
achianghm, what does this mean: ERROR:phablet-flash:https://system-image.ubuntu.com/daily/mako/index.json cannot be retrieved01:10
achiang404 in the web browser01:10
achiangmaybe it's being rebuilt01:10
stgraberachiang: this means you didn't update your device in quite some time01:11
stgraberachiang: or phablet-flash01:11
stgraberin this case01:11
achiangstgraber: i just ran the exact same command ~1.5 hours ago and it succeeded01:11
stgraberachiang: not with daily as a channel name it didn't01:12
stgraberachiang: that channel has been deprecated since the 16th and was removed from the server on the 26th01:12
achiangstgraber: you are right, i typed the wrong command01:13
achiangsorry, i am dumb :)01:13
achiangstgraber: i was using bash history from the wrong gnome-terminal :-/01:13
stgraberwow, you must have a pretty long history to still have that channel name in there :)01:14
achiangpack rat ;)01:16
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mfischis anyone awake who can top approve a merge into a ubuntuone-hackers branch?02:59
mfischachiang: you should be using devel or devel-proposed03:00
achiangmfisch: right, i used the wrong command from bash history by accident03:00
pkunal-parmarMy Nexus 4 with ubuntu touch on it, won't power on, can any one help ?03:06
mfischpkunal-parmar: this has been discussed on the mailing list some.03:08
mfischpkunal-parmar: some tricks are use a wall charger for a few hours, or take the battery in and out03:09
mfischpkunal-parmar: look at this archive too there's some mail there about it: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/03:10
pkunal-parmardoes it happens because of battery drain ?03:10
pkunal-parmarsure, I will have a look03:10
mfischI don't know the reason03:12
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Guest79607is somebody online?03:18
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AskUbuntuwill ubuntu for phones (release in 2 weeks i think) support the "phone" funktion? | http://askubuntu.com/q/35298003:40
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nhainesWhat's the current recommended way to set the system timezone on Ubuntu Touch?04:44
kevin___hey, whos got ubuntu running on their galaxy s4?05:13
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didrocksrsalveti: FYI: go ahead on your 2 requests when you are ready06:15
jibelwith MIR enabled application randomly failed to start, which information would be useful to attach to a bug report?06:46
Shiggs|i5-2500kHello I'm trying to follow http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2426924 and I'm stuck on the partitioning stage06:47
Shiggs|i5-2500kit keeps giving me a bogus error06:47
Shiggs|i5-2500ksaying the /internal isn't a directory06:47
Shiggs|i5-2500kThis is obvs on an HP TouchPad06:49
Shiggs|i5-2500k/media/internal is a directory, but not /internal, which is why it doesn't make any sense.06:50
__jim__is there an expected date when ubuntu touch will be ready for cdma?07:20
nhaines__jim__: I don't think there are any plans to support it.07:23
__jim__ooooh well, I thought I'd see, thanks!07:24
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popeyHuzzah! Ringing and sms tones works in image 7808:18
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LupusHello everyone08:21
LupusI have a quick question about ubuntu touch...08:22
Lupusi assume this is the correct place?08:22
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popey!ask | Lupus08:26
ubot5Lupus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:26
Lupushahah, well, wondering if ubuntu touch is going to work on all android devices, or only those mentioned as supported - or if the supported ones are the only ones with rollback options if it goes wrong. I have an old samsung galaxy y i want to try it with08:27
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nhainesLupus: theoretically, it can run on any Android device with high enough specs, but in real life, it'll only work on the phones that have had it ported to them.08:32
nhainesThe good news, though, is that if you have a factory Android image, you should be able to recover back to it if it doesn't work.08:32
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LupusThat isnt a problem, i dont use that phone at all any more. Hm, its not a high spec phone08:33
Lupusthanks dude, ill just go try when salamander comes out soon :D08:34
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nhainesOctober 17th.  :)08:34
nhainesJohnLea: nice job on the 13.10 wallpaper.  I like how smooth it looks.08:35
JohnLeanhaines; thanks but don't thank me, it was Michal Izydorczyk who did this one08:37
nhainesJohnLea: I'll have to drop him a note then if I can find his email.  :)08:38
nhainesAnd now I have.08:39
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Virus Appreciation Day! :-D08:48
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gemapopey: am I supposed to be able to upgrade from image 75 to 78 on devel-proposed via the UI?08:57
UrbanRunnerXcan someone please help me??08:57
popeyi have not personally tested that scenario08:57
popeyUrbanRunnerX: if you ask your question, we can try08:58
gemapopey: I know they were landing a new upgrade mechanism on 73, so the first image that we are promoting to current with that is 7808:58
JamesTaitIs there a supported way to sync the calendar app with a CalDAV source?08:58
gemapopey: I will go to current and try tomorrow08:58
popeyJamesTait: no08:59
UrbanRunnerXjust dont want to sound dumb tho, but08:59
UrbanRunnerXim still trying to just get everything loaded in my computer and getting held up with the phablet-dev-bootstrap08:59
gemaUrbanRunnerX: I sound dumb every day, no worries, peole here are quite understanding :)08:59
UrbanRunnerXsticking at the public key not found09:01
UrbanRunnerXjust trying to get all these tools and what not loaded first obv09:01
gemaUrbanRunnerX: what are you trying to do? if you could give a bit of context on that it'd help09:01
JamesTaitOK, obvious next question is obvious: is there an unsupported way?  For example, does the calendar app integrate with e-d-s, so I could use syncevolution to achieve my goal?09:02
gemaUrbanRunnerX: get everything loaded for what?09:02
UrbanRunnerXjust trying to follow the ubuntu porting guide and just trying to get my "development enviroment" all installed09:03
gemaUrbanRunnerX: ah, ok, not mything, but I am sure someone else in the channel can help you09:04
UrbanRunnerXnot trying any of the porting??09:04
UrbanRunnerXor any porting exp???09:05
popeyUrbanRunnerX: can you pastebin the error you're seeing?09:05
UrbanRunnerXits a screenshot09:07
UrbanRunnerXhow can i post that09:07
UrbanRunnerXok nvm, just copied it, sorry new to the developing world so thought id start here but hard to do so when i can't more futher09:09
UrbanRunnerXsorry its such a long one but just showing the terminal command i used and full results09:09
UrbanRunnerXhave to send another pastebin didn't get it al09:11
UrbanRunnerXnvm its all there09:11
popeyUrbanRunnerX: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2182938/gpg-warning-unsafe-ownership-on-configuration-file-gpg-fingerprint-on-ubun09:11
* popey prematurely celebrates with tea09:12
UrbanRunnerXill check back in a little to see if that helps thanks09:14
UrbanRunnerXjust checked to see if that file/folder was even there thru search and can't find09:15
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loukariellowhello everybody. I never used irc and I hope i'm doing it right. I have a question: I noticed that none of mediacom tablet are listed in "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices". Has anybody ever tried to install touch on one of these devices?09:17
UrbanRunnerX found out it has something to do with the "key" for my gnu, guess it was never imported haha09:23
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popeyUrbanRunnerX: huzzah09:32
popeyloukariellow: if it's not on that list, probably not09:32
popeyloukariellow: unless someone on xda has tried and hasn't had success or hasn't documented their success09:32
popeyor other reasons I can't think of09:32
loukariellowok thanks. I just wanted to be sure09:33
UrbanRunnerXcould always attempted to build it yourself, then run into a brickwall over small stuff and i didn't even get to any of the building stages :p09:34
UrbanRunnerXim trying to get a d2spr build09:34
Shiggs|i5-2500k>_> <_<09:35
UrbanRunnerXwhats that about :p09:35
Shiggs|i5-2500kUrbanRunnerX: maybe you can help09:38
UrbanRunnerXi would if i could im hung in trying to get the gpg key matched09:38
Shiggs|i5-2500kI have a simple problem that maybe can be fixed09:39
Shiggs|i5-2500kI was trying to follow this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2426924 earlier, but I hit a wall when trying to run create_partitions.sh09:39
Shiggs|i5-2500kthis is the error:09:39
pete-woodsjodh: hi09:48
jodhpete-woods: hi09:49
pete-woodsjodh: I've been seeing something strange with an upstart session job (hud) on my desktop machine (I think others have too)09:49
pete-woodsjodh: basically, the DBus environment variables weren't being set (I dumped the environment from inside the job)09:50
pete-woodsjodh: this MR fixed the problem (https://code.launchpad.net/~pete-woods/hud/fix-hud-activation/+merge/188090)09:50
pete-woodsjodh: also strange was that when I looked into ~/.dbus/session/*, the environment definition in there is different to the one in my live environment (i.e. echo $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS)09:52
popeyOMG! Headphones work now!?09:54
* popey abuses the music app for a while09:54
xnoxpete-woods: jodh: commented on that merge proposal RE:dbus job. https://code.launchpad.net/~pete-woods/hud/fix-hud-activation/+merge/18809009:55
pete-woodsxnox: ack, the interesting part is that this also failed on a running desktop session09:59
pete-woodsI'm scared that there's some kind of hard to reproduce bug in upstart that fails to pass on the DBus environment set in the dbus job10:00
xnoxpete-woods: check the tests for setting environment variables in upstart, we have pleora of tests to verify correct environment for each job. I'm suspecting ordering problem: where anything dbus-activates session dbus, ahead of session-dbus reaching "started".10:01
davmor2Morning all10:02
pete-woodsxnox: this was a running desktop session, the environment was set properly in the shell, it just wasn't appearing in the upstart job10:02
xnoxpete-woods: what do you mean "properly set in the shell"?10:03
pete-woodsxnox: if I type "echo $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" it gives the right value in terminal10:03
davmor2a new day, a new image10:03
mhr3_xnox, think this bootchart shows that upstart does indeed start dbus-daemon10:03
mhr3_or i'm reading it wrong... one of those :)10:04
xnoxpete-woods: right, so your terminal was launched after "started JOB=dbus" event was emitted, anything that is launched between "starting JOB=dbus" and "started JOB=dbus" will have DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS set, which actually isn't spawned yet.10:04
xnoxmhr3_: which of the two upstarts? =) we are talking about session-dbus, not system-dbus. Or do bootcharts cover both?10:05
ogra_xnox, yes10:05
pete-woodsxnox: I am manually running "start hud" and "stop hud" to test an in-session services10:05
mhr3_xnox, they do, but that's why i might be reading it wrong10:05
ogra_pete-woods, the same code is in an /etc/profile.d script we ship that gets executed on start10:05
Shiggs|i5-2500k>_> >_>10:06
ogra_pete-woods, theoretically the var should already be in your env10:06
xnoxogra_: hm, i think i'd rather want the --debug log on session upstart somewhere.10:06
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# cat /etc/profile.d/dbus-source.sh10:06
ogra_# truncate obsolete ~/.dbus-session file if it exists10:06
ogra_[ -e $HOME/.dbus-session ] && echo >$HOME/.dbus-session10:06
ogra_# source dbus address from new location10:06
ogra_[ -e $HOME/.cache/upstart/dbus-session ] && . $HOME/.cache/upstart/dbus-session10:06
xnoxjodh: do we have the graphviz for session-upstart?10:06
ogra_pete-woods, ^^^10:06
mhr3_xnox, what is the upstart-dbus-bridge process?10:07
xnoxogra_: ouch, you want $ initctl set-env DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS as well!10:07
ogra_xnox, !10:07
xnoxogra_: cause otherwise anything started by upstart will not know about correct bus address.10:07
xnoxogra_: see /usr/share/upstart/session/dbus.conf for the example.10:07
xnoxogra_: or better just do $ start dbus ;-)10:08
pete-woodsogra_: that file is only there on touch, right? I was seeing this issue on the desktop10:08
xnoxmhr3_: man upstart-dbus-bridge ? it's a bridge - thus it emits events, which jobs can react to from things that happen on dbus - e.g. objects apearing/going away, messages broadcasted etc.10:08
ogra_xnox, if dbus does that already, it should be all fine10:08
mhr3_xnox, ah, right... ok10:09
ogra_xnox, the profile.d file is for non graphical logins ... sudo etc10:09
xnoxogra_: yeah =/10:09
Shiggs|i5-2500k>_> >_>10:09
ogra_xnox, if dbus stratup has exported it into upstart all should be fine10:09
xnoxogra_: i'm not so sure.10:09
ogra_the login shell connects to the running upstart session10:10
xnoxogra_: is the user-session dbus job used at all?10:10
ogra_xnox, see http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako.png10:10
xnoxogra_: i like text not pictures =)10:10
ogra_it is used but goes into some weird zombie state after startup10:10
* ogra_ doesnt have any text that would visualize this :P10:11
xnoxogra_: in essence "$ env | grep DBUS_" should match "$ initctl list-env | grep DBUS" if they don't, things will be broken.10:11
xnoxogra_: and if one is updating login ENV with new dbus, the running upstart user-session's environment should be updated to match.10:12
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ env |grep DBUS10:12
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ initctl list-env |grep DBUS10:12
ogra_same on terminal10:13
ogra_the sudo side will stop working if you restart  the graphical session  without sudo re-login though10:13
xnoxright, so that's all good.10:14
ogra_but thats a limitation of the design ... sadly10:14
xnoxcan you restart graphical session?10:14
ogra_xnox, well, look at the chart, nothng is good10:14
ogra_dbus-daemo goes into zombie state right after start (assumingly waiting for the hud to show up)10:15
ogra_and after about 30secs the session startup moves on (indicators start etc)10:15
ogra_we need to get rid of that hang on startup, but i have no idea where it comes from10:16
pete-woodsogra_: can you try (to humour me) this change? (https://code.launchpad.net/~pete-woods/hud/fix-hud-activation/+merge/188090)10:16
pete-woodsprobably it's as easy as anything to just manually apply it to the device10:17
ogra_yeah, just need to make it writable ... one sec10:17
ogra_pete-woods, hmm, isnt that code the wrong way round ?10:20
ogra_i would assume you want to source the file before exporting the var you read from it10:20
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pete-woodsogra_: that fix worked for me on the desktop, feel free to try it the other way around, though10:21
jodhpete-woods: that won't work due to what ogra just said, but also because you set the var in the pre-start, but it won't apply to the exec10:22
jodhpete-woods: you'd need to 'initctl set-env' the variable in pre-start for it to apply in exec, or change exec to a script, source and then exec hud-service.10:22
ogra_yeah, nothing changes, boot still takes as long (i dont have bootchart on this install, but there is no 20sec speedup for sure)10:22
ogra_jodh, well, the point is that dbus already does that on startup10:23
ogra_jodh, theoretically the var should be available to the job10:23
ogra_via the upstart env10:23
jodhogra_: still reading the scroll back, but that fix is entirely incorrect10:24
pete-woodsjodh, ogra_: my testing for that was commenting out the pre-start script, hud doesn't start, uncommenting, hud starts10:24
pete-woodsnever mind though, I'm just glad ogra_'s bootchart shows the problem10:26
davmor2ogra_: phablet-flash failed it seems to of wiped my phone but not put anything on.  Is there some magic incantation to make it run from the fastboot page?10:26
ogra_pete-woods, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6187560/ something like that would probably work10:26
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davmor2ogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6187575/10:27
pete-woodsogra_: did that help with your boot?10:27
pete-woods(i.e. your fixed version)10:28
ogra_pete-woods, nope ... and i dont see anything related to hud in the processlist10:28
ogra_but the above would be syntactically correct (though you have that var in your env already)10:28
mhr3_ogra_, does the bootchart change in any way if you remove the dbus service file for hud?10:31
mhr3_then dbus should just throw an error immediately and not wait for anything10:32
ogra_mhr3_, i dont have bootchart installed anymore ... got to re-setup that stuff again (i do daily image testing too)10:36
ogra_davmor2, looks like your cable or so10:37
ogra_davmor2, boot into recovery and start over with -d maguro added10:37
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davmor2ogra_: thanks that looks to be working now10:39
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ogra_mhr3_, no change http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako-dr20131003-2.png10:49
mhr3_ogra_, and you removed /usr/share/dbus-1/services/com.canonical.hud.service right?10:50
ogra_mhr3_, nope10:50
mhr3_ogra_, what was the change then?10:51
ogra_mhr3_, adding pete-woods' change10:51
ogra_to export the dbus session address10:51
mhr3_ah, ok10:51
mhr3_so do we have a proper fix yet?10:51
* ogra_ switches the upstart job to "start on started dbus" and removes the service file 10:52
ogra_lets see10:52
mhr3_that's not really a fix10:53
pete-woodsogra_: should you make unity8 wait on hud, then?10:53
ogra_5sec after the google logo went away i have a shell on screen !!!10:53
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ogra_pete-woods, i thought it does that internally already10:53
pete-woodsogra: I thought it needs dbus service activation for that, but whatever, there is clearly something wrong with HUD10:54
pete-woodsor hud activation at least10:54
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mhr3_jodh, so any idea why the env var wouldn't be set in the hud job even though the dbus job has set-env --global in its pre-start script?10:55
ogra_onder 1min now10:57
ogra_oh, the total is moot ...10:57
ogra_but you can see everything just starts a lot earlier10:57
ogra_ah, well, but no hud10:58
mhr3_why does ubuntu-download start dbus-daemon?10:59
ogra_but you will notice that the zombie state of the session dbus is gone11:00
ogra_so my theory is ...11:00
mhr3_oh wait, that's dbus-daemon running dbus-daemon11:00
ogra_unity8 tries to fire up the hud service via dbus11:01
ogra_but hud takes to long to respond11:01
ogra_which then turns dbus into a pumpkin11:01
ogra_which in turn makes unity8 simply wait for a timeout (seemingly taking about 20sec)11:01
mhr3_well hud can't connect to dbus, that's why there's all the waiting11:02
mhr3_and that's because of the envvar not set11:02
mhr3_and what pete-woods was asking about11:02
ogra_the envvar is set11:03
ogra_in the whole of the session upstart11:03
ogra_it is exported into the upstart env by dbus when starting11:04
mhr3_not inside hud-service11:04
pete-woodsogra_: the reason I think the var isn't set is from basically replacing the hud binary with a bash script that does "env | sort > /tmp/hud/env"11:04
ogra_inside the upstart session11:04
ogra_as long as hud service stays in that env all is fine11:04
mhr3_that's what you would think since upstart itself starts hud, but clearly it's not happening11:05
ogra_but your current setup runs through dbus services, fires up a scrip in a subshell and that tries to exec the hud service11:06
pete-woodsogra_: it still results in a "hud start", though, right?11:07
pete-woodsstart hud, even11:07
ogra_pete-woods, yes, but does dbus have access to the session upstart from where you call it ?11:07
ogra_pete-woods, looking at the script i suspect the var isnt set ...11:08
mhr3_ogra_, since the script checks for UPSTART_SESSION envvar, yes it does11:08
ogra_mhr3_, it checks for it and takes a fallback path if it cant use it11:09
didrocksogra_: go away! it's off today11:09
ogra_mhr3_, how do you know it isnt always taking the fallback path ?11:09
didrocksmhr3_: stop annoying ogra_ ;)11:09
ogra_didrocks, well, my session boots in google logo +5sec :)11:09
ogra_instead of google logo + 1min :)11:10
didrocksogra_: waow? what's the magic?11:10
didrocksno no, you won't trap me11:10
mhr3_ogra_, cause your bootcharts show that upstart launches hud in the end11:10
ogra_didrocks, disabling the hud :P11:10
didrocksenjoy your holiday!11:10
didrocksogra_: really???11:10
ogra_its not a solution yet11:10
ogra_but a finally clear identification of the boot delay11:10
ogra_didrocks, compare http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako-dr20131003-2.png with http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako-dr20131003-3.png11:11
ogra_mhr3_, not in http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako-dr20131003-3.png11:13
didrocksogra_: indeed, impressive11:13
ogra_mhr3_, where i changed the upstart job to actually start and removed the .service file11:14
ogra_(seemingly starting the upstart job doesnt start the hud at all though)11:14
* mhr3_ wants ctrl+f to work in bootcharts11:14
mhr3_ogra_, yea... i see no hud there11:15
mhr3_so not sure what point you're trying to make11:15
mhr3_the only i see that the job wasn't started by anyone11:16
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xnoxmhr3_: correct, so hud is dbus activated, by whatever first tries talking to it. and it's dbus-daemon that is launching it....... nothing to do with upstart as upstart doesn't control at all then when to start hud.11:20
pete-woodsbut unity8 should be trying to start it11:20
xnoxpete-woods: well then, you should troubleshoot why unity8 is not starting to talk to hud as soon as.11:21
mhr3_xnox, that's because ogra_ removed the service file, which was calling "start hud"11:21
xnoxsorry, i mean we should be troubleshooting why unity8 doesn't talk to hud.11:21
xnoxmhr3_: hm.11:22
xnoxnow i'm confused =)11:22
mhr3_hud is dbus-activated, and the dbus-daemon activated job calls upstart's "start hud"11:22
mhr3_however crazy that is... it should work11:23
xnoxsure, but that's like eons too late.11:23
mhr3_why would it be late? dbus will wait for it11:23
xnoxhud's start on condition should be to started as soon as possible instead.11:24
* ogra_ suspects you need something like a pkla file for policykit 11:24
mhr3_xnox, why? lazy start ftw11:24
xnoxmhr3_: lazy start wastes time, we are event based and want to boot as soon as possible.11:24
xnoxmhr3_: you can then stop hud, and do lazy resume to save resources.11:25
pete-woodsxnox, mhr3_: whether it's a waste of time or not, it should still work11:25
ogra_pete-woods, it works, but adds 30sec boot time ... we will switch to Mir the next days, that adds another 20sec to the boot ...11:26
xnoxogra_: unless the dbus's environment is poluted, in which case "start hud" doesn't something entirely else.11:26
xnoxogra_: can you change $ start hug in the .service file, to "$ start --no-wait hud" ?11:26
ogra_pete-woods, this then causes the boot take long enough to only show the UI after powerd already blanked the screen, users think it didnt boot at all and crashed11:27
pete-woodsogra_: so you're saying that HUD simply takes something like 30 seconds to start?11:27
ogra_pete-woods, did you see the different bootcharts i posted over the last 30min ?11:27
xnox.... pete-woods and any "tasks jobs that start on starting hud"11:27
ogra_pete-woods, hud delays unity startup by 30sec11:28
mhr3_ogra_, it'd be same if hud was able to actually talk to dbus11:28
ogra_pete-woods, dropping the hud gets me the UI nearly immediately after the google logo goes away11:28
ogra_mhr3_, thats not acceptable, why is it taking so long ?11:28
mhr3_cause it can't connect11:29
mhr3_and unity8 being stupid and doing blocking wait for it11:29
mhr3_or libhud... whatever11:29
ogra_see the first two lines11:29
mhr3_oh wow11:30
ogra_you call into the system bus i bet11:30
ogra_not into the session one11:30
pete-woodshmm, okay, I'm surprised that unity didn't wait like 30 seconds for the HUD timeout11:30
ogra_the system bus runs under the system upstart sessiion11:30
ogra_pete-woods, thats what it does !11:31
ogra_pete-woods, causing a 30sec bootup delay11:31
pete-woodsI thought you said you were getting unity to appear really soon when you diabled HUD?11:31
ogra_well, i didnt disable it ... i added "start on started dbus" to its session upstart job11:32
mhr3_ogra_, that's session dbus log, right?11:32
ogra_but it doesnt start ... unity8 doesnt wait either though11:32
ogra_mhr3_, right11:32
mhr3_eeh, let's just remove the hud upstart job and leave it on dbus activation11:33
mhr3_clearly the interaction breaks something11:34
mhr3_and being to do "stop hud" is not good enough reason to keep it11:34
xnoxogra_: "start: Unknown job: hud" huh, it looks like dbus-daemon is talking to the wrong upstart.11:34
xnoxogra_: when doing dbus-activate -> start hud11:34
ogra_xnox, yeah11:34
xnoxogra_: hm change it to "env && start hud" and see if UPSTART_SESSION is set?11:35
ogra_well, i'm just rebooting with some debgging added to the script11:35
ogra_giv it a few :) reboot takes :)11:35
LaneyActivating service name='com.canonical.hud'11:35
Laneyhud start/running, process 245611:35
xnoxogra_: and / or possibly cat the dbus-daemon environ11:36
ogra_thats the right one11:36
Laneywtf is that hack11:37
* Laney goes blind11:37
ogra_Laney, ask ted :)11:37
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# sudo -u phablet -i11:37
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ env|grep UPSTART11:37
ogra_xnox, that one seems right11:38
Laneyit'll only start if UPSTART_SESSION is set11:38
Laneyget the hud job to dump its env11:38
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ env|grep DBUS11:38
ogra_Laney, see the pastebin11:38
ogra_Laney, thats the env of that script11:39
Laneythe hack script or the hud job?11:39
ogra_hack script11:39
ogra_session bus address seems fine too11:39
LaneyI don't think that is necessarily the same as upstart will give the job11:39
ogra_well, upstart should hand over its global env11:40
Laneyhmm but you get unknown job11:40
mhr3_ogra_, you should revert your image... i don't think unknown job is something you'd get normally11:41
LaneyI don't see that11:41
LaneyI bet you broke something11:41
ogra_Laney, that indicates that we dont tolk to the right upstart11:41
* ogra_ re-flashes ... lets see11:41
Laneyall I get is the 10 second delay11:42
Laneywhich is nasty, we should just do normal dbus activation until the replacement works propely11:42
ogra_Laney, point is that i get zero delay on boot ... UI is up right after the google logo goes away11:43
ogra_if i disable the hud11:43
ogra_i fear the dbus activation will still keep a delay for us11:43
Laneysec, let me try with normal activation11:44
om26erthere are pretty serious problems with the new images11:45
om26ermy phone just hangs, its either unity8 or something.11:45
ogra_om26er, ?11:45
ogra_works awesome for me on both arches11:45
Laneyeither unity 8 or something, haha11:45
ogra_i dont think we had such good images ever11:45
Laneyalthough this google logo is staying on screen for a long time ...11:46
ogra_Laney, yeah11:46
Laneyoh there we go11:46
Laneyis that something when you enable writable_image?11:46
om26erogra_, I can hang my phone in like a few minutes of testing. probably when I try to interact with the OSK11:46
ogra_Ln"something" ?11:46
ogra_Laney, ^11:46
Laneygoogle logo stage (whatever happens then) taking longer11:46
ogra_om26er, well, i'm using it since a few hours now11:46
ogra_without any issues11:47
ogra_Laney, yeah, not much we can do about that11:47
ogra_Laney, the container startup costs about 10sec ... that delays udev ... so all udev based jobs start later11:47
om26erogra_, When i left my home in the morning for uni, I had my phone "halted" for like 10times.. when I got back a newer image came which I just flashed and a few minutes ago I had a similar hang.11:47
om26erogra_, I'll come up with exact steps :)11:48
ogra_om26er, oh right, i was talking about the latest stable11:48
om26erone of the newer bugs is that I tap on an apps icon but the app does not open.. no app would open when I tap on its icon in the dahs11:48
ogra_which is the last one from tonight ... 78 iirc11:48
jibelom26er, agreed, I got sevaral crashes with build 78 too, unity8, indicator-sound, media-app, gallery-app11:48
pete-woodsorga_: do you think it's worth trying the bootchart with the HUD voice engine disabled? (env HUD_DISABLE_VOICE=1)11:49
jibelon mako that is11:49
ogra_i dont have that here with a freshly wiped flash11:49
ogra_yeah, mako too11:49
ogra_and the dashboard never looked that good either11:50
om26erjibel, right now seems the appmanager died or something. none of the apps are opening.11:50
om26erI should stop using "something" that often as well.11:51
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om26erogra_, bug 123467012:07
ubot5bug 1234670 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Cannot launch apps anymore" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123467012:07
om26ersometimes that even results in a complete hang12:07
ogra_om26er, i cant confirm that as i said above12:07
ogra_om26er, was that an upgrade or a freshly flashed install (and did you use --no-backup)12:11
om26erogra_, I did:  phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel saucy-proposed --no-backup12:11
ogra_thats the same i use here12:12
popeyi freshly flashed one phone, and OTA updated the other and can't reproduce on either12:12
om26erthe issue is not happening under Mir. plus it seems jibel can create something similar as well12:12
ogra_right, me neither12:12
ogra_but jibel claimed he can12:12
popeyHmm. I am seeing something eating a lot of cpu on mine12:13
popeymusic app12:13
om26erpopey, try quickly. reboot, unlock, launch calculator, back to dash, before the window fully goes away tap on calculator, repeat12:13
gemaI have an indicator-messages crash for someone to look at, any takers?12:13
jibelnice, unity8 crashed on boot, rebooting again12:14
ogra_are you guys sure you run 78 ?12:15
popeyroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# system-image-cli -i | grep build12:15
popeycurrent build number: 7812:15
popeyyup ☻12:15
ogra_yeah, i know you do :)12:15
gemaogra_: yes, I am12:16
ogra_i meant jibel and om26er12:16
om26erogra_, current build number: 7812:16
jibelroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# system-image-cli -i|grep build12:16
jibelcurrent build number: 7812:16
jibelogra_, may I ask you the same question ;)12:16
ogra_yep, i positively run 78 on both devices12:17
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popeyom26er: still can't reproduce12:17
* ogra_ neither ... 12:17
ogra_on both devices12:17
* jibel 's device is dead -> reflashing12:18
popeyalso "before the window fully goes away" is really _hard_12:18
ogra_how would you do that12:18
om26erpopey, I think you don't really have to acheive that12:18
popeyEither way, can't do it ☻12:18
om26errace is race. maybe its detecting my finger prints :p12:18
popeyI'll get some new fingers fitted12:19
ogra_did you install on an iphone ?12:19
* popey sets bug to incomplete until someone can reproduce12:19
gemapopey: that's not a good way to deal with race conditions12:19
gemapopey: because it is not incomplete, it is just a bug that's difficult to reproduce12:20
om26ernote: its only happening on SurfaceFlinger.12:20
gemaom26er: any chance you can record a video of it happening?12:20
om26ergema, Yes, let me do that.12:20
gemaom26er: thanks12:20
ogra_om26er, if its SF only it might be rather low prio :)12:21
gemaom26er: then attach it and mark the bug as not incomplete again, thx12:21
ogra_app handling differs between them and SF will not be fully supported anymore soon12:21
ogra_though i think that app handling change didnt land yet ... lool or didrocks should know though12:22
ogra_(there are some expected glitches with SF and upstart-app-launch)12:22
loologra_: hmm?12:24
loologra_: right now it should work fine I think12:24
ogra_yeah, thought so12:24
* ogra_ wasnt sure if it already landed12:24
loolyeah it hasn't12:24
loolI think we want to land it just before mir12:24
ogra_the above sounded like it could be related12:25
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gemaogra_: who is the person to talk to for my messages indicator?12:28
ogra_gema, dunno, larsu perhaps12:28
seb128on a non german reunion day12:28
popeygema: ok. how do we deal with bugs nobody else can reproduce?12:28
seb128ogra_, on that note, stop working!12:28
ogra_seb128, i'm playing :)12:28
gemapopey: a developer looks into them and makes sure all the crash files or whatever has been added to them and tries to fix?12:29
ogra_seb128, i enjoy a day without spreadsheets12:29
seb128gema, you can try dednick as well I guess12:29
seb128ogra_, ;-)12:29
gemaogra_, seb128 : thanks12:29
popeygema: have you looked at the crash files on that bug?12:29
gemapopey: no, I haven't12:29
popey(there are none)12:29
popeySorry, happy to change what I'm doing if I'm Doing it Wrong.12:30
mfischlool: icon is fixed and after merging with trunk I saw the dh_install issue, thx12:30
gemapopey: it is frustrating to see how race conditions, which are the hardest and most elusive bugs to find and get rid off are being dismissed as non-issues because they cannot be reproduced by you or by balloons or by the bug triager12:30
mfischgusch: this fix also passed the testing finally: https://code.launchpad.net/~mfisch/gallery-app/fix-path/+merge/18526912:30
gemapopey: some of those things would benefit from a developer seeing the use case and looking at the code12:31
loolmfisch: cool, thanks12:31
gemapopey: I am not saying you look into all of them, but at least the ones that look important12:31
gemapopey: you may be in a different network than om26er and hence not be able to reproduce his bug12:32
gemapopey: or on a better coverage area or..12:32
gemapopey: that doesn't mean the bug is incomplete, it's just not reproducible all the time12:32
popeyI don't believe we have time to rummage round in code for race conditions that only one person gets though?12:32
popeyi.e. we have a lorry load of other bugs developers could look at?12:32
gemapopey: if that race makes a critical app to crash or calls to be lost, I'd say it is pretty damn important12:33
popeyones that have dumps/traces, or are at least repeatable.12:33
guschmfisch: wow finally12:33
gemapopey: ok, sounds reasonable, will make a call for everyone to make sure they check for crashes systematically12:33
gemapopey: but at this point, if om26er or jibel find a bug that they think is a bug, it's probably a bug12:34
gemapopey: and if it looks important, someone should look into it12:34
gemaa dev12:34
ogra_gema, well, if its SF its moot ...12:34
ogra_*SF only12:34
gemaogra_: ack, in this case it's moot12:34
gemaogra_: it's a general point12:34
popey( I wasn't arguing that I would flip the status on any bug I can't reproduce btw, only this one )12:35
gemaogra_: it's juts so that we don't get into the habit of dismissing race conditions because they don't happen to us12:35
gemaogra_: that's the whole point of a race12:35
popeygema: don't extrapolate that I do this for every bug based on one ☻12:35
gemapopey: understood12:35
gemapopey: not you, I've seen it happen to me as well12:35
gemawith other bugs and other people12:36
gemapopey: just trying to make a point, if it sticks a bit and you consider it from now on, as well as the other triagers, I am happy12:36
om26erpopey, http://videobin.org/+6xu/8n5.html12:36
popeygema: you're implying I don't think. Please.12:37
gemapopey: not at all12:37
gemapopey: you do a thorough job12:37
gemapopey: otherwise I wouldn't be bothering having this conversation12:37
popeyI just want these 10 mins of my life back.12:37
gemame too12:38
popeyom26er: does unity still work when it's in that state?12:38
ogra_ChickenCutlass, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako-dr20131003-2.png and http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako-dr20131003-3.png ... the second one gets me the UI 5sec after the google logo goes away  (the second one has the HUD disabled)12:38
loologra_, stgraber: If you guys are around, I'd love to test the boot hooks to include them in the image; I guess I'd do a boot time test before and after an upgrade12:39
gemadednick: ping12:39
loologra_, stgraber: Would you guys have a branch/debdiff?12:39
om26erpopey, yes, Unity is working fine. I have another video coming where system fully hangs. *fully* restarting unity8 from terminal does not work, only a reboot works12:39
ogra_lool, should be on the landing asks12:39
ogra_iirc i added it12:39
om26erthat also happens with the same steps12:39
ogra_lool, row 8712:39
dednickgema: pong12:40
loologra_: got it in the asks now, thanks12:41
looltook a while to locate  ;-)12:41
om26erpopey, this http://videobin.org/+6xv/8n6.html (plays in firefox)12:41
ChickenCutlassogra_, awesome12:41
gemadednick: if you could have a look at bug 1234673 and bug 1234680 that'd be excellent12:41
ubot5bug 1234673 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "indicator-messages crashes and entry call is missed for the user" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123467312:41
ubot5bug 1234680 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "indicator-messages blue even though there are no messages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123468012:41
ogra_ChickenCutlass, maguro  stopwatched: 25sec with SF, 27sec with Mir (but only after disabling the HUD)12:42
popeyom26er: can you get some logs off it when that happens? maybe unity8 log?12:42
ogra_ChickenCutlass, thats from vibration to having the UI on screen12:42
ChickenCutlassogra_, that is good12:42
ChickenCutlassogra_, I would take that12:42
ogra_ChickenCutlass, well, HUD needs fixing, but yeah :)12:42
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ChickenCutlassogra_, is there a bug filed for the HUD12:43
ogra_ChickenCutlass, not sure, but mhr3_ and pete-woods are obviously digging into it12:44
popeyignore that ☻12:45
ogra_heh, happz 2fa12:45
dednickgema: larsu would be your contact for indicator-messages, although I have a feeling the crash bug may have been fixed recently. I think he's working on the icon problem.12:45
gemadednick: ack, thanks12:46
om26erpopey, is /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/unity8.log the right place for those logs ?12:46
gemalarsu: ^12:46
ogra_gema, vacation in germany today, dont expect an answer from him12:47
popeyom26er: looks good12:47
* ogra_ isnt here either12:47
gemaogra_: oh, true, thanks for the heads up :D12:47
pete-woodsogra_: are you able to try out the "env HUD_DISABLE_VOICE=1" change to hud.conf with bootchart to get some more objective speed measures?12:48
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AskUbuntuHow can i interact with phone hardware and other mobile api's? | http://askubuntu.com/q/35314412:56
ogra_pete-woods, just setting up the device after a new flash ... i'll try that soon12:59
pmcgowanogra_, pete-woods whats the bug number for slow hud at boot?13:00
pmcgowanalso what the heck is it doing?13:01
mhr3_ogra_, is that a simple way to get bootchart to work on the phone? apparently apt-get install bootchart isn't enough13:01
ogra_not answering properly to a dbus call i think13:01
pete-woodspmcgowan: wish I knew what was going wrong13:01
ogra_mhr3_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6183389/ replace the upstart job of it with that13:01
pmcgowanpete-woods, can we have a bug to track this?13:01
mhr3_ogra_, thx13:02
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ogra_i guess we should fix the bootchart package at some point :)13:03
mhr3_ogra_, would be nice :)13:05
om26eris video playback working for anyone on the latest image ?13:08
om26erpopey, is it for you ?13:08
xnoxogra_: can I land https://code.launchpad.net/~stgraber/ubuntu/saucy/lxc-android-config/upstart-fixes/+merge/187589 ?13:08
xnox(i'll merge it, but will not upload at the moment)13:09
ogra_xnox, that landed already13:09
pete-woodspmcgowan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/hud/+bug/123470013:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234700 in Unity HUD "HUD slow to start (~10 seconds on Mako)" [Undecided,New]13:09
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# grep pre-stop /etc/init/lxc-android-config.conf13:10
ogra_pre-stop exec lxc-stop -n android -k13:10
ogra_xnox, ^^^13:10
xnoxogra_: ah, well then.13:10
xnoxi'll clean up lp.13:10
ogra_sorry, my fault13:10
ogra_i thought the merge would close the MP ... seems it didnt13:11
xnoxogra_: did you push it back to lp:ubuntu/* branch?13:11
mhr3_ogra_, here's my bootchart when upstart and dbus actually work - http://people.canonical.com/~mhr3/ubuntu-phablet-saucy-20131003-1.png13:11
davmor2music playback when the phone is asleep wow13:12
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davmor2it's the little things :)13:12
popeydavmor2: and headphones ☻13:13
mhr3_ogra_, that makes me realize that my boot is super fast compared to yours :)13:13
davmor2popey: bluetooth headphones connect too don't know if they work yet they didn't with 7513:13
didrocksogra_: *holidays*13:13
didrocksogra_: *holidays*13:13
didrocksogra_: *holidays*13:13
didrocksthis guy, working on his national holidays ;)13:13
popeyyeah, go and buy GTAV and lose a day or two of your life instead ㋛13:14
seb128didrocks, he's playing he said ;-)13:14
davmor2didrocks: but ogra_ is french right13:14
davmor2didrocks: he only pretneds to be german13:14
seb128didrocks, opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1234703 btw, not sure if that's an issue on the system image or settings ... likely the service13:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234703 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Checking for new updates puts the service out of order" [High,New]13:14
ogra_xnox, no, i was expecting UDD would take care13:15
xnoxogra_: nah, udd commit a different revision number, and launchpad code only closes merge proposals for matching commit id.13:16
dmanuelalonsoI need help to install in Nexus 7 3G 32GB13:16
xnox(revision id)13:16
ogra_mhr3_, yeah, it is and your hud looks a lot saner, what did yoou do ?13:17
davmor2ogra_: if it is a German holiday are you just swapping days till the release is out?13:17
ogra_mhr3_, note that i use mako here though13:17
mhr3_ogra_, nothing, it just works on maguro13:17
ogra_davmor2, i'm doing the fun stuff today that doesnt involve spreadsheets ;)13:17
didrocksdavmor2: I know other french people pretending to be germa13:17
ogra_mhr3_, is that image 78 ?13:17
* didrocks looks at seb12813:17
didrocksseb128: already known, but thanks for opening it!13:18
mhr3_ogra_, dunno, it's pending cdimage from this morning13:18
didrocksseb128: already confirmed it's the service :p13:18
ogra_mhr3_, please dont use cdimage ever when testing something13:18
mhr3_ogra_, i'm developing, not testing :P13:18
ogra_mhr3_, it is completely unsupported13:18
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)13:18
didrocksseb128: thanks for opening the bug, I got lazy :p13:18
ogra_mhr3_, you dont test your code against the autopilot tests before committing to trunk ?13:19
ogra_mhr3_, if you do any kind of measuring or testing, dont do it against cdimage, it is completely unsupported now13:19
davmor2didrocks: I've heard this from mvo :)13:19
mfischgusch: autolanding failed again13:20
mfischthis is ridiculous13:20
ogra_mhr3_, and it will definitely get you different results by design13:20
karnimzanetti: Somewhere I saw you guys plan to hand out Ubuntu with preinstalled VM's on pendrives to folks at Qt dev days? Could you tell me a little more about it?13:22
didrocksdavmor2: see, 2 sources! it's true then :)13:22
ogra_mhr3_, btw, a fixed bootchart is uploaded now ... shouldnt need the upstart job hackery anymore13:23
dmanuelalonsohelp me please13:23
dmanuelalonsoI speak a little english13:23
mhr3_ogra_, yet hud working vs not working won't be cdimg vs systemimg issue13:24
dmanuelalonsoI want install ubuntu touch in my tablet nexus 7 3G 32 GB13:24
mhr3_ogra_, awesome, thx13:24
ogra_mhr3_, could be, if the hud does stuff in dirs that arent writable for examlpe13:24
dmanuelalonsois this script ?  ----> phablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup -d grouper13:24
guschmfisch: surprise - the tests for gallery are really flaky - I have no idea why :(13:25
seb128mhr3_, hey, do you still have your screenshot being blank issue?13:25
ogra_mhr3_, strace on a proper readonly image might be intresting ;)13:25
mhr3_ogra_, let's not forget that you can get the same thing on desktop as well13:25
davmor2dmanuelalonso: I didn't think the 3g version of the n7 was also called grouper I could be wrong13:25
mhr3_ogra_, (hud not working)13:26
ogra_mhr3_, oh, it fails the same way there ?13:26
mhr3_not as often13:26
ogra_does it also force the unity timeout ?13:26
ogra_or does unity7 simply not have that13:26
mhr3_no, unity7 is not waiting for it13:26
ogra_then users wont notice it that heavily13:27
mhr3_seb128, yes13:27
mhr3_seb128, i added info about it to some compiz bug13:27
mhr3_seb128, seems suspend+resume related13:27
seb128mhr3_, likely https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1234178 then13:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234178 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Capturing screen only returns black when resumed before" [Undecided,New]13:27
seb128mhr3_, switching to a vt and back to xorg should workaround it13:28
seb128mhr3_, we should get the intel fix in saucy, just as fyi13:28
mhr3_it does13:28
mhr3_seb128, great13:28
seb128mhr3_, do you have the compiz bug? so those guys don't waste more time debugging it13:28
seb128mhr3_, yw13:28
mhr3_let me try to find it13:28
mhr3_seb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/119216013:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1192160 in compiz (Ubuntu) "screenshots are black" [High,Confirmed]13:29
seb128mhr3_, thanks13:29
mhr3_i guess that will also fix skype desktop sharing?13:30
mhr3_as it was just showing black screen13:30
gatoxsil2100, hi, have you seen this bug?? https://bugs.launchpad.net/click-update-manager/+bug/1234379 do you know what might be going on?? this is not failing locally.... maybe where it's being executed there isn't the correct autopilot version..... do you know who to ask about this?13:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234379 in Click Update Manager "Autopilot tests not working" [High,Triaged]13:30
seb128mhr3_, likely yes13:30
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sil2100gatox: hi! Let me see, maybe we're missing a dependency? It's always hard to check, but I'll actually use out test environment to check what's missing13:31
gatoxsil2100, as far as i can see...... it's seems to have some missing parts of autopilot or something13:32
mhall119this is taking up a lot of my CPU on my Nexus 7:13:39
mhall119/system/bin/brcm_patchram_plus --enable_hci -13:39
mhall119-scopcm=0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 --baudrate 3000000 --use_baudrate_for_download --pat13:39
mhall119chram /etc/firmware/bcm4330.hcd --no2bytes --enable_lpm --tosleep=50000 /dev/tty13:39
mhall119anybody know what's going on?13:40
mfischfginther: are autolanding jobs restartable?13:40
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mfischfginther: after flaky tests fail13:41
ogra_mhall119, bluetooth ... talk to cyphermox13:41
dobeymhall119: upstart-property-watcher is doing that on mine13:41
ogra_dobey, that was supposed to be fixed in 7813:42
cyphermoxmhall119: this is what makes bluetooth useable at all13:42
cyphermoxnot something we really control so much though, so I'm not sure why it would use much CPU13:42
mhall119cyphermox: well it seems to be making everything else unusable...13:42
cyphermoxmhall119: something else on the device, in the kernel or whatever must be blocking IO13:43
dobeyogra_: i see 78 in the updater, just installing it now.13:43
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cyphermoxmhall119: it consistently does that after reboot?13:43
fginthermfisch, just re-approve the MP13:44
mhall119cyphermox: on recent images it seems to, on my nexus713:44
cyphermoxmhall119: ok13:44
cyphermoxI'll update my nexus 7 and check13:44
fginthermfisch, it will get retriggered automatically13:44
cyphermoxbut if dobey says there is a cpu hog with upstart-property-watcher, perhaps something got broken with the properties13:45
ogra_cyphermox, that was  a hybris bug, fixed in 7813:45
cyphermoxogra_: well, that could easily break brcm_patchram and mtp as well...13:46
dobeycyphermox: it's fixed now in 7813:46
ogra_cyphermox, indeed13:46
cyphermoxsince they all use the properties in some way13:46
ogra_well, thats not getprop/setprop stuff i think13:46
dobeyat least, i just installed 78, and it's not doing it now13:46
ogra_but the new upstart event handler13:46
cyphermoxogra_: to help the handler, it has to do something with teh property service, no? :)13:47
ogra_yes, but the property service should be fine in itself ... just the upstart bit of it not13:48
gatoxsil2100, when the tests are fixed..... is the build being uploaded somewhere?? because i want to install the .deb manually to be sure the icon is being shown, and it's failing to build it locally13:48
ogra_(nothing uses that yet)13:48
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cyphermoxogra_: I agree13:49
ogra_it eats CPU though13:49
ogra_with the breakage13:50
cyphermoxit could be that the upstart bridge blocks the other apps from accessing properties?13:50
ogra_moght be13:50
ogra_well, its moot anyway ... it is fixed :)13:50
cyphermoxyeah, probably fixed..13:50
cyphermoxI can't reproduce the CPU issues or MTP issues here on my mako, with image 7813:51
ogra_cyphermox, http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/4523/ broken ...13:51
ogra_cyphermox, vs http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/4527/ ... fixed13:52
AskUbuntuinstall ubuntu in mobile on windows phone | http://askubuntu.com/q/35317013:52
awe_cyphermox, ogra_, just reported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mtp/+bug/123473213:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234732 in mtp (Ubuntu) "MTP prevents adb connections to device" [Undecided,New]13:52
ogra_awe_, it doesnt prevent them :)13:52
awe_was just about to add a comment, as I finally was able to get it to work via setprop and the override file13:52
sergiusensjodh, hey, did you get a chance to look at the upstart-local-bridge issue?13:52
ogra_awe_, it causes disconnects though13:52
awe_ogra_, it does prevent13:53
ogra_awe_, on image 78 ?13:53
ogra_not for me13:53
awe_No, last stable...13:53
ogra_it causes a reconnect if the property changes13:53
pete-woodspmcgowan, ogra_: there's a more complete bug report about the weird dbus issues we've been seeing here (https://bugs.launchpad.net/url-dispatcher/+bug/1234731)13:53
ogra_last stable is 78 :)13:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234731 in dbus (Ubuntu) "DBus jobs not setting environment variables" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:53
awe_just quit working yesterday afternoon13:53
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ogra_awe_, mako or maguro ?13:53
ogra_i saw some weird behavior on maguro here but it just went away when i wanted to research it13:54
cyphermoxawe_: if that's the case, seeing as you have a pretty clear bug description, I can only conclude that the cause is not mtp13:54
awe_really?  don't quite follow your logic13:55
awe_also...turns out the override did finally work, just updating the bug now13:55
cyphermoxthat changes everything13:55
cyphermoxawe_: what image are you on?13:56
dmanuelalonsoDoes anyone have ubuntu-touch on the Nexus 7 3G?13:56
popeydmanuelalonso: i think most of our Nexus 7's are wifi only13:56
cyphermoxawe_: nevermidn I see it in the bug13:57
awe_cyphermox, it's in the bug13:57
stgraberlool: still need some help?13:57
josephtdmanuelalonso: there's been some chatter on the ubuntu-phone mailing list about getting touch working on the N7 3g13:57
cyphermoxawe_: try 78...13:57
ogra_cyphermox, mtp behavior definitely got works after stgraber's upstart fixes ...13:57
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cyphermoxthat's the best I can offer right now. there is no change in MTP, but there was this hybris change for the upstart property thing13:57
ogra_i assume we need to look into that again13:57
cyphermoxogra_: we already have those13:58
ogra_cyphermox, have what ?13:58
cyphermoxmtp is fine.13:58
cyphermoxsomething else got broken13:58
ogra_cyphermox, its not ...13:58
popeyogra_: is there a way to tell which bit of the stack has gone rogue when the display locks up?13:58
awe_cyphermox, did you release a fix to mtp between 70 and 78?13:58
cyphermoxawe_: I did not13:58
ogra_cyphermox, adb disconnects on start of mtp and i get the gvfs errors (3-5) on shutdown13:58
cyphermoxbut MTP hasn't changed either since much before #7013:58
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ogra_cyphermox, the upstart job changed13:59
awe_I used to get tons of dialogs on my desktop whenever rebooting13:59
cyphermoxogra_: not recently enough to matter, that's what I'm saying13:59
awe_anyways, the bugs been reported.  If you can't reproduce, then it just stays in new state13:59
ogra_cyphermox, whiich brought all the odd behavior back13:59
awe_sergiusens asked me to enter the bug13:59
stgraberlool: when I wrote that code, I tested with 3 basic upstart jobs under /etc/init/boot-hooks, one that's simply "start on boot-hooks WHEN=new-version", another that's simply "start on boot-hooks WHEN=every-boot" and one that was along the line of "start on boot-hooks WHEN=new-version OLD_BUILD=x NEW_BUILD=y and dbus", each would just echo "<name of the file> $WHEN $OLD_BUILD $NEW_BUILD" so I could check which ran from /var/log/upstart/13:59
awe_I'll continue to test now, as I'd rather spent my time on mobile disconnect scenarios14:00
cyphermoxogra_: so your saying stgraber's changes broke MTP?14:00
dobeyis there a way to get the daily builds of things on the device, without adding a PPA and updating via apt-get?14:01
stgraberogra_: what changes? IIRC all I did was fix hung jobs in upstart, so if that broke mtp, we've got another problem :)14:01
cyphermoxstgraber: nah. the jobs look correct, and behave correctly for me14:02
stgraberogra_: and FWIW when I tested those, I certainly still had mtp startup fine here14:02
ogra_stgraber, we definitely have an out of sync problem14:02
sergiusenscyphermox, I don't think stgraber's recent change to boot hooks is the cause14:03
awe_cyphermox, how to I go about gaining the ability to tweak priorities for ofono (Ubuntu) bugs?14:03
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ogra_stgraber, mtp-server  goes away  but the gadget device is still in mtp mode ... on shutdown my desktop is scattered with mtp errors from gvfs14:03
loolstgraber: do we block the rest of the boot until the hooks are done in some way?14:03
ogra_stgraber, ot is nothing your change caused though14:04
ogra_but it exposes it again14:04
cyphermoxawe_: ask someone to give you access -- joining bugcontrol or something14:04
stgraberlool: nope14:04
sergiusensstgraber, awe_ cyphermox ogra_ I asked awe to put the bug in MTP since we really don't want that system job triggering reconfiguration of the bus; the proper solution is to move that setup to where it belongs; in the vendors desired default bus setup14:04
stgraberlool: unless the hook also says "and starting <something>"14:04
cyphermoxsergiusens: that's fine, but that won't fix the problem, you'd still have a device with mtp enabled for the gadget on shutdown, and no mtp-server running, so a dialog on the host14:05
cyphermoxsergiusens: changing the property on boot and on shutdown is perhaps not optimal but it does work14:05
sergiusenscyphermox, so that's a different bug14:05
ogra_that part wont be fixable without some redesign14:06
cyphermoxand it's the only place where it happens, it doesn't happen when mtp gets started14:06
cyphermoxI mean, when the binary server gets started14:06
ogra_sergiusens, not so sure ... if the connection goes wild because of gvfs madly reconnecting adb might be affected14:06
sergiusensogra_, cyphermox I think that's a nautilus problem fwiw14:06
ogra_nautilus is top level14:06
ogra_gvfs is the issue14:06
cyphermoxsergiusens: I fully agree with you14:06
sergiusensogra_, cyphermox if I don't want mtp in my system I should be able to setprop it to adb only14:07
ogra_but it behaves properly on other phones14:07
cyphermoxgvfs-mtp thing doesn't know how to handle this case14:07
ogra_but its a case we made up14:07
ogra_android doesnt expose it14:07
cyphermoxsergiusens: yes, you should -- but you won't ever be able to do that until we have a proper property service and settings panel that lets you change this14:07
ogra_we need to get the property change in sync with the server14:08
cyphermoxmeh, not really14:08
cyphermoxthere's a property service so we can just not start the server when mtp isn't enabled, that's no big deal14:08
ogra_how will you unset the property if the server goes down then ?14:09
cyphermoxwrong way around14:10
ogra_well, thats what causes the bug14:10
cyphermoxI'll bring down the server when the property gets unset14:10
ogra_that wont hekp anything14:10
cyphermoxof course it will14:10
cyphermoxmtp-server is useless and not connected to anything if the property is unset14:11
ogra_the property gets unset about 20sec after the server went down on shtdown14:11
ogra_since it is managed by a system job ... that isnt connected to the session job14:11
cyphermoxwrong way around, like I said14:11
* cking observes init consuming heap quickly when doing mp4 playback on Samsung Galaxy Nexus14:11
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ogra_cyphermox, seriously, you try to make fun out of me now, right ?14:12
cyphermoxogra_: this will be fixed by using the property bridge.14:12
ogra_we discussed that several times now14:12
cyphermoxogra_: I can even probably fix it now14:12
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cyphermoxogra_: yes, we discussed it, and I'm saying the property needs to be removed *before* the server is brought down, always14:12
* ogra_ doubts that, unless you can make the session job talk to the system job14:12
cyphermoxogra_:    session jobs can watch for system events.14:13
ogra_yes, but that cant happen in the current design14:13
ogra_but what you need is a system job that watches for a session one14:13
ogra_because thats where the property is unset14:13
cyphermoxthe property isn't changed by the session job14:13
ogra_thats what i'm saying since 20min14:14
cyphermoxno. look at the job. it doesn't change the property14:14
ogra_the server dies with the session ... the property only gets unset once the system job gets iots stop event14:14
ogra_several seconds after the session stopped14:14
cyphermoxit also couldn't, because the job doesn't run as root14:14
* ogra_ sighs14:15
ogra_i give up14:15
cyphermoxogra_: I wrote the jobs, I know what I'm doing. it doesn't explain the issue people are seeing, but if there's still something wrong with the shutdown, it's either something we need to change in the stop on clause for the system job, or something to fix in gvfs.14:17
ogra_gvfs works fine with all other mobiles you attach in mtp mode14:17
ogra_because they never have the property set while there is no server14:17
ogra_we need to achieve the same14:18
ogra_and with the two upstart jobs that run several seconds apart we wont be able to14:18
cyphermoxand I'll start to look into that as soon as i find some docs about the upstart property thingy14:18
cyphermoxyes, we will. let me handle it14:19
rsalvetisergiusens: ^14:19
rsalvetiI know sergiusens was investigating the property system feedback in upstart yesterday, guess we still have one issue of not getting all the events14:19
rsalvetibut will try with the next image again, which should also bring a fix for lxc-android-config14:20
cyphermoxrsalveti: ack14:20
ogra_getting events from the system wont help ... can we set and get props with it ?14:20
cyphermoxogra_: no need14:20
cyphermoxrsalveti: I'll check now to make sure here14:21
ogra_cyphermox, then explain to me how you stop the system job before the session14:21
ogra_without mad hackery14:21
ogra_since the system job is the only one capable to set/get the property14:21
sergiusensogra_, you can get from session14:22
cyphermoxogra_: shortly, something like stop on :sys:<property>_changed or whatever the signal will be called14:22
rsalvetican't you just sync that in the upstart jobs?14:22
ogra_sergiusens, but not set ... which is what we need to do14:22
cyphermoxogra_: the event will fire as soon as the property gets changed, during the stopping of mtp-server-bootup, but before it is stopped.14:22
ogra_rsalveti, the system job cant watch the session job apparently14:22
rsalvetiyou can do the other way around "on stopping server" setprop14:22
sergiusensspeaking of which, jodh did you have a chance to look in the upstart-local-bridge?14:22
cwaynethostr_, ping14:22
ogra_cyphermox, again ... the property doesnt get change3d by killing the server in the session14:22
ogra_rsalveti, you can do it for session watching system ... yoou cant do it the other way round14:23
cyphermoxogra_: no, it does not. but it does when the system job is brought down14:23
sergiusensogra_, cyphermox rsalveti not sure if you consider this hackery but we can use upstarte-file-bridge as a middleman14:23
cyphermoxsergiusens: interesting14:24
ogra_sergiusens, less hackery than calling "mtp-fo-bar stop" from another job14:24
ogra_or some such14:24
gemaseb128: the time picker doesn't seem to want to pick time today on image 7814:24
gemaseb128: do you know about it?14:24
gema(running on mir now)14:24
ogra_cyphermox, *when exactly* is the system job brought down ?14:24
cyphermoxogra_: right now, far too late14:25
ogra_cyphermox, is it brought down if i stop mtp-server in a terminal-app session ?14:25
ogra_thats my point14:25
cyphermoxno, it's not14:25
sergiusensjust do stop on FILE event=delete on the system job14:25
cyphermoxogra_: irrelevant14:25
seb128gema, no, in which way it "doesn't seem to want to"?14:26
seb128gema, e.g what do you do and what is happening?14:27
gemaseb128: I go to manual time, then try to change the hour of the day with the picker, then I click set. And it goes back to the previous screen without changing the time14:27
seb128gema, how do you check that the time didn't change?14:27
jodhsergiusens: no - I thought the issue with lxc removing the socket may have explained the behaviour you were seeing?14:27
gemaseb128: both on the indicator and on the previous settings screen14:27
gemaseb128: they are consistent with automatic time14:28
rsalvetijodh: how to easily get the logs of everything that the watcher is pushing to upstart?14:28
seb128gema, wfm, but my device is rw atm ...14:28
rsalvetiand the ones the local-bridge will trigger as well14:28
seb128gema, does selecting a tz works?14:28
gemaseb128: trying now14:28
sergiusensjodh, not really, that explains the problem of sync, but the jobs are in sync as is, if it weren't you'd get connection denied from the android side14:28
sergiusensjodh, the problem I'm seeing (and thankfully rsalveti is now too), is that the events are triggered and reported on the android side, but not picked up by the bridge14:29
gemaseb128: yes it does, it changed the time preference to automatic again14:29
gemaseb128: and now the time picker works again14:30
gemaseb128: I am going to reboot and try again14:30
jodhsergiusens: ok, if that's the case even after the lxc fix, please can you raise a bug so I can investigate?14:30
jodhrsalveti: we could do with more debug on both sides I think.14:30
seb128gema, let me know how it goes14:30
sergiusensjodh, sure14:30
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gemaseb128: ack14:31
mfischcwayne: image 79 also fixes our category ordering in the home scope14:32
rsalvetiseems it's fine from the android side at least, you can check that now with logcat14:32
rsalvetiwe got debugs for everything in there by default now14:32
loolstgraber: Would it make sense to block boot until upgrade hooks are done, as to avoid the session starting while e.g. some system-wide stuff is being converted?14:35
ogra_lool, uuuh, without the ability for any user feedback while we do that ?14:36
loologra_: hooks shouldn'14:36
loolt take long anyway14:36
gemaseb128: definitely something weird going on, after picking the tz and making the time automatic, (and verifying my wifi is on), the time won't reset to actual time14:37
ogra_depende what people start to abuse them for :)14:37
ogra_(but once people do that we might also have a splash)14:37
cwaynemfisch, ok, we definitely need to wait for 79 then14:37
davmor2seb128: ref bug 1234733 I can dig into some more but currently I'm on something else so it might not be till tomorrow and I only have maguro.14:38
ubot5bug 1234733 in ubuntu-system-settings "Substituting wallpaper under mir produces blackout" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123473314:38
mfischcwayne: yep14:38
mfischcwayne: what happened with that album art/gsettings stuff?14:38
stgraberlool: no, because the definition of "boot" will change from one package to another, if you're going to do a change before dbus runs, your job will have to include "and starting dbus" (same for any service)14:40
davmor2ogra_: wow grouper has sound again14:41
ogra_sorry, not my fault14:41
loolstgraber: ok14:41
cwaynemfisch, i could never get it to work again14:41
davmor2ogra_: well don't try fixing it14:41
mfischcwayne: okay well we have the 1 bug about last.fm not trying, lets file another to get local album art enabled14:43
cwaynemfisch, sure.  i have a MR for it14:43
davmor2cwayne, mfisch: fetching album art worked for me on 78 this morning till my ofono got broken14:49
mfischdavmor2: it does not work if you don't have 3g, like me14:50
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cwaynedavmor2, right, im trying to make it so it can find local metadata14:50
davmor2mfisch: nope but if I have a connection it does14:50
cwaynedavmor2, i got it to work once last night, but could neber get it reliably14:50
mfischdavmor2: all I know is that no matter what I do to enable wifi it's never ever worked for me14:50
cwaynedavmor2, any idea whos on the mediascanner team?14:51
user82does anyone think ubuntu touch is faster with c++ apps? http://appglimpse.com/blog/touchmarks-i-smart-phone-touch-screen-latencies/14:52
rsalvetiom26er: can you also attach the video used in bug 1234722?14:56
ubot5bug 1234722 in gst-plugins-bad1.0 (Ubuntu) "Most video files are playing with audio only" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123472214:56
rsalvetior a similar sample14:56
rsalvetiom26er: same for bug 123472614:56
ubot5bug 1234726 in mediascanner (Ubuntu) "webm videos don't show up in Dash" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123472614:56
gemarsalveti: any chance we could timestamp all the logs that end up in /home/phablet/.cache ?15:00
gemarsalveti: it'd make post mortems so much easier15:00
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rsalvetigema: you mean !Jan  1  1970? :-)15:02
rsalvetijust noticed it15:02
gemarsalveti: current date, whichever on the phone15:02
rsalvetigema: right, will take a look at it15:02
gemarsalveti: thanks15:02
rsalvetigema: is that device specific?15:02
rsalvetijust saw it on mako15:03
gemarsalveti: I am on mako as well15:03
cyphermoxrsalveti: awe_: so as far are you're concerned do you think we'd be ok landing NM to fix the auto reconnection stuff now? and keep working on Attached states?15:04
rsalvetiI'm fine with it15:05
awe_cyphermox, well did you see my routing bug?  Something still is borked on the NM side.  I will work on the attach bug next15:06
cyphermoxawe_: I think it's safe, not causing regressions, but you could still be disconnected if Atached changed15:06
cyphermoxawe_: link?15:06
awe_did you read your mail this morning?  ;)-15:06
om26errsalveti, ok15:13
mpt_dednick, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StatusBar#Handling_overflow15:15
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
dednickmpt: thanks15:16
cyphermoxawe_: re dbus; let me know if you find that it was for org.ofono.ConnectionManager. If that interface somehow shows like it's being regularly removed and re-added, then I'll go GetProperties on it every time I create the dbus proxy15:29
cyphermoxstill, only once for the proxy, and then watching the property changes :)15:29
awe_cyphermox, I don't think so15:30
cyphermoxI know, but just making sure ;)15:31
cyphermoxI would be sad to find out I'm the one who doesn't know how to write dbus code ;)15:31
awe_my guess is that before the modem comes up, some process ( telepathy-ofono or indicator ), just peppers ofono with GetProperties method calls...15:31
awe_cyphermox, whomever is making the method calls15:31
awe_should call GetProperties once15:31
cyphermoxawe_: agree15:31
awe_and then monitor the changed prop signal15:31
cyphermoxand afaik, I am; but who knows if something is broke15:32
cwaynedidrocks, do we have an ETA on image 79?15:34
didrockscwayne: the image will start building in some minutes15:35
cwaynedidrocks, perfect, thank you15:35
cwaynemfisch, ^15:35
cwayneogra_, ping16:00
popeycwayne: .de is on public holiday today16:00
* cwayne believes if you're on IRC, you're fair game to be pinged16:01
seb128cwayne, yeah, it is, you are probably going to get a pong tomorrow16:03
sergiusensdoanac, added comments to https://code.launchpad.net/~doanac/phablet-tools/autopilot-config/+merge/18911216:05
doanacsergiusens: good idea. i'll make that change16:05
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doanacsergiusens: NOTE: argparse made their usage mutually-exclusive. However, I think your suggestion is better style16:09
sergiusensdoanac, well I'm ok with it being mutually exclusive :-)16:14
doanacsergiusens: i think your idea is cleaner16:14
sergiusensdoanac, it moves the option logic into argparse16:15
doanacsergiusens: re-pushed16:16
sergiusensdoanac, thanks16:16
elopiosil2100: ping. Do you know why is the package click-update-manager-autopilot not on the repos?16:26
elopiosil2100: nevermind, it is.16:27
davmor2elopio: look just to your left and you'll spot it honest ;)16:29
ChocantoHey everyone !16:32
ChocantoDoes someone here had problem to center vertically an item ?16:33
looldbarth_: we're landing webcred stack, I hope that's ok16:35
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
sergiusensdoanac, added comments to https://code.launchpad.net/~doanac/phablet-tools/phablet-config-developer-mode/+merge/18841616:41
loolxnox: heya, I have a bugfix for readling on empty path from you near the top of landing plan, apparently related to emulator; is this something you're about to upload?16:44
loolxnox: apparently that's https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubuntu/saucy/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch/emulator/+merge/18839816:45
loolxnox: ok, landing this now16:46
xnoxlool: it's a very safe bugfix.16:48
xnoxlool: the branch name has become unrelated.16:48
dbarth_lool: we've re-tested it manually a few days ago again, and we have a first AP package that checks it starts and runs fine16:49
dbarth_lool: so, yes, go ahead16:49
perhi how do i make a phonecall?16:50
* popey flashes 7916:50
=== per is now known as Guest20515
Guest20515i have put in my simcard, but cant press the green dail button in the keypad16:50
loolxnox: Yes, it seemed trivial indeed16:51
loolxnox: I've merged it and uploaded it16:51
loolxnox: then we need android build16:51
loolxnox: what's the best way to test this before building a new image?  I'd like to deploy updated android initrd locally and try rebooting16:51
xnoxlool: wait for dbus fix, which should fix the boot delays.16:51
looldbarth_: great thanks16:51
xnoxit's also trivial bug fix which I am about to upload.16:52
looldbus fix.... interesting.... but scary16:52
loolnow I'm going to blame all the dbus issues ever on this thing16:52
gematedg: I have dbus.log still, but it happened quite a while ago and I have restarted since, would it still contain the info you need or does it get rewritten on reboot?16:52
loolxnox: do you have a landing slot for this one?16:52
loolxnox: happy to set one up real quick, would love to read a bug / MP16:53
xnoxlool: no idea. it's the thing we were fighting all day today between ogra, jodh, myself and tedg16:53
xnoxbug #123473116:53
ubot5bug 1234731 in dbus (Ubuntu) "DBus jobs not setting environment variables" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123473116:53
xnoxliterarly we will make dbus-session to fork instead of run in foreground.16:53
tedggema, Perhaps, we can grep it16:54
loolxnox: right, that's what I was seeing16:54
loolurl-dispatcher getting connection error16:54
looltedg, xnox, jodh: Thanks for tracking this down, it was annoying16:54
jdstrandogra_: ok, I am unable to reproduce. 25 runs on grouper and 50 on mako and apparmor_parser is loading from the cache successfully. I think something must have changed on your reboot-- ie, the md5sums files in /var/lib/dpkg that click-apparmor is looking at. I can't explain why they changed, but the click-apparmor upstart job output supports this. if you have the problem again, please file a bug with steps to reproduce16:54
xnoxlool: uploaded into -proposed, should appear with a diff in the queue soon.16:54
gematedg: ok, attaching, it'd be useful to have logs with timestamps, btw, I spoke to rsalveti about it before16:55
gematedg: I have added the file16:56
tedggema, I think that's a jodh thing16:56
gemajodh: can we have upstart logs with timestamps, please?16:57
jdstrandah, that would have been helpful for me too :)16:58
jdstrandjodh: ^16:58
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seb128Saviq, if you reproduce that indicator-messages segfault, can you get us a valgrind with debug symbols?16:59
seb128charles, ^16:59
seb128tedg, ^16:59
jonobfiller, I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/phone-app/+bug/1234794 - it looks like the touchpad works on some calls, but not voicemail16:59
Saviqseb128, no segfault here!16:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234794 in phone-app "Touch tone codes don't work with T-Mobile Voicemail" [Undecided,New]16:59
seb128Saviq, oh, so you get the blue icon bug but no segfault?16:59
Saviqseb128, yes16:59
seb128Saviq, is that on fresh boot or after receiving some messages and clearing the menu off?16:59
tedgI was going to try to recreate, but I have to remember the phone number of my phone :-)17:00
rsalvetigema: yup, found the issue, checking how to fix it17:00
gemarsalveti: excellent thanks17:01
Saviqseb128, fresh - no stuff was ever in there17:01
josephtis it possible to expose my mako connected to my laptop to a LXC running on my laptop?17:02
gemastgraber: ^17:02
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dobeyis there any way at all to actually lock the screen?17:04
stgraberjosepht: I think so, add "lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 189:* rwm" to your container's config, reboot it, then unplug your device, plug it again and it should work17:05
stgraberjosepht: (I haven't tested but that's usually how things work with udev and raw usb device, so that should work fine)17:05
stgraberalternatively, if you know what entry it's under /dev/usb, you can do lxc-device add -n <container> /dev/usb/... (not persistent though and the path may change depending on the usb port you're using)17:06
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josephtstgraber: no luck with either approach17:20
josephtstgraber: nm, had to restart adb as root17:23
cwaynejhodapp|lunch, ping when you're back from lunch17:24
popey----------  1 phablet whoopsie  11M Oct  3 17:30 _usr_bin_unity8.32011.crash17:30
jhodapp|lunchcwayne, back in 5 mins17:47
jodhgema: there is a feature request for this (1154207), but it won't be landing for 13.10. Advice for now: get your app to produce the timestamps or use syslog.17:48
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xnoxbug 115420717:52
ubot5bug 1154207 in upstart "console log should have an option to add timestamps" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115420717:52
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jhodappcwayne, back17:56
popeyogra_: lool: fyi 79 seems good to me on mako17:57
cwaynejhodapp, heya!  i had some questions about mediascanner, specifically album art, and saw your name at the top of mediaartcache.cpp :)17:57
jhodappcwayne, my name might be there, but I didn't write a single line of code :)17:58
jhodappcwayne, but what are your questions?17:58
cwaynejhodapp, if i have an album's cover art saved in /home/phablet/.cache/media-art/album-(md5 of artist)-(md5 of album).jpg, theoeretically it should 'just work' right?17:59
cwaynejust work as in show the album art in unity17:59
jhodappmhr3_, do you know the answer to cwayne's question? ^17:59
jhodappcwayne, I do know there are some bugs being worked on surrounding that type of thing18:00
jhodappcwayne, so you may be correct, it might just not quite be working yet18:00
mhr3_cwayne, sdk branch that would make it "just work" wasn't merged yet18:01
mhr3_cwayne, but otherwise, no18:02
cwaynemhr3_, what about enabling the grl-local-metadata plugin?18:02
cwayneit looks there as well i know18:02
mhr3_oh wait.. this is about music, sorry18:02
mhr3_thought you're talking about videos18:02
cwaynenope, music cover art :)18:03
mhr3_theoretically if you get grilo to know about the art it should work18:03
cwaynemhr3_, hm, i tried to enable the local-metadata plugin and dropped that file there, but i couldn't get it to work18:03
mhr3_then again mediascanner might be picky about which plugins it uses though18:03
mhr3_cwayne, try stopping mediascanner, rm its db and start it again18:04
cwaynemhr3_, tried that18:05
cwaynemhr3_, i enabled the plguin by setting the gsettings key com.canonical.mediascanner metadata-sources18:05
mhr3_hm, didn't even know it has such a thing :)18:06
* mhr3_ not too familiar with mediascanner18:06
cwaynemhr3_, i have been looking all over the place to fix this :P18:06
mhr3_cwayne, so the lastfm plugin isn't working for you?18:06
cwaynemhr3_, the issue is we're doing a demo, and the phones don't have sim cards18:07
cwayneso there's no network we can rely on on first boot18:07
cwayneand enabling wifi and rebooting doesn't seem to fix it, so we'd like to be certain it works locally18:07
mhr3_cwayne, you could just embed the art into the mp3s18:07
mhr3_surely you'll find an app that can do that18:07
cwaynemhr3_, i think it already is in the id3 tag18:08
mhr3_then it should just work18:08
cwaynemhr3_, should, yes :)18:08
cwayneyeah if i play it locally on my machine in like vlc it picks up the album art from the id318:08
cwaynemhr3_, maybe it needs to be set differently somehow?18:09
mhr3_cwayne, dunno really, it should pick up embedded art18:10
cwaynemhr3_, do you know what tag it should use?18:11
cwaynethis one seems to use FRONT_COVER Image:18:11
mhr3_cwayne, what you could try is to edit the mediascanner db by hand, then you could set the path to the albumart straight away18:11
mhr3_cwayne, you can open it with https://code.google.com/p/luke/downloads/detail?name=lukeall-1.0.1.jar&can=2&q=18:12
cwaynemhr3_, hm, i could try that, let me try to tag it differently18:13
cwaynemhr3_, i saw this int he mediascanner.log: mediascanner-service[1651]: ERROR error/property: Unexpected value type GstSample in GStreamer tag for "cover" field18:13
mhr3_can't guarantee that it can actually edit the db, but it should18:13
mhr3_cwayne, sorry need to catch train, bbl18:14
mhr3_already missed the one an hour ago :P18:14
rsalvetigema: plars: how are you guys rebooting the phone in the lab?18:20
rsalvetiadb reboot or just reboot?18:20
leniosdoes anybody know if (full disk) encryption is planned in a future version?18:24
plarsrsalveti: reboot18:24
plarsrsalveti: adb shell reboot I believe18:24
rsalvetiplars: right, that's why the clock is always wrong when booting the device18:24
rsalvetiplars: hwclock-save gets called during shutdown18:25
rsalvetisaving the timestamp to the hardware clock18:25
rsalvetiadb reboot breaks that logic18:25
rsalvetiso if you want sane timestamps at ~/.cache or ~/.config, we need to change that to do the proper reboot18:26
rsalvetior change the hwclock-set logic18:26
plarsrsalveti: I don't do adb reboot18:26
plarsrsalveti: adb *shell* reboot18:26
plarsso we should be ok wrt that right?18:27
rsalvetiplars: right, sorry, my brain is used with adb reboot :-)18:27
rsalvetiplars: in theory yes18:27
plarsrsalveti: heh18:27
rsalvetiplars: checking now, flashing 78 again18:27
rsalvetinoticed that reboot too a while to actually happen in mako18:28
rsalvetisomething might still be broken in the shutdown logic18:28
rsalvetiplars: is there log or similar in the dashboard where I could check the time it's currently taking for a reboot to take place?18:29
rsalvetiafter adb shell reboot18:29
plarsrsalveti: hmm, don't think so18:32
plarsrsalveti: just messing with it locally, I've seen a few times where I could swear I go into a shell and had typed reboot already, but several minutes later, it's still up18:32
plarsrsalveti: when I type reboot again it goes down though18:32
plarsrsalveti: need to try it again... also with mir it seems to take a little longer before I have a UI, but I don't have any exact timings18:33
rsalvetiplars: right, it seems adb gets restarted as well18:33
rsalvetirun adb shell reboot; adb shell18:34
rsalvetiit'll work right after18:34
aleculool, ping18:48
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alecuwe've found a server side bug that prevents installing apps when the u1 user has never logged into sca18:50
alecuthis happens only on image 7918:50
alecuthe server side bug is this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-center-agent/+bug/123487218:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234872 in Software Center Agent "[click] allow downloads for published gratis apps without the user having to sign in to sca" [Critical,In progress]18:51
rsalvetiplars: gema: worked fine with adb shell reboot:19:01
rsalvetirsalveti@evatp:~$ adb wait-for-device shell dmesg | grep rtc-pm8xxx19:01
rsalveti[    1.924797] rtc-pm8xxx rtc-pm8xxx: rtc core: registered pm8xxx_rtc as rtc019:01
rsalveti[    2.298794] rtc-pm8xxx rtc-pm8xxx: setting system clock to 1970-10-02 18:00:32 UTC (23738432)19:01
rsalvetigot on-line19:01
rsalvetidate was then correct19:02
rsalvetiadb shell reboot19:02
rsalvetirsalveti@evatp:~$ adb wait-for-device shell dmesg | grep rtc-pm8xxx19:02
rsalveti[    1.933160] rtc-pm8xxx rtc-pm8xxx: rtc core: registered pm8xxx_rtc as rtc019:02
rsalveti[    2.341339] rtc-pm8xxx rtc-pm8xxx: setting system clock to 2013-10-03 19:00:56 UTC (1380826856)19:02
rsalvetiso yeah, as long we're using adb shell reboot for everything, we're fine19:02
rsalvetibut let me also fix the adb shutdown here19:02
rsalvetikeeps respawing19:02
RyDeR_anyone know what version i need to download for the nexus 4?19:04
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cyphermoxawe_: I'm looking at the commit log for NM since I also want to update to a new minor version ...19:12
cyphermoxawe_: I wonder if the routing issue you found could be caused by http://cgit.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/commit/?h=nm-0-9-8&id=764f0e21d2175f578b41f8197116c882799ae4d319:13
cyphermoxI mean, fixed by19:13
cyphermoxI'll prepare a package with the full updates, so we can test this19:13
awe_cyphermox, sounds promising19:13
awe_cyphermox, ack19:13
awe_by the way, got distracted by davmor2's crash bug...  attached comes next19:14
awe_that said, found the crash bug19:14
cyphermoxthere's enough stuff to review in the new NM minor, just to check that it's all bugfix, to keep me busy for the afternoon19:14
cyphermoxawe_: btw this will be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/123488719:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234887 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Update NetworkManager to" [Undecided,New]19:17
cyphermox0.9.8.6 was also released but it pretty much only adds support for BlueZ 5, which we don't use yet19:17
awe_cyphermox, wow...that's a boatload of fixes19:17
awe_cyphermox, I think we should get a bunch of folks to test19:18
rsalveticyphermox: should be safe, but a medium/high risk update19:23
kgunnricmm: ping19:30
kgunnricmm: got thomi on a hangout...we'd like to talk powerd/wakelock stuff wrt autopilot19:31
Nickbertushey, i am interrested in ubuntu touch for my nexus 7. am i able to install all *.deb on my tablet?19:42
ricmmkgunn: sorry, missed that ping19:49
ricmmthomi: kgunn anything you guys still need my input on?19:49
mfischWhen I click on a scope result, instead of opening the browser on top, I get shown the app I was just using.19:55
mfischFor example, open the dialer, go back to scopes. Click on something. Dialer opens again and browser is opened as well but is not shown19:55
mfischcwayne: ^19:55
mfischcwayne: can you repro that?19:57
thomiricmm: is there a way to prevent powerd form blanking the screen as the phablet user?19:57
mfischthomi: you need to be root19:57
mfischthomi: sudo powerd-cli active will do it though19:57
thomiyeah, but then I need to enter a password, and I can't do that from autopilot :-/19:58
thomiahh well19:58
popeypowerd-cli display on &19:58
ricmmmfisch: cant he register as a client?19:58
popeythat works doesn't it?19:58
ricmmmfisch: and thus need to ack the power down state before its executed19:58
mfischpopey: as root it works19:58
ricmmI thought that was the whole point of the client API19:58
mfischricmm: sure but even that's on the system bus19:59
cwaynemfisch, need to reinstall, h/o19:59
mfischricmm: the ack has a timeout19:59
mfischyou cant block by not-acking19:59
ricmmah, a timeout19:59
ricmmthomi: question, riht now you dont really do anything special to prevent sleep under SF19:59
mfischmhr3_: hey do you know that the More Suggestions isn't shown if you boot the phone w/o wifi setup?19:59
mfischmhr3_: is that a filed issues?19:59
ricmmthomi: why do you need to under Mir? on my phone gallery-app suite didnt sleep because it kept getting input19:59
ricmmpowerd will reset the timeout as long as input keeps flowing20:00
mfischyou could change the timeout value to something like 1 hour but all that gsettings stuff changed20:00
thomiright, but the unity8 test suite needs to stop and start unity8 often, and that usually takes longer than the timeout20:00
mhr3_mfisch, "do you know you can't get data from internet when not connected to wifi?" yes, i'm aware of that :P20:01
cwaynemhr3_, hey, so i verified that my mp3 does have the cover image embedded, still not getting the album art in the music scope20:01
cwayneany logs i should look for?20:01
mhr3_cwayne, none that i know of that would be useful20:02
ricmmthomi: mfisch this is why we need a clear distinction between dev/user modes, heh20:02
mfischmhr3_: sure, but after I connect to wifi, you should load it20:02
ricmmif such a split was in place we could provide a wakelock interface for clients to completely block suspend20:02
mhr3_mfisch, unimplemeted20:02
mfischmhr3_: sure, so I filed it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-lens-applications/+bug/123491320:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234913 in unity-lens-applications ""More suggestions" does not load after enabling wifi until you reboot" [Undecided,New]20:02
thomiricmm: well, I'm asking the CI guys to run 'powerd-cli active' as root, so we'll see if that solves naything20:02
mfischmhr3_: I know we wont get that anytime soon20:02
thomiif we do get a way to do it as the phablet user, that would be great20:03
mhr3_mfisch, all you need to do is really do a search and get rid of it20:03
mfischmhr3_: interesting work-around, thanks20:03
mhr3_mfisch, no need for reboot20:03
mfischmaybe I should get a better sim card and not have this issue ;)20:03
mfischtrying to save the company some money20:03
ricmmthomi: well thats the thing, we dont really want the normal user to be able to hold the phone awake20:03
ricmmthomi: im sure CI can run it, I forget we actually control these phones20:04
ricmmthomi: about the -fullscreen issue... can we get rid of that in unity8-autopilot?20:04
cwaynemhr3_, well crap, so what should i try then? differeny mp3 maybe?20:04
mhr3_cwayne, or edit the db20:04
ricmmthomi: for running on device I mean20:04
cwaynemhr3_, well it'd be nice to get a real fix too :)20:04
mhr3_cwayne, sorry no people who know mediascanner properly are around20:05
cwaynemhr3_, fair enough, wasn't sure if maybe it was a unity problem as well20:05
mhr3_cwayne, unlikely20:06
thomiricmm: sure - it's not needed then?20:06
ricmmthomi: I dont even know what it does, but we dont use it to run the real unity8 on the phone20:07
thomiveebers: that's something for you ^^^20:07
thomiveebers: unless you're busy, in which case I can do it20:07
veebersthomi: I can check it out, just reading backlog to see what _it_ is :-)20:08
cwaynemhr3_, sorry do you happen to have that link again for the program to edit the db?20:08
thomiveebers: on the device, don't pass -fullscreen to unity820:08
thomiveebers: also, while you're in there, perhaps you can fix this as well? http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/4539/unity8-autopilot/449681/20:08
mhr3_cwayne, https://code.google.com/p/luke/downloads/detail?name=lukeall-1.0.1.jar&can=2&q=20:08
thomiveebers: that looks to me like we're passing a number or something to launch_test_application20:09
veebersthomi: ah I see. Yeah that's a quick change in the test code. I'll get my phone reassembled and try it out20:09
veebersthomi: yes that one is on my list of todo too20:09
cwaynemhr3_, thank you20:10
mfischcwayne: is this the Home Scope -> Home bug?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/sevilerow/+bug/122363520:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1223635 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Move Title to Backend" [Undecided,New]20:13
cwaynemfisch, no20:14
cwaynei dont know what that one is20:14
mfischalecu: installing apps is working for me in #79, is it fixed on the server?20:14
mfischcwayne: I think thats a translation bug20:14
alecumfisch: have you published any click package?20:15
mfischalecu: no, not to the store20:15
alecumfisch: well, you might have logged in at least one in https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/ or some related site20:15
mfischalecu: yes, I've signed in to that and tried to publish an app a couple years ago20:16
alecumfisch: can you try removing your u1 account from your device, and logging in with a brand new account?20:16
mfischalecu: sure20:16
alecumfisch: I think that with a brand new account you will find that it breaks.20:16
loolalecu: Ok, what's the fix?20:19
mfischalecu: I'm happy to help test when you need someone20:19
karniQuestion - why do we use grid units (gu) if below 1gu we advise use of density independent pixels (dp)?20:20
karniAre our dip's similar to what is dip on Android?20:20
aleculool: the fix is being worked on by the servers guys (beuno's team)20:21
aleculool: the workaround is to log in at least once into https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/20:21
alecu(using any browser, can even be in a different phone or computer)20:22
beunoit should be an hour or two until it hits production, I hope20:22
alecumfisch: great, thanks. I'll let you know when the fix lands on the servers20:22
loolalecu: ok thanks20:24
loolbeuno: great20:24
karniShall I take my gu/dp/dip question to ubuntu-phone instead? :)20:25
cwaynemhr3_, hm, any idea how to use that? i get an error if i do java -jar lukeall_1.0.1.jar20:26
mhr3_cwayne, eh? works fine here if i do that20:26
mhr3_$ java -version20:27
mhr3_java version "1.7.0_17"20:27
mhr3_Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17-b02)20:27
mhr3_Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)20:27
mhr3_cwayne, hope you're not running it on the phone :)20:27
mhr3_swing wouldn't have mir backend yet20:27
cwaynenoo im not20:28
mhr3_cwayne, what's the error?20:28
cwaynemhr3_, nm, updated my java and now it's working20:28
=== jfunk-afk is now known as jfunk
mhr3_tedg, the race you found with upstart isn't going to fix the hud issue though, is it?20:35
tedgmhr3_, I believe it will20:35
mhr3_tedg, wasn't your issue about being activated too early20:35
mhr3_basically before dbus?20:36
tedgmhr3_, Well, before dbus was ready.20:36
mhr3_tedg, but there's no way that could happen with hud, cause it's dbus activated in the first place20:36
tedgmhr3_, Hmm, good point.20:37
tedgHopefully we'll get a crash file for HUD here soon...20:38
mhr3_tedg, can you remind me why we're doing that massive hack anyway? let's just do normal dbus activation for hud20:38
mhr3_not the upstart over dbus craziness20:38
mhr3_and yes, i'm aware that it should work... but apparently it doesn't20:39
tedgmhr3_, Well, the hack was supposed to be temporary until upstart dbus activation got added back.  But then it worked well enough that feature got delayed.20:39
mhr3_but it doesn't work well enough20:39
tedgI don't think the issue is related to that though.20:39
mhr3_i believe it is20:40
mhr3_the upstart job doesn't have the dbus env var set20:40
mhr3_for reasons unknown20:40
mhr3_let me restate - *sometimes* it doesn't have it20:40
tedgSeems to me that's the bug...20:41
tedgBut we should be able to see that once we get a crash variable.20:41
tedgcrash file20:41
tedgWhich we haven't gotten.20:41
mhr3_tedg, apparently ogra_ sees it on the device quite regularly20:42
mhr3_ask him :)20:42
mhr3_tedg, hm, any idea what this is20:44
mhr3_$ stop hud20:44
mhr3_stop: Unknown instance:20:44
mhr3_oh it wasn't running20:44
shannI think port Ubuntu touch for my device Archos 50 Platinium20:47
shannBut i try to understand guide20:47
shannI need to buid android driver from http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb and build image20:50
shannand finally flash device with build image (recovery, data, boot)20:50
tedgmhr3_, I'm curious if in those situations whether we're getting more than one dbus session bus.20:52
tedgmhr3_, I think for instance QDBus will start one if it doesn't have.20:53
mhr3_yea, perhaps20:53
mhr3_tedg, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/bootchart-mako.png20:53
tedgI wish bootchart made SVGs20:54
tedgSo then you could search them.20:54
mhr3_tedg, the odd thing there is that hud is running for quite a while... shouldn't it realize that it can't connect much quicker?20:54
mhr3_6seconds and on mako... hm20:55
tedg6 sec?20:55
tedgLooks like 1 to me.20:55
seb128tedg, the small lines are 1s, the thick ones 5s20:56
seb128tedg, hud-service is running for like 6s on that chart20:56
tedgSo this bootchart is for 65s ?20:57
tedgAh, found the key at the top... it is.20:58
cwaynesergiusens, how often is phablet-tools released in saucy?20:58
seb128tedg, you guys call scale units "key"? (just curious)20:58
sergiusenscwayne, as soon as you do the paperwork20:59
sergiusenscwayne, so we try and `bundle a bunch of fixes together20:59
sergiusenscwayne, on #ubuntu-ci-eng20:59
tedgseb128, No, that's probably a scale.  A key would be more like a small table in the corner describing the colors or something like that.20:59
seb128tedg, ok ;-)20:59
mhr3_seb128, don't teach tedg english! :)21:01
seb128mhr3_, can I teach him french? ;-)21:01
tedgDoes dbus-daemon create multiple processes?21:01
mhr3_tedg, from the bootchart i'd say yes, but no idea why :)21:02
tedgThere seems to be at least three.21:02
shanny aurait-il des personnes qui parle francais sur ce canal21:03
seb128tedg, mhr3_: those charts have dbus-daemon being a zombie, I don't get why21:03
seb128shann, on dirait que oui ;-)21:03
mhr3_seb128, yes, that is a mystery :)21:03
seb128tedg, mhr3_: (grey is the color for zombie)21:03
shannsi oui, et si cela est possible de m'expliquer la marche à suivre pour porter ubuntu touch sur un smartphone21:03
tedgI'll write it off as HUD being attacked by zombies21:03
* tedg writes libshotgun21:03
mfischthere's no way zombies could figure out dbus21:04
seb128shann, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting21:04
shannseb128, en effet j'ai un peut de mal à comprendre le wiki en anglais21:04
seb128shann, je ne suis pas sûr qu'il y ait assez de francophone sur le channel pour répondre aux questions techniques :/21:05
shannmes questions ne sont pas directement technique mais plutôt générale21:06
tedgReally odd that there are two ssh-agents there as well.21:06
tedgLooks like one is started before Upstart and one by Upstart21:06
shannde ce que j'ai compris, il faut que je créer le répertoire kernel et device pour mon smartphone21:07
seb128tedg, not sure, maybe it's a fork of the same process...21:07
seb128tedg, the data file from bootchart has more details on the pid etc that the image, if you want to check out the details21:08
tedgseb128, Yeah, I think we might have to go down that route if today's dbus fix doesn't help things.21:08
mhr3_it won't21:09
seb128don't worry, mhr3_ is on it21:09
mhr3_well.. not with hud anyway21:09
shannseb128: ce qui m'embrouille c'est que d'un côté sur le wiki de cyanogenmod  il explique comment 'porter' celui-ci sur un smartphone, et d'un autre Ubuntu touch ne contient que le nécessaire.21:09
seb128he's going to blame desrt in a few minutes21:09
tedgHopefully we can cut our session buses from 4 to 1 :-)21:09
seb128mhr3_, right? ;-)21:09
mhr3_seb128, of course, everything is desrt's fault :)21:09
mhr3_seb128, he was supposed to make systemd work on ubuntu, no? ;)21:10
tedgWhat I really want is a crash file, but I didn't realize we don't have any arm retracers running.21:10
seb128shann, je ne connais pas les détails des ports, et la plupart des personnes ici de parlent pas français ...21:10
mhall119nice work on the click package update app21:10
mhall119whomever wrote it21:10
mhr3_tedg, but, but, we need to use those multicore cpus for something21:10
* tedg puts mhr3_ on rewriting dbus daemon in Go21:11
shannje vais essayer de lire et relire les docs en espérant bien comprendre ce qui est dit.21:11
mhr3_sounds like fun :)21:11
mhr3_although i'm not sure if i could look at go code for more than 10minutes at a time :)21:12
cyphermoxrsalveti: I agree, medium risk, but still it needs a lot of careful testing -- lots of small bugfixes, and this will affect everyone, not just touch :)21:12
cwaynemhr3_, weird, i dont even see a field for cover art in the lucene dbs21:12
mhr3_cwayne, add it :)21:12
mhr3_cwayne, guess that's why it doesn't work21:12
mhr3_cwayne, http://imgur.com/3qBGDP621:14
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cwaynemhr3_, nm i found it eventually, was just a bit confused21:16
mhr3_cwayne, you need to replace the first one (highest res)21:17
mhr3_one the first is read by grilo21:18
cwaynemhr3_, can i just plant a file:// url int here?21:18
mhr3_cwayne, sure21:18
rsalveticyphermox: yeah21:21
mhall119system-image-cli is giving me this:21:27
mhall119The next online UDS has been announced!  Once again there will be a track dedicated to Application Development.  New this cycle is a track dedicated to Design as well.21:27
mhall119bad paste21:27
mhall119[systemimage] Oct 03 21:27:01 2013 (6316) Group download reactor done (err/cancel)21:27
mhall119^^ that21:27
mhall119huh, finally finished21:28
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
tintidoes anybody know where can I get ubuntu touch nexus 7 kernel?21:46
Tassadartinti: http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb?p=CyanogenMod/android_kernel_asus_grouper.git;a=summary21:49
Tassadarbranch phablet-10.121:49
sergiusenstinti, just pull-lp-source it21:49
tintiTassadar: thank you so much21:49
tintican I use git?21:50
sergiusenstimchen119, for what Tassadar gave you yes21:50
sergiusensalthough prefer the phablet-saucy branch21:51
tintithank you guys :)21:51
Tassadarsergiusens: there isn't one21:51
sergiusensTassadar, right..21:52
tintibtw I have rebuild the kernel using Cyanogenmod and I am facing some issues to make the GUI recognize the touch screen21:54
tintiI checked with evtest and it works fine but I get the pointer in the main screen and the touch does not works any idea?21:54
alecuThe app installation issue on image 79 has been fixed on the server, so everybody should be able to install click apps again. Please ping me if you find any related issues.21:56
Tassadartinti: you've tried to use CM kernel with Ubuntu Touch?21:56
Tassadarthat's not gonna work, ubuntu needs some changes in kernel21:56
alecumfisch: perhaps you want to test that ^21:57
* tinti I suspect but did not find the kernel :)21:57
alecumfisch: to test it, flash image 79, delete your u1 account in system settings, and then create a new u1 account from scratch on the device and try installing some app.21:57
mfischalecu: testing now21:57
mfischalecu: Just installed an app using a new account21:59
mfischalecu: playing word chain now21:59
alecumfisch: thanks! :-)22:00
mfischalecu: np22:00
AskUbuntuwhy doesn't the phone find any carriers under cellular? | http://askubuntu.com/q/35337322:02
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