
pfifoOwnix, try changing the lable using the tune2fs program (use the -L option)00:00
jonhigh9000does anyone know what compression type is recommended when backing up the package archive?00:02
pfifodeb packages are already compressed with gzip00:02
Jordan_Ujonhigh9000: What package archive are you talking about? Backing up things easily available on the internet doesn't make much sense, and .deb backages are already compressed.00:03
m_tadeuTheGreatBacon: bad luck...only power wires are connected00:04
jonhigh9000I wasn't aware of that. I was talking about the /var/cache/apt/archive folder.00:05
pfifojonhigh9000, you can use tar to make a single file of them, but your not going to be able to squeeze much more out of them, maybe with 7z or lzma, but not enough to make it worth the cpu cycles00:07
jonhigh9000pfifo : ok, Thank you your help.00:08
bonhoefferi just downloaded a .deb for ubuntu, good like to install?00:11
bonhoeffersorry -- anyone know a good link00:11
pfifobonhoeffer, are you sure it isnt already in the repo?00:12
bonhoeffersublime text 300:12
bonhoeffergood point -- i used to know how to search the repo00:12
pfifobonhoeffer, apt-cache search <search term>00:12
wilee-nileebonhoeffer, If you end up installing I use gdebi, which needs installing but the software center or synaptic will install it.00:13
pfifoor use the software center00:13
bonhoefferpfifo, how do i use the software center -- add a source with that deb00:13
pfifobonhoeffer, i dont know, I use only the terminal based tools for package managment00:14
bonhoefferpfifo, got it -- i found a ppa00:16
bonhoefferbut i need to delete my manual install now00:17
BlackoutIsHereLOL GLOBAL00:18
pfifobonhoeffer, `sudo dpkg -P <package name>`00:18
tripelbi have a tar diwnloaded. How to install? 12.04 gnome-classic. program is Ginko_ CADx-
bwaynetripelb: is it a .tar, a tar.gz, or a tar.bz2?00:20
pfifotripelb, untar it and see if there are instructions in the tarball00:20
tripelbguys i see no. rxt files AND it is a tgz00:22
bwaynetripelb: you can unpack it with 'tar --xjvf <tarball>'00:22
bwaynetripelb: oops, just one dash00:22
pfifoj is for bzip, z is for gzip (tgz)00:22
bwaynetripelb: ah yes. tar -xzvf <tarball>00:23
bwaynethx pfifo00:23
pfifoso tar xzvf <tarball>00:23
tripelbpfifo, bwayne °^^ u can see it all with the Archive program. Then what?00:23
pfifotripelb, look for a file named README and another named INSTALL00:24
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tripelbpfifo, bwayne there are no files with thise nanea. If you can believe it I acrually looked before I aaked.     s00:26
paperzigguratI'm trying to use nitrogen to stretch an image across two montirs and it's not working00:26
paperzigguratThe image I'm using is of the correct resolution, and when I go to set 'automatic' and 'full screen', nothing happens when I apply the settings. A couple times I've had this error output to terminal:      (nitrogen:3207): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_list_store_set_value: assertion `VALID_ITER (iter, list_store)' failed  I've been googling for over an hour and have not found a solution. I'm using an AMD chipset and ATI card if that00:26
pfifotripelb, im guessing that its in binary form then, you might just look through and see if it contains a ready made program00:27
tripelbI am on an old froyo phone and artifacts like that s at the end happen cause i cant get to the end of the line.00:27
ianananananIn bash, I typed "./configue"00:27
ianananananConsole tells me to type "make"00:27
ianananananbash tells me command not found00:27
ianananananwhat am I doing wrong?00:27
Pinkamena_DHi, I just installed centrifydc to try to join a windows based domain, now I can not even log in00:27
pfifoiananananan, install 'build essential' package00:28
tripelbit looks like the dikes and directory to a program -- to me.00:28
MrModestwhere me find russian irc of ubuntu ?00:28
tripelbnot dikea .. FILES00:28
Pinkamena_DIt will not take my password for logging in even though it is both the correct domain password and local computer password00:28
n0sq_i seem to be having a nick issue with quassel - my normal nick is n0sq but i'm no longer able to connect with that nick but it is showing in the nick list - did someone manage to hijack my nick?00:28
pfifo!ru | MrModest00:28
ubottuMrModest: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.00:28
tripelbpfifo: ^^^°00:29
n0sq_i seem to be having a nick issue with quassel - my normal nick is n0sq but i'm no longer able to connect with that nick but it is showing in the *channel* nick list - did someone manage to hijack my nick?00:29
StarFlowerplease dont spam n0sq_00:29
pfifon0sq, no, its likely a ghost, try /msg nickserv ghost n0sq00:29
xangua!ghost | n0sq00:29
ubottun0sq: If you own an IRC nick that is currently being used, you can make it change nicks by typing: /msg nickserv release <nick> <password> | If you have a dead (ghost) connection, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> | further help in #freenode00:29
wilee-nileen0sq_, Not necessarily.00:29
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.00:30
ianananananpfifo, I'm in cygwin, have never played with it before. i'm not sure how to install a tar.gz i've got00:30
ianananananpfifo, can you refer me to anything? google is giving me mixed results00:30
pfifotripelb, extract the archive and run the program?00:30
wilee-nileeiananananan, This android?00:31
ianananananwilee-nilee, windows00:31
pfifoiananananan, we dont support cygwin here, youll need to ask in #cygwin or where ever they hang out00:31
paperziggurat<paperziggurat> I'm trying to use nitrogen to stretch an image across two montirs and it's not working [19:26] <paperziggurat> The image I'm using is of the correct resolution, and when I go to set 'automatic' and 'full screen', nothing happens when I apply the settings. A couple times I've had this error output to terminal:      (nitrogen:3207): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_list_store_set_value: assertion `VALID_ITER (iter, list_s00:31
wilee-nileeiananananan, ##windows00:31
ianananananpfifo, wilee-nilee thanks00:31
n0sq_StarFlower: i wasn't spamming - just clarifying00:31
n0sq_wilee-nilee: eh?00:31
wilee-nileeiananananan, You have to be registered with freenode for ##windows00:32
ianananananwilee-nilee, i'm familiar with it already thanks00:32
wilee-nileecool, good luck00:32
tripelbpfifo: there is a file that has a first line #1 /bin/bash00:32
=== n0sq is now known as Guest1726
wilee-nileen0sq_, You asked a question, I answered it.00:33
n0sq_xangua: thanks00:33
n0sq_wilee-nilee: sorry - misread it00:33
OwnixIm getting an error about "duplicate sources" when I run apt-update. It looks to me like its seeing both amd64 packages and i38600:33
Ownixin the repo I just added00:33
wilee-nileen0sq_, Every so often one of my 3 nicks stick, never been highjacked.00:34
tripelbpfifo: i extracted it. show files ONLY displayed a shell script00:35
pfifotripelb, well im really not sure what your dealing with here, you should seek support from the developers of your program. All I can offer is to use 'file <filename' to determine what type of files your dealing with... maybe look on the site you downloaded this from for information on how to use it properly00:35
tripelb i ran it. i see nothing. i should have run it in terminal?00:35
tripelb i ran it. i see nothing. i should have run it in terminal? pfifo00:35
OwnixLooks like the deb I installed with dpkg added its own repo in my sources list.00:36
pfifotripelb, yes i recommend running it from terminal, youll atleast get an error message if nothing else00:36
wilee-nileeOwnix, and?00:37
Ownixwilee-nilee: sorry. I meant to say that was the problem. I simply deleted the repo I added in sources.list the pubic key for that entry that I added with apt-key will remain though00:38
freannrakif you were to buy ubuntu certified laptop with 3000 EUR budget. What would it be?00:39
paperziggurat <paperziggurat> <paperziggurat> I'm trying to use nitrogen to stretch an image across two montirs and it's not working [19:26] <paperziggurat> The image I'm using is of the correct resolution, and when I go to set 'automatic' and 'full screen', nothing happens when I apply the settings. A couple times I've had this error output to terminal:      (nitrogen:3207): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_list_store_set_value: assertion `VALID_I00:39
pfifosomething without uEFI00:39
tripelbpfifo: ran from term choice in gui. didnt even see term. then ok start a term and run it. wot the files are all over home tho i said make dorectory. foo! how do i get those files out of home. will extract again more carefully. Thanks for holding my hand. really00:41
tripelbpfifo: YES. thanks. (i disnt preaa return after making the filename.00:43
pfifotripelb, i would just restore my home directory from backup00:45
bonhoefferis there a way to mount ntfs not read only00:45
tripelbpfifo: backup? how to make a backup? then if i had one how to reso00:46
Dr_Willisbonhoeffer:  use the ntfs-3g  not ntfs00:46
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions00:46
pfifoHI! Dr_Willis00:46
tripelbrestore .. a web link is fine. pfifo00:46
tripelbhi Dr_Willis00:46
bonhoefferDr_Willis, got it00:47
tripelbi have readwrite to ntgs on the natch. who. needs to imstall it?00:47
pfifotripelb, it seems for you it may be too late to make a backup00:48
bonhoefferDr_Willis, i'm a command line guy -- but looking to mount ntfs-3g via gui -- is that an option in ubuntu?00:48
tripelbpfifo: but not too late to learn  how to00:49
setuidWhat's the best way to automatically clean up, delete *.gz and *.1 logs from /var/log/*?00:49
setuidServers I've had running for weeks, keep collecting logs and doesn't seem to clean them up00:49
pfifo!backup | tripelb00:49
ubottutripelb: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning00:49
Dr_Willisbonhoeffer:  the cli tool is 'ntfs-3g' or use -t ntfs-3g      the ntfs-3g homepage hasd docs and examples00:49
Dr_Willisbonhoeffer:  as far as i know - ntfs-3g SHOULD be the default on ubuntu. and the nautilus file manager stuff uses it by default as a gui way00:50
bonhoefferi thought fstab would show me how my usb drive is mounted -- how can i find out?00:51
Dr_Willisbonhoeffer:  the ntfs-config tool can setup proper fstab entries for your ntfs disks and tweak some settings00:51
pfifosetuid, those files are made by the 'logrotate' service, if you dont want them, stop running logrotate, there may be options about how much it saves, but im not sure of this00:51
setuidpfifo, It's not pruning logs, just rotating them, that's the issue00:51
bonhoeffer/dev/sde1 on /media/foo type hfsplus00:51
bonhoeffer:( -- mac says it is NTFS (i thought)00:52
bonhoefferit mounts fine, but I can't delete00:52
Dr_Willishfs is a totallydiffernt beast. HFS is read only as far as i know.00:52
bonhoefferlooks that way -- but i can't even rsync it -- get errors00:52
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pfifosetuid, there are many options available for logrotate, check out the manual for all the details00:54
bonhoefferwhat is a good format to share a disk between ubuntu and mac os x00:54
Dr_Willisbonhoeffer:  apple channel may know if apple can read ext2/3/4 or other formats00:55
SolarAquarionwhat's the IRC chan for saucy?00:55
tripelbpfifo: very cool that it is so easily availabe. Now I go to try to see my x-rays. if i only had a virtual windows7 box I would be avoiding this pain. ... Oh well.00:55
tripelbpfifo: thank you from the bottom of my feet to my white hair!00:56
Dr_WillisSolarAquarion:  #ubuntu+100:56
Dr_WillisSolarAquarion:  at least untill its released. ;)00:56
chaloumhow do I cant to the user www-data?  I thought it was sudo www-data but I'm missing something00:57
Dr_Willischaloum:  you would normally put your user in the www-data group i belive. You dont 'change' to the www-data user00:58
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chaloumDr_Willis: I've figured it out its sudo su www-data01:00
pfifochaloum, thats not really a good idea01:00
Dr_Willischaloum:  i imagine theres better ways to do whatever it is you are trying to do.01:00
OerHekssu = "stop using "01:01
Psil0Cybinhey guys i need help i am very very lost, after playing around with samba (just installing it) on ubuntu 12.04 desktop edition, i have a problem that my network drops every couple of minutes and by drop i mean that the network still says that it is connceted although i am not recieving packets and thus all my downloads stop downloading, i followed every guide i could find for ubuntu 12.04 wifi drop01:02
Psil0Cybinbut nothing helps me, and nothing solves my problem, i cannot find a single fix and am completely lost.01:02
EleanorEllisHi. I'm trying to create a bootable USB stick to install Ubuntu on a computer whose CD drive as failed. I have inserted the liveCD into the CD drive of the working computer but Startup Disk Creator doesn't show the live CD. I also cant open the live CD from the Places menu01:02
Psil0Cybini followed over 10 or 15 different tutorials01:02
pfifoOerHeks, i wouldnt go that far, seems a bit extreme01:02
Psil0Cybinmy internet works perfectly fine for a couple of minutes, i am talking to you guys right now but randomly while it still says it is connceted i notice that all my internet connections drop01:03
sam113101Psil0Cybin: you want to copy the CD on the usb drive?01:03
Psil0Cybinand all downloads stop01:03
sam113101highlighted the wrong person01:03
Psil0Cybinits okay :(01:03
sam113101EleanorEllis: : you want to copy the CD on the usb drive?01:03
sam113101if so, I suggest you just download a new iso01:04
maerrsomebody knows another channel01:04
EleanorEllissam113101: Yes I want to create a live USB01:04
sam113101maerr: channel for what01:04
sam113101EleanorEllis: then download an iso and forget about the cd01:04
maerrto meet  peop01:05
sam113101maerr: freenode isn't really suited for that… it hosts channels for open source projects, mainly01:05
EleanorEllissam113101: It's odd that I cant seem to read the CD. Odd because it worked on another machine. I was trying to save time over downloading an iso.01:05
EleanorEllisSilly me01:05
pfifomaerr, try #politics, talk about the american government shutdown01:05
qinmaerr: #meet-people #ubuntu-offtopic #defocus #etc01:06
sam113101EleanorEllis: well, easiest way is to download the iso, if you're still concerned about your cd drive not working, I'd try another cd01:06
EleanorEllissam113101: Is there a different iso for the USB stick to the CD?01:07
sam113101it's the same iso for both cd and usb01:07
EleanorEllissam113101: Thanks01:08
snine!millamber Outliers_ The Story of Success - Malcolm Gladwell.epub01:08
ubottusnine: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:08
EleanorEllissam113101: I should have done that in the first place. It says only 6 mins left to finish downloading it01:08
sam113101yeah, with a good internet connection (or even an average one), it's quite fast01:09
EleanorEllissam113101: Yes I remember when downloading an iso would take an hour or so01:10
maerrI use idm, works great01:10
laniasepstuisnaheii,, i newbie01:11
Alpha-Omegahey, does anyone know when mpv-player will be released to the Ubuntu repos?01:13
andrejmulti-pathing and open-iscsi seem to be broken in 12.04.  Trying to shutdown a box with an iSCSI attached SAN fails, it can't unmount the SAN; my suspicion is that this happens because networking gets torn down before the unmount.  Has anyone made the same observation? Is my assumption correct? And fixing it is by adding the network to shutdown-after in the init-script?01:14
craigbass1976Anyone know how Thunderbird stores a password?  I have a working copy at work, but I've changed the password since the last time I logged on with this laptop at home.  I can ssh in, but not sure where I'd find the password in ~./thunderbird/01:16
maerrsomebody knows how to list all channels freenode01:17
SolarAquarionmaerr, are you using hexchat?01:18
andrejI'm sure somebody does ... I hope somone will tell you that that's dsicouraged01:18
maerrI'm using androirc on my android smartphone, & u?01:19
pfifo!alis | maerr01:20
ubottumaerr: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*01:20
Dr_Willisyou dont want to tell your  client to list all channel;s.. the list is HUGE. :) and will most likely flood your client off the server01:20
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* calwig felt the tilt01:24
Levi__hey has anyone tried to run the learning pit logix pro under wine01:27
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:27
EleanorEllisIn Startup Disk Creator, I made the mistake of selecting "Erase" and it's taking forever to wipe a 16GB stick. Is that usual? Can I interrupt it?01:31
shawnboyanybody know how to start Ubuntu install from terminal after booting from USB?01:31
Dr_Willisyou may still nbeed to reformat the usb.01:31
Dr_Willisshawnboy:  the installer app is called ubiquity i belive.01:31
Dr_Willisshawnboy:  thats the normal gui installer.01:31
EleanorEllisDr_Willis: Should it take a long time to format a USB stick?01:32
shawnboythanks Dr_Willis01:32
Dr_WillisEleanorEllis:  cant say ive really noticed.   Some times ubuntu has slow access to usb flash drives ive seen01:32
Dr_Willisit does do a full format, not a quick format i belive.01:32
Dr_Willisif you stop it. you might need to use gparted to format it again.01:32
bonhoeffergoodness, my user is member of the group -- but i still can't touch a file in that directory01:33
bonhoefferdrwxrwxr-x 6 www-data www-data 4096 Oct  1 21:25 themes01:33
EleanorEllisDr_Willis: If I pull the stick while it's doing it, will I damage the stick?01:33
bonhoefferi'm a member of www-data01:33
Dr_WillisEleanorEllis:  id just let it run..  i wouldent think it would take mor ethen 10-15 min01:33
shawnboyboot from USB with 12.04.1 hangs before loading GUI but I can drop into ctrl-alt-F2 and get a prompt. So I figure there must be a way to start the install process from terminal.01:33
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Dr_Willisshawnboy:  there is no text based installer on the desktop dvd by default.01:34
shawnboyah. well, I guess I'll have to try the alternate CD.01:34
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:34
wyldebonhoeffer: if you just added yourself to the group you need to log out and back in for the sytem to notice you're a member of www-data01:34
Dr_Willisthe nomodeset option may get you to a desktop01:34
bonhoefferahh .. . wylde thanksa01:34
shawnboyGoodbye. Thanks again, Dr_Willis.01:35
wilee-nileeSo If I want to buy a tv that I can wifi my media to what am I looking for, not familiar with this.01:36
Dr_Williswilee-nilee:  dlna/upnp/ features.01:36
Psil0Cybinhey guys having a problem trying to get Wicd to show a tray icon on Xubuntu01:36
wilee-nileeDr_Willis, thanks01:36
Dr_Williswilee-nilee:  samsung calls it allshare i think.01:36
Psil0Cybinis this a known issue that this does not work?01:36
Psil0Cybinthere is no way of getting a tray icon01:36
pleanbeanCan someone PM me who can help me get Ubuntu running on my PC? I'm having GRUB issues01:36
wilee-nileecool thanks again01:36
Psil0Cybinoh nvm01:36
Dr_Williswilee-nilee:  most of the better tv's thse days can do dlna, or you can always get a roku, or raspberry pi ;)01:37
wilee-nileeDr_Willis, Cool I'm looking on amazon, just trying to find a fair deal and I have a nexus and two computers, one is a netbook I never use.01:38
Dr_Williswilee-nilee:  samsung smart tv has  software features where you can instgall apps from the samsung store. there is a 'plex' app that lets me get to all my video files from my Plex Server on the network.01:38
craigbass1976Anyone know how Thunderbird stores a password?  I have a working copy at work, but I've changed the password since the last time I logged on with this laptop at home.  I can ssh in, but not sure where I'd find the password in ~./thunderbird/01:39
TJ-pleanbean: Please describe your problem else there'll be no-one know whether they can help you or not01:39
Dr_Williswilee-nilee:  also check out the chromecast dongle. $3501:39
Jeruvywilee-nilee  pm?01:39
wilee-nileeDr_Willis, Do you have a hub involved in this?01:39
wilee-nileeJeruvy, I have pm off.01:40
Dr_Williswilee-nilee:  the tv is on my network via wifi router. or i can go wired. samsung also has a wifi direct feature.01:40
pleanbeanI'm trying to install Ubuntu on dev/sdc with the install img on a USB. The install process goes smoothly but when I try to boot the drive, I get a black screen with a blinking cursor01:40
wilee-nileecool I will look at what is needed thanks01:40
Dr_Willis!nomodeset | pleanbean01:40
ubottupleanbean: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:40
TJ-pleanbean: That sounds as if the install didn't write the GRUB boot-strap code to the USB device at all.01:41
Dr_Willispleanbean:  short answer - try the nomodeset optiuon, IF you can get to a grub menu. try the boot-repair tool if you cant get to grub menu01:41
pfifoDr_Willis, surely nomodeset has to be obsoleted by now?01:42
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:42
pleanbeanWell I'm trying to write GRUB to sdc not USB01:42
Dr_Willispfifo:  about 2 releases ago i no longer needed it on my nvidia  machines.. befor that - i still did01:42
pleanbeanI cannot get to a grub menu01:42
TJ-pleanbean: Oh, I see, sorry, I misread you as meaning the USB device was mounted at /dev/sdc.01:42
Dr_Willispleanbean:  see the boot-repair info  to get a workinggrub01:42
pleanbeanI'm on Boot Repair right now01:43
pleanbeanBut I'm having issues with it.01:43
wilee-nileeDr_Willis, So what is the minimal p you would suggest?01:43
pfifoDr_Willis, what is the output of 'lsb_release -sc'01:43
Dr_Williswilee-nilee:  i last got a tv  about 2 yrs ago. I just go with the 1080p with the smart features.  whteer is in the budget.01:44
Dr_Williswilee-nilee:  it does everything i need and more. ;)01:44
pleanbeanI'm in Advanced options > Main options. What should I have checked besides Reinstall GRUB? By default "Use the standard EFI file", "Unhide boot menu, Repair file systems are checked.01:44
pleanbeanDo I need to Restore MBR?01:44
Dr_Willisrestore mbr - puts the windows mbr back on - i belive01:44
wilee-nileeDr_Willis, That seems like a good start, I don't watch a whole lot of tv but it would be nice to have one that looks good.01:45
pleanbeanOK so no. Going into GRUB location. OS to boot by default: sdc2 (Ubuntu 13.04).01:45
Dr_Williswilee-nilee:  i tend to stick to samsung, and whateer is on sale at fathers day. ;) or xmas.01:45
pleanbeanWhat about Separate /boot partition or Separate /boot/efi partition? What do those do?01:46
wilee-nileeviva the sale, yeah01:46
pfifowhats the point in watching video files on your tv when theres a computer right there?01:46
Dr_Willispleanbean:  did you set up a seperate /boot/ partition?01:46
Dr_Willispfifo:  my big 36+ in tv is right above my computer monitor/desk ;)01:46
pleanbeanThats another question. How should I have my drive partitioned?01:46
chaotic_goodmake /boot 300M+ on ubuntu or upgrades fail01:47
Dr_Willispleanbean:  depends on the size. and what you are doing with it.. minimal  is a / partion and a swap partiotion01:47
Dr_WillisI would not bother with a /boot/ partition01:47
pleanbeanI have 1TB to use01:47
Dr_Willisuefi also requires some other partion i think. (i dont use uefi)01:47
mrrcpuefi is a nightmare01:48
Dr_Willis50 gb for   a few gb for swap rest for /home/ would be common01:48
Dr_Willis50gb for /  ;)01:48
pleanbean50GB for /?01:48
chaotic_goodI like 4g / jfs, 300M /boot ext2 and rest lvm /01:48
pleanbeanThats the system folder?01:48
chaotic_goodlvm reiserFS01:48
chaotic_goodoh yeah!!01:49
Dr_Willisi have DEFINATLY filled up 30gb / befor01:49
pleanbeanYou guys are losing me...01:49
pfifoi like 4 primary partitions, 8gb/8gb/8gb/296gb on for ubuntu LTS one for ubuntu unstable, one for swap, and the giant one for /home01:49
Dr_Willispleanbean:  you can just let the installer automate it all01:49
pleanbeanUnfortunately, automating it doesn't give me the option to install it to sdc01:49
pleanbeanI have a few internal drives and it automatically installs it to sda01:50
Dr_Willispleanbean:  you could unplug the others01:50
pleanbeanOk I'll do that.01:50
TJ-Dr_Willis: I usually do LVMs with  / = 8GB, /var/ = 8GB, /usr/local/ = 4GB, /tmp/ = 5GB and swap = RAM+512MB01:50
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Dr_Willisor just partion the other hd how you want. :) but ifyou dont know what you are doi9ng. It may be much safer to just unplug the others01:50
Dr_WillisI dont mess with LVM ;)01:50
Dr_Willisife definatly filled up 5+gb in tmp befor. heh..01:51
pfifoTJ-, you should try tmp as a tmpfs filesystem ;)01:51
pleanbeanI would know what I'm doing if someone told me how I should partition the drive haha01:51
Dr_Willisbut it depends on what you are doing01:51
TJ-pfifo: I deliberately don't want tmpfs01:51
Dr_Willispleanbean:  we said earlier.. 50gb for /  some for swap - rest for /home/01:51
Dr_Willisthats about as basic a setup as you can get01:52
pleanbean3 partitions?01:52
Dr_Willisyes. 3 partitions01:52
Dr_Willisswap=ram+512mb is common also theswe days01:53
pleanbeanWhy are / and /home/ separate?01:53
TJ-separating /var/ from / prevents /var/log/ or /var/cache/{apt/archives,*} from causing the root file-system running out of space01:53
Dr_Willisto make things easier later down the road.. dont seperate them if you dont want01:53
Dr_Willismake a / and a swap - thatss the MINIMAL setup01:53
pfifopleanbean, so you can format and reinstall ubuntu with out deleting all your settings and family photos01:53
TJ-pleanbean: We separate /home/ because that contains user files. That allows an easy re-install or upgrade of the core OS without needing to worry about deleting the contents of /home/01:54
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pleanbeanOk that makes sense.01:54
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pleanbeanAre the / and /home/ partitions both ext4?01:54
Dr_Willismy /home/ is on its own seperate 3TB HD.01:54
Dr_Willisext4 is the default - yes01:54
pfifoDr_Willis, no raid 10 on /home ?01:54
Dr_Willisive learned from in here.. to not mess with raid. ;)01:55
Dr_Willisseen way to many issues in here with it.. but of course this is wherfe people come when they have issues01:55
Dr_Willisso its a bit biased01:55
pfifodont mess with fakeraid or softraid... definatly check into realraid01:55
Dr_Willisill pass on all raid :)01:55
Dr_Willismy / right now is on its own ssd drive.  /home/ is on its own SATA driv e.01:56
pfifo3tb is alot01:57
pleanbeanOK, partitioned /dev/sdc to have a 8.5GB swap, a 50GB ext4 / and a much larger ext4 /home/01:57
pleanbeanNow go ahead and install again?01:58
Dr_Willispfifo:  and yet i still need more. ;)01:58
grahamsavagehey anyone here familiar with vftpd?01:58
pfifofilesharing much?01:58
jmgkhey Dr_Willis01:58
Dr_Willispfifo:  riping dvd's for the wife to the plex server mainly01:58
grahamsavagevsftpd... there's a config option called local_enable.. really i only want virtual users to login01:58
jmgkiS chat the default Linux client ?01:59
pfifograhamsavage, vsftpd isnt the best option for virtual users01:59
Dr_Willisjmgk:  xchat is a commnly used irc client for linux01:59
jmgkah ok01:59
jmgkI prefer it :D01:59
grahamsavagepfifo: what's your suggestion?01:59
pfifograhamsavage, cuteftpd01:59
pfifograhamsavage, but to be honest, i usually just use httpd instead, ftp is ancient02:00
grahamsavageyeah, i wouldn't be using ftp if i had a choice now :D02:00
grahamsavageok cuteftpd looks commerical02:01
KnownSyntaxWhy not use proftpd?02:01
KnownSyntaxIt will allow you to do exactly what you want, all you have to do is edit the config. Same with vsftpd02:02
pfifograhamsavage, hmm, maybe they went commercial, I havent used ftp for years02:02
pfifoanyway I need to sleep02:02
grahamsavageKnownSyntax: yeah i'm trying to work out the config02:02
mnewtonHey how do I copy an image to clipboard02:03
mnewtonHey how do I copy an image to clipboard commandline02:03
grahamsavageKnownSyntax; vsftpd has a local_enable=YES.. which it says "Virtual users will use the same privileges as local users. It will grant write access to virtual users. Virtual users will use the same privileges as anonymous users, which tends to be more restrictive"02:03
pleanbeanShould my swap space be a Primary or Logical partition?02:03
Dr_Willispleanbean:  when in doubt - use all primaries02:03
Dr_Willispleanbean:  unless you know you will need more then 4 partitions02:04
KnownSyntaxIt should work grahamsavage, although I always use proftpd so my knowledge of vsftpd's config and stuff is somewhat limited.02:04
zykotick9pleanbean: doesn't really matter02:04
EleanorEllisI cant get Startup Disk Creator to work. I can select the iso and the usb stick but "Make Startup Disk" is greyed out. I have tried formatting the stick already02:04
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EleanorEllisI dont want to use unetbootin as I need to do an oem install and unetbootin doesnt give that option. Plus unetbootin crashes on the target pc02:05
Dr_WillisEleanorEllis:  is the stick mounted or unmounted?  i tend to use the tools from the pendrivelinux site02:05
jmgkDr_Willis, do u use xchat?02:05
Dr_WillisEleanorEllis:  you can use dd to write the iso directkyto the usb also02:05
Dr_Willisjmgk:  i use weechat mainly02:05
pleanbeanWhen I install, do I select /sdc or /sdc2 or whatever my / partition is02:05
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EleanorEllisDr_Willis: If the stick is unmounted then it doesnt appear in Startup Disk Creator at all. If it's mounted then it shows but cant make the disk02:05
xmetalok so i got the iso for 12.04 and have it started in vm atm02:06
Dr_Willispleanbean:  / goes to a partion sdc1 or whateer.. GRUB installt to the  Mbr of the drive.. sdc  NO #02:06
grahamsavageKnownSyntax: yeah.. ok.. maybe i just try whatever and then see if it works02:07
grahamsavagei've got this weird habit, where i type up everything in .sh files without running anything02:07
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grahamsavagemind you, if you need to do something twice.. it makes it very easy02:08
Dr_WillisEleanorEllis:  how did you unmount it? the gui can unmount and actually detatch the device so its no longer seen by the bios.02:08
EleanorEllisDr_Willis: Yes I used the gui. I will try in terminal02:08
Dr_WillisEleanorEllis:  i tnd to use the cli to unmount the things.02:08
EleanorEllisDr_Willis: umount in cli makes no difference02:10
EleanorEllisIm trying to find how to create the stick with dd02:10
Psil0Cybinhey guys im having a problem when i am idle or every couple of minutes my wifi conncetion drops i tried removing network-manager and instead using wicd but the same problem persists.02:12
Guest9068where do i change the theme of gnome notifications?02:12
Psil0Cybini am completely out of ideas, thsi leaves me unable to download files @ night02:13
Psil0Cybinonly torrents because i can reconncet on connection loss02:13
Psil0Cybinwhat can i do?!02:13
Psil0Cybini think i might reformat i have tried every guide and it works perfect on windows02:13
grahamsavagehmm vsftpd looks a bit too complicated02:14
grahamsavagemight try a look at pureftpd02:14
Dr_WillisEleanorEllis:    sudo dd if=thefile.iso  of=/dev/sdX bs=4M     and DONT get /dev/sdX wrong.02:15
Guest9068Psil0Cybin: may be issue of power management02:15
Psil0CybinGuest9068: I have tried every solution to power management, issues. nothing fix's it02:15
Dr_WillisPsil0Cybin:  use the ping command to keep pinging some site every 10 sec or so - seen that in the forums as a work around02:15
Psil0Cybini have found muliple solutions, none that work for me02:15
Psil0Cybinyea but thats the only solution? feels so ghetto02:16
Dr_Willisif it works... it works02:16
pleanbeanDr_Willis: No luck. Installed, still getting the black screen02:16
Dr_WillisI have no idea if it works.. if it does work - that points to a   power saveing issue02:16
Psil0CybinDr_Willis: i might as well keep IRC on, but this still is just a silly work around i want a solution :( ugh02:16
Guest9068what is your version of ubuntu?02:16
Psil0Cybinas long as i keep browsing02:17
Psil0Cybinmy downloads are fine02:17
Psil0Cybinbut go to the washroom and all my HTTP downloads timeout02:17
Dr_WillisPsil0Cybin:  if its a driver issue. then the kernel/drivers will need to get fixed basically02:17
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Guest9068what is model and name of your wireless card?02:17
Psil0CybinGuest9068: what command do i type02:17
Dr_WillisPsil0Cybin:  seen if it still happens in the newer releases/kernels?02:18
EleanorEllisPsil0Cybin: Could you connect to your router with a cable? Would that be a workaround?02:18
Dr_Willis'lspci' gives you hardware info02:18
Psil0Cybin02:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)02:18
Dr_Willisif you dont even know your wireless chipset :) that is rther critical info. ;P02:19
Dr_Willisthere ya go.02:19
Guest9068i have the same model02:19
bonhoefferi just installed the mysql client -- but it isn't coming up in dash home -- is there a way to re-index02:19
Guest9068on 13.0402:19
Dr_Willischeck for that exact chipset in the forums and askubuntu.com - there may be some boot options or kernel options for it02:19
EleanorEllisDr_Willis: Thanks. That worked02:19
Dr_Willismysql client is a gui tool?02:19
wylde!info mysql-client02:20
ubottumysql-client (source: mysql-5.5): MySQL database client (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.32-0ubuntu0.13.04.1 (raring), package size 11 kB, installed size 114 kB02:20
Dr_WillisEleanorEllis:  of course if you want to use the flash drive as a normal flash now.. you will need to zero it and repartion/reformat it again. ;)02:20
wyldenot to my knowledge. Although there are front ends in the repos I believe02:20
Psil0CybinDr_Willis: i found something similar02:20
xsiHi what's the list of current user's questions, may I ask?02:20
Psil0Cybinim going to try some of the stuff02:20
Psil0Cybinlet you knjow how it goes02:20
bonhoefferDr_Willis, as far i know -- i'm used to just using the cli for mysql02:20
Psil0Cybinbut i tried the modeprobe stuff and options ath9k nohwcrypt=102:20
Psil0Cybinnothing works02:20
EleanorEllisDr_Willis: Thats all right. I have so many flash drives and I almost never use any of them02:21
TJ-Psil0Cybin: It is worth trying one of the Kernel Team's mainline builds of a very recent kernel, such as v3.11, because that will likely have many bug fixes in it02:22
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Guest9068Psil0Cybin: do you have experienced set ip manually, just to test?02:22
Dr_WillisEleanorEllis:  you can always dd anothe riso to it. :)02:22
EleanorEllisDr_Willis: The irony is I'm doing all this so I can give an old machine away whose CD drive has given up. Or maybe it's the IDE controlled or cable that's given up. Don't know. But so long as the machine is working then someone else can fit a new CD drive if they want it02:23
Dr_WillisEleanorEllis:  i had an ide cable that got nicked by a sharp edge on a case :) took me foreever to find the cause02:24
TJ-Psil0Cybin: It's being tracked in bug #77315402:24
ubottubug 773154 in linux (Ubuntu) "168c:002b Atheros AR9285 extremely slow & unstable" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77315402:24
nrdbI have a oddity here.  I have setup a computer with several Xen VM's the ping times to these are averaging about 20ms ... but when I ping another real computer I average about 1.5ms ... why speed difference?02:24
Psil0CybinTJ Guest9068 it worked a few weeks ago perfectly fine before i installed Samba...02:26
Psil0Cybinno its automatic02:26
Psil0Cybinbut it works like that with a live cd02:26
Psil0Cybinso i feel like something is messed up02:26
Psil0Cybincould it be? DHCP lease times02:26
EleanorEllisDr_Willis: It could easily be something like that. The CD drive works on a USB adaptor but I couldnt get the OEM install to work off the CD for some reason. It is working off the USB stick now.02:26
TJ-Psil0Cybin: Reading the log files is the about the only way to gather evidence as to the cause, then you can figure out the correct solution02:27
* iananananan is away: homework02:29
EleanorEllisInstalling Ubuntu alongside windows XP on a 40GB drive what would be a sensible split between ubuntu and windows so that windows stands at least some chance of working? I have a second 40GB drive I can use for extra storage but I am reluctant to put the home partition on the second hard drive in case the second drive fails and then whoever has the computer cant work out how to fix it02:30
nrdbEleanorEllis, I reserved 100GB for windows.02:31
EleanorEllisThe machine has a bare install of XP with SP3 but nothing else and that takes up 11GB02:31
EleanorEllisnrdb: Nice try but its only a 40GB drive02:31
TJ-Psil0Cybin: There were a huge number of fixes committed to the ath9k driver in August, so a later kernel would very likely be a solution. The only other suggestion would be to ensure the WiFi DHCP server has a long lease-time so the clients aren't having to re-acquire a lease too rapidly, which seems to be another issue that affects the ath9k devices (can't see why!)02:31
EleanorEllisnrdb: It's an old PC02:31
pleanbeanDr_Willis, I need more help02:32
EleanorEllisI usually setup a swap partition about twice the size of the RAM but on this little drive every gig counts. Will performance suffer much without a swap partition?02:32
TJ-EleanorEllis: swap = RAM + 500MB is enough ... that extra is there for future hibernate support, so not vital currently.02:33
Psil0Cybinsee what i mean i keep getting disconnected02:33
TJ-Psil0Cybin: There were a huge number of fixes committed to the ath9k driver in August, so a later kernel would very likely be a solution. The only other suggestion would be to ensure the WiFi DHCP server has a long lease-time so the clients aren't having to re-acquire a lease too rapidly, which seems to be another issue that affects the ath9k devices (can't see why!)02:33
nrdbEleanorEllis, how much memory on the computer?02:34
EleanorEllis1GB RAM and hibernate is not an issue as its a desktop and so old I doubt it would come out of hibernation02:34
Dr_Willispleanbean:  im at work. so i am in and out all day long.02:34
Dr_Willisi may have to vanish with out notice02:34
Psil0CybinTJ-: im fairly new to to linux, that is my problem i am unsure of how to install a new kernal02:35
Psil0Cybini usually just update02:35
Psil0Cybinthrough the manager.02:35
pleanbeanBoot Repair is giving me this error:02:35
nrdbEleanorEllis, I think about 29 windows, 10 linux, 1 swap would work OK.02:35
yansHello People.02:35
pleanbeanGPT detected. Please create a BIOS-Boot partition (>1MB, unformatted filesystem, bios_grub flag).02:35
Dr_WillisPsil0Cybin:  a quick and easy way to test - would be to see the 13.10 beta live cd has the same issue. If it works right - that points to the new kernels being a fix. ;)02:35
EleanorEllisnrdb: Thanks02:35
nrdbEleanorEllis, of course fully backup windows first.02:36
EleanorEllisnrdb: Backup windows? Nah! It's a fresh install and I dont care about it that much02:37
wilee-nileeDr_Willis, Ordered a samsung, 32 inch 1080p, thanks for the help.02:37
pleanbeanCan anyone help me with this error message? From Boot Repair: GPT detected. Please create a BIOS-Boot partition (>1MB, unformatted filesystem, bios_grub flag).02:37
EleanorEllisIs there any reason not to use ext4 nowadays?02:38
Dr_Williswilee-nilee:  ive never been brave enough to order somting that fragile off the internet. ;)02:38
Dr_WillisEleanorEllis:  i got some old linux based tv-home-theater devovces that cant handle ext4  so i use ext3 for external drives for them02:38
TJ-Psil0Cybin: There's info on installing mainline kernels built by the kernel-team here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds02:39
Dr_Willispleanbean:  it wants a partition at the start of the drive to use for gpt booting it seems02:39
EleanorEllisnrdb: I usually make a separate home partition but as space is limited perhaps I should just make a root partition.02:39
wyldepleanbean: it means you've used gpt to partition your disc but didn't create an empty bios_boot >1MB at the beginning02:39
nrdbEleanorEllis, I don't think so, but the extra capacity sure isn't needed.02:39
EleanorEllisDr_Willis: I am installing 12.04 on this box02:39
wilee-nileeDr_Willis, bought the 4 years insurance, I have a neighbor who bought a gigantic 3d hdmi tv off the net, so I'm not worried amazon is an upstanding place to buy in general. ;)02:40
pleanbeanOk so I have to reformat my drive?02:40
Dr_WillisEleanorEllis:  ext4 has been the default for several releases now.   I have linux media players that are going on 6+ yrs old. ;)02:40
nrdbI have a oddity here.  I have setup a computer with several Xen VM's the ping times to these are averaging about 20ms ... but when I ping another real computer I average about 1.5ms ... why speed difference?02:40
EleanorEllisIs ext4 any more reliable or faster than ext3 or is it just it can handle bigger drives?02:40
Dr_Willispleanbean:  or resize the first primary partion perhaps. I dont use gpt.02:40
Dr_WillisEleanorEllis:  yes to all 3 ;)02:40
EleanorEllisFine. I will use ext4 tjem02:41
wyldepleanbean: what Dr_Willis said. I don't use gpt either02:41
pleanbeanWhat do you guys use then?02:41
Dr_Willisolder pcs use the normal msdos mbr stuff02:42
wyldepleanbean: plain old MBR with ext4 here02:42
Dr_Willisgpt has only in the last year or so gotten more commonplace02:42
EleanorEllisI do wish the install partitioner made the distinction between GB and GiB. I keep calculating the partion sizes wrong!02:42
pleanbeanDr_Willis, now I need a bios_boot, swap space, / and /home partitions?02:44
bonhoefferis there a shortcut to type in the file manager to manually enter a path02:44
EleanorEllisIs there any advantage to having more than the RAM size for the swap partition? Out of 41.1GB I have 29GB for windows, 10GB for ubuntu, leaving 2110MB for swap but the machine only has 1 GiB of RAM02:45
pleanbeanShould I use Logical Volume Management?02:46
vemacsEleanorEllis: If you're that low on RAM, you might want to look into zram02:46
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vemacscompressed block device, definitely faster than swap, works wonders on my netbook02:47
vemacssudo apt-get install zram-config02:47
vemacsand no, not really. you don't want to be swapping that badly.02:47
wilee-nileeEleanorEllis, generally all you need for swap is slightly more than ram.02:48
vemacsbetter yet, don't swap.02:48
vemacszram or more RAM :P02:48
EleanorEllisvemacs: Its an old PC, it can only take 1GB of RAM02:48
vemacsEleanorEllis: You might want to look into zram then.02:49
vemacsWith it, unity runs very smoothly on my 1GB netbook02:49
Psil0Cybinhey TJ02:49
Psil0Cybinsee i got disconnected again i cannot find a solution02:49
TJ-Psil0Cybin: have you monitored the log files to see what they show when the disconnect occurs?02:49
Psil0Cybinwhere would the log files be02:50
Psil0Cybinfor Wifi02:50
wilee-nileeEleanorEllis, I would set the swappiness to a lower number than the stock 60 is all, like 5-1002:50
wyldeEleanorEllis: if you ever want to "sleep" the machine you need swap anyway.02:51
vemacsin fact, I would suggest a lighter distro02:51
vemacslike lubuntu or such.02:51
EleanorElliswilee-nilee: I dont know how to set swappiness, what does that do?02:51
vemacsEleanorEllis: this article should answer all your questions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq02:52
TJ-Psil0Cybin: Open a terminal and then run "tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep NetworkManager | tee /tmp/nm.log" and keep watching it. As soon as the disconnect happens press Ctrl+C to stop it. The message you saw have been saved into a text file at "/tmp/nm.log" so you can upload its contents to pastebin so we can view it.02:52
vemacsSee: How much swap do I need? and What is swappiness and how do I change it?02:52
EleanorEllisBesides I'm only doing an OEM install on it so I can give the machine away. I dont want to spend too much time on it. Can I install zRAM in an OEM install without setting up a user?02:52
vemacsYes. You can possibly log into that install from a live CD/USB02:53
vemacsand apt-get install zram-config.02:53
wilee-nileeEleanorEllis, Lots of info on the web here is one that should help. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#What_is_swappiness_and_how_do_I_change_it.3F02:53
vemacsEleanorEllis: there is a temporary OEM account you can use02:54
vemacssee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview02:54
vemacsyou can use that to install updates, configure swappiness, install zram, etc...02:54
jmgkDo companies sell Ubuntu on regular pc's now02:54
jmgkI was wondering02:54
EleanorEllisjmgk: I gather Dell did for a while but I dont know if they still do02:54
Psil0Cybini type in tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep NetworkManager | tee /tmp/nm.log TJ02:55
Psil0Cybinit does nothing02:55
jmgkI see02:55
TJ-Psil0Cybin: hang on, did you reinstall Network Manager after you tried wicd?02:55
Psil0Cybinim using it now02:55
TJ-Psil0Cybin: OK, then, when it reports something the messages will appear02:55
TJ-Psil0Cybin: If you want to be sure Network Manager is logging to syslog, in a terminal do "grep NetworkManager /var/log/syslog" and you should see all messages from it. If you see nothing, its possible it is logging to a different file02:56
Psil0Cybinit might be TJ i see nothing02:57
Psil0Cybinjust that it is waiting02:57
pleanbeanWow this is absurdly frustrating02:58
TJ-Psil0Cybin: If syslog currently has no NetworkManager messages then we need to find out which file they're going to! Try this: "grep NetworkManager /var/log/*/log" and see which files (if any) are listed.02:59
TJ-Psil0Cybin: Typo!! try this instead: "grep NetworkManager /var/log/*/.og" and see which files (if any) are listed.02:59
TJ-oh fooey my typos are getting worse!03:00
TJ-Psil0Cybin: Typo!! try this instead: "grep NetworkManager /var/log/*.log" and see which files (if any) are listed.03:00
Psil0CybinOct  1 22:49:10 TheHive NetworkManager[984]: <info> Activation (wlan0) Stage 5 of 5 (IPv4 Commit) started...03:00
Psil0CybinOct  1 22:49:11 TheHive NetworkManager[984]: <info> DNS: starting dnsmasq...03:00
Psil0CybinOct  1 22:49:11 TheHive NetworkManager[984]: <error> [1380682151.340969] [nm-dns-dnsmasq.c:393] update(): dnsmasq not available on the bus, can't update servers.03:00
Psil0CybinOct  1 22:49:11 TheHive NetworkManager[984]: <error> [1380682151.341015] [nm-dns-dnsmasq.c:395] update(): dnsmasq owner not found on bus: Could not get owner of name 'uk.org.thekelleys.dnsmasq': no such name03:00
Psil0CybinOct  1 22:49:11 TheHive NetworkManager[984]: <warn> DNS: plugin dnsmasq update failed03:00
FloodBot1Psil0Cybin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:00
TJ-Psil0Cybin: pastebin the entries so we can all view them03:01
Psil0CybinTJ-: http://pastebin.com/0XPVFhCT03:02
barretti want to search for a string in all all files *.nfo recursively.  I tried #find Folder -name *.nfo | grep -i string   but that only greps the list out of "find" how can I search the contents of the files?03:03
xubuntuOkay i don't know why I'm named xubuntu03:04
somsipbarrett: grep -ir string *.nfo (I think)03:04
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TJ-Psil0Cybin: Was that everything, or just what was left in the terminal window?03:04
Psil0Cybinno just the warning03:04
TJ-Psil0Cybin: That looks like the final part of the reconnect... the messages we need to see will be from before that, when it disconnected.03:04
Guest31461anyhow. Guys, I'm in deep crap here. I changed some driver stuff and crashed an install of xubuntu. Decided to reinstall via my live usb, but it fails saying grub couldn't install in /dev/sda, this is a fatal error03:05
bamphometanyone have a Realtek 8188EE wireless card working with ubuntu?03:05
TJ-Psil0Cybin: If you've not stopped the message capture by pressing Ctrl+C do that now, then use a text editor to load "/tmp/nm.log" and pastebin its entire contents, please03:05
Guest31461I think it has something to do with my hardrives being in RAID03:05
Guest31461And now grub isn't recognizing them03:06
Guest31461But I can't install Ubuntu so my whole laptop is dead in the water except for this live usb03:06
TJ-Guest31461: From the liveISO you'll need to manually configure the live environment to assemble and mount the RAID devices first03:06
Psil0Cybinim running this command03:06
Psil0Cybingrep NetworkManager /var/log/*/log03:06
Psil0Cybindo you want me to post everything03:06
FloodBot1Psil0Cybin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:06
Guest31461TJ-: what's the best way to do that?03:07
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TJ-Psil0Cybin: No, if the output in pastebin you showed us a few minutes ago was the result of that command, its not useful right now.03:07
Psil0Cybinmy lease time is set at 4320 on my router03:08
Psil0Cybinis that fine?>03:08
Guest31461TJ-: I found a program called mdadm, is that the right thing I should be looking into?03:08
TJ-Guest31461: Depends on how you configured the RAID; only you know that. Probably you'll need mdadm and maybe the lvm toosl too, depending on configuration03:08
pleanbeanCan someone have a look at this BootRepair paste03:08
pleanbeanAnd tell me why I can't boot into Ubuntu?03:08
Guest31461TJ-: I didn't configure the RAID. This is a new laptop that came in RAID03:09
TJ-Psil0Cybin: 4320 in seconds? So about 72 minutes?03:09
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Guest31461TJ-:It worked the first time I installed Ubuntu, it's just after it crashed I can't reinstall it anymore03:09
TJ-Guest31461: You'll need to find out how it is configured then. If its hardware RAID it shouldn't affect the OS, but if its soft-raid you'll need to use the correct tools to reassemble the RAID array03:10
Guest31461TJ-:/dev/mapper shows my RAID configuration, but I'm really not sure what to do with that. Can I just link it to /dev/sda or something?03:10
Guest31461TJ-:And I believe it's hardware raid03:10
pleanbeanCan someone please help me?03:11
TJ-Guest31461: No you can't link it. The device nodes in /dev/mapper/ are created by dmsetup and tools that call its library.03:11
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Guest31461TJ-: So I do need to reassemble them?03:12
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Guest31461TJ-: I mean it's that or I can try to save my old XUbuntu config, it just goes to black screen where I can't type after showing the xubuntu logo briefly03:13
EleanorEllisThis PC I am rebuilding is a Dell Dimension 2400 with 1GB RAM, twin 40GB hard disks and a Celeron 2.8GHz processor. Just looked on Ebay and someone bought one for £66! Unbelievable. Cheapest one sold for under a tenner. I will throw in a 19" 1280*1024 monitor so hopefully the charity shop should be able to get something reasonable for it.03:14
TJ-Guest31461: I don't know if you do need to assemble the array or not; because I don't know the RAID configuration. You're the only one can sort that out since you have control of the PC. It's a complex area not suited to trying to support over IRC, it needs hands-on to ensure no mistakes are made03:15
EleanorEllisFor that money I really can't be bothered to flog it on Ebay03:15
Guest31461TJ-: sounds way out of my league03:16
Guest31461TJ-: I think I'm better off trying to fix the whole xubuntu not loading thing, I'll try that in the chat03:17
TJ-Guest31461: Yes, that might be best... you might save a lot of pain in the long run, it might be something a little easier!03:18
Guest31461I'm running Xubuntu and after changing a synaptics and mtracker value in my xorgs, then logging out, the whole system went black screen. I'm unable to type when this happens. After rebooting, the xubuntu logo shows for a second, then it goes back to black screen. What did I do and can I fix it?03:18
TJ-Guest31461: If you interrupt GRUB by holding Shift down as the PC starts, then use one of the Recovery options, you might be able to get to a single-user root recovery shell03:19
TJ-Guest31461: IF you can get to the recovery root shell, you're in a position to investigate and fix03:19
Guest31461TJ-: Now that sounds useful. I could get into my xorg files then?03:19
TJ-Guest31461: precisely :)03:19
Guest31461TJ-: Hell. Yes. You are a life saver03:20
Guest31461TJ-: I guess you'll know it didn't work if I'm back in here in a second.03:20
wilee-nileepleanbean, uefi is not a high channel help area, combined with lvm makes it even harder I would use the ubuntu forums as well.03:20
pleanbeanI've been using the Ubuntu forums but I haven't had much success03:21
pleanbeanAnd I'm not trying to wait a couple hours each time I have a question03:21
TJ-Guest31461: The first thing to do is inspect the log-files in /var/log/. List them by most recently changed using "ls -latr /var/log/". The most recent files are at the end of the list. Choose from amongst them and read them with a text viewer. E.g. "less /var/log/kern.log" or "less /var/log/Xorg.0.log" ... "less" is a pager so you can move through the files easily03:21
camel_how can i use ubuntu vist abroad websites03:22
codexpleanbean: sounds like you need to pay for support03:22
wilee-nileepleanbean, here is a general thread there you want this authors help, they will stop by your thread if the header at the least has uefi in it. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729503:22
wilee-nileecamel_, Can you explain this in more detail?03:23
Dr_Willis__pleanbean:  its also possible if the hard drive is totally unpartitioned and you tell the installer to use the whole hard drive. it may partition it as needed.03:23
pleanbeanDr_Willis__ I just tried that, no success03:23
Dr_Willis__i also seem to recall some pcs/mbs have options to use nongpt setups. but im just going from what ive heard in here.03:24
camel_there are a great fireware prevent me to vist abroad website03:25
saik0the nut init script has a poweroff action, I'm not sure how this is called by init/upstart, can somebody point me to some docs?03:26
wilee-nileecamel_, What is your native language, there are many ubuntu channels for natives, you might get answers there.03:27
Dr_Willis__!upstart | saik003:27
ubottusaik0: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/03:27
pleanbeanAlright, now LVM did some stuff and I can't repartition my drive03:28
camel_yeah ,but if you have a idea ,more better03:28
Dr_Willis__camel_:  what you have said - makes very little sence.03:28
Dr_Willis__camel_:  you mean your isps fireWALL is blocking you?03:29
camel_sorry ,there is something wrong in my words03:29
saik0Dr_Willis__: Right, I've searched that for "poweroff" and it has no matches.03:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:29
camel_yeah, the firewall stop me03:29
Dr_Willis__saik0:  the shutdown and perhaps other commands have poweroff options also03:30
wilee-nilee!cn | camel_03:30
ubottucamel_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:30
Dr_Willis__camel_:  so use a proxy, or vps, i guess. not really a ubuntu support specific issue03:30
wilee-nileeip is china03:30
camel_hehe ,you are right ,you have known where i am from03:31
jmgkGreetings camel_03:31
pleanbeanDr_Willis__: For some reason I can't create a partition table for my drive because of lvm03:31
Dr_Willis__pleanbean:  you could use dd to zero out the hard drive and repartition. but ive never used lvm, there may better ways to unlvm a drive03:31
Dr_Willis__'un-lvm' ;)03:32
camel_I have an another question ,do you often use python to program03:32
Dr_Willis__python is a common and popular language camel_03:32
camel_yeah ,i know ,do you have any works on it03:35
TJ-pleanbean: What tool(s) are you using to do the partitioning?03:35
pleanbeanTJ-: Gparted03:35
bazhang!ot | camel_03:35
ubottucamel_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:35
TJ-pleanbean: From within the Ubuntu installer, or from a LiveISO session, or some other way?03:36
wilee-nileecamel_, Do you want to have the windows, and do you gave it cloned if so?03:36
pleanbeanTJ-: A LiveISO session, and I've also done it within the Ubuntu installer03:37
TJ-pleanbean: And is it OK to totally clear/wipe the drive before starting over? Or is there something on there that has to be kept?03:37
pleanbeanNo I can totally wipe it03:37
pleanbeanRight now I'm trying to figure out how to do that03:38
camel_when i used ubuntu ,I find that it's the future03:38
TJ-pleanbean: OK, lets do this the easy way. Close the gparted GUI and open a shell terminal so we can use the command line03:38
pleanbeanCommand line open03:38
TJ-pleanbean: Does the liveISO PC have network connectivity right now? Can it get to the Internet?03:38
TJ-pleanbean: OK, lets install a helpful tool if it isn't already there: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit"03:39
barretti'm trying to do a recursive grep for the string "DVD" in all files *.nfo   but grep -r "DVD" *.nfo   says "*.nfo: No such file or directory" yet there are tons of those files in subdirectories of the current directory.  What am I doing wrong?03:39
pleanbeanTJ-: Got pastebinit03:40
TJ-pleanbean: OK, lets find out what, if anything, is currently mounted: "mount | pastebinit" ... and give us the URL it provides so we can view the output03:41
HardlyNeutral@barrett Try this link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1225603/grep-a-string-recursively-in-all-htaccess-files. It references a different file type but the methodology should be the same.03:41
TJ-pleanbean: Good. No LVM volumes mounted to get in the way03:42
wilee-nileeTJ-, Not sure if you would want it but pleanbean has a boot info script posted as well.03:42
barrettHardlyNeutral, thanks03:42
TJ-wilee-nilee: Yeah, I have read through it03:42
pleanbean:) *03:43
TJ-pleanbean: OK, /dev/sda is the 1TB drive. It has an EFI boot partition (sda1). That contains some Microsoft Windows boot files. Do you need to keep those?03:44
HardlyNeutralbarrett, no problem03:44
TJ-pleanbean: lets see what GPT tools are available: "which sgdisk" ... does it show a path or nothing at all?03:46
TJ-pleanbean: do "sudo apt-get install gdisk"03:47
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TJ-pleanbean: Let's find out what's on there: "sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda | pastebinit"03:47
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camel_how can i compile a wireless drive in ubuntu 10.0403:49
KnownSyntaxcamel_ is the driver for Linux or is there only a Windows version?03:50
abaddoncamel_: do you have the source code?03:50
camel_for linux03:50
camel_i don't have source code03:50
TJ-pleanbean: OK, let's try the first and easiest approach. We'll wipe the GPT info from sda so it appears to be a raw unused new drive, and then you run the Ubuntu installer and let it do its own choice of partitioning, ensuring that 'sda' is chosen as the boot device.03:51
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abaddoncamel_: Do you have the files needed to compile?03:51
TJ-pleanbean: If that fails, we can intervene later03:51
pleanbeanFor the record I tried that already but lets do it again!03:51
pleanbeanHow do I wipe the GPT info?03:51
TJ-pleanbean: so to wipe the GPT info: "sudo sgdisk --clear /dev/sda"03:52
TJ-pleanbean: Then check the info is gone with "sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda" ... it should tell you there's no MBR or GPT and no partitions03:52
abaddoncamel_: , Ok, what is the driver you are trying to get?03:52
camel_i have a linux ,but it can't find the wifi signal03:52
Paulus68_1is there a way that I can directly import my outlook 2010 pst into thunderbird?03:52
abaddoncamel_: Ubuntu distro?03:53
TJ-pleanbean: The reason we're doing it again from scratch is, I can follow along knowing exactly what should be where, so that if it fails to boot, I can guide you to repair it accurately03:53
abaddoncamel_: SORRY, DERP03:53
bazhangcamel_, thats not supported any longer03:54
abaddoncamel_: ok, type in a terminal sudo ifconfig03:54
bazhangcamel_, upgrade your ubuntu version03:54
zykotick9bazhang: on desktop ;)03:54
camel_but my linux is based on it03:54
TJ-pleanbean: Nice and clean. Start the Ubiquity installer and let it do automatic partitioning, ensuring 'sda' is selected in the boot-loader selection.03:54
abaddoncamel_: What do you see?03:54
pleanbeanUbiquity installer?03:54
bazhangzykotick9, he's asking for wireless help, and thats pretty clear03:55
TJ-pleanbean: "Ubiquity" is the name of the Ubuntu Installer :p03:55
bazhangcamel_, is this MINT?03:55
TJ-pleanbean: In other words, start the installer :)03:55
wyldecamel_: what's the output of lsb_relase -sc03:55
bazhangcamel_, MINT is not supported here03:55
wyldecamel_: what's the output of lsb_release -sc03:55
bazhang!mintsupport | camel_03:55
ubottucamel_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:55
zykotick9wylde: we already know it's mint... doesn't matter what version.03:56
wyldezykotick9: alrighty03:56
camel_it's not the linux i using03:57
pleanbeanTJ-: Should I select "Something else"?03:57
TJ-pleanbean: No! Select the automatic partitioning options, with LVM. (I can't recall the exact wording of the options now)03:58
pleanbeanOK. Theres nowhere to ensure 'sea' is selected in the boot-loader selection though03:58
abaddoncamel_: in the term type sudo ifconfig. If you see lo, lan, and/or wlan0 then it's not a driver issue03:58
zykotick9camel_: you're using mint, that's not supported in #ubuntu at all.  seek support in mint's channel.03:58
TJ-pleanbean: That comes later03:58
camel_ok ,i got it03:58
abaddoncamel_: got what?03:59
pleanbeanShould I use advanced partitioning tool at all?03:59
camel_i will try next time03:59
TJ-pleanbean: I recall it used to be the final dialog where you confirm the settings, before it starts, but the installer has become more active lately, doing things in the background before you've finished entering all the configuration details :)03:59
abaddoncamel_: ???04:00
TJ-pleanbean: hang on. Which version of Ubuntu are you installing? I need to check what options you're seeing at this point04:00
pleanbeanTJ-: 13.0404:00
TJ-pleanbean: OK, let me check. I've been installing 13.10 alot recently and it changed a lot in that area, so I need to refresh my memory on 13.0404:01
camel_i will type sudo ifconfig as i use mint next time04:01
pleanbeanI can install 13.10 instead04:01
abaddoncamel_: I thought you had ubu? Not mint?04:02
pleanbeanNever mind lets stick with 13.0404:02
abaddoncamel_: though, the command will work there as well04:02
abaddoncamel_: if you have wlan0 in ifconfig then you have wireless. But ether the wifi switch is off or no network manager is running04:03
camel_i startup network manager ,but it said there are no wifi04:03
abaddoncamel_: For ubu or mint?04:04
TJ-pleanbean: OK, I'm looking at the steps and screen-shots on this page. Are you at step 4? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/install-desktop-latest04:04
bateeeHi, does any one know, how to configure pam_faildelay to delay the failed login attempts in ubuntu 12.04?04:04
bazhangcamel_, you're using MINT, dont ask for support here04:04
pleanbeanTJ- Essentially yes, but it doesn't look exactly the same.04:04
TJ-pleanbean: Presumably, you don't see the mentions of Windows?04:05
pleanbeanTJ-: Exactly. I'm actually on step 6 I hope I didn't go too far04:05
pleanbeanTJ-: I selected sda as the drive04:06
pleanbeanTj-: In step 5, that is04:06
TJ-pleanbean: OK, I think you're good to carry on. As long as you've let the installer decide on the partitioning rather than got involved in doing it manually04:06
abaddoncamel_: well, if wlan0 is in the ifconfig listing then you could try sudo ifconfig wlan0 up04:06
pleanbeanTJ-: Okay, I'm going to go ahead and install. I'll be back if it doesn't work.04:06
camel_o ,i see04:07
abaddoncamel_: that should switch it on unless the hardware switch on the laptop or desktop is torned to the off button04:07
TJ-pleanbean: OK ... good luck... and remember, when you reboot the PC, unplug the liveISO device, and also ensure that the BIOS/firmware boot order is set to try booting from the hard drive :)04:07
beavisneed help04:08
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abaddoncamel_: If no wlan0 is found BUT eth0 is seen then get an ethernet cbl04:08
pleanbeanTJ-: That's how I've been doing it. We'll see if this time is any different.04:08
abaddoncamel_: then search for the needed drivers for your male/model laptop or desktop04:09
camel_what you mean ,my wireless card is not support04:09
geektech713what version of Ubuntu?04:10
bateeeHi, does any one know, how to configure pam_faildelay to delay the failed login attempts in Ubuntu 12.04? I know the configuration, but I don't know the exact file where it should be configured. Is it /etc/pam.d/common-password?04:10
TJ-pleanbean: If it fails to boot, we can boot the liveISO and then manually mount the new installation, chroot into it, and fix it04:10
abaddoncamel_: Im not saying it isn't. it's just not possibly installed from the get go. eth0 is usually seen though which will allow you to connect to the net to do some searching04:10
pleanbeanTJ-: Great, I'll let you know.04:11
TJ-pleanbean: I'm duplicating it here in a virtual machine04:11
geektech713just turn on wireless on ubuntu its takes some time i hve no issues04:11
pleanbeanTJ-: I hope this isn't a BIOS issue, I've been getting some "CPU Over Temperature Errors" lately04:11
TJ-pleanbean: What make/model is the PC?04:12
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pleanbeanTJ-: Custom made04:12
pleanbeanTJ-: Intel p67 mobo04:13
abaddoncamel_: Yup, but I agree with the guys here. You should upgrade the os to at least Ubu 12.1004:13
geektech713why go with old stuff04:14
wilee-nilee12.04 is the lt04:14
geektech713better drivers04:14
abaddoncamel_: But, if nyou don't like the layout of Unity you can change it to Gnome, or Kde, or other Window environs/Desktop environs04:15
geektech713omg unity is so easy04:15
camel_but my os is based on 10.04, can i upgrade it04:15
Dr_Williswell isent 12.04.x using the newer kenrel from the newer reelases04:15
Dr_Williscamel_:  you can alwyas upgrade.. but a clean install maybe faster04:15
lotuspsychjemorning to all04:15
abaddoncamel_: Yes?? I'm not sure what you are worried about?04:15
camel_I am worried about the os's tools04:16
abaddoncamel_: What tools o you fear loosing?04:17
camel_nothing,i will try next time04:17
Dr_Willisos tools?04:18
abaddoncamel_: Ok mate, sorry I couldn't hlp much04:18
camel_thanks for your help04:18
camel_you make me know much04:19
abaddonHey, does anyone know if weechat has support for pre selected IRC sites? Like, xchat's function for dropping you into a site through automation?04:19
pleanbeanTJ-: No success, still boots to a black screen with blinking cursor04:19
pleanbeanTJ-: I'm back in Ubuntu LiveOS04:20
TJ-pleanbean: I'm guessing you chose "Erase disk and install Ubuntu", and ticked "Use LVM with the new Ubuntu installation" ?04:20
pleanbeanTJ-: Yes04:20
orcadianHey can anyone help me with a fan issue?04:20
TJ-pleanbean: OK. let me catch up with you!04:20
abaddoncamel_: Always glad to help. =] cheers and good luck04:20
kayseewhatz up !04:21
TJ-pleanbean: When you hit the 'blinking cursor', did you try holding down Shift as the PC boots to access the GRUB boot menu? I'm trying to determine how far into the start-up it got.04:21
pleanbeanTJ-: I'll try that now04:21
camel_Do you know a news ,a rover study program a month and will release his own app04:21
orcadianMy problem is that my fan is allways running and my temp are only 24 degrees (celsius)..so my fan shouldnt be running at all04:21
orcadianand yes its  a laptop..and it has optimus tech, but i have installed bumblebee04:22
pleanbeanTJ-: Held down shift, no difference - still went to blinking cursor04:22
TJ-pleanbean: OK, that should tell us the problem is with the BIOS, not with the installation.04:22
camel_Thank you ,abaddon04:23
lotuspsychjewhats the packagename again to measure what slowing boot?04:23
TJ-pleanbean: what is the make/model of the motherboard, I want to research its BIOS options04:23
pleanbeanTJ-: ASUS P8P67 EVO (REV 3.0) LGA 1155 Intel P67 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard04:24
abaddoncamel_: Np, were you adressing the question to m e when you were asking about the news, rover study thing?04:24
camel_yeah ,i saw the news ,how can he get it04:25
abaddoncamel_: Sorry, how can who get the news?04:25
TJ-pleanbean: Read this... especially the 2nd message. That makes me ask "which connector and controller is the HDD connected to? "04:26
TJ-pleanbean: http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=214885804:26
camel_i say  why the rove learn so fast04:27
geektech713get an A+ cert04:27
pleanbeanTJ-: Hmm I'm not sure, how do I know which is the Marvel and which is the Intel SATA controller?04:28
lotuspsychjeguys lets stick to ubuntu support04:28
TJ-pleanbean: I suspect, by reading the manual?04:28
camel_i hope to get a teacher or a guider04:28
pleanbeanTJ-: Yeah haha let me go do that04:28
geektech713better off getting A+ cert ..04:28
abaddoncamel_: Oh, I'm not sure. The rover has I'm sure thousands of algarhythems that allow it to judge data and asses it. It's psuido AI. It's not in my domain of underrstanding.04:29
camel_where are you from abaddon04:29
wylde!ot | camel_ abaddon04:29
ubottucamel_ abaddon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:29
abaddoncamel_: Born in Russia; live in the US04:29
Psil0Cybinhey TJ- im back04:29
Psil0Cybinim still having troubles04:29
Psil0Cybinanything else you can think of?04:29
TJ-pleanbean: On page 2-3 of the manual, items 8 and 9 and 1004:29
pleanbeanTJ-: Send me the document you're looking at04:30
TJ-Psil0Cybin: Without logs, no. We need firm diagnostic info04:30
pleanbeanTJ-: Never mind, I got it04:30
Psil0CybinTJ-: what log would i be lookign @ again04:30
abaddoncamel, to join another irc, type /join #ubuntu-offtopic we can chat there04:30
Psil0Cybinso i can monitor and make sure i can post the proper logs04:30
TJ-pleanbean: Looking at the firmware's "Boot" tab (section 3.7) it shows "Hard Drive BBS Priorities" as a sub-menu. I think you need to check that. Also, you might need to ensure the SATA controllers are in AHCI mode.04:33
TJ-Psil0Cybin: Whichever log-file is receiving messages from NetworkManager04:33
Psil0Cybinwhat was the command again TJ sorry04:33
abaddoncamel_: type /join #ubuntu-offtopic to chat there. This is the help forum.04:34
TJ-pleanbean: Read page 2-22 *carefully* ... "The SATA6G_E1/E2 (navy blue) connectors are for DATA drives only."04:36
TJ-Psil0Cybin: first confirm which log-file is receiving the NetworkManager messages with "sudo grep NetworkManager /var/log/{syslog,*.log}", then next time the wifi disconnects, review that file looking at the messages at the time of the disconnect and leading up to it... pastebin them, and ask someone to review them for clues as to why it disconnected04:38
Psil0Cybinso id just paste the output of04:39
Psil0Cybinsudo grep NetworkManager /var/log/{syslog,*.log}04:39
FloodBot1Psil0Cybin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:39
TJ-Psil0Cybin: No! You'd use that command to identify WHICH log-file to check later when a disconnect occurs.04:40
TJ-Psil0Cybin: That command will prefix each line of files that mention NetworkManager with the filename. That is the info that command is designed to get you... the filename04:40
geektech713i thought ubuntu sever had another channel04:41
lotuspsychjegeektech713: it does04:41
geektech713what yall live on command lines in ubuntu?04:41
lotuspsychjegeektech713: #ubuntu-server04:41
geektech713i figured04:41
geektech713i had ubuntu server ..forums were good enough info on them04:42
geektech713to get GUI on the server side04:42
TJ-pleanbean: Any progress? Have you inspected the SATA connection for the 1TB drive to confirm it is NOT on one of those Marvell controller SATA connectors?04:44
pleanbeanTJ-: Hey, made sure its in the Intel controller. Still getting blinking cursor. I'm back in LiveOS04:47
TJ-pleanbean: OK... did you also go into the motherboard setup and ensure the boot order options include that drive?04:48
pleanbeanTJ- Yep.04:49
Psil0CybinTJ-: could this help04:51
Psil0Cybinim not sure if i caught the problem04:51
Psil0Cybinor not04:51
TJ-pleanbean: OK... usually, the blinking cursor tells us that the firmware/BIOS hands over to GRUB, but then GRUB can't find the stage 1.5 files (for EFI that's the EFI boot 0xEF00 partition)04:51
aliuli cant open software center04:51
aliulin xubuntu 13.0404:51
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TJ-Psil0Cybin: You star! :D  "00:31:19 TheHive NetworkManager[984]: <info> WiFi now disabled by radio killswitch"04:51
Psil0Cybinno nono04:52
Psil0Cybinthat was me turning it off04:52
Psil0Cybinand on04:52
Psil0Cybinto get it working again04:52
FloodBot1Psil0Cybin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:52
Psil0Cybinkeep reading04:52
pleanbeanTJ- Ok. Where should I go from here?04:52
TJ-Psil0Cybin: Oh fooey!04:52
Psil0Cybini think at the bottom i get errors..04:52
kingnick42Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit, my wireless speeds fluctuate really really wildly, and drop out every so often, requiring to forget then reconnect to the network to pick it up again.04:52
TJ-pleanbean: I'm going to have you use the LiveISO to manually mount the installed system and then chroot into it to inspect it04:52
kingnick42Other devices right next to my laptop, over the same connection? Rock stable. My wireless card is an Intel Centrino N-1000, any ideas?04:53
pleanbeanTJ0- Lets do it04:53
Psil0CybinTJ-: /var/log/syslog:Oct  2 00:43:01 TheHive NetworkManager[984]: <info> Unmanaged Device found; state CONNECTED forced. (see http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/191889) ?04:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 191889 in USB ADSL Modem Manager "[MASTER] [WORKAROUND] "Offline Mode" feature fails to detect proper online state for networks that are managed outside of network manager." [Undecided,New]04:54
TJ-Psil0Cybin: The WifI kill switch at 00:21:19 ... you did that as soon as it lost connectivity?04:55
Psil0CybinTJ-: http://pastebin.com/2wbL11MX04:55
TJ-pleanbean: OK ... open a terminal04:55
Psil0Cybinhere is the updaed one it just happend again04:55
Psil0Cybinso look @ the very bottom04:55
Psil0Cybinif it says kill switch again then that was not me04:55
Psil0Cybinit happend around 55-5804:55
pleanbeanTJ- yep….04:56
Psil0CybinTJ-: it looks like it just disconncets and reconnects?04:56
Psil0Cybinon its own? like im confused04:56
Psil0Cybinit keeps repeating the fact that its activating and connecting04:56
Psil0Cybinand finds my ip04:56
lotuspsychjekingnick42: what chipset you haveN04:56
kingnick42lotuspsychje, its an Intel i5m, sandy bridge.04:57
kingnick42Wirless card is an Intel Centrino N-100004:57
TJ-Psil0Cybin: This is what you need to follow up, too, as well as that bug: "00:43:01 TheHive NetworkManager[984]: <info> radio killswitch /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.0/0000:02:00.0/ieee80211/phy0/rfkill2 disappeared"04:57
lotuspsychjekingnick42: anything unusual in /var/log/syslog.1 about wlan?04:58
TJ-pleanbean: reinstall the tools from earlier: "sudo apt-get install gdisk"04:58
Psil0CybinTJ i cant find anything on <info> radio killswitch /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.0/0000:02:00.0/ieee80211/phy0/rfkill2 disappeared"04:59
Psil0CybinWell the bug that was talked about above, does not affect me05:00
Psil0Cybineven tho it showed up in the logs05:00
pleanbeanTJ-: got gdisk05:00
TJ-pleanbean: OK let's becom root to dispense with 'sudo' for every command. "sudo -i"05:01
kingnick42lotuspsychje, can I upload it to dropbox then give you the link?05:01
TJ-pleanbean: Then, "mkdir /target"05:01
lotuspsychje!paste | kingnick4205:01
ubottukingnick42: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:01
TJ-pleanbean: oh, I forgot "apt-get install pastebinit"05:01
kingnick42lotuspsychje, ubottu, too long for a pastebin :) - I'll dropbox it :)05:02
pleanbeanTJ-: Yep.05:02
TJ-pleanbean: then "ls /dev/mapper/ | pastebinit"05:03
A1ReconThe system won't start now! Its stuck in the "Ubuntu loading screen"...it now in one of those black terminal screens and it says The PostgreSQL server failed to start.Please check the log output.05:03
A1ReconI was running a Ubuntu 13.04 / Win 7 dual boot.05:03
kingnick42lotuspsychje,  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40295295/syslog.105:04
TJ-pleanbean: "mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /target"05:05
TJ-pleanbean: then "pastebinit /target/etc/fstab"05:06
lotuspsychjekingnick42: do you have wireless N enabled in router?05:07
TJ-pleanbean: "mount /dev/sda2 /target/boot" then "mount /dev/sda1 /target/boot/efi"05:08
kingnick42lotuspsychje, pretty sure05:08
kingnick42Haven't had wireless issues with the other distros I've had05:08
lotuspsychjekingnick42: you might wanna try to disable just for test on this wifi card05:08
lotuspsychjekingnick42: not sure if this is your case05:09
kingnick42lotuspsychje, so disable wireless N? Wouldn't that reduce my speed?05:09
TJ-pleanbean: Then "mount -t proc proc /target/proc"  then "mount -t sysfs sysfs /target/sys" then "mount -t devtmpfs udev /target/dev"05:09
TJ-pleanbean: To check everything: "mount | pastebinit"05:09
lotuspsychjekingnick42: its just to test out behaviour of your intel wifi card05:09
lotuspsychjekingnick42: re-enable if it doesnt stable your wifi connection05:10
kingnick42lotuspsychje, ok I'm disabling it now05:11
TJ-pleanbean: You made a typo ("udex" instead of "udev"), we best correct it in case it affects things. "umount /target/dev" then "mount -t devtmpfs udev /target/dev"05:13
bateeeHello, could someone please guide me to find a guideline for recommended settings for ubuntu server security audit configuration. I need to find out a standard set of rules that can be configured with auditing facility of ubuntu05:15
TJ-pleanbean: Good. Now lets change-root nto those mounts so we're in the actual installed environment and can change it. "chroot /target"05:15
wilee-nileebateee, You might ask in #ubuntu-server05:15
Braden`Which package is good to analyze traffic from apache logs?05:16
pleanbeanTJ-: k05:16
TJ-pleanbean: Let's ensure it has network connectivity in case we need to install packages, or pastebinit. "ping -nc 5 ubuntu.com"05:16
pleanbeanunknown host ubuntu.com05:16
bateeewilee-nilee, thanks.05:16
TJ-pleanbean: Ahhh!05:17
wilee-nileeno problem bateee05:17
jmgkhey wilee-nilee05:17
TJ-pleanbean: OK. Type "exit" to return to the liveISO environment05:17
A1ReconHow do I delete a folder which has a small lock icon on it? It says in Properties>Permissions "Owner: root. Access: Create and delete files". It also says "You are not the owner, so you cannot change these permissions."05:17
pleanbeanOk exited05:17
wilee-nileeA1Recon, gksudo nautilus if that t=is the file manager]05:17
TJ-pleanbean: Then lets check for a resolver. does this command show any output? "cat /target/etc/resolv.conf"05:18
kingnick42lotuspsychje, N mode is disabled05:18
pleanbeanNo output05:18
TJ-pleanbean: OK... "mount --bind /etc/resolv.conf /target/etc/resolv.conf" then back into the target "chroot /target" and check again "ping -nc 5 ubuntu.com"05:21
A1ReconWilee-nilee Thanks!05:21
zykotick9TJ-: why not copy the file to the chroot?05:22
TJ-zykotick9: because the host can change it dynamically, which might result in it becoming stale05:23
TJ-pleanbean: OK, "apt-get install gdisk pastebinit"05:23
zykotick9TJ-: i suppose, i actually can't believe that "mount --bind ..." worked like that - rather cool actually.05:24
r10101hello guys I want to report a bug05:24
zykotick9!bug | r1010105:24
ubottur10101: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.05:24
kingnick42lotuspsychje, what am I looking for now?05:25
r10101Im a newby in linux I type the command on terminal right?05:25
pleanbeanTJ- Ok..05:25
zykotick9r10101: sidenote = either replace linux with ubuntu, OR use gnu/linux ;)05:26
TJ-pleanbean: Now lets do some work. "update-grub 2>&1 | tee /tmp/ug.log; pastebinit /tmp/ug.log"05:26
TJ-pleanbean: And there's the error.05:29
TJ-pleanbean: "pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg"05:29
r10101ubottu: I read the info but Im not quite sure is an abuntu problem or flash player problem the thing is that many many times youtube videos doesn't charge the audio and they are terrible slow in charging  so this an abuntu or flash player or youtube thing?05:29
ubottur10101: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:29
r10101lol a robot answered me05:30
lotuspsychjekingnick42: see if your wifi is stable now?05:30
r10101any human with this problem too?05:30
Psil0CybinTJ-: http://pastebin.com/qV56QtWs05:31
lotuspsychjekingnick42: found also this: http://blog.mattgerkhardt.com/ubuntu-12-04-lts-wireless-issues-thinkpad-t410-intel-centrino-n-6200/05:31
Psil0Cybini think i caught it again but this time its different05:31
r10101any way I think I have done my work here its a bit annoying have to restart the pc any time this happen with youtube videos05:32
TJ-pleanbean: "ls -al /boot/grub/* | pastebinit"05:32
lotuspsychjer10101: are you sure your video driver is installed correctly?05:33
TJ-Psil0Cybin: This looks bad: "SCPlugin-Ifupdown: devices removed (path: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.0/0000:02:00.0/net/wlan0, iface: wlan0)" ... that would be caused by the hardware disappearing or the driver failing in some way05:34
Psil0Cybinwhat would be my first step in order to fix this?05:34
Psil0Cybingo back to an older kernal till a fix05:34
=== siva is now known as Guest8333
Psil0Cybinor ?05:34
Psil0Cybinthis never used to happen >.<05:35
r10101lotuspsychje: I guess so05:35
r10101lotuspsychje: should I download it form the software center05:35
r10101let me take a look05:36
lotuspsychjer10101: ubuntu version? graphics card driver?05:36
A1ReconCan someone tell me how to make photorec look for specific type of files?05:36
Guest8333i need some help..i installed ubuntu 13.04 last week.but now when i reboot yesterday now it is not loading ubuntu..saying that you are running in low resolution graphics....what to do05:36
lotuspsychjeA1Recon: never did specific file types, mostly scans it all05:37
r10101latest, dont know card driver05:37
TJ-Psil0Cybin: I'm not sure... the sysfs device entries disappearing suggests the driver is losing sight of the hardware and tearing down the associated nodes. I'm wondering if there's something causing an actual electrical glitch that causes the driver to lose comms with the hardware... possibly an IRQ issue, for instance. It's a hard one to diagnose from afar.05:37
r10101and it appears I have installed the flash player05:37
lotuspsychjeA1Recon: will it take too long time, scanning all drive?05:37
TJ-pleanbean: Give me a few minutes, I need to read the grub.cfg carefully :)05:37
Psil0Cybinso am i best off formatting/05:37
Psil0Cybinor would this happen again if i update05:37
lotuspsychjer10101: can you play high res video's in vlc?05:37
r10101lotuspsychje:  vlc?05:38
lotuspsychjer10101: or another video player05:38
r10101oh don't know I mustly used to see youtube videos05:38
A1ReconLotuspsychje for my 600GB partition it took around 100 mins and found 180 GB of data(Not all of which I need).05:39
lotuspsychjer10101: doublecheck if you can play video's on your system05:39
r10101i can see the videos05:39
r10101lotuspsychje:  but it take a lot to charge and the sounds doesn't work05:39
lotuspsychjer10101: ubuntu version?05:40
TJ-Psil0Cybin: I'd be looking for the mailing-list of the developers of the ath9k module, and posting a question there. They will be able to provide specific suggestions on what to try.05:40
lotuspsychjeA1Recon: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/Add_your_own_extension_to_PhotoRec05:41
r10101sorry I tried to close firefox to see it work and nope still without sound05:42
r10101if it work05:42
kingnick42lotuspsychje, it appears to be stable05:42
Psil0CybinTJ-: sigh how come all the new linux users get such hard complicated problems >.<05:43
lotuspsychjekingnick42: ive read a few errors on wireless N and your chipset05:43
kingnick42so I should try running those two terminal commands lotuspsychje?05:43
Psil0Cybingod damn ath9k05:43
lotuspsychjekingnick42: well if its stable, i would rather not05:43
TJ-pleanbean: OK, "grub-mkdevicemap -n" then "pastebinit /boot/grub/device.map"05:43
r10101i hate to change os just to see a video05:43
lotuspsychjer10101: did you check other browser if you have same issue on youtube?05:44
kingnick42lotuspsychje, but this means I miss out on N speed?05:44
r10101 ]:(05:44
TJ-Psil0Cybin: You're not alone from all the postings I found whilst researching it, that AR9285 seems very poorly supported. Blame Atheros!05:44
lotuspsychjekingnick42: yes05:44
r10101other browser?05:44
lotuspsychjekingnick42: you might wanna try re-enable and do those terminal commands05:45
r10101firefox is the official one on ubuntu right does it have other browser intalled?05:45
Psil0CybinBahhh then why did this work before, its like a taunt...lol now it works now it does not, >.< was it an update that caused this? I am soooooo mind blown like no joke two weeks ago i would have never thought this would happen05:45
lotuspsychjer10101: google chrome example05:45
r10101so probably is an issue of firefox?05:45
Psil0Cybini love linux05:45
Psil0Cybinbut i also love wifi :(05:45
TJ-Psil0Cybin: What was "before" and what did you do to create "after" ?05:45
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:46
kingnick42lotuspsychje, I05:47
kingnick42*I'll try that, thanks05:47
Psil0CybinTJ-: All i did after was install samba!! lol which i know could never cause this!! But!! next question i JUST tethered my phone and I WAS ABLE To have internet perfectly fine, same with download files05:47
Psil0Cybinso its only MY ONE home network05:47
TJ-Psil0Cybin: In which case... mess with your Wireless router, not with your PC!05:48
TJ-Psil0Cybin: Have you made any changes to that router's config since "before"? If so, investigate them. Have you tried powering off the router, giving it a minute, and bringing it back?05:49
Psil0Cybinno not at all05:49
Psil0Cybini am so confused05:49
Psil0Cybinand no one else has05:49
Psil0Cybinhow can i remove all samba configs?\05:50
Psil0Cybinsudo apt-get purge?05:50
xmetaltry router rooter ?05:50
TJ-pleanbean: Is the Gigaware USB device the key you're booting the liveISO from?05:50
r10101well google chrome doesn't appear on the repostories or that thing05:50
* xmetal hates himself for that joke05:50
pleanbeanYep, it is05:50
TJ-pleanbean: OK, lets retry that command again now.05:51
TJ-pleanbean:  "update-grub 2>&1 | tee /tmp/ug.log; pastebinit /tmp/ug.log"05:51
r10101I'm removing the flash plug in and later to reinstall probably that will work05:51
Territoriojoveni need help.05:52
Territoriojoveni can't get into the sudoers group05:52
r10101territorio joven a poco hay viejos05:52
Territoriojoveni already edited it with visudo but it is not working05:52
TJ-pleanbean: Hmmm, not sure why its failing on that. Let's go the other way. "grub-install /dev/sda"05:57
Dr_WillisTerritoriojoven:  tell the channel exactly what you did.05:57
pleanbeanTJ-: Done05:58
TJ-pleanbean: and now try again: "update-grub 2>&1 | tee /tmp/ug.log; pastebinit /tmp/ug.log"05:58
pleanbeanTJ-: 618264505:58
TJ-pleanbean: Now this is getting annoying!05:59
pleanbeanTJ-: Why does GRUB need to be on sdb?05:59
TJ-pleanbean: "gdisk -l /dev/sdb | pastebinit"05:59
TJ-pleanbean: It doesn't need to be on it, it's got confused I think06:00
TJ-pleanbean: "gdisk -l /dev/sda | pastebinit"06:01
Territoriojovendr_willis: i was trying to change my username so i moved everything from home and tried to pass permissions and that, but i think it didn't worked so now i have this user with no admin powers.06:02
TJ-pleanbean: "fdisk -l /dev/sdb | pastebinit"06:02
Territoriojoveni can still access to root06:02
Dr_WillisTerritoriojoven:  i would have just made a new user. gave them sudo rights, then copied files over.  no real need to 'change' the username. just change the user.06:04
TJ-pleanbean: Ouch, that's not looking correct! That's an 8GB USB flash storage device, isn't it?06:04
Territoriojoventhat's what i tried06:04
Dr_WillisTerritoriojoven:  i think the user just needs to be in the adm group. what ubuntu release are you using?06:04
Guest8333how to solve ubuntu showing error msg running in low resolution06:05
Territoriojovenlubuntu 12.0406:05
Dr_Williswhat does the groups command say for the user in question?06:05
Dr_Willisexample here ->   adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare06:05
Territoriojovenadm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape sudo audio dip video plugdev fuse lpadmin netdev sambashare06:06
pleanbeanTJ- Yeah it is06:07
Dr_WillisTerritoriojoven:  with the default /etc/sudoers file - any user in adm should have sudo rights.  You did logout/back in after changeing the users group?06:07
hadifarnoudhow can I install apt package from cd?06:08
TJ-pleanbean: I think I have an explanation but it beats me how its happened, its so weird!06:09
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  what cd?06:09
hadifarnoudsorry i disconnected. did i miss any answer?06:11
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  what cd?06:11
zykotick9Territoriojoven: you aren't in the sudo group?!06:11
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: ubuntu cd06:11
Territoriojoveni was kicked out06:11
hadifarnoudpackage is unity, so it should be there06:11
Territoriojovenmy system is gon' crazy06:11
TJ-Plasmastar: That USB device has a very weird partition configuration, which according to gdisk is MBR-only (no GPT), but fdisk displays some unexpected details for partition 1, and strange type for partition 2. I *think* that partition 1 starting at sector 0 (which is supposed to be the master boot record and partition table) is causing grub-probe to fail as we see. I suspect that grub-probe also failed silently during the install, which results in an incomplete g06:11
TJ-rub installation, but for some reason the installer didn't detect the error, and carried on as if nothing was amiss06:11
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  i dont think you just install packages from the desktop cd. its not set to work as a repository.06:11
TJ-oh darn - autocomplete failure... that was for pleanbean06:12
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  what packages are you trying to instgall anyway?06:12
bazhang!aptoncd | hadifarnoud06:12
ubottuhadifarnoud: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline06:12
hadifarnoudback in a day it was. Dr_Willis Unity. I uninstalled it so I can't login06:12
pleanbeanTJ- So is there a fix?06:13
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  i recall the alternative cd working that way. but there is no longer an alternative cd i think.06:13
TJ-pleanbean: So, my thinking is, we need a way to prevent update-grub's call to grub-probe failing. Right now, I'm not sure how.06:13
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  login at the console. and renstall the stuff perhaps.06:13
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: problem is no internet mate.06:14
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: those packages must be on the CD anyway. do you know where?06:14
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  they dont have to be as far as i know. That would double the size of the cd i imagine.06:14
TJ-pleanbean: Easiest solution would be to recreate the USB key. I'm even considering whether you could simply remove it since you're in the chroot right now. It could cause the whole thing to freeze or fail, but it might stay sane long enough to do "update-grub" without the USB device interferring06:15
Dr_Willislook on the cd and see..   ls -R  /media/cdrom | grep deb   perhaps06:15
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  so has that pc ever been on the internet and updateed/upgraded?06:15
Psil0Cybinokay TJ- stinks lots of ppl having same problem no one has a fix06:15
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: once06:15
Psil0Cybini guess ill wait06:15
hadifarnoudI hate unity. it's utter crap06:16
TJ-pleanbean: If you're game to try that, you'd get the commands ready at the command-line, then pull out the USB, and hit Return to have the commands run... what do you think?06:16
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  its possible the versions of other packages have changed and it may not want the older versions that might be on the cd also.06:16
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  keep focused on the problem. we dont really care about rants against unity06:16
pleanbeanTJ- Give me like 5 minutes06:17
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  that apt-on-cd tool may be the easiest way to get stuff reinstalled.06:17
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: since I removed it already, can I get gnome on a usb?06:17
Dr_Willisunless you can get it networked.06:17
hadifarnoudor cd06:17
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  unity uses gnome. Ubuntu comes with gnome306:17
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  ubuntu-gnome uses the gnome3+gnomeshell by default06:17
TJ-pleanbean: OK... I need a mug of tea!06:18
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: hmm, so perhaps I can fix this without reinstalling unity?06:18
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  you can always install other window managers and desktops - if you had networking - it would be trivial06:18
geektech713what kind system are you on? how old is it?06:18
geektech713if you can get networking on ubuntu?06:18
Dr_Willisbut by removeing 'unity' you may have removed a lot of other things as well06:18
hadifarnoudmade sure I just removed unity Dr_Willis06:19
Dr_Willisbut what about eerything that unity depends on? and other support tools.06:19
Dr_Willisyou could startx and habve it just run a xterm ;) if you wanted to06:19
Dr_Willisbut with no window manager..  you wont get much done.06:20
Dr_Willisif you got another ubuntu pc - that apt-on-cd would be the easiest way to get a desktop going.  you can use a usb flash drive with it i recall06:20
Dr_Willisor you could use a live cd. and apt-on-cd from it to download the packages to your hard drive06:21
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: I get Failed to load session "ubuntu". do you know how can I fix it without getting Unity? I don't know what I need06:21
pleanbeanTJ- I need to smoke a bowl haha06:21
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline06:22
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:   so it has NO networking ability at all?06:22
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: it can be networked to other PCs one of which has internet06:22
Dr_Willisso do that and then you can just apt-get install whatever it is you want06:23
Dr_Willisis the other pc running ubuntu?06:23
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
hadifarnoudI can get .deb packages from apt cache. right Dr_Willis?06:25
Dr_Willisyou can use  that apt-on cd tool to have it download stuff you then copy other to the other pc and install. or network the 2 and  let the pc download the packages directly06:25
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  thats where apt-on-cd gets them from. yes06:25
Dr_Willisyou can set up apt-cacher-ng on the connected pc. and let it serve as an repository cache ifyou wanted to06:26
hadifarnoudI guess I have to install unity and remove it another way Dr_Willis06:26
Dr_Willisyou dont have to install unity.06:26
Dr_WillisYou can install whatever window manager or desktop you want06:26
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: what do I need then?06:26
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  WHAT desktop do you want?06:26
TJ-pleanbean: I need to get a few hours sleep (07:30 here already!) ... if you are game to give it a go, queue these commands in the terminal, then remove the USB device, give it 10 seconds to 'disappear' and then hit Return and hope! If/after the commands complete, plug the USB back in. "grub-install /dev/sda && update-grub && sync"06:27
Dr_Willisgnome3 is in the default ubuntu repos and included by default.06:27
Dr_Willisgnome-shell is in the repos also06:27
hadifarnoudso, I just get gnome3 then06:27
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.06:27
Dr_Willisunity runs on top of gnome3 - its a plugin for compiz06:28
Dr_Willisgnome-shell is a shell for gnome3 - it dosent use unity06:28
Dr_Willisi mean compiz ;)06:28
Dr_Willis!info gnome-shell06:28
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version (raring), package size 269 kB, installed size 932 kB06:28
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: I'm confused. Gnome is installed then. why doesn't it boot then? How can I find out what packages I removed along with Unity?06:29
Dr_Willis!info ubuntu-gnome-desktop06:29
ubottuubuntu-gnome-desktop (source: ubuntu-gnome-meta): The Ubuntu GNOME metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 26 kB06:29
pleanbeanTJ- OK one secod06:29
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  you removed the window manager.06:29
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  and you have no alternative installed to replace the window manager06:29
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: gnome-shell is the window manager. right?06:29
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  install the ubuntu-gnome-desktop meta package ti install all of the gnome-desktop06:30
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  gnome-shell is a SHELL for gnome-3 it uses some app for the window manager (that is not compiz)06:30
hadifarnoudgot it06:30
hadifarnoudthanks Dr_Willis06:31
Dr_Willisi forget wht window manager gnome-shell-desktop uses.. mutter perhaps?  you rarely run that by itself06:31
Dr_Willisif you are going to play with the differnt desktops - its a good idea to install some very simple fallback window manager like  'jwm'  just in case you break the others06:32
pleanbeanTJ- Done.06:32
grahamsavagehmm i'm trying to use pureftpd.. every put and get request i get permission denied06:32
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grahamsavagethe directory is owned by ftpuser:ftpgroup06:33
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  and there wa no need to remove unity at all. you could have just installed a idffernt desktop and selected it at the login screen06:33
grahamsavage770.. any idea what i've done wrong? i'm following the guide here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-213266.html06:33
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: did not know that06:33
TJ-pleanbean: Did you see that "grub-probe" error report that time?06:33
pleanbeanTJ- Nope06:33
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: I remember it was this way long time ago. didn't know I can still do that06:33
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  you can insgtall all the dektops if you wanted to. and test them all out.06:34
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  its not changed at all06:34
TJ-pleanbean: Yay! lets hope that might have solved it... reboot and see. Hopefully I can go to bed happy !06:34
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: cool06:34
Dr_Willislogin screen has a gear icon to select what desktop.. you DID look there to see if ther ewas some other desktops you could select?06:34
TJ-pleanbean: "exit" then "reboot"06:34
Dr_Willisthere might be some other options then unity allready on your system06:34
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: I don't have a gear. it's an ubuntu icon. when I click, it's just ubuntu on the list06:35
Dr_Willishadifarnoud:  you just got the one desktop entry then it seems06:35
Dr_Willisi have about 15 items on my list. ;)06:36
hadifarnoudDr_Willis: haha. that seems like a lot06:36
pleanbeanTJ- I pressed the reboot button on my tower, and now I'm back at the blinking cursor...06:37
TJ-pleanbean: Oh..... fooey! So there's something else going on, too :(   I'm too tired to continue I'm afraid, you'll have to find someone else if you want to continue. You might point them to the IRC logs of this channel and suggest they grep it for yours and my nicknames to follow what we've discovered and done.06:38
TJ-pleanbean: When you reboot it, are there *any* other USB devices of any kind connected?06:39
pleanbeanTJ-: Theres no way we could chat again tomorrow? My keyboard and mouse sensor are USB06:40
TJ-pleanbean: And, is there a CD/DVD drive and if so, is there anything in it? I want to be sure there isn't some stray media that is being tried before the HDD and failing.06:40
Guest8333how to connect internet in recovery mode06:40
TJ-pleanbean: keyboard and mouse are fine... I've had people catch me out with this issue, finding out later they've left an external storage device plugged into USB, or to Firewire, etc.06:40
pleanbeanTJ-: Theres nothing in the CD/DVD drive, no06:40
TJ-pleanbean: I won't be back here for at least 24 hours now.06:41
pleanbeanTJ-: Bummer.06:41
xmetalthe last cd in this spindle is bent06:42
TJ-pleanbean: There's one thing you could try yourself. I said earlier that the partitioning on that USB stick looks *bad* - partition 1 should *never* start at sector 0... You could try re-creating that stick cleanly and ensuring it has a decent partition table, and then reinstall from it again. That *may* help, *if* the grub-probe issue is the cause and not just something else.06:43
pleanbeanTJ-: What if I use a different USB stick?06:43
TJ-pleanbean: This is the one that looks bad: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6182654/06:43
geektech713pendrivelinux works06:44
geektech713just boot from USB thumb drive06:44
TJ-pleanbean: Yes, anything, as long as it has a valid partition table on it. You can get folks here to double-check that for you by using "fdisk -l $DEVICE" or "gdisk -l $DEVICE" as we did earlier06:44
geektech713just a program do it for ya06:45
pleanbeanHow do I link people to the chat transcripts?06:45
TJ-pleanbean: It's a weird one and I'd love to know the cause and the solution ... it ought to have a bug report all to itself06:45
pleanbeanTJ-: Glad I found you though, I've been at this by myself for the past two nights06:45
TJ-pleanbean: IRC logs  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/10/02/06:46
pleanbeanWow awesome06:47
pleanbeanI'm going to make a new bootable USB and try installing that06:47
TJ-pleanbean: Now we know there might be something upsetting grub, we ought to be looking at the installer log files (in /var/log/installer/ I think) of the liveISO environment when it has finished... we might find some indications there of problems06:47
TJ-pleanbean: OK ... please leave me a message via memserv on here if that solves it06:47
pleanbeanOk how do I use memserv?06:48
Dr_Willispleanbean:  if you have more then one usb flash drive. you can try installing (a normal full install ) to a 2nd flash drive and see if that works/boots properly.06:48
pleanbeanOk I'll do that06:48
TJ-pleanbean: "/msg memoserv help"06:48
Dr_Willisit would be an interesting point - if it worked. or if it failed on that pc.. but booted  correctly on a differnt pc.06:48
TJ-Dr_Willis: I wondered that but it seems parts of GRUB are missing, but the installer hasn't realised06:49
pleanbeanThen it would be a BIOS problem?06:49
Dr_Willishe could even do the usb to usb install on a 2nd pc.. and try it out on this pc.06:49
TJ-pleanbean: There's no harm testing that out though, we ought to know for sure. That's one more way of narrowing down the possibilities06:49
Dr_Willisas a test06:50
TJ-Dr_Willis: yes, I agree.06:50
Dr_Willisif the usb install did work. ;) he could image it to his problem pc/hd.    (but thats getting a little weird in ways)06:50
TJ-Dr_Willis: pleanbean Could even do it with a virtual machine06:50
pleanbeanI'm getting a No root file system is defined06:50
TJ-pleanbean: Where are you getting that?06:50
pleanbeanThe Installer06:51
Dr_Willisyou tell the installer what partion to use for /   (thats the root filesystem)06:51
Dr_Willisthe pulldown items should list possible mountpoints,   /   /boot /home   and so forth06:51
Dr_Willisyou need at a minimum   a /    and swap06:51
Dr_Willisand be sure to tell the installer to put grub on the MBR of the USB flash drive you are installing to.. sometimes it gets confused06:53
pleanbeanDid that06:53
TJ-pleanbean: Are you still using the Gigaware 8GB USB stick as the install source?06:54
TJ-pleanbean: And you're installing to another USB, or to the HDD again?06:55
pleanbeanAnother USB06:55
TJ-pleanbean: gotchya06:55
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WobboAfter a while, 4/5 month, 13.04 is getting slow, very slow. Starting up en logging in is no problem. But then, stuff like Nautilus, Chrome and the systemsetting CMS i s sloff. I have a Intel i5 Core, 8gig ram, Ubuntu 13.04 64b....06:56
Wobbo Any tips?06:56
aeon-ltdWobbo: what are you running now that's different?06:59
* Dr_Willis wonders if theres a 12+gb log file on Wobbo 's system ;)07:03
Dr_Willishad that happen once07:03
FuzzlesCan someone hlep me i installed steam and downloaded a game but when i run it nothing happens?07:03
aeon-ltdFuzzles: run steam in terminal check for errors07:03
Dr_WillisFuzzles:  you mean the native linux steam client? or the windows steam client?07:03
FuzzlesDr_Willis, native07:04
Lackothe game might not be compatible07:04
Fuzzlesaeon-ltd, how do i do that07:04
Lackobetter call saul07:04
aeon-ltdFuzzles: literally open a terminal type steam and press enter07:04
Dr_Willisclose any running steam client first :)07:04
geektech713or just click on the icon07:06
FuzzlesLacko, its a linux native game07:06
FuzzlesLacko, if its native it should work07:06
Fuzzlesi got to go ill be back later07:06
aeon-ltdFuzzles: how old is this pc? if it's pretty old it's gpu probably doesn't support the version of opengl needed to run the game07:06
LackoOh, I didn't see that07:06
Calinouaeon-ltd: lspci | grep VGA07:08
Calinoutells graphics card :P07:08
Calinoubut Fuzzles left :(07:08
aeon-ltdfuzzles is gone man07:08
CalinouI know07:09
hadifarnoudhow can I find a file in terminal? ls -R | grep offline.deb does not give me the path07:12
TJ-hadifarnoud: "find $SOME_BASE_DIR -iname '*some_part_of_name*'  "07:12
hadifarnoudcheers TJ-07:13
BReonhei i need help for my ubuntu new 13.10 will be realease when?07:18
BReoni mean the new ubuntu07:18
aeon-ltdthis month07:18
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for more BReon07:18
bazhang!saucy | BReon07:20
ubottuBReon: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.07:20
bazhangBReon, /join #ubuntu+107:20
BReonwhat? 17 of the october? i'm really wana try now07:21
aeon-ltdBReon: there are betas, but really to try now would be pointless07:22
aeon-ltdBReon: unless you're planning not to upgrade, or really can't wait07:23
gulag2013I got burned to many times with all the betas. Sticking with 12.04.3, uless they do something amazing with Dash.07:24
wilee-nileegulag2013, Heh, never had a problem myself with any release really since dapper07:25
aeon-ltdwilee-nilee: are you on the same install since dapper?07:26
piquadrat_Hi. I have a problem with my external screen on a Dell XPS 12 Developer Edition, with Ubuntu 13.04. It worked without a hitch for months, until this morning when I plugged it in. Nothing happens. Any ideas?07:27
gulag2013It could just be my cheap Acer aspire. Its picky, back to 12.04.07:27
Wobboaeon-ltd, I am running nothing. When I start the PC, Ubuntu is running, login, I click on Nautilus, end then i have to what.... 2, 3 of 4 min.. Then Nautilus is visible, but it gray for about 2, 3 min.07:27
A1ReconI am running Ubuntu13.04/Win7 dual boot. I want to remove Win7 and Ubuntu 13.04 and do a fresh install of Ubuntu(and remove Win7 forever). Also I want to add the space that Win 7 is using into the Ubuntu partition.07:28
aeon-ltdWobbo: wow that was a late reply07:28
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aeon-ltdWobbo: watch a activity monitor when you click nautilus, see if the cpu is maxing out. unless the hdd is making a lot noise then it may be writing to a swap file, you can reduce hdd writes by reducing a swappiness value07:29
wilee-nileeaeon-ltd, No all fresh installs07:30
gulag2013Yep, I would really think twice before removing the Windows Partition, you just don't know what proprietary software you will need to run in the future.  Hmm, well you could Virtual box a vm, but I think that is slow.07:30
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=== leprechaun is now known as ese
Paulus68_1are de drivers for creative labs sb X FI by default installed in ubuntu or do we still need to install the drivers seperatly?07:31
wilee-nileeaeon-ltd,However I have only bought one new computer in that time, so older computers have been no problem with drivers...etc.07:31
A1Recongulag2013: I guess you are right! VM would be slow I guess07:31
gulag2013A1Recon, I have been there trust me I can't stand have Windows on my system, but then I get stuck having to reinstall it for something .07:33
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Dr_WillisPaulus68_1:  the x-fi cards had issues in thepast. i dont know how well they are supported now a days. test with a live cd first would be a goood idea07:34
pleanbeanDr_Willis USB didn't work07:35
Dr_Willispleanbean:  test that usb in a 2nd pc? see if it works there07:35
wilee-nileeA1Recon, As long as 13.04 is not a wubi you don't have to fresh install just expand it into the unallocated space.07:35
pleanbeanI don't have a second USB unfortunately07:35
gulag2013Wilee, have any links on the expanding topic. I have yet to try that. ?07:37
A1Reconwilee-nilee: My Ubuntu 13.04 is damaged.(Thanks to my ULTRA-dumb cousin.)07:37
wilee-nileegulag2013, My acer aspire a205 has run everything since 10.04 with no problems.07:37
wilee-nileerunning raring right now07:37
wilee-nileeA1Recon, You might clone the next install for such occasions.07:38
gulag2013Wilee what's it got for a cpu? Not familiar with your acer. I love the size of my netbook. They don't make them this size anymore.07:39
Paulus68_1Dr_Willis ok will do07:39
Dr_Willison an EEEpc right now. ;)07:39
A1Reconwilee-nilee: Hey how hard will it be for me to Upgrade from 13.04 to the next version when it releases?07:39
Dr_WillisA1Recon:  do-release-upgrade    and it will do it07:40
gulag2013I miss my Asus EEpc with the Atom, fond memories Dr_Willis07:40
wilee-nileegulag2013, Atom N270, doh i's a d250 an early one.07:40
Dr_Willisgulag2013:  i dont miss this taking hr+ to reencode a video that takes my desktop pc 4 min.   ;)07:41
wilee-nileeA1Recon, I never upgrade, but many do with no problems I hear.07:41
A1Reconwilee-nilee: One more question.... If you had to choose between a Nexus 2013 Tablet and a Netbook. And you work with Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Electronics what would you choose...07:41
A1Recona Netbook running Ubuntu07:42
Dr_WillisA1Recon:  a pc is more flexiable07:42
gulag2013Ha ha, no they suck for trans-coding07:42
Dr_WillisA1Recon:  i alleady own all 3. :) a pi, netbook, and tablet07:42
wilee-nileeA1Recon, I have run ubuntu on that acer aspire d50 with no problems, maxed the ram to 2 gigs though, I'm not familiar with those you mention is all.07:43
wilee-nileethe aspire is just a backup now thoug07:43
Psil0Cybinhey TJ- i do not understand is there no fix for this07:44
Psil0Cybinhey guys07:44
Psil0Cybinim having a problem with my wifi on 12.04 ubuntu, keeps dropping connection07:44
Psil0Cybinusing ath9k07:44
gulag2013I thought of adding more ram. 2 gigs and Firefox is still very slow to open.07:44
Dr_Willisgulag2013:  ssd drive ;)07:45
gulag2013Yes I do.07:45
wilee-nileeI would put my ssd in the acer if my dualcore toshiba went south, yeah ssd is nice07:45
Dr_Willisremove one boottle neck get hit by the next bottleneck07:45
gulag2013Samsug 830, I wonder if the ram would have been the better choice, not to say I'm unhappy the ssd can go in something else.07:46
Dr_Willisff runs ok here -  but the drive in this eeepc is way slow07:48
gulag2013what is a good drive speed on magnetic is it 7200 +07:48
wilee-nileemy toshiba is listed as 2 gigs ram max and 32 bit but is actually 3 gigs and 64 bit, all stock but for the extra ram an ssd07:49
eHAPPYgulag2013 for 2.5"? around 80MB/s07:49
gulag2013Read speeds? 80? Wow I never tested one.07:52
lucidohello, what's the current way to execute a command as root when a particular user logs in to his desktop session?07:52
Dr_Willislucido:  a script in their ~/.config/autostart/  directory is one way07:52
lucidoDr_Willis, I need it to be executed as root07:53
Dr_Willisso use sudo/gksudo in the script07:53
lucidoDr_Willis, but then it will ask for the password?07:53
Dr_Williswhat do you need ran exactly?07:54
Dr_Willislucido:  not if you configure  /etc/sudoers correctly07:54
lucidoDr_Willis, sudo nvclock -n 630 -m 610 -f07:54
lucidoDr_Willis, of course, thanks07:54
Dr_Willisand that command does what lucido ?07:54
lucidoDr_Willis, overclocks the video card07:55
Dr_Willisyou dont want lightdm doing it  befor they login?07:55
Dr_Willisyou could also set the suid bit on the command. but thats not as secure07:55
lucidoDr_Willis, point is I only want it done if a particular user logs in to the graphical env07:55
lucidoDr_Willis, no suid I dont like that07:56
Dr_Willissudo & sudoers then.07:56
Wobboaeon-ltd, I'm back. :-P  Nothing is running above 10% CPU and only for about 10sec., "compiz", "gnome-system-monitor".07:56
gribouillehow can I disable binfmt_misc?07:56
Wobboaeon-ltd, can Ubuntu-One case the problem?07:58
NeoKarnagribouille,  why do you want to disable it ?08:00
gribouilleNeoKarna, because I don't need it08:01
Wobboaeon-ltd, My Internet-speed can't be the problem, last check: 2ms down 167,5Mbit/sec and 162,3 up...08:01
NeoKarnagribouille,  you don't use Wine ?08:04
gribouilleNeoKarna, no08:04
WobboAny tips? 'AMD Catalyst Control Center (Administrative)' won't work. I am using 'amdxdg-su -c amdcccle' true terminal, then i get a new terminal minal asking for my password. Then it doesn't matter if I put a richt password or not, that terminal wont show any AMD Catalyst...08:06
Wobbo I have used the logical way, 'sudo amdcccle' but that won't save any installations or anything.08:06
Dr_Willisyou nuse gksudo for gui apps needing to run as root - in most cases08:09
grahamsavagehow can i check if a particular user has access to a file?08:10
Dr_Willisi thought amdccle would save the settings/chanes to the users home if ran as a user. this allowes each user to have their own settings08:10
Dr_Willisgrahamsavage:  you mean in a bash script?08:11
grahamsavageDr_Willis: yeah08:11
Dr_Willisyou may want to ask in #bash  i imagine theres a proper way to do it08:12
aumhelp - how to get ubuntu 12.04 working with broadcom bcm4401-b0 LAN driver?08:12
grahamsavagei'm trying to solve pure-ftpd problems, i can't write or read files08:12
grahamsavageand i've got no idea why08:12
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:13
NeoKarnagribouille,  you can disable a kernel module until next boot08:13
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aumDr_Willis, I don't want wifi, just wired LAN08:13
Dr_Willisaum:  i cant recall seeing any wired network cards that dident just work outof the box. at least not in the l;ast few years08:14
aumDr_Willis, google is full of cases of 12.04 not working with broadcom BCM4401-B108:14
NeoKarnagribouille,  here's how you can do that http://askubuntu.com/questions/317230/how-can-i-temporarily-disable-a-kernel-module08:15
Dr_Willisaum:  checked askubuntu.com for any known work arounds?08:15
aumthere is a b44 driver, but modprobe hangs when trying to install it08:15
wilee-nileeaum, http://askubuntu.com/questions/324898/no-wired-or-wireless-networking-available-on-ubuntu-12-04-wired-work-from-liveu08:16
arshavini ve installed ffmpeg and mplayer from source,but into in /usr/bin directory,but when i want to install something from apt-get that depends on these two,apt-get wants to doenload and install them from repo why??08:16
Dr_Willisarshavin:  because apt dosent know the files are there. it justknows whats the apt system installs08:17
Dr_Willisyou should have made .deb packabes from the source and installed those08:17
NeoKarnagribouille,  if you want to disable for as long as you like, check this http://askubuntu.com/questions/110341/how-to-blacklist-kernel-modules08:17
arshavinDr_Willis: how do i get around it ,dont want to install them again08:18
Dr_Willisor installed to /opt/08:18
wilee-nileeaum I see numerous working uses of that broadcom on askubuntu08:18
NeoKarnagribouille,  driver=module(which is binfmt_misc in your case)08:18
arshavinDr_Willis: can you please tell why /opt is an exception?08:19
Dr_Willisarshavin:  bevayuse stuff you compile should go in  /opt/ its not an exception.08:19
Dr_Willisapt packages normally dont install stuff to /opt/ except in a few cases08:20
arshavinDr_Willis: like chrome and opera08:20
Dr_Willissome packages not from the normal repos might install to /opt/08:20
Dr_Willistheres also /usr/local thats commonly used for compiled packages but that dosent seem as common these days08:21
arshavinDr_Willis: i guess i will go for the deb package08:21
arshavinDr_Willis: wait, if i have a package install in /usr/local then will it be seen by apt-get08:22
Dr_Willisarshavin:  if you use the APT system to install .deb packages.. thats the critical part08:23
ArielX_my hostapd is not working.. connected on my android phone but not browsing08:23
Dr_Williscompiled stuff  in /usr/local will not be seen by apt..  except to perhaps cause issues. ;)08:23
gribouilleNeoKarna, ok08:24
arshavinDr_Willis: thanks for the info,I used to think that since $PATH has these directories,somehow apt-get will figure out that they exist08:24
Dr_WillisPATH is just where bash looks for commands. (or othershells)08:24
automatiki need help in removing a corrupt file, any takers?08:25
Dr_Willisautomatik:  give the  channel details08:25
arshavinDr_Willis: ok thanks, I am going to make deb packages08:26
automatikok under cd /name/location/file it gives und ls -al it gives a line of question marks08:26
Dr_Willisautomatik:  you did a fsck of the filesystem yet?08:27
automatikno it's only one file which wont delete08:27
automatikdoes it need to be done for just one file?08:28
Dr_Willisthe filesystem is currupted from what you described.. you just know of the 1 file.08:28
automatikwas deleting some old files. the drive is pretty new08:28
arshavinDr_Willis: have you any idea how i can get my DVD drive to work,it randomly reads cds but with a log of i/o errors,cant do anything with it,but my drive never reads dvds08:28
Paulus68_1is there an easy way to move the /home to a seperate drive after installing ubuntu?08:29
ArielX_my hostapd is not working.. connected on my android phone but not browsing... can anyone help.. thanks08:29
Dr_Willisarshavin:  i seem to recall that optiocal drives use 2 differnt lasers. one to read cd and one to read dvd's - sounds like one of the lasers has gone out.08:29
arshavinDr_Willis: oh thats very bad news i use sony vaio laptop,replacing it will be hard08:30
Dr_Willisarshavin:  you may want to ask in #hardware - but i think thats how they work.  I maybe thinking of burners having 2 lasers. one for reading, one for writeing. Been ages since ive messed with the drives08:30
Dr_Willisexternal usb optical drive = $35-$60 range. ;)08:30
arshavinDr_Willis: actually on windows sometimes it reads selected dvds,I hardly ever use them or use them after a long time08:31
gulag2013New to me about the two lasers. So it's not a codecs issue? It won't open dvd data discs?08:31
Dr_Willisa dvd 'data' disk woldentbe using codecs08:31
Dr_Willisyou CAN read dvd data disks? and only have issues with movies?08:31
arshavinDr_Willis: I have all the codecs installed08:32
ArielX_my hostapd is not working.. connected on my android phone but not browsing... can anyone help.. thanks08:32
Dr_Williswhat is it not reading exactly?  COmercial DVD movies? Homemade dvd data disks?08:32
arshavinDr_Willis: at the moment nothing at all08:33
=== Dave is now known as Guest64576
arshavinDr_Willis: Sense Key : Illegal Request [current] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 409608:34
Dr_Willisarshavin:  if it cant read homemade data disks - that points to some hardware issue to me. expecially if reads disk A. then later refuses to read disk A again.08:34
ArielX_interfaces settings:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6182998/08:34
arshavinDr_Willis: that is an extract from dmesg when i put cds into the tray08:35
Dr_Willisgive the optical drive a good dusting with compressed air recently?08:35
arshavinDr_Willis: not really08:35
Paulus68_1is there an easy way to move the /home to a seperate drive after installing ubuntu?08:36
arshavinDr_Willis: I can open the drive as it gets mounted and see the contents but cant copy or read anything08:36
Dr_WillisPaulus68_1:  copy it over to the new HD/partition. alter /etc/fstab to point to the new location, reboot08:36
DJones!movehome | Paulus68_108:36
ubottuPaulus68_1: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving08:37
Braden`I installed the awstats package, and it works well, but my charts are not showing up.  Does anyone have any idea?08:38
ArielX_bz@BENZINO:~$ /etc/init.d/hostapd restart08:44
ArielX_* Stopping advanced IEEE 802.11 management hostapd [ OK ]08:44
ArielX_ * Starting advanced IEEE 802.11 management hostapd                      [fail]08:45
Dr_Willischecked the log files for why ArielX_ ?08:45
ArielX_how pls08:46
Dr_Willislook at the logs in /var/log/08:46
Dr_Willisenable verbose logging for the service in question - if its not logging enough08:47
automatikDr_Willis: is there a way to use fsck to check only one file on a hard drive?08:53
asdf_Hello everybody, I'm using 12.04 and I can't move my desktop panel?08:53
automatikor folder?08:53
asdf_Tried gconf but didnt success08:53
asdf_automatik: I blame the morning here in Sweden...08:53
automatikit can happen08:54
asdf_automatik: Do you have any lust of helping me Sir? :P08:54
automatiki don't use Ubuntu08:54
automatikis a LM user08:54
Dr_Willisautomatik:  no.  - fsck checks a fileystem08:55
asdf_automatik: Thanks anyway :=)08:55
automatiki thought so, thanks08:55
Dr_Willisyou havbe no way to prove its just that one file that has the issue08:55
automatikyou could also try asking in LM but they don't normally use the defacto desktop used in Ubuntu08:55
automatikDr_Willis: yeah true08:56
asdf_automatik: LM, Linux Mint?08:56
automatikasdf_: yes08:56
asdf_automatik: Guessed so :D, I'm familiar (NAZI GRAMMAR) but LM before but that was 1-2 years ago and I'm still a noob08:56
asdf_WIll check some YT videos and see if it's any better, Unity didn't help so much...08:57
Dr_Willismint has its support channels.  ;) but once you know the core fundamentals.. the disrto dosent matter much08:57
automatikNAZI GRAMMAR ?08:57
asdf_automatik: Try type that in Google ;=)08:57
Dr_Willisits trivial to install adational desktops on ubuntu. ;)08:57
asdf_Dr_Willis: Do you know how to change the desktop panel in 12.04?08:58
Dr_Willisasdf_:  what panel are you refering to?  the left side Unity Launcher?08:58
asdf_Dr_Willis: No Sir, the "classic" one -> Start menu in Windows08:58
asdf_The long desktop panel, pic in one sec08:58
Dr_Willisi dont use the classic gnome stuff.  I dont really use 12.04 either.08:59
bonhoefferhmm. .. what keybinding do you think this is: S-Shift P08:59
asdf_Dr_Willis: Oh....08:59
asdf_Dr_Willis: Well it's google then!08:59
Dr_Willisif i want a classic desktop look -  i use Lubuntu, or xubuntu09:00
asdf_Or even LM as automatik wanted :D09:00
Dr_Willisi dont see much reason to use Mint these days. (not really seen much reason to ever use it)09:00
asdf_Dr_Willis: True, but I have tested serveral dists but haven't been stuck in any and just made a quit from Linux09:01
Dr_WillisGnome-shell 3.8+ has its own GNome-2-similer-mode - I imagine in a year or so it will be come the standard way to get a gnome2-ish desktop09:01
gulag2013Ha ha,  I seen 3.10, I'll pass on that for now.09:01
asdf_illusion: hello :D:D:09:02
illusionasdf_, hey :p09:02
asdf_illusion: You wanna have some Linux babies?09:03
snori74opps. sorry. just learning an irc client!09:03
TNTSHi, I have this problem with Ubuntu 12.04.3 where the bootscreen is always on low resolution. How do I fix it? I have an AMD Proprietary driver09:03
illusioncan you help me in http://momentvideo.org/09:03
illusionit is a free media server09:04
Dr_WillisTNTS:  you mean the Ubuntu .... loading screen? or the Grub Menu screen.. or the lightdm login screen?09:04
illusioni whant to stream a paylist video with it09:04
Dr_Willisillusion:  help you do what exactly?09:04
TNTSDr_Willis, The Ubuntu loading screen09:04
Dr_WillisTNTS:  thats plymouth and it has known issues with both the Nvidia and ATI proparity drivers.09:04
Dr_WillisTNTS:  i tend to just disable pymouth09:05
Dr_Willisthen again - my pc boots in like 15-30 sec to the desktop. so i barely even see the ubuntu .... screen09:05
TNTSDr_Willis, Should I just modify the GRUB file in /etc/default/grub?09:05
illusionokay, Dr_Willis my videos are in full HD and i wahnt to stream in HD or 480p with lower bitrate how to do this09:05
illusioni find that i have o use mod_gst/bitrate09:06
illusionbut there is no good doc explain that09:06
gulag2013Is it a know issue, is it what causes the 4:3 at startups. That plymouth thing?09:06
Dr_WillisTNTS:  thats where you set a lot of the grub settings. I tend to just set plymouth to use a text based theme.09:06
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TNTSDr_Willis, We plan on using this on a presentation on why we should move the server systems to Ubuntu and the boot screen would be a needed beauty to add09:07
Dr_WillisPlymougth dosent play nicely with the company supplied Nvidia or ati drivers. :) if that  low res screen is the only issue.. consider yourself lucky. It barely is viewable at all on many nvidia systems09:07
automatikDr_Willis: is it possible to simply run fsck /drive/sdb1 to remedy a bad file in folders and subfolders?09:07
Dr_WillisTNTS:  a server dosent need a fancy boot screen. a server needs weeks and weeks and MONTHS of uptime09:07
Dr_Willisset the server to 'text' mode and you wont even see the boot screen09:08
TNTSDr_Willis, Okay09:08
Dr_Willisa server really dosent need the prioparity ati or nvidia drivers either09:08
automatikasdf_: have you tried looking at distrowatch?09:08
Dr_Willisautomatik:  huh? You fsck a partion. sdb1. and that scans and fixs  the problems..  whats so hard about this idea?09:09
TNTSWell I can't seem to find the open source xorg drivers on the Additional drivers Dr_Willis I only found the beta driver (which was enabled) and the stable updated one09:09
automatiki don't know anything about it; the reason for my question.09:09
asdf_automatik: Thanks for you reply :D, I truly have but that was a quiet while ago due...I fear that I can't change the "panel bar" in Ubuntu 12.0409:09
learn2hi ubuntu installed some updates and now my graphics settings are all messed up? what should I do? reinstall my nvidia drivers or what?09:09
Dr_WillisTNTS:  the open soruce drivers would be used if you tell it to NOT use any of the 'addational' drivers09:09
failureOk, updated today to 13.10, and now it dim's my inactive windows, this is plain hell, when you use dual monitors, is there a way to turn this off? ive looked at compiz, but i didnt have the extra plugin installed, so is this a native feature nowon?09:09
asdf_I'm gonna make a thread on the forum instead09:09
automatikjust for kicks try out kwheezy09:09
Dr_Willis!fsck | automatik09:10
ubottuautomatik: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot09:10
Dr_Willisautomatik:  i could havbe fscked my 3tb usb hd about 30 times in the time you have been asking about fscking a single file ;)09:10
TNTSDr_Willis, The Beta driver was enabled by default09:10
gulag2013Asdf, I think you would be happier with Zorin O/S if you like the Microsoft style.09:10
illusionDr_Willis, can u help me ?09:10
asdf_automatik: OMG KDE!....last time (1-2 years ago) KDE was really buggy for me..09:10
Dr_WillisTNTS:  you or someone enabled it then.  ubuntu does not use the ati fglrx drivers by default as far as i know09:11
automatikasdf_: LM cinnamon?09:11
Dr_Willisillusion:  ive never heard of the site. no idea how it works. or what it does.. im not even clear on how its ubuntu support relatged.09:12
TNTSI can't opt out of it Dr_Willis the open source one is not on the list09:12
illusionit is on ubuntu server :p09:12
asdf_automatik: Damm you :D, it's look good :D09:12
Dr_WillisTNTS:  thers  checkbox to disable the use of the drivers as far as i know. that will make the system use the open sourced driver.09:12
Dr_WillisTNTS:  perhaps look at askubuntu.com on how to revert from using the fglrx drivers09:13
illusionDr_Willis, check this: http://music.almaciraa.com/09:13
asdf_automatik: still dude, I'm unsure about drivers and etc... LM was/is quiet stable?09:13
TNTSOkay I'll be asking09:13
asdf_automatik: Think is my dist should be -> 1. Stable, 2. GNOME / XFCE, and 3. not so many programs installed09:13
asdf_automatik: Thank you for your help dude :_D09:14
Dr_Willisasdf_:  xubuntu uses xfce.09:14
Dr_Willisusing xubuntu on my netbook right now.09:14
asdf_Dr_Willis: Is it like "clean" from programs, I mean minzimed programs and packets?09:14
asdf_and ofc stable?09:15
vilahi guys, using a freshly updated saucy desktop, I'm currently unable to login :-(09:15
Dr_Willisasdf_:  no idea what that means exactly. remove what you dont want09:15
vilamore precisely, the lightdm greeter allows me to type my password, seems to start a session... and I'm back to the greeter09:15
asdf_Dr_Willis: Try thing, need to learn the system first due :D09:15
Dr_Willisxubuntu is rather trivial to figture out. as  is lubuntu09:16
asdf_Dr_Willis: You have any good guide? I would be thankful09:16
Dr_Willisxfce homepage perhaps?09:16
Dr_Willisand gthe xubuntu homepage09:16
asdf_Dr_Willis: Thanks, I was on Ubuntu wiki but it was very mixed09:16
Dr_Willisclick the bottons/menu to start apps..  whats so hard to figure out? ;)09:16
Dr_Willisubuntu has the official ubuntu manual but that vovers unity09:17
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:17
vilaLooking at various log files, the most relevant (so far) seems to /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log which is created each time I come back to the greeter09:17
asdf_Thanks wizard of Ubuntu!09:17
vilaeach time it ends up with: ** (gnome-settings-daemon:11117): WARNING **: Name taken or bus went away - shutting down09:17
vila(gnome-settings-daemon:11117): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: The connection is closed09:17
vilaany idea on how to debug from there ?09:18
Dr_Willisvila:  make a new user - see if it works for them09:18
Dr_Willisif so - its a config issue in the problem users home09:18
vilaDr_Willis: using a different (existing) user works indeed09:19
Dr_Willisstart by removeing the problem users .Xauthority file and see if that works09:19
Dr_Williscould also be some other config file - you may need to clean out.09:20
vilaDr_Willis: doh ! removing .Xauthority worked !09:21
Dr_Williscommon problem. comes from using sudo whenyou should run gksudo i think09:21
vilaDr_Willis: hmm, I indeed commonly use sudo but the .Xauthority was owned by vila:vila and 060009:22
zetheroo I am trying to do "javaws jviewer.jnlp" but I get this output: /usr/bin/javaws: line 66: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java: No such file or directory09:22
vilaDr_Willis: do you have more hints about the root cause ?09:22
Braden`I am running the apache2 package.  I am getting a 403 permission denied by configuration, but I can't figure out which configuration directive is causing it.  Is there an easy way to increase the verbosity of the log output?09:22
Dr_Willisvila:  nope. No idea what happens with it. but it gets asked in here almost daily09:23
vilaDr_Willis: thanks a ton anyway !09:23
Dr_Willismost services hav e config files with logging verbosity options09:25
MoleManUsing 12.04 LTS Desktop, in the 'routes' section of the VPN config, you can configure a VPN to be used only for resources on it's network, however if I do this, I believe Ubuntu continues using it's existing DNS, rather than using the DNS servers provided by the VPN DHCP, is there a way to only tunnel  the necessary data, but also use the VPN's DNS?09:35
Braden`I keep getting a 403 error on my site due to configuration.  It does not tell me where in the configuration or which directive is blocking it.  Is there a way to get this information?  http://pastebin.com/TV0BggY409:37
malinusHello. I'm concerned about my privacy when using ubuntu. I've already removed unity and zeitgeist, and installed xfce instead. But now I can't find the privacy options. Any ideas where they are?09:42
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cfhowlettmalinus, you didn't have to remove unity, you could have just logged, chosen the alternate desktop environment and logged back in ...09:43
malinuscfhowlett, why would I  want to have additional DE that I don't want to use?09:44
MoleManBraden`: does the owner match? (not actually sure what it means to match, but possibly www-data?) and have you triple checked the permissions and you web user has access to the files09:44
arshavincfhowlett: i've successfully removed unity before i just dislike it so much09:44
malinuscfhowlett, not the point though. any idea how I would access privacy settings? Is there a command for ubuntu-settings?09:44
cfhowlettmalinus, "could have" ... the alternate DE doesn't use the privacy violating amazon search function09:44
malinuscfhowlett, oh so the privacy problems are only in unity? Thanks for clearing that up09:45
cfhowlettmalinus, as far as privacy settings ... I'm on ubuntu studio, i.e. xubuntu on steroids.   no privacy function to be seen09:45
Ben64what "privacy problems"09:45
cfhowlettBen64, the amazon search passthrough etc ...09:45
malinusBen64, ubuntu collecting your searches by default09:45
Ben64thats so easy to turn off09:45
mehdigood morning people09:46
malinusBen64, yeah, I just wasn't sure if it was tied to the DE09:46
illusionhey mehdi09:46
Ben64sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping09:46
Ben64then no more amazon search09:47
arshavinwhenever i connect my nokia e63 with usb cable in pc-sute mode my touchpad stops working or woeks jerkily09:54
yarporHow can I perform a script on files I select in Nautilus?09:59
Slartyarpor: there used to be something called nautilus actions you could use to create your own context-actions ie right-click-menu-things10:02
yarporSlart, i'll google it, thanks10:02
yarporSlart, or rather duckduckgo it10:03
Slartyarpor: do that.. if it still exists it isn't that hard to work with.. you can write the script in lots of ways, python, bash or whatever suits you10:03
jokoonhow do I configure a font setting ?10:04
jokoonI want to disable anti aliasing for a certain font10:05
jokoonwhat file should I edit10:05
=== versi is now known as kalkov
Strykei have a system with windows xp and im currently on an ubuntu live cd, my question is, is there a way I can know what version my windows xp installation is when im on an ubuntu live cd?10:08
Strykewithout booting in xp10:08
cfhowlettStryke, you are aware then XP is quite close or has already passed End Of Life ... no support10:08
cfhowlettStryke, suggest you ask in ##windows10:09
Slartjokoon: not sure if it's called anti-aliasing.. I've seen "Smoothing", "Hinting" or "Subpixel rendering" for fonts... there used to be a settings window for this but it might affect all the fonts, not just one10:09
jokoonslart no I want to change just for one font10:09
Slartjokoon: well.. they mention a configuration file at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts perhaps that might help you further10:10
BluesKajHey folks10:14
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: hey mate10:15
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje10:15
lotuspsychje!backup > lotuspsychje10:16
ubottulotuspsychje, please see my private message10:16
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seriously_randomquestion about Ubuntu 13.10: Do I need special boot option to enable new radeon power management or is switched on by default?10:24
ubottuseriously_random,: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.10:24
lesshastewhat's the recommended way to install the java jre?10:25
lesshastefor my browser10:25
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.10:26
lesshastecfhowlett, thanks but that doesn't work10:27
lesshastecfhowlett,     Install the openjdk-7-jre package using any installation method.    has a broken link10:27
cfhowlettlesshaste, sorry.  that was my only shot   :)10:27
lesshastewhat about just doing     Install the openjdk-7-jre package using any installation method.10:28
lesshaste ?10:28
lesshasteand accepting the dependencies10:28
lesshastesudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin10:29
lesshasteI mean10:29
cfhowlettlesshaste, try it10:29
lesshasteI am10:30
lesshastebut I wanted to see if an expert knew it was a bad idea :)10:30
lesshasteit *appears* to work10:30
lesshastewhy don't they just have that on that page you linked to??10:30
cfhowlettlesshaste, :)10:30
DepaHi :)10:40
DepaI have a problem while compiling10:40
cfhowlettDepa, greetings10:40
DepaI download10:40
Depaon my Ubuntu 11.1010:40
ubottuDepa,: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:41
k1lDepa: 11.10 is out of support. please first upgrade to at least 12.0410:41
cfhowlettdepa no support for 11.10.  upgrade to a supported version10:41
Depaok, thanks :) I will upgrade...10:42
cloneGhello I am using this command: sudo cat /var/log/auth.log | grep login10:42
cloneGand I would like to filter the search withinSep 1910:42
cloneGhow would I type it?10:42
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cloneGI used sudo cat /var/log/auth.log | grep login & grep 19 but this caused the terminal to post Sep lines and stop...I cant get the prompt again10:45
SlartcloneG: doesn't   sudo cat /var/log/auth.log | grep login | grep "Sep 19"    work?10:45
cloneGcolons needed?10:45
SlartcloneG: just add another pipe | to pass the information on10:45
cloneGnow terminal is hanged10:46
cloneGI dont know how to logout10:46
SlartcloneG: Ctrl C10:46
cloneGexit does nothing10:46
cloneGits a virtual machine10:46
cloneGokay ctrl+c worked10:46
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Guest75093when i browse internet in my XUBUNTU, it makes all the other active internet connections slow(other PCs running win7 have zero speed)10:58
Guest75093but when i disconnect my internet connection, all other PCs works perfect10:58
Guest75093I have an 8MBps connection and works fine for me, but not others10:58
geirhaGuest75093: So what's the problem? ;P10:59
Dr_Willishmm. and the whole lan is connected to the same router?10:59
WhiteWizardso i suddenly am having these issues with ubuntu that prevent me from booting and am wondering what this has to do with11:00
Guest75093yes the same router11:01
andreiiarHello. Iwant to isntall lubuntu on a usb drive with persistence. I have unetboot. What filesystem shuld i format my usb drive. And it it 16GB. I noticed uneboot has an option for "preserve fiels across reboots" but it's only 9999MB max.11:03
wilee-nileeandreiiar, You would be better with a full install, with a usb of that size.11:04
Dr_WillisGuest75093: id have4 to say test  the system out with a few live cd's and differnt disrto live cd's and see if you can  determine if the issue is only with xubuntu, (and a specific browser) or affects other disrtos as well. You may want to mention this in the forums and on askubuntu.com i doubt if theres going to be an obvious reason.11:04
SwashBucklaCan you get Ubuntu Sound Recorder to output .spx (SPEEX)?11:04
Dr_Willisandreiiar:  you dont want to use a massively huge peristant save file. really a live-usb+persistant is more of a 'testing' type situation.  You wont want to be using it for months on end.11:05
ihreGuest75093: I'd check my current connections; sudo netstat -all -p -e -e | grep ESTABLISHED | cat | less11:05
andreiiarWhat does that mean? I install normaly onto usb and then put a boot manager on it?11:05
Dr_Willisandreiiar:  and you can also access the filesystem on the usb (it should be vfat/fat32/fat16)11:05
Dr_Willisandreiiar:   You can do a normal instgall to a usb of that size. i do it all the time.11:05
Dr_Willisandreiiar:  same as you would to an internal hard drive.11:06
andreiiarI see. Can I take it to other pc's?11:06
Dr_Willisandreiiar:  yes. if you are carefull about what video card drivers you install.11:06
SwashBucklaANSWER to: "Can you get Ubuntu Sound Recorder to output .spx (SPEEX)?" -- It already does record to .spx! Sorry :)11:06
Dr_Willistryign to run nvidia version drivers on a differnt pc that dosent support that version/card can be problematic11:07
Dr_Willisstick to the open sourced drivers if you are going to move the usb around11:07
XabsterHi, clean install of 13.04 and sound is not working out of the box. I see my devices (3 of them) in the sound settings and none of them are muted and I'm not sure how to proceed11:16
XabsterI installed Rhytmbox thingy from the install screen (i left it out the last few times i tried ubuntu) - does that have any impact on the sound device?11:16
loastrange i waked up today, and my computer don't respond on all commands, i can't log on, can't reset it and switch off.11:16
Xabsteroh, forgot say that the sound worked last time i tried ubuntu out of the box but without rhytmbox11:17
loahow i can get information what happened?11:17
mehdiwho need help, i'm here :D11:20
Xabsterme, mehdi !11:21
Xabsterfix my sound and get a cookie11:21
Dr_Willisinstalling rythembox shouoldent affect system sound.11:21
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:22
cfhowlettDr_Willis, pretty sure mere installation CAN'T effect system sound11:22
Xabsterall 3 devices show in sound settings, non are muted, all are at 100% volume, no sound is produced in my headset - it's properly connected and worked before re-installing from windows to 13.0411:22
Dr_Willisso you are only using a headset?11:23
XabsterI have an amp too11:25
Xabsterneither plays sound11:25
XabsterI went through the troubleshooting steps in the links you gave, all give good information11:26
Xabsterthe real devices are listed and they're not muted and volume is at 100% (confirmed via UI and via macmd -> list-sinks11:26
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Xabsterin windows, before a driver takes control of the soundcard, there's a static sound in my speakers - that same sound is here now all the time11:28
Xabsterin the speakers, not headset11:28
Xabsterwhich is normal behaviour during boot up in windows11:28
Xabsterso that tells me that it's not properly installed, but the devices are listed11:29
ActionPa1snipXabster: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload11:31
BluesKajXabster, intel hda chip?11:31
Xabsterthe driver is snd_hda_ something right now11:32
Xabsterbut i dont think it's that chip11:32
Xabsterit's an asrock z77 pro3 board11:32
ActionPa1snipXabster: run the command I gave, it will give us a lot of info about the sound subsystem11:32
XabsterActionPa1snip: some permissions denied, do i need to add sudo on all 3 commands?11:32
ActionPa1snipXabster: no, its one command too11:32
ActionPa1snipXabster: run it from your user's home11:32
ActionPa1snipXabster: run:   cd $HOME     first11:32
ActionPa1snipXabster: as a user, you can run that command without issue11:33
Xabsterxabster@xabster-desktop:~$ wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload alsa-info.sh: Permission denied11:33
BluesKajXabster, open alsamixer in the terminal , the chip will be shown in the ujpper left11:33
ActionPa1snipXabster: sounds like your file system is read only11:33
XabsterBluesKaj: HDA Intel PCH11:33
Xabsterthat's the HDMI chip....11:34
ActionPa1snipXabster: ok, try: sudo wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh  && sudo chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && sudo ./alsa-info.sh11:34
ActionPa1snipXabster: try that11:34
ActionPa1snipXabster: select to upload and a URL will be generated11:34
BluesKajXabster, Open with root permissions  /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf , At the end of the file, add this line: options snd-hda-intel model=eapd probe_mask=1 position_fix=111:35
loahello, i create upstart job, how i can add it to autostart11:35
XabsterActionPa1snip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=5b24a55d650775594f62d982054b068c8e30dd9a11:35
Xabsterdone, BluesKaj11:36
BluesKajXabster, also , run  sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel11:36
BluesKajXabster, you probly have to reboot11:37
XabsterI'm fairly certain I have a realtek chip11:38
XabsterI think we're trying to fix my gfx card's output11:38
BluesKajXabster, yes but realtek uses intel11:38
Xabsterso, reboot?11:38
Xabsteralrighty, brb11:39
Xabster_no dice11:40
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BluesKajXabster_, are they USB headphones ?11:42
Xabster_no, mini jack11:42
Xabster_same as speakers11:42
Xabster_could it be that my motherboard is not fully recognized?11:43
BluesKajdo the speakers work ?11:43
Xabster_i think in windows i gotta install a chip driver for the MB first11:43
Xabster_yes, they do :)11:43
=== owner is now known as Guest23123
BluesKajthen try the same jack , to test the 'phones11:43
Xabster_while i was just up i tested with earplugs too - 3 separate physical things and they worked 2-3 hours ago all of them11:43
Xabster_i have tested with earplugs, headset and speakers11:44
Xabster_it's not the hardware outside of my pc11:44
Xabster_i think it's got something to do with a driver for my MB's chipset11:44
=== TNTS is now known as Headcrab
BluesKajXabster_, what does , cat /proc/asound/modules output ?11:46
Headcrabi have a problem. my pc boots faster with the open source drivers but its not there. i'm using ubuntu 12.04 lts and have an amd radeon card11:46
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Xabster_BluesKaj: 0 snd_hda_intel  1 snd_usb_audio  2 snd_hda_intel11:46
BluesKajXabster_, your sound drivers are loaded , what about alsamixer , do you have all the controls turned up and unmuted?11:47
jglaucheI've got an 12.04 lts machine and swapped a graphics card to an ati hd7870 from having a nvidia card before. I removed the nvidia-drivers and manually installed the amd-cataclyst beta drivers. updatex the xorg.conf via aticonfig; however 3d acceleration doesn't work. This is why: OpenGL vendor string: VMware, Inc.11:47
sledHi people11:48
Headcrabi found this which should be the open source drivers for amd what should I do with it? http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-ati11:48
jglauchecan somebody help me track this down?11:48
sledcan someone give me a short hint please11:48
jglauche(I'm on a phsical host, not inside a vm)11:48
Xabster_BluesKaj: checked and double checked via UI (sound settings) and with a command from the troubleshooting page i got earlier11:49
sledI am trying to install the cuda-cross-armhf package but I get the APT error that I have unmet dependencies:11:49
sledcuda-cross-armhf : Depends: cuda-cross-armhf-5-5 (= 5.5-22) but it is not going to be installed11:49
BluesKajlook in  alsamixer any way , Xabster_11:49
sledI dont find anything on google11:49
sledalready searched sorry11:49
Xabster_BluesKaj: front mid is at 0 and can't be changed - the others are at 10011:50
BluesKajXabster_, paste it in imagebin11:50
Xabster_gonna try doing sudo apt-get install mesa-utils (found on site with sound issues of similar problems)11:50
hramrachsled: that means that the package exists but has unmet dependencies or conflicts with some of your other packages11:51
KaerysBonjou :)11:51
hramrachsled: try installing in a vm/chroot if you don;t know how to resolve that11:51
sledhramrach: this is already a vm11:51
sledthis is a fresh ubuntu 12.04, as nvidia suggested>11:51
sledI only installed gcc cross for armhf and cuda base toolkit11:52
hramrachI don't have that package so would not konw why it conflicts11:52
hramrachsled: you can also try aptitude instead of apt or add some options to print more information11:52
Xabster_BluesKaj: http://i.imgur.com/VXb0Snz.png11:52
sledlets try11:53
hramrachthe dependency error reporting relly sucks11:53
Xabster_I'm reading something about upgrading kernel to 3.3.7 or something - think that will help?11:53
BluesKajok , Xabster_ , mesa-utils is an OpenGL graphical setting11:53
hramrachsled: aptitude has some why and why-not commands that might be helpful11:53
Xabster_oh, i got 3.8, so nvm11:54
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quckquckhi. is the OEM installer still supported? all the howtos i can find are at least two years old :/11:55
BluesKajXabster_, those fronts are microphone settings11:55
cfhowlettquckquck, it is still in 12.04 ...11:55
Xabster_BluesKaj: hmm, it says "playback" at the top11:56
varunendrasled, is this package from default repositories? Because I can't find in here (12.04.1)11:56
sledhramrach: Im trying aptitude11:56
quckquckcfhowlett: but how about 13.04?11:56
sledvarunendra: no it is not, I had to run NVidias deb to add repos11:56
cfhowlettquckquck, sorry, LTS only here.  I don't know11:56
hramrachsled: note that the patitude resolver sucks and will offer solutions that randomly remove unrelated packages and such11:56
hramrachbut at least it sometimes finds a solution11:57
sledhramrach: thats great.11:57
Dr_Willisand sometimnes removes 300 packages then reinstalls them. ;)11:57
hramrachsled: advanced package management in 2013 for you11:57
hramrachno package manager I have seen so far can resolve dependencies11:58
sledhramrach: I have enough on advanced parallel algorithms on gpu in 2013 for now >P11:58
ActionPa1sniphramrach: aptitude also doesnt manage multiarch11:58
hramrachit does but not on 12.04 I guess11:58
quckquckcfhowlett: the boot-loader changed as far as i can see (and i can't figure out how to bring it to OEM)11:58
cfhowlettquckquck, IIRC hit f4 during the boot to get to the alternate install methods11:59
ubottuThe alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD11:59
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate11:59
hramrachno alternative cd /o\11:59
ActionPa1snip!aptitude | hrm11:59
ubottuhrm: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and 12.04) as aptitude cannot  handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.11:59
PiciActionPa1snip: actually the version of aptitude from precise-updates should fix the multiarch issue.12:00
Xabster_Got any guide for me that will help me install drivers for Intel z77 chipset? I'm fairly certain this is causing my sound to not work12:00
hramrachXabster_: there are no z77 chipset drivers. if Ubuntu booted it has support for your chipset12:01
ActionPa1snipPici: oh, cool. Learn something new everyday12:01
ActionPa1snipPici: should probably update the factoid ;012:01
PiciActionPa1snip: Yeah, I'm looking at it now12:01
Xabster_hramrach: i think it's using a generic driver and it's not recognizing the USB 3.0 ports and using the soundcard properly12:02
Xabster_is this not possible?12:02
hramrachXabster_: then you need USB3 driver and flip some ALSA options. Or you can try a newer kernel if some exists12:03
Dr_Willisthere can be bugs with somne of the drivers. Ive noticed some quirks with usb3 on this pc with earlier releases of ubuntu.12:03
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sledpeople, also I dont know why, they make me add a foreign arch, then apt does not find repos for it... it is amrhf12:03
SwashBuckladoes speex play on iPods?12:03
Xabster_hramrach: okay, so forget chipset driver - any idea on how to find a sound driver then?12:03
Guest48224i have a question for u experts12:03
andreiairOk I am setting up ubuntu on my usb. Do I need swap space on it? My gess is no.12:04
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.12:04
andreiairCan you focus more on techincal ubuntu problems than how to talk right? We are in need of help here.12:05
hramrachXabster_: it's in there. just try if it works better with newer Ubuntu or setting different card types for the onboard card12:05
willowsandreiair: Why are you setting up Ubuntu on your USB? What will you use if for?12:05
andreiairHaving a linux on me12:06
andreiairIt's actualy lubuntu12:06
willowsandreiair: I'm no expert, but if you're using it for general use I'd think a swap would be a good idea.12:06
Xabster_hramrach: "in there"? i have the newest kernel i believe12:07
Xabster_13.04 out of the box?12:07
Xabster_anyway, i vaguely now remember having the issues before and it was solved with something that had to do with modprobe (never understood of any of the commands)12:07
ActionPa1snipGuest48224: ask away12:07
ActionPa1snipXabster_: modprobe loads and unloads kernel modules12:08
nibblerandreiair: the need for swap depends on how well you satisfy your need ffor memory with actual ram. there is no rule of thumb for if or how much swap one needs12:08
ActionPa1snipXabster_: what's not to understand?12:08
Xabster_that for example12:09
hramrachXabster_: install the kernel docs and look in Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio.txt12:10
GPrscan you speak indonesian  ???12:10
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia12:10
ezra-sfajita, errordocument context12:10
ActionPa1snipXabster_: kernel modules are used to make hardware work in your OS. If you remove modules, things stop working, if you load them and they are needed, devices will jump into life12:10
hramrachXabster_: also look for audio problems with your particular board model and what solution people used12:11
ezra-swops, wrong window12:11
ActionPa1snipXabster_: it's that simple12:11
GPrswhat lesson now ???12:11
BluesKajXabster_, you mentioned that you have an amp , is it connected to the digital out on your soundcard , if not do so to see if that works at least12:12
hramrachGPrs: we don't speak Indonesian. People in #ubuntu-id may12:12
andreiairWell it wouldn't hurt tu put a gig of swap in there would it?12:12
Xabster_BluesKaj: my amp has no digital in12:13
hramrachswap does not hurt so long as you don'y put it on an network disk12:13
nibblerhramrach: or on a flashdrive.... as in andreiair's question12:13
hadifarnouddo I need to give any permission for ssh tunnel users?12:13
GPrsoke,,but what lesson now  ???12:13
hramrachflash drive might be OK but they are generally slow and your system will crash if you remove it12:14
hadifarnoudI'm giving a user to a friend in Iran, in order to bypass stupid internet blockage12:14
bazhang!ot | GPrs12:14
ubottuGPrs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:14
BluesKajXabster_, installing pavucontrol might help you configure and solidify your audio outputs12:16
* jglauche curses at those proprietary ati drivers12:16
barthemnvidia isn't much better if you ask me12:17
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BluesKajnvidia works here12:17
jglauchethey are equally worse..12:17
BluesKajwell , you're entitled to your opinion , jglauche , but I disagree12:18
jglauchebut why.... why would it use a vmware driver? https://gist.github.com/Joaz/679282912:18
ws2k3how can i install the fix for this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rsyslog/+bug/56528812:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 565288 in rsyslog (Ubuntu) "rsyslog fails to read kmsg on 2.6.33 kernels" [Undecided,Fix released]12:18
hramrachws2k3: use another logger ;-)12:19
ws2k3so the problem is in rsyslog?12:19
hramrachor the updated package they supposedly released, w/e12:19
Xabster_BluesKaj: not my volume control icon at the top right is gone, and pavucontrol only sees my HDMI digital output12:21
hramrachws2k3: reportedly it only happens on ancient kernels. don't use ancient kernel then12:21
ws2k3well sometimes my ubuntu servers are rebooting and then i have kernel: imklog: Cannot read proc file system, 1. in my kern.log12:21
ws2k3what you mean with an ancient kernel my english is not that great12:21
barthemlegacy kernel i think12:22
hramrachancient=very old12:22
BluesKajXabster_, sis someone tell you to remove pulseaudio ?12:22
ws2k3i run ubuntu ludic12:22
ws2k3lucid it should have support until 201512:22
hadifarnouddoes -C make any difference in ssh tunnel?12:22
cfhowlettws2k3, on server only12:22
hramrachws2k3: what kernel?12:22
hramrachyou built that?12:23
hramrachdoes not look like Ubuntu version12:23
ws2k3its realy an ubuntu version12:23
BluesKajok Xabster_ , have you updated and upgraded since installing Ubuntu ?12:23
ws2k3i just runned apt-get update and upgrade12:24
cfhowlettws2k3, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:24
Xabster_BluesKaj: yes12:24
hramrachthe versions in Uubntu should look like linux-image-2.6.32-22-server (2.6.32-22.35)12:24
BluesKajlately ?12:24
hramrachno weird number in there12:25
* jglauche has enough and upgrades to 13.0412:25
Xabster_BluesKaj: i installed today12:26
Xabster_so, within the hour12:26
ws2k3well i just installed with the lucid iso12:26
BluesKajXabster_, do , sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:26
hramrachwhy did you install something this ancient to start with?12:26
ws2k3the server is already runing for a while12:27
Xabster_BluesKaj: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:27
hramrachand did the loggign work before? if it did they possibly forgot the patch to make it work in htis kernel package12:27
ws2k3server was installed in 201012:28
BluesKajXabster_, :/ , well I'm out of ideas12:28
ubottuws2k3,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server12:29
cfhowlettws2k3, maybe ask the #server channel?12:29
BluesKajXabster_, usually intel sound drivers work after , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , so it's amystery to me.12:30
hramrachBluesKaj: not for me. they fail on about every board I tried in some way12:30
BluesKajhramrach, that's odd12:31
hramrachso it's not unusual for onboard audio to fail12:31
BluesKajif the sound card/chips are intel that is,hr12:31
hramrachif you can afford and want to rid yourself of audio problems forever get an USB card12:31
hramrachBluesKaj: Intel does not do soundcards. They integrate some Realtek and similar junk on their boards12:32
BluesKajhramrach, the intel snd modules fail to load after OS installs and updates , that's a common problem12:33
BluesKajhramrach, doh12:33
BluesKajok , my turn to reboot12:34
blurkisdoes nothing about the soundcard work? I remember reading that it was only some output not working, and perhaps some channel needs to be put on in the mixers advanced settings? Its happened to me before12:34
orcadianCould you folks help me with a little problem?12:35
blurkis^^ to whomeever who had the problem with sound..12:35
hramrachorcadian: no. you did not say what problem you have12:35
ubottuorcadian,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:35
orcadianMy fan is always running no matter what disto im running..it dont act like this under windows.. Im fearly new to linux so i dont really know where to start. im currently running dreamstudio  (ubuntu 12.04 precise) but are planning to move over to manjaro when i find a solution to this problem.12:37
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cfhowlettorcadian, dreamstudio is not supported but ...12:37
ubottufan is Control the fan  on/off  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html12:37
ActionPa1snipoctanium: dreamstudio isnt supported here12:37
gordonjcporcadian: are you actually an Orcadian?12:37
orcadianActionPa1snip: Why isnt dreamstudio supported here? Its basically ubuntu 12.04..12:39
ActionPa1sniporcadian: NONE of the 'ubuntu based' distros are supported here12:39
cfhowlettorcadian, it's not an official Ubuntu Distro.12:39
ActionPa1sniporcadian: similarly, Ubuntu is based on Debain, but Debian and Ubuntu support is entirely separate too12:39
orcadianGordon ..no..i didnt even know there was anything called an orcadian..i just made that name up as an xbox 360 user name12:39
barthemcfhowlett, isnt ubuntu 12,04 an offical ubuntu distro then?12:40
ActionPa1sniporcadian: for example, backtrack has it's own forum and it's own irc channel #backtrack-linux12:40
Myrttibarthem: dreamstudio isn't.12:40
ActionPa1snipbarthem: yes, 12.04 is an official Ubuntu release if it is the one from Canonical12:40
cfhowlettbarthem, ??? of course it is.  dream studio ain't.  Canonical = ubuntu.  Whoever = dreamstudio.12:41
Myrttiwe don't have time or resources to check what else has been changed than the name12:41
philinuxorcadian: dreamstudio has a support forum not sure about irc12:41
orcadianSo where do i need to go to find my answer? And btw as i said..this problem persists in all distros i have tried. So the solution for this problems will most likely work under all distros12:41
ActionPa1sniporcadian: why not install the Ubuntu 12.04 from Canonical then you WILL be supported here, rather than using some hashed up distro by some guy in his bedroom12:41
cfhowlettorcadian, as you're currently using dreamstudio, ask them.  if/when you install ubuntu, ask here.12:41
cfhowlettorcadian, for instance, were you to install ubuntustudio, you'd be supported here12:42
achalversonhow do i compile the newest kernel on ubuntu 13.04?12:42
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)12:42
philinuxorcadian: dreamstudio forum here > http://dream.dickmacinnis.com/forum/forum12:43
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barthemcan someone explain to me what canonical is? can't really get a clear view from there website HOW exactly they are tied to ubuntu12:43
ubottuCanonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/12:43
orcadianallright but then since i have ubuntu 12.04 on my other laptop with the same problem you could anwser my question anyway yes?12:44
barthemo thanks12:44
WhiteWizardyou beat me to it12:44
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.12:44
ActionPa1sniporcadian: if you use nlite on a Windows CD to make a 'windows based' operating system and hack out a lot of functionality and add your own, do you think microsoft tech support will help you?12:44
* cfhowlett ... prefers www.lmgtfy.com but is too polite to indulge12:44
philinuxorcadian: yes if you're running 12.0412:44
eliahjohnsonfahahello guys12:45
cfhowletteliahjohnsonfaha, greetings12:45
eliahjohnsonfahaneed some help, somebody can help me how to install bochs manually12:45
ActionPa1snip!info bochs12:46
ubottubochs (source: bochs): IA-32 PC emulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4.6-5 (raring), package size 973 kB, installed size 2882 kB12:46
WhiteWizard!info redbull12:46
ubottuPackage redbull does not exist in raring12:46
Pici!msgthebot | WhiteWizard12:46
ubottuWhiteWizard: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:46
barthemhaha nice try12:46
WhiteWizard:o that bot is dirty12:46
barthemso ! is suppose to give common information about something12:47
ActionPa1snipeliahjohnsonfaha: why not use the one in the repos?12:47
orcadianHey is there an generall linux irc channel?12:48
ActionPa1sniporcadian: #linux12:48
Suarte45say i do Ctrl+Alt+F1 and then log in... what must i type to launch gui ?12:49
eliahjohnsonfaha@ActionPalsnip: because when i use one in the repos, that's doesn't have debugger12:49
ActionPa1snipSuarte45: press CTRL+ALT+F712:49
ActionPa1snipeliahjohnsonfaha: I see, is there a PPA?12:49
Suarte45will it work for lubuntu as well?12:50
eliahjohnsonfaha@ActionPalsnip: PPA? No12:50
willowsSuarte45: yes12:51
philinuxorcadian: http://askubuntu.com/questions/282665/laptop-fan-always-on-in-ubuntu-12-1012:51
Suarte45is that equivalent to doing startlubuntu?12:51
ActionPa1snipeliahjohnsonfaha: could be worth checking12:51
jmgkWould you ever use IRC on a mobile?12:51
jmgkjsut wodnering how well it would work?12:51
ActionPa1snipSuarte45: if the X server is running you will switch back12:51
ActionPa1snipSuarte45: or you can run:  startx   to get the session loaded for your user12:52
willowsSuarte45: Ctrl+Alt+F1 brings you to TTY1, Ctrl+Alt+F2 brings you to TTY2, etc. TTY7 is typically the graphical one for ubuntu12:53
Picijmgk: thats not really on-topic for #ubuntu. Perhaps #ubuntu-offtopic has their own opinions about it.12:53
XabsterActionPa1snip: i download a driver, ./configure, ./make, ./make install and now i believe i need to run a modprobe to make it load it is that correct?12:54
Xabsteraudio driver12:54
arshavinafter installing latest nvidia-driver my tty1-6 are blank only X-server runs12:55
Suarte45startx gives error cannot load session gnome12:56
Suarte45Ctrl+Alt+F7 brings to login screen even though i already logged in12:56
arshavinjmgk: i have used it on my cheap chinese droid it worked quite well12:56
ActionPa1snipSuarte45: you can be logged in many times12:57
Suarte45i tried startlxde does not work12:57
ActionPa1snipXabster: modprobe wil load the driver you name, yes12:57
loahow i can add upstart job to autoload on system start?12:57
ActionPa1snipXabster: as you have done that manually, you will need to do that every time you get a new kernel12:57
Suarte45ActionPa1snip: what command will bring me to gui already logged in as i am?12:57
loai write upstart job it work as expected.12:57
loabut it don't start on system start12:58
ActionPa1snipSuarte45: startx12:59
XabsterActionPa1snip: but the make install said that the device was installed by all channels muted and when i look into my volume control there are no muted channels...13:00
Xabsterby = and13:00
Suarte45ActionPa1snip: startx gives error cannot load session gnome13:00
Suarte45ActionPa1snip: I have lubuntu13:00
ActionPa1snipSuarte45: then change your session to lxde13:01
ActionPa1snipSuarte45: or lubuntu13:01
Suarte45ActionPa1snip: how? i did startlubuntu and that gives error cannot open display13:01
Suarte45ActionPa1snip: cp: impossible to create the standard file <<//.config/lxterminal/lxterminal.conf>> No file or folder of this type. ** Message: main.vala:63: Session is Lubuntu ** Message: main.vala:64: Session is Lubuntu DE is LXDE  (lxsession:6917: Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:13:01
Suarte45ActionPa1snip: problem i have is i cannot login anymore in my main account13:02
jglauchewelcome to ubuntu 13.04... we still thank you for using vmware drivers with your ati graphics card... wtf13:02
Suarte45ActionPa1snip: I can log in only with Ctrl+Alt+F113:03
ActionPa1snipSuarte45: if you run: cat ~/.config/lxterminal/lxterminal.conf     do you get http://paste.ubuntu.com/6183751/13:04
Suarte45ActionPa1snip: other accounts work fine, problem is only with main account13:04
dllamahi guys, would someone mind telling me how to pass compiling arguments into apt-get?  for instance poppler-utils --enable-xpdf-headers13:04
ikoniadllama: you don't13:05
ikoniadllama: apt-get is a package manger, not a compiler, packages are not compiled13:05
dllamaso i have to build it from source?13:05
dllamaor first install it and then update it?13:05
ikoniasorry, what are you actually trying to do ?13:05
dllamainstall poppler-utils with xpdf-headers13:05
ikoniadllama: so does the package poppler-utils depend on the package xpdf-headers13:06
Suarte45ActionPa1snip: yes from the guest session. in the main user account that file isnt there and also the folder lxterminal isnt there13:06
dllamaikonia, the installation instructions say to compile with —enable-xpdf-headers13:06
ikoniadllama: that may not be needed, does ubuntu have pre-built packages ?13:07
Suarte45ActionPa1snip: from terminal i dont see it. maybe it gets created when launching interface?13:07
dllamaikonia, i'm not sure tbh13:07
ikoniadllama: check13:08
dllamaunless i misunderstood ur question13:08
dllamai dont know how13:08
Slartdllama: have a look at apt-build, man apt-build should tell you how to add compiler flags if there is an easy way13:08
philinuxdllama: from synaptic > Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on Xpdf PDF viewer.13:08
dllamai'm more of a front end developer :/13:08
Suarte45ActionPa1snip: in main user should .config files be owned by root?13:08
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Suarte45ActionPa1snip: for the main user, in the .config folder i have only leafpad, openbox and Trolltech.conf  (no lxterminal folder)13:12
zykotick9Suarte45: i'd verify that .Xauthority in your main account isn't owned by root...13:12
Suarte45zykotick9: hi (and thanks) again.  how do i do that?13:12
zykotick9Suarte45: in your user's home, to "ls -al .Xauthority"13:13
Suarte45ok be back soon13:14
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Suarte444zykotick9: ok i think the solution is closer. so i noticed the following. the .config i was talking before about is not the .config in the main users home folder. it's the .config in /  .13:20
waldenistaSo no XMir for Ubuntu 13.10?13:20
Suarte444zykotick9: in fact when i log in with my main user there is a message that says No directory, logging in with HOME=/13:20
ubottuwaldenista,: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.13:20
philinuxwaldenista: you need to join #ubuntu+113:21
zykotick9Suarte444: if your /home a separate partition?  is it mounted?13:21
Suarte444zykotick9: so i did cd home and then ls. i see my main users folder there. so i did cd thatfolder and then i get permission denied. so basically looks like the problem is my main user lost permissions to his home folder. what do you think?13:22
Suarte444how the heck did this happen?13:22
zykotick9Suarte444: "cd /home" then "ls -l"13:22
zykotick9Suarte444: while in /home, you should be able to "sudo chown -R YOURUSERNAME:YOURUSENAME yourusersfolder/"13:24
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Suarte45zykotick9: only difference comparing to the other normal user that works is  drw-r--r--  instead of drwxr-xr-x  (3 xs are missing)13:28
TheReduxPLHello. Do you know where to get ia32-libs-gtk?13:28
zykotick9Suarte45: from /home still, run "sudo chmod +x yourusersfolder"13:29
zykotick9Suarte45: x means, enter this directory13:29
ihrezykotick9: why would you give execution rights on the entire homedir of a user ?;x13:30
zykotick9ihre: because you need it!  i'm NOT using recursive here.13:31
TheReduxPLHi, do you know where can I get ia32-libs-gtk package and all needed dependencies for Ubuntu 13.04?13:32
zykotick9ihre: you should read what executable means, when applied to directories...13:32
Suarte45zykotick9: just to make sure i was clear. what i did was Ctrl+Alt+F1, logged in my main user, then cd home and then ls -l  there i had as output two lines one per folder (the main user and the other user). main user misses the xs. so should i proceed as you said?13:33
zykotick9Suarte45: yes.13:33
zykotick9Suarte45: once you've done the "sudo chmod +x yourusersfolder" try to cd into it.13:35
ihrezykotick9: i'd rather not have +x on my homedir for (o) but w/e13:36
zykotick9ihre: that's fair, debian/ubuntu default to having it - but many other distros don't...13:36
TheReduxPLHi, do you know where can I get ia32-libs-gtk package and all needed dependencies for Ubuntu 13.04?13:38
zykotick9TheReduxPL: using ia32-anything is quasi-deprecated at this point... you might want to look into multiarch, and how it works.  best of luck.13:39
Senordoes ubuntu boot with udev?13:39
TheReduxPLI just need that package to run Cisco Packet Tracer. I have done something in that way but I failed.13:39
ettciao  bodhibob13:39
=== ett is now known as Guest19337
TheReduxPLI used "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-gtk:i386" but without effect13:39
Guest19337sei su rete ubuntu13:40
Suarte45problem solved :) thankyou zykotick913:41
zykotick9Suarte45: glad to help13:42
Suarte45zykotick9: how could this have happened?13:42
ubottuGuest19337,: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:42
zykotick9Suarte45: i have no clue.  where you playing with chmod perhaps?13:42
zykotick9Suarte45: "history | grep chmod" did you run a "chmod -x foo" at some time?13:43
Suarte45Suarte45: not at all. wasnt playing with terminal in no way. only did regular stuff. updates maybe?13:43
zykotick9Suarte45: then i really have NO idea how it would happen...13:44
Suarte45my feeling is that thing got messed up after i did a big set of updates13:44
Suarte45last question: why does startlubuntu not work? i mean i can log in normally now but if i do Ctrl+Alt+F1 log in and then startlubuntu it still does not work (cannot open display error)13:45
Suarte45does not work for all users13:46
dsahey there13:46
k1l_Suarte45: the ubuntu way to start a desktop is to start the loginscreen (sudo service lightdm start) and then login13:46
Suarte45maybe i need to type something else, not just startlubuntu?13:47
zykotick9Suarte45: "lspci | grep -i vga"?13:47
k1l_Suarte45: btw: what is wrong with letting the lightdm start the desktop?13:48
dsacan anyone tell me how i can list all channels (/list) and save it into a text file?13:48
doki_penI set my parents up with a dual boot ubuntu/windows box a couple of years ago. They tried to update ubuntu and somehow screwed up grub so that windows isn't listed anymore. I've run update-grub and it's not adding windows to the boot list. is there any reason this might happen?13:48
doki_penwindows still looks intact on /dev/sda2. I can mount the ntfs and see all the windows files13:48
Suarte45k1l_: nothing wrong, it works fine as you say, i just wanted to undersatnd why the other way isnt working13:48
doki_penthere is also an empty /dev/sda1 ntfs partition, not sure if that got damaged13:49
k1l_Suarte45: ubuntu lets the dm handle the x startup.13:49
Suarte45zykotick9: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [GeForce 210] (rev a2)13:49
=== dave is now known as Guest6566
dsaartrosi en lah piennas boludo13:49
zykotick9Suarte45: thanks, but if it's working with lightdm, then all is good already.13:49
k1l_!english | dsa13:50
ubottudsa: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:50
Suarte45zykotick9: ok. thanks again. anything i can do for you?13:50
zykotick9Suarte45: when you see something you can help with in #ubuntu, offer your advise ;)13:51
Suarte45bye :)13:53
newbie06hey guys, i was wondering if someone here could help me sort out a problem i am having on my ubuntu server13:53
=== newbie06 is now known as WriteEscape
StarFlowerask your question WriteEscape and if we can we wilk13:54
ubottuWriteEscape,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server13:54
WriteEscapelol, i know what it is, i've got this stupid error and i dunno how to solve it13:55
ubottuWriteEscape,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:55
t_dot_zillawould anyone have any advice on configuring php5-fpm, APC and nginx on debian that hosts over 70 php+mysql sites? (mysql is on a separate server)13:55
WriteEscapecfhowlett: http://pastebin.com/wXRtSQh013:55
Picit_dot_zilla: Try #debian or #nginx or ##php, this is #ubuntu13:56
cfhowlettWriteEscape, blocked by the great firewall of China - I can't see it.13:56
t_dot_zillathanks Pici i did :) figured i'd try here too13:56
PiciWriteEscape: Is that you trying to login?13:56
WriteEscapePici: no, thats the problem13:57
WriteEscapePici: no, infact i was asleep when it happened13:57
calstonanyone know why with preseed I pass netcfg/disable_dhcp=true to the install CD boot parameters and a full set of network config options, it still tries to do DHCP13:57
PiciWriteEscape: Thats what happens to internet facing servers. You can install fail2ban which would automatically ban IPs after they fail to authenticate a certain number of times.13:58
Pici!info fail2ban13:58
ubottufail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version (raring), package size 86 kB, installed size 434 kB13:58
WriteEscapePici: i could install it if i can put the files on it using ftp14:00
PiciWriteEscape: no, you'd need to use apt to install it like any other package.14:00
WriteEscapePici: they've turned off internet access from the server out, which is pretty unhelpful14:03
=== HbTwo is now known as Hb
CQhello, I have a raid question... when raiding should you raid the whole disk (2x2tb) and use LVM on top, or is it better to have smaller boot raids and then OS+data in a separate big raid with LVM on top?14:07
PiciWriteEscape: You could upload a new /etc/hosts.deny file that contained something like ALL:
PiciWriteEscape: That would prevent at least the one IP that is present in that log from being able to connect.14:09
WriteEscapePici: but thats the server's own ip14:11
XabsterWhen I try to enlarge windows and I drag a corner it's as if my mouse lets go in random places14:14
Xabsterso, it's really hard to hit that corner precisely14:14
Xabsterare there any fixes for these issues?14:14
Xabsterso = also*14:14
JeenaHi, I am trying to add a custom URI scheme to my app and I found this http://jarrpa.net/2011/10/28/creating-custom-url-handlers-in-ubuntu-11-04-11-10-gnome-3-0/ which does almost what I want, it opens the "Launch Application" window if you click on a link with my custom schema. Sadly the list of applications is empty like you can see on this screenshot: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BVk4f2DCUAEN0I8.png14:16
Jeenawhat do I need to do so my application shows up in the list? Unexperienced users will not be able to find the binary on their hard disc14:16
geniiHm, gnome314:16
geirhaXabster: If you hold down Alt, you can click and drag with the middle button somewhere near the corner14:17
PiciWriteEscape: uh... Then you have a bigger problem.14:17
WriteEscapePici: whats the problem then?14:17
PiciWriteEscape: Something on your server is trying to ssh to itself and is failing to login, which sounds pretty weird to me.14:18
Xabstergeirha: thanks but i really would like a better solution14:18
Dougie187I started using duplicity a while ago, and recently whenever it tries to create a new backup the backup fails, and then my whole computer essentially breaks. My terminal says "read only file system" whenever I try to do anything.14:18
Xabsterif like if i try to drag over other windows that have "active" elements like a button then it sometimes clicks those14:19
Xabsterwhile i'm resizing14:19
WriteEscapePici: agreed14:19
Xabsteranother odd thing: if i right click in a browser to get the context menu and rapidly left click outside of it the context menu stays14:20
Xabsteri gotta wait about half to a whole second to click to make it dissapear...?14:20
Dougie187Is there a log I can look for duplicity errors in?14:21
mbeierlWriteEscape, to confirm: is what shows up when you do ifconfig?  Or is that perhaps a NAT device/firewall that is forwarding packets to you from the internet side?14:24
universaleverytime I copy a web link to my pendrive....it gives error saying invalid filename.....whats the fix ?14:25
WriteEscapeYes thats right mbeierl14:25
mbeierluniversal, perhaps it is formatted with NTFS or VFAT and you are trying to save a file with a name like "http://" which would be illegal for those filesystems?14:26
mbeierlWriteEscape, sorry, which is right?  It is the IP address in ifconfig?14:26
WriteEscapeyes it is mbeierl14:26
* mbeierl should learn not to ask two question at the same time14:26
s1536273first time using irssi test :P14:27
=== s1536273 is now known as Head_Phone
mbeierlWriteEscape, ok, so that confirms somehow that the breakin attempt is coming from itself.  Which is odd indeed.14:27
MagyarokCould someone help me with setting up a home server using ubuntu please?14:27
WriteEscapembeierl: do you think it's worh a reinstall?14:28
mbeierlWriteEscape, well... right now it appears harmless enough, but I would be worried that it might try to crack other systems if it's some sort of software that is running locally that is really an ssh attack14:29
WriteEscapeall thats running on it is tcadmin2, teamspeak314:30
mbeierlWriteEscape, I'd be more inclined to get to the bottom of it, rather than just re-install, but I don't know the network that it is on14:30
MagyarokIs their anyone here?14:30
mbeierlyou could try logging (tcpdump) all outbound traffic destined for port 22 for a period of time and see if it re-occurs14:30
WriteEscapembeierl: Yeah, i'm just confused about it14:31
mbeierlMagyarok, yes.  The simple answer would be get the installation disk and install it.  What is your question and intended purpose for the server?14:31
WriteEscapembeierl: i use it for a minecraft server14:31
ActionPa1snipMagyarok: what sort of server?14:31
MagyarokI would like to have a centralized place to store documents. Also, I would like to have it as a media/entertainment server14:32
mbeierlWriteEscape, something like tcpdump -i eth0 'port 22'.  But don't do that over ssh or it will log all its own traffic :)14:32
mbeierlWriteEscape, which might mean you need to install tcpdump, which you can't due to network restrictions... and so on it goes14:33
=== rigo is now known as rigo88
mbeierlMagyarok, file server for MS Windows, Mac or other Linux computers?14:34
rigo88is the fgrlx still broken?14:34
rigo88and.. can the X server start if no displays are connected yet?14:35
MagyarokAll three, mbeierl14:35
mbeierlMagyarok, for that part then, you are probably wanting to set it up with Samba file sharing.  I cannot speak for the media server14:36
MagyarokOkay, thanks mbeierl14:36
ihreMagyarok: minidlna is quite good for mediaserver purposes, there are packages like plex but those are quite heavy on resources.14:37
Magyarokihre, know anything about media servers?14:38
ihreMagyarok: well, I run minidlna & plex on my own diy nas14:38
ihreMagyarok: this is a small minidlna config, which works just fine for my music, series & movies: http://sprunge.us/hOce14:41
Magyarokihre, Thanks appreciate the help!14:42
mustmodifyHi team. Is there a tool like grep but that highlights search words but doesn't filter? So if I did ls | tool html, it would just highlight 'html' in the directory list?14:43
ihreMagyarok: you're welcome, that config is pretty self explanatory I believe, the media_dir has a A or V appended, A for audio dirs and V for video dirs.14:44
ihremustmodify: try ls | grep --color=auto html14:45
m1mmsomebody knows popular channels on freenode14:46
mustmodifyihre: Sorry, I'm not making myself clear. That certainly colors the HTML... but it filters out lines that don't match. I want to show all resulting lines, coloring matches, but including lines that don't match.14:46
onefix_workAnyone used SAINT and Retina CS?14:47
Myrtti!alis | m1mm14:47
ubottum1mm: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:47
Magyarokihre, could I ask you another question?14:51
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Magyarokokay, I have read a couple instructionals on creating a home server. I am confused about which version of ubuntu to burn to a disk, desktop or server.14:53
ihreMagyarok: for a server I prefer headless ubuntu 12.04 x64 (thus the server edition)14:54
bcdonadioAm I able to update from precise to saucy trough "do-release-upgrade"? It keeps trying to install quantal, but I don't want to update the whole system 3 times...14:54
WriteEscapembeierl: i found the problem14:54
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know when 13.10 is available?14:54
Head_Phoneis it me you're looking for?14:55
MoleManI can see it in your eyes,14:56
Head_Phonemojtaba, release date for 13.10c can be found on wikipedia14:56
ActionPa1snipMoleMan: guess, look at the version number and think14:56
Head_Phonei believe it to be somewhere this month14:56
Head_Phone14th or something14:56
mojtabaOk, thanks14:56
MoleManActionPa1snip: accidental/wrong hilight?14:56
MoleManah yeah, I see what you did  :p14:57
deinspanjerI have an Ubuntu install that lives inside a VirtualBox image created by Vagrant.  I've been using it from home, but I booted it up today from Portugal, and when I tried to run sudo apt-get update, it times out, it is having trouble resolving us.archive.ubuntu.com.  What should I do to fix that?14:57
ActionPa1snipmojtaba: look at the version numbers and think :)14:57
ActionPa1snipMoleMan: tab fail, sorry14:57
mojtabaActionPa1snip: 13.10 then is 2013/10. what do you think?14:57
MoleMand/w I realised what you'd done when I read up a few lines14:58
ActionPa1snipmojtaba: yes and the 10th month is October14:58
MoleManalso, never knew that14:58
mojtabaActionPa1snip: Yes and now is Oct.14:58
MoleManwhat version of ubuntu was being used in 1999 then?14:58
ihremustmodify: Im not sure how to list all files, yet filter/color a pattern, sorry14:58
deinspanjerhmm.. I didn't actually "boot it up" I restored a suspended run.. lemme try fully shutting down the vm and restarting14:58
ActionPa1snipMoleMan: there wasn't ubuntu in 199914:59
MoleManoh, shame :p14:59
MoleManprobably would have realised if I thought about it14:59
MoleManwasn't much going on at that point14:59
deinspanjeryep! that was it.14:59
MoleManin my defence, I was only 414:59
deinspanjerwow.. I'm old :(15:00
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MoleMannah, I'm just young.15:01
deinspanjerI remember back in 2002, I started playing with Gentoo that had just came out..15:01
deinspanjerI'm trying to remember what I played with before then15:01
deinspanjerSome form of RedHat I think..15:01
loahello, i created upstart job, if i start it like this sudo mjpg_streamer all is ok, but it don't start on system boot15:09
loai can give content of it if someone interested.15:09
loamaybe i must add name of job somewhere?15:10
willowsloa: What version of Ubuntu are you using?15:12
=== r02922070 is now known as sharkz
rajrajraji am installing NS2 and have been searching over internet for a long time, regarding the problem "tcl-1.14 configuration failed! Exiting ..." can anyone help me solve the problem15:18
rajrajraj*"otcl-1.14 configuration failed! Exiting ..."15:18
=== sharkz is now known as fjwfj
nick07hi, how do i disable my ubuntu openssh server from being seen (blocked) outside (internet) my LAN15:27
baphomet1Is anyone here available to help me out with a VPNC issue?  I am unable to connect to an IPSec tunnel (openswan) from my unbutu client using VPNC.  I am able to connect to this tunnel just fine from a windows, osx and iOS client.15:28
Zhaofeng_Linick07: sudo apt-get remove openssh-server15:29
BluesKajbaphomet1, ok got l2tp-ipsec-vpn installed ?15:29
agumonkeyI booted arch to repair another distro that have sudo issues15:29
agumonkeyany pointers on what to edit ? (I guess /etc/group)15:30
baphomet1BluesKaj, on the server or the client?15:30
willowsagumonkey: What exactly are the issues?15:31
Piciagumonkey: Where is Ubuntu in this scenario?15:31
BluesKajclient , but I see vpnc is a cisco client , not familiar with at one , baphomet115:31
BluesKajthat one rqather15:31
agumonkeyPici: it's Mint15 , I booted arch because I only had that on a usb key15:32
Piciagumonkey: We don't support Mint here.15:32
Pici!mintsupport | agumonkey15:32
ubottuagumonkey: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:32
agumonkeyPici: fair enough, their help chan is asleep so I came here just in case15:32
k1l_if you dont like asleep support channels you should consider using a distro that got a not asleep support channel :/15:33
baphomet1BluesKaj, hmm.15:34
mryohanssh -D me@remote.host <-- logs me into the server instead of doing dynamic port forwarding, what am I doing wrong?15:34
BluesKajbaphomet1, what's your connection error ?15:34
agumonkeyk1l_: that was kinda unnecessary15:35
agumonkeybye folks15:35
AndChat|4016I am new to open source ,what are the pre requsites to be able to contribute to ubuntu?15:36
baphomet1BluesKaj, VPNC says "no response from target".  But if this is because VPNC is only designed for cisco clients.  do you know if there is a network manager plugin thing for the l2tp-ipsec-vpn package you recommended?15:36
willowsAndChat|4016: How would you like to contribute..?15:36
AndChat|4016I am intermediate in programming .i want to help in programing.what are the upcoming features in ubuntu on which I can work on?15:39
zykotick9!develop | AndChat|401615:39
ubottuAndChat|4016: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment15:39
rebarhell how do I connect to a ftp server in the terminal? I want to connect to sunnet ftp server to download iso image15:39
wylde!contribute | AndChat|401615:39
ubottuAndChat|4016: contribute is To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu15:39
jmgklol rebar  "hell"15:40
jmgkMade my day15:40
BluesKajbaphomet1,, you can run l2tp client separately from NM15:40
rebarjmgk: hahah15:41
baphomet1BluesKaj, I do not want to have to use the CLI to connect everytime.15:41
AndChat|4016Thanks .will go through it.15:41
BluesKajyou don't baphomet1 it has it's own gui applet15:41
baphomet1BluesKaj, what does? Openswan?15:42
andreiiarHello! This is dog!15:42
paopaoCentOS is great15:42
baphomet1BluesKaj, you are blowing my mind right now, BTW haha.  I have been working on this for a while and going about it the wrong way this entire time haha15:42
mryohanhai dog15:43
Sander^workHow can I check how much space is reserved for root for a disk?15:43
BluesKajbaphomet1, l2tp-ipsec-vpn does , it's in the repos just install from software center or console15:43
baphomet1BluesKaj, do I need to generate a new x.509 cert when installing?15:44
zykotick9Sander^work: it's 5% by default i believe, i usually change it to 1% - but how to see that... i have no clue.15:44
baphomet1BluesKaj, I had actually come across this applet before and it didn't work for me.  let me try again15:44
Sander^workzykotick9, I remember that there is some command to check it. But I cant rememeber which command.15:44
BluesKajbaphomet1, no15:44
baphomet1BluesKaj, ok.  let me try this out.  just a moment15:45
xeedertom clancy is dead?15:45
BluesKajxeeder, he died a few yrs ago15:46
phunyguySander^work: zykotick9: http://vishesh-yadav.com/blog/2011/09/01/decrease-reserved-space-in-ext2ex3ext4-filesystems/15:46
andreiiarI use lubuntu and was on tty2 ( that is how console is called right ? ) , Then i was away for some time15:46
andreiiarAnd tty2 along with all tty besides the one with X11 stopped working15:47
andreiiarI mean I cant type anything15:47
zykotick9phunyguy: thanks.15:47
baphomet1BluesKaj, it's trying to connect now15:47
phunyguyandreiiar: careful, or FloodBot will get you.15:47
phunyguyandreiiar: please try to keep it on 1-2 lines15:48
andreiiarIm no scared of no bot/15:49
baphomet1BluesKaj, error 500 and error 300.  would be nice if the thing that said "click to show details" was actually clickable "S15:49
BluesKajbaphomet1, you probly need a prearranged key for the server . if you already have it then it should connect15:49
baphomet1BluesKaj, it is PSK.  it is not connecting though15:49
phunyguyandreiiar: can't say I didn't warn you. :)15:50
Donnie_Darko21hello ppl ,i was wondering why dont appear java on mozzilla ?15:50
BluesKajcould you screenshot to imagebin a pioc odf the connection dialog box with the the various field , baphomet115:51
andreiiarYou could answer people questions instead of playing puppet for those bots.15:51
baphomet1BluesKaj, hang on.15:51
BluesKaja pic of15:51
Donnie_Darko21is it removed?15:51
tylertwoDonnie_Darko21: It's not installed by default, I think. So you have to install it.15:51
phunyguyandreiiar: thanks, I am.  Do you have a support question?15:52
Donnie_Darko21but i had it i  was using it i use it 12.0415:52
Donnie_Darko21and i always installing the new releases15:52
Donnie_Darko21of java15:52
andreiiarI'll google it thx :|15:52
tylertwoDonnie_Darko21: apt-cache policy [package name] will check if it's installed15:52
Donnie_Darko21i always check if the addson are up to date now java dont appear on addson15:53
Donnie_Darko21totem and shockvawe flash are up to date but java dont appear now15:54
tylertwoDonnie_Darko21: Maybe you need to reinstall it?15:54
phunyguyDonnie_Darko21: please follow this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java15:55
Donnie_Darko21i think i remmember that i installed the java that was the last time15:55
geniiFor whoever was asking about how to find how much reserved space: sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sdX#  then multiply the values of "Reserved block count" and "Block size"15:56
baphomet1BluesKaj, is there something like paste.ubuntu.com for images?15:56
phunyguybaphomet1: imgur.com15:56
phunyguythat too15:57
Donnie_Darko21ok i m gonna try to install
phunyguyDonnie_Darko21: with that guide, it may get you to the point where a step was possibly missed, etc.15:57
tylertwoDonnie_Darko21: sounds good15:58
phunyguyDonnie_Darko21: also there was a ppa, if I recall, that keeps java installed and updated for you15:58
geniiSander^work: See my above comment :)15:58
Donnie_Darko21i dont missed anything really always see if mine plugins are up to date and i always installing the latest dont know why not dont appear15:58
phunyguyDonnie_Darko21: if you decide to use the ppa however, do so at yoru own risk.15:59
baphomet1BluesKaj, http://imagebin.org/272524 http://imagebin.org/272525 http://imagebin.org/27252615:59
Donnie_Darko21lol why ppa  tar package is better15:59
Sander^workgenii, phunyguy: thanks:)15:59
phunyguyDonnie_Darko21: ppa's will work with system updates.15:59
phunyguyDonnie_Darko21: as new java packages are added to teh ppa, your system can get it with regular updates.15:59
Donnie_Darko21hmm ok ok and with tar worked but dont know why dont appear now16:00
geniiphunyguy: The webupd8 ppa basically just automates the process you would manually do to install the Oracle java..eg: downloads it, adjusts your update-alternatives, etc16:00
Donnie_Darko21on mozzila plugins16:00
phunyguyDonnie_Darko21: probably something having to do with sudo update-alternatives portion of that guide.16:00
Donnie_Darko21hmmm ok thanks  i will back if will have problem16:01
phunyguyDonnie_Darko21: and/or copying the plugin to the mozilla plugin folder16:01
Donnie_Darko21yes of course rm -v ~/.mozilla/plugins/libnpjp2.so16:02
phunyguygenii: indeed, it is my install method of choice.16:02
phunyguygenii: but !wfm, etc.  :)16:02
baphomet1BluesKaj, obviously I changed some things in those screenshots (usernames, etc), but those were the settings I was working with16:03
BluesKajbaphomet1, ok click on the ppp tab and enable the "choose these protocols " and enable all of the availble ones , also fill in the username and password fields16:03
baphomet1BluesKaj, yep.  where does the group name go?16:03
baphomet1BluesKaj, do I need to do anything in the Peer Authentication, IP Settings or Advanced areas?16:04
BluesKajbaphomet1, not sure  , I never needed to when I used ipsec16:05
andreiiarDo you guyise support blackbox?16:06
BluesKajIp settings only in the remote server , afaik , baphomet116:06
baphomet1BluesKaj, ok.  any other suggestions?16:06
baphomet1BluesKaj, is having the 'length bit' box checked in the l2tp tab correct?16:07
universalwhich filesystem supports sign like vertical bar on a pen drive and how to convert a pen drive from one filesystem to another with data present in it ?16:07
BluesKajnope that's it , but I've never used a cisco server, baphomet116:07
phunyguyandreiiar: you can ask about it, but not sure how many will be able to help.16:07
baphomet1BluesKaj, it's not a cisco server :).  the server is an ubuntu box running openswan.16:07
andreiiarThat was the only question about it I wanted to ask.16:08
phunyguyandreiiar: if blackbox has a support channel you might have better luck there.16:08
baphomet1BluesKaj, when I initially looked up how to connect to it with ubuntu I saw things recommending VPNC.  I had assumed it would connect16:08
BluesKajbaphomet1, not sure about the length bit , baphomet116:08
baphomet1BluesKaj, ok.  I just unchecked it.  trying to connect now.16:08
Xabstermy open windows are behaving so strange... if i drag windows then sometimes it selects another window to drag just... while i'm dragging... and sometimes it clicks buttons and stuff in other windows16:10
baphomet1BluesKaj, still error 500.  It sends a notification that says error 500 .... click here for details, but as you know, notifications in ubuntu are not clickable (goodness I wish they were).16:10
Xabsterlike, if i drag one window over another a it will do weird clicks inside that window and/or start dragging that instead16:10
BluesKajbaphomet1, do you have preshared key for the server, because ipsec requires it16:10
baphomet1BluesKaj, do you think this thing would store logs in /var/llog?16:10
baphomet1BluesKaj, yes to PSK.  I think this has to do with the group name thing?.  also gives error 300.16:11
baphomet1BluesKaj, found the log16:11
baphomet1BluesKaj, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6184475/16:12
BluesKajbaphomet1, there's log in the client16:12
baphomet1BluesKaj, yep, just found that haha16:12
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Xabsterany idea how to fix my issue with dragging windows with the mouse?16:13
BluesKajbaphomet1, does trhe server support openvpn , it might be easier16:13
baphomet1BluesKaj, yes and I have an openVPN tunnel setup, but the behavior is not what I want.  My IPSec tunnel does what I want it to do out of the box.16:14
tor_i have just bought a logitech k400r keyboard with integrated mouse pad. but even though i have set up norwegian keyboard layout in ubuntu the keyboard is english. is there som way i can fix so it will be all norwegian16:14
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WeberEIncHello - Attempting to install Ubuntu Server 12.04 to a server that has a RocketRaid 222x raid controller.  The raid controller bios shows the RAID 5 array has been created, but the Ubuntu installer shows the drives as separate drives instead of as a single raid collection...  Any suggestions for the proper way to get this installed?16:19
baphomet1BluesKaj, any suggestions?16:19
BluesKajbaphomet1, perhaps the server is rejecting some of the PPP protocols , so try them one at a time16:19
kennhello people16:20
phunyguyWeberEInc: check in /dev/mapper16:20
baphomet1BluesKaj, will do.  brb16:20
phunyguyWeberEInc: chances are it is software raid, but the real array will be in /dev/mapper in that case.16:20
baphomet1BluesKaj, I am going to check the windows client and see what it uses.16:20
phunyguyWeberEInc: not software raid, fakeraid, sorry16:20
WeberEIncphunyguy : I'm trying to install from a CD... there is no /dev/mapper yet...16:20
BluesKajbaphomet1, good idea16:20
kenni want to make an offline version of tatoeba.org16:21
phunyguyWeberEInc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:21
ActionPa1snipWeberEInc: if you boot to Ubuntu liveCD, do you see one drive?16:21
kennit's a multilingual sentente search engine16:22
ActionPa1snipphunyguy: its hardware raid, so fake raid junk isnt needed16:22
WeberEIncphunyguy: But I don't want to run a software raid when I have a hardware controller!16:22
WeberEIncActionPa1snip: The server version of Ubuntu doesn't boot live16:22
ActionPa1snipWeberEInc: try booting to live ubuntu desktop and formating it there (if it shows)16:22
phunyguyActionPa1snip: is that specific adapter pure hardware?16:22
ActionPa1snipWeberEInc: yes but the desktop cd does16:22
ActionPa1snipphunyguy: yes16:23
phunyguyActionPa1snip: ahh, noted, thanks16:23
ActionPa1snipphunyguy: it shoul present the array as one drive and handle the access in hardware16:23
phunyguythank you./16:23
WeberEIncActionPa1snip: I didn't want to load up this box with all of the Desktop version stuff... Will I have to just to be able to get the Raid working?16:23
kenncould somebody help me with offline tatoeba.org?16:23
ActionPa1snipWeberEInc: its just to check the situation out. I never said to install the esktop install...did I?16:23
ActionPa1snipWeberEInc: check the situation etc, might be able to format the volume16:24
WeberEIncActionPa1snip:  OK - so if I fire up a desktop live CD and it shows it as a single drive, then what?16:24
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ActionPa1snipWeberEInc: then boot back to the server install to put the OS on the new partitions16:24
phunyguyActionPa1snip: still doesn't sound right16:24
ActionPa1snipphunyguy: in what way?16:24
zykotick9WeberEInc: in addition, you might want to ask the folks in #ubuntu-server16:25
phunyguyActionPa1snip: still sounds like the raid controller isn't doing what it is supposed to be doing16:25
WeberEIncActionPa1snip: OK - so then gpartd to partition and format....  But what if when I boot live it shows it as 4 drives (the 3 in the array and the 1 spare)?16:25
ActionPa1snipphunyguy: its just not presenting right to the OS.16:25
phunyguyActionPa1snip: that is fakeraid16:25
ActionPa1snipWeberEInc: check the RAID config in the card too, be sure to write the settings to the config16:25
ActionPa1snipphunyguy: no, the access to whichever disk is handled by a piece of hardware rather than a fakeraid subsystem16:26
kenna guy explain how to do that but i didn't understand how he merged csv files with Clojure16:26
zykotick9phunyguy: fakeraid is the crap you get built onto motherboards, the poster said they have a rocketraid card.16:26
phunyguyActionPa1snip: then the hardware is setup incorrectly.  An ubuntu desktop CD will not remedy that16:26
WeberEIncActionPa1snip:  The raid bios (even after reboot) shows that the RAID 5 definition (with 3 drives in the array and 1 spare) are there and ready to go...16:26
baphomet1BluesKaj, that was inconclusive.  The windows client doesn't say anything about which authentication protocol it uses.16:27
tor_i have a problem with wrong keyboard lay out. it is set to norwegian and the keyboard is norwegian. but when i type it is like english layout >& any1 able to help me16:28
phunyguyWeberEInc: when you set up the RAID5 on the adapter, did it go through a rebuild?16:28
phunyguyor a "build"?16:28
WeberEIncActionPa1snip:  1 more question... if I boot with the desktop live CD and it shows individual drives instead of the raid array, any suggestions on how to get the Ubuntu installers to ask me for a vendor-supplied raid driver?16:28
phunyguyYou should not need a vendor supplied driver for real raid.16:28
phunyguya real raid array is completely transparent to the OS.16:29
WeberEIncphunyguy: the 'rebuild' or 'initialization' won't happen until there is data on the drive... which won't happen until there is an install, which I can't do until the installer recognizes the array as an array instead of individual disks.16:29
phunyguyWeberEInc: that isn't true at all16:29
phunyguyWeberEInc: unless it is fakeraid16:29
WeberEIncphunyguy: Rocketraid has driver(s) and management software for their cards..16:30
phunyguyin other words, the bios presents the drives to interact with a driver on the server16:30
phunyguyWeberEInc: that is fakeraid.16:30
loahello, i created upstart job, it works well byt don't start at system boot16:31
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loawhat i can check?16:31
loahere it is http://pastebin.com/fBez4Rap16:31
loai called it as mjpeg-streamer.conf and add to /etc/init/16:31
loastart and stop for it works well16:31
phunyguy!enter | loa16:32
ubottuloa: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:32
phunyguyWeberEInc: maybe I used the incorrect term.  Either way, that is why I said check /dev/mapper, there should be an array in there, if the kernel is doing its job.16:32
loaphunyguy, sorry.16:33
loait is hard to keep all in head.16:33
BluesKajbaphomet1, did you look in windows networking in the control panel?16:34
baphomet1BluesKaj, not yet.  hang on16:34
phunyguyWeberEInc: http://www.highpoint-tech.cn/BIOS_Driver/rr222x/Linux/Install_Ubuntu_RR222x.pdf16:34
phunyguytake a peek there, it has some preinstall steps.16:34
loaHello, i created upstart job, it works well but don't start at system boot. What i can check? Here content of upstart job file http://pastebin.com/fBez4Rap. I called it as mjpeg-streamer.conf and add to "/etc/init/". Start and stop for it works well.16:35
phunyguyloa: you are missing what runlevels it starts on16:39
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baphomet1BluesKaj, not seeing anything in the adapter (it doesn't create a new adapter) settings that would indicate what protocol it is using to communicate16:42
SA44I get this error even though I have plenty of free space : Désolé, le programme « udisks-daemon » a quitté de façon inattendue  Votre ordinateur ne possède pas suffisamment de mémoire libre pour analyser automatiquement le problème et envoyer un rapport aux développeurs.16:42
phunyguySA44: care to translate?16:42
SA44google translate: Sorry, 'udisks-daemon "program quit unexpectedly Your computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyze the problem and send a report to the developers.16:43
andreiiarMy tty is frozen. What can I do? lubuntu 13.0416:43
phunyguySA44: memory is not the same as disk space....16:43
SA44I have some 40 gigs free16:43
phunyguy(if you meant disk space)16:43
SA44oh so what to do?16:43
loaphunyguy, you are very helpfull thx.16:43
phunyguySA44: do you have a swap partition?16:43
phunyguyloa: you're welcome16:43
SA44not sure :)16:44
phunyguySA44: it sounds like you don't have enough free RAM to run the dumps, etc.16:44
baphomet1BluesKaj, looking for the conf file in /etc right now.  wondering if something needs to be changed (port number?)16:44
SA44but this computer is not old. i mean everything worked fine in my much older crappy comp16:45
phunyguySA44: swapon -s16:45
phunyguytry that in a terminal16:45
BluesKajbaphomet1, check microsoft CHAP version 2 prortcol16:45
phunyguyI have to run for a bit, good luck, all.16:45
baphomet1BluesKaj, ok.  hang on.16:45
BluesKajbaphomet1, in th PPP tab inthe cleint16:45
SA44/dev/sda6                               partition209407652096-116:46
baphomet1BluesKaj, perhaps it has something to do with this? Oct 02 09:44:19.149 Starting xl2tpd: xl2tpd.16:46
baphomet1BluesKaj, it is saying it is failing hwen ti does that16:46
BluesKajbaphomet1, no that's a std connection attempt16:46
SA44so that means i have a swap ?16:46
baphomet1BluesKaj, immediately after it says that it says "last command timed out"16:47
BluesKajitr means the server isn't recognizing the PSK maybe , baphomet116:47
baphomet1BluesKaj, hang on16:47
baphomet1BluesKaj, I just made another change.  let's see what happens.16:48
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phunyguyback, SA44: yes.16:48
phunyguythat looks fine.16:48
SA44there was another (title) line above that, didnt write it cuz guessed youd know already. but here it is: Filename TypeSizeUsedPriority16:48
phunyguySA44: how much RAM does your PC have?16:48
SA44is there a command to see that?16:49
phunyguySA44: pastebin output from cat /proc/meminfo16:49
phunyguyplease and thank you. :)16:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:49
baphomet1BluesKaj, so I am only getting error 500 now.  it says "starting xl2tpd" then takes a while then it says "last command timed out"16:50
baphomet1BluesKaj, key is right16:50
baphomet1BluesKaj, error 300 just popped up16:50
loaHow i can setup my system in such way, that few programs can read my /dev/video016:50
loaor maybe i can duplicate /dev/video0 and they will be equal webcam16:51
phunyguyloa: only one should be able to at a time, so motion shoudl take care of that for you, IIRC16:51
SA44here it is :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/6184659/16:51
phunyguySA44: what version of Ubuntu?16:51
loaphunyguy, i setuped mjpg_streamer and motion read information from mjpg_treamer16:51
loabut i want skype too.16:52
loabut it can read only /dev/video016:52
SA44Lubuntu 13.04 installed alongside windows16:52
loaoh i again write many stings =/16:52
phunyguyoh I misunderstood, sorry about that.  loa, I am unsure how to accomplish that.16:52
BluesKajbaphomet1, well I'm out of ideas ...i was using an easy freeserver for ipsec (VPNGate) so the parameters must be different , I have since swiched to a commercial vpn server that use it's own linux openvpn client16:52
phunyguySA44: that looks OK as well.16:52
phunyguySA44: I would say file a bug, but it looks like that part is what is failing.  You cannot file a bug about not being able to file a bug.16:53
baphomet1BluesKaj, thanks for trying though! :D  I am going to keep fiddling with this.16:53
BluesKajok baphomet1 , perseverence pays off , good luck :)16:53
phunyguySA44: please go to Launchpad.com and file a bug manually.16:53
phunyguySA44: what is the app that is crashing and triggering apport?16:54
SA44but is there no way to solve the problem now?16:54
SA44no app is crashing. when i login i get an error message telling me to file a bug and then i get that16:54
phunyguySA44: pastebin the details of the error please.16:55
SA44no details, just that16:55
phunyguySA44: when you first get the popup, there will be a details button16:55
loaphunyguy, look what i found http://v4l2vd.sourceforge.net/16:56
phunyguyloa, that is what is providing /dev/video0 if I recall.16:56
SA44maybe you're right. will try to catch those details next time it happens. thanks anyways16:57
phunyguyso you already have that16:57
phunyguySA44: you're welcome.16:57
phunyguySA44: when you get those details, you can uncheck the box to file a bug report16:57
phunyguyand it won't attempt./16:57
PaulePanterHi. I am on 12.04. I do not get ureadahead to work.16:57
loaphunyguy, no it is really virtual devices for v4l216:57
SA44byebye :)16:58
PaulePanter$ sudo more /var/log/upstart/ureadahead.log16:58
PaulePanterCounted 8 CPUs16:58
PaulePanterureadahead: Error while tracing: No such file or directory16:58
phunyguyloa: well good luck.16:58
phunyguy!paste | PaulePanter16:58
ubottuPaulePanter: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:58
PaulePanterphunyguy: Thanks. I thought three lines is fine.16:59
phunyguyPaulePanter: it's pushing it. :)16:59
phunyguyPaulePanter: I think FloodBots will get you after 4.16:59
jthomas__Running Ubuntu 13.04, it has mailutils installed.  I can start a message $mail -s 'test' user@domain.com'  but neither . by itdelf, nor [Ctrl][D], will end the message.  It just sits there.  What gives?  how cn i end this message?17:00
PaulePanterCould somebody please check if ureadahead gives the same errors under `/var/log/upstart/*`?17:00
PaulePanterjthomas__: Hit return twice I think.17:00
jthomas__nope, no go PaulePanter17:01
phunyguyPaulePanter:  I see some errors like that as well.17:02
phunyguyPaulePanter: however not recent.17:02
PaulePanterjthomas__: Reading the manual http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl1_Mail.htm , Ctrl + d should do the trick. But you say it does not. Not sure what is wrong. Sorry.17:04
PaulePanterphunyguy: Thanks.17:04
phunyguyI am off again.  Good luck.17:06
jthomas__yeah, exactly, ubuntu17:06
SA44phunyguy: still here?17:09
SA44phunyguy: you were right about the details. so it's package libmenu-cache2 0.4.1-0ubuntu1 that crashes17:11
SA44phunyguy: hope you receive the message. try to be back tomorrow17:12
SA44phunyguy: i mean i will try to be back tomorrow (i wasnt telling you to try, haha)17:13
LucidGuyis sambaSID the equivalent of linux uidNumber, and gidNumber/sambaPrimaryGroupSID17:13
SA44phunyguy: bye and thanks again for the help17:13
bungeebonesI created a new partition on my HD and installed a second ubuntu 12.04 on the drive. What command line code can I use to copy folders and files from one partition to the other that also preserves the owner and group name? I mostly need to copy everyone's home folders over17:14
QessentialBuenas tardes.17:15
XabsterHow do I revert back from properitary drivers?17:16
QessentialHello there.17:17
Xabsteri can see 4 options in software sources -> additional drivers, but i can't select anything other than the manually installed drivers17:17
is_nullhi all, i have a new laptop, should i install 13.10 beta 2 or 13.04 ?17:17
bungeebonesXabster  System Settings Hardware - Additional Drivers17:17
is_nulli've tried the lives and i don't see any difference really17:18
Xabsterbungeebones: no such menu17:18
bungeebonesI just repaired a bad install of video card drivers this morning that way17:18
ed0n0nhi there! I have a intel i5 laptop and cannot acomplish the dualboot installation on it. I get an Instal error: trying to overwrite '/etc/console_setup/compose.ISO-8859-13.inc' wich is also in package console_setup 1.8817:18
Xabsterbungeebones: it's not there though... no "hardware" menu point nor any "additional drivers" menu17:18
bungeebonesXabster Which version, desktop you using?17:19
Xabster13.04, default17:19
Xabsterunity i guess it's called17:19
MagyarokHello, can anyone here help me with ubuntu server?17:19
QessentialIm having several troubles auto mounting a HDD. After unsucesfull howtos i used the utility Disks from Ubuntu, This utiliti have an option to disable the on demand mounting and make it happen on every startup via fstab. By the way, if i try to use it even with the defaults params of the utility, Ubuntu is unable to start because it can not mount the partition, so i need to press S and un do...17:20
Qessential...the job. Anyone can please bring me some light on this? Maybe another util, or howto? Its an GPT wxt2 3tb partition, only for data.17:20
bungeebonesI'm in 12.04 My tool bar is accross the top and it has a icon looks like a gear. That's where I found mine17:20
ed0n0nI have tried with different Ubuntu versions 12.04 32 & 64, and last trys with 13.04-desktop 64bit17:20
ed0n0nI really need some help with the installation issue, because It's the first time that cannot get to install Ubuntu17:21
Qessentialed0n0n:  probably a bad disk, are you using a cd or a USB stick?17:22
bungeebonesQessential> Maybe download and try Gparted17:22
Qessentialbungeebones: Thanks, that is util to format the drives, but not for automounting issues, as far as i know. Maybe im wrong?17:23
bungeebonesQessential> Yup, sorry my bad.17:24
Qessentialat all, thanks anyway.17:24
MagyarokWhen im in ubuntu server, how do I exit out of a document??17:24
Xabsteris the unity dash search thingy always so broken or did I break it? I search for "ati" and it finds "passwords and keys", "time and date" and under files and folders it gives me "desktop".........?!17:24
ed0n0nQessential: using USB but chksum checked it and is OK17:24
Xabsterand the software center when i search for radeon gives me 8 results, 0 that contains radeon17:24
bungeebonesI created a new partition on my HD and installed a second ubuntu 12.04 on the drive. What command line code can I use to copy folders and files from one partition to the other that also preserves the owner and group name? I mostly need to copy everyone's home folders over17:24
ed0n0nQessential: also used unetbootin to install the image on the USB stick17:25
MagyarokCan anyone help me?17:25
Barnabasbungeebones, you need to add the users from the old system to the new first17:25
Qessentialed0n0n: check the HDD then, if you encounter troubles installing files, its probably an issue with data corruption, that leads on RAM, HDD, or image issues, not the SO itself.17:26
bwayneMagyarok: what editor are you using?17:26
MagyarokI dont know.17:26
bungeebones<Barnabas> Did that17:26
Barnabasbungeebones, do a sudo vipw on the old system and appy to the new17:26
MagyarokI accidently types info17:26
bungeebonesDidn't create home folders17:26
Magyarokim in sed.info.gz17:26
bwayneMagyarok: try typing ':q'17:26
Barnabasbungeebones, no, you are about to copy those17:26
QessentialI'll suggest running some Chkdisk and memtest passes.17:26
Barnabasbungeebones, i assume you have the old "home" mounted when booted into the new system17:27
QessentialIm having several troubles auto mounting a HDD. After unsucesfull howtos i used the utility Disks from Ubuntu, This utility have an option to disable the on demand mounting and make it happen on every startup via fstab. By the way, if i try to use it even with the defaults params of the utility, Ubuntu is unable to start because it can not mount the partition, so i need to press S and un do...17:27
Qessential...the job. Anyone can please bring me some light on this? Maybe another util, or howto? Its an GPT ext2 3tb partition, only for data.17:27
bwayneMagyarok: you're welcome. i had a suspicion you had landed in vi. :)17:27
ed0n0nQessential: So should I remake the partiotions? Formated them before each install and same error happening. How can I check that it is a HDD faikure?17:28
Barnabasbungeebones, on the NEW system sudo cp -R /path/to/old/home /home (on the new server17:28
Magyarokbwayne, one more question. Is it possible to run a ubuntu server on wifi?17:28
bungeebones<Barnabas>  Is that what I have to do - mount the old home folder and then do a cp?17:28
Barnabasbungeebones, thats what I would do17:29
Barnabasbungeebones, then the users should have the same home dirs17:29
bwayneMagyarok: yes. I shelled into my home ssh server, which is accessed via wifi.17:29
bwayneMagyarok: I *am17:29
Qessentialed0n0n: There are several ISO distros that comes with diagnosis tools, burn them into a CD at 1x, or use the same usb stick, then use the utils inside the distro to check for HDD and RAM errors. Remember, it can also be the USB Stick failing.17:29
bungeebonesk, I'm a noob about mounting. It is one of the sb? in the dev folder right?17:29
Qessentialed0n0n:  common path is: Change USB Stick for other, Change USB port, check RAM, check HDD.17:30
ed0n0nQessential: thank you I'll check that out! :) Will tell you about the result here17:30
quantumpantsI cant get my dvd's to play on my wifes laptop, any ideas??17:30
QessentialGood luck ed0n0n17:30
QessentialHope its only a bad usb stick :P17:31
ed0n0nQessential: thanks again17:31
bungeebones<Barnabas> I used webmin and exported all the users and passwords, then created the asame ones on the new partition minus the home folders.17:31
JC_SoCalI'm running 12.04. Is there a apt-get PHP package for 5.5.4? How do I find it if there is?17:34
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ReactoHow do I get twofinger sidescrolling working?17:43
andrew_guys, can you help me?17:45
andrew_the question not about ubuntu17:45
kongthapanyone here please help me with this question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/352409/please-help-to-fix-error-while-mounting-static17:46
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quantumpantsanybody about?17:52
Wiz_KeeDbest tutorial for php apache mysql on ubuntu 12.04?17:52
gordonjcp!anyone | quantumpants17:52
ubottuquantumpants: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:52
Fuzzlessteam wont launch games need help17:52
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.17:52
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.17:53
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jshriveranyone know how to fix this:17:54
quantumpantsI am have trouble getting my laptop to play a dvd, any ideas?17:54
jshriverfor i in `find /media/ | grep MP3`; do echo $i; done17:54
jshriverbut if the filename or path has a space it shoves it into multiple $i entries17:54
jshriverquantum: try vlc17:54
jshrivervideolan.org  or try the package management in your system17:55
jshriverapt-get install vlc17:55
quantumpantsdoes anybody know why i cant play a dvd on my puter?17:56
quantumpantsjshriver, not even that works17:57
trismjshriver: find /media -name '*.MP3' -print17:57
Pici!dvd | quantumpants have you read this?17:57
ubottuquantumpants have you read this?: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:57
jshrivertrism: ty let em try17:58
jshriverquantum: apt-get install libdvdread4 libdvd017:59
jshriverthere are legal issues with DVD so try this after installing the above17:59
quantumpantsthanks guys17:59
trismjshriver: if you want to do something for each path, use -exec instead: find /media -name '*.MP3' -exec echo '{}' \;17:59
jshriverquantum:  cd /usr/share/doc/libdvdread418:00
jshriverquantum: ./install-css.sh18:00
jshriverfor i in `find /media -name '*.MP3';`; do echo $i; done  still seems to seperate it18:01
jshriverbasically trying this:18:01
jshriverfor i in `find /media -name '*.MP3';`; do echo $i && cp $i /home/backup/; done18:01
trismjshriver: don't use the for18:01
trismjshriver: use find and -exec18:02
jshriverhrm how do you reference the entry with exec?18:02
jshriverfind /media -name '*.MP3' -exec cp ? /home/backup18:03
blob4000hello, what' the best way to open port 3000 on an ubuntu server, for hosting a web server18:03
jshrivernot sure what to use for ?18:03
trismjshriver: find /media -name '*.MP3' -exec cp -v '{}' /home/backup/ \;18:03
trismjshriver: the {} is replaced by the path18:03
Piciblob4000: Just start an application that will listen on port 3000. Nothing is blocked by default.18:04
jshriverfind /media -name '*.MP3' -exec cp '{}' /home/backup/  "Missing -exec argument"18:05
trismjshriver: the \; at the end is important18:05
blob4000thanks Pici. i'm running on port 3000. any hints on how to debug where the incoming request to that port is being blocked?18:05
trismjshriver: it terminates the -exec expression18:05
blob4000if for example, something like the firewall is rejecting it18:05
jshriverty sir that worked :)18:05
jshriverhave a good day everytone and good luck quantum18:05
trismjshriver: you can also use + and in that case it will only exec once with all the paths found18:05
Piciblob4000: Can you connect from the computer that is serving it? like a simple telnet localhost 3000  ?18:06
blob4000i can do curl
blob4000and it returns properly18:07
Piciblob4000: And where are you trying to connect from? Another computer on the same network? or from somewhere else over the internet?18:07
blob4000the ubuntu server is on a linode box18:07
blob4000i'm also running ubuntu here18:07
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Piciblob4000: Hm.  linode's default config shouldn't be blocking anything.  I'm irssing from my linode here.18:08
MagyarokHello, is anyone here knowledgeable in dual booting ubuntu server and windows 7?18:08
blob4000Pici, what's weird is that it was working the other day18:08
blob4000i wonder if setting up fail2ban might have something to do with it?18:08
blob4000but i've tried stopping fail2ban and the problem persists18:08
loaMagyarok, it is as simple as clap, if you have two arms.18:09
Piciblob4000: it could... Check /var/log/fail2ban.log ? maybe there was a rule setup that was never removed.18:09
blob4000i'll check, thanks :)18:09
MagyarokIoa, how do I start?18:09
daftykinsMagyarok: a desktop and a server OS - that's an odd match! :)18:10
Magyarokdaflykins, Dont have an option. :/18:11
bogrenHi, Im having some trouble with dual booting windows 8 and ubuntu anyone with some knowledge about this? Issue is ubuntu wont boot from GRUB (black screen)18:13
wilee-nileebogren, Have you tried nomodeset from the grub menu?18:13
daftykinsMagyarok: use the tab key when typing nicknames so that you get highlights correct18:13
blob4000Pici: nothing in the fail2ban log.18:14
daftykinsMagyarok: what do you mean you have no option? it should install easy.18:14
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wilee-nilee!nomodeset | bogren18:14
ubottubogren: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:14
blob4000Pici, running netstat -ltn yields: tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN18:14
quantumpantsPici, Ubottu, jshriver  as usual you guys have sorted it! thanks :)18:14
bogrenwilee-nilee yes18:15
dANIAL31can anyone direct me to Pear Linux channel/network?  Thanks18:15
Magyarokdaflykins , I just dont want to mess it up. I tried once before, and I couldnt get either one to boot18:15
dANIAL31i posted here because im told its ubuntu/debian based18:16
Piciblob4000: check the output of sudo iptables -L18:16
RELOLis there any way to run Linux on  Intel’s Atom processors?18:16
DJones!alis | dANIAL31 Either the alis bot may be able to find a channel, if not, probably their website should give any info on support18:16
ubottudANIAL31 Either the alis bot may be able to find a channel, if not, probably their website should give any info on support: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*18:16
wilee-nileebogren, I believe there is a graphic choice in the recovery boot from grub, have you looked there?18:16
blob4000thanks Pici, i don't see anything suspicious there. can i send you a private message with the output of iptables -L?18:17
sleepycatI am deploying a app (rails) will need some env vars set and will be behind nginx and will rely on a cron job as well. There is an nginx user created, am I correct in thinking I need to add the env vars to the nginx users .bashrc and run the cron job as that user as well?18:17
RELOLZ2760 for example?18:17
Piciblob4000: sure18:17
blfrktShutdown does not power off computer     on ubuntu 12.0418:17
bogren@wilee-nilee @ubottu I have a thread on ask ubuntu. But It has lost the traffic so I thought I'd try here....http://askubuntu.com/questions/352405/dual-boot-windows-8-and-ubuntu-12-04-irst-ubuntu-not-booting-black-screen18:17
blob4000Pici: sent18:17
unicorn-lightninHello.. I've been trying to get AMD drivers installed for about two days with no luck. I have ATI/Intel hybrid graphics and was told I need to se the driver from AMD's website. After installing it, Unity boots, but it is completely invisible. I can click on where the icons would be, and the applications open up fine, so I know that Unity is running. If I try to run glxgears, I get extreme lag. If try to run fglrxinfo, I get18:17
unicorn-lightninthis error: "Setting of real/effective user Id to 0/0 failed"18:17
Ari-Yangunicorn-lightnin, fglrx has terrible 2d acceleration.... you'd use it if you're a gamer I guess....18:18
Connorhey everyone.. I had upgraded from 10.04 lts to 12.04 lts and I get this when I use apt-get on updating or installing.. dpkg: warning: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 5078 package 'adoptionkiosk.6917d3f9e3b5e8ac9d09bd937cbcc17976766a9a.1':  error in Version string 'v1.04': version number does not start with digit18:18
Ari-Yangbut open source radeon driver is better than fglrx in many ways, unicorn-lightnin18:18
Connoranyone know what that is? I've searched and can't find anything definitive..18:18
unicorn-lightninI've been able to remedy that error temporarily by running "sudo chmod -R 777 /proc/ati/" but this only works until I reboot, and it doesn't fix the invisible desktop problem.18:19
unicorn-lightninAri-Yang, thanks but i've been told that 1000 times. I really just want to get the fglrx drivers working so that I can play games.18:19
wilee-nileebogren, Cool, you can tab complete nicks here. I would make a thread at the ubuntu forums as well, I don't do pm's.18:20
blfrktShutdown does not power off computer    ubuntu 12.0418:20
wilee-nileebogren, That is beyond my knowledge area is all.18:20
bogrenwilee-nilee ok thanks anyway!18:21
Ari-Yangunicorn-lightnin, ah I see.... tbh I dunno what the problem is, good luck. also you could ask for help in #ati in case somebody here doesn't know how to fix it...18:21
unicorn-lightninah, good idea. thanks18:21
ccbnI have Ubuntu 12.04 running on a Sunfire X2100. It has a 2-port NIC, lspci info here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6185022/    My problem is that only one of the ports on the NIC is usable, eth0, which is actually labelled as the second port on the NIC. I've tried compiling and installing the new tg3 drivers with no luck.18:21
quantumpantsblfrkt, i have the same trouble18:21
wilee-nileebogren, GThere is a mod at the UF who focuses on uefi dualboots they will stop by your thread there, make sure you have relevant info in the header is all.18:22
blob4000thanks Pici18:22
sleepycatI am deploying a app (rails) will need some env vars set and will be behind nginx and will rely on a cron job as well. There is an nginx user created, am I correct in thinking I need to add the env vars to the nginx users .bashrc and run the cron job as that user as well?18:23
quantumpantsPici, any  way i can get my laptop to tottally shut down when i ask it to?18:23
daftykinssleepycat: i'd bet an nginx channel would be better18:23
Piciblob4000: does the ip listed in the fail2ban-ssh chain look familiar?18:24
bogrenwilee-nilee ok I'll try it! anyway to disable the notifications in here? gets a bit messy to follow...18:26
Zelgodquick question,  i can use "./command" but not "command" on its own any ideas?18:26
blob4000Pici that IP is some bot trying to get in via ssh- i've been noticing them trying to get in. going to increase the penalty for failed attempts18:26
sleepycatdaftykins: Its more a linux question... I think I am just confused about setting up users for server processes.18:27
wilee-nileebogren, Do you mean the join/part?18:27
Piciblob4000: hrm.... Can you make other connections from your computer to that server? like ssh?18:27
sleepycatdaftykins: Its not nginx-specific confusion. :)18:27
daftykinssleepycat: ah. typically running servers as separate users is a good security call yeah. i've no experience with ruby or nginx though18:28
sleepycatdaftykins: so if I have a user that is going to run the server I need to set up environmental vars in that users .bashrc?18:29
bogrenanyone know how to disable green/blue notifications? very hard to follow conversations....18:29
daftykinssleepycat: yeah that'd make sense, if it's executing as that user yep. just try it and see! no harm will come :)18:30
Sivikwhat is the kacpid kernel process?18:30
AABB33how to know which is my keyboard layout? is there a way to detect it?18:30
FloodBot1laura__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:30
AABB33current layout is not correct18:31
AABB33have to go in 2 mins, quick help would be very appreciated18:31
JonReaganAABB33 are you currently in the process of installing Ubuntu?18:31
AABB33i just neeed to know which is my layout, then i know how to do the rest18:32
JonReaganyou can find it by going to your settings (on the dash on a typical install)18:32
sleepycatdaftykins: generally you put web apps somewhere in /var and make the folder accessible to the group the server user is in. Does that sound about right?18:32
SivikAABB33: setxkbmap18:33
SivikTry that command18:33
SivikAABB33: setxkbmap -query | grep layout18:33
Sivikthat should help too18:33
daftykinssleepycat: i really haven't used webapps i'm afraid18:33
AABB33ok thanks all18:34
sleepycatdaftykins: OK. Thanks for the help.18:34
Sivikyw AABB3318:34
dtcrshris something wrong with the webupd8team repo? I need to install java18:36
hramrachhow do I create resolv.conf?18:36
dtcrshrand its off for days18:36
viper1988Anyone has an answer to this?.. facing this issue since ages without a possible solution, mainly coz there's no way to enable bluetooth via bios in my ASUS K53S18:36
hramrachdtcrshr: there is special java repo too18:37
wilee-nileedtcrshr, The ppa?18:37
dtcrshrhramrach: sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf18:37
blob4000Pici: i think i found the issue, iptables is denying my IP18:37
hramrachdtcrshr: but when I connect to a different network it will be wrong again18:37
dtcrshrset up nameserver and you should be good to go18:37
blob4000really any IP trying to connect to port 300018:37
dtcrshrhramrach: hm I dont use network manager18:37
blob4000can i send you the log message from /var/log/syslog ?18:37
dtcrshrhramrach: do you know the java repo?18:37
hramrachdtcrshr: actually it's the webupd8 one18:38
dtcrshrso, is it off?18:38
hramrachbut had no problem with it while I had a resolv.conf18:38
xroHi, i try to do an AP with the aircrack suite... I do18:39
xrosudo airmon-ng start wlan018:39
xrosudo airmon-ng check kill18:39
xrosudo airbase-ng mon0 -a AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA -e test mon0 -v18:39
xroI never see my SSID, why?18:39
FloodBot1xro: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:39
hramrachhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu saucy main18:39
wilee-nileedtcrshr, worked two days ago I doubt there is any problem. http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html18:39
dtcrshrxro:  try #aircrack-ng18:39
hramrachdtcrshr: do I use network manager?18:40
hramrachhow do I tell?18:40
hramrachhow is resolv.conf supposed to be created? it just works in Debian and any other distro I can recall18:41
Piciblob4000: sure18:41
hramrachbut in Ubuntu I have no resolv.conf18:41
blob4000Pici: fixed it!18:41
Piciblob4000: yay!18:42
blob4000it was in my iptables18:42
Piciblob4000: I didn't see it there before... but maybe  I missed it?18:42
blob4000i think fail2ban added something to iptables?18:42
daftykinsthat's how it works18:42
blob4000well there you have it, i'll take a deeper look at fail2ban before reinstalling it18:42
Piciblob4000: weird.18:43
blob4000thanks again18:43
daftykinshramrach: there's pretty much always an /etc/resolv.conf - are you sure?18:43
hramrachyes, I have no damn resolv.conf18:43
hramrachthere is an empty space the shape of resolv.conf. I checked18:43
ubotturesolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution18:44
Picihramrach: Take a look at the links above, they might shed some light on your situation18:44
hramrachPici: thanks18:44
fellayaboyis it possible to setup a Portable SSH Server.  that no matter where i connect it to...no matter which router its under i can connec to18:46
YokoBRhey guys, anybody using hybrid amd graphics (muxless)?18:46
hramrachPici: ok, so I made the symlink. Now I have totally bogus resolv.conf18:46
zackiv31anyone know how to save a csv from Gnumeric ?18:47
unicorn-lightninHello.. I've been trying to get AMD drivers installed for about two days with no luck. I have ATI/Intel hybrid graphics and was told I need to se the driver from AMD's website. After installing it, Unity boots, but it is completely invisible. I can click on where the icons would be, and the applications open up fine, so I know that Unity is running. If I try to run glxgears, I get extreme lag. If try to run fglrxinfo, I get18:47
unicorn-lightninthis error: "Setting of real/effective user Id to 0/0 failed"18:47
unicorn-lightninI've been able to remedy that error temporarily by running "sudo chmod -R 777 /proc/ati/" but this only works until I reboot, and it doesn't fix the invisible desktop problem.18:48
AshvaHi, I want to log all commands that a ssh user run on my server, Can someone guide me on this?18:48
hramrachunicorn-lightnin: there is some hybris support in latest X11/kernel with the radeon driver18:49
hramrachit's very experimental18:49
hramrachI would not hope for hybris support from AMD. It would actually have to work with the Intel driver which is not going to happen until the driver grows a stable interface - never18:50
matubaumHello, I'm having troubles. Every time I need to install something  (for example postgresql)  I get: a list of tasks like this.  How can i do to thebug and fix this?   Using ubuntu 1218:51
hramrachnow I would not hope for much support for anything from radeon driver either since it insists on using hte proprietary and broken AtomBIOS blob by AMD instead of doing proper modesetting18:52
hramrachto sum up when you get an AND graphics card and are running Linux you are screwed18:52
unicorn-lightninso you are saying I need to update the kernel? Or use the open source drivers?18:53
unicorn-lightninthe Open Source drivers won't let me game, so they are not really a viable option for me..18:53
hramrachunicorn-lightnin: I think you have some chance for it to work with opensource drivers in like a year18:53
hramrachif you don't insist on using both cards radeon only is probably good enough for gaming .. unless the actual screen connections are routed through the Intel card18:54
hramrachas for opensource drivers and gaming - some games do work but there is definitely much room for improvement18:55
unicorn-lightninhramrach, how would I set that up? every time I tried to install only the ATI drivers, it seemed to break my computer with a boot to black screen. When I followed a guide for installing hybrid graphics, I at least had slightly better results.18:56
hramrachI guess either you need newer drivers or your display is indeed connected to the Intel card18:56
unicorn-lightninthat laptop isn't that new. about 1.5 ears old..18:57
hramrachunicorn-lightnin: does the graphics work with Intel driver only?18:58
unicorn-lightninn the open source driver?18:58
unicorn-lightninsorry, do you mean the open source driver?*18:58
unicorn-lightninor is there some proprietary intel driver to install18:59
hramrachthere is opensource Intel and radeon driver, and then there is that AMD blob18:59
matubaumPlease I need help!, I'm having troubles. Every time I need to install something  (for example postgresql)  I get: a list of tasks like this.  How can i do to thebug and fix this?   Using ubuntu 1218:59
hramrachthe AMD blob replaces radeon18:59
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matubaumMaybe I have packages installed from different versions of ubuntu, Can i check that some how?19:00
unicorn-lightninit does work on the open source driver.. just no gaming performance.19:00
hramrachand when you use opensource driver is it the Intel driver or teh Radeon one?19:00
sloweQuick question on installing Ubuntu over the network: when I use a preseed file that specifies an internal HTTP repository for installation, it changes the /etc/apt/sources.list to use only that repository. Is there a workaround? (other than replacing the file after installation)19:01
unicorn-lightninhramrach, im not sure, how would i know?19:02
rafshi guys, i am having a problem with the bar controls in rhythmbox, look: http://img.ctrlv.in/img/524c6d2265a2d.png, what do i?19:02
hramrachwhen you boot without the AMD driver you get X log in /var/log/Xorg.0.log or somesuch which tells you which driver is used19:03
matubaumWhere can i check if Have external repos  installed on my system?19:04
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geniimatubaum: If there's anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/   then those are PPA19:05
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sloweQuick question: is it normal/expected for a local network install via HTTP to change /etc/apt/sources.list to show only the internal HTTP server?19:07
matubaumgenii: Thanks I have a lot of them, everyone finish with "precise". I want to fix this http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=DGwcR3mS..... Could I delete them all and run "apt-get install -f" to solve the problem?19:08
rafshi guys, i am having a problem with the bar controls in rhythmbox, look: http://img.ctrlv.in/img/524c6d2265a2d.png, what do i?19:09
unicorn-lightninhramrach, here is my log: http://pastebin.com/KkLTwvmN19:09
hramrachdtcrshr: so I got a resolv.conf and now the webupd8 repo seems to work ok19:09
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unicorn-lightninI don't really want to go back to the open source driver right now because it feels like I'm so close19:09
unicorn-lightnindid you see where I said that sudo chmod -777 /proc/ati makes everything work perfectly?19:10
unicorn-lightninit works great until I reboot.19:10
hramrachperfectly except nothing is visible?19:10
unicorn-lightninI just need someway to make that change permanent.19:10
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:10
hramrachor perfectly as in it actually works19:11
unicorn-lightninwell, hramrach, GLXGears works great, and I can open games from terminal19:11
geniimatubaum: Please see the bot's link for ppa purging. Apologies on lag, work requiring me a lot today.19:11
matubaumgenii: I'm on it19:11
unicorn-lightninmaybe I should try restarting Unity after running that command.19:11
hramrachunicorn-lightnin: try adding the chmod command to /etc/rc.local19:12
matubaumgenii: thanks a lot I'm going to try it19:13
unicorn-lightninso I would do that with sudo gedit  /etc/rc.local, right?19:14
unicorn-lightninI don't want to mess up any permissions is why I'm asking19:14
hramrachyes, that should work19:14
hramrachyou can look what the permissions are afterwards19:15
unicorn-lightninand that goes before exit 0, right?19:15
hramrachyes, before that line19:15
unicorn-lightninand do I include the "sudo" in "sudo chmod -R 777 /proc/ati/ ?"19:15
hramrachno, it already runs as root19:16
hramrachso no need for sudo19:16
unicorn-lightninok, let me reboot19:16
unicorn-lightninthanks hramrach19:16
unicorn-lightninIT WORKED!!! OMFG I LOVE YOU HRAMRACH19:19
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:19
unicorn-lightninthe level of excitement called for it.19:19
hramrachnow you can have lots of days nonstop gaming .. unless the driver crashes too much :p19:20
sloweQuick question: is it normal/expected for a local network install via HTTP to change /etc/apt/sources.list to show only the internal HTTP server?19:20
tmmunqfloodbot needs to make friends with a capsbot...19:20
dtcrshrwell, any clues on updating java?19:25
wilee-nileedtcrshr, contact the ppa if you are sure this is not user error.19:26
dtcrshrwell, not much info about the ppa contatcs, ill google19:26
PatriceHi everybody. I would like to transform my old laptop in a opensim server. What operating system is the best? Ubuntu server or Linux server? (i don't care about to have or not any graphic interface).19:27
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wilee-nileePatrice, This is ubuntu support.19:27
hramrachdtcrshr: what exactly does not work? the package list for therepo appears to update fine19:27
Patricewilee-nilee yes, i know, thank you, but if i ask the same question on linux irc they'll tell me the same. Excuse my question19:28
Guest545any news abour Bay Trail-T SoC and its support on linux?19:28
wilee-nileePatrice, Do like the rest of us, try what seems adequate till your happy.19:29
auronandacePatrice: you realise that a ubuntu server is a linux server right?19:29
Patriceyes but there is diferent versions19:29
Patricewith different libraries, i guess.19:30
dtcrshris there any reverse command to "add-apt-repository"19:30
dtcrshrto purge one aded ppa19:30
Patricei 'm downoloading 2 completely different version of linux server. Ubuntu one and Linux one.19:30
Pici!ppapurge | dtcrshr19:30
ubottudtcrshr: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:30
wilee-nilee!ppa purge19:30
dtcrshrthanks pici and wilee-nilee19:30
Patricei just wanted to know wich one was the most adapted to what i want to do.19:31
dtcrshrwell, not on my repos19:31
=== cubix``202 is now known as cubix`
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loahow i can easy record my desktop?19:32
auronandacePatrice: if whatever software you require is in the ubuntu repos than the ubuntu server will be a good fit for you19:32
loaeasy and in cool format ^^^19:32
Picidtcrshr: really? Are you on lucid? It was only pushed to backports there.19:32
loaand less cpu hungry as possible)19:32
Patricebut what makes Ubuntu more adapted than SUSE or any other?19:33
CoreyHmm, tharkun is on the road today. We should hilight him in more channels.19:33
dtcrshrwell, I removed the lines by hand and added the webupd8 ppa again and worked19:34
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PatriceI'm runing opensim under Xubuntu wiith mono. I install it copying the folfer in /opt/19:35
Patricewill i be able to do that under linux basic server? without any graphic interface?19:36
auronandacePatrice: of course19:36
CalinouGuest545: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTQ2MDI19:37
Calinoucan help19:37
Calinoumore: http://www.google.com/custom?domains=www.phoronix.com&q=bay+trail&sa=Search&sitesearch=www.phoronix.com&client=pub-0253814508491313&forid=1&channel=7336209522&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&flav=0000&sig=jw6jQQQQaVBZd27M&cof=GALT%3A%232b6b29%3BGL%3A1%3BDIV%3A%23FFFFFF%3BVLC%3A2b6b29%3BAH%3Acenter%3BBGC%3AFFFFFF%3BLBGC%3A000000%3BALC%3A2b6b29%3BLC%3A2b6b29%3BT%3A000000%3BGFNT%3A3e3e3e%3BGIMP%3A3e3e3e%3BLH%3A50%3BLW%3A292%3BL%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.phoronix.com19:37
* Calinou facehoof19:37
FloodBot1Calinou: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:37
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YokoBRguys, please, i can't mount my usb hard drive http://pastebin.com/dwknJqJc19:41
=== james is now known as Guest73579
Guest73579Hi, guys, I have a problem. I did the instructions to enable the subwoofer on my HP Envy m6, and it worked as it should. I went into alsamixer to see if i could hear the subwoofer only. I turned down the Speaker channel so I could only hear the sub. That worked, but when I tried to turn the main speakers up again, they wouldn't turn up.19:43
hramrachYokoBR: try a different port or something19:44
Guest73579The headphone jack won't work either.19:44
hramracheither the drive is broken or the cable is bad or the port is19:44
geniiYokoBR: Is your USB controller USB2 or something different?19:44
Guest73579It worked before the fix.19:44
geniihramrach: Might also be they are using ehci (usb2) driver when their port is usb1 or usb319:46
Guest545Calinou, Thanks.19:46
YokoBRhramrach, tried every single port. genii, usb2.19:46
hramrachYokoBR: is it a rotating drive?19:47
delinquentmewhat kind of hurt would I be looking at if I uninstalled and reinstalled python through the package manager19:47
YokoBRhramrach, yep. It's not a sdd driver.19:47
hramrachYokoBR: maybe try a powered hub or an Y cable that allows drawoing power from multiple ports19:48
Calinouit's SSD, also "SSD Drive" is repeating19:48
CalinouSolid State Drive Drive...19:48
=== dean|away is now known as dean
khudoyorпривет всем19:53
stingsay`hello i have problem installing mysql i am getting an error : invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed.19:54
stingsay`hello i have problem installing mysql i am getting an error : invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed.19:54
ikoniastingsay`: you said that19:54
SusningHi. I'm using Elementary OS which is based on Ubuntu 12.04... I want to use the  nouveau-drivers to narrow down if it is the nvidia drivers that makes my computer freeze. I can't seem to go back to nouveau. I've uninstalled all other nvidia packages then nouveau. Removed the old xorg.conf. Reconfigured xorg (and got a new xorg.conf). In the new xorg.conf it says that I use nouveau. If I do lspci -nnk | grep... It shows that the kernel drive19:58
Susningr in use is nvidia. So I can't seem to get it to use nouveau. Any ideas?19:58
auronandaceSusning: elementary isn't supported here19:59
OerHeksSusning, join #elementary19:59
SusningI did, and got no answer, and was directed here. I suppose installing nouveau would follow the same logics as in ubuntu 12.04?19:59
xrandrhi. I am running ubuntu 13.04 and i cannot get my iPhone which is running iOS 7.0.2 to mount. Anyone have any ideas?19:59
OerHeksSusning, good reason not to use elementary, no support ?20:00
SusningOerHeks, Got support on many things, and some not. Same as here, got support on some things, and some not. I use both Ubuntu and eOS, on different machines.20:01
unicorn-lightninhramrach, you still around?20:01
quizmehi, is there a way to create a continuously open file "view" of a log file using grep?20:01
SusningJust thought I would give it a try here, since it's based on Ubuntu.20:02
hramrachunicorn-lightnin: why?20:02
Piciquizme: like tail -f filename | grep whatever   ?20:02
hramrachif you have a question just ask it20:02
quizmepici: yeah20:02
SusningBut if it's against any guidelines or something to answer eOS related question I won't be nagging you ;)20:02
quizmepici: that's what i was looking for :)20:03
unicorn-lightninwell, if I close the lid of my laptop, and then re-open it, I freeze at a black screen, I was wondering if that is related to the video drivers and what we were just working on, or something else20:03
quizmepici: i was piping grep into tail, so it wasn't working20:03
hramrachunicorn-lightnin: some of your drivers probably does not survive suspend20:03
hramrachjust set the action on lid close to nothing in your power manager software20:04
unicorn-lightninwell... I'd like to be able to suspend..20:04
unicorn-lightninmaybe hibernation would work?20:04
hramrachunicorn-lightnin: well, give up on Radeon then20:04
quizmepici: I tried it, it works as expocted when piping to the STDOUT but not to a file… maybe the buffer is not getting flushed ?20:05
hramrachactually it might be different driver that gives problems but I would suspect graphics first20:05
unicorn-lightninhow can I check?20:05
Calinouboth won't work20:05
Calinoususpend and hibernation cause a lot of problems in general20:05
Calinouwith all drivers, on linux20:06
hramrachby removing random drivers until suspend works ;-)20:06
hramrachCalinou: but radeon iso ne for the worst :p20:06
unicorn-lightninisn't there some error log I can check?20:06
Calinounvidia proprietary has problems too20:06
Calinouintel is probably the "least worst" at suspend20:06
hramrachunicorn-lightnin: since it's locked up you don;t get teh logs. obviously20:06
Piciquizme: What do you mean, whats command are you using?20:06
quizmepici: tail -f log.txt | grep 1.png > 1.txt20:07
hramrachyou can search for linux powermanagement debugging20:07
hramrachyou can like not suspend hte consoles and see if you do get any logs20:07
hramrachand hten bug the maintainer of whatever driver seems to lock up :p20:08
Piciquizme: Hmmm. I had to resort to stackoverflow, take a look here, as there are a few options you can try: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/972370/how-do-you-pipe-input-through-grep-to-another-utility20:10
trismquizme: in expect-dev there is an unbuffer command that allows you to work around the buffering20:12
quizmetruism, pick: thank you20:13
quizmetrism i mean20:13
PiciI thought there was an argument to tail or grep that would unbuffer, but it looks like its the other way around.20:13
YokoBRgenii, hramrach, changed the cable, tryied to plug on a powered hub, still can't make it work: usb 1-6: reset high-speed USB device number 27 using ehci_hcd20:13
quizmegrep --line-buffered20:14
Piciquizme: yeah, but that probably won't help.20:15
quizmethere is flush in awk20:15
nightdreverwhere are my programs stored? im trying to link my browser with something else but i dont know where to look for it?20:15
geniiYokoBR: Perhaps try: sudo modprobe -r ehci-hcd&& sudo modprobe ohci-hcd    ...then try plugging it in again20:16
YokoBRgenii FATAL: Module ehci_hcd is builtin20:16
quizmetail -f log.txt | awk '/1.png/ {print; fflush("")}'    > 1.txt20:19
quizmethat did it for me20:19
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vikwiki#join sympy20:30
RightOn/j sympy20:30
meh34hey guys, is there a way to get a list of who connected to SSH to an ubuntu server?20:31
matubaumSilly question, I opened "Update Manager" and pressed "Apply changes" (I' m currently on ubuntu 12.04)...   Am I updating or upgrading??20:32
zykotick9meh34: try "w" in terminal20:32
meh34zykotick9, thanks but this shows who is connnected right now20:33
meh34zykotick9, i wanted to see who connected in the past couple of weeks with their ip if possible20:33
meh34i just found some commands in my 'history' that i dont remember doing20:33
zykotick9meh34: oh sorry "connected" past tense.  you could check your auth logs perhaps.20:33
Myrttimatubaum: updating20:34
Myrttimatubaum: unless you've changed some settings deep down20:34
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matubaumMyrtti: I only deactivated a ppa repo from a checkbox20:35
Myrttithen it should be fine20:35
geniimeh34: As zykotick9 recommends, check the /var/log/auth.log and if you need to open the archived ones for viewing, zcat /var/log/auth.log.2.gz   ( or whatever number you have of them after 2 as well)20:36
meh34im looking at the file right now20:37
meh34one more thing, is there a way to get a timestamp with the 'history' command?20:37
matubaumMyrtti: Cool! thanks20:37
geniimeh34: If you're seeing a lot of password attempts at root or so on in the auth.log, might want to install fail2ban20:38
antoksHi, I'm trying to get somewhat decent performance from my Sapphire radeon 4890 gpu, with radeon drivers. I'm using kernel 3.11.3, mesa 9.3, have lixtns0 installed, radeon.dpm=1. I still only see ~26 FPS with unigine sanctuary in benchmark mode! (phoronix reports that 4890 should do ~55 with radeon drivers, a bit unsure about settings). I've also followed some tips from the arch-wiki.20:40
meh34genii, im going to.. but it would help if i can see when those commands were issued from the history really20:40
antokswhat really weirds me out, is that I tried to disable vsync with a ~/.drirc file, but then suddenly I got higher framerates (locked to 30fps), which made me believe I suddenly had vsync enabled instead, and that it gives me highe fps!20:41
antoksAnyone seen this before?20:41
Calinouunigine + radeon usually don't mix that well20:43
Calinouunigine hates OSS drivers :P20:43
Calinoudoes it happen with other games?20:43
ubottuIf you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop20:44
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
nick__Hai there everyone.  So, I've got a big big problem20:44
antoksCalinou: haven't tried with anything but unigine tropics and sanctuary, no20:44
antoksI used those since they where used in the phoronix benchmark of my card (4890), and was easy to download and run20:45
antoksand I get ~ half the performance20:45
nick__Not sure if anyones able to help but heres what I got: I was on 13.04, installed ATI driver for my card (hd 4200, driver=13.1) that I got from AMD's site for 64 bit.  Well, that failed.  So I got looking into it and it was to be used on 13.04, so i installed 12.04, made sure kernel was support by driver (kernel 3.2.x), installed the drivers, no luck (theres more...)20:46
Calinoudon't do that20:46
antoksso I'm wondering if I have not set some important env-variable to trigger something new.20:46
Calinouon 13.04, HD4000s and prior are unsupported with the proprietary driver.20:46
Calinoubut, you should also not use the driver from amd's website20:46
Calinouonly from packages20:46
Calinouyou did TWO mistakes :P20:46
nick__So I started looking at posts and a lot seem to have this problem.  I installed the driver, now my resolution is 1024x768 (horrible), im on 12.04 and using kernel 3.2 and ati driver 13.120:46
Calinoualso, do you really need the proprietary driver?20:47
nick__id like it, yes20:47
Calinouan HD4200 is very unpowerful, you probably don't need it20:47
nick__games run like shit on here20:47
nick__lol, games run better on vista20:47
Calinouthey'll still run like shit with proprietary20:47
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.20:47
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:47
IdleOnealso, please more content and less returns20:47
nick__im real frustrated as well.  ive been fighting this all day20:47
Calinoutry disabling desktop effects/compositing if you want better performance in games, and tune their settings better.20:48
nick__is the ati proprietary driver even possible for radeon hd 4200 on ubuntu 12.04?20:48
CalinouI think so20:48
wilee-nileeCalinou, nick__ use nicks please.20:48
Calinouwhat do you mean?20:49
nick__i am nick?20:49
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I extract sound of a movie?20:49
wilee-nilee<ubottu> Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.20:49
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:49
nick__Calinou: how do i uninstall the failed fglrx now, would you know?  If its going to be this much hassle, I'll use the one included with ubuntu20:50
wilee-nileejust keeps things from being confusing is all20:50
mojtabaor save audio file of a multimedia file like mp4 or avi or ...20:50
Calinounick__: if you don't have any important data, just reinstall :\20:50
nick__wilee-nilee: yes, i understand, i just didnt think of it20:50
Calinoumojtaba: VLC can do that maybe, but I'm not sure20:50
wilee-nileenick__, Cool, easy mistake carry on. ;)20:50
nick__Calinou: I shall do that :(  I have /home on its own partition20:50
Alan423Should i upgrade to GNOME??20:51
wilee-nileeAlan423, from what?20:51
Alan423Ubuntu 12.820:51
Calinouwilee-nilee: didn't think of it either :P20:51
nick__Alan423: It depends.  do you like messy and unintuitive?20:51
CalinouAlan423: 12.8 isn't a version of ubuntu or gnome20:51
wilee-nileeAlan423, 12.04?20:51
Alan423Maybe it is 13.120:52
mojtabaCalinou: Do you know how can I do that via command line? I have lots of video files, and I want to do this.20:52
bibic682anyone....which linux distro does the most with the least resources20:52
wilee-nileeAlan423, run uname -a and post the info20:52
nick__bibic682: crunchbang I hear is good20:52
wilee-nileeAlan423, and what desktop20:52
Calinoumojtaba: ffmpeg maybe then, but it has a steep learning curve20:52
Calinoumaybe there is a GUI frontend to ffmpeg that can help20:52
mojtabaCalinou: Have you ever done this before?20:53
Calinouno :(20:53
bibic682not familiar with that....I have a amd64 754 mb set up with win xp...runs great but would love to dual boot a linux disto20:53
gordonjcpbibic682: what spec is it?20:54
nick__bibic682: I'm not too familiar with it either, to be honest.  Ubuntu is very easy, somewhat light, and powerful, so I find its great to use.  Unfortunately I need to dual boot a windows installation for work, so I got Windos and Ubuntu20:54
gordonjcpbibic682: if it can run XP, it can run any version of Ubuntu20:54
mojtabaWhen I run sound Recorder and click on the red circle nothing happens and it does not start recording. Does anybody know what could be the problem?20:54
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gordonjcpbibic682: if it is just barely capable of running XP (like, no 3D acceleration) try Xubuntu20:55
Pinkamena_DHello, what is a program I could use to just view the output of a capture device, I don't even need to record20:55
Gentoo64gordonjcp: not at all20:55
nick__Pinkamena_D: screenshot?20:55
gordonjcpGentoo64: hm?20:55
antoksI forgot to mention that the reason I'm doing all this is to try to get better performance with heroes of newerth =d20:55
CalinouLubuntu is even lighter, I'd suggest it on old machines :)20:55
Pinkamena_Dsorry, I mean a video capture device20:55
nick__Pinkamena_D: or kazaam i think is good for that20:55
gordonjcpCalinou: Lubuntu uses LXDE, which is horribly buggy20:55
Calinouin which sense?20:56
nick__Pinkamena_D: sorry, not sure.20:56
bibic682I have used  ubuntu up to 10.10....when I install 12.04 unity is slow on my machine.....amd 64  with 2gig ram single core processor20:56
CalinouI used it a bit, only bug I found was mouse wheel sometimes being ignored in games (but I'm on xubuntu anyway)20:56
Gentoo64gordonjcp: xp has much lower ram requirements then ubuntu20:56
gordonjcpGentoo64: XP won't really work with less than 512M20:57
nick__Gentoo64: Damn Small Linux and Crunchbang are both supposed to be very small20:57
mojtabaWhen I run sound Recorder and click on the red circle nothing happens and it does not start recording. Does anybody know what could be the problem?20:57
Gentoo64gordonjcp: works on 12820:57
otakbibic682: generally you'll find it's the desktop not the distro which is light or slow,20:57
nick__mojtaba: check your input devices in your sound settings20:57
nick__When will Ubuntu Touch be available for my HTC phone?20:58
gordonjcpGentoo64: <shrug>20:58
gordonjcpGentoo64: it's probably not very usable thought20:58
=== awwyissssss is now known as nexustwelve
gordonjcpGentoo64: *though20:58
Gentoo64gordonjcp: just saying, its a lot lighter20:58
gordonjcpGentoo64: back when it came out, it wasn't usable in less than 512M20:58
gordonjcpGentoo64: I can't see it being any better now20:58
bibic682gordonjcp: my machine is fast with win xp I have a radeon 9500 graphics card  ...when I try ubuntu, unity just sucks....it ran real well up to 10.1020:58
Gentoo64when it came out no one hardly had 51220:58
nexustwelveOpenbox is about as light as it gets.20:58
gordonjcpbibic682: give Xubuntu a shot20:58
Gentoo64nah its not20:58
mojtabanick__: It shows Record from input: Master20:59
Gentoo64i3 uses like 2mb ram20:59
gordonjcpbibic682: radeon 9500 ought to be okay, but older ATI cards are finicky to get going20:59
mojtabanick_: in the sound settings, it shows my input is my internal microphone20:59
gordonjcpGentoo64: i3 isn't very good though20:59
Gentoo64yeah it is20:59
mojtabanick_: but it is not working!20:59
Gentoo64might not be for you20:59
gordonjcpGentoo64: it's a tiling wm20:59
nick__mojtaba: try making sure that your microphone is plugged in, and being recognized by the sound settings, I'm no master with Ubuntu, was just here to ask a driver question20:59
gordonjcpGentoo64: it's pointless20:59
bibic682any way of installing it without grub loader taking over?20:59
Gentoo64gordonjcp: to you21:00
gordonjcpbibic682: you need some means of booting Linux21:00
nick__mojtaba: sorry, maybe someone else has the answer.  if not feel free to post on ubuntuforums.com21:00
gordonjcpGentoo64: I don't understand the obsession with tiling WMs and tiny pixelly grey-on-grey fonts21:00
mojtabanick_: Thanks, but it shows it is working when I am in sound settings.21:00
mojtabanick_: ok, thanks21:00
gordonjcpGentoo64: we got rid of tiling WMs 30 years ago because they sucked21:00
Gentoo64gordonjcp: no21:00
mojtabaDoes anybody know why the sound recorder is not working?!21:00
gordonjcpmojtaba: what happens when you try to use it?21:01
nexustwelveI'm grateful for so many DE options.21:01
bibic682when I download and install from windows....ubuntu will dual boot . I can uninstall and I am back to booting to windows21:01
mojtabagordonjcp: nothing happens when I click on the red button for recording.21:01
gordonjcpbibic682: not really, there used to be a thing called wubi but it's not very good21:01
gordonjcpmojtaba: what does "Record from input:" say?21:02
mojtabagordonjcp: Master21:02
nexustwelveYou can undo grub's changes using a windows CD and the recovery console.21:02
gordonjcpbibic682: if you don't want to install, just run it from a USB stick21:02
gordonjcpmojtaba: and "Record as:"?21:02
nexustwelveJust run bootrec.exe /fixboot and bootrec.exe /fixmbr21:02
mojtabagordonjcp: There is nothing!!21:03
gordonjcpmojtaba: select something21:03
mojtabagordonjcp: The list is empty!21:03
bibic682I might give Xubuntu a try...thanks for the tips!!21:03
gordonjcpmojtaba: strange, that's where to start looking then21:03
gordonjcpmojtaba: wonder why it has no codecs listeD?21:03
gordonjcpgoodnight, all21:03
mojtabagordonjcp: should I install something? before it was working I guess21:04
gordonjcpmojtaba: possibly, not sure what21:04
SuperLagIs there a keyboard shortcut to bring up the Preferences for Terminal?21:04
=== upd_ is now known as upd
Gentoo64gordonjcp: night21:05
chaotic_goodubuntu scores one against the redhat empire!!!! has reiserfsprogs avaiulable!!!21:05
chaotic_goodin 120421:06
mojtabagordonjcp: That is strange!21:06
mojtabaDoes anybody know what should I do?21:06
bibic682nexustwelve: I had the rude awakening of repartitioning my hard drive to remove kubuntu and then I couldnt get back to windows...luckilly I had an install disk and repaired the MBR21:08
otakSuperLag: does the 'menu' key next to right-ctrl work for that?21:09
mojtabaDoes anybody know when this will be fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-media/+bug/110690821:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 1106908 in gnome-media (Ubuntu) "Sound Recorder can not record sound" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:12
SuperLagotak: I don't have a Menu key on my laptop. On the left of right-Ctrl, I have PrtSc, and on the right, it's PgUp21:17
sergiudevmann, that ubuntu is a joke21:18
sergiudevis more worst then windows xp in 20 tims21:18
sergiudevis stupid operation system21:18
SuperLagsergiudev: you're smoking crack, dude21:19
sergiudevfireofx lunch in 4-5 sconds :DD21:19
sergiudevcontrol centr, 3-4 seconds21:19
SuperLagI take that back. You're just a troll.21:19
sergiudevDont developers understand that permanent asking of pass in soft ware center, is stupidness??21:19
sergiudevi must enter my password 20 times21:20
sergiudevprobaly its possible to rmove that.21:20
sergiudevcant install steam,You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run:21:20
sergiudevguru can understand that..21:20
SuperLag/ignore sergiudev21:20
chaotic_goodreiserFS raid 10 FOR THE WIN21:20
bekksSuperLag: good choice.21:21
sergiudevvery worst systemm21:21
geniisergiudev: Nop one's forcing you to use it. Use whatever you like.21:21
Pinkamena_DHello, I am trying to get my video capture device to work (SMI grabber device) but I can not find where it has been mounted. This is the dmesg: http://pastebin.com/2TDgXAFd  any ideas?21:21
sergiudevits only for linus torvalds ;)21:21
ztanefreiserfs, raid021:21
chaotic_goodfree hans!21:21
Nadddcan someone tell me how the red dot at the bottom of the volume control in the capture section of the mixer works?21:22
Nadddred is mic on / gray is mic off?21:22
sergiudevgenii: yes, i just wanted to give two tips to make ubuntu better to surf: remove that effects and auto-clicking on programs (need double click)21:22
chaotic_goodfor the win21:22
sergiudevand how to remove visual efects?21:22
geniisergiudev: If you need help configuring Software Center not to ask for your password 20 times, or to install Steam, then you can ask here and someone might help.21:22
sergiudevIf someone could help for the beginning, to remove visual windows effects.. Iam using ubnutu 13.04 Gnome version with unity..21:23
geniisergiudev: But keep in mind, people are far less inclined to help you if the first thing you do is just rant about how bad you think it is, etc21:23
sergiudevi like start button from unity21:23
sergiudevhow to make all windows hide, alt+d, there arent ctrl+alt delete like in windows21:24
sergiudevthis Os muist be like windows21:25
sergiudevis undere21:25
sergiudevthis system is joke21:26
sergiudevdont use it;)21:26
bazhang!nounity | sergiudev21:26
ubottusergiudev: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:26
giuseppe_gIs it possible to to build a distro on ubuntu21:26
bazhang!remaster | giuseppe_g21:26
ubottugiuseppe_g: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility21:26
giuseppe_gbut to sell and distribute21:27
bazhangsergiudev, keep all the nonsense chat elsewhere21:27
sergiudevsay me, how to remove visual effects in ubuntu 13.04???21:27
sergiudevgive me dirrct answer21:27
sergiudevits not possible, you must use conf files21:28
Nadddfuck this cat21:28
sergiudevor install additional programs21:28
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bazhang!patience | sergiudev21:29
ubottusergiudev: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/21:29
giuseppe_gcan i sell modified ubuntu software with the ubuntu logo21:30
IdleOnegiuseppe_g: you should contact Canonical to get info about using the Ubuntu logo. www.canonical.com21:31
unicorn-lightninsorry to bother you again hramrach, but could you remind me the location that you had me enter that start up command?21:31
giuseppe_gcan I sell modified ubuntu software with the ubuntu logo with its name, such as execs files that had not been deleted.21:31
unicorn-lightninI accidentally broke X and couldn't boot, so I just re-installed.21:32
mojtabaDoes anybody know when this will be fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-media/+bug/110690821:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 1106908 in gnome-media (Ubuntu) "Sound Recorder can not record sound" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:32
mojtabaWhat should I do?21:32
sergiudevhaha, one aditional tab in firefox ubuntu need 1-2 second to open21:32
giuseppe_gcan I sell modified ubuntu software with the ubuntu logo with its name, such as execs files that had not been deleted.21:32
sergiudevall we know that its slow ok .21:32
IdleOnegiuseppe_g: you should contact Canonical to get info about using the Ubuntu logo. www.canonical.com21:33
IdleOnegiuseppe_g: we don't handle trademark and copyright questions here21:33
high_fiversergiudev, what system u git?21:33
mojtabaDoes anybody know when this will be fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-media/+bug/110690821:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 1106908 in gnome-media (Ubuntu) "Sound Recorder can not record sound" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:33
giuseppe_gWhere do you21:33
sergiudevhigh_fiver, ubuntu gnome 13.04 ...21:33
geniigiuseppe_g: Maybe read http://www.ubuntu.com/legal21:34
sergiudevits good, but its hard to understand21:34
high_fiversergiudev, no what OS, what system21:34
sergiudevYou Mean proccesor etc?21:34
high_fiver*not, fuck me can't type today21:34
high_fiversergiudev, exactly21:34
IdleOnehigh_fiver: no cursing please21:34
geniigiuseppe_g: The pertinent one you want read, which links from there, is http://www.ubuntu.com/legal21:35
geniigiuseppe_g: Apologies, http://www.canonical.com/intellectual-property-policy21:35
sergiudevhigh_fiver dual core, but it freez couse of visual efects i suppose ,21:35
high_fiversergiudev, Duo/Athlon come on you can tell me21:36
high_fiversergiudev, I'm sure the 'slowness' I more to do with your hardware than Ubuntu21:37
sergiudevyou know that onwindows verything run magic21:38
sergiudevon ubuntu gnome everything freze if slow proccesor21:38
sergiudevneed xubuntnu ;))21:38
high_fiverneed a new comp21:38
high_fiversave your pocket money and invest21:39
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sergiudevyou need to install addition tools from software center like compiz tweak to remove effects ;))21:41
sergiudevthis is Os for students21:41
sergiudevnot any forgivness for ubuntu if not as easy to manage like windows21:41
Guest21029hello guys, do you know any good audio player with advanced playlist support and powerful features, to mount a radio?21:42
bazhang!ot | sergiudev21:42
ubottusergiudev: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:42
bazhang!players | Guest2102921:42
ubottuGuest21029: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs21:42
sergiudevi should be director of ubnutu21:42
Guest21029thank you21:43
Guest21029i will test them21:43
sergiudevyeah ,this linux is a big joke , tomorrow install windows thanks to linux hlping me to burn iso21:43
high_fiverhow could you be the director of an OS21:44
vusiesergiudev: lolest cumon21:44
zykotick9high_fiver: vusie don't feed...21:44
michaelwang32is ubuntu 13.04 good for a penitum 421:46
vusiezykotick9: thats it!21:47
vusieanyone media player (exept xbmc) with .lrc lyric plugin or suppot?21:47
vusieowwwhhhh sorrry anyone who knows21:48
Roryvusie: The lyricsdownloader package (available in the official repos) can be used to display lyrics on your desktop. It works with many music players, like rhythmbox, amarak, audacious, exaile, juk, banshee, songbird, etc.21:48
high_fivermichaelwang32, I'd recommend Xubuntu or Lubuntu21:49
Roryvusie: Also I believe Songbird has a lyrics addon of its own21:49
high_fivermichaelwang32, how much RAM will you use21:49
vusieRory: thaks!!! leme try them!21:50
michaelwang321.75 gb21:50
darklajidQuantal doesn't seem to have a /etc/mtab anymore. The docevot package for quantal seems to require one (writes an error if none is found). Is that a packaging bug?21:50
Rorymichaelwang32: Then Xubuntu and Lubuntu will be better off for you - Lubuntu is more lightweight than Xubuntu, but xubuntu is arguably more mature21:50
high_fivermichaelwang32, RAM is fine for all OS21:50
high_fivermichaelwang32, Try running live cd's of them all and see which one is quickest21:51
Roryhigh_fiver: Yes, but if he's got 1.75GiB RAM on a penium 4 he probably won't have the GPU power to run Unity.21:51
geniimichaelwang32: With those specs, probably Xubuntu or Lubuntu are your best bets21:53
vusiemichaelwang32: also try elementary21:54
cjwelbornCan I add a fat32 partition without losing my Ubuntu installation? I did it before in reverse, I shrunk a Fat32 from windows, and then created a EXT4. Can I shrink my EXT4, and make a Fat32?21:59
geniicjwelborn: So long as there's room.22:00
bekkscjwelborn: There si always a risk of losing data. You should take a backup before.22:00
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cjwelborngenii: thanks. plenty of room, i'll give it a try. thankfully everything important is already backed up (i just recently lost EVERYTHING and I'm trying to get my dual-boot back, except this time I started with Ubuntu).22:01
geniicjwelborn: If you install Windows onto the new partition, it will wipe out grub, see !mbr after for instructions22:03
bekksdf -h22:04
bekkssorry :)22:04
cjwelborngenii: i was afraid of that. and this is a UEFI machine too. I'm hoping boot-repair will save me for a third time.22:04
high_fiverhas anyone got thunderbolt display working22:05
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nexustwelveboot-repair is so good.22:06
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DarkAceLaptopis there a way to tell my system to speed up my laptop fan, or something similar?22:07
nexustwelve@DarkAce http://sourceforge.net/projects/fancon/22:11
nexustwelvestill pre-alpha!22:12
tikyhow do i put a chokehold on plugin-container of flash, cpu and memory wise22:15
tikyprocess "plugin-container' i.e., adobe flash22:15
bekkstiky: you could set up cgroups and set limits on the specific cgroup. But thats far more complicated than stating your real issue :)22:16
nexustwelveuse renice when it starts behaving like a jerk?22:17
tikytrying to find a relative page w/ instructions22:18
bekkstiky: why not stating your real issue?22:20
tikymy issue is that flash is choking the crap out of my computer on an hourly basis22:20
tikybcuz as everyone knows it's total garbage22:20
bekkstiky: so which ubuntu version, which browser and its version, which adobe flash and its version are you using?22:21
tiky3.8.0.27-generic, x86_64, i think ubuntu 13.0422:22
tikyup to date firefox and flash22:22
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tikyi've had flash problems on every system ever though22:22
tikythis one looks like a nasty memory leak22:22
nexustwelveflash is well-behaved on mine.  Xubuntu 12.04 LTS x64...liquorix 3.10.12 kernel.22:23
bekkstiky: Please state the versions of firefox and flash.22:23
nexustwelveFirefox is v2422:23
tikyhmm guess my firefox is out of date22:24
tiky23, upgrading to 2422:24
Tylertwo[#ubuntu] tiky: What kind of programs are using your flash player? Youtube? Games?22:25
nexustwelveFirefox v23 gave me no grief either.22:25
DarkAceLaptopthanks, nexustwelve, but it can't find my fan device :P22:25
Tylertwotiky: have you tried lower quality videos? That helps a lot for me. Ie 120 pp instead of 360 or whatever22:25
tikyit's actually after the video's finished22:25
tikylast time at least22:25
tikygreat now it's stalling again22:26
nexustwelveTry disabling hardware acceleration.  It helps for some.  Also, make sure Flash is at least...11.2.20222:27
bekkstiky: Then state the missing information.22:27
gvo"input signal out of range"  I used to fix that problem with a change to xorg.conf, but there isn't such a file any longer.  What's the current way of setting horiz/vert freq, refresh?22:27
tikyit's true that flash stopped updating its linux version, right?22:27
gvosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't help22:28
Tylertwotiky: I think so22:29
TauNeutrinohey gays22:29
TauNeutrinoIs something like pdnsd already used in chrome?22:30
geniigvo: You can still use xorg.conf file and it will be used, it's just not made by default any more.22:30
genii!xorgconf | gvo22:30
ubottugvo: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.22:30
gvogenii: OK thanks.22:31
TauNeutrinohey sry22:31
TauNeutrinosomeone alive?22:32
TylertwoTauNeutrino: maybe?22:33
TauNeutrinoah ok22:34
TauNeutrinois something like pdnsd already used in chrome?22:34
TylertwoTauNeutrino: never heard of pdnsd22:35
TauNeutrinoits a webcaching22:35
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TauNeutrinolocal caching of dns information22:35
xanguaTauNeutrino: you might have better luck at #chromium22:36
TauNeutrinoah ok thx22:37
MagyarokHow do I stop my ubuntu server from pinging?22:42
MagyarokIs anyone here?22:43
TylertwoMagyarok: maybe?22:43
nexustwelvectrl C22:49
nexustwelveor...ps ax | grep ping....followed by kill 'pid for ping'22:49
unicorn-lightnincould anyone tell me where I should place a command to automatically run when the computer starts? I need it for my video drivers, and earlier hramrach told me but I forgot to save it22:52
mojtabaCan I go to a specific workspace by its number? not by alt+ctrl+arrow key (instantly, go to that workspace.)22:53
mojtabasuppose I have 10 workspaces, and I do not want to reveal the workspaces in between22:54
loaunicorn-lightnin, you can create upstart job, need example?22:55
unicorn-lightninthere was a particular text file that hramrach had me edit earlier22:56
unicorn-lightninIt fixed everything..22:56
unicorn-lightninI added this line of text to it "chmod -R 777 /proc/ati/"22:56
mojtabaCan I go to a specific workspace by its number? not by alt+ctrl+arrow key (instantly, go to that workspace.) suppose I have 10 workspaces, and I do not want to reveal the workspaces in between.22:57
loaunicorn-lightnin, then you can try to search it, grep -nr '/proc/ati' /etc/*22:57
unicorn-lightninwell, the problem is I had to re-install Ubuntu22:58
unicorn-lightninI don't have it anymore22:58
loaunicorn-lightnin, http://askubuntu.com/questions/9853/how-can-i-make-rc-local-run-on-startup22:58
MagyarokCould someone help me with setting up DNS for ubuntu server?22:59
unicorn-lightnindoes rc.local run as root?23:00
bekksunicorn-lightnin: yes, it does.23:01
mojtabaCan I go to a specific workspace by its number? not by alt+ctrl+arrow key (instantly, go to that workspace.) suppose I have 10 workspaces, and I do not want to reveal the workspaces in between.23:01
Magyaroknexustwelve: could you help me with setting up DNS for ubuntu server?23:01
loaunicorn-lightnin, yes23:02
loaMagyarok, what problem?23:02
MagyarokI just freshly installed ubuntu server on a desktop, I need help setting up the DNS23:02
unicorn-lightninloa, I think thats it, thank you!23:02
MagyarokHow to set it to a static IP23:03
loaMagyarok, man interfaces23:03
Magyarokunder /ect/network/interfaces23:03
John_Michaelhey, for some reason my ubuntu 12.04.3 server is still prompting me for my password after using ssh-copy-id23:03
John_Michaelthe common solution i found online was to change permissions on authorized_keys but that isnt working23:04
wilee-nilee!ssh | John_Michael might help23:04
ubottuJohn_Michael might help: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)23:04
MagyarokIoa, I need specific help with what to write in23:04
loaMagyarok, what you have in resolv.conf?23:04
Jayfluxhey guys, managed to get a shared folder working on  ubuntu server, but how do i get it to show on desktop?23:04
Jayfluxvirtualbox and ubuntu btw23:04
mojtabaCan I go to a specific workspace by its number? not by alt+ctrl+arrow key (instantly, go to that workspace.) suppose I have 10 workspaces, and I do not want to reveal the workspaces in between.23:05
MagyarokIoa, could I PM you about this please?23:05
John_Michaelahh, it was an encrypted home directory, ty wilee-nilee23:05
wilee-nileecool, no problem23:05
loaMagyarok, ok23:06
mojtabawilee-nilee: Can I go to a specific workspace by its number? not by alt+ctrl+arrow key (instantly, go to that workspace.) suppose I have 10 workspaces, and I do not want to reveal the workspaces in between.23:06
wilee-nilee!patience | mojtaba23:06
ubottumojtaba: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/23:06
InfandumIs it possible to put Ubuntu Touch on the Samsung Galaxy S2 Tmobile version (T989)?23:06
ccoloradowhat is the syntax to add a ppa from https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tmux  ? ( i have been trying unsuccesfully to add sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu/tmux on ubuntu 12.04 )23:06
wilee-nileeDon't just start asking people, mojtaba23:06
Neo31hello, I do not receive emails on launchpad-id@ubuntu.com where should I go to solve the problem please?23:10
Lightinghey guys dose anyone know how i can create a forum on ubutu and upload it to a chat room ?23:11
IdleOneNeo31: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEmail23:26
IdleOneNeo31: there is a contact email at the bottom of that wiki.23:27
Neo31thanks IdleOne23:30
darklajidSo, I'm migrating an appliance/installation from precise to quantal (those names are _painful_). The latter seems to lack /etc/mtab. dovecot (installed via apt-get install dovecot) requires that file and hugs syslog, crying about the missing file, if that isn't the case.23:33
darklajidIn my world that means: Quantal did something crappy OR quantal failed to update dovecot.23:34
darklajid(if dovecot drops its reliance on /etc/mtab at all)23:34
darklajidBug? Should I file that?23:35
Dr_Willis_hmm. mtab has been in ever release ive noticed..23:35
Dr_Willis_but im on 13.10 at the moment23:35
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MagyarokCould someone help me configure SSH on my ubuntu server?23:36
loaNobody will help you if you can't show debug information.23:37
bekks!ssh | Magyarok23:37
ubottuMagyarok: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)23:37
loa!network loa23:38
loa!interfaces loa23:38
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:38
Dr_Willis_!brain > loa23:45
ubottuloa, please see my private message23:45
MagyarokMy ubuntu server is acting weird, im having DNS issues23:57
MagyarokCould someone help me?23:57
compdocis it running a dns service?23:58
Magyaroknot sure.23:58
compdocwhats the problem?23:59
MagyarokI was trying to install webmin, and it came up with errors23:59
loaMagyarok, show here you current /etc/network/interfaces23:59

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