
plarsrsalveti: mediaplayer still crashing: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/4525/mediaplayer-app-autopilot/00:15
rsalvetiplars: that's because we didn't yet merge https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/mediaplayer-app/fix-1231418/+merge/188502, to disable it00:16
rsalvetiplars: scene selector is not supported at the current version, but the test is still there00:16
sergiusensfginther, hey, the message at the end of https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-maguro/1850/testReport/junit/mediaplayer_app.tests.test_player_with_video/TestPlayerWithVideo/test_scene_selector_visibility_with_touch_/ feels very strange00:16
sergiusensfginther, according to thomi 1.2 was last used on precise00:17
thomifginther: it's *aaaaaages* old :)00:17
sergiusensa rerun proved it to be a casual thing, but still brings in some worries00:18
plarsah, ok00:18
rsalvetisergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-extras/qtmultimedia-touch-quick/+merge/188962 please only add quick for the mir case00:19
rsalvetisergiusens: there's another block bellow, mir: {00:19
rsalvetiwith a QT += opengl00:20
rsalvetiadd it there00:20
sergiusensrsalveti, rar, ack00:21
sergiusensrsalveti, switching channels are we?00:21
rsalvetisergiusens: just used the wrong one00:21
rsalvetias you were talking here00:22
rsalvetitoo tired as well haha00:22
sergiusensrsalveti, I'm everywhere :-P00:22
sergiusensrsalveti, being pushed00:27
sergiusensrsalveti, pushed00:27
rsalvetisergiusens: thanks00:31
sergiusensrsalveti, what's the equiv of bzr push --overwrite btw?00:31
rsalvetisergiusens: with git?00:31
sergiusensrsalveti, yeah00:31
rsalvetisergiusens: git push -f00:31
sergiusensrsalveti, ty sir00:32
rsalvetisergiusens: added your lxc-android-config change to https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdGNWb0tTVmJLVzFZd0doV3dVOGpWemc#gid=000:58
rsalvetisergiusens: now to hope people can agree that this can land tomorrow00:59
sergiusensrsalveti, well it avoids races ;-) just add that ;-)01:01
doanacveebers: yeah. its a ro image where we enable developer-mode.01:04
doanacand then install the unity8-autopilot package01:04
veebersdoanac: understood, cheers01:04
fgintherthomi, ping01:23
thomifginther: hey01:23
fgintherthomi, regarding the 1.2 protocol issue sergiusens brought up. which side is using 1.2?01:24
thomifginther: the backend driver - I guess libautopilot-qt01:24
thomiin fact, '1.2' means 'unversioned', since we only started versioning it in 1.3. AP assume that anything unversioned is '1.2'01:25
fgintherthomi, thanks, I'll see if I can find any evidence along those lines01:25
rsalvetistarting new build, which should include the regression fix for ringtone/sms notification sound02:04
thomifginther: still awake?04:02
thomiis anyone here able to spin us a custom phablet image with new mir, unity-mir and platform-api?04:03
rsalvetiogra_: lool: 78 is looking good, it's expected to have at least one failed test with mediaplayer-app, as scene selector is not supported anymore05:04
rsalvetiwe have a pending MR to fix that: https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/mediaplayer-app/fix-1231418/+merge/18850205:05
didrocksMirv: hey, how are you?05:41
Mirvdidrocks: morning, fine, bit more normal day today05:41
didrocksheh ;)05:41
Mirvdidrocks: ui toolkit is no good at the moment, I'm now testing the qtdeclarative separately05:41
didrocksMirv: ah ok ;) good that you detected this!05:42
didrocksMirv: can you please try to release all the rest that we can?05:42
didrocks(if sil2100 gave some instructions)05:42
didrocksI think we're going to publish the current image05:42
MirvI haven't received anything from sil210005:43
didrocksand he didn't write anything on the spreadsheet?05:43
* didrocks checks05:43
Mirvto the libusermetrics that there's some AP tests problems he's having, on the unity-scope-home there isn't anything I think05:44
didrocksMirv: can you look at libusermetrics? The tests will take 5 minutes I guess05:44
Mirvdidrocks: yeah, I can stop this declarative testing for a bit and test it instead05:45
didrocksMirv: thanks, just do in whatever order you want05:45
jibelon the dashboard, http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/ what does the build number mean?05:58
jibelfor example 78:20131003:20131002.105:58
jibelthere are 2 build ids in the string05:58
jibel..03 and ...02.105:58
didrocksMirv: once you are done with the current ones, let's discuss about the Mir thingy (give me a head's up)06:18
didrocksjibel: oh interesting, it was always the same ones repeated before06:18
didrocksjibel: TBH, I don't know :/06:19
jibeldidrocks, sorry :) also sometimes people speak with image number (77,...) and sometimes in build number 20131003,... is there a way to know which correspond to what06:21
didrocksjibel: oh, for that one, sure06:21
didrocksjibel: so basically 20131003 is the ubuntu part06:21
jibelfor example in media-info I can find the build id but don't know to which image number it corresponds06:21
didrocks(containing only the android bits)06:22
didrockswhen you merge it to the android part (which can change even if you didn't rebuild any ubuntu part), you get the real "id" for the image06:22
didrockswhich are those numbers, 76, 77…06:23
didrocksto find them, they are in front in the dashboard06:23
didrocksthis is how you can spot them :)06:23
didrocks78:20131003:20131002.1 -> image 7906:23
didrocks78:20131003:20131002.1 -> image 7806:23
jibeldidrocks, so in summary, when plars sent a message with tests results for image 77, I must go to the dashboard to know that 77 is 02.1, correct?06:24
didrocksjibel: right, we should promote this number as well, it's the real uid for the image06:25
didrocksjibel: just be warned, you can have 2 images with 02.106:26
didrockslike 77 and 78 can be 02.106:26
didrocksif we just rebuild the android part06:26
didrocksjibel: so, we are going to have Mir fixes today06:29
didrockswe'll probably need the same round of testing than yesterday06:29
jibeldidrocks, good, I'm continuing manual testing of MIR anyway06:30
jibeland found other issues, like pip not working for pinned app, and details like this06:30
didrocksjibel: well, if only we had some "details" to fix like that, I would be happy06:31
* didrocks just locked his phone again06:31
jibelhigh CPU usage under MIR is a killer. unity8 never goes below 100%06:32
didrocksjibel: I put it as a showstopper yesterday but management disagreed06:35
didrocksMirv: FYI, I just prepare (merging, updating config and kick a rebuild) to be ready for the new Mir stack06:44
Mirvdidrocks: ok, thanks. still takes a bit of time before I'm ready for that.06:46
didrocksMirv: yw! at least, it should be built by then, so less wait :)06:46
didrocksMirv: as upstream don't merge the build-dep bump, everytime I'm doing that myself FYI06:46
didrocks(the upstream merger can't merge because the new Mir version isn't there)06:47
sil2100didrocks: why hud got marked as FAILED? I still see the sync request on the unapproved queue...07:04
Mirvdidrocks: ok, could you sponsor lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtdeclarative-opensource-src_5.0.2 ? all tests pass, and I also received separate testing from Chris Wayne / Matthew Fischer that they are very happy with its fix07:04
didrockshey sil2100!07:05
didrockssil2100: hum, but you told that some AP tests were failing, right?07:06
didrocksMirv: \o/07:06
sil2100didrocks: yes, but it wasn't because of HUD - as I had the same problems and couldn't really get any solid results when using vanilla 75 ;)07:06
sil2100didrocks: all was ok on image 70 with the new hud07:07
didrockssil2100: ah ok, please change the status then07:07
sil2100didrocks: I'll try to bisect as ogra_ advised what's wrong that 75 suddenly 'burps'07:07
didrocksMirv: did you start on the home scope?07:08
Mirvdidrocks: not yet07:08
Mirvdidrocks: libusermetrics now in archive07:08
didrockssil2100: look at the latest results, all is green, so you should just reflash with that one07:08
didrocksMirv: \o/07:08
didrocksok, so now that sil2100 is here, let's sum up07:08
sil2100Mirv, didrocks: wasn't robru supposed to do that?07:08
Mirvsil2100: it's marked to you only in the chart at least07:08
sil2100didrocks: reflashing then \o/07:09
didrockssil2100: he was… apparently, he couldn't get his laptop working and so, he didn't process anything07:09
robrusil2100, i cannot access launchpad all day, so I can't install anything from PPAs, so I can't test anything before publishing. I emailed you about this.07:09
sil2100Mirv: hum, yesterday it was marked for robru, as I gave it to him since he didn't have any tasks07:09
didrocksMirv: yeah, but I ask robru to coordinate with sil2100 on his end of day07:09
didrocksrobru: is it better now btw?07:09
MirvI could run the scope-home unity7 tests, although I need to switch to a different machine then for working (which is still ok, I've a spare one)07:09
sil2100robru: ah! Ok, didn't open my mail yet ;) ACK07:09
MirvI've at least a known-good unity7 test machine here07:10
didrocksor you can't still access to LP?07:10
didrocksMirv: great ;)07:10
didrocksso what I propose07:10
didrocksMirv -> home scope07:10
sil2100Reflashing the device07:10
didrockssil2100: apparently AP has some fixes, so worth another try07:10
robrudidrocks, hum, no, still bad. I opened an RT for it, and I'll ping #is in the morning.07:10
sil2100didrocks: you mean the new AP?07:10
didrocksrobru: ok, good luck07:10
didrockssil2100: yeah, new AP /!\ look at your emails, I forwarded to you. There are 2 projects that needs some additional merging07:11
didrockssil2100: ignore the toolkit one anyway (maybe it should just be merged), as Mirv tested, it's not a good shape07:11
didrocksMirv: I think you pinged pustream btw about the sdk?07:11
didrocksand then, Mirv -> Mir once built07:11
Mirvdidrocks: ok, home scope. sdk upstream knows about the issues, yes.07:12
didrocksMirv: have you opened a bug? (some upstream wants paperwork to tack)07:12
Mirvdidrocks: well hmm, it's more like 'it's all broken' (some mainview issue as indicated by zsombor), but yeah I'll file a bug as well07:13
didrocksMirv: all? waow ;)07:13
didrocksah, I guess sil2100 edited the wrong line07:14
didrocksthe sdk "FAIL" one instead of the hud07:14
* didrocks fixes07:14
Mirvdidrocks: well the toolkit's own tests pass, but apps AP:s break quite badly07:14
didrocksMirv: anyway, thanks for spotting/testing carefully ;)07:15
Mirvsil2100: FYI for your AP problems, please make sure you wait after boot until the nautilus windows pops up for Nexus. at that point the connection breaks so if you started phablet-test-run before, it won't work. also note the home screen unlocking needed mentioned by ogra.07:19
sil2100Missed the rows it seems...07:19
robrudidrocks, sil2100, Mirv: is powersaving still broken in desktop xorg? I remember that being broken ages ago but I just now noticed that my screen has been on all evening after many hours of inactivity...07:20
sil2100Mirv: I'm running it clean through SSH, so I'm always unlocked - and the tests were running, but suddenly after a while either unity8 or autopilot itself hangs up on dont-know-what and waits indefinitely07:20
sil2100Unable to being properly killed07:20
didrocksrobru: hum, working here, would worth trying to kill g-s-d and get it restarted07:21
Mirvsil2100: you shouldn't run it through SSH but use phabllet-test-run07:22
didrocksphablet-test-run is the way to go07:22
didrockslike phablet-test-run -p <app autopilot package name> -n <autopilot test>07:22
didrocks(/!\ -p should be before -n)07:22
MirvI tend to run non-unity8 AP:s without -n, and unity8 with -n, seems to work07:23
sil2100Mirv: last time people told me not to use phablet-test-run for normal tests07:23
didrocksMirv: yeah, I don't really know about the magic, I just know the infra always use -n from what I heard07:23
sil2100Damn, I think my Nexus got bricked?07:23
didrockssil2100: reflash with --no-backup (will erase the whole config)07:23
Mirvsil2100: hmm, I've never heard that07:24
sil2100didrocks: I tried to use -n always, but most tests were failing then07:24
didrocksweird, not the case for me :/07:24
Mirvsil2100: phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel-proposed -b07:24
didrocksMirv: with --no-backup07:24
sil2100Mirv: will it work when it's stuck on the Google screen?07:24
didrocksah, maybe that's -b07:24
didrockssil2100: if you can adb shell, yeah07:24
sil2100Yeah, busybox07:25
didrocksok, -b implies --no-backup07:25
Mirvdidrocks: bootstrapping (-b) wipes out everything anyway, it's even more powerful than --no-backup07:25
vilasil2100: when stuck on the Google screen, the trick I use is to reboot in recovery mode. From there, phablet-flash find its way07:25
sil2100ERROR:phablet-flash:Unsupported device, autodetect fails device :o07:25
sil2100vila: will try that07:25
jibelwhy would you run app tests with -n, it stops unity8 and running apps without it is not the way users do07:25
didrockssil2100: yeah, you need to specify -d mako then07:26
jibelsil2100, add -d <devicename>07:26
didrocks(IIRC, you have a mako)07:26
vilasil2100: and I don't even use -b nor --no-backup (it's hard enough to retype the contacts I forgot to transfer to the sim before cutting it into a nano sim that I haven't tried hacking to put it back in my other phone, sorry this parenthesized stuff is getting far longer than expected ;o)07:27
didrocksjibel: well, seems that upstream design AP tests without the shell running, and that's why you get more failures than the infra does07:27
didrocksvila: it's better to do run with --no-backup at least07:27
didrockslike you detect more issues07:27
sil2100vila: right now I only use it for testing purposes, so I only have the WiFi password on it - so I'll bootstrap it from 0 I guess07:27
didrockslike 4 images ago, all the crashes was due to having a fresh user07:27
didrocksso it's not the same testing without --no-backup07:28
jibeldidrocks, you're not doing integration tests then07:28
viladidrocks: /me nods07:28
didrocksjibel: well, tell that to upstream :)07:28
didrocksjibel: I don't deny it at all, just telling what's the current situation07:28
viladidrocks: but it's a trade-off, I try to use it as my main phone07:28
didrocksI hope you can convince them ;)07:28
didrocksvila: yeah, but be aware that's not what we should do in that team as we need to ensure people flashing their device can at least having application starting :p07:29
didrockswhich wasn't the case if you start fresh in that example07:29
didrocksjibel: do you know if anyone apart from lool can promote an image?07:29
didrocks(lool will be around later today)07:30
viladidrocks: understood, but I know some other people are testing this way, variety is important for testing too07:30
jibeldidrocks, no idea07:30
didrocksvila: yeah, but we at least need some people testing it the "fresh way" as well07:30
sil2100didrocks: that's sad, since last time I heard they said they only used -n for the unity8 tests - didn't remember they did it for all of the tests ;) But I might have misunderstood?07:30
didrocksvila: I don't think we support migrations yet07:30
didrockssil2100: well, that's what I heard, I didn't look at the utah code07:30
didrocksjibel: ok, we'll wait for him I guess07:30
didrockssil2100: flashing working?07:31
Mirvdidrocks: unity-scope-home seems to require newer libunity as well (libunity-protocol-private0)07:31
Mirvdiff being http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/libunity/trunk/revision/29907:32
sil2100didrocks: it seems to proceed this time, phew07:32
MirvI don't see how the protocol-scope-discovery.vala change relates the the commit comment though07:33
didrocksMirv: ok, feel free to test with it (but please do some unity7 testing a little bit more rigourusly then)07:33
didrockshum, 7.1.107:34
didrocksMirv: don't we have 7.1.2 already?07:34
didrocksMirv: let me look at the home scope code07:34
Mirvdidrocks: yes, the actual package dependency is protocol-scope-discovery.vala07:34
MirvI mean, >= 7.1.2+13.10.20131002.207:34
didrocksMirv: oh, you're right07:35
didrocksMirv: ok, please try with both (and only those)07:35
didrocksjust ensure we don't regress unity7 in particular :)07:35
didrockssil2100: to prepare and test AP, should be stage one version in the ppa or you want to build trunk yourself?07:36
sil2100didrocks: I see some autopilot package in the daily-build PPA right now - it's not the trunk version that needs testing?07:38
didrockssil2100: it's the trunk version we want to test (see the email I forwarded to you as well)07:40
didrocks+ some additional fixes in some packages07:40
* sil2100 wonders why the merges didn't get top-approved yet07:43
didrockssil2100: I think that they are failing without the new AP07:43
didrocksso chicken and egg issue07:43
didrocks(or no backward compatibility)07:43
sil2100didrocks: I know, but even the autopilot branch didn't get top-approved, and CI only had success on it07:44
didrocksveebers: around, do you know why? ^07:44
sil2100veebers, thomi: ^? It's approved 2 times but not top-approved, I don't see a reason for that?07:45
sil2100didrocks: to test I would have to build this branch locally anyway07:46
didrockssil2100: yeah, please do then, sorry for the additional work :/07:47
xnoxrsalveti: lool: sorry for the noise, but yeah those changes are correct. (the target was not reliable & relies on internet access which fails on the buildds so I did back that out.)08:00
xnoxgit log, will clearly state that I did intentionally reverted.08:00
sil2100didrocks: will take a moment as my armhf building is not top-speed08:02
didrockssil2100: hum, not sure you need to build on armhf08:03
didrockssil2100: for autopilot at least08:03
didrocksthey are all arch: all, no?08:03
sil2100No, autopilot-touch is any08:03
didrocksyeah, it's a mistake btw08:04
didrocksseems it's just a metapackage08:04
sil2100But it's finishing now ;)08:04
didrocksah,but there is a dep08:04
didrocksanyway, ok ;)08:04
didrockssil2100: so, I would say: try everything that doesn't need a patch08:04
didrocksif they pass, then, try the last 2 ones :)08:04
didrocks(I guess sdk and unity)08:04
ogra_didrocks, i'm partially around atm, in case you want to have 78 released (after manual call tests)08:17
ogra_(for the next hour or longer)08:18
didrocksogra_: oh please please! :)08:18
didrocksogra_: promote it!08:18
didrocks(I dogfooded it this morning)08:18
ogra_didrocks, did someone do call/sms tests ?08:18
didrocksI don't think about that one, popey around? ^08:19
didrocksogra_: I don't have a sim card :/08:19
ogra_(incoming calls and sms, do they produce sound ?)08:19
ogra_right, so lets wait for popey to do one :)08:19
didrocks(yeah, they are supposed, the fix is in, so I guess it was tested)08:19
didrockspopey: hey!08:19
ogra_my maguro battery is dead :(08:19
* seb128 click update (78), 100M to download, some people have been busy ;-)08:19
didrockspopey: so image 78, we just need the call/sms tests08:19
popey09:18:38 < popey> Huzzah! Ringing and sms tones works in image 7808:19
seb128ogra_, popey just said they do08:19
ogra_ah, i didnt read the backlog08:20
didrocksogra_: well, it was at the same minute that we discussed it here08:20
ogra_should we just assume they do as well on maguro ?08:20
didrocksogra_: I would assume TBH08:20
* ogra_ thinks there was no HW specific issue08:20
ogra_lwets release that thing :)08:20
didrocksyeah, it wasn't HW specific08:20
didrocksogra_: \o/08:21
* popey prepares a mail08:21
didrocksogra_: then, now, enjoy your national holiday :)08:21
popey78 is 20131003 right?08:21
popeywow, was 70 really the last one we pushed?08:22
popeytime flies08:22
veeberssil2100, didrocks: That's odd, I'm sure thomi said he had top approved this: https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/autopilot/fixing_backend_being_none/+merge/18876208:22
ogra_done, give it a few minutes to promote and sync ...08:23
sil2100veebers: it seems he just double approved it instead! Let's top-approve it then ;)08:23
veeberssil2100, didrocks: Hmm, I think we got our lines crossed, he approved but not top approved :-\08:23
ogra_popey, right, 20131003/7808:23
veeberssil2100: sounds good to me :-)08:23
veebersit also looks like the merge here failed due to network/apt issues: https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/unity/fixing_ap_tests_for_updated_autopilot/+merge/18896908:24
sil2100veebers: thanks for the branch btw.! I'm testing it right now, so far so good08:24
veeberssil2100: nw, awesome news08:24
didrockspopey: yeah, 2 days ago :)08:24
didrockspopey: quite easy (my fiber connection was just updated to 1Gb :p)08:27
looldidrocks: I'm here08:29
looldidrocks: you wanted to promote an image?08:29
loolI guess ogra_ did already08:29
didrockslool: we just did it08:30
didrocks(like 9 minutes ago)08:30
didrockssil2100: joining?08:30
sil2100Badum tsss08:31
Laneydidn't get the /etc/writable fix?08:31
seb128hum, the ubuntu-download-manager is doing quite some syslog spamming08:32
LaneyI guess maybe I need to flash with --no-backup08:35
popey"Apply update failed: No update has been downloaded"08:41
* popey tries again08:41
loologra_: joining HO?08:42
loolvila: ?08:42
popeybetter that time08:42
vilalool: omw08:43
loologra_: oh sorry, forgot08:43
Laneyno, it's still a file with --no-backup08:45
popeyMail sent.08:45
sil2100Damn, so far so good this new AP08:53
sil2100I re-ran notes-app and the test failures were gone, so I guess they were flacky08:53
seb128shrug, updates' "retry" seems not work08:58
seb1283 times upgrade fails on network errors and that I need to reboot the device to try again08:58
vilaseb128: while you're there, try changing your phone orientation and see the retry button covering... (can't remember the labels)08:59
seb128vila, bug #122937409:00
ubot5bug 1229374 in ubuntu-system-settings "Update button doesn't work when orientation changes" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122937409:00
vilaseb128: thanks, subscribed09:00
seb128I wonder why screen rotation stopped working on the n709:01
seb128it used to work there09:01
vilaseb128: can't remember seeing it working there09:01
seb128it was, when I enabled screen rotation in system settings, I first tested on my n709:02
vilaha right, system settings is where I realized rotation was working, but that was on mako09:03
sil2100didrocks: all tests passed on my device - I even updated to the uitoolkit branch that veebers prepared, ran UI toolkit tests and it was green09:16
sil2100didrocks: but the AP branch didn't get yet merged in, now there was some connection/apt problem on amd64 during autolanding...09:16
sil2100didrocks: not sure what to do with the UI Toolkit one, since we don't want to release UI toolkit for now, right09:16
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
=== alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g
loolsil2100: awesome news on new AP  :-)09:25
didrockssil2100: sorry, was discussing with lool09:26
loolsil2100: new UI toolkit >> right, I think we want the old UI toolkit to pass with the new autopilot09:26
* didrocks backlog09:26
* lool school and lunch 709:26
didrockssil2100: \o/09:26
* lool school and lunch &09:26
didrockssil2100: can we backport veeber's fix in the current ui toolkit package?09:26
didrocksmaybe that would be a way :)09:27
sil2100didrocks: I'll check how bad is it with the old UI toolkit - if it's bad, I'll try backporting09:27
sil2100But I guess backporting might be needed ;)09:27
didrockssil2100: yeah, so current package + this merge only09:27
didrockslet's cross fingers ;)09:27
didrocksMirv: psivaa: jibel: Mir ready in the ppa09:32
didrocksso mir + unity-mir + platform-api (+ unity-system-compositor on desktop)09:32
didrocksI guess install iamge #79 and running those ^09:33
psivaadidrocks: ok, i was just getting http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6187395/ but may be i am too early?09:33
* didrocks tests on destkop meanwhile09:33
didrockspsivaa: they are at libmirserver5 now!09:33
psivaadidrocks: ack, will install that. thanks09:33
didrocksyw ;)09:33
LaneyABI addicts09:33
sil2100Wait, mirserver5 really?09:34
didrocksfor real!09:34
didrockssil2100: do you think we'll be able to publish autopilot before 12 UTC?09:35
didrockssil2100: oh, we need to rebuild it in the ppa btw…09:35
sil2100didrocks: depends on if the merges will get in ;/ I can manually merge them in if needed, but since rebuilds will have to happen I somehow doubt targetting before-1209:36
didrockssil2100: well, ok, let's try to rebuild autopilot meanwhile09:36
didrockssil2100: is the unity patch in? we can rebuild it?09:36
sil2100didrocks: it's approved since 1 hour, but still not merged in - I guess CI is building it still09:37
didrockssil2100: ok, let's rebuild autopilot for now09:38
didrockssil2100: keep me posted on the sdk, I can't wait ;)09:38
didrocksnice that latest unity7 is fine as well under AP!09:38
didrockssil2100: well, I think if we don't push unity7, it's not that a biggie anyway09:38
didrocks(as long as the patch is merged)09:39
didrockssil2100: autopilot rebuilding09:40
sil2100I cherry-picked the fix to ubuntu-ui-toolkit, I'll do a test-build too but anyway propose the change to the packaging branch09:43
sil2100didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/ubuntu/saucy/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/manual_merge <- should I do a MR?09:52
sil2100And should I change it from UNRELEASED to saucy already?09:52
sil2100It's still building here09:52
sil2100Let me not waste time for building the armhf package09:52
didrockssil2100: I think you don't need to merge that branch, do you?09:52
didrockssil2100: you just need to merge the changelog back to the upstream branch09:52
sil2100I'll downgrade to old UI toolkit and just push that modified file directly and check if it works09:53
didrocks(once we upload manually)09:53
didrocksyeah ;)09:53
didrockssil2100: hum, modified file?09:53
didrocksyou mean, you push the diff?09:53
Mirvdidrocks: ok!09:53
didrocks(as the file maybe contains more)09:53
didrocksMirv: have you finished libunity + scope-home? (just looking at the unapproved queue)09:54
sil2100Yes, I actually meant the file, since I can use the manual_merge branch, and it's the UI toolkit in-archive-source with that diff applied ;) No worries, testing!09:54
Mirvdidrocks: I needed to start a rerun of the Unity7 tests, some autopilot error happened. I'm testing it manually on another machine as well.09:56
sil2100didrocks: oh! I just now noticed the 'UTC' in 12 UTC10:00
sil2100didrocks: till 12 UTC I guess we'll make it ;)10:01
didrockssil2100: ok ;)10:01
evapw, infinity: the patch in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/882147 (inotify support in overlayfs) was determined to not cover some particularly important scenarios, right? Do either of you know if work is being done elsewhere to add this support?10:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 882147 in coreutils (Ubuntu) "overlayfs does not implement inotify interfaces correctly" [Undecided,In progress]10:07
Mirvok, now had a good run!10:08
Mirvpublishing libunity + unity-scope-home.10:09
apwev, i have some half baked patches which might cover 'most' of it, but they arn't ready to use, and i know of noone else doing anyting indeed.  plus it is definatly not clear you can close the gap entirely due to a semantic gap10:09
evapw: could we say, "on overlayfs it works, but here are the drawbacks" with your patches? Without looking at them, some support is better than none10:11
apwev, they are not in a state to apply to saucy and upload no10:11
evand it would help us improve provisioning speed10:11
Mirv(packaging ack)10:11
evapw: *nods*10:11
didrocksMirv: yeah, sounds good (I approved it upstream in fact ;))10:11
apwev, they last built against raring, and with all this touch work going on we haven't had the time to progress10:12
Mirvdidrocks: ah, thanks10:12
didrocksMirv: nice on libunity + scope-home \o/10:12
evapw: so would it just be a matter of priority to get done in 14.04?10:13
sil2100didrocks: ran the tests 2 times, every time I got 1 failure, but each time a different one - so I guess it's a flacky test10:14
sil2100didrocks: so I think +1 for manually uploading that cherry-picked branch10:15
didrockssil2100: ok, please do ping upstream about those, but don't block on that10:15
didrockssil2100: yeah, let's do that \o/10:15
sil2100didrocks: should I modify that branch from UNRELEASED to saucy or will you do that when uploading :) ?10:15
didrockssil2100: you do publish autopilot and give me a debdiff for the sdk + merge back the packaging branch upstream?10:15
sil2100didrocks: I'll then prepare a merge-back with the changelog10:15
sil2100didrocks: ACK10:15
didrockssil2100: want to try to give me a debdiff?10:15
didrocks(so that it changes a little bit ;))10:15
apwev, it would need to be a decision we could spend time on it yes10:15
sil2100didrocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6187531/ <- debdiff, taking care of autopilot10:18
sil2100didrocks: ACKed? ;)10:18
didrockssil2100: hum, do you know why this dpkg-dev, build-dep?10:19
didrocks"  Add missing dependency to python-autopilot-tests package.10:20
didrocksdoesn't really tell anything10:20
didrocksah, they are running dpkg-query10:20
didrocksin their tests10:20
didrocksok, then, +110:20
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cjwatsondidrocks: Is it a versioned build-dependency?10:22
didrockscjwatson: it's not a build-dep (was caught by the diff, but a dep on their -test package10:22
cjwatsonOh, runtime10:22
cjwatsonBut dpkg-query is in dpkg, not dpkg-dev10:22
cjwatsonAnd dpkg is Essential10:22
didrocksoh indeed, I thought it was in dpkg-dev10:23
didrockssil2100: ok, so let's fix that upstream, making a MP?10:23
sil2100didrocks: changing dpkg-dev to dpkg, yes? Or removing it completely?10:23
didrockssil2100: removing as it's part of dpkg which is essential10:24
didrocksveebers: thomi: FYI ^10:24
cjwatsonWhere was the original commit for this change?10:24
didrocks12:20:11 didrocks | "  Add missing dependency to python-autopilot-tests package.10:24
didrocks12:20:11 didrocks | "10:24
didrockscjwatson: ^10:24
didrocksnot really helpful10:24
cjwatsonx/usr/share/pyshared/autopilot/tests/functional/test_introspection_features.py:107:                    ["dpkg-architecture", "-qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH"]).strip()10:25
cjwatsonthat would require dpkg-dev10:25
didrocksok, that one10:25
didrocksso yeah10:25
didrockssil2100: keep it for dpkg-architecture10:25
* didrocks would like more helpful commit message (and ping to packagers first for packaging changes)10:25
didrockssil2100: so, is there anything else on your list or you can help on the Mir force? ;)10:27
didrocks(nice work btw!)10:28
sil2100didrocks: I'll just push the branches, make sure stuff is merged and release thumbnailer quickly so that people can be happy10:32
didrockssil2100: great!10:34
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didrockspopey: it seems rick is seeing his sms messages getting deleted, do you see that with latest images?10:43
popeydidrocks: deleted how?10:44
didrockspopey: apparently yeah, but maybe there are just getting mixed when changing TZ10:44
* popey sends a few 10:45
didrockspopey: ok, in fact, it's just an order issue10:46
didrockslike if you change you TZ10:46
didrocksthey appear in the past10:46
didrocksso before your latest ones10:46
popeywill be more pronounced as he's changing fron UTC to UTC minus some hours?10:46
didrockspopey: yeah, if you try that and send a sms after switching to the past :)10:47
didrocksI guess the messages are stored with local time, but no TZ information10:47
didrockspopey: maybe ubuntu touch can decide that TZ are confusing and we deprecate that? ;)10:48
popeyLets make everyone use UTC and remove all TZ features10:49
didrocksheh ;)10:49
* didrocks regrets that online music search works (seeing what I have to endure right now and can't stop the music :p)10:50
popeywhenever i take screenshots of the music app I always orchestrate them so my leas embarrassing songs are on the screen10:55
davmor2popey: yeah you just go for novelty tracks instead, Mr blobby, Postman pat, Agadoo :D10:57
davmor2popey: don't worry we all know you love beiber really10:58
Mirvdidrocks: psivaa: ok my mir results in the chart. notes_app 1-2 failures depending on the run, not being able to run unity8 tests (the mock version doesn't come up). on the upside video/audio works, autopilot works at least partially, full cpu usage always seems gone.11:00
didrocksMirv: waow, excellent news! you didn't test  on desktop, right?11:01
psivaaMirv: didrocks: hmm not sure what i am doing wrong (on maguro) i have 20/23 notes app failures11:03
psivaaMirv: i dont see much difference in the results to yesterday's run with mir enabled11:03
* didrocks reboots, back shortly11:04
Mirvpsivaa: for me the main difference in test runs is that yesterday nothing really happened on the device when running phablet-test-run, but now it really runs the tests11:07
Mirvpsivaa: it might be worse on maguro, but 3 tests succeeding means something got run at least11:07
psivaaMirv: ok, understand :)11:07
didrocksMirv: +1 on the desktop side11:07
Mirvdidrocks: yeah I just rebooted on the updated desktop as well11:08
didrocksMirv: so, if you want to publish all of them, be my guest (didn't check packaging changes though) ;)11:08
Mirvdidrocks: ok, I'll check if there are packaging changes. this is an improvement at least.11:08
didrocksyeah ;)11:08
didrockspsivaa: did you figure out why it's more an issue for you than Mirv?11:09
didrocks(as I rebooted, didn't follow the conversation)11:09
Mirvdidrocks: maybe maguro is worse, but we concluded that at least something got run on maguro at least well, as opposed to yesterday when autopilot didn't work at all11:10
psivaadidrocks: no.. but apparently Mirv has nearly same results. i was complaining that the pass rate did not improve to me with mir when compared to yesterday11:10
Mirvpsivaa: so you did get 20/23 also yesterday?11:11
didrocksMirv: +1 on all11:11
psivaaMirv: i got 19/23 yesterday11:12
Mirvpsivaa: ah ok, I just concluded yesterday that it all fails. maybe maguro improved less then.11:12
Mirvdidrocks: finally,
psivaaMirv: quite possible11:13
psivaaMirv: I think the reason for AP failures is bug #1232054 , which has not been fixed i suppose11:13
didrocksMirv: easy +1 as well :)11:13
ubot5bug 1232054 in unity-mir "[mir] Need to expose geometry for autopilot consumption" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123205411:13
didrockspsivaa: hum, this one was supposed to be fixed11:14
didrockspsivaa: but it was already in image 7511:14
psivaadidrocks: still says in 'In progress'11:15
didrockspsivaa: yeah, I think they just didn't reference it in the changelog, I updated it (we have it)11:15
didrockspsivaa: so not that one11:15
didrockspsivaa: you are going to publish the new results, like yesterday? (with Mirv's one)11:15
psivaadidrocks: you mean in the landing plan?11:16
didrockspsivaa: hum, no, yesterday, I saw a google doc11:17
didrockswith the test results11:17
psivaadidrocks: yes, i'll add my results to that one, google doc11:17
didrocksexcellent, thanks!11:17
didrockspsivaa: so unity8 tests are not starting still?11:17
psivaadidrocks: left to the last.. still running.11:18
Mirvdidrocks: ok published mir, unity-system-compositor, platform-api, unity-mir11:18
didrocksMirv: \o/11:19
Mirvand "phew", I need to have a break11:19
didrockswell deserved one!11:19
didrocks(and thumbnailer in, nice sil2100!)11:20
evdidrocks: Did lightdm get switched over to manual publication? Just going back through email missed while I was on holiday.11:26
didrocksev: it's still manually uploaded, we didn't want to stage it in the ppa and decided to wait post V1 to change that11:27
evokay, thanks!11:27
didrocksyw ;)11:27
* didrocks out for some exercise12:00
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cjwatsonMirv: I don't see the unity-lens-applications part of landing number 88 anywhere in the queue12:04
cjwatsonaccepted the rest12:06
cjwatsonsil2100: landing number 74 (hud) - I don't quite understand column H, does that mean that this is/isn't OK to accept from unapproved?12:09
cjwatson... never mind, somebody else already did.  certainly doesn't look like it should break tests!12:10
kgunnplars: ping12:15
sil2100cjwatson: no, it's ok to move it, as I had problems with running tests on my device then - but dogfooding and using earlier images made me publish it12:15
kgunnMirv: thanks for the publishing work!12:18
lool== Building click-package stack ==12:33
loolthis is to pickup a click-update-manager icon bugfix12:33
loolhmm why did it disappear from results12:33
cjwatsonnew mir stuff -> inarchive12:34
cjwatsonnew unity-scope-home / libunity -> inproposed, except for above question about whether there's still unity-lens-applications to come12:35
cjwatsonqtdeclarative -> inproposed though building, dunno if you want to annotate that separately12:35
cjwatsonand hud debug changes -> inproposed12:36
Mirvcjwatson: right, the applications part wasn't released yet. thanls for the rst12:37
cjwatsonwant to note that in the landing plan somehow?12:38
cjwatsonif we have to have this thing it probably ought to be correct :)12:38
Mirvcjwatson: yeah, done, we discussed the home scope and its libunity dependency so much that the small apps lens got sidetracked..12:41
cjwatsonMirv: OK - it's not inarchive yet though12:43
cjwatsonit's waiting for autopkgtests according to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html12:44
cjwatsoncheck rmadison before setting to inarchive, otherwise people may think they can run image builds and pick up your change12:44
Mirvcjwatson: yeah, I just checked also that still in proposed12:44
psivaajibel: jfunk: is there a reason why the mir testing results for image 78 is removed from https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1b-X9tN2Q9c_5r39XzA-Ppebbjuin5zVf9SkAGMcdp9Q/edit#12:44
cjwatsonhud is publishing to release at the moment12:45
jibelpsivaa, interesting, I don't know who did that. I'll find who and get them back12:47
psivaajibel: i think from rev history it was jfunk :)12:47
jibelpsivaa, ah, is has been moved to the top of the doc12:47
jfunksorry guys12:47
jfunkI am reporting to the UE Leads and have a bit of OCD with these type of things12:48
jibeljfunk, np, it's easier to read this way12:48
psivaajibel: jfunk: ahh my bad too.. sorry12:48
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ralsinalool: landing ask row 74 is already landed13:05
loolralsina: thanks, cleared13:10
looldidrocks: tested new system-image, seems ok but with some glitches13:14
looldidrocks: 2 secs13:14
looldidrocks: alright, hinted system-image + lxc-android-config in13:17
looldidrocks: so for system-image what I got was: 1) first I saw 100% progress briefly, 2) then I saw 0% progress almost immediately, 3) then it stayed on 0% for a while, but I don't have super good wifi here, moved closer to the AP, 4) after 20 seconds or so, download started, I got progress update, 5) at the end got install & restart13:19
didrockslool: for 1) are you sure it was 100% or indeterminate?13:19
looldidrocks: it said 100%13:19
didrockshum, the only thing I can see is that the daemon send UpdateProgress(100, noeta)13:20
looldidrocks: are there logs?13:20
didrockslool: I think when doing an update, logging the system dbus can be interesting13:20
didrocksI don't think there are logs on the UI side13:20
looldidrocks: you could also have some logging on the UI side13:20
loolI fear that logging all dbus traffic or even just download progress updates might be too much13:21
didrockslool: system bus should be ok, there isn't so much13:21
loolwe could log everything except progress messages which are not zero and not 10013:21
plarskgunn: hi13:22
didrocksyeah, a little bit late for that, but I agree13:22
didrockslool: so, are you going to block system-image for next image?13:23
didrocksor do you still want it?13:23
didrocksplars: nice to see a so green dashboard! (thanks for all the retrials on flacky tests)13:23
plarsdidrocks: that wasn't me on 78, that image came in the midnight hours for me, if anyone retried that it was probably psivaa13:24
plarsdidrocks: I saw though, the results looked really good13:24
looldidrocks: I want it13:24
looldidrocks: I unblocked it13:24
didrockspsivaa: nice! :)13:24
looldidrocks: it's strictly better than what we have13:24
looland we're landing 95% of features13:24
plarspsivaa: were there lots of retries needed, or did things mostly just work?13:24
didrockslool: ok, do you tihnk you want more? everything is nearly here for us, so I would love to see an image kicked soon13:24
looldidrocks: can confirm url-dispatcher in a sec13:25
kgunnplars: hey, sorry...keep getting interupts :)13:25
psivaaplars: didrocks: i only reran mediaplayer tests once in both mako and maguro.. both passed on the retry13:25
didrocksMirv: missing app lens, wdym?13:25
didrocksMirv: oh, you missed that one?13:25
plarspsivaa: wow, that's not bad13:25
looldidrocks: oh what do you think of the click-update-manager icon and the tests in the click-package stack?13:25
kgunnplars: anyway, thomi was helping w/ enabling AP testing on mir13:25
psivaaplars: the failures before that was due to a mediaplayer crash which did not happen on the retry.. on both devices13:26
didrockslool: it's under testing right, do you have an ETA?13:26
plarskgunn: I believe we are still waiting on some autopilot pieces to land, aren't we?13:26
looldidrocks: 5 minutes of testing + upload dance13:26
didrocksplars: waow, not that bad then!13:26
plarsdidrocks: ? ^ I thought it was supposed to land yesterday but I didn't see a new package13:26
didrockslool: ok, let's get that one in, sound safe enough13:26
kgunnplars: yeah...they are in trunk but should be in image 7913:26
plarsok, great13:26
didrocksplars: kgunn: they are in the archive13:26
didrocksso definitively will be in 7913:26
didrockspsivaa: did you succeed in running the unity8 tests btw?13:27
loolhmmmhmmm UI not coming up13:27
loollightdm start/running, process 135013:27
didrockslool: for click?13:27
psivaadidrocks: no.. 24/24 test failures  with mir enabled13:27
didrocksor whole phone?13:27
loolunity8 not coming up13:28
didrockspsivaa: ok, but at least, you see the tests starting?13:28
loolthis is with SF13:28
psivaadidrocks: yea13:28
didrockspsivaa: unlinke yesterday when they even didn't start?13:28
didrocksok ;)13:28
didrockslool: what did you install?13:28
plarspsivaa: was that with the new autopilot?13:28
looldidrocks: url-dispatcher13:28
loolI have the lxc-android-config stuff too13:29
loolbut it booted the first time13:29
didrockslool: retry a boot to see if something was flacky13:29
loolso I'm tempted to try a reboot13:29
looldidrocks: right13:29
didrocksplars: the fixes are in mir itself (not autopilot)13:29
psivaaplars:  1.3.1+13.10.20131003.1-0ubuntu1 is the autopilot-touch version13:29
loolah crap, load was high, should have checked that first13:29
loolto late13:29
plarsdid for some reason I was thinking there was an update to autopilot needed too, maybe not13:29
didrocksplars: no, we did one, but unrelated :)13:30
didrocksthe mir fixes are for AP13:30
didrocksbut not in AP ;)13:30
loolI wonder if it's MTP with USB cable connected13:30
lool  675 system    20   0  7020 1580 1224 S  85.4  0.1   0:38.98 sensorservice13:30
loolah fianlly came up13:31
looldidrocks: I wonder whether I was not patient enough13:31
loolboot is super slow these days13:31
didrockslool: do you have a .crash file?13:32
didrockslool: maybe something crashed and you had apport collecting13:32
didrocksah :p13:32
lool_usr_bin_maliit-server.32011.crash _usr_bin_unity8.32011.crash _usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf_hud_hud-service.32011.crash _usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf_upstart-app-launch_zg-report-app.32011.crash13:32
didrocksnice strike!13:32
loolbut only one is recent13:32
loolthere is weird timing on some of them13:32
loolfrom this morning, despite having reflashed13:32
loolthis one is definitely interesting: -rw-r----- 1 phablet whoopsie 12083112 Oct  3 13:27 _usr_bin_unity8.32011.crash13:33
davmor2lool: let me guess you have mir enabled13:33
looloh indeed13:33
loolstupid me, forgot that this stayed across flashes13:34
didrockssil2100: around?13:34
sil2100didrocks: yes!13:34
looldavmor2: yeah, that's why it was slow13:34
davmor2lool: the upstart-app-launch_zg only shows on mir13:34
didrockssil2100: I think Mirv forgot unity-lens-application from request 88, mind doing it?13:34
jibeland maliit and hud crashes too13:34
didrockssil2100: should be quite quick to test (on both desktop and touch)13:34
didrockssil2100: just ensure that you have latest commit built in the ppa13:34
davmor2jibel: true although you can get maliit crashes on sf too13:35
sil2100didrocks: ACK!13:35
didrocksthanks sil2100 ;)13:35
sil2100didrocks: picking that up now13:35
looldidrocks: ok, tested a bunch of URLs: applications:///, music:///, http://, settings:///, and video:///13:36
looldidrocks: all good to go13:36
didrockslool: excellent! :)13:36
loolpushing url-dispatcher13:36
didrockslool: so then, you're on click, sil2100 on lens-apps13:36
didrocksand we're good for 79?13:36
looldidrocks:  hmm the build parameters seem different for misc stack13:37
didrockssergiusens: rsalveti: if you want something to get in 79, it's now (we are testing/uploading the latest things before kicking the next image)13:38
didrockslool: wdym? Maybe I missed a publish13:38
* didrocks looks13:38
looldidrocks: like the new field to specify packages to act on isn't the same13:38
didrockslool: uno secundo13:38
didrockslool: ah, it seems with the list of deployement I missed one, one sec13:38
didrockslool: are someone redeployed without pulling latest13:39
didrocks(which happens sometimes)13:39
kgunnhey Mirv just reading landing notes where you say the following....13:39
kgunnnotes-app AP 1-2 failures depending on the run (notes_app.tests.test_delete.TestDelete.test_slide_to_delete_left+notes_app.tests.test_parts.TestFocus.test_parts_focus). managed to get the mako hanged once (adb shell not working).13:39
kgunnunity8 autopilot runs (with -n) seemingly not possible, the mockup unity8 doesn't come up13:39
looldidrocks: let's remind everyone to bzr pull latest cu2d later in the call13:39
kgunnMirv: can you elaborate on the unity8 -n, seemingly not possible ?13:39
didrockskgunn: yeah, didn't work for Mirv, seems to have worked (but all tests failed) for psivaa13:39
didrockslool: yeah, let's do that13:40
didrockslool: should be better now13:40
loolhmm why did cupstream2distro-config diverge with my branch13:40
loolI had pushed this stuff13:40
didrockslool: but definitively, we need to autodeploy when pushing a branch13:40
sergiusensdidrocks, is qtmultimedia-touch in?13:40
kgunndidrocks: Mirv is that b/c it needs apt-get install unity8-fake-env13:40
didrockssergiusens: it's in13:40
didrockssergiusens: since 7813:40
sergiusensdidrocks, is the request rsalveti made last night in for the races for lxc-android-config?13:41
didrockskgunn: ah, I don't know how he tested, I think he just installed the -autopilot package, that should pull the fake-env, right?13:41
* didrocks looks13:41
lool== Publishing url-dispatcher (misc stack) ==13:41
didrockssergiusens: lool pushed it but blocked it in proposed AFAIK13:41
loolsergiusens: that was the one in #77 I think13:41
kgunndidrocks: you are right...it _should_ when you install a suite..but good to double check13:42
looldidrocks: no that's another one, that's the boot script that I blocked and unblcoked13:42
didrocksah ;)13:42
psivaadidrocks: kgunn: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6188183/ is what i get for unity8 with mir13:42
didrockskgunn: it's a dep, so yeah, should be there13:42
didrocks(just checked)13:42
sergiusenslool, didrocks landing ask 95 if I'm reading that correctly13:42
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didrockssergiusens: no, this one was just "ok for you to upload" (with both tests that were provided)13:43
loolsergiusens: sorry, that's something else; I thought you meant the upstart-file thing from yesterday evening, but that was in android13:43
loolsergiusens: do you need lxc-android-config to be staged somewhere for testing, or are you good to test locally and upload?13:43
sergiusenslool, they are sort of connected13:43
looldidrocks: so the rev that I've lost in the -config was:13:44
lool  Add qtdeclarative5-usermetrics0.1, new dependency of camera-app (already in13:44
lool  Ubuntu), as this breaks media stack autopilot tests.13:44
sergiusensdidrocks, I was never asked to provide any tests13:44
loolI'm pretty sure I had pushed it a day where you weren't around, like last week-end13:44
didrockslool: I just pulled and push, didn't --overwrite13:44
loolbut didn't deployed13:44
looldidrocks: no idea what happened then13:45
loolmaybe my pushed failed and I didn't notice, but weird13:45
sergiusenslool, I already tested locally, I don't see how the risk is medium though13:45
loolsergiusens: just because it might break boot13:45
didrockssergiusens: not providing tests, just testing on the scenarios we wrote13:45
sergiusenslool, currently, the system is deleting the socket that the upstart-local-bridge is creating13:45
loolsergiusens: you did the testing then, all good  :-)13:45
didrockssergiusens: which seem to be impacted (it's a 10 minute test)13:45
sil2100didrocks: testing is fine both on unity7 and unity8, publishiiing!13:45
loolsergiusens: would you upload this like now so that it can make it to image?13:46
didrockssergiusens: if you did it on your system, awesome, that's what we were waiting for ;)13:46
didrockssil2100: sweet!13:46
sergiusensdidrocks, so our team always tests an MR contrary to others13:46
loolsergiusens: I think I had added that testing note that this is the type of testing we would like to see, either from uploder or from us, to make sure we don't regress boot with the change13:46
didrockssergiusens: I know that we can trust your team, now worry, we just write so that there is a common rule and no misunderstanding :)13:46
sergiusenslool, well I can test a r/w image13:47
loolsergiusens: if you think it's an important test, that's welcome13:47
didrocksthat would be great ;)13:47
sergiusenslool, I see no point in it, but give me a second13:47
loolI think I had noted mako and maguro as boot tests13:47
loolbut I don't particularly care in rw vs. ro boot tests13:47
looldidrocks:  qtdeclarative5-usermetrics0.1 is only in saucy, not head config13:48
sergiusenslool, well we can wait for rsalveti to confirm on mako13:48
looldidrocks:  do you try to keep these up-to-date?13:48
didrockslool: better once we start diverging, yeah13:48
loolsergiusens: would you upload lxc-android-config right now13:48
loolsergiusens: it will be staged in proposed13:49
loolsergiusens: rsalveti and/or me can test it on mako from thre13:49
=== alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g
sergiusenslool, I can't really13:49
looldidrocks: would you mind adding it to head?13:49
loolsergiusens: ah how so?13:49
loolsergiusens: may I help?13:49
sergiusenslool, didrocks if there's another build today, we can wait for rsalveti13:49
didrockslool: can do right13:49
sergiusenslool, I'm not a core dev13:49
loolsergiusens: gosh!13:49
loolsergiusens: where do I sign13:49
didrockssergiusens: later today or tomorrow morning, depends on the velocity and who will be around to trigger an image, but it's really as you wish, if you prefer waiting for rsalveti13:50
* rsalveti reading backlog13:50
sergiusensdidrocks, I always ACK my MRs too ;-)13:51
sergiusensrsalveti, just lxc-android-config13:51
sergiusensrsalveti, with the race avoidance13:51
didrockssergiusens: rsalveti: so, if all testing is good, please upload it now for being in 7913:52
loolsergiusens: uploaded13:53
fgintherdidrocks, mind if I backout autopilot from the PPA?13:53
loolfginther: we're interested in issues you have with it though13:53
loolfginther: cause it's supposedly working for us!13:53
didrocksfginther: why? this one should be fine13:53
didrocksfginther: we got everything passing and it's uploaded to the archive13:53
loolrsalveti: morning13:53
fgintherdidrocks, lool https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-vm-saucy/ builds 170 - 17913:54
didrocksfginther: does the sdk has the fix merged?13:54
fgintherthese are desktop runs13:54
didrockssil2100: would know ^13:54
didrocksfginther: there was a branch (we backported the fix manually to distro) for the sdk13:54
didrocksfginther: but we couldn't get it merged13:55
didrocksone sec13:55
didrocksfginther:  [4] https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ap-test-fixes-for-updated-autopilot/+merge/18897013:55
didrocksyou will need that one ^13:55
fgintherdidrocks, much thanks13:56
didrocksfginther: manually, on the phone, it pass13:56
rsalvetididrocks: lool: I want to land the seek related improvements as well, but guess that can wait for 8013:57
rsalvetias it'll take at least another ~2 hours13:57
loolrsalveti: yeah13:57
didrocksrsalveti: yeah, sounds better for 80 then, just upload the other one13:57
loolrsalveti: I've asked on the spreadsheet how we can see the bug / confirm the fix13:57
psivaakgunn: Mirv might have mentioned the failure of launch_unity with with -n .. i also see that with http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6188183/13:58
looldidrocks: updated spreadsheet; testing click packages13:58
rsalvetilool: right, just seek before and after :-)13:58
didrocksrsalveti: it's going to fix the slowdown?13:58
sil2100didrocks, fginther: I guess this merge will get in once the new autopilot is available, so I think we can again approve this13:58
Mirvsil2100: didrocks: thanks, indeed I forgot apps part with all the home scope discussion. it seems to work as well, on both device (unity8 AP) and desktop (manual), plus it's a string change only so should be good.13:58
fginthersil2100, right, I just realized that, rerunning the test now that autopilot is there13:58
rsalvetilool: but you need to create the android image with latest hybris as we got a change in there as well13:58
psivaakgunn: just making sure that i dont bring any confusion on 'worked but all 24 tests failed'13:58
Mirvsil2100: did you publish it yet?13:58
rsalvetididrocks: well, seek works after we publish those changes13:59
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-afk
rsalveticurrently it can easily lock down the mediaplayer-app if you seek13:59
didrocksrsalveti: oh? I did dream it was working for me? I remember trying it13:59
didrocks(but it was really laggy)13:59
Mirvkgunn: regarding phablet-test-run -n unity8, it seems that the unity8 is just closed (as should be) but the mock version of unity8 that autopilot should use does not come visible. I did not wait for the autopilot to error out.13:59
rsalvetiright, it's currently laggy as well13:59
fginthersil2100, should have results in about 10 minutes13:59
Mirvkgunn: the unity8-fake-env is there, and it works without mir13:59
looldidrocks: not joining?14:02
sil2100fginther: awesome, thanks!14:02
didrockslool: I guess I had the wrong link14:02
sil2100Mirv: u-l-a? Yes14:02
kgunnMirv: psivaa-afk thanks guys...yeah..i understood it correctly...interesting14:02
didrockslool: do you have the link? I end up being alone14:03
Mirvsil2100: ok, thanks, cool! seeing it now in queue14:03
looldidrocks: see msg14:03
sil2100Mirv: np. :)14:03
Mirvcjwatson: so, unity-lens-applications now in the queue14:04
kgunnMirv: building local is a nightmare...if i wanted to get one of my engineers on what you and psivaa-afk see....what's the best way to do that in advance of image 79 being available ?14:05
didrocksrsalveti: your change is in the version lool uploaded I guess (for req 95), the one blocked in proposed?14:06
didrockskgunn: install image 78, turn in in write mode and apt-get update && apt-get install libmirserver514:06
rsalvetididrocks: for lxc-android-config, yes14:06
didrocksthen activate mir and be done :)14:06
didrocksexcellent, so all in transit!14:06
kgunndidrocks: thanks for confirming...thot that was the answer14:07
Mirvkgunn: as didrocks described ^ reboot, wait for Nautilus window to pop up the mounted share (connection breaks at that moment, takes about 30s after unity8 is visible), run phalet-test-run -n unity8 (after also installing unity8-autopilot)14:07
cjwatsonMirv: looking14:08
cjwatsonMirv: accepted14:09
fginthersil2100, retest with the new autopilot worked. I've re-approved the MP.14:10
Mirvcjwatson: thanks!14:10
fgintherdidrocks, ^14:10
didrocksfginther: sweeeeeet \o/14:11
=== psivaa-afk is now known as psivaa
* rsalveti pushing libhybris, will only be used after a respin of the android package14:27
rsalvetididrocks: lool: when are you guys starting next image?14:27
loolrsalveti: mind testing latest lxc-android-config from proposed on mako?14:27
loolboot testing that is14:27
rsalvetilool: sure14:27
loolrsalveti: in a few, pushing some remaining packags (click) and then waiting for in archive + building14:27
didrocksrsalveti: it's the last one we are waiting on, then once published in the release pocket, we kick the image (click should be in beforehand)14:28
loolfinishing click tests14:34
loolclick is good14:37
looldidrocks: I need help to preNEW
looldidrocks: click-update-manager-autopilot14:38
looldidrocks: what do you do there, or who do I ping to preNEW it?14:38
didrockslool: ok, looking14:38
looldidrocks: I review it and then just say it looks good?14:38
didrockswell, an archive admin, I'm doing it :)14:38
didrockslool: for the operation to do, you have: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/FAQ#Adding.2BAC8-removing_components_to_a_stack14:39
looldidrocks: what do I tell the archive admin?14:39
didrocksah, it's a binary new14:39
didrockswell, normally, I just give a look (as if the sync was passing normal binary New)14:40
didrocksah finally click-update-manager arch:all :p14:40
looldidrocks: I see the instrucitons in the FAQ actually14:40
didrockslool: ok, using dh_python2, +1 from me14:40
didrockslool: well, there are for source new14:41
looldidrocks: it seems I should be doing something in the -config though14:41
didrockslool: hum, not for binary new, if there are AP tests, yeah, you should add them to the config if they can run on desktop14:42
lool== Publishing click-package stack ==14:42
loolralsina: ^ FYI14:42
loolrsalveti: did the boot go ok?14:43
rsalvetilool: rebooting and will check14:43
rsalvetidid a clean flash14:44
rsalvetilool: all fine +114:46
loolcool, also rebooting here14:46
loolyep, came up14:47
didrockssweet :)14:47
loolnow waiting for click + lxc transitions to release + publisher14:48
loolso 5:30pm our time perhaps14:49
didrocks(40 minutes for now for other in an insane timezone)14:49
looldidrocks: so how do we run the Mir tests on regular AP infrastructure?14:51
looldidrocks: I wonder if this is our last SF image14:51
loolmaybe not14:51
didrockslool: on the regular infra? that would be a plars or doanac's question. I think they just copy the same run, but add an adb shell touch /home/phablet/.display-mir before the reboot14:53
looldidrocks: I think that's what olli wanted right?14:54
didrockswe'll discuss that in the meeting with plars I guess14:54
plarslool: I'm planning on setting that up once we have all the pieces needed in the image to make it work right14:55
plarslool: I'll set up a separate job for it14:55
plarsdidrocks: ^14:55
didrocksplars: so just adding the touch in the setup?14:56
plarsdidrocks: for that run, yes14:56
didrockssounds good!14:56
plarsdidrocks: I don't think we want to turn it on as the default yet right (even in the tests)? So it'll just be a one-off job temporarily14:56
loolplars: what are the pieces?  the mir + AP fixes?14:56
plarslool: yes14:56
loolplars: FYI these should be all good now, albeit we're getting different patterns on whethre unity8 tests run or don't run from different folks14:57
loolplars: cool14:57
loolplars: so I think that would be good to have starting with the next build14:57
loolin a few14:57
plarslool: that's another thing I'm about to try14:58
plarslool: locally that is14:58
loolautopkgtest for click-update-manager 0.1+13.10.20131003.1-0ubuntu1: RUNNING (Jenkins: public, private)14:58
loolthat blocks a couple of click updates from moving right now14:58
loolit seems to have passed14:58
plarsraise click.AppArmorException("Could not find '%s'" % include)15:07
plarsapparmor.click.AppArmorException: "Could not find '/usr/share/autopilot/apparmor/click.rules'"15:07
doanacplars: you sure you have the updated version?15:08
plars  Installed: 1.3.1+13.10.20131003.1-0ubuntu115:08
plars/usr/share/autopilot/apparmor/click.rules seems to be there15:09
doanacplars: where did the excepction come from?15:10
plarsoh wait15:10
plarsdoanac: it's /usr/share/autopilot-touch/apparmor/click.rules15:10
plarsnot /autopilot15:10
doanacplars: ah. thanks.15:10
doanaci'll update the mp15:10
plarsdoanac: I'll update it locally and retry15:11
didrocksplars: yeah, if we can run them in parallel until we turn it on by default (sorry didn't see your ping ;))15:11
plarsdoanac: ok with that change it works for me15:19
plarsdoanac: 5 passes on a click package test :)15:20
plarssergiusens: ^15:20
sergiusensplars, AWESOME!15:22
plarssergiusens: doanac has a mp to put in once 79 lands that should turn dropping-letters tests on at least15:23
ralsinalool: ack15:23
ralsinalool: I assume you can mark ask #115 as done then15:24
doanacplars: branch is updated, and I tested locally also15:25
loollxc is in15:25
loolclick-update-manager still in proposed15:26
loolbut valid candidate15:26
sergiusensdoanac, I was actually going to ask you if we should look at your branches again, going to review now15:27
loolit's in15:31
looldidrocks: kicking image15:31
loolah no15:31
loolclick-update-manager is not, weird15:31
didrocksright, not yet15:31
loolwhy did clickmanager-plugin transition though15:32
loolarch: all change15:32
loolcjwatson: hey15:33
loolcjwatson: can you help me understand whether the click-update-manager proposed transition is going ok?15:33
loolcjwatson: we switched it from arch: any to arch: all15:33
loolrmadison says:15:33
loolclick-update-manager | 0.1+13.10.20131003.1-0ubuntu1 | saucy/universe | source, all15:33
loolclick-update-manager | 0.1+13.10.20131003.1-0ubuntu1 | saucy-proposed/universe | all15:33
loolso it looks like it's actually in15:33
loolbut with a copy in -proposed15:33
loolthere's also an old entry:15:34
loolclick-update-manager | 0.1+13.10.20130930.1-0ubuntu1 | saucy/universe | amd64, armhf15:34
cjwatsonlool: That might need archive admin assistance, will check in a sec15:34
cjwatsonlool: But you don't need to worry about it, it's cruft that's reported on and needs to be cleaned up for release, but shouldn't cause a practical problem15:36
looldidrocks: building an image15:37
plarspsivaa: you got the unity8 tests working with an update 77?15:38
plarspsivaa: and mir enabled?15:38
psivaaplars: i tried it with 78, with updates.. but all 24 failed15:39
plarspsivaa: I meant 78, sorry15:39
plarsdidrocks: so, I'm not having any luck getting things going with autopilot tests either. All the pieces should be there right now if I dist-upgrade though right?15:40
psivaaplars: yea with that, this is the result: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6188183/15:40
didrocksplars: yeah, if you dist-upgrade from the archive, you should be fine15:40
plarsdidrocks: not working it seems, works fine if I don't enable mir though15:41
didrocksweird, psivaa got it working (well failing rather :p)15:41
plarsdidrocks: no, he's seeing same as me15:41
didrocksah, nice, so the tests are running?15:42
didrocks(but failing)15:42
plarsdidrocks: they don't seem to actually be working at all - I see nothing happening on my screen15:42
didrocksbut psivaa saw the tests starting, didn't he?15:43
* didrocks is now confused15:43
plarspsivaa: were you trying this locally? could you see it actually doing something on the screen?15:43
psivaadidrocks: i did not see changes in the device.. sorry i dint know if that's what you meant15:43
didrocksso the tests don't even start?15:44
didrocksok, let's see with the real infra15:44
loolit looks to me like it cant connect on dbus15:46
plarsdidrocks: there's no difference with how I'm running it here vs. how it would run in the lab15:46
plarsdidrocks: except that I've enabled mir15:46
didrocksplars: well, olli wanted to have a run in the "official infra"15:46
ogra_did you guys forget -n ?15:47
didrocksso let's get that ;)15:47
plarsand updated the image of course, but it's the same scripts getting called the same way15:47
plarsogra_: no15:47
ogra_i dont see it stop unity8 in the paste above15:47
plarsogra_: I stopped it in mine15:47
ogra_manually ?15:47
plarsogra_: no, the scripts we run do that15:48
ogra_right, it usually prints "stopping unity8"15:48
plarseven the unlocker doesn't seem to get through here...15:48
plarsI'm trying friends app15:48
plarsSetting up friends-app-autopilot (0.92.0+13.10.20131001.1-0ubuntu1) ...15:48
plarsStopping Unity15:48
plarsunity8 stop/waiting15:48
plarsUnity stopped15:48
plarsStarting Unity with testability15:48
plarsand that's as far as I get15:48
plarsgoing to retry with just phablet-test-runner and manually unlocking15:50
psivaaplars: ogra_ didrocks: so i ran unity8 again. same results (24 failed) i did not see any change in the screen..15:51
didrocksok, so it seems something didn't work at all15:52
didrockskgunn: FYI ^15:52
plarsok, so the screen unlocker (which also restarts unity8 with -testability) doesn't seem to work in the ci infrastructure15:52
didrockskgunn: so now all testimonials concurres15:52
plarsbut if I unlock  by hand, I can get other (non-unity8) tests to work15:52
didrocksplars: this is already a good news, can you try notes-app?15:52
didrocksthis one was blocking before15:52
plarsdidrocks: one sec, need to restart. I was trying unity8 with just phablet-test-run and -n again - still nothing15:55
robrudidrocks, bah! powersaving is still busted for me15:59
robruwoke up to find both my screens had been on all night15:59
didrocksrobru: did you talk to seb128 about it? he would maybe have an idea15:59
plarsdidrocks: the notes-app tests can run ok, but only if unlocked by hand - clearly things are going to go badly in the lab with this though15:59
robrudidrocks, no, not yet15:59
plarsdidrocks: and unity8 plain won't work15:59
plarsthe tests that is15:59
didrocksplars: ok, thanks for confirming!15:59
cjwatsonlool: either somebody else cleaned up click-update-manager or it sorted itself out16:00
cjwatsonclick-update-manager | 0.1+13.10.20131003.1-0ubuntu1 | saucy/universe | source, all16:00
cjwatsonclick-update-manager-autopilot | 0.1+13.10.20131003.1-0ubuntu1 | saucy/universe | all16:00
cjwatsonIt might just be that the copy and the removal spanned two publisher runs or something *shrug*16:00
didrocksrobru: sil2100: plars: joining the HO?16:01
robrudidrocks, meeting?16:01
didrocksyep ;)16:01
robrudidrocks, i can't find the link16:01
plarsdidrocks: yes, I was just digging up my headphones :)16:01
loolcjwatson: indeed, thanks16:01
didrocksrobru: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/a3ec8b9eafe13514725f4c495d40dbc56771c9ca16:01
plarsdoanac: did you go ahead and regenerate the jobs so that when 79 lands we'll pick up that new test?16:09
kgunndidrocks: plars...so this https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/load-testability/+merge/18806416:09
doanacplars: no. i wanted to double check16:09
kgunnis in what was test and didn't work ?16:09
plarsdoanac: we should16:10
doanaci guess we can if you want though16:10
doanacplars: okay. i'll merge now16:10
plarskgunn: it looks like it might have something to do with restarting unity816:10
plarskgunn: running phablet-test-run -n (for unity8) and you see unity8 go off, but never come back.16:11
plarskgunn: also, for all ap tests, we have a script that unlocks the screen and restarts unity8 in -testability mode. It doesn't seem to function now either16:11
doanacplars: change is pushed. do you want to re-generate? i haven't done it lately and don't want to cause harm16:12
plarsdoanac: sure, will do16:12
kgunnplars: is there a bug with these details ? (note...not complaining..i know its fresh)16:12
plarskgunn: not yet, this is just the first time trying to get it running with a preview of what should be in the next image16:12
kgunnplars: ok...i16:13
kgunnam going to alert the team on it16:13
kgunnmight want to join #ubuntu-mir to listen in16:14
plarsdoanac: oops :) missing a template file for it16:14
plarsdoanac: adding16:16
plarsdoanac: https://code.launchpad.net/~pwlars/ubuntu-test-cases/dropping-letters-template/+merge/18912516:18
doanacplars: good catch.16:20
plarsdoanac: sorry I didn't spot that in the review16:21
plarsdoanac: it's all pushed and regenerated now though16:21
doanacplars: my original branch had it, but i rebased for the merge today and missed that16:21
loollivefs image build finished16:26
lool79 imported!16:26
looldidrocks: download was much snappier this time around16:27
loolthe download progress actually seems to slow down download here, maybe just an impression though16:27
didrockslool: you still got the 100% first thing?16:27
looldidrocks: it was too fast to tell for sure, but it seemed so16:28
loololli: Image up16:28
loolkgunn: ^16:28
didrockswell, there is still a glitch to fix16:28
didrocksplars: it's all yours now :)16:28
didrocksjfunk: FYI ^16:28
plarsdidrocks: the tests are already running, and I'm installing locally to try the mir stuff again - just in case there's some difference16:29
didrocksplars: let's cross fingers ;)16:30
looldidrocks: are you sending the update email tonight?16:31
loolor should I?16:31
didrockslool: already done :)16:31
loolcool, thanks16:33
* lool lifts the lxc-android-config block16:33
* jfunk reads16:34
robrudidrocks, hmmm, launchpad seems to be loading ok *now*, but it was definitely not working earlier this morning. not sure if it'll stay fixed or if it's going to be intermittently broken...16:34
didrocksrobru: maybe you can try on a stack like the webcred one?16:34
didrocksit's a small one, the window of breakage is smaller ;)16:35
didrockslool: wdyt? ^16:35
cjwatsonthere's no LP maintenance or anything happening, at least not that would affect page loading ...16:35
looldidrocks: hmm ok16:35
loolrobru: yeah, +1 on webcred16:35
robrucjwatson, yeah, i guess it's an issue with my ISP.16:35
robruok, i'll take webcred16:35
loolbfiller: heya16:36
cjwatson(we've been hammering the hell out of the buildds, mind)16:36
loolbfiller: so we have a quieter time until tomorrow morning while we wait for SDK fixes or Mir updates; a bunch of apps are staged, as well as phone stack packages; would you want us to try to land them?16:36
loolbfiller: waiting for your green to land stacks: apps, phone16:36
robrudidrocks, lool: which line is webcred in the landing plan? I don't see it16:36
loolrobru: adding it16:37
loolrobru: done16:37
dobeyfginther: any idea why bzr seems to constantly be having trouble in the jenkins amd64 builds?16:37
loolrobru: near the bottom16:37
robrulool, thanks16:37
bfillerlool: yes landing apps would be good, let me just double check some of them and get back to you shortly16:37
loolbfiller: this is what's currently staged in PPA: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/cu2d/results16:38
fgintherdobey, a fix/workaround has been deployed, can you point me to a log to make this isn't something new?16:38
fgintherdobey, thanks for the link, that issue is addressed by the chnage that was deployed about 2 hours ago16:49
dobeyfginther: ok. can you re-run that failed attempt, if you haven't already? :)16:50
fgintherdoanac, sure16:50
evsorry about that, guys!16:54
evI'll make sure I'm either using the laptop in Bluefin (wfm today) or Firefox next time16:55
* fginther -> food16:55
evso yeah, the Oakland Client Sprint is a higher level discussion.16:55
evI suspect Alex will be touching on that more next week when he returns16:56
evbut don't worry about booking flights with but a few weeks to go, or missing Halloween :)16:56
loolplars: hey16:58
loolplars: so there is some dbus fixing going on16:58
loolplars: it relates to dbus not picking up env vars, and also some connection refused errors16:58
elopiohey people. When is dpkg-dev installed on the jenkins phones?16:58
loolplars: I suspect it might be related to some issues we were seeing16:58
loolplars: you might want to try applying the fix locally to see if it helps16:58
plarslool: yes!16:59
loolelopio: it should be pulled by package dependencies surely16:59
plarslool: where can I find it?16:59
loolright now in unapproved16:59
plarslool: is this for the mir issues?16:59
loolplars: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=dbus16:59
loolplars: *maybe*16:59
loolplars: I dont understand what autopilot does to stop/start unity817:00
loolbut because it's a race even in user sessions, it is worth trying17:00
loolinitctl stop unity8 + initctl start unity817:00
bfillerlool: go to go on that list for apps and OSK. e17:00
loolso that might just be racy with dbus17:00
loolbfiller: so apps stack?17:01
loolbfiller: what about phone stack?17:01
bfillerlool: apps stack and telephony stack (whatever has dialer, messagin, telephony-service, etc..)17:01
bfillerlool: which stack is OSK in?17:02
loolbfiller: ubuntu-keyboard is in services17:03
loolwith content-hub17:03
loolthat might be a bit much17:03
bfillerlool: up to you, OSK ready from my perspective17:03
loolbfiller: what's your risk assessment for apps / phone / services stack?17:03
bfillerfixes a ton of bugs17:04
bfillerlow risk of regression17:04
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
* bfiller famous last words :)17:04
loolbfiller: I know where to find you!  ;-)17:06
loolI think I might build another image just to pick up dbus later today17:07
loolplars: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/152322007/dbus_1.6.12-0ubuntu5_1.6.12-0ubuntu6.diff.gz17:11
plarsdoanac: correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like the unity8 tests are now trying to run from /home/phablet/autopilot? is that as a result of the click provisioning stuff?17:13
robruMirv, sil2100: i don't understand why this is yellow? it says there's a diff between trunk and ubuntu src, but i just checked it and there's no diff. they're identical.17:13
doanacplars checking17:14
doanacplars: we've been running with /home/phablet/autopilot in the PYTHONPATH since revno 2017:16
plarsdoanac: right, but now there's a unity8 directory there17:16
doanacah, yes. that would override things17:16
doanacplars: shouldn't it be the same code though?17:17
plarslool: let me work around this so that I'm sure I'm running the right thing, and try it once again without the changes, then I'll take a look17:17
plarsdoanac: unless someone has landed something since then - right?17:17
doanacplars: no - phablet-click-setup is pinned to a version17:18
plarsdoanac: ah, ok17:18
lool/home/phablet/autopilot error was always there17:19
plarslool: yeah, it should be gone now17:19
loolgot to go, will pop by later17:19
loolto test initrd update and dbus and roll an image with these17:19
rsalvetilool: pushing the seek fixes now17:25
rsalvetilool: will bump android, want me to hold for that? or did you get all your init changes in already?17:25
sergiusensdoanac, plars you just made me think of a potential problem with testing autopilot packages, those are also pinned to a version and we may not actually have the correct unity installed; and given that, since it's a deb, it may install a newer version of unity than what's on the image17:34
plarssergiusens: you mean pull a newer branch than what's installed?17:36
plarssergiusens: it does (as doanac says) look like it's checking the version of unity8 before pulling17:36
sergiusensplars, just to avoid confusions, keep phablet-click-test-setup out of the picture17:36
plarssergiusens: well, it's there for now17:36
plarssergiusens: we just added it a bit ago17:37
sergiusensplars, image is built with unity8-v1 and unity8-autopilot (with depends on v1); while image is building; unity8v2 is published and hence a new unity8-autopilot lands17:37
sergiusensplars, so when you do image testing and grab unity8-autopilot you will pull in unity8v2 (when the image originally had unity8v1)17:38
plarssergiusens: but in phablet-click-test-setup it looks like fetch_test_base calls get_package_version17:38
sergiusensplars, that's what I meant with keep the click stuff out of the picture17:38
plarssergiusens: oh, we don't ever apt-get update17:38
sergiusensplars, not even to install utah?17:39
plarssergiusens: we don't install utah17:39
sergiusensplars, great17:39
sergiusensplars, well that being said, you can't use what's provided by phablet-click-test-run to test anything but click17:40
plarssergiusens: it'll try to use it for testing unity8, does that cause a problem?17:40
plarssergiusens: should be the save branch version as what's installed in the package right?17:40
sergiusensplars, the unity8 and ui-toolkit autopilot packages have deps that wold need to be installed17:40
plarsah, right17:40
sergiusensplars, yeah, the test code is good, but all the deps aren't (unity8-fake-mock, python-mock and one more I forget)17:41
plarsdoanac: hmm, so it seems we either need to do special handling for the ui-toolkit and unity8 tests, or we could just install those deps as part of the setup17:42
rsalvetilool: pushing17:45
balloonsare we happy with me pushing fixes for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1234544 now?17:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234544 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Several apps have failing tests with 20131003 ui-toolkit" [Critical,In progress]17:57
plarsunity8 is hitting some cpu spike again - this time after the run: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch_ro-mako-smoke-camera-app-autopilot/120/artifact/clientlogs/top_after.log/*view*/18:02
plarsand a couple of unity8 failures, which may be related to what sergiusens mentioned earlier... need to investigate18:04
doanacplars: just got back from lunch.18:24
doanacaren't we already install the unity8 deps?18:25
doanacie: NO_UNLOCK=1 PKGS="unity8-autopilot" prepare-autopilot-test.sh18:25
plarsdoanac: oh right18:25
plarsso it should be ok I think18:26
=== jfunk is now known as jfunk-afk
doanacplars: you know the IP of ashes?18:55
doanacor retoaded or rfowler ^^^ ?18:55
doanacretoaded: hmm. didn't seem like jenkins was running. could you add me as a local user to that system?18:56
kgunnplars: when you test are you on nexus4 or galaxy nexus ?19:30
plarskgunn: I was testing on a nexus4, but I have both19:37
kgunnthomi: ^19:38
thomiok, so maybe there's a bug somewhere relating to the AP MT device, mir, and the GN19:40
thomithe unholy trinity of devices, display server, and test tools19:41
kgunnplars: it'd be interesting if you could test on galaxynexus...but if your super busy i understand19:41
plarskgunn: I will, at some point today19:42
kgunnplars: thanks dude!19:45
thomiplars: got a second?19:58
plarsthomi: what's up?19:58
thomiplars: for the unity8 test suite, I suspect that powerd may be blanking the screen mid-way through the tests. To prevent this, I wonder if we should be running 'sudo powerd-cli active'19:59
thomiwhich will block, and will prevent powerd from blanking the screen while it's running19:59
thomiso I guess you'd either want to do that in a separate shell, or save the PID or whatever20:00
plarsthomi: we can take a look, but at what point is it becoming unactive long enough to blank? aren't there always touch events firing off during the run?20:00
thomiplars: I think that, because unity8 takes a long time to shut down & start up, that's where the issue lies20:01
thomiwe'd only need it for that test suite20:02
plarsthomi: but isn't that just at the very beginning? I think the 2 failures we're seeing are later20:02
thomioh ok20:03
thomiwell, something to think about anyway. I haven't seen the failures myself, just hearing about them second hand20:03
plarsthomi: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/4539/unity8-autopilot/20:04
plarsthomi: it's the indicator tests20:04
thomiplars: oh, that's now what was described to me at all - I think we're talking about two totally different things20:05
alesagethomi, plars, I think those are obsolete, no?20:05
thomithat looks to me like someone is passing an integer as a parameter to the launch method20:06
thomialesage: not AFAIK20:06
plarsalesage: those are on the current image20:06
rsalvetiwas planning on triggering a new image build in a few, anyone waiting something to land for the next image today still?20:18
loolballoons: Pushing fixes to ui-toolkit >> you mean to PPA?20:18
loolrsalveti: catching up a bit20:18
balloonslool, yes20:18
rsalvetilool: ok, let me know when we're able to trigger a new image20:18
loolballoons: yes, fixes to PPA very welcome20:19
loolballoons: if you could give a heads up to Mirv with the things you're fixing, that would be awesome20:19
loolrsalveti: there's a click regression that alecu reported20:19
loolin #7920:19
rsalvetilool: right, any plans to get the fix in?20:20
rsalvetiI mean, do we have the fix already? :-)20:20
ralsinarsalveti, lool: that's not really a regression once the server-side fix is in20:21
ralsinawhich should be in hours (right beuno?)20:21
ralsinaok, beuno is not here :-)20:21
loolralsina: ok, then we're good20:21
loolralsina: why is it specific to #79?20:21
loolbecause we dropped noauth?20:21
ralsinalool: exactly20:21
ralsinawe are using another feature of the server20:22
looloh ok, you had to pass noauth for free packages, if you're logged in it doesn't work?20:22
ralsinaand we all tested it with our own accounts which worked20:22
ralsinaso, fixing the manual testing also20:22
loolrsalveti: so before you build an image, could we boot test latest android?20:23
loolit has an initramfs script change20:23
looland it has the dbus fix20:23
loolI wouldn't want to lock folks out20:23
rsalvetilool: sure, can test locally20:25
kgunnplars: new priority queue...can you test on Nexus4 AP install-and-boot, sdk, security, default, click_image_tests20:25
kgunnolli: ^20:25
kgunnplars: and obviously provide some report back20:28
plarskgunn: will do, I need to go pick my kids up from school though in just a moment20:28
plarskgunn: install-and-boot is done (obviously) and has nothing to do with mir20:29
kgunnsure... plars ...me too20:29
loolhmm unity8 suicided20:29
plarskgunn: click_image_tests just checks that the click packages that are expected to be installed are actually installed20:29
loolsystem-settings was running, and bam20:29
olliplars, just want to make sure that the remaining AP test that has issues is u8-autopilot20:29
loolblack screen20:29
plarskgunn: actually none of those are ui related at all20:29
plarskgunn: so, the results on the dashboard should be no different than what we see under mir20:29
loolterminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::runtime_error> >' what():  Could not unblank display20:29
kgunnplars: willing to back that up with a paycheck ? :)20:30
plarskgunn: none of the tests in the list you just gave me use autopilot20:30
=== jfunk-afk is now known as jfunk
kgunnplars: for sure...just want to be sure we no breakie something20:31
plarskgunn: another interesting thing I'm seeing is that when I try to reboot with mir enabled, it doesn't seem to succeed the first time20:31
kgunnplars: in /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/unity8.log does it make reference to unblanking...or not being able to get a display ??20:32
loolrsalveti: rebooting to test too20:34
plarskgunn: well, I was about to kick off camera and gallery, but I will make my way back to that20:35
rsalvetilool: did you build a new android image?20:35
loolrsalveti: no, intended to combine your .deb's initrd with my device's boot.img20:35
kgunnolli: ^20:36
rsalvetilool: right, that should be enough to test the initrd image20:36
kgunnjust pointing out we're redirecting plars to those tests we discussed20:36
plarskgunn: camera_app tests all pass with mir + manual unlock20:39
kgunn\o/ plars ...20:40
loolrsalveti: hmm which one should I take, saucy-android-ramdisk+mako.img or saucy-ramdisk+mako.img?20:41
rsalvetisaucy-ramdisk+mako.img probably, the other one should be from android20:42
ollilool, ^ fyi20:43
rsalvetilool: boots fine here20:44
loolrsalveti: cool, did you test with dbus?20:44
rsalvetilool: checking that bug now, see if it was really fixed20:45
loolrsalveti: I'm not sure how to easily reproduce, but I definitely got some url-dispatcher crash files here in the past with dbus connection refused20:46
loolrsalveti: I just want to make sure session opens correctly with it20:46
plarskgunn: one failure on gallery20:46
plarsMismatchError: After 10.0 seconds test on TextEditOnClick.text failed: u'Photos' != dbus.String(u'My Photo Album', variant_level=1)20:46
plarskgunn: could just be a flaky test - will rerun20:47
loolplars: do you have the mir test results up on reports.qa?20:47
plarskgunn: but I *really* have to go get my kids now20:47
plarslool: no, still not possible to run with mir20:47
rsalvetilool: right, had those crashes before as well20:47
rsalvetichecking now20:47
plarslool: you have to unlock by hand20:47
loolplars: do we understand what it entails to do it with Mir?20:47
plarslool: not yet20:47
plarslool: the unity tests and the unlock script both restart unity8 with -testability though, could be the common factor20:48
plarslool: I have to run, but will be back in a bit and on/off most of the evening20:48
plarskgunn: I'll let you know how the second run of the gallery tests went when I get back20:49
looleh we have dbus-x11 on the image20:49
loolrsalveti: rebooting with latest dbus packages here20:49
loolplars: ok20:49
rsalvetilool: seems fine after reboot20:51
sergiusenslool, I just saw the same issue, ran system settings and it even eventyally took out adb20:51
loolrsalveti: works well here too20:52
loolrsalveti: I can kick an image now if you like20:52
rsalvetilool: whatever you prefer :-)20:52
looldoing it  :-)20:52
loolI actually wanted this dbus fix tonight20:53
looland to test that initrd change (didn't plan the hybris one, that's bonus!)20:53
loolrsalveti: running20:53
loolrsalveti: ~42 minutes20:53
loolsergiusens: ah!20:53
loolsergiusens: are you on SF?20:54
loolI guess this might be due to the Mir changes regressing SF, not sure whether it's worth fixing20:54
sergiusenslool, mir20:54
loolsergiusens: ok, then the good news is that it's not SF/Mir specific20:54
looland the bad news is that it's a serious bug20:54
loolsergiusens: did you get a crash file?20:54
rsalvetilool: great, thanks20:55
sergiusenslool, I actually have a bunch of crashes20:55
sergiusenslool, none for the settings though, let me reproduce20:56
loolsergiusens: check if unity8 crashed though20:56
loolsergiusens: I personally look at timestamps in /var/crash20:57
loolls -ltr /var/crash20:57
sergiusenslool, it did, but I've been using this for a week and it's an old crash20:57
loolah right20:58
sergiusenslool, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6189839/20:58
sergiusenslool, the crashes I see aren't that nice though :-)20:58
sergiusenslool, those get autouploaded, right?20:58
loolsergiusens: no20:58
loolyou have to touch s/.crash/.upload/20:59
loole.g. touch /var/crash/usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf_hud_hud-service.32011.upload20:59
loolthen eventually it will be20:59
loolsergiusens: all your recent ones are scary   :-(20:59
sergiusenslool, ex`actly :-)20:59
loolsergiusens: we've just updated hud, we've just updated url-dispatcher21:00
* sergiusens curses keyboa`rd21:00
cwaynesergiusens, i don't suppose we've bundled a bunch of fixes together recently have we? :)21:01
balloonsfginther, re:ubuntu-app-devel thread.  I know it's late in the day and we're all scrambling, but I don't want our conversation to get lost. Do we need to bring it up with some more folks?21:04
fgintherballoons, thinking about who to engage...21:08
loolsergiusens: what are the steps to trigger the crash when settings is running?21:12
loolI tried turning the screen off, and it dind't work21:12
sergiusenslool, go to the background settings21:14
sergiusenscwayne, I want to include two of doanac's MRs in there as well21:15
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
fgintherballoons, let pick it up tomorrow morning21:16
balloonsfginther, I'll send a mail to say you zoltan and asac?21:17
balloonselse I will forget21:17
fgintherballoons, sure21:18
cwaynesergiusens, makes sense, any ETA on it?21:19
loolthomi: are you looking at the autopilot changes to do the powerd dance and the unlocking on mir?  :-)21:20
thomilool: no, plars seemed to indicate that it wasn't a problem. Besides, you can only use powerd-cli as root, so I think (for now, anyway) this is something that needs to happen on the CI side21:22
sergiusenslool, if you do that, you get terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::runtime_error> >'21:22
sergiusenslool, I think seb128 knows about this though21:22
loolseb128: ^ is this something you ou know of?21:23
loolsergiusens: I tried the PPA version too, but unity8 crashed instead21:23
thomilool: then again, if you can think of a solution, I'm happy to write the code :)21:23
loolthomi: what do you mean on the CI side?21:23
loolin the tests?21:23
thomilool: No, I mean as part of the environment setup you guys could run 'powerd-cli active' as root21:23
seb128lool, sergiusens: knowing about what?21:24
thomiwhich prevents the screen from blanking while that command is running21:24
loolseb128: crash when opening background pane in settings21:24
sergiusensseb128, background changes with mir enabled21:24
loolthomi: do you know where the piece of code to unlock the screen lives?21:24
loolis that utah?21:24
loolthomi: and are there other AP issues that you know of on Mir outside of the unlock thing?21:25
thomilool: there's this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/123495621:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234956 in Mir "mir does not recognise autopilot autopilot input device on maguro" [Critical,Confirmed]21:25
thomilool: which means maguro runs will break right now21:25
thomiactually, plars should know about that21:25
thomiplars: probably no point doing your maguro test runs for kgunn, since we know it's not going to work21:26
loolthomi: thanks21:28
seb128lool, sergiusens: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/123473321:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234733 in ubuntu-system-settings "Substituting wallpaper under mir produces blackout" [High,Incomplete]21:30
seb128lool, sergiusens: that seems like a toolkit/mir issue, e.g the image crossfading from the toolkit is making mir segfaulting21:30
loolseb128: yeah, that's what I was thinking too21:30
sergiusensseb128, seems it's a mir bug21:30
loolit could be the qtdeclarative update21:31
loolsergiusens: I get it on SF21:31
sergiusenslool, oh :-/21:31
sergiusenslool, what qtdeclarative update?21:31
loolrsalveti: image up21:31
sergiusensseb128, on the plus side, after rebooting I get my chosen wallpaper :-)21:31
rsalvetilool: great, thanks21:32
seb128sergiusens, ;-)21:32
loolseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20131003.1.changes21:32
seb128sergiusens, ^21:33
loolseb128, sergiusens: I dont even get to chose21:33
looljust loading the background pane and it crashes here21:33
seb128lool, that's what the bug I pointed out describe21:33
seb128lool, the preview widget in the setting apps do the crossfading, I guess that's what mir doesn't like21:34
seb128lool, can you try the testcase from ken on the bug?21:34
sergiusensseb128, I'll give it a shot21:35
loolwhy is the new ui-toolkit in the image21:36
sergiusenslool, seb128 this is what I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/6189974/21:44
sergiusensno crash21:44
plarsthomi: ack21:46
loolseb128, sergiusens: The thing is that this ubuntu-ui-toolkit should NOT be in archive and hence in image21:48
loolit had regressions21:48
looland it's likely causing these21:48
loolbut it looks like a zombie job pushed it, I can't figure what has possibly uploaded it21:49
seb128lool, that manual workflow doesn't work, we should just use the normal proposed/blocks/review as the release team is doing for other flavors21:49
loolyes, I was about to add a block for this package21:50
kgunnplars: it would be super useful if you could document your testing findings here https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1b-X9tN2Q9c_5r39XzA-Ppebbjuin5zVf9SkAGMcdp9Q/edit#21:51
kgunnits from the qa team...and i think your seeing results much better with the manual intervention21:51
* sergiusens will avoid more opinions on the current process21:53
plarskgunn: I'll take a look with this image that just came out later tonight when I get back22:00
plarskgunn: until then, the automated tests are running (with surfaceflinger)22:01
plarskgunn: is anyone looking at the difference in responsiveness of mir vs. surfaceflinger?22:01
loolplars: hey22:02
kgunnplars: wrt responsiveness....we'd need data22:02
plarslool: hi22:02
loolplars: could we sync on the current Mir status22:03
kgunnplars: wrt testing... olli was really wanting us to have a (manually produced if required) aggregate view of all the data from what we would normally run on SF...but run no mir22:03
plarskgunn: I don't have hard data, just observation from manually unlocking the screen. Is there any way to rig a framerate counter or something?22:03
loolplars: both on the status of running the Mir tests and the actual number of tests passing22:03
loolplars: also, where is the piece of code unlocking the screen that we need to fix?  :-)22:04
plarslool: I have to take my son to something in just a few min. but the basic status is that we can only run tests manually for right now because unlocking the screen doesn't seem to work with mir using the methods we used before22:04
plarslool: one sec22:04
plarslool: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/files/head:/utils/target/ (see the unlock_screen stuff there)22:05
loolok thanks22:05
loolthomi: so in lp:~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch there's the piece currently unlocking the screen under utils/target/unlock_screen.py; it's usingthe autopilot input.Touch stuff to unlock; would you know what breaks it on mako?22:10
loolwith Mir22:10
thomilool: should work fine with mir22:12
thomion mako22:12
loolplars: are you testing on mako or maguro?22:17
plarslool: usually mako, but I have both22:17
plarslool: I really have to run now, will be back later22:18
loolsee you22:18
thomiplars: just to clarify our earlier conversation regarding powerd-cli - that's reuired for mir, since, under mir, unity8 will nto start when the screen is blanked22:21
thomiplars: I realise I left that critical piece of information out of my earlier message22:21
thomiso yeah - if we see lots of failures trying to start the unity8 shell, you guys might want to shoehorn that powerd-cli command in somewhere22:22
loolthomi: I keep trying to start/stop unity8, it never comes up22:30
loolI'm holding a powerd-cli lock22:30
loolI do get a crash file though22:31
thomilool: do you have  a stale /tmp/mir_socket?22:32
thomilool: also, what does ~/.cache/upstart/unity8 say?22:32
loolthomi: how can I tell?22:32
thomilool: with unity8 stopped, does that file exist?22:33
loolterminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::system::system_error> >' what():  bind: Address already in use22:33
thomilool: yeah, so check that unity8 isn't already running somewhere22:33
thomiand if it's not, rm /tmp/mir_socket22:34
loolthat helped a bit22:34
loolstart isn't stuck anymore22:34
loolbut it's not starting either22:34
thomilool: it takes a while22:34
thomitail -f ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log22:35
loolhmm perhaps I'm not patient enough22:35
loolit's indeed starting22:35
loolturning a11y on again22:35
loolstarting again with a11y22:36
loolindeed, it started22:36
thomi \o/22:36
loolnow trying unlock22:36
looland that worked too22:37
loolso a) add powerd-cli active,  b) rm mir_socket if it's stuck22:37
loolthomi: do you know about the bug id for unity8 not coping with screen blanking?22:39
thomilool: no, sorry22:40
loolthomi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mir/+bug/123500022:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1235000 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Unity8 wont start on Mir when screen is blanked" [Undecided,New]22:48
loolkgunn: ^22:48
thomihey guys - I've tracked down the mi-on-maguro problem22:56
thomiand the root of it is that "getprop ro.hardware" returns "tuna"22:57
thomiwhen it should return "maguro"22:57
thomiany ideas?22:57
thomiseems like it should be using ro.product.device23:00
sergiusensthomi, that is correct, you want to use what phablet-tools uses23:06
sergiusensthomi, ro.product.device23:07
sergiusensthomi, ah, didn't read the whole thing23:07
sergiusensthomi, also used across the system23:08
loolthomi, plars, doanac: https://code.launchpad.net/~lool/ubuntu-test-cases/powerd-lock/+merge/18919123:08
thomisergiusens: cool - thanks23:10
looldoanac, plars: Going to bed now, but if you could test this patch and try to run AP tests with it on Mir, that would be great23:10

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