
Wiz_KeeDHello fellas05:52
Wiz_KeeDsmall question, I have pulled a branch from a server and updated the config file to connect to my mysql database with user and password05:52
Wiz_KeeDbut I want to be able to pull all the changes except that file05:52
Wiz_KeeDso the password stays the same05:53
fullermdAs in "I keep pull'ing upstream stuff as an otherwise-unchanged local copy without making local commits"?05:54
Wiz_KeeDyeah something like that06:04
Wiz_KeeDI don't make the changes locally06:04
Wiz_KeeDjust pull and want to keep the config file06:05
Wiz_KeeDI could just bzr ignore that file?06:05
fullermdNo, ignore doesn't do anything like that.06:05
fullermdBut pull always merges forward uncommitted changes, so I don't see that you need to do anything.06:05
Wiz_KeeDi usually do overwrite, but if in this case it does not work merging would mean showing both sides of the code06:23
Wiz_KeeDand I have to delete every time, messed up06:23
fullermdAs in pull --overwrite?  As a regular thing?06:23
Wiz_KeeDYeah, to have the fresh code without what I might have accidentaly overwritten06:25
fullermdWell, make up your mind, do you wanna make local changes or not?  ;p06:26
fullermdBut no, there's no way I know of to express --overwrite-oh-but-not-this-part06:27
fullermdDoubly so because it's really sorta peripheral what --overwrite does to the WT anyway.06:27
=== mars_ is now known as mars
exarkunI can't push my branch: bzr: ERROR: Option 1,2 is not defined while expanding "lp:~exarkun/pyopenssl/tlsv1_{1,2}".20:05
exarkunCan I work-around that somehow or do I have to pick a different branch name?20:07
mwhudsonyou can't call a branch that on lp20:07
mwhudsonbut that error is pretty special20:07
mwhudsonis it coming from curl or somethign?20:08
mwhudsonno, that makes no sense20:08
exarkun  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/config.py", line 3758, in _expand_options_in_string20:08
exarkun    raise errors.ExpandingUnknownOption(name, string)20:08
exarkunExpandingUnknownOption: Option 1,2 is not defined while expanding "lp:~exarkun/pyopenssl/tlsv1_{1,2}".20:08
exarkunwith `return self.get_config_stack().get('push_location')` up above it on the stack20:09
mwhudsonhuh huh20:09
mwhudsonyeah, it's something in the bzr config machinery20:09
mwhudsonanyway, if you made it work client side, pretty sure lp would tell you to FOAD so try another name i guess20:11
exarkunYea okay.  Thanks.20:12
mwhudsonvalid_branch_name_pattern = re.compile(r"^(?i)[a-z0-9][a-z0-9+\.\-@_]*\Z")20:14
* mwhudson remembers with amusement changing the $ to the \Z at the end in a mad panic20:15
exarkunhuh I had to look up \Z just now and got the impression it was the same as $...20:16
exarkunOh... something about newlines...20:16
* exarkun imagines every regexp he's ever seen in a Python program is probably has one more bug than he previously realized20:17
mwhudsonyes, someone somehow managed to create a branch called "trunk\n"20:21

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