
elopiothomi: thanks, but it's not working on the device.00:02
elopioImportError: No module named testsimple300:02
elopiotestsimple3 is a click package I've just made on qtcreator and installed on the device with qtcreator.00:02
elopioI run it with:00:02
elopio$ phablet-test-run testsimple300:02
thomielopio: do you have the test suite downloaded somewhere?00:05
elopioI suppose not. That's why I was asking if it will work just as the deb.00:06
elopiothe things I find qtcreator is installing don't include the tests00:06
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jibelGood morning05:30
DanChapmanGood Morning06:04
elfyit is :)06:06
elfymorning DanChapman06:06
DanChapmanheya elfy :-)06:07
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slickymastermorning all08:45
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davmor2Morning all10:01
jibelMorning davmor210:07
davmor2jibel: hey dude10:07
DanChapmanjibel, hey is there a way to detect which flavor is being installed. platform.dist() shows ('Ubuntu', '13.10', 'saucy') for all flavors. is there another way?10:07
jibelDanChapman, I think you can find this info in media-info10:11
jibelDanChapman, .disk/info on the iso10:12
jibelDanChapman, maybe /etc/lsb-release but I cannot confirm10:12
jibelDanChapman, .disk/info is copied to /var/log/installer/media-info on the target10:13
DanChapmanjibel, ok thanks, i will give that a try10:13
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spineauMorning cgregan, roadmr11:51
roadmrspineau: hello11:52
jfunkping om26er - can we start our 1/1 now?12:49
om26erjfunk, yes, in sec12:49
om26ergrabbing the headphones12:49
om26erjfunk, ready, when you are.12:51
jfunkping rvr - hey victor, are you able to attend our 1/1 today?13:00
rvrjfunk: I'm in a middle of a virtual sprint :(13:01
rvrI added a comment in Google Calendar13:01
jfunkping elopio13:05
jfunkrvr - np I had a hunch you might not be able to make it13:05
jfunkgema, alesage - according to Rick system settings is 'complete' can we do a quick hangout with the 3 of us to go over your report13:09
gemajfunk: sure13:10
gemajfunk: not all the functionality has landed13:10
gemajfunk: what was there yesterday, there it is still today13:11
jfunkgema, in proposed?13:11
gemajfunk: in stable, which happens to be proposed today13:11
alesagejfunk should we hang out gema ?13:11
gemaalesage: you want to hang me out?13:12
alesagegema heh :/13:12
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gemaalesage: sorry, bad day13:12
alesagegema mine is only beginning :)13:13
gemajfunk: where is that hangout?13:13
jfunkgema alesage hold on13:13
jfunkgema, alesage - https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/62e54ca254e639b822412286443630fe74a4545113:14
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jfunknuclearbob, om26er - so I am looking at the report and there's only one bug that's in progress from development?13:35
jfunkthat's fine if it's true, but I feel like I am missing something13:35
jfunkif there's missing bugs please have them in there in the next 10 minutes13:36
jfunknagappan, om26er ^^13:36
om26erjfunk, more bugs are coming, in a few minutes. I am adding them13:36
gemajfunk: the online accounts problem is still relevant13:36
gemajfunk: you have the bug at the bottom of the doc13:36
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elopiogood morning!14:02
cgoldbergmorning elopio14:02
elopiojfunk: pong.14:04
jfunkhey elopio - I am in a meeting right now, do you have a list of click bugs14:05
jfunkelopio, I am in *the* meeting14:05
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cgoldbergarg.. why is shipping so expensive from canonical shop?14:12
cgoldbergcool new t-shirt:  http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=110614:12
elopiojfunk: for the update manager, all the problems I had last week (mentioned on the document https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1ygknJW9f9WFwMd133XeuLhuJqUk4wsHhLz8qECSJPvY/edit# )  were addressed without bugs.14:14
elopiojfunk: for the click scope, I just have one with high priority still not worked on:14:15
elopiohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-scope-click/+bug/1227510 (I14:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1227510 in Unity Click Scope "after clicking the install button, nothing happens for some seconds" [High,Confirmed]14:15
cgoldbergelopio, jfunk..  https://bugs.launchpad.net/click-update-manager/+bug/123437914:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234379 in Click Update Manager "Autopilot tests not working" [High,Triaged]14:15
elopio(I'll work on the scope again tomorrow)14:15
elopiojfunk: from the credentials testing, yesterday mmcc left only three of the bugs:14:17
elopiobug #123395114:17
ubot5bug 1233951 in ubuntuone-credentials "Network::OnReply received empty document" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123395114:17
elopiobug #123428514:17
ubot5bug 1234285 in ubuntuone-credentials "When you go back without adding a new account, a U1 item appears" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123428514:17
elopiobug #123158014:17
ubot5bug 1231580 in ubuntuone-credentials "when you enter the wrong password, the error message is out of view" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123158014:17
elopiohe is working on them.14:18
cgoldbergdavmor2, is domestic shipping in UK cheap from the Canonical Shop?  it's 15 quid just to ship a t-shirt to USA!!... seems a little pricey.14:24
om26ernuclearbob, ping14:25
davmor2cgoldberg: no let me find out for you though14:25
cgoldbergdavmor2, add just one tshort and see what it comes up as14:25
cgoldbergi remember the old Canonical USA shop.. that was perfect for me14:26
jfunkelopio, thank you14:28
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nuclearbobubuntu-qa: is anyone in here clever with the launchpad api, or should I pop in somewhere else to ask how to query multiple projects?14:49
alesagenuclearbob, I've only ever done by project, person, etc.14:50
jibelnuclearbob, bdmurray is an LP api guru and might be able to help you14:51
nuclearbobalesage: yeah, I've done the same14:51
nuclearbobjibel: thanks, I'll check with him14:51
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alesagejibel after the above mir-related hang I do see other crashfiles, should I just apport-cli 'em all?15:08
jibelalesage, what are theY?15:13
alesagejibel gallery-app, which is probably implicated in settings-crash, but also unity815:14
alesagejibel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6188506/15:15
alesagesuggests a chain of failures even (?)15:15
jibelalesage, gallery-app has been uploaded to errors.ubuntu.com, mine failed to retrace because new libraries have been uploaded15:16
alesagejibel ack--do you think it's worth reporting these others?15:16
jibelalesage, zg-report-app, maliit and hud are known15:16
jibelalesage, you can report unity815:17
alesagejibel I'll attempt unity8 for good measure, ok agreed thx :)15:17
slickymasterballoons: ping15:17
balloonsslickymaster, pong15:18
jibelalesage, but retracing will probably fail because a newer version of libmir and others are available15:18
alesagejibel ok will report15:18
slickymasterballoons: one question about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/117204615:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1172046 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Install (Tomcat Java server) needs updated" [Undecided,In progress]15:18
balloonsslickymaster, sure thing15:18
slickymasterballoons, does it strictly have to be made just with real hardware or running the image in Testdrive or can it be made in VirtualBox not using TestDrive15:19
balloonsslickymaster, using a vm for that testcase is fine. Shouldn't require real hardware15:21
slickymasterballoons: and what about TestDrive, is it mandatory?15:21
balloonsmandatory? no ;-) It's just a tool in the toolbox15:22
slickymasterballoons: ok, I'm enlightened15:22
slickymasterballoons: thanks15:23
balloonsslickymaster, :-) your most welcome15:23
balloons*you are15:23
elfyballoons: so I just realised how many testcases talk about booting with cd/dvd/whatever ... sigh15:23
slickymasterelfy: hi o/15:23
elfyhi slickymaster15:23
slickymasterelfy: hope everything is fine with you15:23
balloonselfy, yikes! Umm, a big find replace should do it15:23
slickymasterelfy: glad to hear it15:24
balloonsdon't worry if the diff is large, as long as it is clean oneliners15:24
elfyballoons: yep15:24
alesagejibel, as you predicted15:24
elfyit will be just one-liners :)15:24
elopioballoons: here's your branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/uitk_base_class-215:24
elopioit works in theory, now I need to confirm some things.15:25
balloonselopio, ohh and what of https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/uitk_base_class/+merge/187313?15:25
elopioballoons: that one was a merging mess, so I dropped it.15:25
elopioI started from trunk when trunk was not the development focus.15:25
elopiowhat changed from that is I kept removing cases. So now we just have two cases, either desktop or phablet.15:26
balloonsso hmm15:26
balloonslaunch fromd esktop and launch from phablet15:26
elopiofginther: ping. Do you know how jenkins deploys the autopilot tests to the phone from click packages?15:26
elopioor balloons, do you?15:28
elopiothis branch will work as long as it can find the test cases. I'm not sure how that works without a deb -autopilot package.15:28
balloonselopio, om26er asked the same question, and I told him I wasn't positive so he said he would ask and come to a conclusion15:28
balloonselopio, that said you can see how I did click support in the core apps. And they do work15:28
fgintherelopio, not really, the plan was to pull the tests from source via an identifier in the click package manifest15:28
balloonselopio, let me find the merge that will show you15:29
balloonselopio, https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-rssreader-app/click_and_tr/+merge/18876015:30
balloonselopio, you can even see the launch_test_click function in there15:30
elopioballoons: thanks.15:31
balloonshmm elopio https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1234544. We do have hardcoded paths, I wonder if we could fix this elegantly15:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234544 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Several apps have failing tests with 20131003 ui-toolkit" [Critical,New]15:38
elopioballoons: the only hardcoded path I see that we currently need is to locate the source file when running from the desktop15:40
elopiowhy do you hardcode something to ~/.local/share/Qt Project ?15:40
balloonselopio, these are failing because of the storage location. We have stuff like this:     sqlite_dir = os.path.expanduser(15:40
balloons        "~/.local/share/Qt Project/QtQmlViewer/QML/OfflineStorage/Databases")15:40
elopioum, and what do you do with those databases? pre-populate them before the tests?15:41
balloonsthe other hardcode paths are "ok", because they are on an app level. If you change the packaging, update the test, but they won't fail because of dependencies changing15:41
balloonselopio, we wipe them before testing, then restore15:42
balloonselopio, example: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6188602/15:42
balloonsis the storage location a property we can upstream to the emulator?15:43
elopioballoons: the .local/share I think can be accessed from a XDG environment variable.15:43
balloonswell, the point is if the toolkit changes, we'll break15:43
balloonsas we just did15:43
elopioballoons: yes, I'm thinking.15:44
elopiowe can make it a method on the ubuntuuitoolkit package, certainly.15:44
balloonsif we had the property and/or functions inside the toolkit in theory we could avoid this. But yes15:44
balloonsI mean it fixes my problem so to speak, but I want to make sure it makes sense to do as well15:45
elopioI'm wondering how to test it doesn't break. I suppose we can add a test also with a simple application that uses a database.15:46
balloonsI think to fix it to get them running I'm going to be stuck updating the hardcoded paths15:46
elopioballoons: yes, it makes sense for me.15:46
elopiomaybe, add a new moduel ubuntuuitoolkit.storage. And once we are on autopilot 1.4, we can even make that a fixture:15:47
elopiostart from a fresh database and restore it on tear down.15:47
sergiusensballoons, are you aware that dpm's reported bug I think was fixed and now the proper paths are being used?15:48
cgoldbergballoons.. ever seen the sudoku solver article from Peter Norvig?  that would be a fun hack to add to the solver code to AP tests for sudoku app :)15:50
cgoldbergballoons, i wrote a sudoku solver app in Selenium that goes to www.websudoku.com and beat every game in expert mode.. in < 1 sec each :)15:52
cgoldberganyways.. the article is fascinating in how he approaches and solves the problem (plus an implementation in Python).  http://norvig.com/sudoku.html15:53
elopiocgoldberg: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/uitk_base_class-2/+merge/18892415:53
elopiothat's the cleaner way to set up the tests, without unexisting MainWindows.15:54
cgoldbergelopio, nice.. need a 2nd code review?15:54
elopiocgoldberg: yes, please.15:54
balloonscgoldberg, interesting :-)15:59
balloonsfeel free to propose such a test :-)15:59
elopioI'll go for a walk with Bob Dylan. bbs16:00
balloonssergiusens, it was a surprise for me, but we'll fix it. I was just discussing a longterm fix16:00
sergiusensballoons, ack, well it should have been a surprise in the first place16:04
alesagedavmor2, I'm finding that my unity8 is pegged at 100% much of the time, same for you?16:19
davmor2alesage: known bug16:20
davmor2alesage: mostly happens when your screen is blank and starts to recover when you fire up the phone right?16:20
alesagedavmor2, pretty consistent after startup too FWIW16:22
alesagedavmor2, thx16:22
om26erjibel, how do you remount the filesystem in rw mode without rebooting16:25
elopioI know that. mount /dev/loop0 / -o remount,rw16:26
elopioom26er: ^16:27
om26erelopio, cool, that worked.16:27
elfyno idea why they removed that from the recovery menu16:27
elfynot very linux for the people ;)16:28
davmor2elfy: because touch /userdata/.writable_image is too hard?16:39
elfynot very linux for the people ;)16:40
davmor2elfy: You mean less windowsy for people, Linux is all about the text files and hacking :P16:44
elfydavmor2: all that aside I still have no idea why they removed a really sensible thing like that from the menu16:47
elfybut I'm just a user16:47
elfynot that I'm worried enough to start an argument over it either :)16:48
davmor2elfy: how do you mean away from the menu?  What menu?  The images were all RW now they are all RO there is no menu16:52
elfydavmor2: I've not looked at a recovery menu for most of this cycle - so has the menu you get when booting in recovery mode disappeared completely now?16:54
davmor2elfy: ah right sorry.  I'm not aware of that menu I never need to use it unless a system install breaks16:55
elfyyep - once in the dim past if you went to root terminal it was writable, now you have to do the remount business - not something a newly arrived and oh dear I've broken it user will know :)16:57
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davmor2elfy: the idea is that a newly arrived user will never need to know cause is uber stable and read only so they can't break it ;)17:00
elfyriiight ;)17:00
* cgoldberg biab17:01
jfunknuclearbob, do you want to have a hangout? or is IRC ok18:34
nuclearbobjfunk: irc is fine18:35
jfunknuclearbob, shoot18:35
nuclearbobjfunk: there's not a way to query all projects through the api.  There are currently 36 distributions/projects/whatever you want to call them.  I can iterate through them all and check for qa-touch, or I can setup a list of the ones we're interested in, or I can try to to some combination of the two (i.e., some more frequently and all less frequently)18:36
jfunknuclearbob, we talked about querying the two separaetly and then merging them afterwards?18:41
jfunkperhaps create two objects and populate the webpage from each of them18:41
jfunknuclearbob, nm I understand your question18:42
nuclearbobjfunk: two is not going to be enough.  We'll need at least ubuntu, mir, and touch-preview-images.  My question is, do we want to pick a whitelist of those 36, or just get them all?18:42
nuclearbobor I can do some combination of that at different frequencies, but that's somewhat more work18:42
jfunknuclearbob, I think running 36 queries against LP every 15 minutes is going to make us hated byt he LP maintainers18:42
nuclearbobjfunk, I agree18:43
jfunknuclearbob, so whitelist18:43
jfunksounds like you have 318:43
nuclearbobjfunk: sounds good to me18:43
nuclearbobI've confirmed 318:43
jfunkscale it back to 30 minute intervals18:43
nuclearbobI'll get those 3 running and see what's still missing18:43
jfunknuclearbob, just had a thought18:44
jfunknuclearbob, what if you do the whitelist and then once a day query all 3618:44
jfunknm, I just thought of why that won't work18:44
nuclearbobjfunk: why wouldn't that work?18:44
nuclearbobI'm working on the whitelist now in any case18:45
nuclearbobgetting the bugs is easy, combining the reports is slightly more interesting18:45
jfunknuclearbob, because every time the whitelist ran it would remove the results from the single run of 3618:48
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nuclearbobjfunk: I'm going to be combining them in an additive way anyway, so I can avoid that problem.  I'll work on the whitelist scenario first, and then get you an estimate of the time to implement querying the rest of them based on how long that takes18:50
cgoldbergelopio, approved your template branch.  so you prefer double quotes over single quote, eh?   That the *one* thing pep8 doesn't specify, and I get OCD about :)18:59
elopiocgoldberg: no, I prefer single quotes.19:00
cgoldbergelopio, then let's change the template to use them :)  I do too19:00
elopiocgoldberg: yes man!19:00
cgoldbergthat way we can spread the single quote gospel further19:01
nuclearbobwoo single quotes!19:01
cgoldberg(but I think thomi prefers double quotes.. or at least that's what most of autopilot uses internally)19:01
elopiocgoldberg: I might start hating myself for asking this, but do you have a reason for prefering single quotes?19:02
elopioI just find them pretty, but I hate when I write a message that has the words 'didn\'t'19:03
cgoldbergelopio, habit.. i forget the exact reason.. but it started when I used Perl... both double and single work, but most of the good Perl hackers used single... so I got in that habit and dragged it to python i guess19:03
cgoldbergelopio, I double quote when a string contains a single... "didn't"19:04
cgoldbergotherwise its always single19:04
elopiocgoldberg: ok, that's what I do.19:04
elopiolets say from now on that great python hackers use single quotes :D19:04
alesageI will be glad if we adopt a standard on quotation marks and this seems like one19:05
elopioif they ask for examples of great python hackers, we just point each other ;)19:05
elopionuclearbob: are you the one working on the QA dashboard?19:07
nuclearbobelopio: I'm working on the qa-touch bug reports, but not the actual dashboard stuff'19:10
cgoldbergelopio, afaik, python official docs and CPython source code use single... so there's precedence i guess.  but yea.. point at each other :)19:11
elopionuclearbob: I liked this report a lot: http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/qa/qa-touch-untargeted.html19:12
elopiois there a way I can do something similar for my bugs?19:12
elopiothe bugs I reported and the bugs I'm subscribed to.19:12
cgoldbergmorning thomi19:17
balloonsletozaf, buonasera19:18
letozafballoons, buonasera :)19:19
balloonsletozaf, did you see rssreader is the only non-green? :-) http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/4527/19:20
balloonsshall we get your merge in to fix that?19:20
letozafballoons, I was just trying it :p,  hope I find a way around that timing issue19:20
thomihey cgoldberg, before you levae today, I have some work to throw your way, if you're keen :)19:21
letozafballoons, :D19:21
cgoldbergthomi, definitely.. happy to help on anything19:21
letozafballoons, yess ! it works!19:22
letozafballoons, let me just check again and then I will propose merge19:22
balloonsletozaf, excellent19:23
letozafballoons, :p19:23
balloonsubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot is not installable again19:28
elopiohey, does qa-touch mean that it was touched by a QA eng, or does it mean that it's a problem on the touch image?19:28
balloonsDanChapman, so are you about mate?19:30
letozafballoons, the test is complete, changed the status in  "Needs review" is it ok like this or must I do something else ?19:30
balloonsletozaf, that should be it19:31
letozafballoons, ok I will fix the other test now19:31
letozafballoons, argh! I forgot a sleep in, let me check again  :(19:33
balloonsletozaf, what's the verdict?19:45
balloonsNoskcaj, how are you?19:45
balloonsHappy Friday to you19:45
letozafballoons, stuck on an error on the last line of the test :(... I will fix it19:45
Noskcajballoons, good. you?19:46
balloonsNoskcaj, good good.. need more hours in the day, but so does everyone else. Or just perhaps less things to worry about :-)19:46
elfyit's not the hours balloons19:47
letozafballoons, got it... hope this time definitely   :p19:47
elfyyou just need more minutes :p19:47
balloonselfy, :-p. I'm a seconds man myself19:48
* balloons can see this joke getting out of control quickly19:48
elfyoh - much to fast for me - you must be younger than me :)19:48
alesagehaving some trouble using screencap under mir (assuming mir is the determinant here)--any corroborators?19:58
jfunk-afkthomi, what's the latest in AP / Mir20:30
=== jfunk-afk is now known as jfunk
thomijfunk: input issues have been resolved for the mako - currently investigating reports that it still is broken for the maguro20:31
thomijfunk: there's a few changes that need to be made to the unity8 AP test suite that I asked veebers to look in to20:31
alesagesergiusens, would you help me direct this bug to someone on SDK?  seb128 believes it may belong there but evidence is thin IMO https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/123473320:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234733 in ubuntu-system-settings "Substituting wallpaper under mir produces blackout" [High,Incomplete]20:34
balloonsletozaf, how's it looking/20:41
sergiusensalesage, doesn't elopio work with the sdk team?20:42
letozafballoons, fixed and working20:42
letozafballoons, changed status to needs review20:42
letozafballoons, I'm fixing the other test now20:43
elopiosergiusens: not really.20:46
elopioalesage, all the SDK team must have EOD by now.20:46
elopioyou can try #sdk on canonical, in ~9 hours.20:47
balloonszoltan JUST left20:47
alesageelopio k thanks20:48
* alesage sets alarm20:48
cgoldbergballons, I'm working on the Autopilot Weather application.   want me to try fixing this bug while I'm in there?  Bug #121859821:27
ubot5bug 1218598 in Ubuntu Weather App "Unable to run autopilot tests due to missing local storage db" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121859821:27
cgoldbergsince i'm futzing with the tests already... 2 birds, 1 stone21:28
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Noskcajcgoldberg, if you can fix a bug, do it21:36
cgoldbergNoskcaj, it's already being worked on in another branch that is MP'ed... so in this case it was good to ask :)21:37
balloonsalright, good night everyone.. whew, what a day. here's to ending tomorrow on a high note!21:51
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cgoldbergEOD o/22:11
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