the stuff I've seen12:23
superflyI knew that without opening the mail ;-)12:23
Trixar_zaLike requiring 3 year experience in Windows 7 (this was a few months after it was released)12:23
superflyah yes, I thought so... voss12:24
nlsthznsome people would say any experience in windows feels like a life time12:24
superflyyou don't want to work there12:24
Trixar_zaDare I ask why not?12:25
superflyThey spontaneously decide "Oh, this week we'll be working 9am to 9pm, you don't have a choice. Either you work, or you're out of a job."12:28
Trixar_za"and we're not paying you overtime"12:30
Trixar_zaso I assume12:30
mazalEnjoy your evening everyone12:45
superflyTrixar_za: yes, that too13:19
=== Zarw is now known as Wraz
Kiloswhat does this mean please14:04
KilosE: /var/cache/apt/archives/libglapi-mesa_8.0.4-0ubuntu0.6_i386.deb: subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 214:04
Kilosive deleted the file in archives and did a reinstall but same error14:04
Trixar_zaWhat happens if you do apt-get clean and apt-get autoremove ?14:07
tumbleweedapt-get clean removes cached downloaded debs14:07
tumbleweedoh, you're offering support14:08
* tumbleweed goes waay14:08
Squirmthat's our weather station14:12
* Squirm prods Trixar_za 14:12
Squirmit's running weewx - OpenSource weather software, seemingly written in python. It does it's own logging/graphing, but then also reports the stats to a set few weather sites(I only knew wunderground, so never set up the others)14:16
Squirmsetup on a Raspberry Pi14:16
Squirmalso trying to get a webcam working, so every 10min I can upload an image of the thing they call, "Outside"14:16
KilosTrixar_za, i dont want to empty the cache but i deleted the faulty one and tried a reinstall of that file14:40
Kilosso then it shoulda downloaded a new one right?14:41
Kilosit downloaded something but too quick to watch14:42
Kiloslemme go see14:43
Trixar_zaIt's probably what I think it is14:43
Trixar_zaThe repository probably updated with a change to that package14:43
Trixar_zaSo updating the package list and cleaning the cache should clear the problem14:44
Kilosi have done update/upgrade so packages should be up to date now14:44
Kilosand there is only one version of that file14:44
Trixar_zathen try the second suggestion14:45
Kilosdoesnt auto-remove get rid of everything?14:46
Kilosin archives?14:46
Trixar_zaNo, it just removes the packages that aren't needed anymore. Clean removes the cache14:46
Kilosaha ty14:46
Trixar_zaAs for the bug, it's probably not the package itself14:47
Trixar_zaIt could be that one of the other packages in the cache itself is referencing that package as a requirement14:47
Trixar_zaAnd if I know debian repositories, they sometimes change the name or requirements as they come and go14:48
Kilosthis is all it wants to remove14:49
Kiloswhat does that file do? it still gives errors14:56
KilosThe Mesa GL API module is responsible for dispatching all the gl*14:57
Kilosfunctions. It is intended to be mainly used by both the libgles1-mesa14:57
Kilosand libgles2-mesa packages.14:57
Kilosthats what synaptic says it does14:57
Kiloslemme try gdebi14:59
Kilosaptitude fixed it15:05
Kilosaw you okes dont welcome noobies17:54
Kilossuperfly, have a look at sylpheed, it looks better than thunderbird so far, or am i missing something17:56
theblazehenhi guys! Tell me if this is a bad idea: Basically see which ASM commands are used most often, then only have those, and ones that can't be done from combinations of those on the chip, then emulate x86 on it17:58
Kiloshi theblazehen 17:58
theblazehenhi Kilos 17:58
superflytheblazehen: for what?18:15
theblazehensuperfly, want to try and make procesor faster18:16
theblazehenBut found that it's already being used18:16
superflytheblazehen: a processor you mean?18:18
superflyare you talking about a CPU or a program?18:19
theblazehensuperfly, a processor18:19
superflytheblazehen: WAYTTD18:20
theblazehensuperfly, WAYTTD?18:20
superflyMaaz: WAYTTD18:20
Maazsuperfly: WAYTTD is What Are You Trying To Do?18:20
superflyMaaz: it doesn't work18:20
MaazLook buddy, doesn't work is an ambiguous statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Does it waste its time on IRC all day long? Please be specific! Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.18:20
superflytheblazehen: ^^18:20
theblazehenah, basically design faster processor design18:21
theblazehenbut then I discovered microcode18:21
theblazehenwanted to do same thing 18:21
magespawngood evening all18:38
Kiloshi magespawn 18:39
magespawnhow are things?18:40
Kilosgood ty and you?18:40
magespawnvery good and hectically busy18:41
Kiloshad another new okey here today18:43
Kilostold us about a lightweight email client18:43
Kiloswell magespawn stay hectically busy so you can get ahead and cruise a bit18:45
magespawnyup i reckon about 6 months to year should do it18:51
sakhiGood evening magespawn 18:53
Kiloswhew now its 6 to 1218:53
Kilosnow i can go doo doo methinks18:54
Kilosall the best with everything magespawn 18:54
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:55
sakhinight Kilos 18:55
magespawnhi sakhi18:59
magespawngood night all19:53

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