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tjaaltonwhat dictates that :all builds are run on i386 and not on, say, amd64?07:22
Noskcajtjaalton, tradition07:23
tjaaltonmakes sense, but would it then make sense to let amd64 build handle it?07:24
tjaaltonthat would at least fix the libx11 build failure, where w3m crashes on i386 building docs :)07:24
tjaaltonthough not enough of a reason to switch of course07:24
xnoxslangasek: stgraber: re: upstart-adt, i've seen that test-failure on very fast machines, at the time i was suspecting that libnih time resolution is no longer precise enough for the test in question, but I didn't dig too deep into it.07:56
xnoxjodh: ^ maybe we should finally fix https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-adt-upstart/81/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/artifact/results/ ?07:57
jodhxnox: looking at it now...07:57
xnoxhttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-adt-upstart/81/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/artifact/results/log/*view*/  BAD: wrong value for utmp->ut_tv.tv_usec, got unexpected 48730107:58
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seb128xnox, hey, are you looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-wallpapers/+bug/1216223 ?08:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 1216223 in ubuntu-wallpapers (Ubuntu) "Wallpapers for saucy salamander are being modified the wrong way, worsening their quality" [Medium,Confirmed]08:38
seb128(I wonder if that's something we should fix before release)08:38
LaneyI mailed the guy who gave us the compressed versions08:38
Laneybut he didn't get back to me08:38
seb128Laney, is that somebody from our design team?08:39
Laneyseb128: I don't know who it is08:39
Laneyit was on the mail you forwarded to me08:39
Laneymight have CCed you on my enquiry08:39
seb128yeah, just found the bug back08:40
seb128mpt, ^ do you know who in design could help on that?08:41
mptseb128, jnick_tait08:41
seb128mpt, thanks08:41
xnoxseb128: thanks for the ping. I don't know how we usually get the wallpapers committed to the branch. Cause there is nothing in the package build that changes quality, and if we didn't take the best available images from flickr that's sad, and/or do we manually resize/crop them at all?08:42
Laneysome guy did some adjustments to make the size smaller08:43
seb128xnox, I've no idea what the process is or what happened to them08:43
xnox=/ i see.08:43
LaneyI think there was a size budget of 5M or so08:43
xnoxLaney: i understand a size budget on the default wallpaper, but not the community ones.08:44
Laneythey're installed by default too08:44
xnoxLaney: well it's memory mapped, so a huge default wallpaper will hinder default benchmarks and somesuch. The rest is just prettiness and we should take highest resolution images we can, think of cinematic iMac displays with huge resolution.08:48
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seb128xnox, the budget was to spare CD size when we still had that target08:50
seb128not sure it still makes sense nowadays, though it's good to keep some control there08:50
seb128otherwise we are going to drift08:50
LaneyI'm not aware that we have just let it go completely08:51
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cjwatsontjaalton: Historically we've found that more arch all builds have actually worked on i386.  The correlation isn't perfect09:10
tjaaltoncjwatson: ah, ok09:38
xnox@pilot in09:49
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 Beta 1 released | Archive: frozen | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: xnox
xnoxslangasek: another nfs/mountall bug #123461310:13
ubottubug 1234613 in mountall (Ubuntu) "NFS shares are not mounted at boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123461310:13
zygajodh: hey, I filed a bug on upstart and upstart-dbus-bridge yesterday, have you had a chance to see it?10:29
jodhzyga: I cannot recreate the problem you describe. As I say, create a job that specifies "start on dbus" and the bridge will start emitting events which will be visible at that point using upstart-monitor.10:30
zygajodh: which version of upstart were you running?10:31
jodhzyga: version in saucy10:31
zygajodh: I created a job as described in the bug report10:31
zygajodh: and I only saw the stream of events after I started the bridge manually with --always10:31
jodhzyga: as I say, I cannot recreate that behaviour.10:32
zygajodh: is there any chance that your environment is somehow modified and that is concealing the problem, I'm running a fresh install of saucy and I can just reproduce that bug over and over10:35
jodhzyga: identified your problem - bug updated.10:35
zygajodh: this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/123439310:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 1234393 in upstart (Ubuntu) "upstart-dbus-bridge never forwards events without passing --always" [Undecided,Invalid]10:37
jodhzyga: yes10:38
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zygaso how can I get system dbus events?10:38
zygacan I?10:38
ari-tczewxnox: can you for me sponsor something @main?10:41
zygajodh: so does that mean that it's not possible to listen to signals on the system bus from system jobs?10:42
jodhzyga: no, it simply means we don't start an instance of the dbus bridge connected to the system bus at the system level.10:43
zygajodh: well, why don't we?10:43
xnoxari-tczew: can I has url/link?10:43
zygajodh: and is the solution to have a job that runs that that my other job needs to depend on?10:44
xnoxzyga: what system dbus events are you listening on?10:44
zygaxnox: I wanted to listen to network manager events10:44
xnoxzyga: more specific?10:44
zygaxnox: but that's not relevant really, it's about if that feature is available or not, is there a reason why this is restricted to session bus?10:45
zygaxnox: StateChanged10:45
ari-tczewxnox: https://code.launchpad.net/~ari-tczew/ubuntu/saucy/iptables/lp-1228525-1134554-1187177/+merge/18785910:45
xnoxzyga: system-wide events we already have "net-device-added|changed|down|removed|up"10:45
zygaxnox: that's not the same10:46
zygaxnox: and I don't seem to see 'down' events when I disable my network from nm (but I do see the associated network manager dbus signal)10:46
xnoxthat's weird, i would have expected for you to see them.10:47
zygaxnox: is there a reason why we're not running the system level dbus-upstart bridge or is this just an oversight?10:47
zygaxnox: I see up events though10:47
xnoxzyga: we had it, and then removed. As far as I we figured, both dbus system & session events are only useful in user-session jobs. You are the first one to be using it in a system job.10:48
xnoxzyga: why are you using a system job? do you have to be root?10:48
zygaxnox: yes10:48
zygaxnox: well, it's very powerful, no need to have a silly daemon to lurk for that signal10:48
zygaxnox: unless there's a security issue I think it's just as valid as the session bus, user bridge10:49
xnoxzyga: problem is that when we start system-dbus bridge on system level, those events are replayed to the session-init's =/10:49
zygaI'm not quite sure I understand10:51
jodhzyga: we don't run that a dbus bridge at the system level is security-related: see https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesodhunt/upstart/upstart-dbus-bridge/+merge/161772/comments/38255410:51
zygawell that's too bad10:52
zygaI'll think about a workaround10:52
zygajodh: is there a bug open on that?10:52
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jodhzyga: not that I'm aware of; if you think there is a good reason to run that bus at the system level, feel free to raise a bug.10:54
zygajodh: I've filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/123465310:54
xnoxzyga: well, you just need to add system level dbus-bridge job, and then you can add yours jobs on top of it.10:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 1234653 in upstart (Ubuntu) "upstart-dbus-bridge --system is not started on boot" [Undecided,New]10:54
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xnoxzyga: jodh: strange thing is there is "net-device-up IFACE='eth0' LOGICAL='eth0' ADDRFAM='NetwokManager' METHOD='NetworkManager'" yet there is no matching "net-device-down" upstart event from network-manager.10:54
zygaxnox: yeah, I can confirm that10:55
zygaxnox: but10:55
xnoxwhen eth0 went down, from network-manager.10:55
zygaxnox: could it be possible that nothing is listening to that so it's not being sent somehwo?10:55
zygaxnox: as for your comment, are you saying that I can just run the bridge myself as a separate job (not part of default install)10:55
xnoxzyga: i created "start on net-device-down \n exec env" and it wasn't run.10:55
xnoxzyga: yeap. =)10:55
zygaxnox: won't that have the security issue that we described by jodh above?10:56
xnoxzyga: you need that bridge, so start it ;-)10:56
zygaxnox: still it will work :) I'll give that a TRY10:56
xnoxzyga: sure it will, but that's your choice ;-)10:56
zygamodified session job, I'll give it a try11:00
zygayeah, it works like a charm now11:03
xnoxjdstrand: slangasek: psivaa is reporting that today's desktop daily is failing SecureBOot certificate validation:11:07
xnox$ sbverify --cert microsoft-uefica-public.pem /mnt/EFI/BOOT/BOOTx64.EFI11:07
xnoxwarning: data remaining[1230256 vs 1355656]: gaps between PE/COFF sections?11:07
xnoxPKCS7 verification failed11:07
xnox139756278539968:error:21075075:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_verify:certificate verify error:pk7_smime.c:342:Verify error:certificate has expired11:07
xnoxSignature verification failed11:07
xnoxjdstrand: can it be that certs in lp:qa-regression-testing/notes_testing/secure-boot/keys are out of date?11:08
ari-tczewcjwatson: I'm encouraging one maintainer in Debian to get our delta (use B-D libtiff-dev rather than libtiff4-dev) applied there, as well. However, he has to get an extra reason to. is there a documentation/discuss for?11:12
xnoxari-tczew: this http://release.debian.org/transitions/html/libtiff5.html11:14
cjwatsonari-tczew: Short / more readable version of the above: it means that when the libtiff5 transition starts in Debian, his package will only need a binNMU (which can be done in bulk by the release team) rather than a coordinated upload11:16
cjwatsonThere's only a single provider of libtiff-dev at any one time, so it's fine to build-depend directly on it without additionally stating a real alternative11:17
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ari-tczewcjwatson: ok, so I'll write that and additional he doesn't need to update B-D version every time - is it ok?11:18
ari-tczewcjwatson: ok thanks11:19
psivaaxnox: jdstrand: slangasek: the shim signature verification happens with today's *both desktop and server images..11:24
xnoxpsivaa: "happens" as in passes or fails?11:25
psivaaxnox: fails11:25
cjwatsonThat's expected, same shim11:26
cjwatsonI mean, I'd be very surprised if they differed :)11:26
psivaaok :), was thinking if that'd indicate cert expiry11:26
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I didn't know where should do I to report a bug to ubuntu-sponsorship-miner, so I'm writing here: since we upload things to *-proposed, your script recognizes syncs als sru.11:30
tumbleweedari-tczew: ah, that wouldn't suprise me11:31
ari-tczewtumbleweed: is it possible to get a small whish there? counting search result, like: Sponsorships: 12311:32
xnoxslangasek: psivaa: precise 12.04.2 and raring are also failing sbverify in the same way (expired cert)11:52
ari-tczewxnox: should do I update d/changelog @iptables?11:59
xnoxari-tczew: nah, it's ok.12:01
psivaaxnox: thanks for checking.. we dont have this test for other releases than the dev release12:36
xnoxTheMuso: do we want bug 1231367 and bug  123136512:36
ubottubug 1231367 in at-spi2-atk (Ubuntu) "Sync at-spi2-atk 2.10.0-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123136712:36
ubottubug 1231365 in atk1.0 (Ubuntu) "Sync atk1.0 2.10.0-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123136512:36
xnoxpsivaa: but precise-daily should have been running this?!12:36
cjwatsonit might've had a later sig from the last point release?12:37
psivaaxnox: no, precise daily uses different script for the test. may be we should update that12:37
xnoxpsivaa: i thought static-iso-validation.py thing is generic enough to run against precise images as well.12:40
xnox(it has many guards and checks for things that are only application to e.g. precise or quantal and up and etc)12:41
psivaaxnox: yea i think we have two versions of them :) one of which does not have this test12:41
xnox /o\12:42
psivaaxnox: i'll try and update that12:42
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ari-tczewxnox: did you upload iptables to saucy-proposed?12:54
xnoxari-tczew: check the queue.12:54
xnoxari-tczew: you know where, right?12:55
ari-tczewxnox: if you mean https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+queue then I don't see or have wrong URL13:09
ari-tczewahh unapproved13:09
xnoxari-tczew: drop down "unapproved" click apply.13:09
ari-tczewok got it13:09
ari-tczewxnox: don't mind pm speaking?13:10
tedgstgraber, So we've got an issue where it seems that, randomly, some upstart jobs can't connect to dbus.13:11
tedgstgraber, When we get crash signatures they don't seem to have DBUS_SESSION_BUS* in their environment.13:12
tedgstgraber, Even if they're "start on started dbus"13:12
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tedgstgraber, Do you have any idea how that could happen?13:12
guest560139i just read the following article:13:28
guest560139and i like the suggestion at the end of it:13:28
guest560139"Matthew additionally suggests as an option Canonical just drop XMir entirely and focus their resources on the Mir-based Unity 8 desktop."13:28
guest560139so, any chance you could do that? just drop XMir entirely and focus on pure Mir and Unity 8?13:29
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smartboyhwOK, weird, but I'm seeing the latest 5 blueprints in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/ about the same thing13:39
sconklin@pilot in13:39
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 Beta 1 released | Archive: frozen | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: xnox, sconklin
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 Beta 2 released | Archive: frozen | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: xnox, sconklin
smartboyhw(It's Beta 2 certainly;))13:40
cjwatsonI wish I could restrict blueprint registration to developers13:41
smartboyhwcjwatson, Ubuntu Members maybe13:41
cjwatsonI used to try to garden the list of Ubuntu blueprints, but it's just been a total mess for a long time because people think it's a good way to make random feature requests13:43
cjwatsonAnd various well-meaning bug triagers have been encouraging that behaviour13:44
seb128cjwatson, I use to try to keep on top of the launchpad bug reports :p13:44
cjwatsonYeah :)13:44
seb128that seems the same sort of fighting windmills13:44
cjwatsonAt this point it would be about a month of work doing nothing else just to get the Ubuntu blueprint list vaguely reasonable13:45
smartboyhwcjwatson, :(13:45
cjwatson(Not that I don't think users should be able to make feature requests or anything, but blueprints are an awful way to do it)13:45
smartboyhwWe should have a big big note on blueprint registration pages that says "If you want to make feature requests, please report a bug. We can only accept blueprints which are worked on." (That sort of thing, you guys write the wordings)13:46
cjwatsonI'd rather just ACL it13:47
smartboyhwcjwatson, ACL it then (to ~ubuntu-members please, community people should still be able to use blueprints)13:47
cjwatsonThe thing that makes it hard is that any ACL we come up with would have to apply sensibly to projects too13:48
tedgstgraber, I've tried to start collecting data in a bug 123473113:48
ubottubug 1234731 in dbus (Ubuntu) "DBus jobs not setting environment variables" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123473113:48
cjwatsonThe members slot might not be terrible, but it'd require discussion and probably argument, and I have so many other things to do ...13:48
smartboyhwcjwatson, maybe I should spark the discussion?13:52
xnoxcjwatson: i wonder if that's spamming (~8 equivalent blueprints) or failure to find/realise the blueprint was filed =)13:52
smartboyhwxnox, I saw 244 proposed blueprints filed for the "sprint" that the registrant has set up13:52
cjwatsonxnox: it's probably confused good faith13:52
cjwatson*very* confused good faith13:53
cjwatsonsmartboyhw: you could file an LP bug at least13:53
smartboyhwcjwatson, sure, will do later13:53
Laneymlankhorst: which xorg-server is good?13:57
mlankhorstall of them13:57
mlankhorsterm what exactly do you mean specifically? :P13:58
Laneythere are two13:58
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mlankhorsterm tjaalton uploaded13:59
tjaaltonyes, delete the older one13:59
Laneyoh indeed13:59
tjaaltongit merge fail, or lack thereof13:59
Laneythey have the same date in .changes14:00
tjaaltondrop both then and I'll reupload14:00
Laneyhang on14:00
smartboyhwcjwatson, xnox Bug 1234738 for you guys14:00
ubottubug 1234738 in Launchpad itself "Blueprint Registration should have been able to set ACLs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123473814:00
Laneytjaalton: tell me the sha256sum of the .dsc14:01
Laneydoesn't match14:03
cjwatsonsmartboyhw: thanks14:03
Laneyhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/152224844/xorg-server_1.14.3-3ubuntu1_source.changes https://launchpadlibrarian.net/152225662/xorg-server_1.14.3-3ubuntu1_source.changes14:03
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tjaaltonok drop both then?14:05
tjaaltonin fact I have an additional change that fixes a crasher with few dupes14:05
tjaaltonuploading a refreshed version14:09
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tedgjodh, So I'm looking at this url-dispatcher crash file, and what's weird to me is that there isn't an UPSTART_JOB env var set.  Does that seem odd to you if it was started by Upstart?15:06
jodhtedg: are there any upstart variables?15:07
jodhtedg: certainly sounds like it was not started by upstart :)15:07
tedgjodh, No, there aren't: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch_ro-maguro-smoke-music-app-autopilot/101/artifact/clientlogs/_usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf_url-dispatcher_url-dispatcher.32011.crash/*view*/15:07
tedgjodh, It's parent PID is upstart...15:07
tedgjodh, And the shell is weird as well.15:07
jodhtedg: you're printing environ from the core file right?15:08
tedgjodh, I believe apport grabs it from proc in the crash files.15:08
jodhtedg: don't rely on the apport header for the env - it only shows a small (safe) subset of variables.15:08
tedgjodh, Ah, okay.15:09
cjwatsonDamn, I had forgotten just how quickly sagari builds stuff - libreoffice in 1h20m15:10
tedgTo get more I need to get to that core then...15:10
jodhtedg: yup15:10
cjwatsonAlthough I notice that libreoffice's build times radically improved in 4.1.215:10
cjwatsonThough on powerpc, not on amd6415:10
tedgplars, Do the crash files from the autopilot tests get uploaded to daisy?15:11
tedgIf a crash file is created, but never uploaded to daisy, does it really exist?15:13
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plarstedg: no, I don't think it does15:16
tedgplars, Can it?15:17
plarstedg: pitti worked on some stuff to make that possible a while back but I had issues with it last time I tried to integrate it. It hasn't been a huge issue so far I don't think but if it important, I can prioritize fixing that15:17
plarstedg: but it's not going to be something that happens today, for instance, so for now you do have the crash file at least15:18
tedgplars, I don't think it is critical, but it would be nice.15:19
plarstedg: ack15:19
tedgplars, Perhaps ev can add something to errors to note when it's recreated with a know machine ID in the QA lab.15:20
tedgThose would be probably more reliable results.15:20
evtedg: couldn't we just look up the reports by machine ID?15:20
plarstedg: I'll see about talking to pitti tomorrow (he's eod by now I think) and get unstuck on it as soon as possible15:21
tedgev, We could, I was more thinking a little canonical logo or something on the crash listing to highlight it.15:21
plarstedg: given the hoops necessary to jump through for getting these things uploaded at the moment, I think you can just assume that anything touch on there is one in the lab once we get it working15:22
tedgjodh, So I do have UPSTART_SESSION, but I don't have UPSTART_JOB15:25
tedgWait, show environment, doesn't seem to show the core's environment.15:27
jodhtedg: print environ15:27
tedgjodh, That just gives me a big negative number.15:28
tedgGuessing the core doesn't have?15:28
jodhtedg: try 'print ((char**)'environ@@GLIBC_2.0')[0]'15:29
tedgHmm, no symbol table.15:29
tedgI guess I need debug packages15:29
Laneyev: Pinged you while you were away, but I guess it got lost — want to check about whoopsie on touch15:31
Laneywrt. system-settings - the toggle doesn't work; I guess it needs a pkla to authorise the action15:32
Laneythe diagnostics toggle, that is15:32
Laneybut more broadly, do we have whoopsie working on the images atm?15:32
evLaney:  yes, lost much IRC data while on holiday15:32
Laneyno worries15:32
Laneyhope you had a good time ;-)15:32
evLaney: yes, presumably needs pkla15:33
evand yes, it is working on the images15:33
evwe just don't have armhf retracers deployed yet15:33
evbut we're receiving data15:33
evand thanks, sure did!15:33
jodhtedg: how easy is it for you to reproduce the problem? You could try the procenv re-exec trick if it's relatively easy: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#determining-why-your-service-fails-to-start15:33
tedgjodh, Nearly impossible to recreate :-/  Everytime we think we have someway it "fixes" itself on that machine.15:34
jodhtedg: ie change your job to specify "exec procenv --file=/tmp/procenv.log --exec -- hud...". Rather than --file you can specify --output=syslog or --output=stdout, etc.15:34
jodhtedg: ok :(15:34
tedgSadly, this crash file is the best thing that's happened this month for this bug.15:35
seb128tedg, can you make the apport hook collect the full /proc/pid/environ?15:36
jodhtedg: can't we rig a system to auto-reboot constantly checking for the required condition?15:36
tedgseb128, Trying to get debug symbols to see if I can grab it.15:36
tedgseb128, If not, yes.15:36
tedgjodh, Good idea, really it'd just be "any crash files" now :-)15:36
Laneyev: ok, pkla appreciated then :P15:39
Laneythere's efforts to make sure everything visible in the UI works15:39
seb128tedg, what are you looking for in that env?15:40
tedgseb128, There was a theory that the session bus address wasn't getting propagated.15:41
tedgI'm printing it now.15:41
seb128tedg, ok, I've it as well15:41
seb128but if you have it you probably don't need me ;-)15:41
seb128tedg, jodh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6188605/15:43
tedgThis does seem more sane overall15:44
tedgjodh, What's the "JOB" variable for?15:44
seb128tedg, how did you print it? I've been hacking around, but I would be happy to learn the "clean way" :p15:44
tedgseb128, I did "print environ[0]" and incremented until I got to NULL15:44
seb128tedg, ok15:45
seb128tedg, p (char *)*environ@8015:45
seb128tedg, that's better :p15:45
tedgseb128, You're scary :-)15:45
tedgSeems like there should be a way to do NULL terminated lists.  But I dont' know it.15:45
seb128@<len> works though15:45
udevbotError: "<len>" is not a valid command.15:45
seb128you just get a bit of noise at the end15:46
jodhtedg: that's the event variable that that was set when your job started (recall that 'start on starting foo' actually means 'start on starting JOB=foo').15:46
jodhtedg: whereas UPSTART_JOB is "self".15:46
tedgK, so that makes sense.15:47
tedgI wonder if we're just starting faster than DBus can be ready?15:48
jdstrandxnox: all the keys in qrt are 13 years or more before being expired16:02
slangasekjdstrand: so the issue we're seeing is that the certificate embedded in the shim data itself, which chains from Subject: C=US, ST=Washington, L=Redmond, O=Microsoft Corporation, CN=Microsoft Corporation UEFI CA 2011 to the key actually used for signing (subject=/C=US/ST=Washington/L=Redmond/O=Microsoft Corporation/OU=MOPR/CN=Microsoft Windows UEFI Driver Publisher), is expired16:08
slangasekat least, that's how it appears16:08
slangasekthe other possibility is that we're verifying the expiry on Microsoft Windows UEFI Driver Publisher, but it's not actually in the verification chain16:09
slangasekdifficult to extract this information with the available tools :/16:09
jdstrandslangasek: ah, that was going to be my next question, if the embedded cert was expired16:10
slangasekso I think this is probably a bug in sbverify16:10
slangasekxnox: ^^16:11
slangasekxnox: what command did you run on bug #1234649 that managed to show you the full certificate details in one go? :)16:13
ubottubug 1234649 in shim-signed (Ubuntu) "UEFI shim verification against microsoft-uefica-public.pem fails with 20131003 saucy images" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123464916:13
slangasekah, -text -print_certs16:13
lamont /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gobject/constants.py:24: Warning: g_boxed_type_register_static: assertion 'g_type_from_name (name) == 0' failed16:18
lamontwhy does saucy hate me so?16:18
xnoxslangasek: yeap, all in the bug, i figured it's a convenient place to document stuff.16:21
tedgjodh, Is there a way to make the dbus job not register as "started" until it listens on the socket?16:21
xnoxtedg: hm, we can do post-start script where it checks the socket?16:22
xnoxtedg: we do wish kernel could report to upstart when listen was called on the socket.16:22
tedgxnox, That works for me... I guess we can try to connect in a loop...16:24
tedg"Are we there yet?"16:24
xnoxtedg: that.16:24
evLaney: where should the pkla live? I don't see any in ubuntu-system-settings16:24
xnoxtedg: i'm not proud of my address, and no post-code envy, but here is an example from mysql daemon that does post-start check: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/mysql-5.5/saucy/view/head:/debian/mysql-server-5.5.mysql.upstart16:26
Laneyev: what's it going to say?16:26
tedgxnox, K, trying to think of something silly we can do...16:27
evLaney: presumably allow on com.ubuntu.WhoopsiePreferences since we don't have a password dialog (to my knowledge) for auth_admin?16:28
evbut we don't want that going to the desktop image16:28
Laneyev: yeah, I mean are you going to do it for the admin group or what?16:28
evLaney: yeah, I imagine that would be sufficient.16:28
xnoxtedg: dbus-send to succeed to upstart?!16:29
jodhtedg: once you can recreate the problem, I wonder if it is worth tweaking the session dbus.conf job to "expect fork" and "--fork" like the system dbus job already does. That may give a "more correct" started event time.16:29
Laneyev: but you don't want it on the desktop?16:29
LaneyI don't know what package would be good then16:29
Laneyogra_ might be able to help16:29
evLaney: I guess we could do it for the desktop if we're restricting it to the admin group, actually16:29
xnoxjodh: oh, yeah, one must use --fork or daemon with dbus, or patch it to do sigstop, otherwise dbus is declared as started ahead of time.16:29
tedgjodh, Why would that be more correct?16:29
Laneyev: if that, then probably policykit-desktop-privileges16:29
Laneyis on the device16:29
evcool, I'll have a look16:30
xnoxtedg: dbus forks after it starts to listen, thus expect fork with --fork will make sure started is emitted only after dbus is ready.16:30
tedgOh, let's do that!16:30
xnoxtedg: i'll upload it, shall I ?16:30
tedgxnox, Please!16:30
tedgxnox, bug 123473116:31
ubottubug 1234731 in dbus (Ubuntu) "DBus jobs not setting environment variables" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123473116:31
xnoxstgraber: i blame you for our day of chasing dbus ^16:31
xnoxogra_: ^^^^^16:34
tedgxnox, I've updated the bug with the end of the IRC conversation16:35
xnoxtedg: hm. so i've upgraded and rebooted, there are still 3 session dbus'es started: one by session upstart, one by at-spi2 a11y, one done by "dbus-launch --autolaunch=f07f2326128b8865ee7446354f0f2bcd --binary-syntax --close-stderr"16:49
xnoxthe last one is a little bit interesting16:49
tedgYeah, the first two I'd expect16:49
tedgWho's its daddy?16:49
xnoxtedg: better, who's is it's environ. UPSTART_JOB=update-notifier-crash =)16:51
xnoxbang bang, I shot you down.16:51
tedgxnox, Interesting that it'd start it's own bus, could it not see the current session bus?16:53
xnoxtedg: nope, since it's start on file event.16:56
xnoxtedg: and the semantics we agreed for the .crash file is such that on each boot they are re-emitted =/16:56
tedgxnox, Ah16:57
xnoxtedg: which is ahead of dbus, so it should do "pre-start exec start dbus"16:57
tedgxnox, It's almost like dbus needs to be "start on starting starting"16:57
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slangasekjodh: bug #1234743 - so upstart-monitor is out for phone debugging because it depends on gtk; what's the best way for cking to get debugging information about what events upstart is spending its time on?17:04
ubottubug 1234743 in upstart (Ubuntu) "init on samsung galaxy nexus is busy and consuming memory when playing an mp4" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123474317:04
stgraberslangasek: initctl log-priority debug and look at whatever log file is used to record upstart's output (equivalent of ~/.xsession_errors on a desktop install)?17:23
stgraberslangasek: do you know anything about a udev rule that'd currently make the active session user have write access to pretty much all of /dev?17:26
stgraberslangasek: I just noticed that my user has write access to /dev/sda and that scares me a bit17:26
stgraberslangasek: (then I checked and I can't find a single file in /dev I don't have write access to... switching to another VT reverts that ACL, so it looks like some logind/udev thing)17:27
slangasekstgraber: um.  that's certainly a bug.17:27
slangasekyeah, would be related to logind17:27
* stgraber tries a guest session to see how scary that bug is17:27
stgraberoh wow17:28
stgraberso that's insanely scary17:29
cjwatsonholy crap17:29
* cjwatson runs away for dinner before accidentally getting dragged into this17:29
xnoxjodh: slangasek: is it evil to use wait-for-state in usersessions? bug 123484117:42
ubottubug 1234841 in upstart (Ubuntu) "crash reports pop-up ahead of desktop loading, or atleast dbus being available" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123484117:42
slangasekxnox: if you can avoid it, that would certainly be better.  Are you trying to instantiate the system service from the user session...?17:44
xnoxslangasek: no, crash reporter is an instances job starting on file events. On inital login, if there are .crash reports, all of the crash dialogs are launched before anything else.17:46
xnoxslangasek: so i cannot do " and started dbus"17:47
slangasekxnox: shouldn't that be fixed by starting dbus before the file bridge?17:47
xnoxslangasek: yet, if crash dialog script is executed ahead of dbus, it autolaunches one.17:47
xnoxslangasek: could do. it does seem like it's most wise to make "started dbus" our session startup event to be honest.17:50
xnoxslangasek: but filebridge doesn't need dbus =/17:51
xnoxonly crash-reporter needs it, which may or may not be installed (well it is on ubuntu desktop)17:51
slangasekxnox: what's the downside of making file-bridge start after dbus?17:52
slangasekwe already assume all user sessions have dbus, right?  So an artificial ordering constraint just means certain jobs will start a little later17:52
slangasekI think that's way better than pulling wait-for-state into the mix17:53
xnoxslangasek: the downside will be that update-notifier-crash, unicast-local-avahi, update-notifier-release - are started later, and/or miss (modified, deleted events) [the latter doesn't matter as they only match on create at the moment)17:55
xnoxbut yeah, it's more lightweight than adding wait-for-state.17:55
slangasekxnox: right, I don't think we really need to care about triggering jobs on file modifications / deletions that happen before the session is even fully started17:57
xnoxslangasek: ack. i'll do that then.17:58
ari-tczewis there any bug-fixed statistic?17:59
ari-tczewin the past was a page with bug fixed per e-mail address, but I didn't find it now18:01
xnoxari-tczew: there are some, but they are vague, as launchpad doesn't track bug-fixed per-package-version. So sometimes it's hard to tell if the bugs were fixed in current dev release, or a clean-up of bugs was done (e.g. 'oh this was fixed for years')18:01
stgraberfor anyone who read my messsage earlier about /dev being writable for any logged in user, the cause was a broken udev rule in the adb package, fixed with: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/android-tools/4.2.2+git20130218-3ubuntu1518:21
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INdekhey, i want to improve my coding skills and i thought about contributing to the ubuntu project would be a good idea, how do i start18:31
robrujdstrand, ping18:31
robrujdstrand, I'm heading out for lunch, but in case you're around: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-webapps-qml/+bug/1206268/comments/3518:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 1206268 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[MIR] unity-webapps-qml" [Undecided,In progress]18:38
jdstrandrobru: ack. I'll respond in the bug18:44
barrydoko: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20130917/+build/501414518:48
barrydoko: is that still a problem?  (built fine locally in sbuild with both --arch amd64 and i386)18:48
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chilukhey guys unmodified mysql sources  get a build failure from tests failing.. is there a trick to make it build?  Clearly launchpad can get it to build.19:13
lamontafter saucy's brasero says that it's 100% don buring the data disk, and that it's "creating image checksum", I find myself wondering what it's been doing for the last several minutes19:14
chilukmdeslaur.. I can't build the mysql that you checked in for precise using pbuilder or sbuild... a few testcases are failing... do you have any insite on what needs to happen to get it to build?19:31
lenioschiluk, you mean the mysql package source or the mysql sources?19:31
leniosmysql source package would be the correct term, though19:33
chilukthe mysql-5.5 sources that get pulled by pull-lp-source mysql-5.5 precise can not be built into binaries using sbuild or pbuilder19:33
leniosyou mean 5.5.34?19:34
chiluki in particular am running pbuilder-dist precise build mysql-5.5_5.5.32-0ubuntu0.12.04.1.dsc19:34
chiluklenios no the sources that are currently in ubuntu archive are versioned mysql-5.5_5.5.32-0ubuntu0.12.04.1.dsc19:35
lenios5.5.32-0ubuntu0.12.04.2 is available19:35
leniosi don't see why you woudn't be able to build19:36
chilukok lenios now try building the dsc file that you grabbed.  it doesn't build.19:36
chiluklenios why don't you just try it..19:36
chilukand if you get it to work let me know how you did it.19:36
chilukbecause it's not building for me or another person I know.19:37
chilukif you figure out what is going wrong for us let me know19:37
chilukor better yet create a patch .19:37
infinitychiluk: Which kernel are you using to build?  Note that the buildds run precise.19:44
chilukrunning on precise19:44
chilukhmm I am running the 3.11 kernel.19:44
infinitychiluk: (Testing here on saucy now to see, but if it fails tests on saucy and not precise, I'm assuming the kernel is to blame)19:45
chilukinfinity that's a really good insite.19:45
chilukI'll reboot to something much earlier.19:45
chilukinfinity, they build takes forever..19:45
chilukyou are in for a world of hurt fyi19:46
infinitychiluk: Given that it built on all arches on the buildds only two months ago, if it does fail now due to a userspace change, shouldn't be hard to track down.  But the kernel's the most likely culprit.19:46
chilukthat's a good check19:46
chilukit's failing trying to pull cores19:47
infinitychiluk: You consider 58 minutes "forever"?  Kids these days. :)19:47
chilukseriously man you aren't that much older than me... I just age more gracefully19:47
chilukalso on my machine it's more like 4 hours till it hits the failure19:47
chilukalso the test don't seem to be multi-threaded, and are heavily IO dependent19:49
infinitychiluk: multicore machine where you neglected to export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=$(nproc)" before running sbuild?19:49
chilukinfinity that's in my bashrc.19:49
infinity(58 minutes on the x86 buildds, I expect just shy of 2h on my laptop)19:49
chilukthe tests aren't multi-threaded19:49
chilukmaybe my hard drive is just crap.19:49
chilukit's building on a spinning disk19:49
infinitySo are the buildds.19:50
infinityAnd my laptop. :P19:50
chilukI think I'll put the pbuilder builddir in tmpfs19:50
infinityI do build in tmpfs though, yes.19:50
chilukI bet that's it.19:50
lamontinfinity: the buildds are taking full advantage of the cciss caching, though19:50
infinityAnyhow.  I expect my test on a saucy kernel will also fail.19:50
chilukmy hard drive is just pegged19:50
infinitylamont: Only roseapple and allspice.19:50
infinitylamont: The other x86 buildds have much slower cheap SATA.19:50
chilukthe build is not the slow part19:50
chilukit's all the tests19:50
infinitychiluk: Anyhow, I'm into the testsuite now on 3.11 to see if my system agrees with yours.  If you try on a 3.2 kernel, that would be nice.19:52
chilukyeah going to cancel my build.. add tmpfs and reboot into 3.2... I hope it still works.19:52
infinitychiluk: Depending on the failure, it could be just a broken test that does something newer kernels don't like, or an actual bug we should fix in the package to work sanely on newer kernels.  I guess we'll see.19:53
leniosi don't see why the kernel would create such a difference19:53
infinitylenios: Depends on what test is failing...19:53
chilukfuck damn cp/paste19:54
chilukworker[1] Trying to dump core for [mysqltest - pid: 7596, winpid: 7596]19:54
chilukworker[1] Trying to dump core for [mysqld.1 - pid: 7504, winpid: 7504]19:54
chilukworker[1] Trying to dump core for [mysqld.2 - pid: 7507, winpid: 7507]19:54
chilukrpl.rpl_innodb_bug28430 'mix'            [ fail ]  timeout after 900 seconds19:54
chilukmy world for a mouse and middle click19:55
chilukthat's one of the tests that's failing19:55
infinitychiluk: Curious.19:55
jonohi everyone20:27
jonoFYI: UDS dates announced on ubuntu-devel20:27
jtayloris it a virtual uds or a real one? neither the mail nor the page make that easy to find out20:37
jtaylorhm 2pm-8pm probably means virtual20:38
infinitychiluk: So, back to the drawing board on that theory.  mysql-5.5/precise just built fine here in a precise sbuild w/ saucy kernel.20:44
infinitychiluk: http://lucifer.0c3.net/~adconrad/mysql-5.5_5.5.32-0ubuntu0.12.04.1_amd64.build20:45
infinitychiluk: And also only took an hour.  Your hardware hates you. :P20:48
chilukyes it does.20:51
chilukI swear I was a tester in another life20:51
chilukinfinity as you seem to be the only one I know that can actually successfully build can you attempt building any of the patches available here? http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/112187420:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 1121874 in mysql-5.5 (Ubuntu Raring) "MySQL launch fails silently if < 4MB of disk space is available" [Medium,Triaged]20:53
chilukI was asked to take a look at why it wasn't building by stokachu,20:54
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bdmurrayseb128: could you update bug 1075923 with SRU information?21:36
ubottubug 1075923 in gvfs (Ubuntu Raring) "nautilus hangs copying large directories from a samba share" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107592321:36
seb128bdmurray, oh, sure, sorry about that21:36
bdmurrayseb128: no problem21:36
seb128bdmurray, I though about it after upload the other day, and then got busy and forgot about it21:37
chilukinfinity crazy question do you have jumbo frames enabled?21:38
seb128bdmurray, done21:42
infinitychiluk: If that's something I have to do manually, probably not.21:43
chilukit is.21:43
chilukit's a stab in the dark21:43
chilukbut it tends to shoot me in the foot often.21:43
chilukit's the sacrifice I make for 120mb/sec to my nfs server21:43
seb128ev, could you look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/activity-log-manager/+bug/1198681? it's high ranked on the saucy issues on e.u.c21:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 1198681 in activity-log-manager (Ubuntu) "gnome-control-center crashed with SIGSEGV in on_properties_changed()" [Medium,Confirmed]21:46
evseb128: will do in the morning21:53
seb128ev, thanks21:53
evsure thing21:53
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sconklin@pilot out22:48
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 Beta 2 released | Archive: frozen | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: xnox

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