
thomiracarr: sure, I understand the reasons. Can you let me know when there's a set of binary packages that will work together please?00:13
racarrthomi: I'm just going to build everything on the phone while I cook dinner and see if autopilot runs00:16
racarrthen we can just ladn the branch00:16
racarrthe longest part is fetching the build deps because my phone only gets like 100 KBs but its almost done00:16
robert_ancellkgunn, there?00:21
kgunnthomi: racarr robert_ancell sorry...went for food00:32
kgunnok...so, i vote no merge until racarr finishes his dinner :) and has a chance to try00:32
robert_ancellkgunn, np. I think you just need to do a 'bzr revert debian/libmirserver4.install' then a 'bzr mv debian/libmirserver4.install debian/libmirserver5.install'00:33
robert_ancellBUT, I'd recommend using that script instead00:33
kgunnrobert_ancell: well i've already got a branch....what if i just do a bzr add debian/libmirserver5.install00:33
kgunnwon't the effect be the same00:33
robert_ancellkgunn, I don't think it would treat that as a move like git does00:34
kgunnjust in lp it'll show removed and added, instead of renamed ?00:34
robert_ancelland that makes merges harder00:34
kgunnrobert_ancell: ok...i'll revert....should i just pull down that mp and redo00:34
robert_ancellkgunn, it will just revert the one file00:34
kgunnrobert_ancell: which script are you refering to ?00:34
robert_ancellkgunn, the one I sent you last time, I'll find it again00:35
robert_ancellI'll send it to the mailing list00:35
kgunnrobert_ancell: thanks...i'm extra stupid today (series of late nights/early morns)00:35
robert_ancellnp :)00:35
kgunnrobert_ancell: thanks...i'm gonna try to fix manually with bzr first00:37
robert_ancellkgunn, you also need to edit debian/libmirserver5.install and change the 4 to a 500:37
robert_ancelli.e. usr/lib/*/libmirserver.so.4 -> usr/lib/*/libmirserver.so.500:38
kgunnyes ;)00:38
kgunnrobert_ancell: ok...unhappy w revert...gonna pull fresh and run the script00:41
kgunndo i run it just at the top dir of my mir branch00:41
kgunnrobert_ancell: ok...just blew it away & went fresh (thanks for the script...) would you00:56
kgunngive me 2 secs...00:57
kgunnrobert_ancell: ok...for reals now...can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~kgunn72/mir/bump-libmirserver5-take2/+merge/18896801:05
robert_ancellkgunn, +mir (0.0.12-0ubuntu2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low should be +mir (0.0.13-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low01:06
robert_ancellotherwise good01:06
kgunndamn it...01:07
robert_ancellkgunn, oh, and you need to edit CMakeLists.txt and set set(MIR_VERSION_PATCH 13)01:09
kgunnack...fixing it01:09
robert_ancellkgunn, you still have -0ubuntu2 not -0ubuntu1..01:15
kgunnrobert_ancell: i feel i could tear up a steel ball with a rubber hammer tonight01:15
* robert_ancell feels glad to be on the other side of the world01:15
kgunnrobert_ancell: not angry...just capable of f'ing up something so simple01:16
robert_ancellpackaging/abis/versioning just *look* simple01:17
kgunnrobert_ancell: ...ok..surely...there's nothing left to have been incorrect :)01:19
kgunnrobert_ancell: thanks man01:31
robert_ancellno worries01:31
kgunnracarr: any luck ?01:33
kgunnthomi: can you send another update ?01:33
kgunnat the end of your day01:34
thomikgunn: sure, I'm waiting to hear from racarr once he's rebuilt the world and we can actually launch unity01:34
racarrkgunn: mir build at 47 percent01:35
racarrI guess lets abort building the tests01:36
thomiracarr: wait, why are you building mir? I thought we had to rebuild everything else?01:36
racarrI dont want to deal with the packages because the dev packages01:37
racarrare broken01:37
racarrit tries to pull in newer versions01:37
racarror apt insanity01:37
racarrso I dont know how I can get the build dependencies for everything else with the packages01:37
racarrso im just building the branch on phon01:37
kgunnracarr: hmmm...you mean the packages associated with dev-proposed01:37
racarrno the packages from the CI build01:38
kgunnracarr: totally agree with you...01:38
thomithe -dev packages need to pull in other things01:38
kgunnracarr: building on the phone....nuke it from orbit, its the only way01:38
thomiracarr: if you install them, then do apt-get -f install, everything workls01:38
thomiracarr: just don't do an update01:38
thomior... you're gonna have a bad time01:38
racarrwell it's too late buidling unity-mir now01:38
thomikgunn: srsly. Can we just merge it?01:39
racarris merging it now going to be any better than merging it in 20 minutes when its tested01:41
thomiracarr: if it really is 20 minutes, then no. I'm sceptical though01:41
kgunnthomi: is starting to learn the estimate/reality ratio :)01:44
kgunnthomi: i'd prefer to test it first01:44
kgunnif its holy hell for racarr then we'd avoid a nasty one01:45
kgunntakin' a little break brb01:45
thomikgunn: ok01:46
duflurobert_ancell: Seems NZ DST crept up on me. Hangout?02:00
robert_ancellduflu, yep02:00
racarrkgunn: thomi: Ok it at least starts!02:03
racarrwill test autopilot after I buy grociers02:03
racarrbut unity runs fine so it's safe at least02:03
thomiracarr: I don't suppose you have binary packages so I can try it as well?02:04
kgunnrobert_ancell: and the trunk https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/development-branch/+merge/18897502:28
kgunnmainly...commit msg ok to you ?02:28
robert_ancellkgunn, looking02:28
robert_ancellkgunn, you have a merge conflict02:29
robert_ancellin debian/changelog02:29
kgunnrobert_ancell: ok...how to handle...02:31
robert_ancellkgunn, you need to run 'bzr merge lp:mir'02:32
robert_ancellthen edit the file manually and run 'bzr resolve'02:32
robert_ancellthen bzr commit and push02:32
kgunnthot so ...just feels a bit weird in a way02:32
kgunnrobert_ancell: when i push...it'll be lp:~mir-team/mir/??? development-branch ?02:33
kgunnin order to merge back in the conflict resolution ?02:33
kgunnback in== into the dev branch02:33
robert_ancellkgunn, ah yeah. hmm. why did trunk get out of sync?02:34
robert_ancelllet me try locally02:34
kgunnthanks...if you fix, lemme know...i want to know for next time...02:35
kgunntakin' a break to edit a freshman english paper02:35
robert_ancellhmm. It merges locally fine. Is LP confused?02:36
robert_ancellkgunn, manual merge did the trick02:43
kgunnrobert_ancell: so are you proposing or want me to ?02:53
robert_ancellkgunn, I did the merge and the MP looks good02:53
robert_ancellI've approved it02:53
robert_ancell(not top)02:53
kgunnthnank you sir...i'll top approve02:54
kgunnracarr: any luck ?03:07
kgunndid we lose racarr ?03:15
duflukgunn: I think he mentioned groceries?03:21
robert_ancellbe back in 20 mins03:41
dufluRAOF: Please correct me where I'm wrong (again); https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/123450203:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234502 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "XMir support for bypass incomplete -- there's still one buffer copy the DDX's" [Undecided,New]03:47
dufluRAOF: Jetlagged much?03:48
RAOFI got back on Saturday.03:49
RAOFAnd have been waking early and sleeping early since then.03:49
kgunnrobert_ancell: just to verify for thomi....if he rebuilds on the phone, mir, he'll have to rebuild unity-mir & platform-api....and the order won't matter03:49
RAOFIn possibly related news, Zoƫ reliably wakes at 5:45am.03:49
dufluHow convenient03:49
kgunnrobert_ancell: cause racarr 's input branch is based on dev...which is broken/updated server api03:50
kgunnnot yet in archive03:50
thomiwell, presumably I'll have to install those mir*-dev packages first, then rebuild unity-mir & platform-api?03:50
kgunnthomi: right03:52
kgunnthomi: so for all the effort today...did you ever run the AP test with mir enabled ??03:52
thomiok, well, I'm re-flashing the phone now, because somehow I managed to completely bork it03:52
kgunni was confused from some of the scrollback03:52
thomikgunn: nope :(03:53
thomikgunn: I was confused as well - turns out I was running SF03:53
* kgunn just threw up03:53
thominot literally I hope03:53
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kgunnthomi: virtually03:57
thomigood, well, sorry about that. I guess I'll start rebuilding this stuff03:58
kgunnthomi: so...if you enabled mir...what happens (oh...nvmd..borked)03:59
kgunnright ?04:00
thomikgunn: if I enable mir, unity won't start04:00
thomiABI mismatch04:00
kgunnthomi: gah...right04:00
kgunnthomi: thank you for your efforts04:00
thomikgunn: no worries, I'll rebuild this stuff. I just wish there was a faster way04:00
kgunnthomi: think there's anyone in integration team/ci/phonedations that could help build us an image quicker ?04:01
kgunnbased on that branch ?04:01
thomikgunn: not at this time of night, I doubt it. I can ask though04:02
thomikgunn: this is why I was saying ewarlier we should just go ahead and merge it04:02
kgunnrobert_ancell: ^ thots...04:02
kgunnthomi: ok...based on racarr> but unity runs fine so it's safe at least04:08
kgunni agree...04:08
kgunnrobert_ancell: i need your guru knowledge...racarr kinda did a weird one...dandrader had a branch04:10
kgunnrobert_ancell: racarr originally merged ontop ...but then retargetd the whole thing to dev04:10
kgunndo i just approve racarr's and then it pulls it all in ?04:11
kgunnthomi: racarr robert_ancell ...ok...whoever cares..i just top approved it04:13
thomikgunn: I'll have a go at building *all the things*04:13
thomikgunn: if not before, I'll TA it at my EOF04:13
thomierr, EOD04:13
kgunnalf|xmir_devel: are you seriously here?04:13
kgunnthomi: robert_ancell ok...gonna go watch some tv, try not to fall asleep then merge dev onto trunk04:14
kgunnthomi: also...can you provide a very explicit list of instructions of what should be run in terms of AP testing04:23
thomikgunn: sure, to whome?04:23
kgunnthomi: i'd like it if you could send that to dandrader and cc me...this way, if that code getsmerged he can test his morning04:24
thomisure thing04:24
robert_ancellkgunn, ok, we're all go :)04:24
* thomi installs build-deps for unity-mir04:26
robert_ancellthomi, are you just doing a bzr-buildpackage from lp:unity-mir?04:26
thomirobert_ancell: a 'bzr bd', yeah04:27
thomiit'll take a while since I'm on the phone :-/04:27
robert_ancelloh, right04:28
thomisome decent armhf hardware wouldn't go astray. I wonder if we could set something up....04:29
robert_ancellthomi, what are the options currently?04:30
robert_ancellthomi, for purchasable hardware04:31
robert_ancellwith decent power04:31
thomirobert_ancell: oh, I have no idea. I was thinking maybe Canonical could buy and then set aside a few calxeda (sp?) boxes, for custom builds04:31
thomianother thing that I could set up that would save me a lot of time is a caching apt proxy server04:32
robert_ancellthomi, it looks like calxeda doesn't sell products directly. I guess you buy a Dell or HP server?04:35
thomirobert_ancell: yeah, or talk to them nicely :)04:38
kgunnrobert_ancell: so can i just propose rcarr's branch directly to trunk? in parallel...it'd be faster04:38
robert_ancellkgunn, I guess so - it shouldn't have any major side effects (famous last words)04:39
* thomi starts building unity-mir04:39
robert_ancellkgunn, it's ready to land in development-branch right?04:40
kgunnalready approved...waiting for merge04:40
robert_ancelljust saw that04:40
robert_ancellgo jenkins!04:40
kgunnrobert_ancell: just wanting it to hit trunk before didrocks gets on04:42
robert_ancellkgunn, sure04:42
robert_ancellkgunn, are you going to MP it or manually merge from development branch?04:42
kgunnwas going to mp then you could approve...i mean, we have the approvals we know what we want & trust it04:42
kgunnrobert_ancell: ^04:42
kgunnand a subsequent dev merge to trunk, that diff should just get ignored04:43
robert_ancellsounds good - it will take time for jenkins to merge it but safer to have the check04:43
robert_ancellI guess it's better than doing the double wait for jenkins (dev-branch merge, then merge to trunk)04:43
kgunnrobert_ancell: oh yeah...wouldn't consider anything else04:43
kgunni heart ci04:43
robert_ancellci saves our bacon04:43
kgunnrobert_ancell: ok...can you approve and i'll ta https://code.launchpad.net/~robertcarr/mir/1233944-addendum/+merge/18898304:45
robert_ancellhey, it merged cleanly04:46
robert_ancellkgunn, approved04:47
kgunnrobert_ancell: thanks...04:49
thomirobert_ancell: what's the platform-api lp project name?04:50
thomiubuntu-platform-api or something?04:50
* robert_ancell looks04:50
robert_ancellthomi, lp:platform-api04:50
robert_ancellI don't know why they didn't put the ubuntu- prefix on it04:50
kgunnok...going to bed...night guys04:54
robert_ancellI'll be back in 2 hours04:58
thomiok, I finally have a coherent set of binary packages.05:12
thomirobert_ancell: no luck - seems like nothing happens now05:16
thomirobert_ancell: I ger this: "ofono/ofono/account0 initialized" in an endless loop in the unity8 log05:17
thomirobert_ancell: and a segfault when I start unity8 manually05:18
thomirobert_ancell: BT looks bad too:05:18
thomi#0  0x409cd640 in ?? () from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.605:18
thomi#1  0x409cf324 in malloc () from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.605:18
thomirobert_ancell: OK, so good news! After messing about some more, it now works05:26
thomiI have mir/unity8 running, and can drag the home screen around with autopilot05:26
didrockshey kgunn05:29
didrockskgunn: please update the spreadhseet once the commits are in, and we'll try to get it for image 77 (or 78)05:30
didrockswe'll get it then ASAP05:30
dufluWe're still using the spreadsheet idea?05:32
didrocksduflu: we do05:36
dufludidrocks: I look forward to us having separate development and maintenance branches post-saucy, to make things more clear05:37
didrocksduflu: well, we still need to have trunk always releasable.05:38
dufludidrocks: Yes, but you know what I mean05:38
didrocksyeah ;)05:38
didrocksI think there will be a lot of discussions on how to release tings05:38
didrocksnobody (even us) aren't happy about it05:38
* duflu assumes that's a mistaken double-negative05:39
didrocksduflu: yeah, it is (or you can take it as a hope :p)05:40
alf|xmir_develkgunn: no, forgot to change nick... :)06:41
alf|xmir_develRAOF: Hi! Do you have a moment to check the latest commit in https://github.com/afrantzis/xserver/tree/multimonitor-stabilize ? I change the code to assign root_fragments dynanically to crtcs as needed, so that when mirroring we can have a single root_fragment/MirSurface. The mirroring parts works great, but I somehow managed to cause glitches in non-mirror (extended) modes. Any ideas?06:49
RAOFalf|xmir_devel: I'll have a butcher's.06:50
alf|xmir_develRAOF: The glitches are there only when bypassing in mir06:50
alf|xmir_develRAOF: thanks06:51
RAOFAh, bypass.06:52
dufluIt's true, when I wrote bypass I knew nothing about DDXs and assumed XMir must work something like glamor :P06:54
robert_ancelldidrocks, we have all the changes in the landing pipeline doc on row 129 except for the autopilot fix - should I append that entry or add another one?07:03
robert_ancellsorry, I just noticed the autopilot is on line 130, so all is good right?07:03
didrocksrobert_ancell: yeah, all good :) (Mir is building right now)07:04
didrocksrobert_ancell: you didn't add anything for the past 30 minutes, right?07:05
robert_ancelldidrocks, no, and nothing planned to land07:05
didrocks(in Mir trunk)07:05
didrocksok, great!07:05
didrocksso we're good, I merged the rest of the transitions07:05
didrocksand everything is rebuilding07:05
budgeeHowdy, further to my note a couple of days ago about Synergy and Mir, please see output at: http://pastebin.com/pZVrqJqa08:52
duflubudgee: I'm not sure that log helps.... However we did land a fix for Mir exclusively locking input devices, so that sounds like the kind of fix you need. Not sure if it has been packaged yet08:54
alf|xmir_develRAOF: trying the multimonitor-stabilize branch on intel, I don't get glitches, but I am not sure if the glitches I see on radeon are because of radeon or because on my desktop (with radeon) the system moves from clone -> extended configuration on startup. That is, because I can't mirror on my laptop, I can't tell whether after cloning we mess up bypass somehow for future extended configurations...08:56
robert_ancellbye all09:10
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alf|xmir_develRAOF: I am leaning towards the glitches being a radeon issue. With plain vladmir-upstreaming with a single monitor I still get an occasional glitch on radeon, none with intel. Plus, I get a a segfault with radeon_drv in the back trace when plugging in/out monitors http://paste.ubuntu.com/6187470/09:53
budgeeduflu: thank yuou09:56
alf|xmir_develRAOF: FYI, here is the valgrind output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6187493/10:03
davmor2kgunn: so mir, gets very, very, very slow if you start opening lots of apps on the maguro.  Also I've noticed that memory usage is up when I enable mir over SF but I can't say for sure that, that is the cause as I'd added apps and debugging stuff etc10:09
davmor2kgunn: if I open 4 apps on mir it's like running through treacle (molasses), 4 apps on SF is noticeably fast.  It faster loading and switching and using the app.10:11
davmor2kgunn: on the plus side though I only had it lock up on me once.  So mir is definitely more stable than it was by a huge a margin.10:12
dufludavmor2: (1) kgunn is offline. (2) maguro is known to be slow with bug 1182930. (3) Multi-surface performance is known to be bad on Android due to bug 1227739. (4) There's always room for improvement later10:19
ubot5bug 1182930 in Mir "[mir] Galaxy Nexus rendering performance is too low" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118293010:19
ubot5bug 1227739 in Mir "Mir continues to render application surface even when the indicator surface is on top" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122773910:19
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davmor2duflu: Yep I know kgunn is offline, only I'm going to be busy latter.  Thanks for the bug info though I will add myself to those.  I'm still overly impressed by the fast that mir has gone from crashing if you look at it wrong to locking up once in 16 hours use10:21
dufludavmor2: Yeah, though once in 16 hours is too much :/10:22
davmor2unfortunately I couldn't find anything that screamed crash so I'm assuming there might be a memory leak and the system just ran out of space but I couldn't get access to check, adb was out and the phone was unusable even a long hold on the power button did nothing :(10:24
davmor2I had to remove the battery in the end to reset it so I could use it :(10:24
dufluI wish more of us had maguro. Most of the mir team does not. So progress on it is slow10:27
davmor2duflu: Yeah that is somewhat daft as it is a supported device. But you can't have everything :)10:29
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hikikohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1234679 RAOF alf_ look at an interesting bug I found12:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234679 in XMir "multimonitor fails to render the screen correctly when both Xmir and X are running and produces "cannot switch monitor configuration" error notification" [Undecided,New]12:31
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hikikothe screenshot is from monitor 2 I ll upload another one as well12:35
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kgunnmzanetti: or Saviq ....so there was some prelim AP test attempts on mir, here's what psivaa got...http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6188183/13:44
Saviqkgunn, ze Germans are on holiday today13:45
kgunnSaviq: :) i like how an english-as-a-2nd-lang can still crack a "ze" joke13:45
Saviqkgunn, "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::runtime_error> >'what(): display factory cannot create fb display"13:45
Saviqkgunn, sounds like unity8 failed to start - probably an app running still holding the framebuffer13:46
Saviqkgunn, now that you mention it, though - we have the indicators_client tests that won't work, 'cause we don't have unity8 running for them13:47
Saviqkgunn, will need fixing13:47
ollikeep beating on the germans13:47
olliand I'll unleash the thostr13:48
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kgunnSaviq: to make sure i understand...this is the old "you need the shell up for everything"...hard to isolate problem ?13:50
Saviqkgunn, for indicators_client, yes13:50
Saviqkgunn, for now we relied on sf being there always - need to change that13:50
Saviqkgunn, the failure above, though, suggests there's a stale app running that blocks "new" unity8 from getting the framebuffer13:51
Saviqkgunn, even though unity8 itself isn't there anymore13:51
kgunnSaviq: ah13:51
kgunnwhat's weird he said he gets 100% failures...13:52
kgunntrying to square that with "stale app" suggestion13:53
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kgunnalf_: can i ask you to sort of ready yourself to potentially help on some making mir default on touch work ?14:14
kgunnalf_: i feel we may have some digging to do...but nothing specific atm14:14
kgunnalf_: at the rate we've been going, it'd be good just to be ready...like, at least phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel --no-backup14:15
kgunnto get the latest image14:16
kgunnalf_: and you know, touch /userdata/.writable_image & touch /home/phablet/.display-mir14:17
alf_kgunn: sure, I am on it14:20
dandraderalan_g, do you guys have a way of building mir packages using cross-compilation?14:35
alf_dandrader: do you care about packages in particular, or binaries will do?14:37
dandraderalf_, for binaries there are those scripts which work fine14:40
dandraderalf_, but sometime it's nice to be able to build packages to ensure the whole system is using your libraries14:40
alf_dandrader: ok, AFAIK, we don't have a straightforward way to cross-compile mir packages, at least I haven't heard of anyone doing it.14:46
alan_gdandrader: What alf_ said14:49
kgunndandrader: alf_ actually14:50
kgunndandrader: alf_ to replicate what _will_ be image 79....just flash the current devel-proposed....then apt-get update, install libmirserver514:51
kgunndon't forget to make it writable first ;)14:51
kgunnand then turn on mir14:51
kgunndandrader: alf_ then you can either follow thomi's instructions in the bug14:52
kgunnor the ci guys said they tried with this reboot, wait for Nautilus window to pop up the mounted share (connection breaks at that moment, takes about 30s after unity8 is visible), run phalet-test-run -n unity8 (after also installing unity8-autopilot)14:52
kgunnjibel: would you mind doing an impromptu run down on the bugs you've found...say in 30 minutes14:53
alf_kgunn: so that's --channel devel-proposed? Is there a way to go from devel to devel-proposed without downloading an image from scratch?14:54
kgunnalf_: i don't think so...and that's the only way to get the latest...otherwise, there's like a day lag in image creation14:54
alf_kgunn: channel devel-proposed didn't bring in any new image for me...14:57
alf_kgunn: still 7814:57
kgunnalf_: hmmm....i suppose there's a moment of promotion where they are equal14:58
jibelkgunn, sure, in 30 min.14:59
dandraderalf_, how do you tell the image number?14:59
jibel(more like 25 now)14:59
alf_dandrader: I saw messages like: INFO:phablet-flash:Pushing /home/alf/Downloads/phablet-flash/imageupdates/devel-proposed/mako/version-78.tar.xz.asc to /cache/recovery/15:00
alf_dandrader: and I noticed that using the devel-proposed channel didn't download any new files, it reused the ones I had downloaded from devel15:01
dandraderalf_, ah, ok. I'm also getting 7815:01
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kgunnalf_: mind if i assign you that nasty one ? where he can't reboot to a ui15:49
alf_kgunn: np15:51
dandraderwhere's the mir log that comes out of unity8?15:53
dandraderI see nothing in /tmp...15:53
dandraderdo I have to enable it somehow?15:54
dandraderalan_g, ^15:54
dandraderso far I've been using a modified mir_demo_standalone_input_filter to get log messages....15:55
alf_dandrader: check http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/component_reports.html15:56
dandraderalf_, thanks!15:56
dandraderwow, real documentation!15:56
alan_gdandrader: if you want it in /tmp then add --glog/MIR_SERVER_GLOG16:00
dandraderhmmm, it seems the android-input logging is not wired to that mir log system16:01
dandraderalf_,  or maybe I should set the minimum priority level or something. is there such filtering in mir?16:02
alf_dandrader: if you are using glog you can set the level, but by default it should log everything. Using the built-in/default logging mechanism should just print everything to either stdout or stderr. Are you capturing both?16:06
dandraderalf_, I'm getting output on stdout and that's fine. but nothing from android-input. will dig further...16:06
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch
kgunndandrader|lunch: ok...as you try to run the AP's hopefully you can repro what plars is seeing16:14
kgunnplars can be found in #ubuntu-ci-eng16:14
kgunnbasically this....<plars> kgunn: running phablet-test-run -n (for unity8) and you see unity8 go off, but never come back.16:14
kgunn<plars> kgunn: also, for all ap tests, we have a script that unlocks the screen and restarts unity8 in -testability mode. It doesn't seem to function now either16:14
* alan_g hates it when he backs out all his changes and the problem they cause is still there16:45
kdubi like how tdd forces me to refine the dumb interfaces i sometimes invent16:54
* alan_g discovers that the tests that are failing work fine if they're run on their own17:03
alan_g... or together17:03
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
* alan_g|EOD knows where a nice pint of beer will clarify everything17:06
racarrkgunn: Are there images that need testing today?17:18
racarr /bugs that need chasing17:18
racarrif not I think the up/down volume keys are my task17:19
=== dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader
om26erracarr, hey! would you know if we have a bug to track recent slowness under Mir ? (talking Nexus 4 here)17:20
om26eror even did anyone else report that ?17:20
om26erI am pretty sure rendering was pretty fast like 10 days ago17:20
kgunnlatest image 79 supposedly up...boom17:22
kgunnracarr: did you already finish the new i/f for zanetti ?17:22
kgunni think it was need to help hud show up17:22
racarrkgunn: the input injection yeah, proposed it yesterday17:23
racarrohh and17:23
racarr2 needs fixings17:23
kgunnracarr: i asked alf_ to look into this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/123460917:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234609 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crashed with SIGABRT in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler()" [Critical,Triaged]17:24
kgunnbut i'm sure he'd take a second set of eyeballs...17:24
kgunnkdub: you used to have a n10 branch up...did you take it down ?17:30
kdubkgunn, yeah, put it on pause until i can get the display up17:30
kdubno real reason i shouldn't reintroduce it and land it though17:31
racarralf_: kgunn: From this stacktrace https://launchpadlibrarian.net/152224751/Stacktrace.txt17:32
racarrthe bug looks like...17:32
racarrthe grand surface race.17:32
racarrwe need to make it safe to hold shared_ptr<msh::Surface>17:33
racarrkgunn: alf_: This may be enough for 1234609: https://code.launchpad.net/~robertcarr/mir/hold-surface-alive/+merge/18915618:05
racarrbut it needs some thought18:05
racarrim not 100% sure yet it's ok18:06
kgunnwoohoo racarr love it when that happens...18:11
racarrkgunn: We'll see :D18:13
kgunndandrader: any luck reproducing what plars was seeing...e.g. not being able to unlock the shell with args...or not having the fake shell load18:15
dandraderkgunn, still fiddling with mir code to get android-input logging out of unity8.18:16
dandraderthat part is not being properly initialized18:18
racarrdandrader: Even with MIR_SERVER_LEGACY_INPUT_REPORT=log18:18
dandraderah, another undocumented thing. gonna try....18:19
kdubcode churn thursday18:19
racarrdandrader: Technically it's in --help but I guess it's not really very clear at all18:19
kgunnkdub: its like hump day...but not as funny18:20
dandraderracarr, I was pointed to http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/component_reports.html. but it must be outdated18:20
kgunnplars: so...if you manually unlock and run the AP tests...what do the results look like ??18:20
kgunnany passing? or is it dismal ?....any #'s ?18:20
racarrdandrader: ah yeah18:23
plarskgunn: yes, but not unity8 tests18:23
plarskgunn: those are the ones that require the restart of unity though18:24
plarskgunn: the ones that don't seem to run ok as long as I manually unlock it18:24
kgunnplars: thanks...so passing tests (other than unity8) for the most part ?18:24
kgunnplars: sorry...i'm being pestered for some #s  just to be a windsock18:25
plarskgunn: I haven't tried but a few (friends-app and notes)18:25
kgunnhence my being an irritant :)18:25
plarskgunn: np18:25
dandraderracarr, works now. thanks18:25
kgunnplars: ok...but passing ?18:25
dandraderwell, wasted a good chunk of time18:25
kgunndandrader: i'm gonna log in a bit...and write down the instructions and update the wiki18:26
plarskgunn: for those two, yes18:26
kgunndrives me crazy18:26
plarskgunn: if I get some time, I can try others, but since it's manual it will be a bit18:26
kgunnplars: ack...thanks for that18:26
racarrdandrader: :D18:26
racarrsorry :(18:26
plarskgunn: if you have any you are specifically concerned about, let me know18:27
plarsI can try those first18:27
kgunnthomi: ^ ? ...he might when he comes on...18:28
kgunnSaviq: ^ maybe you have a suggestion for plars  in terms of AP tests that would be good to prioritize (besides unity8) ?18:28
Saviqkgunn, not really18:29
kgunndandrader: so it seems like the best item to debug first is the AP run for unity8 since it seems the fake-unity8 load is unhappy....and looks like we at least can run other AP test manually18:29
racarrshort lunch back in 2018:29
kgunnplars: at least gallery & camera apps would be good to run18:29
kgunnthen msg18:30
dandraderracarr, need your approval here, btw18:37
dandraderkgunn, do you know if I still need to install that? http://people.canonical.com/~thomir/python-ubuntu-platform-api_1.1daily13.06.13-0ubuntu1_armhf.deb18:38
kgunndandrader: it should be in image 7918:39
kgunndandrader: i saw robru indicate he pushed it to trunk...you could install just to be on the safe side18:39
dandraderkgunn,  I have version 1.1+13.10.20131001.1-0ubuntu1 installed. but I'm too dumb to figure out for sure if this version number is higher than 1.1daily13.06.13-0ubuntu118:40
kgunndandrader: lemme dig for a moment18:40
kgunndandrader: yes...it has the relevent mp merged into that one...you're good to go18:42
kgunndon't need to load that deb18:42
dandraderkgunn, ok, thanks18:42
=== jfunk is now known as jfunk-afk
dandraderplars, hey18:59
dandraderkgunn, told me you're able to run some autopilot tests successfully on the device with unity8-mir19:00
dandrader"notepad and friends"...19:00
dandraderplars, is that so?19:00
kgunndandrader: so i'm on n4, image 79(latest one)...i just ran the single ubuntu toolkit ap test per thomi's bug...it worked no prob19:14
dandraderthomi, hi!19:16
dandraderkgunn, ok, I certainly *must* have some outdated package them. gonna re-flash19:16
kgunnthomi: \o/19:17
kgunnthomi: we're so much better than where we were....wanna quick hang out to catch up ?19:17
dandraderwas using a 78 image + apt-get update&dist-upgrade19:17
kgunndandrader: yeah...slightly untrustworthy...19:18
thomikgunn: sure19:18
kgunndandrader: my steps were flash, touch writable_image & display-mir, then phablet-click-test-setup, then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot...then autopilot run -v ubuntuuitoolkit.tests.gallery.test_gallery.GenericTests.test_navigation19:19
kgunnand it just worked...pretty sure its a bum img/package cfg you got there19:19
thomikgunn: ready when you are19:20
kgunnthomi: ^19:21
kgunndandrader: ^ if you wanna join in case you got AP queries19:21
dandraderthomi, hey, don't forget about testing autopilot tests with unity8-mir in maguro. it's certainly not working for me19:40
kgunndandrader: no doubt...paul just verified he tested on a n419:40
thomidandrader: yeah, weill do19:41
thomiflashing my GN now19:41
kgunnthomi: so http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/powerd/trunk/view/head:/cli/powerd-cli.h19:47
kgunnaccording to chicken19:48
thomikgunn: so I tried that19:49
thomikgunn: problem is, you need to run it as root19:49
thomialso, it doesn't appear to work19:49
kgunnricmm: no problem...we're discussing here19:49
thomiwell, it worked for a while, then my screen flashed, now it's black, and I cannot wake it up any more19:49
thomiahhh, unity8 crashed19:50
ricmmthomi: have you managed to autopilot unity8 yet then?19:50
ricmmor only apps19:50
kgunnricmm: only apps...19:50
thomiahh, I see. adb bug. adb drops shell connections when you attach a second device :-/19:50
kgunnunity8 suffers the weird screen blank scenario19:51
thomiricmm: just flashing my GN, since people said they were having input problems with it19:51
ricmmthomi: did you get around the -fullscreen issue?19:52
thomiricmm: I'm not sure what that issue is, sorry19:52
ricmm$ unity8 -testability -fullscreen19:53
ricmmwas failing for me, because -fullscreen actually made Mir try and setup ./ullscreen as the socket path19:53
ricmmit taks a file,f argument for it19:53
ricmmkgunn: I think a fix for that should be in Mir, making the server process take such a common argument like -f or -file sounds problematic19:54
ricmmmake it mir_socket_path or something instead19:55
thomior maybe make mir understand --19:56
thomiso you could do something like ./unity8 -some -mir -options -- -some -unity8 -options19:56
ricmmor that19:57
kgunnricmm: you need it like asap ?19:58
ricmmkgunn: I dont need it, we can probably get away with a change in unity8-autopilot itself20:00
kgunnricmm: thomi ...back to the wakelock need....what's the best way to manage a wakelock between unity8 and fakeunity820:01
=== jfunk-afk is now known as jfunk
racarrrobert_ancell: brt20:59
robert_ancellbus rapid transit?20:59
thomikgunn: just confirmed that mir does not recognise the AP-created device on a maguro21:02
thomifiling a bug now21:02
thomikgunn: racarr: what do you think? https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/123495621:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234956 in Mir "mir does not recognise autopilot autopilot input device on maguro" [Undecided,New]21:13
thomikgunn: seems like that should be 'critical', but I'll let you decide :)21:14
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
kgunnracarr: can you have a look ? ^21:21
racarrI have no maguro21:39
racarrkgunn: ^21:40
kgunndang ti21:40
kgunnand it21:40
racarrok heres the thing though do we even know21:40
racarrthat autopilot finger is the issue as the bug implies21:40
racarrbecause don't we get that output on the nexus 4 too21:40
racarrwhile it works21:40
kgunnthomi: ^ ?21:40
thomiracarr: I don't think so, but I can test21:41
thomione second.. have to replicate mysetup :-/21:41
thomis/second/10 minutes/21:41
kgunnturns into a day21:41
racarrok. ill start theorizing...?21:42
racarrnot sure how else to help21:42
racarrthomi: Is there anything after21:49
racarr"Device added id=8, etc" in the log21:50
thomiracarr: no21:50
thomithere's the WW line, then the II line that you just referred to, then nothing21:50
racarrthomi: ok I think I see the problem21:51
racarrevent hub.cpp l31521:51
racarr(('ABS_X', 0L),21:51
racarr                   AbsInfo(value=0, min=0, max=0, fuzz=0, flat=0, resolution=0)),21:51
racarr                  (('ABS_Y', 1L),21:51
racarr                   AbsInfo(value=0, min=0, max=0, fuzz=0, flat=0, resolution=0)),21:51
racarrmin = max21:51
racarrso mir detects it as an invalid axis21:51
thomiany ideas why it works on the mako?21:53
thomiinterestingly, that's not what autopilot sets21:53
thomiwe set screen resolution as the max value21:53
racarrperhaps that code has a problem21:54
kgunnracarr: so you think its in autopilot code?21:54
kgunnracarr: or eventhub ?21:54
thomieasy enough to print out what capabilities we're setting21:54
thomiin autopilot i mean21:54
racarrI mean21:54
racarrthe python log from checking the device21:55
racarrwithout mir involved21:55
racarris returning this device with no valid x or y axis21:55
racarrso I think the problem is elsewhere21:55
racarrI think it would work, is ABS_X/ABS_Y had min or max values21:55
racarror there was a21:56
racarrREL_X and REL_Y21:56
thomithat's true, I wonder if that's because autopilot is setting it invalid'ly, or the uinput system is changing it on us?21:56
kgunnthomi: ok..i feel stupid asking this, because its been such a _thing_ but the "unlocking shell" automation....where would that bug be ?21:56
racarrwe should see what21:56
racarrevdev says about the device on uh21:56
racarrnexus 421:56
racarrthough that doesn't tell us that much really21:56
racarrim checking it out21:56
thomikgunn: ugh. That's a topic for a hangout call21:56
kgunnnow ?21:57
thomikgunn: if you like21:57
racarron nexus 4 the axis are set http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6190026/22:02
racarrjust using python and creating a device22:02
thomiahhh, the problem is that the upa hack/fix returns 0,0,0,0 on the maguro22:53
thomieasy to fix, at least22:54
loolracarr: ^23:09
thomiracarr: robert_ancell, do either of you have a Nexus 10?23:14
robert_ancellthomi, no, I think only duflu has one int the team23:14
robert_ancellI mean kdub23:14
thomikdub: awake still?23:14
kdubstill awake!23:16
kdubi have a nexus 1023:16
thomikdub: can you please tell me what this returns?23:18
thomiadb shell getprop ro.product.device23:18
kdubprobably manta... checking23:19
* thomi hopes it returns "manta\\n"23:19
kdubyes, manta23:19
thomicool. Could I get someone to approve this please https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/python-ubuntu-platform-api/fix-1234956/+merge/18919323:19
thomiand robert_ancell, could you please add that to the landing SS?23:19
thomiit's super-duper-critical.23:20
robert_ancellthomi, sure23:20
thomilike.. the world will 'splode otherwise23:20
thomithanks :)23:20
kdubthomi, looks okay to me.. do i have approve powers?23:20
robert_ancellthomi, is ro.hardware an obsolete key?23:21
kdubi think its just a key that not everything sets23:21
thomiwell, the problem was that on maguro it returned "tuna"23:21
thomirobert_ancell: I'm not sure what you mean by an "absolute key"23:22
kdubah, a hardware variant key23:22
thomikdub: if you approve it I can really approve it23:22
robert_ancellthomi, huh, it appears I can't edit that spreadsheet23:22
robert_ancellkgunn, ^23:22
kdubthomi, i did +123:22
thomikdub: thanks23:22
thomithat worked23:23
thomicanonical-ps is in ~python-upa-team23:23
thomiso, \o/23:23
thomirobert_ancell: paste me the link? I might have edit rights still23:23
robert_ancellI guess there's a whitelist of editors?23:24
kgunnrobert_ancell: the landing sheet ?23:26
robert_ancellkgunn, yes, but thomi has got access to it23:26
thomiOK, I added it. not sure I did it right23:27
kgunnrobert_ancell: shared with you again...23:27
thomikgunn: do I need to ping anyone?23:27
thomior is adding it to the SS enough?23:27
kgunnrobert_ancell: it was the other google avatar :)...so you have access twice23:27
robert_ancellah, that makes sense23:28
robert_ancellI *thought* I had access23:28
kgunnthomi: no, you might just update the status when its merged....but if you put waiting for merge & "its for mir" :) then it usually fast tracks it23:29
kduboh boy, found the ioctl i needed in a package we already depend upon23:49

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