
JovannyHi, I would like to help to translate xubuntu.org page to spanish00:34
knomeJovanny, not possible yet, bug 79760000:36
ubottubug 797600 in Xubuntu Website "Enable translations for the Xubuntu website" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79760000:36
JovannyWho have acces to the web server ?00:37
knomeJovanny, directly, canonical IS; indirectly, the xubuntu team00:37
Jovannywhy indirectly xubuntu team ? we can't modify the files?00:39
knomeJovanny, that's correct00:39
knomeJovanny, we can modify the content and upload media files via wordpress, and if we need to change the files, we have ways to do that, but we can't do that directly.00:40
JovannyCan you explain?, I see that I can do00:41
knomeJovanny, please join #xubuntu-devel00:41
xubuntu058Newbie to Xubuntu here.....how do I unlock the "default keyring"?  I have auto-login activated01:25
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xubuntu961Hi, just wondering where I can find out how to use onboard snippets - I think it will do what I'm looking for which is just press one or two keyboard buttons and it will input a bunch of text. thanks04:48
xubuntu961I'm using 13.04 if that helps04:49
=== Soul-Sing is now known as Evil-Soul-Sing
fbnHi, I installed LibreOffice in Xubuntu but the fonts look very ugly in Writer. I installed msttcorefonts but still no improvement.10:33
fbnAny idea how I can get pretty fonts into LibreOffice again?10:33
cfhowlettfbn, display fonts only or print and display?10:34
cfhowlettfbn, also, default libreoffice font is courier 12, so ...10:34
cfhowlettchange that?10:34
fbncfhowlett: display and print preview and also pdf export10:36
fbncfhowlett: I changed that already10:36
fbncfhowlett: I opened existing files which looked good on Ubuntu 12.04 but in Xubuntu the font looks ugly10:36
fbneven if I change to Arial or Verdana etc.10:36
fbnand if I compare PDF exported files from previous (Ubuntu 12.04) to Xubuntu there is a huge difference10:37
cfhowlettfbn, was the source document a libreoffice writer doc or something else?10:37
fbncfhowlett: it was OpenOffice from Ubuntu 12.0410:37
cfhowlettfbn, create a new doc in writer and test the behavior10:38
fbncfhowlett: done that, same result10:38
fbnI created a new doc in writer and the fonts are still ugly10:38
fbnafter that I installed almost all ttf-packages I could find in the repos10:39
fbnbut still no luck10:39
cfhowlettfbn,  I'd guess a setting substitution setting in writer, but I don't remember where the switch is located.10:39
fbnnever thought I had to deal with font problems again10:39
fbnshoudn't that be done by the maintainers?10:39
cfhowlettfbn, ?  no.  font preferences a user directed.10:40
fbncfhowlett: I understand, but a normal user just sees ugly fonts and does not know what to do10:41
fbnif I install LibreOffice on Mac or Win I guess it'll be fine10:41
fbncfhowlett: so you say to make it right it's just one checkbox in Writer settings?10:42
cfhowlettfbn, "ugly" is subjective. most user never change from courier 12 ... go figure.  that said, look in customization/options/preferences for font related things.  Fairly certain you'll find the right setting somewhere.  OR ask libreoffice directly!10:47
fbncfhowlett: there is a clear, visible difference between Arial/Verdana between LO on windows and Xubuntu10:48
fbnso it's not subjective10:49
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest75093
fbnI can not send my invoices etc. to customers with Xubuntu, they'll notice immediately10:49
fbnI guess #libreoffice will direct me here but I'll try thanks10:49
cfhowlettfbn, OK.  You're not most users :)10:49
fbnyep :)10:50
Guest75093when i browse internet in my XUBUNTU, it makes all the other active internet connections slow(other PCs running win7 have zero speed)10:52
Guest75093but when i disconnect my internet connection, all other PCs works perfect10:53
Guest75093PLEASE HELP..10:53
cfhowlettGuest75093, nothing I know of in Xubuntu would shut out other connections.10:54
Guest75093I have an 8MBps connection and works fine for me, but not others10:55
Guest75093speed test in win7 PCs shows less than 1MBPS when i am connected10:56
cfhowlettGuest75093, ask in #ubuntu10:57
Guest75093thank you "cfhowlett"10:57
cfhowlettGuest48224, greetings12:10
Guest48224cfhowlett, i remember u12:11
Guest48224we had a chat earlier regarding my xubuntu issues with internet connection12:11
knome!patience | Guest4822412:13
ubottuGuest48224: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/12:13
fbncfhowlett: #libreoffice sent me back here ... have you good looking fonts in Xubuntu?12:13
knomefbn, can you send a screenshot?12:14
knomefbn, that might be just regular antialiasing that happens in linux12:14
knome!imagebin | fbn12:14
ubottufbn: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.12:14
cfhowlettfbn, screenshot ...You said it's print AND display, so I didn't pursue the antialiasing --- was I wrong?12:18
knomecfhowlett, best to rule that out, and to see what the problem looks like12:18
cfhowlettknome, awaiting the paste so we can see ... I've got my Writer set for Arial ... no complaints/problems12:19
knomei don't have a printer at home/office, but i send invoices from xubuntu, and my clients have had absolutely no problem with them or their looks12:20
RJ45Xubuntu 12.04.3 user here, I fell asleep leaving my computer on, I woke-up to find it still on, but non-responsive, just the blank screen of the monitor stuck in standby, had-to hard-reset, is this a known problem, and why is this happening?12:25
cfhowlettRJ45, power management settings?  screen saver settings?  different scenarios would cause that behavior12:27
RJ45cfhowlett: well as I said, it was still all fully on, just non-responsive, I've left it idle for hours on-end in the past with no problems.12:27
cfhowlettRJ45, 1 time or repeated behavior?12:30
RJ45cfhowlett: well, I've only had Xubuntu on this machine for a few days now, so it's too early to tell, but so-far this is the first time this has happened.12:31
achalversonHi all12:32
RJ45CPU: AMD A10-6700 APU, RAM: 2x4GB DDR3 1866Mhz (1333Mhz utilised), MB: Asus F2A85-M12:32
RJ45^^ is that onfo of any help here? ^^12:33
cfhowlettRJ45, note the behavior, configuration, circumstances.  if it happens again, revisit the forums/IRC.  COULD be a bug but too early to say.12:33
achalversonEvery time I install a program, Docky closes.12:33
RJ45when I click 'Hibernate', it says "Failed to hibernate; not authorised" ..so, ho do I enable hibernation? :-/12:50
=== CarlosNeyPastor_ is now known as CarlosNeyPastor
cfhowlettRJ45, do you have a /swap partition?  if no: no hibernate.12:51
RJ45cfhowlett: wen I installed Xubuntu, I had it set to 'auto-partition' defaults, so yes, I have /swap just s tiny bit larger than my RAM capacity.12:52
RJ45also the /swap is on an SSD, so that's cool :D12:53
RJ450% swap currently in-use12:54
RJ45on any other OS it should hibernate fine12:54
brainwashdoes "sudo pm-hibernate" initiate the hibernate process?12:55
cfhowlettRJ45, bring this question over to #ubuntu ... more eyes/minds available12:55
RJ45IDK, never used that command before, lemme jus' try...12:55
elfyRJ45: http://askubuntu.com/questions/94754/how-to-enable-hibernation12:57
elfytry that12:57
RJ45-so, I tried 'sudo pm-hibernate', and it went into hibernation, but when I tried turning it back-on, I'm left with a completely non-responsive black screen12:59
RJ45-not even [CTRL] + [ALT] + [F1]/[F2].. are doing anything.13:02
brainwashlooks like you have to fix this issue first then :/13:02
RJ45-oh boy.. ¬_¬13:02
RJ45-any ideas what's wrong?, Suspend to RAM works no problems13:03
RJ45-time for a hard-reset :(13:04
MyrttiAFAIK there was discussion some time ago (in which some time > year, I think) to remove the option of hibernating in atleast Ubuntu13:05
Myrttibecause it just seems to be failing all around13:05
Myrttiwell, some people might get it to work, but generally suspend just works better13:06
RJ45- want my Hibernate!13:06
RJ45-I'd pay for hibernate feature, and I'm totally poor! x_x13:07
Myrttiyeah, that's why it's been disabled - it's not safe to use13:08
MyrttiI got burnt by it back in 2008 or so13:08
RJ45-Myrtti: wut happened?13:08
Myrttiit might be just that I didn't properly know what I was doing, but eventually I think I ended up reinstalling the whole system.13:09
Myrttiit was a long time ago though so probably doesn't happen to you13:09
MyrttiI think my laptop went to a reboot/unhibernate cycle and since the swap was encrypted it just failed miserably, and because it was my work laptop for which I had backups, it was quicker to just start over and restore backups than try to troubleshoot for hours13:10
RJ45-"hey, 'Hibernate' is a pretty important feature for a-lot of users, but it's all fucky, should we fix?"; "nah just disable it, it's not like anyone'll really miss it, what they gonna do, switch to another OS?";  ".. but, but?..."13:11
Myrttiso you're hundred per cent sure Suspend isn't a viable option for your usecase?13:11
Myrttialso, please mind the language13:12
RJ45-Myrtti: not unless there's someway so make it use powerless /swap instead, no.13:12
RJ45-is there anything I can install, made by a non-profit organisation, solely focused on 'the perfect hibernation'?13:15
sheldonIm having a problem here14:07
sheldonfor some reason ,my sound indicator doesnt work14:07
sheldonI tried gnome-sound-applet package14:07
sheldonor just sound-indicator pacake14:08
sheldonbut it is still not working14:08
sheldonif any one has a solution14:08
sheldonI will be really appreciated14:09
GridCubesheldon, what version of xubuntu are you using?14:09
GridCubein any case the pavucontrol applet is stored inside the "plugin indicator" applet, if for some accident you close it, it "respawn" but only for the network button, in order to restore the plugin indicator to the whole range of indicators you need to eliminate add a new plugin indicator to you panel and then eliminate the redundant one.14:11
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=== CarlosNeyPastor_ is now known as CarlosNeyPastor
sheldonits a daily update version16:41
sheldonit might not stable16:41
sheldonbut the problem is when I switch to F116:42
sheldonit says stop restoring sound card state16:42
sheldon now my wifi is geting on n off randomly16:43
sheldonit might due to the drivers' problem16:43
sheldonbut I checked online16:43
sheldonit says my laptop model should be fully supported16:44
PeyamI'm kinda a tired of xubuntu and want to try unity.. Since i have monitors with bad relsolution i guess that would be stupid16:46
Peyamor what do you thonk guys?16:46
sheldonyep it s a stupid idea16:47
sheldonI tried once16:47
sheldoncuz I have two monitors16:47
sheldonone good one bad16:47
sheldonfor the bad one16:47
PeyamI use dual monitor too16:47
sheldonthe content just too large and way out of my screen16:48
PeyamI had unity before but I don't remember why I delete it16:48
Peyamyes that too.16:48
GridCubesheldon, if its a development version you should ask on #xubuntu-devel :)16:48
sheldonI suggest u need at least 1080P monitor16:49
sheldonbut no more than that16:49
Peyamubuntu doesn't work good with dual screen, not as configurateable as xfce, and doent have the right klick (showing menu) option16:49
PeyamI have two 1024 x 768 or something. very old. I actually found them in garbage16:49
sheldonI c ty~I will try that16:50
sheldonI kind stick to gnome 2 environment so I decided to use xubuntu16:50
Peyamme too. Still have a ubuntu 10.04 on CD :D16:51
sheldonu r right the second monitor is nothing more than an extension of the main one16:53
sheldonI dont like gnome 3 interface because its no supported by my graphic card16:53
sheldonso It just constantly going down16:53
sheldonfor unity,,,,pppppfffffftttttt, nop16:53
Peyamsheldon: do maximize ur screen I suggest to decrease the fontsize and use a small theme http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/prelude-dfr?content=14814416:53
Peyamyes. Xfce is the best one when you use dual screen in my exprience. and greybird is a good theme.16:54
nmssshi, just installed latest xubuntu on a 3y/o lenovo notebook. after install finished it prompted "restart now" but was stuck (wallpaper + cursor only) so i had to manually restart. now i installed some updates and it prompted "restart now" but it hangs on black screen now. enabled encrypt for drive + homefolder, any ideas?17:32
=== TheSheep_ is now known as TheSheep
GridCube!hi | ropeus18:57
ubotturopeus: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:57

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