
TJ-Anyone else with a battery-powered PC - Is the Gnome Power Statistics page showing a broken icon for the battery when it is charging?00:24
=== kenn_ is now known as kenn
unicorn-lightninhello, I've just upgraded to the Saucy beta, and I can't seem to uninstall the Amazon package. It is not in the software center?04:05
=== mn3m0nic is now known as mn3monic
espen77just installed yesterdays build of the beta. Seems the installer has a coupple of hickups..where/who would be the best to rant about it?09:00
pvh_saheya all... I just installed the 13.10 beta on a Dell Lattitude E6530, but I can't get either Rhythmbox or Banshee to play music. Audio *is* working (I can play mp3 files using gst-launch-1.0) - neither of the GUI players do *anything* though. Any ideas?11:34
bazhangfiled a bug on it?11:34
pvh_satrying to find if its a known bug first. where should i search?11:35
ikoniapvh_sa: look at the codec the files require11:46
pvh_saikonia, codec's there. switched to using clementine for now11:50
BluesKajHI all12:21
lenzHey there! I'm on a fresh install of 13.10. How can I remove the amazon scope?12:45
k1lyou can disable it in the privacy settings12:45
k1lor you remove the shopping lense package12:46
lenzsudo apt-get remove unity-lense-shopping?12:46
Rorylenz: unity-lens-shopping12:47
Rorylens is spelled thusly :)12:47
lenzThere's no such thing.12:47
Rory!info unity-lens-shopping12:47
ubottuPackage unity-lens-shopping does not exist in saucy12:47
RoryWell I'll be12:47
Rorygg canonical12:47
lenzbecause that's what I tried12:47
PiciI didn't think it was in a separate package in saucy.12:47
RoryProbably can't remove it any more12:48
lenzWTF Canonical12:48
PiciI could be wrong though, I'm not running 13.10 here (and even if I was, it wouldn't be with Unity)12:48
lenzPici I thought I'd give unity another try12:48
Picilenz: As k1l said, check the privacy settings.12:48
k1loh yeah, let the drama begin m(12:48
Rorylenz: If you need help setting up Arch Linux I'm on this network from 9am to 5.30pm British time every weekday12:48
k1lRory: m(12:48
lenzRory :D Great idea12:49
lenzk1l, it worked fine12:49
lenzI'd feel better removing that package though12:49
k1lwhy that?12:49
k1ldo you really believe in FUD?12:49
lenzNo, simply because I don't want it12:51
k1li mean im looking just now in which package it sits because i think it should be removable as a package since its the key of a package managment. but  just to remove packages because someone made fuzz about it could be spyware even when its not executed at all. i dont think that is a base to use a OS12:51
lenzYes, I understand.12:52
lenzI just wanted to remove the stuff I don't want nor need.12:52
ikonialenz: what's stopping you ?12:53
k1li mean. if you think canonical could have put something in that lens which is dangerous even when its  disabled i would think it could be in other packages too. and then i would not use that OS. that is my point. but im looking into it right now, where that package is now12:53
BluesKajif not removable then can it be disabled?12:53
ikoniaBluesKaj: still shows up in the settings as disabled option12:54
k1lBluesKaj: yep, in privacy settings12:54
lenzk1l, I never said that it's spyware/malware or something like that12:54
lenzyou put that in my mouth :)12:54
k1llenz: i know where that "it must be removed!!!1111" comes from :/12:55
lenzWow k1l.12:55
lenzYou're quite judgemental12:55
BluesKajI was conidering installing Ubuntu with unity on another partition , but Canonical's decision to put retailer links on my desktop by default rubs me the wrong way12:55
ikoniadon't use it, it's that simple12:56
ikoniadon't like canonicals policy, don't use their product12:56
k1lseems like they put it into the unity-home-scope12:56
BluesKajikonia, most likely won't12:57
* alankila thinks gnome 3 is a fine alternative to unity. It can do more than 4 virtual desktops at the very least, and gets even more out of the way.12:57
BluesKajI hear good things about cinnamon , tho12:57
k1lactually im testing awesome. if you like configuration and theme it offers alot to config. alot! ;p12:58
lenzk1l you're right12:59
ikoniawhy are you trying to remove something you've just been told has been changed13:01
k1llenz: for more background on what, when, why, and who see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartScopes1304Spec and (with more pircs) http://www.webupd8.org/2013/06/unity-smart-scopes-feature-lands-in.html13:02
Piciikonia: I think that was just confirmation that one of the pakcages replaces the other?13:02
ikoniabut k1l already said that, and linked to the page showing the packages13:02
lenzthanks a lot k1l13:03
johnjohn101two weeks, awesome14:07
SuperLaglovely... I've done a clean install, did an update.... removed old packages, including kernels14:15
SuperLagand now, with the Nvidia driver enabled... my screen will not come up14:15
SuperLagit boots to black14:15
SuperLagif I turn it off, and force my laptop to use the integrated video... no problem14:15
SuperLaganyone else seeing this issue?14:16
k1l_SuperLag: use bumblebee14:16
SuperLagI've never had to use bumblebee before, why start now?14:16
k1l_only the nvidia driver cant work with switching from nvidia to intel and back14:17
SuperLagk1l_: the reason I've been able to avoid is because the BIOS allows me to specify which video I want. Intel, Nvidia, or Optimus.14:17
SuperLagand I usually just leave it on Nvidia14:17
SuperLagthis issue started with the update to the 3.11.0-11 kernel14:18
SuperLagHow can I install a previous version, after the fact?14:18
SuperLagThe kernel before 3.11.0-11 was 3.11.0-9, correct?14:40
SuperLagAnyone have that .deb file laying around, they can send my way? Please?14:40
SuperLagor at least put somewhere I can download it14:40
hp_how to enable keyboard layout shifting between 2 languages?15:19
wastrelhp_: system settings -> region and language -> text entry -> +15:33
hp_wastrel:i add arabic lang beside english .. but how to shift between them?15:34
wastrelhp_: system settings -> keyboard -> shortcuts -> typing15:35
hp_switch to next source || switch to previous || compose key || alternative15:38
hp_what i can choose of them?15:38
wastrelaren't there defaults set?15:38
wastrelyou can also go to settings > region and language > text entry15:39
wastreli use ctrl-shift-space to switch15:39
wastreli only set "switch to next source" because i only have 215:39
hp_i use ubuntu 13.10 the new distro15:40
wastrelyes i'm using 13.1015:41
hp_there is no region and lang icon in sys setings15:41
wastrelwhen you click on language support does it tell you that language support isn't fully installed?15:42
hp_yes wastrel15:44
hp_it tell me to download lang package15:44
Rileyhey guys for the 13.10 beta this is the official download page right http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/20:26
trismRiley: the beta images are actually here http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/download , your link are the newer daily images, although those are usually fine these days (I usually use the daily images myself)20:30
Rileyi got the amd64bit oversised version20:31
johnjohn101hard to believe two more weeks20:47
BluesKajjohnjohn101, if all goes well it will be anticlimactic :)20:47
johnjohn101BluesKaj: it seems like canonical has put almost all of their effort into touch. 13.10 will be 13.04 with some newer apps20:50
johnjohn101and kernel20:50
wastrelibus is way different20:51
johnjohn101it is?20:51
BluesKajwell, I'm on kde here and so far it's gone fairly smoothly20:51
wastrelfolded the configuration into the system configuration thingy20:52
johnjohn101is it going to cause huge problems?20:52
wastrelit's going to cause problems as people try to figure out how to configure their input settings20:53
wastrelhopefully someone's writing documentation since the UI is completely different for configuration20:53
johnjohn101where is that configuration? i want to see what the difference is.  i don't use the ibus directly and probably never will20:55
wastrelthe lttle "en" thingy in the menubar20:56
johnjohn101oh, that's what that is.20:56
johnjohn101wastrel: what is that used for?20:59
wastrelforeign language input21:03
wastrelor "typing" for native speakers of those languages i guess :]21:04
johnjohn101ok, gotcha, probably never use it.21:04
k1l_with the latest 13.10 updates i cant watch dvb-t with my msi digivox stick with vlc anymore21:18
bekkskernel module missing?21:19
bekksthats why I'm building my own kernels since ages :)21:19
k1l_http://paste.ubuntu.com/6189892/  that is the output of vlc -vvv21:21
k1l_im not sure if its some vlc issue, some qt issue or some kernel issue. the stick 15a4:9016 used to work ootb21:27
bekksyou could try kaffeine as well.21:28

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