
kristalSo lubuntu/xubuntu have a nasty bug in 13.10, does this affect kubuntu too? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/123197803:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 1231978 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "Thunar 1.6.3 locks when browsing Trash with Xubuntu 13.10 Beta 2 and following dailies" [Critical,Confirmed]03:19
mparillosnele: It happens after I run Muon Updates, but I bet this bug should have been filed against a different component: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32388603:29
ubottuKDE bug 323886 in muon "After applying updates, Restart button does nothing" [Minor,Unconfirmed]03:29
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soeegood morning06:59
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alvinI promise not to try to start a rant here about an issue I just noticed in the beta. (not really Kubuntu specific) I'll just ask where I can find the boot logs. (The equivalent of FreeBSD's /var/run/dmesg.boot.) You know, the messages that appear during boot. Specifically, I'm looking for drives that don't mount automatically anymore.09:16
apacheloggermarkey: I am on 13.0409:30
apacheloggermarkey: alas my install hasn't seen an update in like 3 months09:30
apacheloggerso that may be related09:30
markeyI was assuming as a distro developer you always have the cutting edge software installed09:31
markeyanyway, if you do an update, please let me know the result09:31
apacheloggercan do later today, downloading today's iso right now09:33
apacheloggeri.e. I do run th latest version, I just don't run it on physical hardware :P09:33
markeyvirtual boy :)09:40
alvinThere is a log! /var/log/upstart/mountall.log And indeed. The dreaded bug is back. Mountall tries to mount NFS shares lots of times before the network is up, and then just gives up. Time to start supporting _netdev again?  (bug #384347)09:49
ubottubug 384347 in util-linux (Ubuntu) "_netdev not working" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38434709:49
xnoxalvin: please file a bug against mountall package and attach that log. thanks a lot.09:49
alvinxnox: Did that. Years ago. several times, for several releases. Sometimes it's fixed. Then it breaks again the next release. Btw, I see 'systemd' in the output of mount. We're switching?09:50
apacheloggerQuintasan: have you ever tested the IM stuff?09:51
apacheloggerinstalling in nihongo totally doesn't give me proper input stuff09:51
apacheloggeror I am too stupid to use it09:51
apacheloggerwhich is definitely an option09:51
xnoxalvin: no, we are not switching. systemd-software-collection uses "systemd" namespace a lot for no reason. E.g. logind's pam module is called systemd & it uses systemd cgroup name =/09:56
alvinGood, but isn't that unnecesarily complex?  I hold my breath for the future. Debian still has a sane and stable (albeit slower) init system. We have Upstart, that was very, very buggy at first but is starting to get there. I often wonder what the future brings. Is there a clear roadmap about init systems?10:00
davmor2Riddell: you know you've set Sue on a mission now, She's been sketching broken cogs on and off to get it right ;)10:01
alvinWell, as long as I'm using the system I might as well report this again. Here goes. Bug #1234613 - needs to be confirmed. I only tested 1 pc so far.10:05
ubottubug 1234613 in mountall (Ubuntu) "NFS shares are not mounted at boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123461310:05
* apachelogger sighs at ibus10:11
xnoxalvin: thanks.10:13
alvinThe network-manager icon is probably wrong when connected to a VPN. I just connected using OpenVPN and it showed an icon one would normally suspect when the connection doesn't work.10:40
apacheloggerRiddell: printer-applet was removed upstream? should be removed upstream? are yougoing to remove it upstream? can we remove it in kubuntu? there are open bugs omomgomomgomgomgomg10:42
apacheloggerScottK, jussi: is there a reason that we are tracking upstream quassel bugs in lunchpad?10:53
apacheloggerk3b: 104 open bugs hooray10:54
jussiapachelogger: no idea10:56
ScottKapachelogger: I think it's not intentional.11:36
ScottKCertainly not by me.11:36
BluesKajHI all12:21
smartboyhwsmartboyhw> Can anyone make sense out of http://pastebin.kde.org/pozufagtx? (Debian ardour3 source package in a Ubuntu Saucy pbuilder)13:10
shadeslayerjussi: huh, was looking at the data sheets for the cubox13:34
shadeslayerjussi: apparently the 400 Mbps limitation is a design limitation and it's actually native ethernet13:35
shadeslayerand not ethernet over usb13:35
shadeslayerhi cortexA913:35
apacheloggersmartboyhw: rules file?13:48
smartboyhwapachelogger, http://pastebin.kde.org/p8kxew0a2 (don't see anything much wrong with it)13:50
apacheloggerthere's everything wrong with it :P13:52
apacheloggerstarting with cdbs13:52
apacheloggersmartboyhw: I think your builder is broken somehow13:52
smartboyhwapachelogger, agreed.13:53
apacheloggerthrow it at a ppa13:53
shadeslayercdbs @_@13:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: in this case it is probably useful :P13:53
apacheloggeras the package uses a control.in13:53
shadeslayerI'll say that again13:53
shadeslayercdbs @_@13:53
smartboyhwcdbs @_@13:53
apacheloggerthen again from looking at the rules I do not see why it would use a control.in to begin with13:54
apacheloggermaybe I am blind13:54
shadeslayerwhy it constructs the build deps 4 times is beyond me13:54
apacheloggerlogical grouping13:54
apacheloggerread the comment -.-13:54
shadeslayerbut ... why13:55
shadeslayerI still don't understand how it helps readability13:55
apacheloggerif you wanted just the library to be built you'd only need to comment the cairo block etc.13:56
shadeslayerI see13:56
apacheloggerbut as I said, the point of using control.in eludes me13:56
apacheloggerthose are flat package relationsships13:57
apacheloggerexcept for the iceweasel thing which could just as well be expressed as firefox|iceweasel|www-browser13:57
apacheloggeranyway, it likely fails because of envrionmental problems13:58
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lordievaderGood afternoon.14:34
shadeslayerRiddell: PA 4 all packaged?14:42
volkanhi, even though I am in memberlist of trello kubuntu-docs, why cant I comment on cards?14:49
volkanwhat else do I need to comment?14:49
volkanit seems its been solved14:54
Quintasanapachelogger: I did and it worked, let me try once again14:56
Quintasanshadeslayer: did you fix libkpeople in our daily?14:56
shadeslayerQuintasan: not yet, working on other stuff right now, can have a look tomorrow14:57
shadeslayerCompleting the cache stuff in ubiquity at the moment14:58
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah it's all packaged, session doesn't load though15:27
Riddellshadeslayer: there's a tip on the bug report about some lines that can be uncommented in startactive which might help15:27
Riddell"Congratulations! Your connection Scott Kitterman has endorsed you for the following skills and expertise:  Bash"15:34
RiddellI'm rubbish at bash! :)15:34
Riddellwhat a weird language it is15:34
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: how long does it usually take for a ticket to be aproved? (ufw-kde git repo)17:04
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volkanovidiu-florin: hi ovidiu, Thanks for mail. i almost completed arranging stuff18:54
volkanovidiu-florin: could you tell me which module did you use for your download page?18:54
volkanit seems very nice18:54
cyphermoxRiddell: poke19:18
cyphermoxRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/123488719:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 1234887 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Update NetworkManager to" [Undecided,New]19:18
cyphermoxScottK: ^ just a heads up; I know it's quite late, and I'm still reviewing the whole thing to make triple-sure there is no new feature in this19:19
Riddellcyphermox: groovy, go for it19:59
ovidiu-florinvolkan: no module20:00
ovidiu-florinjust javascript20:00
Quintasanyofel, shadeslayer: Anyone knows what to do if upstream did something like putting the actual source code under package-version/herp/derp in the tarball?20:15
RiddellQuintasan: just repackage if it's crazy20:34
QuintasanThe Dooble guy is bothering me again20:35
volkanovidiu-florin: thanks. currently I am just using normal links20:35
volkanRiddell: hi Jonathan21:26
volkanhere is another localized website :)21:26
volkancould we also add a tr.kubuntu.org before release?21:26
volkancurrently the images are not localized, but I almost translated all content in kubuntu.org itself21:27
Riddellvolkan: ooh cool21:27
Riddellvolkan: yeah e-mail rt@ubuntu.com with the request for the dns21:27
volkanRiddell: thanks :). i will keep you informed about the status. thanks to ovidiu-florin btw for the theme help :)21:29
shadeslayerQuintasan: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2013-October/007531.html21:38
shadeslayerwhy are you ignoring packages :P21:38
Quintasanshadeslayer: Just try doing that21:43

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