
zuladam_g:  did something happen to the openstack-ci?00:08
adam_gzul, not that i know of. its probably just pegged from parallel builds00:09
zuladam_g: gah00:09
zuladam_g:  just doing a local test for cinder00:17
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styolHola. I was curious if anyone might have an opinion on how to best solve the following problem. On a new server being provisioned via bash script there are some sysctl.conf changes made by a third party that `sysctl -p` dislikes because there are a couple unknown keys and this causes the bash script to exit with an error due to the -ex specification on `#!/bin/bash -ex`02:56
styolSo, I was thinking either wrapping the additional entries being made to sysctl.conf that are known keys and the sysctl -p in a separate bash script without -ex OR using sed or something to search and replace those unknown keys with a commented out version OR something else a kind soul might be able to recommend?02:56
styolaha.. even better yet.. providing -e to sysctl will ignore errors about unknown keys.. roger!03:00
shaunostyol: you could put "set +e" before the lines that are allowed to fail, to disable errexit, and then "set -e" afterwards to put it back04:46
DzAirmaXHello guys08:56
DzAirmaXI got a little question for you08:56
DzAirmaXI noticed that the motd is not applyed on the first login on the machine : always on the second login time, is that normal ?08:56
DzAirmaXnobody has the answer ?09:18
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w0rpBlargh, I'm on a UEFI motherboard. How do I set up a boot loader for Xubuntu 12?09:56
w0rpI'm staring at a Grub command line off my pen drive that I barely got to load.09:57
ikonia!uefi | w0rp09:57
ubottuw0rp: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI09:58
w0rpI hate UEFI now because it cost me time.10:05
w0rp<3 boot-repair-disk10:19
jamespagezul, up yet?10:27
jamespagezul, doing neutron rc110:35
hXmhi, how to install and share a printer without http interface?11:15
zuljamespage:  just woke up ill talk to you about babel after i drop liam off (need to have breakfast as well)11:15
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bekks!cups | hXm11:22
ubottuhXm: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu11:22
hXmcups requires http interface11:25
jamespagezul, https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/swift/fixup-cache-perms/+merge/18904411:30
jamespagewhen you start11:31
zuljamespage:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/cinder/babel-ftbfs/+merge/18896312:31
jamespagezul,  did you upload the horizon fix from yesterday? if so please can you merge the branch12:42
jamespagezul, +1 on that cinder fix12:42
zuljamespage:  not yet i was going to wait until horizon is out12:43
jamespagezul, OK _ its is - I was doing that - I'll merge your branch if thats OK12:43
zuljamespage:  yep12:44
g0tchai have a question, if my ubuntu server got compromised and i install a new version, is there a way to make sure the hacker didnt alter files i can bring over from the compromised machine to the new one?12:47
zulg0tcha:  probably check from a good known backup12:48
g0tchavery old backup12:48
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jamespagezul: https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/horizon/havana-rc1/+merge/18906712:50
zuljamespage:  +112:51
jamespagezul, ta - uploaded12:53
jamespagezul, so thats keystone and horizon done right?12:53
jamespageI'm looking at neutron12:53
zulceilometer, keystone, glance and horizon12:55
zuljamespage:  ill get nova12:57
zuljamespage:  do you want to do cinder when its out, ill get heat13:02
jamespagezul, I think alot of the neutron test failures are due to patching of neutron.conf13:05
zuljamespage:  oh?13:06
jamespagezul, yeah - we set a core plugin and I think that conflicts with some of the test cases13:06
zuljamespage:  *sigh* lovely13:07
jcastrojamespage: or zul13:12
jamespagejcastro, hell13:12
jamespageblimey that was freudian13:13
zuljamespage:  i was about to say13:13
jcastrorecommendations here?13:13
jamespagejcastro, run away screaming?13:13
jamespageseriously thats hard13:13
zulit is13:13
jcastroafaik we don't have any kind of recommendation for this13:13
jcastroall I've ever heard is "you learned your lesson, now you get to start over."13:14
jamespagejcastro, yeah - there are just 1000 things that could go wrong during a migration13:15
* jamespage thinks about it a bit13:16
jamespagewhat is 'generic openstack'?13:16
jamespagezul, that swift bug I fixed was causing 503's on serverstack13:19
jamespagenot seen that before13:19
zuljamespage:  cool! i like testing things before moving them out to our users ;)13:19
* jamespage sighs13:21
jamespageanother new neutron plugin - embrane13:21
jamespageis it me or does everyone have a new SDN solution these days13:21
zuljamespage:  btw this will make you happy: python-ceilometer | 2013.2~b3-0ubuntu1 |         saucy | all13:25
koolhead17zul: hola13:29
zulkoolhead17:  hi13:29
koolhead17zul: long time. how have you been?13:29
zulkoolhead17:  good, busy, you?13:29
koolhead17zul: same2same13:30
zuljamespage:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/heat/2013.2.rc1/+merge/18907613:33
jamespagezul, dude - you can edit the existing changelog entry - thats already uploaded13:33
zuljamespage:  erg?13:34
jamespagelook at the diff13:34
zuldamn it...gimme a sec13:34
zuljamespage:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/heat/rc1/+merge/189081 andhttps://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/nova/2013.2.rc1/+merge/18908213:46
jamespagezul, ack on heat13:47
jamespagezul, nack on nova13:47
jamespagezul, just as a detail I've been describing these as 'New upstream release candidate."13:48
zuljamespage:  actually nova b3 ubuntu2 never got uploaded13:49
jamespagezul, urhg13:50
zuljamespage:  nova fixed13:56
jamespagezul, pushed? can't see it13:57
zuljamespage:  just did13:57
zuljamespage:  i didnt create a new changelog entry for rc1 because there is no ubuntu2 for nova13:57
jamespagezul, fine but you still have a typo13:58
zuljamespage:  wait there is13:58
hallynmed_: hey, sorry - did you straighten the dhcp issue out?13:58
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zuljamespage:  ok *now* its fixed14:04
jamespagezul, I still don't see it here - https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/nova/2013.2.rc1/+merge/18908214:05
brendan-hi guys/gals.. was there an update to the repos that removed/renamed older packages?14:07
brendan-E: Unable to locate package libxml2dev14:07
zuljamespage:  pushed to an rc1 branch i had its there now14:07
jamespagezul, the un-uploaded changelog entry is back14:08
zuljamespage:  yeah it got stuck in proposed14:08
jamespagezul, +114:09
zuljamespage:  thanks14:09
brendan-im retarded14:09
brendan-had -'s in my puppet manifest then i replaced, which took away the -'s from ssl-cert & other packages14:10
brendan-thanks anyways14:10
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med_hallyn, yep, I needed to flush my precise14:12
med_new containers were dhcping fine14:12
zuljamespage:  alright we are just waiting for cinder and neutron correct?14:14
jamespagezul, glance done?14:14
jamespageyes - I see it is14:15
hallynmed_: cool14:18
med_I'd never done that before.14:18
GargoyleCan anyone offer any pointers to info as to why iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT is better/worse than iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT14:20
jamespagezul, https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/neutron/havana-rc1/+merge/18909214:20
jamespageI'll look at the tests again but for now....14:20
zuljamespage:  +114:21
med_How does havana end up in saucy if they release on the same date? Very tight coupling and upstream cohesion?14:30
jamespagemed_, well the rc1's are going in now14:30
jamespagealbeit fixes that should be release14:30
jamespageit will get zero-day sru'ed14:30
jamespagewhich reminds me I need to line up an SRU team person todo that14:31
med_jamespage, I'm mostly asking in case I need to answer anyone else.14:31
jamespagemed_, the answer is probably on release day +114:31
jamespagezul, OK - started on tidying the CA staging area14:35
jamespagepython-wsme uploaded from saucy - should be good now14:35
zuljamespage:  ack14:36
jamespagezul, http://people.canonical.com/~jamespage/ca/havana/14:48
jamespagefor lesscpy14:48
jamespagezul, actually ply is not required14:51
jamespageits enough in precise already14:51
zuljamespage:  sweet14:51
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hallynjdstrand: sadly, commit fbe2e26c15af35e4d157874dc80f6a19eebaa83b in qemu breaks a bunch of the qa-regression-tests test-qemu.py checks :(  (i'll push a fix... just a pain)14:58
hallyn(it changes a bunch of 'file=whatever' to remove the 'file=')14:58
jdstrandhallyn: yuck. that is the type of stuff I don't understand why people change. it was fine before...15:54
jdstrandhallyn: I guess you'll be making that shange to be saucy+ specific?15:55
hallynjdstrand: "HMP is intended for humans, so we'll make sure no non-humans can parse it" is the commit message's position15:55
hallynjdstrand: well i'm comparing qemu version to 1.615:55
jdstrandsounds good15:55
jdstrandhallyn: is there an interface for non-humans to parse?15:56
hallynjdstrand: there is.  i wasn't sure if we should use that, or if we actually wanted the HMP to get verified15:56
jdstrandmy dog would love a simplified interface, for example15:56
hallynone woof for 32-bit, two for 64-bit15:56
jdstrandhallyn: I'll let you make that call. I haven't updated/used that script in quite a while15:56
hallynjdstrand: for now i'm just gonna make it work as is, but the duct tape is coming loose so pretty soon i'll make a patch proposal to change it i think15:57
hallyn(i wont' just push that without discussion -somewhere :)15:57
jdstrandhallyn: in general, if there is a mchine-readable interface, the tests could all be made to use it. then have a couple of tests for HMP15:57
hallynsounds good15:57
jdstrandbut yeah, doesn't have to be done now15:58
hallynjdstrand: thanks, ttyl15:58
jarkinoxOK, I'm going nuts trying to figure this out on my own.  Thus I reach out to the community.  I have a Bugzilla 4.4 installation on my Ubuntu 12.04 server16:06
jarkinoxAnd I have Bugzilla configured to send emails whenever a bug is submitted or changed.  But it won't do it and I believe the problem is with postfix.  My mail.log shows connection time out.16:08
jarkinoxI have port 25 open16:08
jarkinoxSo what gives?16:09
PiciCan you send mail without having bugzilla initiate it?16:11
jarkinoxI've been trying to figure out how to do that with the mail command, but haven't figured it out?  do you have a quick few lines I can try?16:13
Picimail someone@somewhere.com <enter>16:14
Picipress ctrl-d to finish16:14
jarkinoxthat was easy :)16:15
jarkinoxok, so I got "send-mail: fatal: chdir /Library/Server/Mail/Data/spool: No such file or directory"16:15
jarkinoxI notice that it says send-mail there.  isn't that different than postfix?16:16
jarkinoxseriously setting up email correctly has been the most challenging thing for me.16:16
Picijarkinox: How did you install postfix?16:17
rbasakWhat's send-mail?16:18
rbasakWhat's /Library/Server/Mail/...?16:18
rbasakNeither of these are standard components in Ubuntu.16:18
jarkinoxduring the server installation and also with apt-get16:18
rbasakjarkinox: what's the output of the command "which sendmail"?16:18
jarkinoxhold on, sorry guys.  I ran that command on my mac terminal16:19
jarkinoxswitching to ubuntu16:19
jarkinoxtoo many windows open16:19
jarkinoxok, so I sent email through ubuntu and it seems to have worked ok16:20
jarkinoxbut haven't received the email yet16:20
jarkinoxchecking mail.log16:20
jarkinoxOct  3 09:20:16 Ubuntu postfix/smtp[32192]: connect to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:25: Connection timed out16:21
jarkinoxrbasak: /usr/sbin/sendmail16:22
rbasakSo it's not a postfix problem then. Find out why you can't connect to that server on port 25.16:22
jarkinoxit's a gmail server16:22
rbasakIt may be that your ISP blocks connections. That's not uncommon. In that case, your ISP probably provides a smarthost, and you'll need to configure postfix with that.16:22
jarkinoxhow do I figure that out?16:22
rbasakOr you could configure the server to send everything through your gmail account. That might be easier for you.16:24
rbasakhttp://askubuntu.com/q/228938/7808 can help you with that.16:24
jarkinoxthank you rbasak16:25
jarkinoxi think that would be easiest16:25
jarkinoxman this is overwhelming16:26
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malluhi.. I was wondering if anyone can point to some resource for silently installing ldap client on Ubuntu 12.0417:55
malluI'm looking for a script17:55
leniosmallu, you only need to do apt-get install ldap-utils17:59
malluwell... that is prompting for ldap server information17:59
leniosthat's just installing stuff18:00
leniosthere is no question asked during this install. If you mean 'silently configure the ldap client so that it's pointing to an ldap server", that would be specific18:01
leniosand it depends on what you want to do18:02
sarnoldmallu: hopefully helpful: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man7/debconf.7.html18:03
leniosthere is no debconf question asked18:03
TheLordOfTimesince -motu and -bugs are all failing to respond to my question, anyone here know the SRU process and can tell me what happens if a package in precise-proposed gets verification-failed on the SRU bug?18:04
sarnoldTheLordOfTime: I'm pretty sure that package dies. No progress happens until someone either re-tests and confirms that it -does- fix the problem, or upload a new version ..18:06
TheLordOfTimesarnold: yeah, that's what I thought (and at the same time as you answered, hggdh answered in -bugs).18:07
TheLordOfTimesarnold: my main question is what happens to the package in -proposed, does it just get removed or what?18:07
sarnoldTheLordOfTime: hrm, I doubt it'd get removed right away, that'd be too easy for some jerk to waste hours of buildd time...18:08
hggdhusually, it will be demoted after a while by "itself". If it is a critical failure, the archive managers should be pinged18:08
TheLordOfTimei see.18:09
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zulhallyn:  ping19:03
hallynzul: uh, nobody here now but us chickens.  bok bok.  please call back later.  bok bok19:05
zulhallyn:  riiight...do you know why policykit got added as a dep for libvirt?19:05
hallynzul: hm.  no.  there *was* a policykit-related bruhaha recently,19:06
zulhallyn:  ok cool19:06
hallynzul: either it was part of the licensing problem, or it there was a patch in libvirt-security about it.19:06
hallynlemme check git log19:06
zulhallyn:  yeah saw it mdeslaur bumped it19:07
* zul shakes his fist at mdeslaur19:07
hallynheh.  that won't work, i'm looking at qemu log19:07
hallyn'bumped' meaning refused it?19:07
hallynyeah, i don't know, sorry19:07
hallynzul: commit ecbb3d51b5f195a73377840d35072b7014da2aa0 claims to fix building without policykit19:08
hallyn(sep 27 2013)19:08
hallyni'd frankly prefer to build without it, but...19:08
zulhallyn:  ditto makes backporting to the CA a bit more interesting19:09
hallynall right i need a change of venue - biab19:10
zulhallyn:  i cant find that commid id19:25
hallynzul: you can't find ecbb3d51b5f195a73377840d35072b7014da2aa0 in the libvirt src tree?19:28
zulhallyn:  no found it19:28
hallynis that in the package?19:31
hallynzul: and when you said 'it became a dependency' what did you mean?  it won't compile without it, or debian added it as a build-dep?19:32
zulhallyn:  libsystemd-login-dev is a dependency of policykit-1 and its not in precise (and i dont want to go down that rabbithole ;))19:32
adam_gzul, policykit backports from raring and folsom built fine in precise folsom/grizzily -staging19:37
zuladam_g: libsystemd-login-dev isnt a dependency for policykit-1 for raring19:43
adam_gzul, oh, you're having trouble with the saucy backport?19:43
adam_gzul, why did we backport libvirt for H?19:43
zuladam_g:  i really dont want to backport systemd19:43
zuladam_g:  because people wanted a newer libvirt19:44
adam_gzul, for what features, though?19:44
zuladam_g:  and there is an open cve for 1.1.1 right now19:44
zulin the CA19:44
bladernr_Hey, do any of you guys know if there is an Ubuntu Server live image, or can point me to something on building a Server live image?19:44
adam_gzul, what were the feature requirements that drove the bump in libvirt, though? IIRC, we did it last cycle for ceph rbd support19:45
zuli believe thats right19:45
hallynzul: so adding that patch to saucy's libvirt, and dropping the polkit dep;  does that work?19:46
zulhallyn:  working on it19:46
hallyn(we can still do the same thing for saucy)19:46
zulwhy do we have a policykit-1 dep anywya?19:46
hallyni'm quite certain i didn't ad it19:51
hallyn  [ Guido Günther ]19:51
hallyn  * [05e9a39] build-depend on policykit so polkit auth works with virsh19:51
hallyn    as well19:51
hallynfrom 0.6 changelog19:51
zulwell screw that ;)19:52
hallynzul: it's in precise too19:52
zulhallyn:  building a testdeb19:54
zulneed to go do dad duty19:55
hallynthat's me with two heads19:55
zulhallyn: buids fine without polkit20:31
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jamespagezul, nova-novncproxy is borked21:21
jamespageits blocking the autopkg tests21:21
jamespage  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/websockify/websocketproxy.py", line 86, in __init__21:21
jamespage    websocket.WebSocketServer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)21:21
jamespageTypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'no_parent'21:21
jamespagezul, you might want to cherry pick reverse of https://github.com/openstack/nova/commit/3eb67b811ae2442bd86781d9f1c4078a982cfe8421:24
hallynzul: well i guess we shoudl at least run wqa-regression-testing against it before pushing to saucy21:29
zuljamespage:  ack ill look at it tonight21:30
zulhallyn:  ill put it in a ppa tonight21:30
jamespagezul, marverllous21:30
* jamespage goes back to fixing neutron21:30
zuljamespage:  have to take liam to scouts/beavers tonight21:30
jamespagezul, funny - I did that this evening as well!21:31
zuljamespage:  heh21:31
hallynall right the only qemu test failure that still worries me is test_nic failing to connect over ssh.  The rest I'm gonna fix in the testsutie tonight.  THis one, gotta figure out what's going on.21:46
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hallynhm ,looks like i82551 is the problem22:09

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