
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
* Pici sighs12:57
ikoniaso tedious12:57
IdleOnesergiudev is using -ot as a replacement for #ubuntu, he was banned yesterday.13:13
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (Finkelstein,)14:57
Myrttipopey, cprofitt, TheSheep: in case you haven't noticed, you're not identified to services.15:04
Myrttithought I'd point it out before you try to do something fancy and fall on your face ;-)15:06
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1765 users, 6 overflows, 1771 limit))16:54
k1l_FloodBot2 setzt Modus +q #ubuntu $~a  that makes a unregistered user mute, too16:57
IdleOneprobably should forward Janeks991 here and ask him to not join 6 clients at time17:01
MyrttiI doubt he's doing it on purpose17:02
PiciI just msged netsjanek, which looks to possibly be the same person17:02
IdleOneI realize that17:02
Piciand he says its not him17:02
IdleOnecould just be a coincidence17:03
k1l_one is from poland and one from latvia17:03
IdleOneSo how do we get them to fix there multi connection issue?17:03
Picik1l_: just very similar names.17:04
PiciI'm not sure that I'm okay with that bot17:42
IdleOneit doesn't bother me but I see the potential for abuse17:45
Myrttiwhich bot is that? I missed it17:49
DJonesIdleOne: Have they shared an irc client config on ubuntuforums as we've had recent;y17:49
PiciLjL's Brainstorm.17:49
IdleOneDJones: no idea17:50
LjLwell maybe Brainstorm is not okay with YOU, have you thought about that?17:50
DJonesLjL: Haven't seen the suggestion, is there a link to info about it17:51
MyrttiI can't even see it anywhere.17:55
Myrtti(not that I'm looking too hard)17:55
Myrtti(I'm not)17:55
PiciMyrtti: its in that offtopic that you aren't in.17:56
Myrttiah, right17:56
Myrttithat would explain it17:56
IdleOnelol LjL18:32
* IdleOne has learned to have healthy respect for bots he does not have control over, they can get very nasty when they feel mistreated.18:32
DJonesAll bots are self aware, so that doesn't leave much to woryy about18:34

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