[00:56] Hello all. I'm trying to add a keyboard layout to the keyboard layout handler, but my choices are greyed out. I'm using Lubuntu 13.04. Thanks in advance! [01:21] gtg, thanks anyway [01:44] Rory: just tried that, didn't work [03:16] hello, I bought a touchscreen monitor for my PC, runing lubuntu. How to enable touch ? [03:23] entreri: what monitor is it? [03:24] kristal, Acer Smart Display [03:24] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touchscreen doesn't seem like it'd help much either. [03:24] entreri: Does it use USB for the touch part? [03:24] hdmi [03:25] uhh.. you can't do touch over hdmi [03:25] maybe I should plug a usb cable as well ? [03:25] it came with one [03:25] derp yes [03:25] I'll try [03:26] hdmi can do sound and video, it has no general serial for things like touch [03:29] yeah it works [03:30] but buggy a little :P [03:30] I guess I'll have to dowbload software to make it more touch-friendly [03:32] entreri: what does lsusb say about it? maybe there's a ppa with better drivers. [03:36] Bus 001 Device 002: ID 1bcf:288a Sunplus Innovation Technology Inc. [03:36] Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0502:33e8 Acer, Inc. [04:11] Hi, I have been running lubuntu for about a year, with no fuss, but now I have an issue. The software updater tells me I have to update. then it tells me there is not enough space on the /boot to run the apt-get clean command [04:11] I have run it as sudo and root, but I keep getting the same issue [04:11] any advice? [04:11] Remove some old kernels. [04:11] how? [04:12] vite: Synaptic [04:12] which one should I remove [04:12] vite: I'd leave the newest and oldest on if you have more than 2 installed [04:12] sudo apt-get autoremove or list them with dpkg -l | grep -e linux-image -e linux-headers and all but two latest. [04:12] also apt-get autoclean [04:13] ok so sudo apt-get remove and then apt-get autoclean [04:13] vite: ya [04:13] with the autoremove I get 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 16 not upgraded. [04:14] I get done [04:14] lets runt the software updater [04:14] vite: synaptic is better for updating imo [04:14] would installing python modules affect the lubuntu software updater? [04:15] vite: shouldn't [04:15] kristal: I run apt-get upgrade but still get the message from the updater... [04:15] vite: have synaptic installed? [04:15] yeah, let me do synaptic [04:17] kristal: seems that synaptic is actually running the install [04:18] should I remove the autoupdater then? to avoid dual functions? [04:18] vite: Ya I just use synaptic for everything, it's a more powerful tool. [04:18] vite: install things, remove, update, manage repos, etc etc [04:19] vite: you can remove the auto updater or just disable it (startup programs) [04:20] hmm lets disable it cause I don't want it to bug the general system behavior [04:20] what does the nepomuk cleaner do? [04:21] /me doesn't know [04:21] that's some kde thing [04:21] in synaptic if you right clign on a program you can get more info [04:22] * vite is wondering if he should go with ubuntu minimal and then just install lxde over it, to just get the bare minimal [04:22] vite: Ubuntu 13.10 is really close to release. [04:23] yep [04:23] or just do a distro upgrade [04:23] vite: Lubuntu/ubuntu/xubuntu/ubuntu-gnome are all nice distros, i prefer them over ubuntu itself [04:23] lubuntu/kubunut/...* [04:23] well I've been running lubuntu, just got this bug now [04:25] vite: How to waste a lot of time in ubuntu: browse the huge package list in synaptic :P [04:25] yep [04:25] oooo a game, ooo some random thing i may find useful [04:26] OpenTTD is one of the best, although I can't find a good fallout-like game [04:26] kristal: vite spends most of his time, working with bitcoin related things, that seem to work very well with ubuntu [04:27] so why would the apt-get update && apt-get upgrade not work on the cli, but they work on synaptic? [04:27] vite: synaptic is smarter [04:28] funny thing was writing a small python script (me learning the language as a hobby). worked on my pc, then when I tried to get it on the vps I had to install a whole bunch of python modules... great learning experience [04:28] upgrade is a bit silly [04:28] why? [04:29] dist-upgrade is smarter [04:30] synaptic failed also http://paste.pound-python.org/show/2PELLe0xvVZAQahgBpl2/ [04:30] latter installs new packages upgrades are depending on, former doesn't [04:32] upgrade is "safer" so if you want to cron it. ;) [04:32] any advice? [04:33] you think its cause I have custom software? [04:35] gonna run the distupgrade, might fix up the dependancy issues [04:37] LOL lubuntu found a bug [04:39] seems to be a known bug [07:16] Can one of the lubuntu testers please confirm bug 1206684? [07:16] bug 1206684 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Rendering errors at lubuntu language select screen (Install and OEM-setup)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1206684 [10:06] Hi [10:06] Hola desde EspaƱa [10:06] Hi from Spain [10:08] i have a question, are there in right-click menus any desktop launcher maker? I had to use ln command [10:13] i'm also having problems with adobe flash player installation, youtube is not working [10:30] i have a question, are there in right-click menus any desktop launcher maker? I had to use ln command. The flashplayer thing is resolved [14:26] Greetings Programs. [14:27] I downloaded and burnt the default ISO just this morning. I booted from it (thanks for giving me the acpi=off), answered a few questions and walked away. When I came back, the system was at a desktop with a "Install Lubuntu" icon. Now what do I do? [14:28] I was surprised to find the system at a desktop. [14:28] Do I need to run the installer icon from the desktop? [14:29] It never asked me for a userid or anything like that. Is that normal? [14:55] Hello, anyone here? [15:01] edburns: Yes that's normal [15:01] edburns: Run the installer and follow the instructions. You'll be asked to set up a user ID and all that stuff as part of the installation [15:01] Rory: Ok, thanks for your response. So it just seems odd that I have to run the installer from within the installer. [15:02] No, you're currently on a Live system [15:02] The installer is one part of that [15:02] Rory: I mean, I booted from the CD that I burnt from the ISO. I answered some questions (overwrite something, overwrite everything, etc), and then the whole process stops. [15:03] And I have to run the installer again. Doesn't that seem wierd? [15:03] edburns: Did it say the installation is complete? [15:03] edburns: It's probable you just still have the CD in your drive :P [15:03] edburns: Take it out and reboot [15:03] I didn't see any message about the installation being complete. [15:03] Rory: Yes, I did have the CD in the drive. [15:04] Would the "installation complete" message auto-dismiss itself? [15:04] Yes, Im finally here [15:04] I need some help [15:04] No, it'll have two options, one is to reboot, and the other is to continue using the live system [15:04] Hello Questguy you should ask a question that has an answer! [15:05] Where the hell is our flash player? I cant found it [15:05] it was in software center before... [15:05] Rory: Now it's asking me "Where are you?" It didn't ask me that before. If I leave the install unattended, does it just time out and go to the live CD? [15:06] Questguy: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer [15:06] edburns: How far did you get in the installation before? Did it ask you for a username, and type your password twice, etc? [15:06] I tried to install it from Adobe's site, but for some reason its not downloading it. Thank you, I might try to download it with the terminal, it might work [15:07] Rory: No, it didn't ask me for that. [15:07] edburns: Then you didn't do the installation. Run the installer from the desktop and follow *all* the instructions [15:07] edburns: Don't cancel part-way through. if it crashes, let me know [15:08] Rory: I booted from the CD. I set the acpi=off option on the ascii startup screen. I returned to the ascii startup screen and chose "Install Lubuntu". I selected English. The computer grinded along for a while. I answered the question about what I want to overwrite with "Overwrite the existing ubuntu". I clicked continue, and I walked away. [15:09] Rory: When I came back, it was sitting at a desktop with a sole icon on it, titled "Install Lubuntu". [15:09] edburns: Sounds like the installer crashed partway through [15:09] edburns: Go through the installer, and don't walk away until you've answered all the questions [15:09] Rory: That sounds like a reasonable conclusion that it crashed while I had stepped away. [15:10] It's either that or a brief power outage [15:10] Rory: I may just use the alternate install. Right now it seems hung on the "Where are you?" screen, selecting the Locale. [15:10] Rory: The CD rom drive is still grinding, though. [15:10] edburns: I'd go with a dodgy download or a dodgy burn [15:10] Rory: But the "Continue" button is greyed out. [15:10] edburns: Is there an option (along with Try... and Install...) to check the integrity of the CD? [15:10] edburns: (When you first boot from the CD, that is) [15:11] Rory: Yes, there is. I didn't do that, though. [15:11] Rory: If it fails this time, I'll try that. [15:12] It could be something happened burning the CD [15:35] Rory: The installation is proceeding nicely now. Thanks for your help. I have some more questions. [15:35] edburns: Ask away =) [15:35] Rory: Because I put acpi=off in the install options on the startup screen, will that preference automatically be conveyed to the grub config or must I manually put that in the grub config after the install? [15:36] edburns: Good question! I'd guess the answer is you would have to do it again, in the file "/etc/default/grub" and then run "sudo update-grub" afterwards [15:37] edburns: However, I don't know for sure because I've never had to play with boot options (other than nomodeset) [15:37] Rory: This really is an old laptop, 11 years old now. So I have to set that option otherwise I can't see X. [15:38] Sounds like a project [15:47] edburns: Rory is right. you'll need to mess with the grub config in order for it to be permanent. startup screen settings are temporary. [15:56] wxl: Rory: doch doch, I must say that the /etc/default/grub file does have this text: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi=off". [15:56] wxl: Rory: That seems to me like the preference was indeed carried forward. [15:56] Well I never [15:56] Let me try rebooting! [15:56] Rory: Isn't that something? [15:56] edburns: Oh yeah no [15:57] edburns: the /etc/default/grub is only in the live environment [15:57] Ah, ok. [15:57] edburns: The actual file on your hard drive won't have that [15:57] Well, I did boot from the hard disk. The CD is sitting on the desk next to the laptop. [15:57] Rory: Is there some other file I need to edit? [15:58] Or is it the case that the file contains that because I manually added it myself when I started from the hard disk in the "Advanced Options" screen from GRUB? [16:01] Rory: wxl: I think the system is behaving as expected. I need to put it in the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line. [16:01] edburns: The latter is the case [16:01] edburns: If it aint broke don't fix it [16:02] Yes, indeed. [16:02] agreed [16:02] it is likely that if you specified something at install, it may have been carried into the grub install [16:02] i could see a justification for that [16:02] Is it really wxl ? If it is, that behaviour is new, but very welcomne [16:02] on the other hand i could see a justification for it to NOT do that [16:02] i certainly wouldn't expect it [16:03] Rory: Now, is there any chance I could get my old PCMCIA WiFi card working with Lubuntu? [16:03] wxl: Rory: I think automatically carrying it forward is probably not the right choice. [16:03] the install might also have some way of testing acpi functionality [16:03] wxl: Rory: It's probably best to leave it as is. [16:03] Wow, it sure does boot up fast. [16:03] edburns: need some more specific info on the wifi card [16:04] Very nice. [16:04] lspci should get you that info [16:04] It is a linksys Wireless N Notebook adapter. [16:04] lspci my friend, lspci :) [16:04] the pci-id is what i'm looking for [16:07] wxl: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/3189195 [16:07] wxl: The card *is* inserted, but I don't see any lights on it. [16:07] edburns: was it inserted before boot? [16:08] (p.s. you don't need to sudo lspci) [16:08] ((p.p.s. don't sudo unless you need to)) [16:08] edburns: Does it plug in via USB? If so its lsusb [16:10] Rory: pcmcia [16:10] edburns: also, pccardctl info and pccardctl ls would be useful [16:10] edburns: Or even just a more specific model number which is printed on the sticker [16:13] edburns: if it's working, you should see something in grep -ie pcmcia -ie cardbus /var/log/syslog [16:18] wxl: When I run pccardctl, I'm told I have to install pcmciautils. Should I? [16:19] edburns: yeppers [16:20] edburns: i'm kind of winging this with you. i haven't touched a pcmcia card in a looooooooooooooooooooooooonng time :) [16:21] wxl: Should I reboot after installing pcmciautils? [16:21] edburns: nope. you won't need to reboot unless you're installing a new kernel. even kernel modules are inserted at installation. [16:25] wxl: Here is the output from the grep you requested: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/3189261 [16:27] edburns: looks like the last status is that the card is inserted, so that's probably a good sign. you got lights now? [16:28] wxl: No, no lights. [16:28] edburns: reboot it [16:29] wxl: Ok, will do, but I already did before capturing the syslog grep. [16:31] rebooted. Still no lights. Any other ideas? [17:01] edburns: sorry, at work here [17:03] wxl: Me too. I've put it aside for the day. [17:03] Thanks for your help. [17:03] ttyl [17:03] edburns: i would guess that the card or the cardbus might be bad [18:54] I use an old intel core duo 512 ram, that covers my needs very well running with lubuntu. If I switch over to a raspberry PI , would I still be able to work the same way... This is a thought so I can use less electricity. [18:54] raspberry pi is something horrible when talking about desktop usage [19:02] why is lubuntu logged? [19:03] all the ubuntu support channels are logged [19:03] huh? [19:03] most developer channels too [19:03] the reason being in case someone wants to access useful information later for a similar situation [19:03] we like to grep logs [19:03] i especially like grep -ie [19:03] wxl, do you? :D [19:06] vite: also supposedly the answer is no on the pi but need to investigate further http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3211 [19:08] huh, i thought we were testing arm images a while back but now i can't find them [19:08] probably need more testers. *ahem* vite [19:09] vite: there are arm images in testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/270/builds [19:09] :) [19:10] it's still too slow and not that much RAM on the first gen Pi's [19:11] vite: but most arm testing is geared at everything except a pi it seems https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM [19:11] vite: join the team and convince them otherwise? [19:12] vite: i would suggest a lightweight debian as a good choice [19:16] I thought Ubuntu had armhl v7 and pi was arml v6 or something. :P [19:17] yep that's pretty much it [19:17] pi is not supported by ubuntu kernels [19:18] hmm just discovered arm based proc won't cut it for my needs [19:18] really? :D [19:18] rather atom or something like that, if you want low wattage desktop experience [19:20] need to replace my core duo, its old and don't want to suffer hardware failure [20:11] hi. last update borked my hardware support. how to fix? [20:12] Ahmuck: please be more specific [20:16] i have basic hardware support, mobo, hard drive, touchpad mouse, screen, etc. but no wireless, no usb wireless, no monitor screen re-size, etc. [20:18] Ahmuck what version of lubuntu are you running? [20:18] is there a way to switch keyboard layouts on lubuntu? === Ahmuck_ is now known as Ahmuck [20:19] found it [20:19] 12.04 [20:20] Ahmuck: 12.04 is not an lts for lubuntu. But, as wireless / usb wireless is a part of the core system, you may find it better to ask on #ubuntu [20:24] it only happened after a kernel update [20:25] Ahmuck: can you confirm it all works when you manually select the previous kernel from the grub menu? [20:27] phillw: i can try. that's a good idea [20:27] I have a pcmanfm process running 100% of CPU even if no pcmanfm window is be open. I had some windows open before, but I closed them. [20:27] if i do that, and it does i should be able to update again and perhaps it will be fixed? [20:28] Ahmuck: you would need to do some investigating on #ubuntu to see if others have also seen the same issue. The ubuntuforum area is also a great place to ask about possible kernel regressions. [20:28] jarnos: try killing the pcmanfm process that is running at 100% from top [20:29] jarnos: using top, it is k followed my the PiD number then confirm that you want to kill it. [20:30] phillw, I can do that, but how to prevent it from happening again? [20:31] jarnos: make a note of what you were doing that caused it to happen, I don't recall any such issues (but my memory is not to be trusted 100% :) ) [20:31] if you can reproduce it, file a bug. [21:23] fixed [21:23] rebooted to old kernel, updated, safe-upgrade, reboot [21:24] not sure why the previous upgrade didn't work unless it didn't complete [21:28] Ahmuck: it can happen, this is why we suggest always that you keep your last known working kernel :)