
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
Noskcajdid we get a strange spam-bot on http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ or is my browser broken?07:52
Laneyyeah that happens08:07
Laneyajmitch: ^^^08:07
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
TheLordOfTimequestion for the MOTUs, what's the likelihood that a request to add a module to the nginx-naxsi package (to add additional functionality) in Precise would ever get approved?  The module isn't critical to operation and just adds nifty naxsi monitoring stuff.17:05
TheLordOfTimetrying to get an official "MOTU Opinion" on it, since the "request" came up in a bug17:06
TheLordOfTimeif an SRU is verification-failed what happens to the package in the -proposed repository?17:53
TheLordOfTimedoes it eventually go away?17:54
TheLordOfTimeand also, if I prepare a debdiff to fix the package, should I base the fixes off of proposed, and bump from, say, -1ubuntu0.3 (in proposed) to -1ubuntu0.4 (for the new fix), or do i just create another -1ubuntu0.3 debdiff?18:13
slavaWhat is the best way to raise awareness of a silly package bug?19:02
ari-tczewTheLordOfTime: !sru19:38
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates19:38
ari-tczewTheLordOfTime: SRU is generall for bug fixing, no new functions19:39
TheLordOfTimeari-tczew: bdmurray beat you to answering all the questions19:39
TheLordOfTimewell, most of them19:39
TheLordOfTimeari-tczew: and yes, i'm aware, general bug fixing, no new functions, hence me wanting to talk to a MOTU...19:40
ari-tczewhm, had I lost of internet connection?19:40
TheLordOfTimebecause they can give more specific insights on issues such as this - the code for a module exists in NGINX but isn't "compiled" in 1.1.19...19:40
TheLordOfTimethe question is whether it should ever be activated based on a "Wishlist" like bug19:40
TheLordOfTimebut more importantly...19:41
Unit193ari-tczew: Crossposting.19:41
TheLordOfTimei have to get this more urgent issue with the package fixed/uploading first19:41
TheLordOfTimeari-tczew: actually, bdmurray answered the general SRU questions, minus the whole issue of the missing module, in -bugs.  but yes, as Unit said, generally crossposting-ish19:41
TheLordOfTime(after non-response here for the longest time)19:41
ari-tczewTheLordOfTime: if your bug is fixed in newest ubuntu release, you can request a backport19:42
TheLordOfTimeari-tczew: again, spouting stuff i already know that's not helping19:43
TheLordOfTimeso you can stop, and i'll wait for someone on the MOTU team to respond.19:43
* TheLordOfTime goes back to poking bugs because they need urgent fixes19:44
ari-tczewTheLordOfTime: ouh, of course, I should not speak, sorry19:47
TheLordOfTimeari-tczew: sorry if I seem like an ass, but as I just told you in priv, the issue isn't backport-worthy for this case, and one bug's status of existing as a bug is in question19:47
TheLordOfTimehence me seeking MOTU guidance on the issue, so i really apologize if i seem hostile, but i'm a tad... swamped is a good word for it19:48
* TheLordOfTime has 10 nginx bugfixes lined up o.O19:48
ari-tczewTheLordOfTime: after given link, I'd follow to answering, but then I saw you've already spoken @ another channel19:50
TheLordOfTimeari-tczew: ehhh, there's a lot of crap i've got going on... one's an SRU that needs fixing to remove a FailToInstallAfterPurge issue...19:51
ari-tczewso it's not so good to see that for you it's important if person is in MOTU or not19:51
TheLordOfTimeari-tczew: i'm swamped, that's the problem19:51
TheLordOfTimeover-stressed is of course the other issue19:51
TheLordOfTimeI'm aware what an SRU is, I'm aware what backports are for, but neither seem to fit the issue19:52
TheLordOfTimeshort of someone who can literally overrule anything saying "This isn't going to ever be able to be fixed because it's already a released version of Ubuntu" i've got three people arguing in email saying it should be added/included19:52
TheLordOfTimeand me saying "I can't make that call."19:52
TheLordOfTimeon top of that, i've got a bunch of other bugfixes I have to commit... o.o19:53
TheLordOfTimeso i'm a tad swamped and stressed, so whether I need a MOTU or not, i'm stuck with people arguing with me in email that is adding to the stress19:53
mike321hello, is there anyone who can update the package "dooble" ? it is from 2006 version 0.02 and now there is version 1.45 soon 2014. this is 6 years!! http://dooble.sf.net19:53
TheLordOfTimeari-tczew: so someone at the top of the food chain who c19:53
TheLordOfTimean actually make a decisive call on it is the only real way i can get people to shut up via the emails19:53
mike321https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dooble The package should have in the end the name " Dooble Web Browser"19:54
TheLordOfTime... stupid computer...19:54
mike321the maintainer michal zajc told me to ask here19:54
mike321is anyone able to do this?19:54
mike321what needs to be done to get this updated?19:54
mike321version 0,02 to version 1.45 is more than 80 version updates19:55
TheLordOfTimeari-tczew: short of THAT, i'm going to continue to get emails about this, and likely am going to have to drop those people from emails.19:55
ari-tczewTheLordOfTime: maybe you should consider to learn handling with your stress?19:56
TheLordOfTimeari-tczew: and that's kinda bad form for a pseudo-unofficial maintainer of a package19:56
leniosmike321, rebuild the package, test it, and put it on a ppa would be a good start19:56
mike321i cannot do this19:56
mike321never dont hsi, i have not the skill19:57
Noskcajmike321, some time next cycle i'll try and update it. Please file a bug asking for the update19:58
leniosdebian has dooble 0.7.0 packaged19:59
mike321where tol fill the bug ? I tried to do this 2 years ago already19:59
mike321that is 00219:59
mike321ok 00719:59
mike321can you give me your email so that we can talk about it?19:59
ari-tczewmike321: on launchpad, against that package19:59
mike321i can compile it on windows and give you some help or support maybe20:00
leniosthe official page of the dooble project says current version is 0.7.0 : http://grothoff.org/christian/doodle/20:00
lenioswhich is from january 2010, and latest svn has no special news after that (only translation fixes, and default verbosity changed)20:02
mike321lol, it is not doodle20:04
mike321it is dooble20:04
leniosoh wait, how did i end up there20:06
leniosi mistyped, i guess, but debian has 0.7.020:07
slavaThe is a bug filed for ebolution-mapi package which has been marked as incomplete which is inaccurate. In order to properly work with Exchange 2007+, python-samba has to be installed. The bug link is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-mapi/+bug/116591320:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 1165913 in evolution-mapi (Ubuntu) "missing required dependency python-samba" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:08
leniosoh, got it, that's actually google who gave me the wrong result20:08
leniosthere is actually no debian package20:09
leniosbut to repay myself, i can help you package the latest 1.45 version20:10
mike321thats good, noskaj will try it too, but help is helpless for me, I cannot do that and will not learn it, it is true.. unfortunately. so my request needs someone caring fro the process20:12
leniosi mean, i'll try to build it20:13
mike321i can support you20:13
mike321as i did that for windows20:13
Noskcajsomeone already made the bug at bug 106650420:15
ubottubug 1066504 in dooble (Ubuntu) "it's now version 1.36" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106650420:15
lenioswould be good to get it on debian20:17
leniosdo you know someone who can help sponsor it? that would really help20:18
leniosi'm also looking for a sponsor for a phabricator package (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=723804) , with no news...20:19
ubottuDebian bug 723804 in sponsorship-requests "RFS: phabricator/0.1~git20130909-1 [ITP]" [Wishlist,Open]20:19
mike321the bug was from me years ago20:21
mike321i dont know any sponsors20:21
leniosi was talking to Noskcaj20:22
leniosa new version can be packaged for ubuntu without sponsor20:23
Noskcajlenios, I'm not a debian developer, but i'll see what needs fixing for that to get uploaded20:23
lfaraonelenios: I'd be interested in sponsoring to get Phabricator in the archive.20:29
leniosthat's great20:29
lfaraoneHowever, you'd want to use a version like 0~gitNNNNNN-1; what if they make their first release "0.0.1"?20:29
Noskcajlenios, It's probably better to wait for an official tarball to be released, since that should fix a few of the issues. And add adding an empty debian/watch file is pretty simple20:29
NoskcajNormally 0.0~ is used when uploading to debian20:30
leniosthere are a few warnings i can fix, but it should be ok20:30
leniosthere is no official tarball, and i don't know when or even if they will release it20:30
leniosso we need a way to package it until that happens20:31
leniosoh, you mean 0.0 instead of 0.120:31
leniosi'll change that20:31
lfaraonelenios: review sent.20:51

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