
knomeso what's your real question?00:42
knomewould you like to help with the technical development of the website?00:42
knomeall the themes/plugins code is available at https://launchpad.net/xubuntu-website00:43
knomei'm working on a theme refresh currently though, and not all of that is in yet00:43
knomeso what would your suggestion with the translations be?00:44
Jovannymmm, using directories, could be ?00:46
knomethat's one option, but it becomes a burden to maintain if there are numerous of languages with numerous of pages00:46
JovannyYou're Pasi Lallinaho ?00:47
knomethat might be doable if we did a brief page including only the most basic information about xubuntu and only translate that to other languages00:47
JovannyI'm talking about the main page, the wiki could be later00:48
knomeyes, i'm talking about the website as well.00:48
knomei don't think it's a sensible effort to translate all the pages without a translation framework00:49
JovannyYou're the only one in this?00:49
knomei'm the only contributor to the website theme and plugins itself, yes00:50
knomebut we do have a team who maintains the website00:50
Jovannythe main page is wordpress?00:51
knometo be honest, the technical solution is one of the smallest issues; maintaining the translations is going to be much more work00:51
knomeyes, it's wordpress00:51
JovannyAnd why not install a plugin for translations ?00:51
knomethe plugins that are around are not ready enough for production, except maybe WPML, but that comes with other issues (paid, could get a free copy for a non-profit org, but since we're not an organization, maybe not; don't want to depend on something like that)00:52
knomehave you used the wordpress translation/i18n plugins yourself?00:54
Jovannytranslation plugin ?00:54
Jovannyand what do you plan, make our own plugin ?00:54
knomethat's one possibility00:54
knomei have something put up already, but that's far from ready for production00:55
knomethe two major problems with most of the plugins are scalability to many languages while keeping the admin interface clean and user permissions00:56
JovannyI think that is better making the page without depending of wordpress00:56
knomethat's not an option00:56
knomethat would mean we would either have to 1) get the canonical IS update the static page every time we want modifications 2) another CMS/admin interface to modify the files00:57
knomeyes, i know there are translation plugins for wordpress and i have investigated them00:58
knomeas i said, none of them are ready for production00:58
knome(or suitable for us, mostly because they have one or both of the two problems i mentioned earlier)00:58
JovannyI could try the something that you say that is already put up on wp01:00
knomeas i said, it's far from ready for production01:01
Jovannywhy it is far from ready for production ?01:01
knomebecause there isn't all functionality the plugin needs or it isn't working properly01:02
knomethanks for offering the help, but i don't need help with that right now (read: yet)01:03
JovannyLOL, and why not making a simple sub page in wordpress and I will write that in spanish ?01:04
knomeas i said, that's one option01:04
Jovannythen ?, help me with that 01:04
knomethe first step to that would be considering if that's what we want, and then writing the english page to be translated first01:04
knomepleia2, ^01:05
Jovannywe or you ?01:06
knomethe decision should be taken by the website team, the english "base" page can be then be written by anybody, with the website/marketing/xubuntu team reviewing01:08
knomei have updated bug 79760001:08
ubottubug 797600 in Xubuntu Website "Enable translations for the Xubuntu website" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79760001:08
knomei'd suggest subscribing to that to follow the process01:08
Unit193Jovanny: Don't take this the wrong way, we're trying to come up with something that in the future will be easy to maintain as well as for now. :)01:08
knomeyay, wiki works01:09
knomeok, it's past 4am here01:11
knomei'm off to bed01:11
knomeJovanny, thanks for the interest, hoping to see you later in this channel. sorry for not having anything to translate atm.01:12
micahgochosi: knome: unless there's another option to have working indicators, I'm going to try to sort out the packaging tomorrow night for the gtk3 stuff and see if we can get a release exception, I'll throw it up in a PPA first, that'll give us about a week to test/land it01:45
Unit193Debian has libxfceui in exp at least, with gtk3 support.01:46
micahggreat, that's one problem solved then01:46
Unit193There's 2 commits after the latest (last I looked) xfce4-indicator-plugin that would be interesting, scroll wheel over volume and scroller click on it to mute.  Hopefully helpful.01:49
knomemicahg, +1 for gtk3 indicators all the way.08:44
NoskcajGTK3 indicators would be great. If you can't make that, can you at least get indicators 1.0.0 in?08:47
knomehey ochosi, you still around?09:12
knomeelfy, you around?09:12
Unit193I am. \o/09:12
knomeUnit193, want to test something on saucy? bug 1231978, see last comment09:13
ubottubug 1231978 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "Thunar 1.6.3 locks when browsing Trash with Xubuntu 13.10 Beta 2 and following dailies" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123197809:13
knomealso, could check if bug 1233904 is fixed with that as well09:15
ubottubug 1233904 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar freezes if you choose "View --> Side Panel --> Tree"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123390409:15
Unit193Hrm, VM doesn't have the deps for gvfs, and it's 5am.  Could in a couple hours though.09:16
knomeheh. go to sleep09:16
knomeupgrading my own vm to the latest packages and testing that09:18
Unit193Trying to see if I want to fix some ssl cert problem first. ;P09:19
knomenot going to do any harm while you sleep09:19
knomeand probably better brains in the morning09:19
ochosiknome: does no-one read bugcomments anymore?09:34
knomeochosi, he asked "again"09:34
knomebut meh, i tried to do that, and failed to confirm the original bug09:35
ochosianyhoo, i'm off for now ->09:35
knomeif you have an installation where you have that bug with the latest packages, could you confirm and retest?09:35
knomeäsch :)09:35
brainwashpitti did not read ochosi's comments :(09:43
knomehe did. he asked to test it again09:43
knomecan we stop being drama llamas?09:43
knomeat least somebody is looking into the bug and trying to help09:44
bluesabrellama llama09:44
brainwashyea, finally :P09:44
knomebrainwash, please.09:44
knomebrainwash, if you wanted somebody to look at the bug earlier, just get ahold of them and try to discuss with people. subscribing random people to bugs is hardly helpful when they are busy09:45
knomei mean it's a good thing to do that and the situation would probably be different if we weren't at this point of the cycle, but since we are, it's not realistic to expect people to give priority to our bugs09:45
brainwashI know, but pitti did the package update and seb18 told me to report upstram, so I commented on the upstream report09:46
knomefair, but whining that nobody looked at a bug isn't constructive09:47
knomeget on with it and ask again if things are stalled.09:47
knomeor try to fix/triage it yourself or find somebody else who could help09:47
brainwashok, next time I ping him directly09:49
knomethat works. to be clear; i don't mind the way you did the communication this time either09:50
knomeit's the attitude that irks me09:51
brainwashI know, the main issue was basically that I wasn't able to fix it after messing with gvfs some hours.. so I got a little mad09:52
knomethat's understandable, but doesn't warrant blaming others for not looking at it09:52
knomebut i still can't reproduce the bug on a saucy installation.09:53
brainwashnot even with xfdkestop, after deleting a file and the hovering over the trash icon?09:55
brainwashxfdesktop should lock up after doing so09:57
knomei hit that when i reboot09:58
knomedon't know why09:58
knome(the thunar process in the saved session crashed)09:59
knomecan browse trash and open new thunar instances from desktop without problems though09:59
knomeand xfdesktop is running properly10:00
brainwashand even delete the trash content with right-click on the trash icon in the side panel?10:00
brainwashmaybe you need to delete at least 1 file to actually trigger it10:01
knomethat i can confirm10:01
Unit193brainwash: Was yours an upgrade or fresh?10:01
knomebut xfdesktop is still running as normal10:02
brainwashgvfs 1.18.1+10:02
brainwashI can reproduce it with thunar, pcmanfm and xfdekstop10:02
brainwashnot with nautilus, nemo10:02
NoskcajDid we ever find out if it affects debian?10:05
ochosiknome: i get a weird bug in gmusicbrowser, it's only a visual oddity, but can you confirm? http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-10022013-122142pm.php10:22
brainwashencoding problem?10:23
ochosiprobably, but not sure why 10:23
ochosidoesn't seem to happen when i run gmusicbrowser from git though...10:26
brainwashochosi: it's not song title specific, right?10:41
ochosishould be in every group10:41
ochosiseems to be solely related to the "«" character10:46
brainwashyes, looks ok here10:52
brainwash(test machine)10:52
brainwashif you hover over the "«", a lock icon will appear10:52
knomeochosi, i can confirm i don't have that bug ;)11:11
ochosiphew, good11:11
ochosibrainwash: that's different, you have to go to the grouped view, the thing you're describing is actually an image that gets replaced on hover by the lock-icon ;)11:12
knomein raring, that is11:12
knomewith the version that is in raring11:12
ochosiwell i didn't have the issue in raring11:12
ochosiso that doesn't help11:12
knomeheh, well you didn't specify...11:12
ochosiit seems to be new in saucy11:12
knomeok, i'll boot up my saucy vm11:12
ochosiwell tbh i couldn't care less about raring bugs atm :)11:12
knomeyeah yeah, but you didn't specify11:13
brainwashochosi: ok, I can confirm this11:18
ochosinot nice11:20
knomeyep, can confirm11:20
knomewhere's the «'s defined?11:20
ochosiin /usr/share/gmusicbrowser/layouts/shimmer.layout11:29
ochosiin the group-section11:29
knomelooking at that and other stuff that might give the error11:29
knomewhere do the song title «'s come from?11:30
knome@ http://launchpadlibrarian.net/148671131/gmusicbrowser_1.1.9-2_1.1.10-0ubuntu1.diff.gz11:34
meetingologyknome: Error: "http://launchpadlibrarian.net/148671131/gmusicbrowser_1.1.9-2_1.1.10-0ubuntu1.diff.gz" is not a valid command.11:34
* knome slaps meetingology 11:34
knomelderan, there's not even a meeting on!11:35
lderanits gone mad!11:35
knomelderan, note the @ at the beginning of the line11:35
lderanaye 11:35
meetingologylderan: Error: "test" is not a valid command.11:35
knomeochosi, the problem seems to be visible in the .layout file, but how did one "reset" a layout again?11:36
ochosiknome: just edit the file, save it and restart gmusicbrowser11:37
knomedid, but that doesn't work11:37
ochosiit did here11:38
ochosibut you have to edit the songtree.layout file11:39
ochosi(as stated in the diff you pointed to ;))11:39
knomeyeah, anyway11:39
knomei think it's bluesabre's fault11:39
knomewe just need a new upload with fixed source files for layouts11:39
ochosiall the names of the translaters are also borked11:41
ochosi'Finnish : Jiri Grönroos'11:41
knomejust run it through recode11:42
ochosiobviously translations are also broken11:42
ochosiyeah, shouldn't be too hard11:43
ochosiand at least that one doesn't need a FFe for sure...11:43
ochosiprobably it can be done though together with the albuminfo fix11:43
ochosiso it'd be just one upload11:43
ochosibluesabre: any idea how to fix all these encoding issues here? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/148671131/gmusicbrowser_1.1.9-2_1.1.10-0ubuntu1.diff.gz11:43
knomeochosi, as i said, just run through recode ;)11:44
ochosiknome: thanks for testing and finding the culprit11:44
knomesudo apt-get install recode; recode ISO-8859-1..UTF-8 [filenames]  <- should do it11:44
knomebetter double-check, but that ought to be the it11:45
ochosibluesabre: ^ :)11:45
knomei'm not sure if that's the real solution, since the « (UTF-8) characters *are* there11:45
knomeseems semi-fishy11:45
brainwashso recoding it will add another « ?11:48
brainwashbug 1234050 is most likely a duplicate of the thunar trash lock up, can anyone confirm this kind of lock up?11:51
ubottubug 1234050 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar freezes when opening samba windows share network" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123405011:51
knomenot a duplicate as is, but possibly can be caused by the same changes11:52
knomei think i saw another samba bug, which was most probably related11:53
brainwashbug 123232411:54
ubottubug 1231978 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1232324 Thunar 1.6.3 locks when browsing Trash with Xubuntu 13.10 Beta 2 and following dailies" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123197811:54
knomethat wasn't it11:54
knomeergh, i think i hit another bug in gmb11:59
knomeif you drag and drop tracks to queue exactly when a track is changing, they aren't visible in the queue11:59
knomebut the songtree has the queue-icons11:59
knomelet's see if they are in queue or not.12:00
knomeoh wait, advancing in queue makes them visible12:00
ochosiknome: guess that one should go upstream12:57
elfyknome: not really here till later today, but I expect you guessed 12:58
knomeelfy, np12:58
elfysaw the bug comments though12:58
slickymasterknome: ping15:46
brainwashochosi: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/1.10-0ubuntu217:12
bluesabreochosi, knome: probably my fault, but not sure how22:23
bluesabremaybe debdiff corrupts encoding?22:25
bluesabresure would be nice if this debdiff wasn't so freaking huge :)22:26
bluesabrethe shimmer.layout file looks fine22:31
* bluesabre wonders if its a perl-gtk2 problem22:32
* knome shrugs22:33
bluesabreor maybe not22:33
bluesabrethats so weird22:33
knomewhat does your 'locale' say?22:34
knomeok, good, just checking22:35
bluesabreany idea where the debdiff I gave to micahg for that went?22:41
bluesabrecan't seem to find it, I wonder if I dpasted it and it lost the encoding or something crazy22:43
knomeno idea22:44
bluesabreguess I'll see about getting a fix of some sort up22:44
knomethat'd be cool22:53
bluesabreochosi, can you verify if the encoding issues are in your /usr/share/gmusicbrowser/layouts/shimmer.layout22:53
brainwashwasn't it songtree.layout?22:57
bluesabreok, now I have a more reasonable place to look22:58
bluesabreknome: is there an lp bug for the encoding problem?23:07
knomei don't know, i don't think so23:07
bluesabrek, I think I might attach the fix to the upload I'm waiting for mr_pouit to do23:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 1223808 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "gmbrc misses line to activate albuminfo-plugin" [Undecided,In progress]23:08
bluesabreexcept, thats probably not okay23:09
knomewell they are both bugfixes, right?23:09
* bluesabre would have a much easier time with the ability to upload23:10
bluesabreyeah, but different bugs23:10
ali1234i found a bug :/23:10
bluesabreanother one? D:23:11
ali1234open two terminals, mark one "always on top", run "notify-send hello" in the other one, wait for notification to disappear, focus has now moved to the "always on top" terminal23:11
brainwashisn't that a feature? :)23:13
ali1234reported https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1038423:16
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10384 in General ""Always on top" windows steal focus after notification is displayed." [Normal,New]23:17
bluesabremicahg, mr_pouit, if either of you get a chance to upload this fix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmusicbrowser/+bug/122380823:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 1223808 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "gmbrc misses line to activate albuminfo-plugin" [Undecided,In progress]23:49
bluesabrePlease include this very minor fix as well: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmusicbrowser/+bug/123444823:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 1234448 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "Encoding error in songtree.layout" [Undecided,New]23:49
ochosihey bluesabre 23:52
ochosithanks for getting that patch together, but the encoding problem goes far further. if you look at the debdiff, even translations are corrupt now23:55
ochosisorry, i'd rather say your patch fixes everything...23:56
bluesabrecan you give me a quick example23:57
ochosione sec, gotta check the diff knome pasted earlier again23:57
ochosibluesabre: you can e.g. search for "Â" here: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/148671131/gmusicbrowser_1.1.9-2_1.1.10-0ubuntu1.diff.gz23:59

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