
=== jono is now known as Guest53113
pleia2oh bother, I haven't planned anything releasey yet for SF17:27
raevolpleia2: did i show you my lvm backup solution?17:44
pleia2raevol: nope!17:45
pleia2let's see :)17:45
raevolwhat's your preferred pastebin17:46
pleia2paste.ubuntu.com is fine17:47
raevolpleia2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6189092/17:48
darthrobotTitle: [Ubuntu Pastebin]17:48
raevoland then vm_backup.cfg is a file where each line is lvmname lvmsizeinGB17:48
pleia2nice job17:49
raevoland root is set up to passworldessly ssh into the backup host, using the backup user's identity file17:49
raevoldefinitely not my authorship, that's cobbled together from lots of googling haha17:49
pleia2yeah, that's how we all do it17:50
raevolah yes and the backup host uses rsnapshot to do other things, that's why i am logging to that file17:50
* pleia2 nods17:50
raevoljust realized i had made a separate partition to store those backups back when i set up the drives in that box, and forgot about that partition when i was setting up that script17:59
raevolsymlinks are a life saver17:59

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