
=== oreneeshy_ is now known as oreneeshy
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
mpt"When auto-join and Wi-Fi are on, the phone will connect to the first available network in this list."16:38
* mpt tries to think of a word to mean "non-feeble", to use instead of "available"16:41
snwhmpt by first available network to you meany any network?16:44
snwhlike your neighbours open wifi16:45
mptsnwh, that probably wouldn't be in the list (of remembered networks), unless it was open or your neighbors had shared the password with you.16:46
mptThis is distinct from the list of currently-available networks.16:46
snwhmpt, how about "the best" instead of "first available"?16:47
mptWell, that's not quite true...16:47
snwhbest signal vs best network. yeah16:48
mptFor example, you might want to use a conference's bespoke Wi-Fi network instead of the hotel's annoyingly gatewayed Wi-Fi even in areas where the latter is marginally stronger.16:48
mptSo you can reorder the list by preference.16:49
snwhokay now i get it.16:50
snwhpresumably one would just use one over the other then and not choose to remember the one they don't want to use16:51
snwhyou could just drop available16:52
snwhand have the list order the networks automatically based on availability?16:52
mptThe list includes networks that aren't currently available so you can choose to forget them even when they're not currently available.16:52
mptSo if you once tried to connect to a citywide network but now you're in an area where it wafts in and out of detectability, you don't need to grab it at just the right time to tell Ubuntu never to try connecting to it again. You can tell Ubuntu that at any time.16:53
snwhit's a list of remembered networks that you can order by preference.16:57
snwhbut is it ordered by availability as well?16:59
snwhpreferred network 317:01
snwhpreferred network 117:01
snwhpreferred network 217:01
snwhpreferred network 417:01
snwhpreferred network 5 *17:01
mptThe primary list is just available networks <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Networking#phone-wifi>17:02
mptThis will be a separate list on a secondary screen17:02
snwhi don't know why I'm analyzing it17:03
mptHeh, sorry, I was just thinking aloud about the caption17:04
snwhi was just trying to get a sense of it, in order to get a word17:05
snwhwhich is what prompted the thinking aloud in the first place, and I wasted your time with all that, heh17:06
snwhmpt, so what's wrong with "available"?17:07
* snwh thinks it's nice that #ubuntu-design is getting used17:08

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