
SimonKhi there :), anyone here who can tell me, how to check out a (mainline-) kernel?11:34
SimonKIt seems like kernel 3.9.* has only candidates up to "v3.9.7", but in the kernel-ppa is a "v3.9.11-saucy" version ("git checkout v3.9.11" says that git dosn't know this version)11:36
smartboyhwSimonK, quite certain that 3.9.11 is a vaild version11:39
SimonKhm, just to be on the safe side: if i am able to check out 3.10-rc1, that means 3.9.11 should be in my git-tree?11:40
SimonKthe highest number i can find is "2ea699d98cd6f9e9b813c24542d581dedacdc659 refs/tags/v3.11-rc6"11:41
smartboyhwSimonK, you checked out http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/linux.git;a=summary right?11:41
smartboyhwWell, "master" only bases on Linus' tree11:42
smartboyhwi.e. does not include any stable releases from upstream Linux11:42
smartboyhwSimonK, mainline actually means https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git/ (for stable kernels)11:45
SimonKI cloned "git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-saucy.git"11:45
SimonKkernel.org didn't let me clone (it stopped at 13% every time, probably because of my dsl-speed)11:46
SimonKwell, then i do a bisect between 3.9.7 and 3.10-rc1.11:47
smartboyhwSimonK, ubuntu-saucy != mainline.............11:48
SimonKso I have to clone from kernel.org? Well, thats unfortunate.11:49
hggdhSimonK, smartboyhw: the Ubuntu kernel versions are slightly different from upstream git (given that we usually start with the devel kernels)12:40
hggdhan easy way to find that out is by looking at /proc/version_signature -- there you will see the Ubuntu version and the upstream version12:40
SimonKI see... I'm trying to download from kernel.org at the moment *fingers crossed*12:41
SimonKI'll never understand why you have to restart a cloning if you abrot it bevore :/12:41
hggdhwe do have mainline kernels build for Ubuntu12:47
hggdhSimonK: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds12:47
SimonKYes, I know which version is the last good (3.9.11) and the first bad (3.10-rc1) my problem now just comes down to bad internet-connection, git cloning from *.kernel.org is aborting every time i tried so far12:49
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TheLordOfTimeanyone able to tell me what happens if an SRU goes to verification-failed ?18:02
hggdhTheLordOfTime: the package should be removed from the -proposed pocket, and the bug should be put back into triaged18:06
TheLordOfTimehggdh: should i let sponsors do those changes, or can I bump it back to Triaged myself?18:06
TheLordOfTimebecause E: Bug 1206878 VERIFICATIONFAILED because E: New Bug18:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1206878 in nginx (Ubuntu Precise) "[SRU] Configuration should be purged only in nginx-common" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120687818:06
hggdhTheLordOfTime: you can bump it back to triaged yourself; removal from the -proposed will have to be done by someone with archive authority18:07
TheLordOfTimehggdh: done, now, if I were to try and fix this, and actually fix the newly-introduced-bug from what's in 1.1.19-1ubuntu0.3, do I bump the version to -1ubuntu0.4, or...?18:08
TheLordOfTime(this is the first patch I've actually had fail o.O)18:08
hggdhgood question... I think it would remain 0.3, but this might conflict with an already-uploaded source.18:10
TheLordOfTimeso... i should wait until I can go poke someone, like bdmurray who actually sponsored the upload, to explain what to do in this case?18:11
hggdhyeah. Or -motu, or -devel, or -packaging18:11
TheLordOfTime-MOTU's been nonresponsive18:11
TheLordOfTimehence me asking here about the verification-failed thing18:11
TheLordOfTime-devel will be my next target probably.18:11
TheLordOfTimeunless someone wakes up on the MOTUs18:11
hggdhyeah, I saw your comment in -servers18:11
* hggdh goes afk for a bit18:12
bdmurray-1ubuntu0.4 because the previous version of the package already existed in the archive18:21
bdmurrayTheLordOfTime:, hggdh ^^18:21
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: so, I have the -1ubuntu0.3 package I pulled from proposed with dget, do i just add code modifications to that, add a new changelog entry for -1ubuntu0.4, and attach another debdiff, or do i start from -1ubuntu0.2, do changes, and then new changelog -1ubuntu0.4 ?18:22
TheLordOfTimebasically, which package do I base the updated debdiff from.18:23
TheLordOfTimeokay, so work off what's already in proposed, fix the newly-introduced-bug, test, and then attach the debdiff...18:25
TheLordOfTime(this was the first patch that has been for nginx that verification-failed o.O)18:25
TheLordOfTime(at least, that i've worked on)18:25
hggdhbdmurray: yeah, I wondered about an already-uploaded debdiff. So the process is base on the failed fix, and add the fix's fix18:27
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: for -1ubuntu0.4, though, do I also need to put in (closes LP: #bugnumber) that was referenced in -1ubuntu0.3 ?18:31
bdmurrayTheLordOfTime: yes18:32
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: if you're not busy, can you perhaps guide me to a resolution of a bug issue?  I'm stuck between Invalid/Wishlist and actually poking someone in a position to make a decisive answer on the bug, and that plus the emails I"m getting about it are driving me to the point of telling everyone to die in a fire... o.o19:58
bdmurrayTheLordOfTime: I'm not terribly involved in anything at the moment20:00
TheLordOfTimehggdh: you know the bug, i briefly discussed it here20:00
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: okay, one moment20:00
TheLordOfTime(btw, i'll need you to also sponsor a new debdiff for 1206878, that fixes the issues)20:00
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: this is the one driving me insane: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+bug/117058620:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 1170586 in nginx (Ubuntu) "Naxsi package lacking Stub Status" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:00
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: it's stuck between Invalid/Wishlist (because although the code for that module exists, its rules file never included it)...20:01
TheLordOfTimeand trying to figure out whether there's any way to get an approved change to the package to build the module's code, as it exists in the 1.1.19 source20:01
TheLordOfTimequantal and later all have the module's code compiled in the rules20:02
TheLordOfTimeas it stands i'm leaving it Incomplete/Undecided until someone more... senior... can make a decision on how to proceed20:02
TheLordOfTimethe whole initial issue was based on research the OP found that pointed at 1.2.1 (on Debian's wiki page)20:03
TheLordOfTimecomment 4, i narrowed the criterion for the issue to be specific to the package, and not what debian's saying, but nginx's debian maintainers can't give me a clear answer20:03
TheLordOfTimeso... this is now in the point where someone wants the thing, but activating it isn't SRU worthy20:03
TheLordOfTimeand I don't see a backport being relevant in this case either because they want something that wasn't activated in the rules, but is actually in the source code.20:04
TheLordOfTimeso... i'm stuck :/20:04
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: hggdh: anyone else: i welcome any guidance on how to tackle this to get everyone off my case about this... o.o20:06
bdmurrayTheLordOfTime: everyone?  I see only one person affected by it.20:10
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: direct emails to me are causing the stress20:11
TheLordOfTimenot on the bug20:11
TheLordOfTimeeither way, the bug is stuck in triager limbo until someone can figure it out20:11
TheLordOfTimeon the one hand, activating the module is as simple as one line of code, on the other, doing that wouldn't fit into SRU or backport20:11
TheLordOfTimeso... kinda stuck20:12
TheLordOfTime(part of me wants to Invalid that bug but... i'm in too high a stress level to do so sanely)20:12
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: on a more sane, not-as-stressful note, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+bug/1206878 has a new debdiff ready for sponsoring20:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 1206878 in nginx (Ubuntu Precise) "[SRU] Configuration should be purged only in nginx-common" [Critical,Triaged]20:17
TheLordOfTimethat apparently fixes the issue introduced in 1.1.19-1ubuntu0.3 (that was in -proposed)20:17
TheLordOfTimeat least, from my testing with the testcases specified, it works as expected, and doesn't trigger installation or purge errors20:18
bdmurrayI'd prefer no to sponsor that since I'll may be the SRU team member reviewing it.20:18
bdmurrayDo you know what the patch for the other bug would look like?20:18
TheLordOfTimeokay, i'll have to go find a sponsor then...20:18
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: you mean the one that's driving me to wanting to tell people to burn?20:19
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: i can probably slap up an example patch in a few minutes20:19
TheLordOfTimebut for all intents and purposes... Bug 1206878 is a much higher priority than 117058620:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1206878 in nginx (Ubuntu Precise) "[SRU] Configuration should be purged only in nginx-common" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120687820:19
TheLordOfTimebecause config removal on a non-common-files purge is just bad.20:19
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: a diff for LP Bug 1170586 would look something along the lines of this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6189724/20:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 1170586 in nginx (Ubuntu) "Naxsi package lacking Stub Status" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117058620:25
TheLordOfTime(note because of convenience, I built that off of the -1ubuntu0.4 package I uploaded a debdiff for which fixes 1206878)20:25
TheLordOfTimenote i tend to testbuild before I submit a debdiff...20:26
TheLordOfTimeso unless someone's actually going to approve adding in that line to build the module, i'm not even going to test-build20:26
TheLordOfTime(although in theory it should build)20:26
bdmurrayand I think that fits in this part of the "When" for SRUs20:27
bdmurrayBugs which do not fit under above categories, but (1) have an obviously safe patch and (2) affect an application rather than critical infrastructure packages (like X.org or the kernel).20:27
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: then, if i were to upload a debdiff for that and propose it for SRU under that criterion...20:28
bdmurraybut I'm pretty sure I'm still the new guy on that team20:28
TheLordOfTimethen perhaps someone would look at it?20:28
TheLordOfTimeehh, where are the SRU team anyways20:28
TheLordOfTimeor, rather, would you mind poking them and seeing what they say :P20:29
* TheLordOfTime yawns20:29
TheLordOfTimei need to go beat my head against the wall for a bit20:29
TheLordOfTimebut the good news is that annoying bug that removes a user's configs when nginx-light or nginx-full or nginx-naxsi or nginx-extras is purged is (hopefully) in the queue to fix it20:29
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: last question, do i leave the verification-failed tag on 1206878 since i uploaded a new debdiff, and wait for someone from sponsors and SRU team to take a look?20:30
bdmurrayTheLordOfTime: yes, because we don't want it showing up as verified on the pending sru report20:32
TheLordOfTimeokay, done.  if sponsors need to be resubscribed, can you do that for me, bdmurray?  i'm going to go take a warm shower to try and calm down... for some reason that's relaxing... *shrugs*20:35

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