
coded1hello all, I'm having a problem allowing certain group members to access a directory00:21
coded1The directory is owned by 'foo:bar'  I made a group called localaccess and changed the ownership of the directory to 'foo:localaccess' giving rw permissions to the group00:22
coded1so the file heirarchy is '/media/foo/bar/baz'  media,foo and bar have ownership 'foo:localaccess' and g+rx permissons00:24
coded1the user 'ipsum' is given membership to the group localaccess (adduser ipsum localaccess)00:25
coded1but ipsum is given 'denied access' every time it tries to get past /media/foo00:26
XerofyteHello All. Can Anyone please let me know how to Install plasma wallpaper addon in KDE 4.11. I Installed it on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS00:29
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XerofyteHello All. Can Anyone please let me know how to Install plasma wallpaper addon in KDE 4.11. I Installed it on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I need the DreamDesktop00:39
bwaynegreetings all. i've been wanting to try KDE for a while now. i've been searching and i cannot find a way to minimize a window to an icon in the taskbar. i think i found a way to with the 'icon tasks' program on kde-look. Is minimizing to the application icon ala Unity a built-in feature in kde?00:42
XerofyteAnyone there01:03
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kristalSoo lubuntu and xubunt 13.10 have a nasty bug that hangs any FM when you open trash... does kubuntu have this too?03:12
kristalUgh connection so unreliable03:14
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kerygI do have problem with the application launcher menu06:07
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excognachi all. how do i make a user in kubuntu 12.04 able to write all other user's /home and make his one invisble to all?08:27
mickaelexcognac: if this user is sudo, then he can see every files from other users08:38
excognacmickael: yeah say user1 is sudoer user isn't. ofc i managed to cp files in Konsole, just wanted to makes things easier with Dolphin08:40
mickaeldid you try with kdesudo dolphin ?08:41
excognac? how does that work?08:41
mickael'kdesudo dolphin' makes you execute dolphin as superuser08:42
mickaeland ask you password with a nice window08:42
mickaelso you can see everything in the fs08:42
mickaelalt+F2 -> kdesudo dolphin (press enter)08:42
mickaelit may do what you need.08:43
excognacoh thanks so much, sorry for being noob08:43
mickaelyou're welcome and do not apologize :)08:44
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Betiv_jegoshackers here?10:12
claycorn3i have a question10:49
claycorn3i would like to do screenfetch10:50
claycorn3how do i do that>10:51
yossarianukyou mean a screen shot ?10:59
yossarianuksudo apt-get install ksnapshot10:59
yossarianukkde's native screenshot tool is the best for any OS.10:59
claycorn3no the info shot used in terminal11:00
claycorn3shows my os and info11:00
yossarianuknot sure what you mean ?11:00
claycorn3in terminal it shows your os info in basic graphics11:01
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mickaelclaycorn3: https://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch11:09
mickaelSection 'How do I get screenFetch'11:10
mickaelit does not appear to be in the servers of ubuntu, so you have to build it on your own11:10
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andreutar yu duing?11:57
BluesKajHI all12:21
Roeyhey BluesKaj12:23
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BluesKajhi Roey12:23
dougielBluesKaj, you busy = what is with all the updates... seems excessivem - is it safe for my 13.04?12:24
BluesKajdougiel,  that usually depends , but one can never predict , it's different for different machines12:26
BluesKajit's usually safe12:27
dougiellots of kde and plasma stuff12:27
BluesKajkde upgrades12:27
dougiel249 packages...12:27
BluesKajthat's normal12:27
dougielsudo apt-get dist-upgrade right?12:27
BluesKajfor upgrading the desktop packages, yes12:28
dougielThanks BluesKaj  - appreciate your time, as always chatting with you and everyone is a great piece of mind :)12:29
BluesKajdougiel, hope it goes well for you12:32
dougielBluesKaj, thanks I'll let you know in an hour :)12:35
dougielBluesKaj,  done... uneventful and so far completely transparent upgrade with no apparent change FYI - thanks12:56
BluesKajdougiel, good :)12:57
smartboyhwCan anyone make sense out of http://pastebin.kde.org/pozufagtx? (Debian ardour3 source package in a Ubuntu Saucy pbuilder)13:09
smartboyhwOops, wrong channel:P13:10
yossarianukfor 14.04 is kubuntu going to have to fork xorg support ?13:11
yossarianuk(due to Mir)13:11
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shadeslayeryossarianuk: eh?13:57
shadeslayeryossarianuk: we're not forking anything13:57
shadeslayerXorg is there in the archive, and we just that till 14.0413:57
yossarianukI thought by then Ubuntu would be Mir only.13:57
yossarianukno xorg.13:57
XerofyteHello EveryOne14:14
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Xerofyte!kde | Xerofyte14:15
ubottuXerofyte, please see my private message14:15
lordievaderGood afternoon.14:34
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vojtcek gfomdf,19:41
vojtaSorry for that nonsense, my laptop is lagging :(19:53
BluesKajvojta, got nepomuk indexing running ?19:56
vojtaI don't know.. I tried Richard Burns Rally on wine, but I got only black screen.. It works now.19:58
BluesKajvojta, system settings> desktop search19:59
vojtaAnd sorry, I am new to KDE, i used Unity previously19:59
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epimethhi all... anyone know how to set up l2tp?22:12

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